how does mary shelley emphasize her social interest of caring for the poor into frankenstein? provide textual support.


Answer 1

Mary Shelley emphasizes how she cares for the poor by discussing the social kinds of poverty.

Social poverty is the lack of people to relate with. social poverty is seen at the beginning of the novel when Walton is on his mission to the North Pole. When Walton  is nearing his goal, he writes to his sister,

“I have no friend, Margaret: when I am glowing with the enthusiasm of success, there will be none to participate in my joy; if I am assailed by disappointment, no one will Endeavour to sustain me in dejection.” (4)

One can clearly see that Walton is suffering from loneliness through his words. He lacks a companionship that he didn’t prepare for. His lack of socializing causes him to become sad and lonely. In Walton’s vessel appears Frankenstein and Walton finally find the friend that he longed for. When  Walton and Frankenstein meet they become good companions since they are both very lonely.

Shelley also shows how lack of socializing causes one to take their friends and family for granted. Frankenstein leaves his family to study in Ingolstadt but fails to communicate with them leaving them very worried.

To read more about Frankenstein visit:


Related Questions

How was Whitman's poor upbringing valuable for Americans at a time when most of the writing they read was written by wealthy Americans?


The upbringing that Whitman was valuable because he wrote and said a lot that was shown in the life of the  people at the time. This was in the period where a lot of people were going through different situations, especially slavery in the nation.

Who was Whitman?

The second of Walter and Louisa Whitman's nine children, Walt Whitman was born in West Hills, New York. He spent a lot of his childhood in a family that struggled financially. Whitman's family left their ever-dwindling farm when he was three years old in search of what they believed would be riches in New York City.

Whitman started The Brooklyn Freeman, a "free soil" newspaper, after he moved back to Brooklyn. Whitman would spend the following few years reflecting on the oppression experienced by both Southern slaves and the impoverished, downtrodden Hispanics whose lives were impacted by the Mexican-American War. He turned within and started looking for a lyrical style in which to express his ideas.

Whitman published Leaves of Grass, a collection of twelve poems, in 1855.

Read more on Whitman here;



Read the sentences.

I enjoy going to the movies over winter break. I also like to go to the library.

Which of the sentences below is the best example of how a writer can combine the sentences to connect the two ideas?



I enjoy going to the movies over winter break.


What inference can be made about the author's viewpoint in "We Live on Planet A: Young People Rally for Their Rights"?

Young people should wait until they are older before engaging in social or political causes.
Young people should wait until they are older before engaging in social or political causes.

Everyone should expect Victoria Barrett and Greta Thunberg to solve the environmental crisis.
Everyone should expect Victoria Barrett and Greta Thunberg to solve the environmental crisis.

The 2018 gathering at the United Nations Climate Change Conference was the only effective environmentalist protest.
The 2018 gathering at the United Nations Climate Change Conference was the only effective environmentalist protest.

Anything of any scale that a young person can do to enact some kind of change is important.
Anything of any scale that a young person can do to enact some kind of change is important.
Question 2
Part B - Points depend on a correct response in Part A.

Which sentence from the text best supports the answer to Part A?

“‘There [are] a lot of actions that you can take,’ she says. ‘And there’s a lot of power you have as a young person.’”
“‘There [are] a lot of actions that you can take,’ she says. ‘And there’s a lot of power you have as a young person.’”

"School boards in California have


The inference that can be made about the author's viewpoint is D. Anything of any scale that a young person can do to enact some kind of change is important.

The sentence that supports Part A is A. ‘There [are] a lot of actions that you can take,’ she says. ‘And there’s a lot of power you have as a young person.’"

About the passage "We Live on Planet A: Young People Rally for Their Rights"?

The passage talks about young people like Victoria Barrett, and Greta Thunberg, who took action about climate change as teenagers. They effected change by suing the government and engaging in different forms of protest. Their achievements has inspired other young people to take action about causes they feel passionate about.

