How was life in American impacted
by these changes?


Answer 1



We have ambulances and hospitals

We prize America as a land of opportunity.

Related Questions

why would the surrender of santa anna be considered a turning point in texas history?


The surrender of Santa Anne was a turning point because it meant that Texas had won the war for independence in the Texas revolution.

Who was Santa Anne in the Texas revolution?

The Mexican president Santa Anna, who gave rise to the revolution, inflamed the Texans' rage and devotion, and helped them win the decisive fight at San Jacinto, was one of the strongest supporters of the Texan cause.

He presided over Mexico four times from 1833 to 1835 before turning into a military-backed autocrat. Santa Anna, who was discredited following the Texas Revolution, engineered a political comeback and presided over the country seven more times between 1839 and 1855.

After the Battle of Goliad, he personally ordered the killing of 400 Texas prisoners after his men had crushed the Alamo revolutionaries. When Ana Anna's advance force got to San Antonio, siege preparations got under way. Santa Anna commanded the San Fernando Church to fly a red flag,

Read more on Santa Anna here:


is thucydides correct to attribute the peloponnesian war to the growth of athenian power and the fear it provoked in sparta?


According to Thucydides, he started writing about the Peloponnesian War between Athens and Sparta as soon as it started and believed it would be a significant conflict that was more deserving of mention than any that had come before.

The hostilities were caused by a multitude of factors, including Athens' interference in a dispute between Sparta's ally Corinth and her colony Corcyra. However, the rise of Athens to power, according to the Athenian historian Thucydides, was the true cause of the battle.

Imperialism by the Athenians is Thucydides' main theme. His writings frequently feature Athens' spokespeople dismissing the importance of "just" or "fair" in intercities relations as they defend the city's imperialism.

For more info about 'Thucydides' click on below link-


Who were the three African independence leaders?


Answer: A number of future African independence leaders attended, including Hastings Banda, later President of Malawi, Kwame Nkrumah, later President of Ghana, Obafemi Awolowo, later Premier of the South West Region Nigeria, and Jomo Kenyatta, later President of Kenya.

Was the Prohibition movement successful?


At the start of the 20th century, the Prohibition movement inspired lawmakers to implement social reform across the country. The American Ban movement spurred a societal shift that resulted in the country's alcohol prohibition. It was successful.

Prohibition was an American attempt to limit the production and consumption of alcohol.

Prohibition was implemented to safeguard individuals and families from the "scourge of intoxication". However, it had unintended consequences, including a rise in organized crime connected to the illegal production and sale of alcohol, an increase in smuggling, and a drop in tax revenue.

A number of organizations that came after, which supported a voluntary abstinence from alcohol, were greatly influenced by the 1826-founded American Temperance Society.

To learn more on Prohibition:


What are some military actions and how are they describe



A military operation is the coordinated military actions of a state, or a non-state actor, in response to a developing situation,  peacetime, conflict, and war


give brainliest

Who is remembered as the “mother” of the Oklahoma civil rights movement because of her work with the NAACP Youth Council and sit-in protests?
Ada Lois Sipuel
Clara Luper
Rosa Parks
Wilma Mankiller





B. Clara Luper is remembered as the "mother" of the Oklahoma civil rights movement because of her work with the NAACP Youth Council and sit-in protests. Ada Lois Sipuel, Rosa Parks, and Wilma Mankiller are all notable figures in the civil rights movement as well, but they are not known for their work specifically in Oklahoma.

which new religious order for women emerged in the sixteenth century? ursuline order society of jesus sacred congregation of the holy office colloquy of marburg


Religious orders contributed a lot to the Catholic reform, especially the Society of Jesus and these movements inspired many people to have a missionary.

crushed by the Inquisition and fought against by new religious orders that brought their message of salvation to all the towns and villages of the Middle Ages. The success of the Reformation encouraged many to value women's education more than in the past. Counter-Reformation, also called the Catholic Reformation or Catholic Revival, in the history of Christianity, the Roman Catholic efforts directed in the 16th and early 17th centuries both against the Protestant Reformation and toward internal renewal. Nantes, Edict of (1598) French royal decree establishing tolerance for Huguenot Protestants. He granted religious freedom and legal equality to the Huguenots within certain limits and ended the religious wars. The Edict was revoked by Louis XIV in 1685, causing many Huguenots to emigrate.

