How was life for Joseph Stalin as a child


Answer 1

Answer: Stalin was born Ioseb Jughashvili on 18 December [O.S. 6 December] 1879[1][a] in the town of Gori, in what is today the country of Georgia. He was baptised on 29 December [O.S. 17 December] 1878[2] and christened Ioseb, and known by the diminutive "Soso"[3][b][4] His parents were Ekaterine (Keke) and Besarion Jughashvili (Beso). He was their third child; the first two, Mikheil and Giorgi had died in infancy in 1876 and 1878 respectively [5]

Stalin's father, Besarion, was a shoemaker and owned a workshop that at one point employed as many as ten people,[6] but which slid into ruin as Stalin grew up.[7] Beso had specialised in producing traditional Georgian footwear and did not produce the European-style shoes that were becoming increasingly fashionable.[2] This, combined with the deaths of his previous two infant sons, precipitated his decline into alcoholism. The family found themselves living in poverty.[8] The couple had to leave their home and moved into nine different rented rooms over ten years.[9]

Besarion also became violent towards his family.[10] To escape the abusive relationship, Keke took Stalin and moved into the house of a family friend, Father Christopher Charkviani.[11] She worked as a house cleaner and launderer for several local families who were sympathetic to her plight.[12] Keke was a strict but affectionate mother to Stalin.[13] She was a devout Christian,[14] and both she and her son regularly attended church services.[15] In 1884, Stalin contracted smallpox, which left him with facial pock scars for the rest of his life.[16] Charkviani's teenaged sons taught Stalin the Russian language.[12] Keke was determined to send her son to school, something that none of the family had previously achieved.[17] In late 1888, when Stalin was ten, he enrolled at the Gori Church School.[18] This was normally reserved for the children of clergy, but Charkviani ensured that Stalin received a place by claiming that the boy was the son of a deacon.[19] This may be the reason why—in 1934—Stalin claimed to have been the son of a priest.[20] There were many local rumours that Beso was not Stalin's real father,[21] which in later life Stalin himself encouraged.[20] Stalin biographer Simon Sebag Montefiore nonetheless thought it likely that Beso was the father, in part due to the strong physical resemblance that they shared.[20] Beso eventually attacked a policeman while drunk which resulted in the authorities ejecting him from Gori.[22] He moved to Tiflis, where he worked at the Adelkhanov shoe factory.[23]

Although Keke was poor, she ensured that her son was well dressed when he went to school, likely through the financial support of family friends.[24] As a child, Stalin exhibited a number of idiosyncrasies; when happy, he would for instance jump around on one leg while clicking his fingers and yelling aloud.[25] He excelled academically,[26] and also displayed talent in painting and drama classes.[27] He began writing poetry,[28] and was a fan of the work of Georgian nationalist writer Raphael Eristavi.[29] He was also a choirboy, singing both in church and at local weddings.[30] A childhood friend of Stalin's later recalled that he "was the best but also the naughtiest pupil" in the class.[31] He and his friends formed a gang,[32] and often fought with other local children.[33] He caused mischief; in one incident, he ignited explosive cartridges in a shop,[34] and in another he tied a pan to the tail of a woman's pet cat.[32

When Stalin was twelve, he was seriously injured after having been hit by a phaeton. He was hospitalised in Tiflis for several months, and sustained a lifelong disability to his left arm.[35] His father subsequently kidnapped him and enrolled him as an apprentice cobbler in the factory; this would be Stalin's only experience as a worker.[36] According to Stalin's biographer Robert Service, this was Stalin's "first experience with capitalism", and it was "raw, harsh and dispiriting".[37] Several priests from Gori retrieved the boy, after which Beso cut all contact with his wife and son.[38] In February 1892, Stalin's school teachers took him and the other pupils to witness the public hanging of several peasant bandits; Stalin and his friends sympathised with the condemned.[39] The event left a deep and lasting impression on him.[40] Stalin had decided that he wanted to become a local administrator so that he could deal with the problems of poverty that affected the population around Gori.[29] Despite his Christian upbringing, he had become an atheist after contemplating the problem of evil and learning about evolution through Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species.[29]

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3, 2, 1, 1 or communist dictatorship, democratic, struggling, an ally of.


