how many ml of a 4% solution must be added to 500 ml of iv solution to achieve a solution concentration of 4 mg/ml?


Answer 1

Hence we have to add 20 ml of 4% solute in order to obtain a solution concentration of 4 mg/ml.

4 percent solution means 4 parts of solute  are dissolved in 100 parts of solvent.

Therefore  4mg  / 100ml  = x mg  / 500 ml 

X= 4 * 500  / 100 

X = 20 

Concentration is a totally commonplace idea utilized in chemistry and associated fields. It's far the degree of the way an awful lot of a given substance there may be combined with some other substance.

The concentration of an answer is the degree of the amount of solute that has been dissolved in a given amount of solvent or solution. A concentrated solution is one that has a fantastically large amount of dissolved solute.

In chemistry, concentration refers to the quantity of a substance in a defined space. Any other definition is that attention is the ratio of solute in a solution to either solvent or overall answer.

Learn more about Concentration


Related Questions

100 POINTS WILL MARK BRAINLIEST Which of these is a common use for a graduated cylinder?
A. Containing gaseous reactants for a reaction
B. Containing gaseous products of a reaction
C. Making specific (precise) measurements
D. Swirling the contents during a reaction to help mixing





Roundified as in a cylinder. A cylinder needs to be roundified and this is the most Roundified one, Their for this is the answer!

Hope you pass!




Swirling the contents during a reaction to help mixing

why did the big bang not produce a significant proportion of elements heavier than helium?


Only so long as it didn't get too cold for heavier elements to form could helium survive.

What prevented the Big Bang from producing more heavy elements?

Big Bang nucleosynthesis produced incredibly few stable nuclei of elements heavier than lithium because of a bottleneck brought on by the absence of a stable nucleus with 8 or 5 nucleons. Additionally, this lack of larger atoms limited the quantity of lithium-7 that could be produced during BBN.

Why didn't more massive atoms than helium form in the first few seconds of creation?

The early cosmos was too hot before a few minutes into the expansion for atoms to form. Only a few minutes remained before it became too cold to continue nucleosynthesis and prevent the formation of new elements.

To know more about helium visit:-


How much of each starting material would you use to prepare 2. 00 l of each of the following solutions?.


a. For preparing 0.274 M NaOH from 1.00 M NaOH stock solution, add 548 mL of 1.00 M NaOH stock solution to a 2.00 L volumetric flask and b. for preparing 0.120 M K2CrO4 from 1.75 M K2CrO4 stock solution, add 137 mL of 1.75 M K2CrO4 stock solution to a 2.00 L volumetric flask.

A stock solution refers to a solution with a high concentration of a particular solute and is used for obtaining moderate quantities of solute using small volumes. A dilute solution refers to a solution with a low concentration of a particular solute and is used for dealing with substances by using normal volume instead of small volumes.

As the process provided is given by taking a certain volume of a stock solution and adding water to the quantity of solute till it reaches the 2L mark, hence the dilute and stock solution have the same number of moles. The volume (V) of the dilute, which is two liters, and the concentration (M) of the dilute is used to calculate the number of moles of the dilute. The number of moles of the dilute and stock solution are used to calculate how much volume should be taken from it.

The volume taken from the stock solution can be calculated as:

Mstock * Vstock = Mdilute * Vdilute

a. 0.274 M NaOH from 1.00 M NaOH stock solution.

1M * Vstock = 0.274M * 2L

1M * Vstock = 0.548 mol

Vstock = 0.548mol/1M

Vstock = 0.548 L or 548mL

b. 0.120 M K2CrO4 from 1.75 M K2CrO4 stock solution.

1.75M * Vstock = 0.120 M * 2L

1.75M * Vstock = 0.240 mol

Vstock = 0.240mol/1.75M

Vstock = 0.137 L or 137 mL

Note: The question is incomplete. The complete question probably is: Describe how you would prepare 2.00 L for the following solutions: a. 0.274 M NaOH from 1.00 M NaOH stock solution. Add _____ mL of 1.00 M NaOH stock solution to a 2.00 L volumetric flask; fill to the mark with water, mixing several times along the way. B. 0.120 M K2CrO4 from 1.75 M K2CrO4 stock solution. Add _____ mL of 1.75 M K2CrO4 stock solution to a 2.00 L volumetric flask; fill to the mark with water, mixing several times along the way.