Find more information on climate change here;


Mr. Green, along with his friends, (is, are, was, were) arriving here tonight.​


Correct Answer:

‘are’ is the correct answer because
Mr. Green, along with his friends, are arriving here tonight.

I would appreciate it if you mark my answer as brainliest.

(1) Many people consider talking about mundane or trivial things instead of having deep and meaningful conversations is a waste of time. (2) Chitchat about the weather, the scores of the latest baseball game, or the trending topics on your social media feed might seem inconsequential to your well-being. (3) They are, however, very common.
(4) Whatever the situation—whether passing the time with someone while standing in line, or talking to a coworker in the elevator—small talk is anything but insignificant; the very innocuousness of small talk is the quality that makes it indispensable. (5) It enables us to socialize in contexts where more personal conversation may be impractical or inappropriate. (6) We can still make brief but meaningful social connections (often with relative strangers) while keeping the stakes low.
(7) Small talk provides us with the benefits of social activity without the risk of straying into divisive or upsetting topics. (8) And, the mere act of socializing, no matter the depth of the conversation, is demonstrably good for our brains.
(9) A recent study conducted at the University of Michigan even suggests that ten minutes of small talk provides just as much benefit to your mental state as ten minutes of doing a crossword puzzle. (10) The low-risk, high-reward nature of small talk really makes it an essential social activity.

Question: Which revision to sentence 3 best provides an appropriate thesis statement for the passage?

A. It is often done with people you do not know very well.
B. Small talk is more than just pointless banter.
C. However, having the skills and social poise to engage in this type of banter is important for your mental health.
D. However, it helps you make significant connections with others that you would not otherwise be able to make.





I think so just look into it a little deeper

Now compare and contrast the techniques in the two theatrical versions that you watched. In the table below, describe the similarities and differences between the two versions for each element of the performance. Note how the techniques enhance or alter the audience’s experience and what meanings (shades of characterization, connotations of words, etc.) become clearer as you watch the two presentations.


The Twelfth Night is about the comic story about a brother and sister who are shipwrecked in a distant land called Illyria. They survive, but get separated along the way, which causes the sister to assume the identity of a man in the household of Duke Orsino.

What are literary devices?Any distinctive element of literature or a specific work that we can recognize, identify, interpret, and/or analyze is referred to as a literary device. Literary devices are properly referred to as both literary elements and literary procedures. One of the most popular literary techniques is the use of metaphors, usually referred to as direct parallels. A metaphor is a remark that compares two items, frequently unrelated ones. Symbolic illustration The forest's patron god is this tree. The tree is a tree, not a divinity, that much is clear.Personification is a literary technique wherein non-human things are given human characteristics. One of the most used literary devices, it serves a variety of purposes. strengthens the visual.The humorous tale of a brother and sister who wind up shipwrecked in the far-off country of Illyria is the subject of The Twelfth Night. They manage to live, but because of the separation, the sister decides to pose as a male living in Duke Orsino's home.

To learn more about literary devices refer to:


Why does Cassandra not go over to be with Luz when invited?



because our restaurant has never delivered food before and since everybody liked the service so Cassandra thought it was a good idea to go

Which sentence uses a hyphen correctly? she gave a ten-minute speech to the class. she had ten-minutes to give her speech to the class. the speech she gave to the class lasted ten-minutes. the speech, which lasted ten-minutes, was given to the class.



A. She gave a ten-minute speech to the class.


The sentence that uses a hyphen correctly  is:  she gave a ten-minute speech to the class.  Thus option (a) is correct.

What is hyphen?

A hyphen (-) is a punctuation mark used to connect words or parts of words. It is shorter than a dash and is often used to link words together to form a compound word or to break a word at the end of a line of text.

The hyphen is used in forming compound words: e.g., "well-being," "self-esteem," "blue-green". Also for joining prefixes and suffixes to a root word: e.g., "pre-employment," "non-smoking," "anti-inflammatory".

