how does elizabeth’s response to darcy’s proposal reflect her values


Answer 1

Elizabeth's refusal of Darcy's proposal reflects her strong sense of justice and her love for her sister Jane.

Darcy was responsible for separating Jane and Bingley, therefore, Elizabeth was too baffled to learn about Darcy's feelings towards her.

What are the main themes in "Pride and Prejudice?"


The courtship between Darcy and Elizabeth is one of the most beloved love stories in English literature, and it is found in Pride and Prejudice. As in any good love story, the tensions brought on by the lovers' individual characteristics are the first obstacle that must be avoided and overcome by the couple. Darcy's prejudice towards Elizabeth's low social standing temporarily makes him blind to her numerous merits, while Elizabeth's pride causes her to underestimate Darcy based on a terrible initial impression. (Of course, one might equally argue that Elizabeth is impugned with bias and Darcy with pride; the title has two meanings.)


The society that Pride and Prejudice depicts values a woman's reputation highly. Certain behaviours are required of women. She is more likely to face rejection if she deviates from social norms. When Elizabeth walks to Netherfield and shows up there wearing dirty skirts, the reputation-conscious Miss Bingley and her friends are shocked to see this theme in action. At other times, Mrs. Bennet's rude and foolish behaviour makes her unpopular with the more sophisticated (and snooty) Darcys and Bingleys.


An important theme in Pride and Prejudice is family. The networks of ties between each character's family members influence their choices and worldviews. Particularly for the female characters, family members' attitudes and actions have a big impact on how they live their lives. The Bennet sisters have to continuously navigate their mother's plans and plots since "the business of [Mrs. Bennet's] life was to get her daughters married." Although Mr. Darcy and Mr. Bingley are much more socially and financially independent, they nevertheless rely on the judgement and opinions of Lady Catherine de Bourgh and Caroline Bingley, who are female family members.

To learn more about Pride and Prejudice from the given link


how does Elizabeth's response to darcy’s proposal reflect her values?

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Why does Dickens use the phrase ‘knew rather less about skates than a Hindoo’ to show Mr Snodgrass’ unfamiliarity with skating?


Given that Shakespeare used it, it doesn't seem to have anything to do with Charles Dickens. It could be a euphemism for the Devil or Old Nick, according to one theory. I cannot tell what the dickens his name is, so this suits (Merry Wives of Windsor III, ii).

Where does the phrase the Dickens come from?

According to word historians, the term "dickens" is a euphemism for The Beast since it resembles the once popular term "devilkins."

Dickens is a euphemism for the word devil, probably via devilkins, and is more particularly a minced-oath. Shakespeare used the word "dickens" in the 1600 play "The Merry Wives of Windsor" when he said, "I cannot tell what the dickens his name is my husband had him of."

1. "A day wasted on others is not lost on oneself," said Charles Dickens. 2. "Have a heart which never hardens, a temper which never wears out, and a touch which never hurts."

Dickens spoke his last words when he was having a stroke at home. It was a response to Georgina, his sister-in-law, who had suggested sleeping down.

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I need help answering this





FIRST indicates a sequence

Directions read the sentences. information my sister is the captain of her college swim team. consequently, she spends a lot of time training and encouraging her teammates. question which is the correct way to combine the two sentences? answer options with 4 options 1. my sister is the captain of her college swim team; consequently, she spends a lot of time training and encouraging her teammates. 2. my sister is the captain of her college swim team consequently, she spends a lot of time training and encouraging her teammates. 3. my sister is the captain of her college swim team, consequently, she spends a lot of time training and encouraging her teammates. 4. my sister is the captain of her college swim team: consequently, she spends a lot of time training and encouraging her teammates.


The sentences. information my sister is the captain of her college swim team, and my sister, is the captain of her college swim team; consequently, she spends a lot of time training and encouraging her teammates.

“A” is used earlier than words beginning with consonant sentences and “an” is used earlier than words starting with vowel sounds. It does not remember if the word is an adjective, a noun, an adverb, or something else; the rule of thumb is precisely the same.

