Which “property of this kind” is being referred to in Taney’s

Which Property Of This Kind Is Being Referred To In Taneys


Answer 1

Answer: Dred Scott and his family


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south korean forces turn back the north koreans why was it important


Answer:  Now, for the Allies, the Korean War was an offensive one: It was a war to "liberate" the North from the communists. Initially, this new strategy was a success. An amphibious assault at Inchon pushed the North Koreans out of Seoul and back to their side of the 38th parallel.


Which is more important to you for African Americans: economic
equality or social justice? Explain.


social injustice

Effects of income inequality, researchers have found, include higher rates of health and social problems, and lower rates of social goods, a lower population-wide satisfaction and happiness and even a lower level of economic growth when human capital is neglected for high-end consumption.

How did Transcendentalist authors contribute to the growth of the spirit of reform in America?​



TRANSCENDENTALISM. In New England, Ralph Waldo Emerson, a former minister, was the central figure in a movement called transcendentalism. Emerson believed that every human being had unlimited potential. But to realize their godlike nature, people had to "transcend" or go beyond, purely logical thinking.

Whom was Lincoln referring to when he stated, "I can't spare this man. He



the answer is grant lee

Who was responsible for ending the Cold War?



Ronald Reagan


Which bodies of water border the countries of Southwest Asia?
Select all correct answers.
(A) Caspian Sea
(B) Pacific Ocean
(C) Black Sea
(D) Persian Gulf



D is the answer


....Former Senior Scientist, Geographical Museum, Moscow M.V. Lomonosov State University. Southwest Asia, subregion of Asia, bounded on the west by the Mediterranean Sea, the Sinai Peninsula, and the Red Sea and on the south and southeast by the Indian Ocean and the Persian Gulf.


Pacific Ocean


1. Can you see the pattern in the following series of multiplications?
Fill in the rest of the chart with the correct numbers.
37 × 3 = 111
37 × 6 = ?
37 × 9 = ?
37 × ? = ?
37 × ? = 555
37 × ? = ?
37 × ? = ?
37 × ? = ?
37 × ? = ?

2. Name the factors in each of the following problems.
a. 6 × 12 = 72
b. 8 × 9 = 72
c. 4 × 4 = 16
d. 3 × 7 = 21

3. Name the multiples in each of the following problems.
a. 5 × 7 = 35
b. 17 × 2 = 34
c. 16 × 4 = 64
d. 11 × 7 = 77

4. Use division to determine whether the following numbers are factors.
Answer yes or no.
a. Is 13 a factor of 39?
b. Is 15 a factor of 342?
c. Is 14 a factor of 201?
d. Is 12 a factor of 228?

5. Indicate whether each of the following numbers is divisible by 3.
Answer yes or no.
a. 27
b. 35
c. 123
d. 402

6. Indicate whether each of the following numbers is divisible by 4.
Answer yes or no.
a. 124
b. 289
c. 304
d. 222

7. Find the prime factors of each of the following numbers.
a. 25
b. 38
c. 36
d. 285
e. 650
f. 1,740



no 1



















The factors are:

a. 6 and 12

b. 8 and 9

c. 4 and 4

d. 3 and 7

The multiples are:

a. 35

b. 34

c. 64

d. 77

a. Yes, because 39 ÷ 13 = 3.

b. No, because 342 ÷ 15 = 22r12.

c. No, because 201 ÷ 14 = 14r5.

d. Yes, because 228 ÷ 12 = 19.

a. Yes; 2 + 7 = 9, and 9 is divisible by 3. (27 ÷ 3 = 9.)

b. No; 3 + 5 = 8, and 8 isn’t divisible by 3.

c. Yes; 1 + 2 + 3 = 6, and 6 is divisible by 3. (123 ÷ 3 = 41.)

d. Yes; 4 + 0 + 2 = 6, and 6 is divisible by 3. (402 ÷ 3 = 134.)

a. Yes; because 24 is divisible by 4. (124 ÷ 4 = 31.)

b. No; 89 isn’t divisible by 4, so 289 isn’t divisible by 4.

c. Yes; because 4 is divisible by 4. (304 ÷ 4 = 76.)

d. No; 22 isn’t divisible by 4, so 222 isn’t divisible by 4.

The prime factors are:

a. 5 and 5 (5 × 5 = 25)

b. 2 and 19 (2 × 19 = 38)

c. 2, 2, 3, and 3 (2 × 2 × 3 × 3 = 36)

d. 3, 5, and 19 (3 × 5× 19 = 285)

e. 2, 5, 5, and 13 (2 × 5 × 5 × 13 = 650)

f. 2, 2, 3, 5, and 29 (2 × 2 × 3 × 5 × 29 = 1,740)


What can we do as Americans to soothe the political divide in the U.S?