A hyphen is also used in breaking a word at the end of a line: e.g., "un-der-stand". The example of sentence using hyphen is she gave a ten-minute speech to the class.  Therefore, option (a) is correct.

Learn more about hyphen here:


What is ambiguity?

when a word or phrase creates a certain feeling
when a word is the same as the sound it defines
when an object or idea is used to represent something else
when a word or phrase can be interpreted in multiple ways

Oh, no no no, it was too cold always
(Still the dead one lay moaning)
I was much too far out all my life
And not waving but drowning.

What does the cold most likely symbolize?

the inevitability of death
the deep ocean waters
the man’s adversities in life
the attitude of the man’s friends


The term ambiguity means when a word or phrase can be interpreted in multiple ways. Hence, Option D is correct.

The cold most likely symbolizes the man’s adversities in life. Hence, Option C is correct.

What is the meaning of the term ambiguity ?

When a word has two or more meanings and the context does not make it apparent which interpretation is intended, the word is ambiguity .

A circumstance where anything may have more than one meaning and as a result lead to misunderstanding, or an illustration of this. They want to make sure that our demands are clear. The contract still has several unanswered questions.

Therefore, Option D is correct for part A, and Option C is correct for part B.

Learn more about ambiguity from here:


Okonkwo says "but the law of the land must be obeyed." what do you think of that concept as it might apply to our laws? must the law of the land be always obeyed?


Okonkwo says Ogbuefi Ezeudu, a village elder, warns Okonkwo that he ought to know not to kill Ikemefuna because Ikemefuna regards Okonkwo as his father, and to kill him might be a sin.

Okonkwo disobeys the authority and advice of an extended family elder in killing Ikemefuna. His moves are too near to killing a kinsman, that's a grave sin in the Igbo subculture. Okonkwo is so afraid of searching weak that he is willing to come near violating tribal law in order to prove in any other case

At Ezedu's funeral, Okonkwo by chance shoots and kills a boy. For his crime, he is sentenced to seven years of exile. this is his 2nd crime in opposition to the earth. In Manta, Okonkwo is chastised by Uchendu for dishonoring his motherland by way of performing so depressed about his exile.

Okonkwo's tragic destiny isn't his fault, it's miles the church's fault because they bombarded and precipitated a multitude of bad things to show up in Okonkwo's existence that he believed the handiest way to be free turned into killing himself. The Christian church comes into Umuofia bombarding… displays greater content material.

Learn more about Okonkwo's  here:


How did Benjamin react to his brother’s confinement?


Restend a good deal, notwithstanding our private differences

Dujardin defined his interior monologue as "an unspoken discourse without a hearer present...."


The sentence - Dujardin defined his interior monologue as "an unspoken discourse without a hearer present...." is a simple sentence. Thus, option first is correct.

What is a simple sentence?

A basic sentence has a subject and a verb, as well as an object and modifiers. However, it only has one independent clause. It does not have a dependent clause.

The following are some examples of basic sentences: Joe sat and waited for the train. The train was running late.

The statement is simple: Dujardin characterized his internal monologue as "an unsaid speech without a hearer present..." As a result, option one is correct.

Learn more about simple sentence here:


Your question was incomplete, probably the complete question was...

simple sentencecompound sentencecomplex sentencecompound-complex sentence

Read this excerpt from Section III of The Way to Rainy Mountain.

There were always dogs about my grandmother’s house…The old people paid them scarcely any attention, but they should have been sad, I think, to see them go.

What is the effect of the first-person point of view in this excerpt?


Readers find out what the origin of the myth of dogs in Kiowa culture is.

Readers find out what the origin of the myth of dogs in Kiowa culture is.,

Readers gain an understanding of how the author’s grandmother felt about dogs.
Readers gain an understanding of how the author’s grandmother felt about dogs.

Readers learn the historical connection between dogs and other tribes.

Readers learn the historical connection between dogs and other tribes.,

Readers get insight into the author’s personal view of the dogs of Kiowa society.


