How many 1/3s are in 1 2/3?


Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:

Answer 2



Step-by-step explanation:

3/3+2/3 = 5/3

Answer is 5

Related Questions

These triangles are:
A) congruent,
B) similar or
C) neither



there is no photo

Step-by-step explanation:

lol where’s the picture

Please answer it. I will give brainliest if its correct..



Step-by-step explanation:

6x = 5x +9


x= 9


help me please and thank u



12.625 gets you a sucky car

Step-by-step explanation:

12625 is the correct answer.

Find the equation of the tangent at the point (1.1) for the function Y given in the equation

xy^2 + y = 2x


If y = y(x), then the slope of the tangent line to (1, 1) is equal to the value of the derivative dy/dx when x = 1 and y = 1.

Compute the derivative using implicit differentiation:

d/dx [xy ^2 + y] = d/dx [2x]

d/dx [xy ^2] + d/dx [y] = 2 d/dx [x]

(x d/dx [y ^2] + d/dx [x] y ^2) + dy/dx = 2

2xy dy/dx + y ^2 + dy/dx = 2

(2xy + 1) dy/dx = 2 - y ^2

dy/dx = (2 - y ^2) / (2xy + 1)

Plug in x = 1 and y = 1 :

slope = dy/dx = (2 - 1^2) / (2*1*1 + 1) = 1/3

Now use the point-slope formula to get the equation of the line:

y - 1 = 1/3 (x - 1)

y = x/3 + 2/3

I need the answer fast




Step-by-step explanation:


it would either be 2 or 26

Step-by-step explanation:

pls mark braainlieszt

A car dealership sells 3 types of vehicles (cars, trucks, SUVs) that come in 5 different colors (blue, black, white, silver, red). Which table represents the sample space of randomly selecting a vehicle from the dealership? (DOK 1)

Table A

Blue Black White Silver Red
Vehicle Blue Vehicle Black Vehicle White Vehicle Silver Vehicle Red Vehicle
Table B

Blue Black White Silver Red
Car Blue Car Black Car White Car Silver Car Red Car
Truck Blue Truck Black Truck White Truck Silver Truck Red Truck
SUV Blue SUV Black SUV White SUV Silver SUV Red SUV
Table C

Blue Black White Silver Red
Car Blue Car Black Car White Car Silver Car Red Car
Car Blue Car Black Car White Car Silver Car Red Car
SUV Blue SUV Black SUV White SUV Silver SUV Red SUV
Table D

Black White Black White Red
Car Black Car White Car Black Car White Car Red Car
Truck Black Truck White Truck Black Truck White Truck Red Truck
SUV Black SUV White SUV Black SUV White SUV Red SUV
Select one:

Table B

Table A

Table C

Table D


Step-by-step explanation:

Table A

Blue Black White Silver Red

Vehicle Blue Vehicle Black Vehicle White Vehicle Silver Vehicle Red Vehicle

hope it is helpful to you

¿Cuál de las siguientes respuestas es equivalente a 3 decámetros? Hint: 3 decámetros es lo
mismo que 3 dam.
(3 puntos
300 cm
30,000 cm
300.000 cm
3,000 cm



[tex]3 \times 10000 = 30000[/tex]


Researchers investigating a new drug selected a random sample of 200 people who are taking the drug. Of those selected, 76 indicated they were experiencing side effects from the drug. If 5,000 people took the drug, which of the following is closest to the interval estimate of the number of people who would indicate they were experiencing side effects from the drug at a 95 percent level of confidence?
a. (0.313,0.447)
b. (0.324, 0.436)
c. (65,87)
d. (1565, 2235)
e. (1620, 2180)



a. (0.313,0.447)

Step-by-step explanation:

In a sample with a number n of people surveyed with a probability of a success of [tex]\pi[/tex], and a confidence level of [tex]1-\alpha[/tex], we have the following confidence interval of proportions.

[tex]\pi \pm z\sqrt{\frac{\pi(1-\pi)}{n}}[/tex]

In which

z is the zscore that has a pvalue of [tex]1 - \frac{\alpha}{2}[/tex].

Researchers investigating a new drug selected a random sample of 200 people who are taking the drug. Of those selected, 76 indicated they were experiencing side effects from the drug.

This means that [tex]n = 200, \pi = \frac{76}{200} = 0.38[/tex]

95% confidence level

So [tex]\alpha = 0.05[/tex], z is the value of Z that has a pvalue of [tex]1 - \frac{0.05}{2} = 0.975[/tex], so [tex]Z = 1.96[/tex].

The lower limit of this interval is:

[tex]\pi - z\sqrt{\frac{\pi(1-\pi)}{n}} = 0.38 - 1.96\sqrt{\frac{0.38*0.62}{200}} = 0.313[/tex]

The upper limit of this interval is:

[tex]\pi + z\sqrt{\frac{\pi(1-\pi)}{n}} = 0.38 + 1.96\sqrt{\frac{0.38*0.62}{200}} = 0.447[/tex]

The correct answer is given by option A.

