Finding a quiet place without distractions are strategies to over come _____ in _____

What are the answers of blanks??


Answer 1

Finding a quiet place without distractions are strategies to overcome procrastination in time management.

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in the early twentieth century, unmarried women who had children were considered to be feebleminded or to suffer from mental problems. they were also thought more likely to give birth to children who were also feebleminded. today, this attitude seems ridiculous. this is an example of


In the early twentieth century, unmarried women who had children were considered to be feebleminded, This is an example of the social construction of mental illness,

The notion of mental illness as a social construct is a subset of social constructivism. This is the argument that knowledge and meaning are formed socially within the societies/cultures we live. Mental illness, according to social constructivists, is also socially constructed.

The concept of mental disease as a social construct seeks to break from the previously described deterministic biology model, which tends to neglect the socio-political environment in which mental problems emerge. Different sociologists have different views, but they all revolve on how the term "mental illness" is frequently used to mask societal issues and abnormal behavior.

Medical sociologists want to get away from the deterministic biological perspective of health and sickness. It considers health, disease, and disability to be biological occurrences while ignoring sociopolitical circumstances.

Learn more mental illness at


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Red herring logical fallacy does this illustrate.

An illustration is a ornament, interpretation or visible explanation of a textual content, concept or procedure,[1] designed for integration in print and virtual posted media, which include posters, flyers, magazines, books, coaching substances, animations, video video games and films. An illustration is normally created by means of an illustrator. virtual illustrations are often used to make websites and apps more user-pleasant, such as the usage of emojis to accompany virtual type.[2] llustration additionally means presenting an instance; both in writing or in image form.

Learn more about illustrate here


.your aunt is an outstanding attorney who has been very successful in the courtroom. she has been frustrated in not being made a partner in a law firm where only men are partners. her frustration is described by what concept? a.male superiority b.fear of failure c.the glass ceiling d.burnout


The correct option is C : The glass ceiling, A law firm partner is a lawyer who invests in and creates income for a portion of the firm's ownership and earnings.

Law firm partners are generally more involved with the business of operating the law practice in addition to the day-to-day obligations of practicing law as a half owner.

Making partner" is a great accomplishment and the most significant advancement in a Biglaw career. To become a partner, you must perform at your work, exhibit interpersonal soft skills, and explain your firm's profitability.

The typical age to find a spouse is in your mid to late thirties, however neither age nor experience is required.

Learn more about to law firm visit here;


analyze the role of women in the great gatsby, as represented by daisy, jordan, and myrtle. what kind of influence or power do they wield? "consider their social positions and interactions".


The Great Gatsby's female characters are primarily regarded as superficial. They were raised to be obedient and told they were powerless because of the patriarchal society.

In The Great Gatsby, what kind of woman is Daisy?

Daisy is simply a self-centered, shallow, and unpleasant lady despite her charm and beauty in The Great Gatsby. Readers would, in many ways, like to see her live up to Gatsby's passion for her (or at least the concept of her) because he loves her (or at least the idea of her) with such vigor and determination.

What was the role of women in the 1920s, according to Daisy?

Daisy is portrayed as innocent, naive, and submissive in "The Great Gatsby," fitting the stereotype of a 1920s woman who was not expected to be as free as males or to be loud and opinionated.

To know more about The Great Gatsby visit:


When entering into an income based repayment plan option, a student must contact their ________________________ to select the repayment plan option


A scholar ought to contact their income-driven mortgage plans to choose the repayment plan choice

The profits-based reimbursement plan is for Direct and FFEL debtors. Your monthly bills could be both 10 or 15 percent of discretionary profits (depending on while you received your first loans), but by no means extra than you'll have paid under the 10-yr popular compensation Plan.

For most debtors, REPAYE, PAYE, or IBR are higher options than ICR, when you consider that they might come up with lower monthly bills. And PAYE appears to have a mild aspect over REPAYE and IBR, since it lowers your bills to 10% and sets your time period at two decades,

Learn more about repayment plans here


You understand that more clarity leads to more conversions. how can you put this into practice?


More conversion results in more clarity and boosts productivity.