Examples of two-phase sentences that everyone might agree are "whole sentences" are "puppies bark" (concern Verb), "I slept" (concern Verb), and "We left" (difficulty Verb). If "sentence" approach "utterance" or "flip at speaking," the answer is also "sure". we can even have one-word utterances, like "yes" or "goodbye."

There are four types of sentences: simple, compound, complicated, and compound-complex. each sentence is described by means of the usage of unbiased and dependent clauses, conjunctions, and subordinators. A sentence is a grammatically complete concept. All sentences have a noun or pronoun issue known as the issue, and a verb part known as the predicate.

Learn more about sentence  here:


ln at least 4 sentences, first explain Edwin's stick metaphor. Then, respond to it. Do you agree with Edwin's ideas about happiness and anger? Why or why not? Consider using your own experience to explain your thoughts.


What is Edwin's Stick Metaphor?

Edwin's stick metaphor is a way of explaining how happiness and anger can be two sides of the same coin. He says that when we are happy, we are like a stick that is being held up by a string. The string represents our happiness, and the stick represents our anger. If the string is cut, the stick will fall and anger will be released. On the other hand, if the string is not cut, the stick will remain upright and happiness will continue.

Why Do I Agree with Edwin's Ideas About Happiness and Anger?

I agree with Edwin's ideas about happiness and anger. I think that they are two sides of the same coin because they both come from a place of emotional intensity. When we are happy, we are often so excited that we can't help but express our joy. On the flip side, when we are angry, we are typically so upset that we can't help but express our frustration. I think that both emotions are valid and relevant, but I also think that it's helpful to be aware of how they can affect our behavior.

The wrapped gift begged to be opened.






giving non living things human characteristics, because the gift cannot actually beg

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” is about a character named Farquhar. Farquhar has been sentenced to be hanged. Directions Combine the sentences into one sentence.


If we are to combine the sentences together, it would become: "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” is about a character named Farquhar who has been sentenced to be hanged"

What is a Sentence?

This refers to the use of words to communicate among different people and has complete meaning and contains a subject and predicate.

Hence, it can be seen that when two sentences like the one above are to be combined, the related elements such as the word "Farquahar" are used only once and then replaced by a pronoun.

Read more about compound sentences here:

Read the following excerpt from "The Significance of the Frontier in American History":
In this connection may be mentioned the importance of
the frontier, from that day to this, as a military training school, keeping alive the power of resistance to
aggression, and developing the stalwart and rugged qualities of the frontiersman."

How does Turner's word choice affect the tone of this excerpt?
A. The words "importance of the frontier" and "military training school" give it a positive tone.
B. The words "the power of resistance to aggression" and
"developing the stalwart and rugged qualities" give it a positive
C. The words “military training school” and “resistance to aggression” give it a negative tone.
D. The words “power of resistance” and “qualities of the frontiersman” give it a negative tone


The answer is b hope this helps


B. The words "Power of resistance to aggression" and "developing the stalwart and rugged qualities" give it a positive tone.

Explanation: Took the quiz on APEX got 100%

here's the rest of the answers:

1. see above

2. C. First we note...

3. B. Metaphor

4. D. This perennial rebirth, this fluidity...

5. D. A census...

6. B. The significance of the frontier...

7. A. The wilderness masters...

8. C. The result is that to the...

9. C. The frontier individualism...

10. C. The American Indians created a danger that...

language Arts 7 A - Writing an Argument: Portfolio 3 about who is better Samsung or apple


The essay on Writing Argument: Portfolio  about who is better Samsung or apple is given below.

What distinguishes Apple from Samsung?

Smartphones, on the other hand, can come down to personal preference. Apple's OS is great, but Android is now just as good. If you're not invested in Apple's ecosystem, Samsung is a fantastic choice because you can switch to other Android devices, and Samsung's engineering is excellent.

Samsung's business strategy has been centered on increasing production volume and vertically integrating supply chains. Apple has chosen to outsource components like manufacturing in order to concentrate on design and user experience.

The operating systems of Samsung and Apple phones are the main distinction. Apple is the only firm that makes iOS phones; Samsung is not the sole manufacturer of Android phones.