Political divisions of the United States are the various recognized governing entities that together form the United States – states, the District of Columbia, territories and Indian reservations. ... There are 50 states, which are bound together in a union. hope i heleped


Write a paragraph on current issue in Farming



The agricultural industry is essential to our existence but the use of land and labor for farming has decreased over the past fifty years.One of the biggest factors in whether it’s a successful year in the agricultural industry is the weather. It is also the one factor farmers have the least control over.If it’s too dry, crops won’t grow. If the season is too wet, crops can rot and suffer from mold or simply drown in the standing water.Weather that’s too hot for the crops planted can also lead to withered and less than profitable harvest. A late or early frost can leave an entire field worthless.Billions of dollars in profits are lost each year in the agricultural industry because of the effects of climate change on our environment.Major storms and weather events, rising temperatures, and changes in local weather trends all lead to unpredictable seasons for farmers.It takes money to make money and that’s especially true in farming. You need to have the money to run the farm through the season so that you can deliver a quality product at the end of the harvest.


Hope this helps :D

Most laws passed during the middle-ages were those created by Kings & the Church, but during the Enlightenment legislatures such as Parliament began passing laws which we call ____________________________.



criminal laws is the answer your welcommmm

1) President Wilson support of the 19th amendment which was opposed by the senate

2) Disagreement between president Wilson and the Supreme Court over the right for women to vote

3) Disagreement between president Wilson and senator Henry Cabot Lodge over the League of Nations

4) President Wilson support of the senate decision to not ratify the treaty of Versailles



answer is 1 because it is the only affected

President Wilson did support the nineteenth Amendment, which granted women the right to vote in the United States which was initially opposed by the senate.

What was the nineteenth Amendment?

The 19th Amendment to the United States Constitution granted American women the right to vote, a right known as women's suffrage. The amendment was ratified on August 18, 1920, after a long and difficult struggle by women's suffrage activists that began in the mid-19th century.

The nineteenth Amendment marked a significant victory for the women's rights movement and a major expansion of democracy in the United States.

The 19th Amendment, which granted women the right to vote in the United States which was initially opposed by the senate was supported by the President Wilson.

Learn more about the  nineteenth Amendment here:



whats the answer? i dont undersatand how to get the answer



The $2 coupon is just an exscue


Because there is no way you have to go to italy to buy pizza from a $2 coupon

D) The $2 coupon is just an excuse to take a vacation.

Chapter 1 On fever 1793 Polly is late. Where does Mattie think Polly is?


She thinks that polly is at The blacksmiths

these states did not want slaves to count tward the population of the state

A. the small states
B.The Big States
C.The states with alot of slaves
D. the states with few or no slaves



D the states with few or no slaves


the U.S military first experimented with native American languages in military intelligence

a.during the boer war
b.during world war 2
c.during world war 1
d.during the Vietnam war


World war 1 is the correct answer
The answer is C) during world war 1.

The SBA sponsors free consulting help through what


your answer is a on edgunity

Which of the following outlined many of George Washington's principles about civic virtue?

The Articles of Confederation
Washington's Farewell Address
The Declaration of Independence
Democracy in America



Democracy in America


George Washington's ideals of civic virtue had to do with helping his country out whenever possible. He did this by volunteering in the army, even though he wasn't mandated to do it, as he was a soldier in the Continental Army.

Therefore, democracy in America outlined many of George Washington's principles about civic virtue.

10. Why did the United States break its treaty with the Sioux Nation in 1874?
A General Custer found gold in South Dakota.
B. The Sioux discovered gold in North Dakota.
C. The Sioux invaded North Dakota to get more land.
D. General Custer attacked a Sioux city in South Dakota.


The answer is A. General Custer found gold in South Dakota :)

Your question of where police brutality takes place is a question for students? Really? I am shocked.


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

It seems that there is no specific question here. You are giving your opinion about the fact of police brutality. But, what is exactly what you want to know? How can I be of help?

Meanwhile, we can just share a comment on this topic.

Probably, it is not easy to talk with high school students about the topic of police brutality. But teachers have to be prepared to address this social issue because it is real in American society.

Controversial issues and difficult topics such as racial segregation, police violence, and more, can be academically and professionally discussed in school if teachers know how to deliver the proper arguments constructively.

Students should start creating the kind of social consciousness that tomorrow will help them to be men and women with strong convictions to make good and ethical decisions regarding these topics.

2. What problems did Linda Brown face in Topeka, Kansas in 1951 that eventually

resulted in this case going to court?



she was forced to travel a significant distance to elementary school due to racial segregation


her father was one of the plaintiffs in the case of Brown v. Board of Education, with the Supreme Court ruling in 1954 that school segregation was unlawful.


John Calvin

Part A : Identify at least 2 differences and 2 similarities between John Calvin and Martin Luther.

Similarities: 1. 2. Differences: 1. 2.


