complete the electron‑pushing mechanism for the reaction by drawing the necessary organic structures and curved arrows for each step. make sure to include all nonbonding electron pairs.


Answer 1

The process by which water is added to an aldehyde when a base is present, Being electrophilic makes this carbon atom vulnerable to nucleophilic attack; in contrast, oxygen is more electronegative.

What is the definition of electronegativity?

An atom's or functional group's propensity to draw electrons to itself is known as electronegativity, which is a chemical property. An atom's electronegativity is influenced by both its number of atoms and the separation of its valence electrons from its charged nucleus.

What is a high electronegative indicative of?

The capacity of an atom in a covalent connection to pull shared electrons is known as electronegativity. The value of an element's electronegativity determines how strongly it will attract electron pairs.

To know more about electronegative visit:


Related Questions

How many bonds will phosphorus form?



In both the red and the black forms, each phosphorus atom forms three single bonds, which are spread apart sufficiently to be relatively strain free.

in nature the alkali metals are found only in compounds because theyselect one:a.are very reactive elements.b.each have a stable octet.c.are rare elements.d.have small atoms.


Alkali metals are highly reactive because they only have one valance electron

Therefore A is the correct answer

Brainliest is appreciated

Which type of bond is most likely to form between phosphorus and chlorine?


The bond formed between phosphorus and chlorine will be Covalent Bond.

Both phosphorous and chlorine are located on the right side of the periodic table where nonmetals are located.

This means both elements are nonmetals with lower electronegativity gap,

So will form a covalent bond.

Covalent Bond: A covalent bond consists of the mutual sharing of one or more pairs of electrons between two atoms.

A covalent bond is formed when the electronegativity difference of two atoms is too small for an electron transfer to occur to form ions.

The electronegativity difference between two atoms determines how polar a bond will be.

In a diatomic molecule with two identical atoms, there is no difference in electronegativity, so the bond is nonpolar or pure covalent.

In this case, chlorine is more electronegative than that of Phosphorous, making it polar covalent bond.

To know more about Chemical Bonds:


if 128 molecules of glucoses were covalently joined together, what would be the resulting molecule(s)? a) a polysaccharide b) a polypeptide c) 127 water molecules . d) both a and c e) both b and c


The answer is option D)Both A and C. If 128 molecules of glucose were covalently joined together, the resulting molecule is a polysaccharide and 127 water molecules.

Polysaccharides also referred to as poly-carbohydrates, are the most common form of carbohydrates in food. They are long-chain polymeric carbohydrates consisting of monosaccharide units joined together by glycosidic bonds. This carbohydrate can react with water to produce its constituent sugars using amylase enzymes as a catalyst. Examples of polysaccharides include starch, cellulose, and glycogen. In the food sector, polysaccharides are employed as stabilizers and dietary fibre. Making yoghurt is another process where bacteria create polysaccharides. Polysaccharides often have one of two functions: either they store energy or maintain structural integrity. Energy is stored in highly compact polymers like starch and glycogen. Two linear polymers, cellulose and chitin, offer structural support in both plants and animals.

To learn more about Polysaccharide, tap more:


For the reaction 2 h2 + o2 --> 2 h2o how many grams of water are produced from 6. 00 moles of hydrogen h2?.


For the reaction 2 h2 + o2 --> 2 h2o 12 moles of water are produced from 6. 00 moles of hydrogen h2.

Stoichiometry is a section of chemistry that basically involves using relationships between reactants and products in a chemical reaction to determine desired quantitative data. In Greek language, stoikhein means element and metron means measure, so stoichiometry literally translated means the measure of elements.

The stoichiometric coefficients attributed to each compound in the balanced chemical equation can be thought of as moles of reactants that are needed or moles of products formed in the reaction.

In our case, the balanced chemical equation for this synthesis reaction looks like as follows;

[tex]2H_{2}[/tex] (g) + [tex]O_{2}[/tex] → [tex]2H_{2}O[/tex]

to produce 2 moles of water  we need only 1 mole of oxygen.

This tells you that the reaction produces twice as many moles of water as you have moles of oxygen gas that take part in the reaction.

