How many Japanese died in WWII?


Answer 1

Answer: Japan

Civilian deaths due to military activity and crimes against humanity= 550,000 to 800,000

Total deaths=2,500,000 to 3,100,000


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how did conditions created by the treaty of versailles help to totalitarian dictators take power?


Because of the harsh economic punishments imposed by the treaty, the suffering people of those nations turned to extreme ideals that promised them an out from their suffering, despite their extreme beliefs.

how did geography impact japans society



They were extremely isolated because they are surrounded by water and mountains. This has protected them from invasions for thousands of years, and even now, japan is still pretty well protected. The isolation made the japanese culture very unique even different from china.


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The axis rotaion


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What is the relationship between the development of trade and the development of technology?


They go hand and hand trade is now the stock world and the only reason trade is making money because using technology

Answer:The relationship of the development of trade and development of technology is parallel developing hand in hand together. Through technology trade increased and become more frequent and due to trade knowledge and culture was spread and assimilated to other and thus the exchange of knowledge development new ways to improve technology.


What effect do you think possession of the atomic bomb will have on the role of
the US in the postwar world?



it made the USA feared


can anyone please explain me why kira or light yagami died in death note​





cuz near and mello said so and he got shot and well ryuk wrote light's name and in ryuk's death note


he couldnt escape death he was shot and his name was written in the deathbook and in the end he became a Shinigami

Question 3 of 25
What was the result of the Roosevelt Corollary?
A. The end of America's use of the Monroe Doctrine
B. More U.S. involvement in European countries
C. U.S. involvement in education movements in Mexico
O D. U.S. involvement in Latin American economies


The outcome of the Roosevelt Corollary is U.S. involvement in Latin American economies. Thus, option D is correct.

What did Roosevelt Corollary do with Monroe Doctrine?

The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine said that the United States will serve as an international police force in the Western Hemisphere and intervene to prevent other states from intervening.

The corollary asserted that not only were the Western Hemisphere states not accessible to European colonization, but that the United States had the obligation to maintain order and safeguard life and property in those countries.

The corollary was not well received by Latin Americans. They saw US intervention as Yankee imperialism, and hatred toward their huge northern neighbor intensified considerably. Hence, option D is correct.

Learn more about Roosevelt Corollary here;


What purpose is PRIMARILY served by including examples of writers who were inspired by the ancient Romans?
(A) They illustrate the connection between ancient Romans' ideas and those of writers commonly studied
(B) They emphasize the importance of the ancient Romans as the main characters in most modern plays
and movies.
(C) They demonstrate the way that Roman philosophy and scholarship changed and developed over time.
(D) They highlight the lasting effects of Roman writers on various cultures that were once part of the empire.


Answer: (B) They emphasize the importance of the ancient Romans as the main characters in most modern plays

and movies.


number 3, please, I need your help, please, please please please please​



i cant see it properly


need help asap 30 points

Insert the correct terms below into the following paragraph. Each term will be used. /20 pts

sovereignty, republic, state, capitalism, free-market, Democracy, autocracy, command economy, Constitution, communism,

Every 1. ( ) has a form of government that has 2. ( ) within its territorial boundaries. A 3. ( ) is a government of and by the people that may have a 4. ( ) that protest the rights of the people, unlike a 5. ( ) that concentrates power in the hands of one person. The United States is a 6. ( ) with elected representation. It has a mixed economy based on 7. ( ). The 8. ( ) allows buyers and sellers to make economy decisions about what to produce , how much to produce, and who gets to goods and services produced. In contrast, under 9. ( ) the People’s Republic of China and North Korea have operated a 10. ( ).



Every 1. ( democracy) has a form of government that has 2. ( constitution) within its territorial boundaries. A 3. ( capitalism) is a government of and by the people that may have a 4. (state ) that protest the rights of the people, unlike a 5. ( autocracy) that concentrates power in the hands of one person. The United States is a 6. (republic ) with elected representation. It has a mixed economy based on 7. (sovereignty ). The 8. (Free- market ) allows buyers and sellers to make economy decisions about what to produce , how much to produce, and who gets to goods and services produced. In contrast, under 9. (command economy ) the People’s Republic of China and North Korea have operated a 10. (communism ).


this is really confusing but that is the best I can do so far. i hope this helped

what was Andrew Jackson most significant achievement and why?