To learn more about Counter-Reformation please click on below link.


What was the outcome of Furman v. Georgia and how did Gregg v. Georgia change the ruling?



a moratorium on the death penalty

Explanation: youre welcome

Who founded the Chicago Defender in 1905 that grew to have the highest circulation of any black owned newspaper in the country?


The Chicago Defender in 1905 that grew to have the highest circulation of any black owned newspaper in the country was founded by the Robert S Abbott and he was an American lawyer, newspaper publisher and editor.

Abbott founded the Chicago Defender in 1905, that is grew to have the highest circulation of any black-owned newspaper in the country.The parade, which has developed into a celebration for youth, education and African American life in Chicago is the second largest parade in the United States.

He wanted to push for job opportunities and social justice that was eager to persuade blacks to leave the segregated, Jim Crow South for Chicago credited with contributing to the Great Migration of rural southern blacks to Chicago the defender became the most widely circulated black newspaper in the country. It was known as America's Black Newspaper.

Learn more about Chicago Defender click the link here:


13. Which of the following is an example of rights of a citizen Texans had under the US
Constitution, but no longer was provided in the Mexican Constitution?

(A)The Supreme power of the Federation as to its exercise, is divided
into the legislative, executive and judicial powers."

(B)The Chamber of Deputies shall be composed of representatives,
the whole of which shall be elected every two years by the citizens
of the States."

(C)Congress will enact laws to punish those violating the

(D)The religion of the Mexican nation shall perpetually remain the
Roman Catholic and Apostolic.


D because I say so
I just know

Which value important to america’s success as a constitutional republic is best illustrated in this excerpt?


Answer:"Commerce makes men independent of each another, gives quite another idea of their personal value, persuades them to manage their own affairs, and teaches them to be successful"


Answer: Which value important to America's success as a constitutional republic is best illustrated in this excerpt? "Commerce makes men independent of each another, gives quite another idea of their personal value, persuades them to manage their own affairs, and teaches them to be successful…

NJ was one of the most corrupt states in the nation, Wilson decided he
wanted to improve it.
True or False?


True. New Jersey  was one of the most corrupt states in the nation, Wilson decided he wanted to improve it.

How was New Jersey a corrupt state?

In 1910, he was elected governor of New Jersey. He defeated the ruling political class during his two terms as governor and introduced progressive changes like a Direct Primary, safer working conditions, the eradication of political corruption, and the rebirth of the state public utilities commission.

Woodrow Wilson presided over Princeton University and served as governor of New Jersey before being elected president.

Wilson made the decision that he wanted to clean up New Jersey because it was one of the most corrupt states in the US.

Read more on corruption here:


How did Teddy Roosevelt contribute to the Spanish-American War effort?


Roosevelt enlisted a wide collection of individuals to join the Rough Riders, including cowboys, miners, law enforcement officers, and Native Americans. They helped seize Kettle Hill and thereafter charged across a valley to help seize San Juan Ridge, which is comprised of San Juan Hill at its highest point.

The backing of African American soldiers serving in segregated cavalry units was a major factor in the rough riders' success.

The 1st United States Volunteer Cavalry included a unit of soldiers known as the "Rough Riders" during the Spanish-American War. They were mostly from Arizona and included cowboys, ranchers, and miners. The Battle of San Juan Hill, which Rough Riders took part in, helped the war be won.Future president Theodore Roosevelt and former White House physician Col. Leonard Wood led them.The Rough Riders' assault up San Juan Hill on July 1, 1898, is what people most commonly recall about them. A motley cast of people made up Roosevelt and his Rough Riders. They earned the most media attention of any army unit during the conflict.

To learn more on Spanish-American War :


How did the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe affect the role of the United States in the world?


The Monroe Doctrine's corollary by President Roosevelt limited American involvement in the affairs of other European nations.