More website visitors converting into key actions that grow your business, such as making a purchase or submitting a form to become a lead, is known as increasing your conversion rate (such as asking for an estimate for repair services).

The so-called "clarity equation" for your page is made up of the elements of attention, expectation, accessibility, visual identity, urgency, specificity, and hyperbole.

Conversions can take many different forms, including signing up for email. visiting a couple of your website's pages, and filling out a contact form.

Activate a CRO planner.

simplify the forms you use.

Remember social proof.

Observe how users interact with your website.

To know more about conversion rates visit:


Which excerpt from War Message to Congress expresses President Wilsons?


President Wilson's viewpoint is expressed in the following paragraph from "War Message to Congress": "Each nation must decide for itself how it will meet it."

War Message to Congress This relates to President Woodrow Wilson's declaration of war on April 2, 1917, when they officially started a war with Nazi Germany. At the time, President Wilson stated the view that each country should determine how it would handle warfare on its own.

We were greatly touched to learn of events that resulted in the sinking of American ships and the loss of American lives. A pathos argument is one that is based on feelings.

learn more about War Message to Congress here:


disorders characterized by disturbances in emotion are known as ______ disorders.


Disorders characterized by emotional disturbances are called mood disorders.

What does mood disorders mean?

Mood disorders are mental illnesses that primarily affect emotional states. They can produce persistent and intense sadness, elation, and/or anger. The most common types of mood disorders are major depressive disorder, dysthymia (dysthymia), bipolar disorder, common medical condition mood disorders, and substance-induced mood disorders.

Why Do People Get Mood Disorders?

No single cause is known, and there may be multiple factors that contribute to mood disorders. These disorders are most likely caused by imbalances in brain chemistry and may be related to physical illness or the use of certain medications.

What are the first signs of a mood disorder?

Irritability, aggression, or hostility. A persistent sad, empty, or anxious feeling. Changes in appetite or weight. Changes in sleep patterns. Difficulty concentrating.

To learn more about mood disorder visit:


How was Ottobah Cugoano freed?


Taken to England and sent free in 1772

Which are examples of themes?


A theme in modern literary studies is the main subject, idea, or message that runs through a story. The two types of themes are thematic concepts and thematic statements, which refer to what the work says about the subject and what viewers "believe the work is about," respectively. The distinction between premises and themes is common.

The most prevalent modern definition of the theme is an idea or point that is essential to a narrative and is frequently summed up in a single word (for example, love, death, betrayal). These themes typically include conflicts between the individual and society, adolescence, people and technology, nostalgia, and the perils of unbridled ambition. A character in a book's actions, remarks, or ideas might serve as an example of a topic. It may not align with the inferred worldview of the book or author, which is the thesis.

There may be multiple themes in a story. Themes frequently examine historically widespread or universally known concepts, including ethical issues, and are typically suggested rather than expressed outright. The theme is regarded as one of the elements of fiction, along with story, character, setting, and style.

To know more about themes:


what is the difference between studying something that is performance and studying something as a performance? why is this distinction important?


Performance is used as a lens and a tool to investigate the world in the interdisciplinary academic discipline of performance studies.

Performance studies have been labelled as a developing field of study. It is challenging to categorise as an academic field, which may be due to the topic's nature or the fact that it is still in its early stages. Its volatility has drawn criticism from a large number of scholars in any circumstance. Performance studies frequently focus on a variety of study techniques. Not simply in the anglophone world has the use of practice-led or practice-based research approaches become commonplace.

Learn more about performance studies here:


viola is a city council member voting on whether to approve a municipal bond issue. she is a rationally ignorant voter. which factor is likely to influence her decisions?


Viola is a city council member voting on whether to approve a municipal bond issue. Unreliable information is likely to influence her decisions as  she is a rationally ignorant voter.

Voters are unaware of policy matters since they believe regulators and candidates are not required to tell the facts. They rely on unasked-for free information and assess it less cautiously. Candidates' advertising is less expensive, but voters must pay more to learn everything they can about candidates and their policies. When these effects are combined, voters have a lack of knowledge about nominees or policy makers and their legislation. As a consequence, voters rationally disregard policy issues and reliant on retroactive data about them.