The effect of the first-person point of view in this excerpt is, Readers get insight into the author’s personal view of the dogs of Kiowa society.

Test the e-book in the following areas to determine the author's reliability. If there is a Foreword or introduction, a writer's remark, and the about the author, which is frequently found on the back cover.

A person who has posted written material is an author. People who write are considered writers when they create the ideas and content of their written work, in addition to producing posted works of art. Because of this, even though the majority of authors are writers, not all writers are now regarded as authors.

To learn more about Author here:


What is the claim type used in Martin Luther King's I have a dream speech: causal, values, definition/fact, or solutions/policies?

Here's the main claim I wrote: "Even though black people are treated unfairly how, they will eventually be free and granted the same rights as any other white person."


The claim in a speech is what the speaker hopes to persuade the audience of during the speech. Since facts are not subject to argument, the assertion cannot be an evident fact. Instead, it must be what the speaker wants the audience to think.

The fundamental argument made in King's speech is that the US is not upholding its values or its obligations to preserve civil rights. Martin Luther King Jr.'s "Dream" speech was a call for equality. It pointed out America's shortcomings and what has to be done to improve it. The significance of treating everyone equally throughout the whole discourse. Martin Luther King asserts that despite being promised freedom 100 years earlier, the Negroes are still bound by the manacles of segregation and the chains of prejudice.

Thus this is the claim in Martin Luther King's speech.

Refer here to learn more about Martin Luther King's speech:


3. What should Polites do? What advice
would you give him?



1. Listen and be understanding

2. Avoid negative words - instead use positive words in a negative form

3. Say the word: Sorry

Thesis statement on earthquakes


Thesis statement on earthquakes is The effect of Earth quake on th economic activities of the people in the world.

What is a thesis statement?

A thesis statement  can be described as the statement that do show exactly what the paper will be about,  and this will help the researcher to be able to keep his paper to a manageable topic.

When writing about the effect of an earth quake, it is neccessary to first describe what an earthquake is,  which is an occurrence that can happens as a result of the geographical effect of  two blocks of the earth and how they suddenly slip past one another.

It should be noted that  surface where they slip is known to as  fault or fault plane, however the horrific and devastating natural phenomena effect of the earthquake can cause the world economical damage .

Learn more aboutThesis statement here:


Complete Question is:

Write a Thesis statement on earthquakes?

Which phrases from the text best show the narrator’s attitude? Select three options.

“need guts”
“outside the school gates”
“group of Hidaya students”
“so exposed”
“no way I had the courage”




↣ "Need guts."

↣ "So exposed."

↣ "No way I had the courage."


The phrases given above best shows the attitude of the narrator because the narrator evidently expresses their feelings and thoughts; therefore, we get a clear idea of the narrator's attitude.

. . • ☆ . ° . • °: . * ₊ ° . ☆

I hope this helps!

peachtea ^-^


A personal idea must be identified with a
Letter from the author
A new paragraph

Please select the best answer from the choices provided




I'm pretty sure the answer should be D. A new paragraph.

Good luck!

How can I rewrite a poem in a different perspective



What does it mean to revise a poem? “Re-vision” means to look at your work with a “new vision” or “new eyes.” It's not about fixing spelling mistakes or making it grammatically perfect. Instead, revision helps you take the idea of your poem and make it more vivid, clear, interesting, and powerful.


Can anyone be a successful freelance journalist? Why or why not?




newspapers and magazines often save money by working with freelances instead of hiring in-house writers, and as such you can have a successful career as a freelance reporter...

How does the author's use of the words deep and green, twinkling, and golden affect the connotation of this description?

"A few miles south of Soledad, the Salinas River drops in close to the hillside bank and runs deep and green. The water is warm too, for it has slipped twinkling over the yellow sands in the sunlight. On the side of the river, the golden foothill slopes curve up to the strong and rocky mountains."


Each adverb is constructive and advantageous. These descriptions, when combined, paint a romanticized picture of the natural world.