Franklin D. Roosevelt, the 32nd elected president of the United States, was well-known for his support of the Monroe concept.

The Monroe Doctrine is a tenet of American foreign policy that said that European nations would not be permitted to meddle in the affairs of independent governments in the Americas.

Roosevelt said in his annual speech in 1904 that the United States would step in as a last resort to make sure that other Western Hemisphere countries honored their debts to international creditors.

Learn more about the Monroe doctrine here:


Who was the first person to cross the Brooklyn Bridge?


The first person to cross the finished bridge was Emily Roebling, who had a rooster, a triumph symbol, on her lap.

For the first time in history, the great cities of New York and Brooklyn were joined by the Brooklyn Bridge, which crossed the East River on May 24, 1883. President Chester A. Arthur and New York Governor Grover Cleveland presided over the dedication ceremony, which was attended by thousands of people from Brooklyn and Manhattan Island.

The first person to cross the finished bridge was Emily Roebling, who had a rooster, a triumph symbol, on her lap. In less than a day, more than 150,000 people crossed the Brooklyn Bridge on foot using the wide promenade John Roebling created above the traffic just for the pleasure of walkers.

To learn more about Brooklyn Bridge, visit the link below:


the fact that the united states remains silent in the face of human rights violations by a number of countries illustrates that


The given situation illustrates that promoting human rights is less important to American foreign policy than security concerns and economic interests.

American foreign policy prioritizes security concerns and commercial goals over preserving human rights.

The three most important objectives of American foreign policy are security, prosperity, and the development of a better world.

Even if from the outside the country appears cold and brutal, national interest should govern foreign policy.

The notion that the United States should maintain strict neutrality during times of conflict and observe political isolation from European countries throughout the first 50 years of the nation's existence served as a guide for diplomats.

To know more about Human rights here


In your opinion, was the Treaty or Wilson’s 14 points more powerful and why?


The Fourteen Points continue to be the most potent representation of the idealism strain in American diplomacy, despite the Treaty falling short of Wilson's selfless ambition. Thus, the Wilson's 14 points were more powerful than the Treaty of Versailles.

What is Wilson's 14 points?

In a speech before Congress on January 8, 1918, U.S. President Woodrow Wilson proposed The Fourteen Points, describing his ideas for putting an end to World War I in a way that would avoid such a catastrophe from happening again.

Given that Wilson's nation experienced the least losses, his 14 points are much more lenient against Germany than the treaty. The treaty concentrates mostly on punishing the Germans for what they did, which is evident in the blame and restitution provisions, in contrast to the 14 principles, which are primarily about establishing countries' independence and making Europe a better free place to live.

Therefore, the Wilson's 14 points is more powerful than the Treaty.

To learn more about Wilson's 14 points, click here:


What was one reason edwards gave in 'sinners in the hands of an angry god' for believing that the judgment of god is close at hand?.


Church authorities had become extremely corrupt and God was tiring of it, was one reason Edward gave in 'sinners in the hands of an angry god' for believing that the judgment of god is close at hand. Correct answer: letter A.

Church authorities had become increasingly corrupt because of their focus on material wealth, power, and prestige. They had become lax in their teaching of the faith and were ignoring the needs of the poor and marginalized. This had caused God to become increasingly angry, and Edwards argued that this was a sign that God was close to bringing judgment upon humanity.

The Corruption of the Church: A Call for Divine Justice

Edward Sinners' essay in the Hands of an Angry God calls attention to the corruption that has plagued the church throughout the centuries.

This essay argues that God will not tolerate corruption in the church for long. As the corruption becomes more serious, divine justice gets closer and closer. God has shown throughout history that He is a God of justice and that he will not tolerate injustice. This is a warning to the church that divine judgment may be imminent if steps are not taken to root out corruption.

This warning is a call to the church to reconsider its role in society and to strive to return to its original mission of serving the poor and marginalized.

What was one reason Edwards gave in 'Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God' for believing that the judgment of God is close at hand?

A) Church authorities had become extremely corrupt and God was tiring of it.

B) Numerous natural disasters were taking place throughout the world.