Which of the following is a result of shifting a circle with equation
(x-3)2 + (x - 5)2 = 36
down 2 units?
A. The x-coordinate of the center of the circle decreases by 2.
B. The y-coordinate of the center of the circle decreases by 2.
C. Both the x- and y-coordinates of the center of the circle decrease
by 2.
D. Both the x- and y-coordinates of the center of the circle increase
by 2.


The answer might be B, but realize if a circle is shifting both y and x can’t decrease.. and both cant increase at the same time.

The y-coordinate of the center of the circle decreases by 2. The correct option is B.

What is shifting of the circle?

Shifting a circle means moving it to a new coordinate plane location without changing its size or shape.

This can be accomplished by adding or subtracting a constant value from one or both of the circle's centre coordinates.

Shifting a circle is useful in geometry and algebraic problem solving because it allows us to investigate how a circle's position affects its relationship to other shapes and objects on the coordinate plane.

To shift the circle down 2 units, we need to subtract 2 from the y-coordinate of the center. The center of the circle has coordinates (3, 5), so shifting it down 2 units results in a new center at (3, 5 - 2) = (3, 3).

Therefore, the correct answer is B. The y-coordinate of the center of the circle decreases by 2.

For more details regarding shifting a circle, visit:


Complete the congruence statement.




Step-by-step explanation:

If PQR = GHI, then HGI = QPR

What is the answer to this question?


Answer:  inscribed angle

Step-by-step explanation:  

inscribed angle is the angle formed in the interior of a circle when two chords intersect on the circle. It can also be defined as the angle subtended at a point on the circle by two given points on the circle.

The number six and twelve-hundredths in decimal numbers?




Step-by-step explanation:

What’s the correct answer? I will mark as brainlest



Dear your answer is 9

so , please mark me as brainliest


The answer is 9. 30% of 240 is 72. Half of 72 is 36, that means there’s 36 in the bag left and 36 on the desk. Each student gets 1 and you have 9 left in the bag.

If f(x) = 3-2x and g(x) = 1/x+5 , what is the value of (f/g) (8)


Answer: [tex]-\frac{104}{41}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]f(8)=3-2(8)=-13\\\\g(8)=\frac{1}{8}+5=\frac{41}{8}\\\\\implies \left(\frac{f}{g} \right)(8)=\frac{-13}{41/8}=-\frac{104}{41}[/tex]

Topic Test

Find the coordinates of PQ with endpoints P(2, -4) and Q(4, 2) under the translation left 3 units and up 4 units.

a. P'(-2, -4) and Q'(-4, -2)
b. P'(-1, 0) and Q'(1, 6)
c. P'(5, -1) and Q'(-2, -2)
d. P'(0, -7) and Q'(1, -1)

Please select the best answer from the choices provided



B. P'(-1, 0) and Q'(1, 6)

Step-by-step explanation:

Please select the best answer from the choices provided


The answer is A. P'(-2, -4) and Q'(-4, -2)

Step-by-step explanation:

OMG, I just did the Topic Test for Math on Edge earlier today! Good luck on it!

Which equation represents the data in this function table?

A. y = x + 4
B. y = x - 4
C. y = 4x
D. x = y + 3




Step-by-step explanation:

If you put the x value of the table and use it in each equation, only one gives the y output on the table.

y=x + 4

5=1 + 4





The correct option is A) y=x+4

What are linear equations?

Linear equations help in representing the relationship between variables such as x, y, and z, and are expressed in exponents of one degree. In these linear equations, we use algebra, starting from the basics such as the addition and subtraction of algebraic expressions.

Given here option A as y=x+4 now lets verify this option

if x=1 then y = 1+4

                    = 5

Again if x=2 then y =2+4


Similarly it can be clearly observed that all the values of y are 4 greater than the input of x given in the table.

Hence, option A is the correct answer.

Learn more about linear equations here:


What is 94.53 ÷ 2.3?
O 41.1
O 411
O 0.411​


It’s 0.441 just really got to read it right that’s all

There are 12 chickens.
Every week each chicken lays 3 eggs.
What is the totai number of eggs iaid in 7 weeks?
You must show your working.​



252 eggs in 7 weeks

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]12 \times 3 = 36 \\ 36 \times 7 = 252[/tex]

There are 12 chickens and since each lay 3 eggs every week then you multiply 3 by 12 to get a total of 36 eggs each week. Then you multiply that by 7 since it’s asking for 7 weeks. 7 times 36 is 252 eggs total

-7, -3, 1, 5 what is the explicit formula




Step-by-step explanation:

This is a linear sequence, so we have to find our common difference, or slope, by finding the difference between any term and its previous term. We should do this a couple of times to make sure it's consistent. In this case, our slope is 4 and our first term is -7. We can do our equation in slope intercept (y=mx+b) form. However, to do this, we have to find the '0'th' term, or the term where x=0, a.k.a. the y-intercept. Our 1st term where x-1 is -7, and since our common difference is 4, we subtract 4 from negative 7 to get a y-intercept of -11. Our equation is now y=4x-11. To make this an explicit formula, we convert into f(x) form to get a formula of f(x)=4x-11.