What is the effect of connotations?Connotation is the use of a word to imply a different association from its denotative, or literal, meaning. For instance, the phrase "She's feeling blue" refers to a state of sadness as well as the color blue. Connotations may be neutral, negative, or positive.Connotation is what language suggests or implies, or the additional meanings that go beyond a literal interpretation. When attempting to elicit a particular response from an audience, word choice is crucial because different words have various associations.

The significance of land and nature to the text, specifically an idealized version of nature, is established in this passage, which introduces the story. The water is "warm," the sands are " the sunlight," the foothills are "golden," the mountains are "strong," and the willows are "fresh and green." The river runs "deep and green."

Each adverb is constructive and advantageous. These descriptions, when combined, paint a romanticized picture of the natural world. According to the passage, the natural world is vast and strong, with plants and animals behaving blissfully and peacefully in accordance with their natural rhythms and coming and going at their leisure, free from the destructive influence of humans.

To learn more about : Connotation

Ref :


Why does Wiesel say he was the wrong person to survive?


Elie Wiesel said that he is the wrong person to survive because as a survivor, his main role was to act as a messenger, he stayed quiet, and he did not volunteer anything, even though he was required to do so.

It was his duty to prevent the evil destruction of the victim from happening. He considered himself that he lacked courage, fearlessness, and bashfulness. He was timid, Fearful and never took any steps to be alive.

He thought that if he die, certainly, his father would also die. he never tried to be alive, never volunteered, though he was required to do so. He was surprised that he was still alive. He considered himself the wrong person to stay alive.

He used to stay sick when he was a child. Even, he survived the place till Buchenwald till his father was alive.

To know more about Wiesel:

Read this sentence.
I was frantic and useless when the fire broke out, but Delia's steely nerves
helped everyone survive the tragic event.
What is the meaning of the figurative phrase steely nerves as it is used
in the sentence?

calm demeanor

internal agitation

sensitive focus

uncontrolled hysteria



uncontrolled hysteria

The following passage (paragraph 14) mainly reveals that .

The Nazis now ordered that the victims must pay for the loss of their own property. The bill for broken glass alone was five million marks. Any insurance money that the Jews might have claimed was taken by the government. And because many of the buildings where Jews had their shops were actually owned by Aryans, the Jews as a group had to pay an additional fine “for their abominable crimes, etc.” So declared Hermann Goring, a high-ranking Nazi who was in charge of the German economy. He set their fine at one billion marks.
Answer choices for the above question

A. The Nazis were setting the Jews up to justify further arrests and persecution of them.

B. The Nazis were initially apologetic following the attacks of Kristallnacht.

C. Rich, Jewish men were arrested because they refused to pay for the property damage.

D. Germans would allow Jews to pay for their property damage so long as the money came from relatives outside the country.


The passage talks about how, "The Nazis were setting the Jews up to justify further arrests and persecution of them".

Nazi ideology and Hitler's worldview were mutually exclusive. This claimed that there was just a racial hierarchy and no true equality amongst individuals. In this vision, Nordic German Aryans with blonde hair and blue eyes were at the top, while Jews were at the bottom.

In the beginning, they operated in accordance with the constitution that was in force at the time. They obeyed all the laws that were in force at the time. At first glance, they appeared to be nothing more than creased rulers.

In the end, it was those rare hiccups—like forcible colonization—that prompted international governments to take action. They never denied their anti-Semitic beliefs and always carried them out, which didn't help.

To learn more about Nazis here:


what is the theme of the book chains?


The  theme of the book chains is dehumanization of slavery.

What is a theme?

A literary theme can be explained as the main idea or underlying meaning a writer explores in a novel,,.

It shgould be noted that it is the main idea of the  literary work which can be conveyed using characters,  as well as setting, dialogue,  and in some cases the combination of all of these elements can be used.

From the story the theme that can be attributed to to it is the dehumanization of slavery because it is the central theme of the novel  since we saw how Isabel's quest to reclaim her identity and humanity.