Andrew Jackson had successfully led the U.S. forces in the Creek War against Native Americans. He served as the seventh President of U.S. from 1829 to 1837. He was also the main founder of the modern Democratic Party.


In 1609, Henry Hudson sailed up what is now known as the Hudson River and explored much of what is now New York State.
What was Hudson trying to find?
A. a place to start a colony
B. gold and silver mines
C. farmland for plantations
D. a route to Asia



In 1607 and 1608, Hudson made two attempts on behalf of English merchants to find a rumoured Northeast Passage to Cathay via a route above the Arctic Circle. In 1609, he landed in North America on behalf of the Dutch East India Company and explored the region around the modern New York metropolitan area.


A route to asia


Study island

Many people supported Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal policies. However, some individuals, such as Huey P. Long, criticized his policies, and the Supreme Court declared some unconstitutional. If you had lived during the Great Depression, would you have supported Roosevelt’s policies or criticized them? Why?


Had I been an unemployed man, as most were, I totally would have supported Roosevelt’s ideas because he created jobs. One of he worst things for a country is men without jobs. If men have jobs, their mind is busy, they aren’t bored. If men don’t have jobs? They can become dangerous. Roosevelt’s policies benefitted the working man, which is why the working class supported him.

5 questions about Transcendentalism please?



Transcendentalism focuses on the development of the individual. How do you express your individuality in thoughts and actions?

Transcendentalists are nonconformists. Therefore, they do not ascribe to religious, political, or social constructs to inform their behaviors and choices. Do you think it's good or bad to conform to these norms? Do you consider yourself a nonconformist? If so, how? If not, what constructs do you conform to and why?

Do you believe that people should free themselves from social constructs and live by their individual principles? What effect would this have on society?

What is the goal of individualism in the transcendental ideal society? Do you think that all people can follow their own standards and maintain a peaceful society? Why or why not?

Idealism is the belief that there is an ideal world in which all can live in harmony. Do you think this is possible? Why or why not?


According to this cartoon, why were the
Copperheads a problem?
o They would attack anyone who supported the
O They did not support women's war efforts.
They would destroy the Union to end the war.



They would destroy the union to end the war


I got it right

What role do political parties play in public policy?


As the electorate expanded, the political parties evolved to mobilize the growing mass of voters as the means of political control. Political parties became institutionalized to accomplish this essential task.Feb 23, 2016

President Ronald Reagan and British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher implemented a conservative economic policy based on the privatization of state-owned industries and policies based on deregulation, modest tax rates, and limited government spending. According to Commanding Heights Episode 1, did these policies affect commerce and industry in Great Britain and the United States during the 1980s? Why or why not? How did these two leaders affect the globalization of business?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Unfortunately, you did not attach the video or a link to it.

However, trying to help you we can comment on the following.

In the final part of the video "Commanding Heights Episode 1," produced by PBS, the narrator refers to the ways Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher's economic policies and how affected the middle and lower classes of the United States and Great Britain during the 1980s.

It is correct to say that President Ronald Reagan and British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher implemented a conservative economic policy based on the privatization of state-owned industries and policies based on deregulation, modest tax rates, and limited government spending.

Both government leaders thought the government had controlled the economy for many years and this had produced bad economic results. They thought that the government was not able to own so many enterprises and had to deregulate and privatize the economy. And privatize they did. They privatize the nationalized industries and controlled workers' unions.

Thatcher and Reagan affected the globalization of business in that they supported excessive private investment in companies and allowed the development of new foreign trade agreements such as the GATT.

Write a new portion of the Declaration of Independence and modernize it



we are all equal no matter our differences


How did Hitler's time in prison help him win support for his cause?
A. During his time in prison, he met several influential politicians who helped him gain more support.
B. Many reporters stopped by the prison to interview him and spread his message throughout Germany.
C. Others become away of him and his cause, so he was considered a celebrity when he got out.
D. He used his time in prison to write a play about his experience and explain how the Nazi Party could create change.