“Negative times a negative is a positive”



Step-by-step explanation:

- x - = +

Therefore :

-5 x - 7 = 35

Solve for x. Need it by today.


Alright, so a circle is 360 degrees. We know there's an arc of 90 and an angle extending from the radius being 125.

Since the given angle extending from the radius is at the radius, there will also be a 125 degree arc at the circumference of the circle there.

With this, do:

360-90-125 = 145

to get the amount of arc in the unknown area.

Still though, we need to find the x value, so get the unknown value and set it equal to 145.

16x + 1 = 145

16x + 1-1 = 145-1


x = 9.0625 or 9 1/16

Hope that helps.

Which of the following choices can be considered binomial random variables?
Choose all answers that apply:
A container holds 100 pens, half of which are red. Select an SRS of 5 pens and let R= the
number of red pens obtained.
A container holds 1000 pens, half of which are red. Select an SRS of 5 pens and let S = the
number of red pens obtained.
A container holds 20 pens, half of which are red. Select an SRS of 5 pens and let Q = the
number of red pens obtained.


Answer: A and B

Step-by-step explanation:

Q isn’t a binomial since the pens are being selected without replacement and the sample size is more than 10% of the population size, so the trails are not independent.

A binomial random variable is such that can take either of two possibilities at the same time.

Samples R and S can be considered as binomial random variables

For a random variable to be considered a binomial random variable, the population must be at least ten times the sample size.

So, we have the following highlights

Container A

[tex]n =100[/tex]

[tex]x = 5[/tex]

Divide n by x

[tex]\frac nx = \frac{100}{5}[/tex]

[tex]\frac nx = 20[/tex]

This means that the population is 20 times the sample size.

Hence, R is a binomial random variable.

Container B

[tex]n =1000[/tex]

[tex]x = 5[/tex]

Divide n by x

[tex]\frac nx = \frac{1000}{5}[/tex]

[tex]\frac nx = 200[/tex]

This means that the population is 200 times the sample size.

Hence, S is a binomial random variable.

Container C

[tex]n =20[/tex]

[tex]x = 5[/tex]

Divide n by x

[tex]\frac nx = \frac{20}{5}[/tex]

[tex]\frac nx = 4[/tex]

This means that the population is 4 times the sample size.

Hence, Q is not a binomial random variable.

Read more about random variables at:

A bag contains 14 blue, 30 red, and 6 green marbles. Paola draws a marbles from the bag, records its color, and puts the marble back into the bag. Then she repeats the process.

Based on the results, which is the best prediction of how many times Paola will draw a blue or a red marble in 5,000 trials?




Step-by-step explanation:

What is the probability of getting 5 baskets ina row out of 10 shots


The probability would be 50%

Write 0.0000000000048 as a multiple of a power of 10.



48 x 10^-13


4.8 x 10^-13

hope this helps

have a good day :)

Step-by-step explanation:

solve for the exact value of x
4ln(8x−2)+2= 10


9514 1404 393


  x = (1/4) +(1/8)e^2

Step-by-step explanation:

Undo what is done to x.

  4ln(8x-2) +2 = 10

  4ln(8x -2) = 8 . . . . . . . subtract 2

  ln(8x -2) = 2 . . . . . . . . divide by 4

  8x -2 = e^2 . . . . . . . . . take antilogs

  8x = 2 +e^2 . . . . . . . . add 2

  x = (2 +e^2)/8 . . . . . .  divide by 8

  x = (1/4) +(1/8)e^2

Determine the greatest common factor of 28xy9z and 32x2y2z




assuming those numbers after the first ones are exponents

Angle Relationships

For the triangle above, find sin B.

a. 25°
b. 0.385
c. 0.923
d. 18°

Please select the best answer from the choices provided




Step-by-step explanation:

12/13=0.923 , and also sinb is ac/ab


C. 0.923

Step-by-step explanation:

I calculated it logically

How can you evenly split 8 apples among 15 people without cutting any apple into more than 5 parts?



1/3 and 1/5

Step-by-step expl1

u should kno

plelalslwlwlwe helpppppppp!!!




Step-by-step explanation:


The answer is B  [4.5x + 15]


The triangle is an equilateral, so you can use the same formula on each side.

1.5x x 3 = 4.5x

5 x 3 = 15

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