Learn more on voter


What are the benefits of affirmative action?


Affirmative action, also referred to as positive discrimination, refers to a set of policies and practices used by a government or organization to include specific groups based on their gender, race, sexual orientation, religion, or nationality in fields like education and employment where such groups are underrepresented.

Affirmative action enables institutions to employ comprehensive evaluations to include race as one of several considerations when assessing applications. Affirmative action thereby increases the likelihood that a student of color will be given fair and thorough consideration rather than being disregarded for admission.

Support for affirmative action has historically and worldwide aimed to achieve objectives like addressing income and employment disparities, expanding educational opportunities, fostering diversity, and redressing ostensible past wrongs, harms, or obstacles.

To know more about affirmative action:


Which component of the legislative branch is able to carry out the implied power of investigation?.


Both the House and the Senate are the component of the legislative branch is able to carry out the implied power of investigation.

United States the Court described Congress' oversight power by stating that the power of the Congress to conduct investigations is inherent in the legislative process.

This branch includes Congress, the Senate and House of Representatives and special agencies and offices that provide support services to Congress. American citizens have the right to vote for Senators and Representatives through free, confidential ballots.

The legislative branch of government is responsible for enacting the laws of the state and appropriating the money necessary to operate the government.

Learn more about component of the legislative branch here:-


priscilla is twenty-three years old and usually has a fairly high sex drive. recently, she has experienced an unexpected drop in sex drive, although she doesn't have any new medical problems. what would be an important question to ask her before recommending psychotherapy?


If Priscilla is experiencing and unexpected drop in sex drive, although she doesn't have any new medical problems, then the most important question to ask her before recommending psychotherapy is have you recently started taking birth control pills?

Priscilla is 23 years old. It is a usual age to have a fairly high sex drive.

If she is experienceing and unexpected drop in sex drive even without having any new medical problems then the most important thing to ask her before recommending psychotherapy should be if she had started taking birth control pills or not. Because birth control pills are packed with hormones that usually tends to disrupt the sexual cycles and the hormonal balance of the body which sometime results in the decreased sex drive. It has to be an obvious question to ask before recommending any further psychotherapy.

To know more about psychotherapy visit


tyreese is a high school student and member of a band. he frequently extends his band practices the day before his school tests, leaving himself very little time at the last minute to study for them. this type of procrastination is called .


Tyreese is an excessive college pupil and a member of a band he often extends his band practices the day earlier than his college exams, leaving himself very little time at the remaining minute to look at them. this type of procrastination is referred to as self-handicapping.

Self-handicapping conduct refers to the procedure wherein a person creates or chooses barriers to conduct or a performance putting, for the reason of defensive 6ba8f6984f70c7ac4038c462a50eeca3 in a self-esteem-threatening state of affairs. In other words, the choice complements the opportunity to excuse failure at the same time as accepting a credit score for success.

Procrastination is the motion of unnecessarily and voluntarily delaying or suspending something no matter knowing that there might be negative results for doing so.

Learn more about self-handicapping here


3. sally dreads making presentations at school and work. she feels afraid others are evaluating her negatively. sally seems to suffer from:


Social anxiety disorder is something Sally appears to have. People with social anxiety disorder avoidance, which can negatively impact their lives. Your relationships, regular routines, career, studies, or other activities may be negatively impacted by significant stress.

Feeling hesitant or apprehensive in particular situations is not usually a sign of social anxiety disorder, especially in young people. Social comfort levels are influenced by a variety of personality traits and life events. Some people are naturally more extroverted than others, though. In contrast to ordinary apprehension, the dread, fear, and avoidance that define social anxiety disorder have an impact on relationships, everyday activities, job, school, and other activities. Although it can arise in younger children or adults, the development of social anxiety disorder often happens between the ages of early and mid-teens.

learn more about Social Anxiety Disorder here:


The ________ effect describes the enhancement of long-term memory that comes from relating information to the self.


The self-reference effect describes the enhancement of long-term memory that comes from relating information to the self.