Therefore, The Android operating system is far more open and gives users access to key system rights, to start. Owners of Android phones can entirely customize their smartphones thanks to this. Apple, on the other hand, severely restricts system settings and offers consumers very little customizing possibilities.

Learn more about Writing Argument from

Please help I put out extra points if you help me and I will give the crown to the first person who answers right.
"Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!"

THINK: Which is more valuable: freedom or life?

WRITE: Write a persuasive essay stating your opinion on whether or not freedom is worth dying for.

Be sure to:

Clearly state your thesis

Arrange your ideas in an order that makes sense

Develop your ideas with evidence from the text

Proofread your writing for errors in spelling, grammar, and syntax.


Which is more valuable: freedom or life? Life because you can't have freedom if you are not alive

Answer:Freedom is the most precious treasure of human beings. But many of us take this for granted because the freedom that we have, the freedom that we use and know, was fiercely fought for, and dearly paid for a very long time ago.

Two hundred and thirty six years ago the Declaration of Independence did not set us free, it stated that we will be free, no matter the cost. For the next decade the most powerful army on earth occupied and devastated our beloved homeland, but could not crush our noble quest. That hellish war, the opposition to oppression, our fight for our God-given rights is called the American Revolution.

Let us never forget, that freedom has never been, nor will it ever be free. It’s worth fighting for, it’s worth dying for. Let us always remember, America is indeed, the land of the free because of the brave.

Because we have freedom, because of our deeply held belief in it, and our unwavering devotion to it, America is the greatest place on earth. Our forward-looking, upward-reaching philosophy propelled us to do better and to be better.

We believe in justice and the right to it. We believe in goodness and the might of it. There’s a challenge, courage, joy and pride in it. We extend a helping hand and give words of cheer. Hope, faith and patriotism are very dear to us. Here freedom for mankind is very clear. We are the United States of America.


couldn't tell what was good for us or terrible for us.
Are you the type of person to take the path less traveled? If yes/no, please explain.



yes I would take less traveled path


I want to explore and be adventurous. there will be uncertainties in the path while travelling but we can always try. we should be true to ourselves and should act independently.

Why are memoirs almost always subjective?
A story automatically aligns with the writer’s personal feelings once they become a character in it.
A story that is based on the writer’s own memories cannot qualify as nonfiction.
A memoir is, by definition, an alteration of facts and events that really happened to the writer.
Writing can only qualify as a memoir if it reflects the memories of more than one individual.


The correct answer is A that is memoirs are almost always subjective because a story automatically aligns with the writer’s personal feelings once they become a character in it.

A memoir is an opinion. It's personal. It derives its authority and power from there. A memoir, at its best, combines thorough research, a compelling story, the intimacy of lyric poetry, and the consideration of an essay.

Memoirs are always written in the first person and use the pronouns I, me, and my. As a result, the experiences are arbitrary and the story is individualised.

In fact, as the story is mediated through the author's or subject's perspective, impartiality is challenging to attain in memoirs.

Reliance on memoirs would result in a skewed viewpoint because they are personal, especially when several memoirs are used with diverse perspectives. Memoirs are only recordings of the events that the author deems significant.

To know more about 'memoir' related questions



Read the excerpt below from Theodore Roosevelt's book "The Naval War of 1812"
Finally, Great Britain's system of impressment, by which men could be forcibly seized and made to serve in her navy, no matter a t what cost to themselves, was
repugnant to every American idea
The word repugnant has the denotation of hostile, distaste, or aversion What type of effect does the use of this word have on the mood of the excerpt?


Based on the excerpt below from Theodore Roosevelt's book "The Naval War of 1812", the word repugnant has the denotation of hostile, distaste, or aversion, the mood it creates is a negative mood

What is Mood?

This refers to the general atmosphere of a given scene or action in which the tone of the author helps create.

Hence, it can be seen that when the word choice "repugnant" is used, it has an effect on the readers as this creates a negative mood.

Read more about mood here:


What does the line "he would foller that straddle bug to mexico" suggest about smiley?.


"He would foller that straddle bug to Mexico," suggesting of Smiley that he would struggle to win the bet.