Learn more about Stock solution:


The movement of water and electrolytes between fluid compartments is regulated primarily by


Controlling the flow of electrolytes between fluid compartments regulates the mobility of water. Osmosis is the process through which water moves between fluid compartments.

What controls the flow of fluid between compartments?

A hydrostatic force, smooth Transitions between Compartments The force that a fluid applies against a wall—hydrostatic pressure—is what moves fluid between compartments. The pressure that blood applies to the blood vessel walls as a result of the heart's pumping motion is known as the hydrostatic pressure of blood.

What variables control the transport of electrolytes and water?

Regulation of electrolytes and fluids. To avoid fluid volume excesses or deficits and maintain healthy blood pressure, the body must carefully control intravascular fluid buildup and excretion. Thirst, the Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System (RAAS), and ADH are some of the systems that control water balance.

to know more about electrolytes here:


gold decomposing into powder exothermic or endothermic?




Explanation:Yes all decomposition reactions are endothermic. Decomposition reactions involve breaking of bonds which require energy. Due to this decomposition reactions are generally endothermic in nature.

Complete the given reaction which is part of the electron transport chain. the abbreviation q represents coenzyme q. FADH2+ Q → ________


Part of the electron transport chain. the abbreviation q represents coenzyme q. FADH2 + Q → QH2+ FAD

here the reactant Coenzyme Q is reduced and FADH2 is oxidized .

reduced Coenzyme Q is oxidized by the Complex III, and cytochromosome c is reduced so the Fe3+ is reduced to Fe2+, the oxidation state of the iron in the right side is +2

so the answer is x=+2

A coenzyme is defined as an organic molecule that binds to the active site of a specific enzyme and helps catalyze a reaction. In particular, coenzymes can act as electron carriers in these reactions or transfer between enzymes as functional groups.

Learn more about coenzyme here :


How do aluminium displace the iron in redox reaction as it has it protective layer of aluminium oxide


Aluminum displaces the iron in a redox reaction as it has its protective layer of aluminum oxide because it is more reactive than iron.

What is a redox reaction?

A redox reaction is a reaction in which oxidation and reduction reaction occur simultaneously and to the same extent.

An oxidation reaction occurs when atoms of elements lose electrons resulting in an increase in the oxidation number of the element.

A\ occurs when atoms of elements gain electrons resulting in a decrease in the oxidation number of the element.

The redox reaction of the displacement of iron by aluminum to form a protective layer of aluminum oxide is given below:

Fe₂O₃ (aq) +  2 Al (s) ----> 2 Fe (s) + Al₂O₃

In the given redox reaction above, aluminum metal displaces iron from its oxide to form aluminum oxide. Iron (iii) ion is reduced to metallic iron while metallic aluminum is oxidized to aluminum (iii) ion.

Learn more about redox reactions at:


according to the belt of stability radionuclides having high neutron-to-proton ratios will likely decay in what manner?


One type of decay known as "beta-particle generation" results in the creation of an electron-beta particle. For nuclides with neutron/proton ratios that are too high—those that are above the zone of stability—this is a fairly frequent occurrence.

What is neutron?

Every atom's nucleus, with the exception of basic hydrogen, contains a neutron, a subatomic particle. The name of the particle comes from the fact that it is electrically neutral and devoid of charge. The density of neutrinos is really high.

With the exception of common hydrogen, every atomic nucleus contains a neutron, a neutral subatomic particle. It has no electric charge and a rest mass of 1.67492749804 1027 kg, which is slightly higher than the proton's but 1,838.68 times higher than the electron's.

To learn more about neutron



a solute is dissolved in a liquid. how does the osmotic pressure of the solution compare to the osmotic pressure of the pure liquid?


the osmotic pressure of solution is greater than the pure solvent.

As more solute dissolves in the solvent, the concentration of the solution continues to increase. As the concentration of the solution increases, the osmotic pressure of the solution increases. Therefore, the osmotic pressure of the solution is greater than that of the pure solvent. Since the concentration of solutes in

solution is higher than that of pure water, water from pure water tends to diffuse or penetrate into the solution. Therefore, the pressure required to prevent water from entering the solution, the osmotic pressure of the H. solution, is always higher than that of pure water or solvent.

The osmotic pressure of a liquid is determined by the number of solute particles present in the solution. Osmotic pressure is directly proportional to dissolved particles in a liquid. H. The higher the osmotic pressure, the higher the number of dissolved particles.