Over the past thirty years, the self-reference effect—or the propensity for information to be stored in terms of the self—has emerged as a reliable encoding approach. Studies in which participants were instructed to recall stimuli like personality traits, nouns, and definitions have revealed the effect in both healthy people and those who suffer from mild depression.

It has also been observed across a range of age groups, including children as young as five and older adults. Even though numerous studies have shown that self-referencing can enhance memory, little emphasis has been given to comprehending the mechanisms through which self-referencing affects memory.

Learn more about the self reference effect here:


defined by miles as ""a requirement of the activities of one subunit that is affected by the activities of other subunits"" is a _________.


A contingency, according to kilometres, is ""a need of the behaviours of one component that is impacted by the operations of other components"".

What does contingency mean in this case?

A contingency is the hypothetical possibility of a negative outcome, for instance a disease, downturn in the economy, catastrophic event, fraud, or terrorist attack.

Which four sorts of contingencies are there?

The four possible outcomes are extinction, punishment, positive and negative reinforcement. Whenever the behavioural change yields beneficial outcomes, constructive feedback happens. Another name for this kind of encouragement is a reward.

To know more about contingency visit:


Families in the city of Flint, Michigan, had problems with water contaminated with _____ being piped into their homes


Families in Flint, Michigan, experienced issues with lead-contaminated water being piped into their houses.

- Lead levels in Flint's water were high in some areas. In order to conserve money, the city shifted its water supply from Detroit to the Flint River almost two years ago. The new water wasn't properly treated and was more caustic. As a result of the pipes corroding, lead leached into the water.

- The high chloride content of Flint River water, which was nearly eight times higher than the chloride percentage in the DWSD water, was known to be very corrosive to both lead plumbing and iron pipe.

To know more about Flint River, kindly click on the link below :


which of the following is not a typical goal of bureaucrats? a. increasing the size of their staffs b. increasing the size of their bureaus c. increasing their bureaus' budgets d. achieving greater efficiency e. gaining prestige


The correct answer is option D). Typically, goal of bureaucrats doesn’t include achieving greater efficiency. It includes other things like increasing size of their staffs as well as increasing profits as well.

Organizations can run more smoothly and effectively with bureaucracies. Large businesses and companies are able to organize their systems and other procedures and streamline their processes as a result of this different things occur which are mentioned. Increasing their bureaus' budgets is one of defining goal. Processes become less jumbled and management becomes simpler. There is typically a division of labor with clearly defined roles in bureaucracies and bureaucrats.

Learn more about Bureaucrats here:


according to the lecture, what is an easy way to prevent social loafing and other common problems in groups?


 create smaller groups or teams

The formation of smaller groups or teams is one of the most important methods for reducing the likelihood of social loafing. Make it simpler for colleague's work to be seen and upheld. Individuals are also more likely to contribute when they are in smaller groups because they are able to establish relationships and become part of a cohesive unit.

To know more about social loafing visit


What is the relationship between national and local government?


State governments and the central government coexist in the United States. State governments carry out policies and laws for their respective areas of the nation whereas the federal government does both at the national level.

Federalism is the term used to define the shared governance structure between federal and state governments. It is easier to understand how the states and the federal government negotiate the balance of power because they each have both exclusive and concurrent powers.

The central and local governments must constantly share authority in an appropriate manner. Today, however, the national government has a tendency to treat even local issues as national ones by giving local leaders the power to make decisions through laws and government regulations.

To know more about Federalism:


according to the e-waste in south africa video case, what has resulted in a business opportunity for bolunga electronic waste company to provide recycling e-waste services?


What resulted in a business opportunity for electronic waste company Bolunga was the lack of a waste recycling system in South Africa.

What are the problems of the lack of a recycling system in a country?The lack of a recycling system causes an accumulation of garbage.The lack of a recycling system has a negative environmental and visual impact on the country.The lack of a recycling system promotes an unsafe environment for the population.

When we ask what led to a company's business opportunity, we are asking what sparked that opportunity. In the case of the e-waste company Bolunga, the opportunity to recycle e-waste products resulted from the government's neglect to provide a system for recycling this waste.

South Africa has been a victim of the inability of the great world powers to deal with their electronic waste. This causes these countries to send their electronic waste to peripheral countries such as South Africa.