The line "he'll follow the straddle bug to Mexico" suggests that Smiley will struggle to win the bet. Words influenced the story by using hyperbole to create humor. The lines quoted in the passage show that Smiley wants to win the bet at all costs. An example of personification is in Twain's "Jim Smiley and his Jumping Frog" and he follows a straddle-bug to Mexico if you take him. But the phrase "he follers a straddle bug to Mexico" makes Smiley feel desperate and uses exaggeration to create humor.A piece of literature is an inference to reach a conclusion about something with the support of facts and evidence contained in a particular piece of literature.

To learn more about influenced please click on below link


Topic: Is Survival Selfish? Essay

Should include:
- An Introduction with hook, claim, thesis statement.
- Body Paragraph with topic sentence, evidence, example, fact, statistics.


The following is the essay on the topic "Is Survival Selfish."

As Darwin said that only those species would survive who are most responsive to the changes. When it comes to survival of species is selfish or not, then it might have different answers according to the situation.

We might have heard that the fittest of the species would survive. But that's not completely true because survival does not just require our well-being but also our balanced reaction to the given condition.

People behave differently in same situation. As some get frightened, some may face it courageously, some may freeze or even don't know what to do next and some may just run away from the situation.

When this question comes that the survival is selfish or not, then I would say that survival is important to everyone and it cannot be selfish.

To know more about Survival here


2) Which two statements would function as an argument in favor of the
mandated wearing of school uniforms?(Remember to choose two.)
School uniforms are a controversial topic.
School uniforms bring a sense of community to a
School uniforms are mandatory in some schools, but
not in others.
Some teachers are in favor of school uniforms, but
most students are opposed.
School uniforms tend to strengthen a feeling of
attachment to a particular student body.


School uniforms may improve student safety and reduce crime.Students are kept from becoming distracted by their clothing by wearing uniforms to school.

Why is school uniforms a controversial topic?Mandatory uniforms are debatable despite their alleged advantages since many parents and students object to the idea of making kids wear uniforms, which they believe restricts their right to express themselves. Students are kept from becoming distracted by their clothing by wearing uniforms to school.By leveling the playing field for all kids, school uniforms help to prevent bullying and peer pressure.The wearing of uniforms fosters community spirit, unity, and school pride.School uniforms might enhance behavior and attendance. The rationale for American schools not requiring uniforms is to limit conformity and give students greater "freedom" to express themselves, a concept that gained more traction during the rebellious 1970s and 1980s.

To learn more about  school uniforms refer


Which word is an antonym for sweltering as it is used in the last sentence of paragraph 6?
A Chilly
B Painful
D Uncomfortable





Sweltering = hot, antonym is the opposite of a synonym (i.g., nice isn't the same as mean)

: The antonym for the word ‘sweltering’ as used in the last sentence of paragraph 6 is ‘refreshing’. Sweltering is an adjective used to describe a situation that is extremely hot, uncomfortable, and oppressive.

What is the use of it ?

It is often used to describe the feeling of heat on a hot summer day. On the other hand, refreshing is an adjective used to describe a situation that is cool, pleasant, and invigorating.

It is often used to describe the feeling of a cool breeze on a hot summer day. When used together, sweltering and refreshing create a stark contrast between the oppressive heat of a summer day and the pleasant coolness of a summer breeze.

This contrast is often used to describe the feeling of relief that comes when the oppressive heat of the sun is replaced by a refreshing breeze. The use of the two words together creates a vivid image of the difference between the oppressive heat of a summer day and the pleasant coolness of a summer breeze.

In conclusion, the antonym for the word ‘sweltering’ as used in the last sentence of paragraph 6 is ‘refreshing’. This word creates a stark contrast between the oppressive heat of a summer day and the pleasant coolness of a summer breeze. This contrast is often used to describe the feeling of relief that comes when the oppressive heat of the sun is replaced by a refreshing breeze.

Learn more about  summer breeze at:


Frank is writing a personal narrative about the day he lost both his home and his father in a fire. What strategy can Frank employ to make his story less subjective? A. Incorporate extracts from the grief journal he wrote in constantly after the event. B. Interview the firefighters who helped fight the blaze. C. Use a more academic tone when describing how the fire changed the course of his life. D. Revisit the site of the fire to bring back memories he has suppressed.