Learn more about  Osmotic pressure here :


What happens in the transitional stage?


At the transitional stage, one form of matter is on the process of getting converted into another form of matter.

Matter is interconvertible in nature. Transition is defined as the change of matter from one phase to another. Transition occurs by the three phases viz. melting, freezing and evaporation.

At the transitional stage, matter is on the process of getting converted from its original form into another form by absorption or release of energy. Conversion of solid into liquid is known as melting; conversion of liquid into solid is known as freezing and conversion of liquid into gaseous state is known as evaporation.

To know more about transitional stage here


a moves needed substances or waste materials through the plasma membrane and contributes to the selective permeability of the plasma membrane.


The selective permeability is influenced by proteins that assist transfer materials or trash across the plasma membrane by forming tunnels in the membrane.

A membrane in a person is what?

Body membranes are incredibly thin tissue sheets that coat the bodily, line body cavities, and protect organs inside hollow organs. They fall within the epithelium and connective tissue membrane categories.

What are some uses for membrane?

A cell is shielded by its plasma membrane, often known as its cell membrane. The membrane serves a variety of purposes and also creates a stable environment inside the cell. It means transporting both toxic materials out of another cell and nourishment into it.

To know more about Membrane visit:


If the density of your unknown liquid is 0.65 g/ml, calculate the volume in liters that 3 ml of your unknown liquid would occupy when vaporized at the barometric pressure and temperature of your boiling water bath in run 1. use the accepted molar mass of your suspected unknown.


The 3 ml liquid should be sufficient for a relatively low molecular weight liquid. the molecular weight increases, the volume of liquid becomes smaller.

Say the molar mass of the unkown liquid is provided


boiling point of water at 1 atm = 100 oC = 100 + 273 = 373 K

standard STP temperature = 273 K

STP volume = 22.4 L

Temperature = (373/273) = 1.37

density = 0.65 g/ml

Volume of 3 ml liquid when evaporated

= ((3 x 0.65)g/molar mass x 22.4 x 1.37

So knowing molar mass we can easily calculate the volume occupied by 3 x 0.65 g of liquid in vapor phase.

The 3 ml liquid should be sufficient for a relatively low molecular weight liquid. However as the molecular weight increases, the volume of liquid becomes smaller.

Learn more about molecular weight here :


The specific location where a substrate fits/connects to an enzyme is called the?


The term "active site" refers to the precise region where a substrate attaches or fits to an enzyme.

Enzymes help accelerate some chemical reactions in living organisms without altering the chemical reactions themselves. Every biological activity in living things is based on chemical reactions, and the bulk of these processes are controlled by enzymes. Many of these processes wouldn't occur at a perceptible rate without enzymes. Each stage of cellular metabolism is catalysed by enzymes. For instance, during food digestion, big nutrition molecules (such as proteins, carbs, and fats) are broken down; chemical energy is converted and stored; and cellular macromolecules are synthesised from smaller building blocks. Numerous genetic human diseases, such as albinism and phenylketonuria, are influenced by the absence of a specific enzyme.

To know more about enzyme visit :


draw the three alkenes, each of formula c5h10 , that will form 2‑methylbutane upon hydrogenation.


The three alkenes, each of formula C5H10, that will form 2-methylbutane upon hydrogenation will be 2-methyl-2-butene, 2-methyl-1-butene, and 3-methyl-1-butene.

Alkenes are acyclic (branched or unbranched) hydrocarbons having one carbon-to-carbon double bond. The addition of hydrogen to a carbon-carbon double bond is called hydrogenation. The general outcome of such an addition is the reductive reduction of the double-bond functional group. The easiest source of two hydrogen atoms is molecular hydrogen, but integrating alkenes with hydrogen does not result in any noticeable reaction.

Hydrogenation plays a a pivotal role in chemical synthesis. Although the widespread hydrogenation reaction is exothermic, a high activation energy precludes it from taking place under regular conditions.

Learn more about hydrogenation here:


You can find the figure of three alkenes in the attached file.

The effective multiplication factor of a reactor is 0. 94. (a) what is the reactivity of the reactor? (b) what change in core reactivity would be required to make the reactor critical?


The effective multiplication factor k=0.94.

What is reactivity ?

Being responsive as a trait or state. Chemistry. the resemblance of an atom's, molecule's, or radical's ability to interact chemically with another atom, molecule, or substance.