C) Many people were experiencing an awakening.

D) God had revealed it to him in a dream.

Learn more about The Corruption of the Church:


What was the consequence of the georgia general assembly’s expulsion of its african american members during reconstruction?


Georgia underwent significant devastation and upheaval during the end of the American Civil War.

A catastrophic impact on agricultural output was created by the devastation brought on by war, the challenge of maintaining a workforce free of slavery, and the harsh environment.

Soon after gaining office, a sufficient number of white Republicans and white Democrats plotted to remove the African-American MPs in September 1868, when they were the minority party in the Assembly.

The next year, the Georgia Supreme Court ruled that black people in Georgia could run for public office. The Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which outlawed slavery, was ratified by the Georgia General Assembly in the first few days of December 1865.

On December 20, once the Union's military goals of emancipation and union had been accomplished, President Johnson returned Georgia's government to its elected officials.

Learn more about Civil War from here:


Why does the U.S constitution have a system of checks and balances


The point of checks and balances in the U.S. Constitution was to make sure no one branch would be able to control too much power, and it created a separation of powers.

The legislative branch makes laws, but the President in the executive branch can veto those laws with a Presidential Veto and the judicial branch can declare those laws unconstitutional.

The executive branch, through the Federal agencies, has responsibility for day-to-day enforcement of these laws. The President in the executive branch can veto a law, but the legislative branch can override that veto with enough votes.The executive branch can declare Executive Orders, which are like proclamations that carry the force of law, but the judicial branch can declare those acts unconstitutional.

The judicial branch interprets laws, but the President nominates Supreme Court justices, court of appeals judges, and district court judges who make the evaluations.The judicial branch interprets laws, but the Senate in the legislative branch confirms the President’s nominations for judicial positions, and Congress can impeach any of those judges and remove them from office.

To learn more about U.S constitution -

In contrast to the congressional reconstruction plan, what was the focus of president andrew johnson’s plan?


President Andrew Johnson's Reconstruction, in contrast to the Congressional Reconstruction Plan, placed a priority on readmitting states to the Union as soon as practicable. Hence, Option C is correct.

After the Civil War, there was a time period known as "Congressional Reconstruction" during which the federal government attempted to impose equal voting rights on the former Confederate states.

Andrew Johnson signed the Reconstruction Acts into law, which dispatched federal troops to the South to supervise the development of more democratic state governments.

In order to protect the civil rights of freedmen and African Americans generally, Congress also passed legislation and changed the Constitution.

It split the remaining former Confederate states into five military districts and gave them to former Union generals as command. This was the first of several measures that defined the parameters of congressional Reconstruction.

Therefore, Option C is correct.

Learn more about Congressional Reconstruction Plan from here:


The complete question has been attached in text form:

In contrast to the Congressional Reconstruction Plan, what was the focus of Reconstruction under President Andrew Johnson?

answer choices

providing economic opportunities for African Americans

punishing the southern states for staring the Civil War

readmitting states to the Union as quickly as possible

protecting the rights of freedmen and freedwomen

What does the bridge most likely symbolize?


The first and most potent representation of bridges is that of change. You travel from one location to another using the bridge. There is frequently a sense that you are literally moving from one place to another when you cross a bridge.

A bridge is frequently constructed as a symbol of the unification, friendship, or other connection between two communities. It is challenging to quantify the significance of this symbolism, but in some cases, it can be crucial and perhaps serve as the only justification for building a structure.

Whether it connects heaven and earth or two different realms, the bridge is fundamentally a symbol of communication and togetherness. It can be viewed as the link between God and Man because of this. It can be the gateway to reality or just a metaphor for movement and crossing.

Read more about the bridge symbolize at


Why did the Korean War begin ?



because of there unstability in the good governance and democratic Parliament issues

The Korean War (1950-1953) began when the North Korean Communist army crossed the 38th Parallel and invaded non-Communist South Korea. As Kim Il-sung's North Korean army, armed with Soviet tanks, quickly overran South Korea, the United States came to South Korea's aid.