You know that your reaction uses 6.0 moles of oxygen. So, the moles of water produce is 12 mole Assuming that hydrogen gas is not a limiting reagent, you can say that the reaction will produce

To know more about Hydrogen


Which has the largest atomic radius: magnesium (mg), silicon (si), sulfur (s), or sodium (na)? the smallest?.


Sodium is the element with the largest atomic radius compared to magnesium, silicon, and sulfur, while the smallest among these is sulfur.

Atomic radius of the indicated elementsMagnesium (Mg) 173 pmSilicon (Yes) 111 pmSulfur (S) 100 pmSodium (Na) 227 pmImportance of atomic radiusIdentifies the average distance between two nuclei of the same element linked together.This distance is measured in amstrong and pm, where 1 amstrong equals 100 pm.Through the atomic radius it is possible to determine the size of the atom, and as the energy level is higher, the atomic radius is greater.

Learn more about atomic radius at


a sample of xenon gas occupies a volume of 5.01 l at 437 k. if the pressure remains constant, at what temperature will this same xenon gas sample have a volume of 1.83 l?


at 159.6 K temperature will this same xenon gas sample have a volume of 1.83 l

Calculation :

Initial voume(V₁)= 5.01 L

Initial Temperature = 437 K

Final Volume(V₂) = 1.83 L

Final Temperature(T₂) =  ?

at constant Temperature,


              [tex]\frac{V1}{T1} = \frac{V2}{T2}[/tex]

         [tex]\frac{5.01 L}{437 K} = \frac{1.83 L}{T2}[/tex]

        T₂ = [tex]1.83*\frac{437}{5.01}[/tex]

         = 159.6 K

at 159.6 K temperature will this same xenon gas sample have a volume of 1.83 l

Temperature is a measure of hot or cold expressed on one of several scales, including Fahrenheit and Celsius. Temperature indicates the direction in which heat energy spontaneously flows. H. From hot body (high temperature) to cold body (low temperature).

The current temperature map shows the current temperature with contour lines every 5 degrees Fahrenheit. Temperature is a physical property of a system

Learn more about Temperature Here :


how does the difference between the ranges of the strong nuclear force and the coulomb force affect the makeup of each atom’s nucleus?


Each atom's nucleus is influenced by the nuclear force depending on how the strong nuclear force and the Coulomb force differ from one another. because heavier atoms have more neutrons than protons and the coulomb force has a larger sphere of action.

What is atom's nucleus?

A strong nuclear force acts on the neutrons and protons that make up an atom's nucleus. Unlike the coulomb or gravitational forces, this force is distinct. The strong nuclear force is the force that holds nucleons together. It is a powerful force with a limited range. The nucleons, or neutrons and protons, are drawn together by the same force. For smaller atomic nuclei, the nuclear force is stronger than the Coulomb force. At distances of roughly 0.8 femtometre.the nuclear force is very attractive between nucleons.

To learn more about  nucleus from given link


if we began with 32.0 grams of oxygen and all of the hydrogen that you need, how many grams of water can be made?


After using the Balanced equation the answer is The 36 gram of water can be made.

What is Balanced equation?

A balanced equation is a chemical equation in which the total number of atoms of each element on the left side of the equation is equal to the total number of atoms of that element on the right side of the equation. This means that the equation is balanced in terms of mass and charge, and all atoms are accounted for. A balanced equation is essential to ensure that the chemical reaction is accurate and that the correct amount of products are produced. Additionally, a balanced equation can help in the calculation of reaction rates and equilibrium concentrations.

The molar mass of O is 16g and Hydrogen is 1g in H2O there is one oxygen only but in question is given 32g of oxygen so, 2 moles of oxygen should be there so it will become 32g that means 2H2O so overall 2[2*1+16] = 36g.

To learn more about, Balanced equation, visit:

The sugars produced by photosynthesis are stored and later may be consumed by an organism such as a deer, mouse, or human. The chemical energy in the stored sugars is an example of.


The sugars produced by photosynthesis are stored. The chemical energy in the stored sugars is an example of chemical reactions.