In the story,  Lockton's  try all the best to let her identity fade away through ther attempt of forcing the name Sal and brutally ignoring her humanity.

Learn more about theme at:


2. Who were Maroons, and what roles did
they play in Jamaica's history?




As early as 1655, escaped Africans had formed communities in inland Jamaica, and by the 18th century, Nanny Town and other Jamaican maroon villages began to fight for independent recognition. When runaway enslaved people and Amerindians banded together and subsisted independently they were called "maroons".

hope it helps! :)

what year does the book " Even if we Break" take place in? This is for a book reveiw and it's past due so please help me ASAPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The book "Even if we Break" by Marieke Nijkamp was published on 20th August 2020. The review of the book is as follows.

The book "Even if we Break" is a thriller story about a group of friends who play a deadly game in a weekend that tears them apart.

Five friends decided to meet at a haunted cabin and play an RPG. The game soon turned deadly. They realized that someone has set a trap for them. None of them might make it out. They all wanted to escape from the game.

The whole story was very predictable and no surprise was thrown. It was hoped that something else would happen. It is a good thriller but doesn't throw any surprise and is very predictable as it's not having any unpredictable twists. But yes, the story has a unique plot and interesting characters.

To know more about thriller here


a resume should include the and of the applicant


When looking for a job, a resume is crucial. For consideration in the hiring process, applicants must include in their resume all relevant details about their WORK HISTORY, EDUCATION, and SKILLS.

What is the primary objective of a resume?A resume is meant to provide a prospective employer a sense of your previous experience and abilities. Keep in mind that you are attempting to market yourself, therefore highlight your advantages. Most businesses prefer candidates with a consistent work history and upward career trends.Start by analyzing your professional trajectory and long-term objectives before selecting your resume format. Most persons who follow a conventional professional path can use the chronological style. This is a safe choice if you have spent the most of your career in the same industry and are seeking for another position there.Introducing oneself to potential employers, outlining your qualifications, and securing an interview are the goals of a resume.A resume's main function is to give a concise overview of your qualifications. It serves as a "snapshot" of you in an effort to land you an interview.

To Learn more about resume refer to :


Read this excerpt from The Great Fire.

Despite this, Chief Marshal Williams had managed to get a thin circle of engines around the fire. He had five steamers at the scene now, plus three hose carts and a hook-and-ladder wagon, all of them pumping water into the fire at various locations. Spectators were asked to help and many responded by chopping up fences and sidewalks, hoping to deprive the fire of fuel.

What caused firefighters to ask spectators to help?

Firefighters wanted to go home to check on their own families.
There were not enough firefighters to do all of the necessary tasks.
Firefighters wanted more people to control the engines and steamers.
There were too many people standing around and watching the fire.


Answer: B. There were not enough firefighters to do all of the necessary tasks.

Explanation: In the excerpt from The Great Fire, firefighters asked spectators to help because there were not enough firefighters to do all of the necessary tasks. The passage mentions that Chief Marshal Williams had managed to get a thin circle of engines around the fire, but they needed more people to control the engines and steamers.

By asking the spectators for help, the firefighters hoped to have additional hands to operate the five steamers, three hose carts, and the hook-and-ladder wagon. This would allow them to pump water into the fire at different locations and better contain and extinguish the flames.

what could be the significance of thr smokey atmosphere in battle royal takes place


Ralph Ellison's short fiction "Battle Royal" takes place in a southern tiny town. The smoke may be significant since it is just another tool in the hands of the white ruling class to further degrade the lot of the young black guys.

The main subject of the narrative is the persistence of racial inequality incidents. The protagonist of the tale is a black boy trying to blend in with a predominately white culture. The child strives to follow his grandfather's final instructions in order to cross this finish line. The youngster is given the advice to "live with your head in the lion's maw" by the grandfather before his passing. The story has a deeper significance, it not only represents the young child, but also the struggles faced by black people as they battle for equality in society.

To know more about 'Battle Royal':


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