What is reactor?

Reactor: A vessel or equipment used in chemical engineering to conduct chemical reactions for research or production.

(a) The effective multiplication factor  k=0.94

The reactivity \rho = \frac{k-1}{k}=-0.0638.

(b) For the reactor to be critical, k = 1, which means the core reactivity should be increased to make it critical.

Therefore, the effective multiplication factor k=0.94.

Learn more about reactivity from the given link.


Which is accepted to react most readily with bromine?


It is expected that bromine will react with the Option (D) Propene

CH₃−CH=CH₂ easily.

This is the electrophilic substitution reaction . Alkenes are more reactive than alkanes or alkynes. Additionally, substituted alkenes that release electrons will be more reactive than unsubstituted alkenes.

Alkenes > Alkynes > Alkanes

The choice (A) CH₃−CH₂−CH₃ an alkane will have the lowest level of reactivity to bromine. (C) CH≡CH is an alkyne and will be more reactive than the alkane but less reactive than the alkenes.

Both (B) CH₂=CH₂ and (D) CH₃−CH=CH₂ are alkenes. The electron density on both carbons will be equivalent upon bond breaking in the ethylene molecule (CH₂=CH₂).

In contrast to the ethylene molecule, the substituted carbon atom in the propene molecule (CH₃−CH=CH₂) will have a higher electron density upon bond breaking and a higher reactivity toward the bromine atom.

Therefore, bromine will react more readily with the compound CH₃−CH=CH₂.

To learn more about Bromine reaction, Here :


PLEASE HELP ASAP:Two objects are placed a certain distance from each other. The amount of gravitational force between the two objects depends on their masses and the distance between them. As the masses of the objects decrease, the force of gravity between them _____________. As the distance between the objects decreases, the force of gravity between them ______________.


Answer: 1st blank= decreases 2nd blank= increases


The force of gravity depends directly upon the masses of the two objects, and inversely on the square of the distance between them. This means that the force of gravity increases with mass, but decreases with increasing distance between objects.

True or false? you can follow the progress of a reaction that produces a gas using a sensitive mass balance, because the mass of the reaction vessel increases as the gas is produced. False true.


“We can follow the progress of a reaction that produces a gas using a sensitive mass balance because the mass of the reaction vessel increases as the gas is produced.” This statement is: False.

What happens to the masses of compounds after a reaction occurs?

According to the law of conservation of matter, energy and mass is neither created nor destroyed when a reaction occurs. Hence, the total mass of the products always equals the total mass of the reactants. Even if the product is in the gas state, the total mass of the product is always the same as the initial mass of the reactant. So, the statement above is false.

Learn more about the law of conservation of matter here


a 25.00 ml volume of hbr solution is titrated with 0.250 m koh. the initial volume of koh in the buret is 1.25 ml and the final volume is 28.35 ml. determine the concentration of the hbr solution. a. 0.221 m hbr b. 0.250 m hbr c. 0.271 m hbr d. 0.345 m hbr e. 4.33 m hbr


Titration of a 25.00 ml amount of hbr solution with 0.250 m koh is performed. The buret holds 1.25 ml of koh at the beginning, and 28.35 ml at the end. The hbr solution has a concentration of 0.345 m hbr.

An unknown acid/base analyte solution's molar concentration (or "molarity") has to be ascertained using an acid-base titration. An accurate base/acid titrant addition from a burette is used to achieve this. Strong base KOH reacts with strong acid HBr in a 1:1 molar ratio in this acid-base titration reaction: KOH+HBrH2O+KBr

The analyte will finally be completely consumed if the titrant is kept adding. Beyond that, every additional addition will result in an excess of titrant.

To learn more about titration click here


What is the measure of radioactive decay rate?
alpha emission
beta emission
gamma emission
half life


Half life, as stated, is a measurement of the rate at which radioactive material decays.

What is radioactive, and what kinds are there?

This process can be artificially produced by people, such as within a nuclear reactor, but can also occur spontaneously in nature. Depending on the particles or energy generated during the reaction, there are many kinds of radioactivity. Alpha particles, beta particles, and gamma rays are the three categories.


Average and half-life are two characteristics that may be used to describe the decay constant. Moments are used as the measuring unit in both scenarios. The average lifespan of such an element, as indicated by its name, may be expressed in the form of the following affirmation:

Nt=N₀ * e^(−λt).