One or more substances (the reactants) change into one or more new substances through a chemical reaction (the products). Chemical parts or chemical elements make up substances. In a chemical reaction, the atoms that make up the reactants are rearranged to produce various products. Chemical reactions are fundamental to life itself, as well as to technology and culture. The burning of fuels, the smelting of iron, the creation of glass and pottery, the brewing of beer and wine, and the production of cheese are a few examples of ancient processes that involved chemical reactions. The Earth's geology, atmosphere, oceans, and a variety of intricate processes that take place in all living systems are rife with chemical reactions.

To know more about  chemical reactions visit :


an atom has a ground state valence shell electron configuration of ns2(n-1)d5. to which group of elements in the periodic table does it belong?


an atom has a ground state valence shell electron configuration of ns2(n-1)d5. group of elements in the periodic table does it belong Transition metals

The bulk of General Chemistry Lecture 26 is included in the material that follows. We continue talking about quantum numbers and how they are used in electron configurations in this lecture, as well as how electron configuration relates to the periodic features of the elements.

The description of the positions of the electrons around a nucleus is called an electron configuration. The number of electrons in each neutral atom is the same as the number of protons. Now, we'll arrange those electrons such that they stand around the nucleus in a way that shows their energy and the nature of the orbital in which they are housed.

Based on their energy, electrons are arranged into orbitals in a particular order. The Aufbau principle is the name given to this.

To learn more about  electron configuration Please click on the given link:


What are the effects of calcium chloride on the properties of concrete?



Calcium chloride (CaCl2) has the ability to accelerate cement hydration and reduce set time by as much as two thirds. Research has shown that a 2% addition rate has an equivalent cure strength at 50°F as plain concrete at 70°F.

Explanatio n:

what is the concentration of a solution formed by diluting 25.0 ml of a 3.2 m nacl solution to 135.0 ml?


The concentration of the solution created by diluting 25.0 ml of a 3.2 m nacl solution to 135.0 m is 0.59 M NaCl.

What exactly is the solution?

A homogenous combination of one or more solutes that have been dissolved in a solvent is known as a solution. The material that a solute dissolves in to create a homogenous mixture is known as a solvent.

What does a mixture's solution mean?

When two compounds are combined, they dissolve one another to form a solution. The term "solute" refers to the material that dissolves. Solvent is the name given to the material that does not dissolve. Salt water is a kind of solution.

To know more about Solution visit:







it seems the most logical




6.00 ml


Why is the transition phase important?




The transition phase allows for full and extensive muscular regeneration and mental recuperation. It can last from 2-4 weeks, but sometimes needs to be longer if the athlete is experiencing overtraining symptoms.

What are the 3 most common types of hazardous materials found in construction work?


Silica dust, wood dust, and lower toxicity dust are the three most common types of hazardous materials found in construction work

While the majority of dust can cause lung ailments when inhaled over extended periods of time, some are toxic even when just a tiny amount is inhaled. Silica dust, wood dust, and lower toxicity dust are the three main forms of dust encountered on building sites. A buildup of silica dust particles in the lung tissue results in inflammation and scarring. Additionally, the particles make it harder for the lungs to absorb oxygen. Silicosis is the name of this illness. Silicosis is a chronic, disabling, and sometimes deadly condition that causes lifelong lung damage.

To know more about hazardous materials visit:


which gas has the fastest gas particles assuming they are at the same temperature nitrogen, oxygen or chlorine


NH3 has the least molar mass, it'll diffuse faster than the others.

What is Molar Mass?

We all wish to know how many molecules are there in a given material. Atoms and molecules are very small in both size and mass. One sample mole's weight is the molar mass. To get the molar mass, connect the atomic masses (atomic weights) of each atom in the molecule. Using the mass listed in the Periodic Table or Atomic Weight Table, determine the atomic mass for each element.

Typically, molar mass is stated in either grammes (g) or kilogrammes (kg) (kg).

The diffusion rate of a particular gas is inversely proportional to the square root of the molar mass of that gas.

As for molar masses go,

NH3= 17gm/mol

O2= 32 gm/mol

N2= 28gm/mol

CO2= 44gm/mol

NH3 has the least molar mass, it'll diffuse faster than the others.