Answer: C. Others become away of him and his cause, so he was considered a celebrity when he got out.



C) Others became aware of him and his cause, so he was considered a celebrity when he got out


I just took a test with this question on it and got it right.

Hope this helps! :)

A. Exports of U.S agriculture goods to postwar Europe

B. Resistance to the soviet blockade of west Berlin

C. Economic aid to Europe under the Marshall plan

D. U.S air power over Germany during the World War II



I think it is either c or d

North America has several different mountain ranges which presented challenges as settlers moved west. Which of the following best describes a way that mountains benefited North American countries.

The mountains became tourist attractions with help the economy.

They provided a physical barrier that protected the coast from invasion.

Mountains offered many resources such as coal and minerals.

Overseas trade became easier than trans continental trade.



answer is B



Its "Its"B" 100%


just took the test

The Era of the Texas Cattle Kingdom at its height was defined by-
A. the fencing of the open range
B. the concept of Manifest Destiny
C. high unemployment and dust storms
D. the movement of cattle northward on cattle trails to rail stations




In a traditional economy, how are economic
decisions about consumption, savings, and
production made?



A traditional economy is a system that relies on customs, history, and time-honored beliefs. Tradition guides economic decisions such as production and distribution. Societies with traditional economies depend on agriculture, fishing, hunting, gathering, or some combination of them. They use barter instead of money.

Hope it helps.

please help me please ​


Can you translate it to English please

Which of the following composers did not consider himself bound to the patronage system


C.) Beethoven

Hope this helps!

11. Amendment 13 refers to:


Answer: abolished slavery in the United States and provides that "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States


Who was Quanah Parker? a) last cheif of the Comanches b) leader of the Sioux Plains Indians c) only Native American to never surrender d) first Native American to gain full rights​


Answer: All rights reserved. This work is ... The responses of the Kiowas, Comanches, Southern Cheyennes,. Southern ... E agletow no. Durant. INDIAN TERRITORY, 1866 -1889 m ile s: 0 10 20. 40. C'. 60. 80 ... became the first Indian agents under President Ulysses S. ... and other tribes, the plains Indians obtained steel knives.


Quanah Parker, the last chief of the Quahada Comanche Indians, son of Peta Nocona and Cynthia Ann Parker, was born about 1845.

Quanah Parker was the last chief of the Quahada Comanche. Thus, the correct answer is option A.

Who was Quanah Parker?

Quanah Parker, the last chief of the Quahada Comanche Indians, was born around 1845, the son of Peta Nocona and Cynthia Ann Parker. Quanah Parker was a Comanche Nation war leader of the Kwahadi band.

Following the capture of several Kiowa chiefs in 1871, Quanah Parker emerged as a dominant figure in the Red River War, clashing with Colonel Ranald S. Mackenzie on numerous occasions. With European-Americans hunting American bison, the Comanches' main source of food, to near extinction, Quanah Parker eventually surrendered and peacefully led the Kwahadi to the Fort Sill reservation in Oklahoma.

Therefore, option (a) is correct.

To learn more about Quanah Parker, click here:


The addition of the 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution in December of 1865..

Question 1 options:

made the Emancipation Proclamation law by ending slavery in America

was supported by most citizens of the former Confederate States of America

gave newly-freed slaves the right to vote

all of the above



niewiem tea próbowałam


Made the Emancipation Proclamation law by ending slavery in America.


My teacher gave us notes to this lesson. Here is a picture to confirm my answer. The picture shows the part of the notes that tells you the answer.

I I'm k12 student.

Scarcity of fresh vegetables during the winter months can cause what kind of production problem?



During winter months crops don't have enough sunlight or the correct PH in the soil can create bad establiched crops that could be dangerous for a person to eat. It is dangerous because you can get food poisoning. A lot of bacteria could be laying around.


a command economy features:
a. the government placing some regulations on free businesses.
b. people relying on customs to make economic decisions.
c. the government directly controlling the production and sale of goods.
d. private companies operating without government interference



the answer for the question is see they have control of everything

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