Allows the reader to see the event from different perspectives

Why is it the duty of a citizen to participate in war?


Answer:  The United States Constitution and federal laws define military service as an obligation and one that can be constitutionally required of every adult (even non-citizens residents).


I assume that this question is only about American Citizenship...

There are many rights and benefits available to all American citizens, which are accompanied by the responsibilities to serve, protect, and, (when necessary) defend our nation when called upon. Through a federally controlled draft program, citizens can be required to join the armed forces in times of war.

Mandatory US Citizen Duties & Responsibilities:

Obeying all applicable federal and state lawsPaying taxesJury service when selectedRegistering with the selective service

Optional/Voluntary US Citizen Duties & Responsibilities:

VotingRemaining informed and educatedInvolvement within the communityDemonstrating tolerance and acceptance for other citizensInforming future generations

The hate you give by Angie Thomas
What Do coon's actions during the riot show about the nature of people


Do coon's actions during the riot show about the nature of people is that  Children and teenagers suffer as a result of adults' failure to accept responsibility for their actions.

What is the The hate you give  about?

Throughout the story and shout, Maverick remains at the shop. Lisa sends the kids into the den as gunshots interrupt dinner. They are seated on the ground beneath the path of errant gunfire. People are seen on television denouncing Khalil's killing. Police officers spray protesters with tear gas. In addition to the peaceful protests, Garden Heights is the scene of violence and looting.

Therefore, The police reportedly spoke with a witness, according to news sources that feature a picture of Khalil. Police won't detain One-Fifteen. Starr attributes their inaction and the resulting violence to her. The Hate U Give examines how persistent criminalization of black bodies and police brutality harm African American communities.

Learn more about The hate you give from

“What, to the American slave, is your Fourth of July? I answer; a day that reveals to him, more than all other days in the year, the gross injustice and cruelty to which he is the constant victim. To him, your celebration is a sham; your boasted liberty, an unholy license; your national greatness, swelling vanity; your sounds of rejoicing are empty and heartless; your denunciation of tyrants, brass-fronted impudence; your shouts of liberty and equality, hollow mockery.” Identify and write the claim Douglass makes.


Frederick Douglass famously linked the fight to end slavery to the American Revolutionary War in his speech "What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?" delivered in 1852.

He challenged the Rochester, New York, audience to think on the ongoing oppression of Black Americans during a festival honoring independence. Frederick Douglass attempted to strengthen Northern white support for abolition in addition to trying to convince people that slavery was evil.

A day that, more than any other day of the year, makes clear to him the egregious injustice and cruelty of which he is a perpetual sufferer, according to Douglass.

To learn more about Frederick Douglass here:


Frederick Douglass famously linked the fight to end slavery to the American Revolutionary War in his speech "What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?" delivered in 1852.

He challenged the Rochester, New York, audience to think on the ongoing oppression of Black Americans during a festival honoring independence. Frederick Douglass attempted to strengthen Northern white support for abolition in addition to trying to convince people that slavery was evil.

A day that, more than any other day of the year, makes clear to him the egregious injustice and cruelty of which he is a perpetual sufferer, according to Douglass.

I answer this question with this same answer and got it correct


Unit 1: Subjects, Predicates, and Sentences answer key
Does any one have the answer key of that


Answer: no

Explanation: That is literally the easiest thing you could ever have to do in english. It's not that hard to write a couple sentences.

Which two of Mikhail's actions bring about the resolution of the story?



The correct answer are B. Mikhail decides to let go of the bike first to allow Candice to win, and E. Mikhail suddenly rushes off to use the restroom


A resolution is a term used to refer to the action of solving the central problem of a story, which is solved by the action of the characters to end it. In the story of the question, the author tells the story of Mikhail, who had prepared for a competition in which he had a chance to win a new mountain bike. Additionally, in this competition, he was going to face his best friend Candice, who has her bike stolen days before. Therefore, when they were both very tired after many hours of competition, Mikhail thought that his friend Candice was the one who needed the new bicycle the most, since she had been the victim of a robbery while he, despite having an old and beaten bicycle, had a bicycle. This caused Mikhail to drop the bike and run to the bathroom to allow Candice to win the bike. So, the two Mikhail's actions that bring about the resolution of the story are B. Mikhail decides to let go of the bike first to allow Candice to win, and E. Mikhail suddenly rushes off to use the restroom.