Learn more about Molar Mass from given link


What is the solubility of potassium chloride at 20 C?


The amount of potassium chloride in the solution is represented as 33.49 w/V. The metal halide salt potassium chloride (KCl, often known as potassium salt) is made up of both potassium and chlorine.

It has a vitreous crystal look and is odourless or colourless. The material easily dissolves in water, and the flavour of its solutions is similar to salt. In a homogenous mixture of two or more components, a solution is defined as having particles less than one nanometer in size. Solutions come in many forms, such as sugar and salt solutions, soda water, etc. potassium chloride and metals combine to form metal halides. Others are covalently bound, while others, like sodium chloride, are ionic.

The amount of KCL in 100 ml is 34.7/103.61*100 = 33.49gm.

Learn more about potassium chloride here


The complete question is -

The solubility of potassium chloride at 20 ∘C is 34.7 g in 100 g of water. The density of the solution is 1.3 g mL −1. What is the w/V percentage of potassium chloride in the solution ?

magnesium crystallizes in a face-centered cubic unit cell. calculate the radius of the magnesium atom (in pm) if the density of a cubic unit cell of magnesium is 1.74 g/cm3.


In this magnesium crystallizes in a face-centered cubic unit cell, don't need density.

What is pure crystals ?

Having no grain boundaries and being continuous and unbroken to the sample's borders defines a material as a single crystal.

What is atom ?

An atom is a unit of matter that specifically identifies a chemical element. An atom is made up of a core nucleus that is encircled by one or more negatively charged electrons. The positively charged nucleus has one or more protons and neutrons, which are relatively heavy particles.

Density = z X molar mass/ no. X a³ (a= edge length)

but no need of this principle here

for FCC, 4r =[tex]\sqrt{2}[/tex]a

r= radius of atom a= edge length

r= [tex]\sqrt{2}[/tex]a/4

=[tex]\sqrt{2}[/tex] * 4.880 *10²/4

r= 169.7pm



here no need of density

Therefore, in this magnesium crystallizes in a face-centered cubic unit cell, don't need density.

Learn more about pure crystals from the given link.


Please help me answer this | QUICKLY PLS

A.Fossil fuel use will decrease as populations work to decrease emissions of greenhouse gases.
B.Coal use will show the greatest decrease due to the increased use of renewables for electricity production.

C.Even though hydropower use will decrease, the use of renewables as a whole will increase.

D.All of the above.


Fossil fuel use will decrease as populations work to decrease emissions of greenhouse gases. Coal use will show the greatest decrease due to the increased use of renewables for electricity production. Even though hydropower use will decrease, the use of renewables as a whole will increase.

What is fossil fuel ?

An extracted and burned fossil fuel is a hydrocarbon-containing substance that naturally originated in the Earth's crust from the remains of extinct plants and animals. Coal, oil, and natural gas are the three primary fossil fuels.

When burned, fossil fuels release a lot of carbon dioxide. Climate change is caused by carbon emissions, which trap heat in the atmosphere. About three-quarters of the carbon emissions in the United States are caused by the burning of fossil fuels, primarily for the power and transportation sectors.

Thus, option D is correct.

To learn more about fossil fuel, follow the link;


What is a transitioning process?


A transition process is the when the substances changes from the one states to the other states.

The phase transition is the process when substances changers its states. the substance changes between the three states  in six ways are :

1) melting : when the substances changes from the solid states to the liquid states.

2) freezing : in this  transition the liquid phase changes to the solid phase.

3) evaporating : In this phase transition the liquids changes to the vapor phase.

4) condensing : This phase transition occurs when the gas changes to the liquid.

5) sublimation : the process of changing the solid phase into the liquid phase.

6) deposition : in this transition the gas phase changes to the solid phase.

To learn more about phase transition here


A flexible container contain 37. 4 gram of oxygen ga at a preure of 890. 0 mmHg and a temperature of 55. 00 oC. What i the volume of the ga in the container in L?


After solving the equation the volume of the gas in the container is 26.6L.

What is ideal gas law?