The duration of time that is defined by how long it takes for half of a material to degrade is known as its half-life (both radioactive and non-radioactive elements). All through process of decay, its rate of decay is constant. It may be seen by:

Nt=N₀* (1/2)^(t/t₁₂).

To know more about Radioactive visit:


A 3. 5kg object i accelerating at 2. 2m/ while being puhed by a force of 10 n to the right acro the floor


The force of friction acting against the object is 2.3 N.

The problem isn't complete. A similar problem is in the attachment. According to Newton's second law, the acceleration of the object depends on the force that acts on the object

∑F = ma

m = the mass of the object = 3.5 kga = the acceleration = 2.2 m/s²F = the force = 10 N

a = F ÷ m = 10 ÷ 3.5 = 2.86 m/s²

The acceleration is different from the info, so there is another force acting on the object. The friction force works in the object if it's on a rough surface. The direction of the friction force is always against the movement of the object.

∑F = ma

F - f = ma

10 - f = 3.5 × 2.2

10 - f = 7.7

f = 10 - 7.7

f = 2.3 N

Learn more about Newton's second law here:


Which isomer reacts more rapidly in an e2 reaction, cis-1-bromo-4-tert-butylcyclohexane or trans-1-bromo-4-tert-butylcyclohexane?


The compound that would undergo faster elimination reaction is cis-1-bromo-4-tert-butylcyclohexane.

The two primary requirements for an E-2 elimination reaction are as follows:

There must be availability of β-hydrogens which means the presence of hydrogen on the carbon next to the leaving group.The hydrogen and leaving group must be in a anti-periplanar position.

Any substrate which follows the above two conditions are capable of giving elimination reactions.

Among the structures trans-1-bromo-4-tert-butylcyclohexane and cis-1-bromo-4-tert-butylcyclohexane, to be stable it must have the tert-butyl group in the equatorial position as it is a bulky group and at equatorial position it would not repel other groups. If the structure is kept on the axial position it would undergo 1,3-diaxial interaction and would destabilize the system and that structure would be unstable hence will not show E-2 elimination.

Learn more about E-2 elimination reaction from the link given below.


when the reaction was completed, why was the reaction mixture poured onto ice? choose all that apply.


In order to crush out the organic product, add cold water primarily the reaction was completed, and the reaction mixture was poured onto ice.

With aspirin, you've acetylated the substance. Therefore, you converted an OH into an acetate group. This implies that your product ought to be less water-soluble. You most likely used an acid catalyst and acetic anhydride for this reaction. Consequently, the water makes your product precipitate.

-hydrolyzes the extra acetic anhydride to produce acetic acid.

-enables you to collect your product by vacuum filtration, making it convenient to eliminate the reaction byproducts (acetic acid and the inorganic acid you employed as catalyst).

Because aspirin is still just a little bit soluble in water, you chill the mixture. By lowering the solvent's temperature, you can make the product less soluble.

learn more about acid catalysts here;


be sure to answer all parts. (a) calculate the ph of the 0.39 m nh3/ 0.73 m nh4cl buffer system. ph


NH4+ + H2O results in NH3 + H3O+

Ka = (NH3)(H3O+)/(NH4+)

pKa = 9.2

Since the ion in NH4Cl, NH+4, has a pKa of roughly 9.2, we can proceed to compute the pH as follows:

pH is 9.26 plus log(0.39 M0.73 M) = 8.99, while pOH is 4.74 plus log(0.73 M0.39 M) = 5.01.

pH=14−pOH. =14−5.01≈8.99.

learn more about ion here;


Counting Atoms – How many atoms are in the following compounds? a) CaCl2_______ b) NH4OH_______ c) NaCl_______ Ca = ___, Cl = ____ N = __, H = __, O = __ Na = ___ Cl = __ d) N2O7_______ e) P2O5_______ f) C6H12O6_______ N = ___ O = ____ P = ____ O = ___ C = ____, H = ____, O = ____


To see the number of atoms of an element in a given molecule we need to multiply stoichiometry to the number that is written on the foot of the element that is stoichiometry.

What is atom?

Atom is the smallest particle of any element, molecule or compound. Atom can not be further divided. Atoms contains nucleus in its center and electron that revolve around the atom in fixed orbit.

In the nucleus, proton and neutron are present. Electron has -1 charge while proton has +1 charge. Neutron is neutral that is it has no charge. So overall the charge of nucleus is due to only proton, not by neutron.