I did the assignment on Edge, 2022.

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The person above (or below) me was correct, please give them Brainliest! Have a good day and good luck on the quiz! <3

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Reduced the size of the state government· Equalized state aid for public schools in rich and poor areas· Established community centers for mentally handicapped children· Governor for only one term


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Unfortunately, your question is incomplete. Indeed, there is no question here. Just a series of statements.

What is your question? What do you want to know?

Doing some research we found that the part of the question that is lacking is: "All of these are describing what Georgia governor?"

So, we can comment on the following.

Reduced the size of the state government· Equalized state aid for public schools in rich and poor areas· Established community centers for mentally handicapped children· Governor for only one term. All of these are describing what Georgia governor?

Answer: Jimmy Carter.

Jimmy Carter is very well-known as the 39th President of the United States. But only a few people remember that he was also the 76th governor of the State of Georgia from January 12, 1971, to January 14, 1975.

One of the first things he did when he became the governor of Georgia was to firmly declare that there would be no more racist segregation in Georgia. He was s supporter of getting poor people and African American people to have an education and better jobs.

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hope this helps!

please help i only have 5 mins





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Which two factors contributed to the fall of the Roman Empire?




Invasions by Barbarian tribes. The most straightforward theory for Western Rome’s collapse pins the fall on a string of military losses sustained against outside forces.

Economic troubles and overreliance on slave labor. Even as Rome was under attack from outside forces, it was also crumbling from within thanks to a severe financial crisis.


1. Invasions by Barbarian tribes

2. Overexpansion and military overspending

There are probably more put those are two of the biggest ones that are connected to eachother.

Others can be:

1. Government corruption and political instability

2. Weakening of the Roman legions

3. The rise of the Eastern Empire (Byzantium)

Please help
What happened to the German children Hitler was willing to ship out of the country?

German families took them in and protected them.

The United States allowed them to immigrate.

They were sent to death camps in Germany.

They were separated and sent to several different countries.



They were sent to death camps in Germany.



They were sent to death camps in Germany.


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100 oebnspdknsksksbhs


$13.00 per month


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F The South's population primarily lived in large cities.
G The South had a higher standard of living than the North.
H The North depended upon foreign imports to feed its population.
J The North was more industrial while the South was mostly agricultural.




because the south mainly produces cotton using slaves, which is agricultural, while the north produced more machinery

Need help ASAP please!!



I'm so so sorry if I'm wrong but I believe its B


have a lovely day

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It took power from the king and gave it to the people.



it would the a edg job job job

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Explanation:  Quakers by Adriana Coyt Torres (aka ACT)

Hope this answer would help you!!!

Which of the following is a major cause of high levels of air pollution in India's largest cities?

low emission standards for power plants

low standards on industrial waste disposal

low standards for vehicle emissions and fuel

Private business not following government regulations





I don't know!!

Private businesses not following government regulations is a major cause of high levels of air pollution in India's largest cities. Therefore option D is correct.

What is Air pollution?

Any substance that alters the natural properties of the atmosphere, whether it be chemical, physical, or biological, is considered an air pollutant. Air pollution can occur indoors or outdoors. Common causes of air pollution include motor vehicles, industrial operations, household combustion appliances, and forest fires.

There are some gases in the atmosphere that might pollute the air. For instance, ozone gas is a significant contributor to air pollution in urban areas. Ozone is another greenhouse gas that has potential benefits and drawbacks for the environment. Where it is in the Earth's atmosphere is what matters.

High up in our atmosphere, ozone is beneficial. Radiation from the Sun, which is damaging energy, is aided in blocking by it. However, ozone can be quite harmful to our health when it is closer to the earth. When sunlight interacts with specific chemicals that come from places that burn fossil fuels, such as factories or car exhaust, ground-level ozone is produced.

To know more about  Air pollution follow the link.


British soldier i am poem






What was the recommendation of the Sibley Commission?
A. All schools should immediately begin the desegregation process.
B. School districts should individually determine whether to desegregate.
C. The state should continue to resist federal civil rights legislative efforts.
D. The state should improve African American schools rather than desegregated





The recommendation of the Sibley Commission was School districts should individually determine whether to desegregate. The correct option is (B).