Pressure times volume are equal to moles times the universal gas constant times temperature, according to the ideal gas law formula.


where P is for pressure

n = number of moles, where V = volume

T stands for temperature.

R is the gas constant

Energy units per temperature increase per mole are measured by the gas constant R. It is sometimes referred to as the molar gas constant, the ideal gas constant, and the universal gas constant.

Depending on the units you use in your computation, the gas constant R has a different value.

To convert degree celcious to kelvin, 55degree C+273= 328K

To convert pressure from mmHg to atm= 890/760=1.17atm

Number of moles of oxygen= 37.04/32=1.16mol

V= nRT/P



To learn more about ideal gas law



which of the following is an example of chemical change?

a. copper mixes with the air to form a greenish copper carbonate.

b. copper wire is a good conductor of electricity.

c. when heated to 100 degrees celsius, water boils.

d. after applying enough force, the board was broken in half



An example of a chemical change is when copper mixes with the air to form a greenish copper carbonate. A chemical change is a type of change that involves a chemical reaction, in which the substances involved in the change are transformed into new substances with different chemical properties. In this case, when copper mixes with the air, it reacts with carbon dioxide and moisture to form a new substance called copper carbonate. This substance has a different color and chemical properties than the original copper, which indicates that a chemical change has occurred. In contrast, the other options you provided do not involve chemical reactions and are not examples of chemical changes.


how does the current concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere compare to concentrations in the past 800,000 years (from ice core data)?


The current concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is higher than at any point in the last 800,000 years.

An electric current is a circulation of charged particles, including electrons or ions, shifting thru an electrical conductor or space. Its miles are measured because of the net fee of drift of electric fee through a floor or into a managed extent.

The current is one of the most important and essential elements within electric and electronic technology. The contemporary flowing in a circuit may be utilized in an expansion of ways from generating warmness to inflicting circuits to replace, or information to be saved in an included circuit.

Current is decided by the number of electrons passing through a cross-section of a conductor.

Learn more about current here:-


does a reaction occur when aqueous solutions of copper(ii) acetate and chromium(iii) bromide are combined? yesno if a reaction does occur, write the net ionic equation.


When aqueous solutions of copper(ii) acetate and chromium(iii) bromide are mixed, does a reaction occur? If a reaction occurs, put down the net ionic equation.

Yes, it is.

3Cu(CH3COO)2 +2CrBr3 —> 3CuBr2 + 2Cr(CH3COO)3

What exactly is a chemical reaction?

A chemical reaction is the chemical transformation of one set of chemical substances into another.

It is a reaction with two displacements.

What exactly is the Double Displacement reaction?

A salt metathesis reaction, also known as a double displacement reaction, is a chemical reaction that involves the exchange of bonds between two reacting chemical species, producing products having comparable or equal bonding affiliations.

To learn more about chemical reaction follow the given link:


In a chemical reaction, one or more reactants are changed into one or more products, which are then changed back into one or more reactants. For instance, the chemical reaction between oxygen and magnesium results in the formation of white magnesium oxide powder. 2Mg+O2→2MgO.

What is the short definition of a chemical reaction?

Chemical reaction illustration

In a chemical reaction, one or more substances—also known as reactants—are changed into one or more additional substances—also known as products.

What does the Double Displacement reaction exactly entail?

A salt metathesis reaction, often referred to as a double displacement reaction, is a chemical process in which bonds between two chemical species are exchanged, resulting in the production of compounds with comparable or equal bonding affiliations.

To know more about chemical reaction visit;


a gas cylinder contains 1.0 mole of helium at a temperature of 20 degrees celsius. a second cylinder contains 1.0 mole of neon at 20 degrees celsius. the helium atoms are moving with a higher average speed, but the gas pressure in the two containers is the same. explain how this is possible.


Summarizing this information we see that the helium atoms collide with the partitions 5√ time greater often, however every collision is 5√ instances weaker.

Consequently, the pressures exerted via way of means of the 2 exclusive gases are the same. Volume. Pressure is likewise suffering from the quantity of the field.

If the quantity of a field is decreased, the fueloline molecules have much less area wherein to transport around. As a result, they'll strike the partitions of the field greater often, and the stress increase.