In CaCl[tex]_2[/tex],

Ca atom number = 1

Cl atom number=2.

In NH[tex]_4[/tex]OH,

N atom number= 1

H atom number= 5

O atom number = 1

In NaCl,

Na atom number=1

Cl atom number =1

In N[tex]_2[/tex]O[tex]_7[/tex]

N atom number= 2

O atom number =7

In P[tex]_2[/tex]O[tex]_5[/tex]

P atom = 2

O atom number = 5.    

In compound C[tex]_6[/tex]H[tex]_{12}[/tex]O[tex]_6[/tex]

C atom number =6

H atom number =2

O atom number =6.         

Therefore, the number of atoms of each element can be calculated as above.

To know more about atom, here:


1. how many atoms does each element have: remember: if there is no little number (subscript) after the symbol, it has a 1 value. he nacl n2o c6h12o6 ar h2o ccl4 caco3 h2 co2 cabr2 naoh o2 nh3 c2h4 mgcl2


A chemical element is uniquely defined by its atoms, which are smaller pieces of matter. An atom is made up of a core nucleus and one or more negatively charged electrons orbiting around it.

There may be positively charged, relatively abundant protons and neutrons that make up the nucleus. Each of the elements listed below has atoms that have

Nacl has 2 atoms one sodium and 1 chloride atom

N2O has 3 atoms containing 2 nitrogen and 1 oxygen

C6H12O6 has 24 atoms , H20  has 3 atoms, CCl4  has 5 atoms, CaCO3  has 4 atoms, H2 has 2 atoms, CO2  has 3 atoms, CaBr2  has 3 atoms, NaOh  has 2 atoms, O2 has 2 atoms , NH3 has 4 atoms, C2H4 has  atoms and MgCl2  has 3 atoms.

To know more about atoms click here


which of the following liquids will have the highest vapor pressure? a. dimethylamine, (ch3)2nh d. 1-propanol, ch3ch2ch2oh b. dimethylsulfide, (ch3)2s e. ethylene glycol, hoch2ch2oh c. water, h2o


The liquids  which will have the highest vapor pressure among the option is water(H20).

The pressure of the vapour produced by the evaporation of a fluid (or solid) over a sample of the fluid (or solid) in such a closed container is known as the vapour pressure of a liquid, also known as the equilibrium pressure of a vapour above its liquid (or solid). The force that is created as liquids evaporate is known as vapour pressure. Surface area, intermolecular forces, and temperature are three variables that frequently have an impact on a vapour press. As the temperature changes, so do the vapour pressures of molecules.

To know more about   Vapor Pressure visit :


determine the mass of naoh that is necessary to neutralize 1.25 l of 0.525 m h3po4. a. 26.3 g naoh b. 39.4 g naoh c. 78.8 g naoh d. 286 g naoh e. 312 g naoh


The mass of NAOH necessary to neutralize 1.25l of0.525m H3PO4 is 78.8g.

what is NAOH?

The inorganic compound NaOH is sodium hydroxide, sometimes referred to as lye and caustic soda. The sodium cations Na+ and the hydroxide anions OH make up this white solid ionic combination.

Proteins are broken down by sodium hydroxide, a very caustic base and alkali that can result in serious chemical burns and is extremely reactive with proteins at room temperature. Easily absorbing moisture and carbon dioxide from the air, it is extremely soluble in water. NaOH and nH2O are formed in a sequence.

 Water solutions between 12.3 and 61.8 °C crystallize the monohydrate NaOH, H2O. This monohydrate is frequently the "sodium hydroxide" sold commercially; therefore, the anhydrous compound may not always be used when referencing it in published data.

Volume of H3PO4 =1.25l

Number of moles of H3PO4=0.525*1.25=0.66moles of H3PO4

NAOH is used to neutralize the solution.


3 moles of NAOH react with one mole of H3PO3. So, the number of moles of NAOH is equal to 3 times of number of moles of H3PO4

Number of moles of NAOH= 0.66×3=1.98moles

Mass of an object= number of moles ×molar mass


                              = 78.8g

To learn more about NAOH


a gaseous mixture of o2 and n2 contains 35.8 % nitrogen by mass. what is the partial pressure of oxygen in the mixture if the total pressure is 705 mmhg ? express your answer numerically in millimeters of mercury.