Answer:B. Mikhail decides to let go of the bike first to allow Candice to win, and E. Mikhail suddenly rushes off to use the restroom


A resolution is a term used to refer to the action of solving the central problem of a story, which is solved by the action of the characters to end it. In the story of the question, the author tells the story of Mikhail, who had prepared for a competition in which he had a chance to win a new mountain bike. Additionally, in this competition, he was going to face his best friend Candice, who has her bike stolen days before. Therefore, when they were both very tired after many hours of competition, Mikhail thought that his friend Candice was the one who needed the new bicycle the most, since she had been the victim of a robbery while he, despite having an old and beaten bicycle, had a bicycle. This caused Mikhail to drop the bike and run to the bathroom to allow Candice to win the bike. So, the two Mikhail's actions that bring about the resolution of the story are B. Mikhail decides to let go of the bike first to allow Candice to win, and E. Mikhail suddenly rushes off to use the restroom.

How can comparing points of view help you to become a better reader?

It can help you with your decoding skills.

It won't help you become a better reader.

It can help you make predictions.

It can help you understand the characters better.


It can help you understand the characters better, since you can hear the story from various perspectives


It can help you understand the characters better.


You can learn about charater by what he\she think about the things that happend, and know them better.

What is ironic about Elizabeth’s denial of John’s affair?


Dramatic Irony: Elizabeth denies her husband's adultery in an effort to shield John’s, but she is unaware that he has already admitted to it.

She is then dragged out of court because she lied, and as she is being brought out, John informs her he has already admitted. When Elizabeth is called to the stand to give a testimony, there is an instance of dramatic irony. Elizabeth is at a loss for words when Judge Danforth asks her why she fired Abigail Williams since she is unaware that John has already admitted to having an affair with Abigail to the courts.

To learn more about Elizabeth, click here.


The problem of resources being limited, but wants being unlimited is the economic concept of ________. economy of scale supply opportunity cost scarcity



Scarcity is the concept that resources are only available in limited supply, whereas society's demand for those resources is essentially unlimited.




the primary purpose of the author is to



get lost im invincible


uahaha lololololol

Leopards and cheetahs look very similar, since both have spotted
coats, but the two species of big cats are actually quite different
Leopards are usually bigger than cheetahs, and they are typically more
aggressive. Groups of cheetahs work together to hunt small mammals,
whereas one leopard can catch an animal weighing as much as 400
pounds. Cheetahs are relatively comfortable around humans and have
even been kept as pets, but leopards have occasionally been known to
attack humans unprovoked.

A. Leopards are better hunters
B. Cheetahs are smaller than Leopards
C. Leopards are more dangerous than cheetahs
D. Leopards work together to drag prey into trees


Answer: a

Explanation: just took the test

1. He would write, but his hours are as busy / As
Which technique is being used?
Simile, Metaphor, Personification, or Hyperbole
How do you figure?
(write a sentence explaining your answer)
2. My words are little jars / For you to take and pu
Their shapes are quaint and beautiful, / And they


simile.hours is being compere by as

Read the paragraph.

We must never close brick-and-mortar libraries. Many people without computers or technology at home depend on libraries to read online or research topics or other information. Libraries also serve different purposes in different communities, such as providing space for civic meetings or voting in elections. Libraries provide services that will be lost if we close them.

What kind of evidence is given for the claim made in the paragraph?



The kind of evidence provided in the paragraph is option C, anecdotal, as it relies more on individual observation than scientific or probabilistic observation.

What is anecdotal evidence?

First, it's important to understand that evidence is any information we provide in order to prove something to be true or right. Anecdotal evidence is the type of evidence that relies on personal observation or experience.

As we read the passage, we realize the writer does not provide any scientific studies or statistics to prove what he is saying to be right. He does not mention the actual estimated number of people in the country who rely on libraries as described. What he says is what he seems to believe to be the truth based on the things he knows.