Read more about gas:


two moles of a monatomic ideal gas is held at a constant pressure of 2200 pa and a volume of 3.2 m 3. what is the temperature of the gas in kelvin?


The temperature of the gas is 423.58K.

According to the Ideal Gas equation, which compares the ratio of a mole of gas's volume and pressure to that of the gas's thermodynamic temperature and gas constant. The equation is exact for an ideal gas and approximates real gases at low pressures. The Ideal gas law is the equation of the state of a hypothetical ideal gas.

PV = nRT

where P is the ideal gas's pressure.

The ideal gas's volume is denoted by V.

The ideal gas amount expressed in moles is known as n.

The fundamental gas constant is R.

The temperature is T.

Given, P =2200 pa, V= 3.2[tex]m^{3}[/tex], n= 2 mole, R= 8.31 [tex]Jmol^{-1}.k^{-1}[/tex].

[tex]= > PV = nRT[/tex]

=> 2200×3.2 = 2×(8.31)×T

=>[tex]\frac{2200*3.2}{2*8.31} = T[/tex]

=> T = 423.58K.

Learn more about Ideal Gas equation:


a solution is prepared by dissolving 15.8 g of mgcl2 in 255 g of water. what is the mole fraction of cl- in this solution?


The mol fraction of Cl is 0.023.

What is mole?

The amount of substance in a system that contains the same number of atoms as there are in 0.012 kilogrammes of carbon 12 is referred to as a mole (symbol: mol).

What is mole fraction ?

A mixture's mole fraction is calculated by dividing the number of molecules of a specific component by the total number of moles in the mixture. It is a method of indicating how concentrated a solution is.

Change all to moles

mol of MgCl2 = mass MgCl2  / MW of MgCl2

MW of MgCl2 = 95.211 g/mol

mol of MgCl2 = 15.8  /95.211 = 0.1659 mol of MgCl2

mol of Mg+2 = mol of MgCl2 = 0.1659

mol of Cl- = 2 * mol of MgCl2 = 2*0.1659 = 0.3318

mol of water = mass water /MW  water =  255/18 = 14.166 mol of water

total mol = mol of water + mol of Mg+2 + mol of Cl = 0.1659 +14.166 +0.3318= 14.6637


mol fraction of Cl = mol of Cl- / total mol = 0.3318/14.6637 = 0.0226 = 0.023

Therefore, mol fraction of Cl is 0.023.

Learn more about mole from the given link.


A mystery element is found not to be a good conductor of heat and reacts similarly to sulfur when exposed to
a halogen. Which group on the periodic table is this unknown element most likely found?


There are various kind of elements that are present in periodic table. Some elements are harmful, some are radioactive, some are noble gases. Therefore, the element is oxygen.

What is periodic table?

Periodic table is a table in which we find elements with properties like metals, non metals, metalloids and radioactive element arranges in increasing atomic number.

Periodic table help a scientist to know what are the different types of elements are present in periodic table so that they can discover the new elements that are not being discovered yet.

To match properties with sulfur, elements should be in the same group to which sulfur belongs to. Element which is a good conductor of heat and reacts similarly to sulfur when exposed to a halogen is oxygen.

Therefore, the element is oxygen.

Learn more about periodic table, here:


the inclusion of one or more d orbitals from the same principal energy level for hybridization is known as


Sp3d hybridization involves the mixing of 1s orbital, 3p orbitals and 1d orbital to form 5 sp3d hybridized orbitals of equal energy. They have trigonal bipyramidal geometry. The mixture of s, p and d orbital forms trigonal bipyramidal symmetry.

What is hybridization?

Hybridization, in the context of genomics, is the process by which two complementary single-stranded DNA and/or RNA molecules combine to form a double-stranded molecule. Binding relies on proper base-pairing between the two single-stranded molecules.

Therefore, Sp3d hybridization involves the mixing of 1s orbital, 3p orbitals and 1d orbital to form 5 sp3d hybridized orbitals of equal energy. They have trigonal bipyramidal geometry. The mixture of s, p and d orbital forms trigonal bipyramidal symmetry.

To learn more about hybridization refer the given link:-


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