The partial pressure of oxygen in the mixture if the total pressure is 705 mmHg is 427.935 mmHg

mO2 =100g - 35.8% = 64.2 g

We shall use the molar masses of both masses to convert them to moles.

N2 = 35.8*1mol/28.00=1.29mol

O2=64.2, *1 mol/32.00, or 2 mol.

O2's mole fraction is:

O2 = nO2 + nN2 + nO2 = 2/ 1.29 + 2 = 0.607

We can use the following expression to determine the partial pressure of oxygen given the total pressure (P) is 705 mmHg.

pO2= P* O2

= 705 * 0.607


a gaseous mixture of oxygen and nitrogen with a mass percentage of 35.8% nitrogen and a total pressure of 705 mmHg.

For more information on partial pressure kindly visit to


What 3 types of products are excluded from labeling and SDS requirements?


Wood or products made of wood. Explosives as defined in the Explosives Act. Nuclear substances within the meaning of the Nuclear Safety and Control Act, that are radioactive. Hazardous waste that is being sold for recycling, recovery, or is intended for disposal.
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Put the correct abbreviation with following words:1. Doctor2. Governor3. Secretary4.Senator5. Avenue6. Building7. Drive8. Mount9. Boulevard10. County The time for the new election of a citizen to be president of the United States is coming soon. I should now tell you of my decision: I will not be among the candidates considered for the position."Read the paraphrase of a text written by George Washington. What does this text represent?Precedent of term limits, because he is threatening to resign if members of Congress run for office a third timePrecedent of term limits, because he is declining consideration for leader of the United States NEED HELP QUICKRead the excerpt from Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.The manner in which they spoke of the Meryton assembly was sufficiently characteristic. Bingley had never met with pleasanter people or prettier girls in his life; every body had been most kind and attentive to him, there had been no formality, no stiffness, he had soon felt acquainted with all the room; and as to Miss Bennet, he could not conceive an angel more beautiful. Darcy, on the contrary, had seen a collection of people in whom there was little beauty and no fashion, for none of whom he had felt the smallest interest, and from none received either attention or pleasure. Miss Bennet he acknowledged to be pretty, but she smiled too much.Which statement best explains Austens use of setting in the excerpt?It helps readers learn about rules of social behavior in the 1800s.It helps readers understand how Bingley and Darcy are different.It informs readers about the different levels of society in the 1800s.It helps readers visualize what the residents of Meryton look like. According to the normative view of science, what should scientists leave at the laboratory door?a. historical forcesb. life stressesc. personal valuesd. social structures What responsibilities do state courts and the Supreme Courts have in common Use the term constitutional law in your answer If an increase in the demand for reserves causes a deviation in the federal funds rate from a target rate, the Fed can maintain the target by. A.causing the supply curve of reserves to shift to the left B.causing a downward movement along the supply curve of reserves C.causing the supply curve of reserves to shift to the right D.causing an upward movement along the supply curve of reserves Will give brainliest if answered thank you The advantage of qualified plans to employers isA - Tax-free earnings.B - No lump-sum payments.C- Taxable contributions.D - Tax-deductible contributions. a nurse is teaching her client about cyclosporine therapy following a recent liver transplant. what statement by the client indicates further teaching is needed? ______ theory states that the more participatory and involved older adults are, the more likely they are to be satisfied with their lives. The functions f and h are defined as follows:f(x) = (x + 5)/(x - 7) and h(x) = (x + 5)(x - 7).Explain why the functions f and h are not the same function. Why was Swift angry in A Modest Proposal? linda has never worked as a manager before, but she was just promoted to a directorial position at her firm. she just had her first conversation with hr to strategize around how she can both reward her employees and also combat the negative effects of stress for her team. she is considering offering benefits in the form of _________ and __________ in order to keep her team positive and productive. how does an increase in the price level affect the quantity of real gdp supplied in the long run? A balance sheet is a financial statement that reports assets, liabilities, and owners' equity on a specific date. True or false? HELP ASAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP How many sets of strength is 5? a nurse is teaching a client about the use of a pca infusion pump. the nurse determines the teaching is successful when the client correctly indicates which factor about the system? The stripes in skeletal muscle are due to the presence of...multiple nuclei per cell.actin and myosin filaments.intercalated discs.the branching of the cells.tendons connecting the muscle to bone. an agent must keep confidential any information acquired through an agency during the term of the relationship, but can disclose it after the agency ends.a) trueb) false