Therefore, option C, anecdotal, is the best answer choice here.

Learn more about anecdotal evidence here:



there are 2 types of answers the Plato's answers like the one above and Edmentum's like this one


the answer mentioned above (Credit to that user) is for plato users for example C. Anecdotal and for Edmentum users for example me that answer is A, Anecdotal so for EU: A and for PU: C

Other Questions
You rent an apartment that costs $1,400 per month during the first year, but the rent is set to go up 10.5% per year. What would be the rent of the apartment during the 6th year of living in the apartment? Why do climbers watch the weather carefully? 12. Given.4(9.2), B(-1,y), C(-5, 16),and D(-8. 11), find the value ofy so that ABCD Marvin is hoping to buy a used car for S4025. His parents give him $275 towards the car. To earn the rest of the money he plans to mowlawns for $50 per yard. How many yards will he need to mow to earn enough money to buy the car?O 86 yardsO 50 yardsO 80 yardsO 75 yards A car travels at a constant speed of 12 m/s and has a momentum of 4800 kgm/s. What is the mass of the car? a woman earns $3000 per month and budgets $420 per month for food. what percent of her monthly income is spent on food At which angle is secant of theta equals negative radical 2 question mark Solve for x. 9x + 7 - 3 - 4x = -26 Evaluate the function when x= -2,0, and 59) v(x)=12-2x-5 1. The number of people attending a school meeting was 80. There were four times as many parents as supervisors atthe meeting. How many supervisors attended the meeting? How many parents?Let x = number of supervisors at the meeting.4x = number of parents at the meeting The ratio of girls to boys on Mr.Miller's team is 4 to 5. If thereare 60 boys on his team, thenhow many students are there onhis team? Following the example of the Greeks, create a myth in which fate plays a significant role. The myth should include at least one character who is given a prophecy or prediction; the ways in which the character reacts to the fate they are given; and the outcome of the prophecy or prediction that was given. There can be an additional storyline such as what we saw in Perseus and The Quest of the Golden Fleece, but fate should play a major role in the myth.Your myth must be at least FOUR paragraphs in length (minimum of five sentences per paragraph).You will be graded according to the following criteria:Content- Describe the setting and/or community from where the myth comes.- Explain through the myth how something in real life originated or occurs OR demonstrate how fate plays a clear role in the myth.- Create well-developed characters that will attract and engage your reader.- Create a well-defined problem or conflict for the protagonist. Organization- Include a strong, engaging opening to your myth.- Include an ending that brings closure to the myth.- The structure should be that of a narrative.- Include an ORIGINAL title for your myth.Voice- Use emotional, suspenseful, and dramatic language.- Use a consistent point of view, preferably third-person omniscient or limited.Word Choice- Use vivid words and details to describe the characters, action, and setting.- Avoid being repetitive in word choice.Sentence Fluency- Construct sentences that are clear. Vary your sentence length and structure and avoid run-on sentences.- Avoid sentence fragments and do not begin sentences with and, but, or or.Conventions- You may use past or present tense, but keep verb tense consistent.- Use correct spelling and grammar. Presentation- Type and double-space your myth using a readable font no larger than 12 point.- Use MLA format for heading and title. Part 2: The Final Draft (40 points)Revise your rough draft by making improvements to your syntax, spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and formal language and by incorporating feedback from your instructor. After making these edits and revisions, paste the final draft of your essay below. (40 points) im writing about Komodo dragon to the nearest hundreds it says in red it got cropped out Select all that apply:which of the following are aspects of culture?A. building stone templesB. groups of hutsC. the cultivation of cropsD. the worship of a rain godE. small animal figurines I need help on solving this Did I get the right answer ? And do the table right ? Many solderless connectors are color coded for the size of wire they are designd to work with. WHat size is indicated by the color blue? Angles C and D are acute angles of a right triangle. Given sin D=2/7, which statement is true? 4. The perimeter of a rectangular garden is 36 feet. The length of the garden is 6 less than twicethe width. Find the length and width of the garden.Variable:Equation:Variable:Equation:LengthWidth graphing on the coordinate plane how does absolute value help you write a number sentence to help you find the distance