This garbage accumulates and causes a series of social, economic, and environmental problems, which become stronger over time due to the lack of capacity of local governments to deal with it.

Therefore, recycling companies have the opportunity to turn this into a source of business that helps nature, society, and the local economy.

Learn more about e-waste:


What do OSHA and the SEC have in common OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration SEC Cup's Securities and Exchange Commission?


In OSHA accordance with the constitutional responsibility to protect the worker's social and economic well-being as well as his physical safety and health,

the Occupational Safety and Health Standards were created in 1978. The 1978 Standards, which were adopted through the tried-and-true democratic process of tripartism, are regarded as a turning point in Philippine labor and social law. The modifications to the OSHA Standards were accepted in August 1989 thanks to cooperation from the Bureau of Working Conditions, the International Labor Organization (ILO) Manila Office, and the tripartite sectors. All institutions covered will now have a stronger tool for creating and maintaining a safe and conducive working environment

learn more about OSHA   here:


What is the probability of two heterozygous purple flowers making offspring that have white flowers?


The probability of purple-flowered offspring if two plants that are heterozygous for purple flowers are crossed is 3.4

Mathematical explanations of the likelihood that an event will occur or that a statement is true are referred to as probabilities. An event's probability is a number between 0 and 1, where, roughly speaking, 0 denotes the event's impossibility and 1 denotes certainty. The likelihood that an event will occur increases with its probability. Genetics and probability are also extremely strongly intertwined in a similar way. Genetic inheritance rates are only instances of probability.

A plant can produce either purple flowers or white flowers. What is the probability of purple-flowered offspring if two plants that are heterozygous for purple flowers are crossed?

Learn more about probability here:


role _______ is experienced when individuals have inadequate information concerning their roles.


Role ambiguity is experienced when individuals have inadequate information concerning their roles.

What is a good illustration of ambiguity?

"While the phrases "We witnessed her lower her head" and "We spotted the swan that belonged to her" are similar in meaning, latter two are not the same. We spotted her duck is therefore equivocal."

What does life's ambiguity mean?

Ambiguity: What Is It? So what exactly is ambiguity, and why does it affect our lives so drastically? In reality, ambiguity is just another name for uncertainty. It describes a situation that isn't quite apparent, which might lead to two completely different impressions and outcomes for the same work from two distinct persons.

To know more about ambiguity visit:


what type of psychotherapy does a body scan relaxation come from? question 14 options: cognitive therapy. humanistic therapy.


mindfulness meditation is  type of psychotherapy does a body scan relaxation come from.

Mindfulness is a form of meditation that focuses on being intensely aware of what you are perceiving and feeling in the moment without interpreting or judging it. Mindfulness practices include breathing exercises, guided imagery, and other practices to relax the body and mind and reduce stress.

To know more about mindfulness, visit:-


republican politicians led the charge on platforms for getting tough on crime. what role did the democrats play in the incarceration rate?


When addressing addiction and substance use disorder, Democrats will, whenever possible, give preference to prevention and treatment over incarceration.

While crime control had clearly emerged as a political issue during the 1970s, during the 1980s the national political discourse focused increasingly on a perceived need to "get tough" on crime.Rates of hospitalization are higher in individuals who have been incarcerated than in the general population. One study reported that approximately 1 in 12 individuals is hospitalized for an acute condition within 90 days of release from correctional facilities.

To know more about Democrats here


cherokee leader wilma pearl mankiller reminded us that when making decisions that affect the people, iroquois leaders are encouraged to remember what?


When making decisions that will have an impact on the people, leaders in Iroquois culture are expected to recall seven generations in the past and seven generations in the future.

What is an Iroquois?

Iroquois civilization was based on maternal lineage, which means that, in contrast to Colonial society, grandmothers were used to determine descent rather than fathers. Iroquois would do (managers) were males, but women chose people for the positions and made sure they did their jobs.

In Iroquois tradition, leaders are supposed to consider seven generations in the past and seven grandchildren in the future while making decisions that would affect the people.

To know more about Iroquois culture visit:-


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