What do you mean by Sibley Commission?  

The committee, sometimes known as the Sibley Commission, was tasked with obtaining opinions on desegregation from state people and relaying those opinions to the governor.

Georgia made modest progress toward desegregation, but most schools remained segregated.

Despite the commission's recommendations, Sibley urged the state to comply with the federal decision to desegregate the schools. Governor Vandiver introduced a law in January 1961 that adopted the Sibley Commission's desegregation recommendations.

Therefore, the recommendation of the Sibley Commission was School districts should individually determine whether to desegregate.

To know more about the Sibley Commission, visit:


The Munich Conference was unsuccessful because Hitler ignored the terms of the conference and invaded Czechoslovakia,
O A True
O B. False





Hitler violated the Munich agreement on March 15th 1939 and took control of Czechoslovakia

True Hitler did invade the rest of Czechoslovakia because his thirst for a place on the world stage and resources

The DEMOCRACY type of
included ten generals, the council of
500, and the assemblies.
A. living
B. school
C. military
D. government
right © 2003 - 2021 Acellus Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


The answer is D government

4. ________________________________________ are organisms that break down dead matter in an ecosystem.



hears the answer hope it helps

What goal is President Wilson justifying in this excerpt?
o internment of foreign workers
neutrality toward military conflicts
financial support for the Allied Powers
O trade restrictions against the Central Powers



its the 3rd one


The goal  justified by President Wilson  in this excerpt is financial support for the Allied Powers. Option (c) is correct.

What do you mean by Conflict?

Conflict is a heated argument and disagreement about a significant issue. When two parties or organizations are at odds, they have engaged in a heated fight or disagreement and have not yet found a solution.

The Progressive Movement's leader and the 28th President of the United States was Woodrow Wilson (1913-1921). Wilson brought America into the war to "make the world safe for democracy" following a neutral stance at the start of World War I.

Wilson highlighted Mexico's attempts to form an alliance against the United States as well as Germany's breach of its agreement to halt unrestricted submarine warfare in the North Atlantic and the Mediterranean as justifications for starting a war.

Therefore, Option (c) is correct. The goal  justified by President Wilson  in this excerpt is financial support for the Allied Powers.

Learn more about Conflict, here;





1)C; 2)E; 3)D; 4)H; 5)G; 6)F; 7)A; 8)B

Multiple Choice:

9) C

10) B

11) A

12) C

13) C

What social and economic issue that helped cause the French revolution is best illustrated in the picture above?

a:Cultural diffusion

b:Class division




Pretty sure it is B, because the cause of the French Revolution was high taxes on the 3rd estates( peasants ).




The peasant is carrying the other two men on his back and is sort of "holding them up"

7. Describe the role that Brian Epstein played in the development and marketing of the Beatles.



Epstein's marketing efforts in promoting the band was strategic. He knew where the Beatles could reach success and he did what he could to get them the exposure and the rest was history. As the manager of the Beatles, Epstein rarely had down time. He also lived an irregular lifestyle constantly traveling.


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The reasons for African colonisation were mainly economic, political and religious. During this time of colonisation, an economic depression was occurring in Europe, and powerful countries such as Germany, France, and Great Britain, were losing money.


What has been one effect of market reforms in India?

Increased food production dramatically reduced poverty.

Foreign companies have moved many jobs to India.

Overpopulation has become less of a problem.

Unemployment in India has gone down.



foreign companies have moved many jobs to india

The major effect of market reforms in India is that foreign companies have moved many jobs to India.

What do you mean by reforms?

A reform refers to the process of changing, reforming, or modifying some practice.

The reforms in India liberalize the economic policies and increases the role of private and foreign investments.

Reforms helped the Indian economy by increasing foreign technology and improvement in infrastructure facilities. Many foreign companies have moved jobs to India.

Therefore, B is the correct option.

Learn more about Reforms here:

1. What was a major difference between the Vikings from Norway and Denmark?

2.Why was Aiathius living with the Huns?


Viking – Norse seafarers who during the Viking Age left their Scandinavian homelands (Sweden, Denmark and Norway) to raid, trade and colonize. ... Dane – A person from Denmark. However, during the Viking Age the word 'Dane' became synonymous with Vikings that raided and invaded England.
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