They both had similar view of justification to god by faith. Luther thought that no good works were enough to reach salvation. Calvin had the idea that there was two group of people; the Elect and the non-Elect, which were chosen by God to be saved or not. Predestination was a key idea in Calvin's theology. He believed everything was already planned before even you were born. Luther believed that the state and the church should be separated. While on the other hand Calvin believed that the state and the church should not be subject to one another and vice versa.

Hope this gets you some ideas!

Which statement best completes the diagram? Cause Effect European powers colonize western Africa. ? A. Economic growth has been rapid due to greater political stability. B. Members of rival ethnic groups are forced to live in the same country C. New governments have been established based on democratic traditions D. Islam has become the only religion accepted across the region.​



B. Members of rival ethnic groups are forced to live in the same country


just did the question and got it right

What are some ways Louisiana has become economically diverse? Check all that apply.

Louisiana is home to more than four hundred thousand small businesses.
More than a dozen Fortune 500 companies are based in the state.
The state’s tourism industry generates more than $800 million a year.
More than 40 Louisiana companies are publicly traded on NASDAQ.
Agricultural products, such as cotton and corn, now dominate the economy.




Explanation 100% right plz mark brainliest

they just keep coming


B. It's territory was connected by flat plains, unlike Greece's steep mountains and numerous lands.


hope this helps :)

The Nile is the world's longest river,
4,160 miles. Consider the southern
boundary of Ancient Egypt to be at
Aswan (the first cataract, or rapids).
About how many miles of the Nile are
actually in Egypt?


The answer is 4,132 miles if you are talking about the Nile river.

When it is about the area that has been covered by the river Nile in the whole of Egypt, then it flows about 600 miles in Egypt into Lake Nasser and after this, its total length is 930 miles long in Egypt.

What is the river Nile?

The Nile is one of the longest rivers in the world and is located in Africa. It is one of the major north-flowing rivers that are found in North Eastern Africa.

It is the world's longest river, and it flows into the Mediterranean Sea. This suggests that the Amazon river is slightly longer than it. There are many labels about the Nile river.

The Nile River flows through nine African countries and has been worshiped since ancient times as one of the sacred rivers in ancient Egypt because annual floods make the river's banks more and more fertile.

Thus, it covers almost  a journey of about 930 miles long in Egypt.

Learn more about the river Nile from here:



How did the Filipinos show their opposition to the Spanish rule?



In the fall of 1896, Filipino nationalists revolted against the Spanish rule that had controlled the Philippines since the sixteenth century. With access to Europe, Filipinos were exposed to new ideas about freedom and returned home questioning Spanish rule.

Filipinos revolted against alleged abuses by the tax collectors, including the collection of high taxes. It began when six tax collectors who had arrived from Vigan were killed by the natives. Governor-General Santiago de Vera sent Spanish and Filipino colonial troops to pacify the rebels.

mark me brainliestt :))

Here is your answer!

In the fall of 1896, Filipino nationalists revolted against the Spanish rule that had controlled the Philippines since the sixteenth century. With access to Europe, Filipinos were exposed to new ideas about freedom and returned home questioning Spanish rule.

Hope this helps please consider giving brainliest have a good day!!<3

Why was it important to Americans that the government be elected by the people?
1. It meant that the people had power over the government.

2. They didn't trust Congress to elect the right people.

3. They were afraid they would end up with a bad president.

4. They wanted the government to be like the British government.


Answer: 2. they didn't trust congress to elect the right people


President George H.W. Bush

A. rejected Reagan's economic policies

B. reduced the budget deficit by 60 percent

C. broke his campaign promise of no new taxes

D. served as Clinton's vice president





no new taxes. ends up raising taxes

Who gained the most from the Compromise of 1850?



The North gained the most


Answer: the north

Although each side received benefits, the north seemed to gain the most. The balance of the Senate was now with the free states, although California often voted with the south on many issues in the 1850s. The major victory for the south was the Fugitive Slave Law. In the end, the north refused to enforce it.

Explanation: if your not sure of some of these simple questions just search them up that's it

Stand and Deliver movie -

1. Mr. Escalante had high expectations of his students. Who in the movie had low expectations of the students?

2. The students gave up weekends and vacations to study. Why did they do that? Could you be inspired to do that?

I give Brainliest! Please no links



Mr. Escalante had high expectations of his student

According to Stand and Deliver movie, the lady head of the maths department had low expectations from students. The students sacrifice their weekends and vacations so that they can prepare for their AP calculus Tests.

What do the Stand and Deliver movie tell?

Stand and Deliver Movie was based on a true story of a mathematics teacher named Jamie Escalante, who came to Garfield school. He teaches the students about Mathematics so that they can come out of their corrupted lives.

In Stand and Deliver Movie, the head of the maths department thinks that the students will not perform well, and therefore, she has no hope from the students. But Mr. Escalante has high expectations from their students.