How does the following quote contribute to the development of the article? "If a bullet should enter
my brain, let that bullet destroy every closet door." (Paragraph 13)
A. Harvey Milk believed deeply in nonviolence as the only form of protest.
B. Harvey Milk believed he was protected against threats from his opponents.
C. Harvey Milk hoped he would survive an attack in order to continue the fight for LGBTQ
D. Harvey Milk hoped his death would have meaning and further motivate the fight for
LGBTQ rights.

Harvey Milk Lives! common lit article assessment questions first one i need help with all for so if willing to help with all 4 and give me the right answers i will give brainly


"If a bullet should enter my brain, let that bullet destroy every closet door"  The point of this quotation is that Harvey Milk believed that his death would have significance and would inspire others to fight for LGBTQ rights. Thus, option D is correct.

What makes Harvey Milk's speech "revolutionary" in terms of self-acceptance?

Harvey Milk was the first openly homosexual person elected to a California government office. He utilized his position to campaign for homosexual and lesbian rights. During his 'Hope' address at San Francisco's Gay Freedom Rights Day on June 25, 1978, Milk encouraged his fellow Gays and Lesbians to commit to fighting all forms of discrimination against them, including Proposition 6, which prevented gays from teaching in any of the state's public schools. He said that the measure, backed by John Briggs, would limit the rights of homosexual and lesbian people.

To learn more about Harvey Milk, click


morals and faith are based on whose traditions?


This photo should solve all your problems!!

What became known as the Holy Roman Empire first was organized by

William the Conqueror
Gregory the Great
Hugh Capet


Answer: Charlemange

Explanation: Charlemagne was the leader of The Holy Roman Empire, and Pope Leo III crowned him king on December 25, 2022, at St. Peter's  Basilica in Rome. Charlemagne made MANY GOOD innovations to the empire such as making pagans believe in converting to Christianity, making The Holy Roman Empire, he restored the Roman empire to the west, and improving education throughout the empire.

what does johnson believe his responsibilities are as leaders of the United States? in his opinion how is he meeting this obligation?


The main objectives of the expansive policy initiatives, laws, and programs known as "The Great Society," which were led by President Lyndon B. Johnson, were to eradicate poverty, reduce crime, end inequality, and improve the environment.

What was the purpose of the Johnson plan?

President Andrew Johnson put into effect the Reconstruction plan in 1865, giving the white South complete control over the transition from slavery to freedom and denying blacks any participation in South Carolina politics.

The Medicare and Medicaid programs were established as part of his expansive legislative agenda to provide seniors and low-income Americans with federal health insurance. It also included initiatives to enhance education, stop crime, and lessen air and water pollution.

Learn more about President Andrew Johnson here:


What 5 states were created by the Northwest Ordinance?


Land policy and territory administration were established by the Northwest Ordinances of 1785 and 1787. In the end, five states were formed out of the area plus a little section of the territory between the St. Lawrence River and the Mississippi River: Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and Wisconsin.

In 1803, Ohio became the first state to be formed from the Northwest Territory, and the remaining area was given the name Indiana Territory. The other four states were Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Indiana. The region also included a third of what would later become Minnesota.

The Northwest Ordinance, also known as the Ordinance of 1787, established a government for the Northwest Territory, laid out the procedure for adding a new state to the Union, and ensured that newly created states would be equally valuable to the original thirteen states.

To learn more about Northwest Ordinance


What was Ghana called before independence?


Answer: The gold coast

which culture group spread across eurasia in the 13th century and became the world’s largest empire?


Mongol empire, empire founded by Genghis Khan in 1206. Originating from the Mongol heartland in the Steppe of central Asia, by the late 13th century it spanned from the Pacific Ocean in the east to the Danube River.

What exactly is an empire?

A group of nations or regions ruled by a single ruler or government. An emperor or empress-ruled group of countries. An empire is indeed a sovereign state composed of several nations or cultures which are ruled by the a single person, usually a monarch or empress.

An empire is what kind of authorities it is.

An imperial power is a form of monarchy with a single ruler. An emperor is comparable to a king in that he rules over many countries, whereas a king typically rules over only one kingdom.

To know more about Empire visit:


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