Mr. Escalante has taught mathematics to the students in the time of their summer vacations and give a contract to each of the parents of their students stating that the students will have to come on weekends and stay till 5 pm so that they can prepare well for the AP Calculus Exam.

Therefore, the low expectations were had by the head of the maths department and the students miss their vacations and weekends to take classes for the AP exam.

Learn more about Stand and Deliver movie in the related link:



Other Questions
calculate the ph of the solution [oh-] = 1x 10-11 ma. 11.0b. 12.0c. 2.7d. 3.0 give me a topic that i should write for a story and like a main idea and stuff like that.. any ideas u have BRAINLIEST IF RIGHT WITH EXPLANATIONOxygen is pumped into a tank at a pressure of 4.63 atm. After helium is pumped into the tank, the total pressure reaches 20.0 atm. What is the partial pressure of helium in the tank? you don't have to do all but can someone help me with some :( its making sentences using those words (future tense) Which sentence is not grammatically correct? 1.May i go to my friend's house next Friday? 2. You must not smoke in a plane. 3.can we visit you on Tuesday? 4.You have to stop at the red traffic light.thank you so much=) Plz help me well mark brainliest if correct!!... Help a n i -g g -a plz Rewrite the following equation in slope-intercept form.x + 4y = 16 Douglass writes, You have seen how a man was made a slave; you shall see how a slave was made a man (76). How did Douglass transform himself from a slave to a man, despite still being physically enslaved?PLS WRITE AN ESSAY USING YOUR OWN WORDS IT IS DUE AT 11:59 PM PLS HELP Which graph represents the solution set of 2x-5 What happens to the rate constant as activation energy increases? A. The rate constant decreases.B. The rate constant levels off.C. The rate constant does not change.D. The rate constant increases. Solve for t.3t- 2 = -11A. -12B. -11C. -9D.-3 Read the excerpt from The Crisis, Number I by Thomas Paine.Not all the treasures of the world, so far as I believe, could have induced me to support an offensive war, for I think it murder; but if a thief breaks into my house, burns and destroys my property, and kills or threatens to kill me, or those that are in it, and to 'bind me in all cases whatsoever' to his absolute will, am I to suffer it? What signifies it to me, whether he who does it is a king or a common man; my countryman or not my countryman; whether it be done by an individual villain, or an army of them? If we reason to the root of things we shall find no difference; neither can any just cause be assigned why we should punish in the one case and pardon in the other.Which is the clearest and most objective summary of the excerpt?Paine declares that it will take all the money in the world to convince him to support this war. He asks what difference it makes who his opponent is or what crime he commits. In either case, Paine asserts that he must be punished.Paine says that war is terrible, and ordinarily nothing could have convinced him to support it. However, he also believes that if a person or group commits severe crimes against him, that party should be punished, no matter who they are.Paine's claim that no amount of money could induce him to wage war is self-serving, but he argues rightly that anyone who threatens his safety or the safety of his family should be punished.All the treasures of the world could not have induced me to support an offensive war, for it is murder; but if a thief threatens to kill me or my family should I suffer it? Does it matter if it is a king, a common man, my countryman or not? Should I punish one and pardon the other? Need help if you can could u put an explanation THIS IS WORTH 70 POINTS *complete ALL of the quick write prompts.1 complete paragraph in 8-12 sentences for Each promptlabel, it based on the question you are answering.YOU CAN MAKE THIS ALL UP BUT IT HAS TO BE SCHOOL-APPROPRIATEI AM A BOY, THUS YOU SHOULD BE TALKING ABOUT A BOY.1.Think about a time you felt embarrassed at school (or outside of school).Who were you with? What was said? What made you feel this way?2. think about a time when you said something you regretted saying to someone else.Was it gossip? A lie? Something insensitive? Why did you do it?Begin an entry with dialogue, inner thoughts, and sensory detail3. think of an argument you had with a family member or friend.What was it about? How did it start?Begin an entry using dialogue & thoughts4. Think of insecurity you have.Does it have to do with how you look, how you do in school, sports, activities outside of schoolHow do you deal with this insecurity? How can you possibly overcome this insecurity? 4Select the correct answer.Which of the equations below represents a line parallel to the yaxis?A. X= -yB. X= 4yC.x=yD.X= 4HELP What is an infinitive?A. The form of a verb that appears with the word to and acts as anoun, adjective, or adverbB. The form of a verb that acts only as an adverbC. The form of a verb that acts only as an adjectiveD. The form of a verb that acts only as a noun 2. Which of the following is the formula in solving for the area ofa circle?A. A= 2TTI B. A= T12C.A= id D. A=2 TT122Thodi an organism that hunts other organisms for food is aA. preyB. predator C. parasite D. host Two collinear points are given in the table. Give a third point that is also on this lineX Y0 04 -3answer answer