How do you solve maximum problems?


Answer 1

A minimax problem minimizes the maximum value of a number of decision variables and the maximin problem maximizes the minimum value

We know that a minimax problem minimizes the maximum value of a number of decision variables. It is sometimes applied to minimize the possible loss for a worst case (maximum loss) scenario. On the other hand a maximin problem maximizes the minimum value. Generally it is used to maximize the minimum objective (such as profit or revenue) for all potential scenario.

To solve the  optimization problem for maximum :

First we find the derivative of the function.

Set the derivative equal to 0 and solve for x. This gives the x-values of the maximum and minimum points.

Now substitute those values of x back into the function to find the corresponding values of y. This will give the maximum and minimum points of the function.

Therefore, the maximin problem maximizes the minimum value  of a number of decision variables.

Learn more about the optimization problem here:


Related Questions

Use the Distributive Property to simplify 6x²[(3x - 4) + (4x + 2)]


Answer: 0

Step-by-step explanation:


6x2[(3x + -4) + (4x + 2)] = 0

Reorder the terms:

6x2[(-4 + 3x) + (4x + 2)] = 0

Remove parenthesis around (-4 + 3x)

6x2[-4 + 3x + (4x + 2)] = 0

Reorder the terms:

6x2[-4 + 3x + (2 + 4x)] = 0

Remove parenthesis around (2 + 4x)

6x2[-4 + 3x + 2 + 4x] = 0

Reorder the terms:

6x2[-4 + 2 + 3x + 4x] = 0

Combine like terms: -4 + 2 = -2

6x2[-2 + 3x + 4x] = 0

Combine like terms: 3x + 4x = 7x

6x2[-2 + 7x] = 0

[-2 * 6x2 + 7x * 6x2] = 0

[-12x2 + 42x3] = 0


-12x2 + 42x3 = 0

Solving for variable 'x'.

Factor out the Greatest Common Factor (GCF), '6x2'.

6x2(-2 + 7x) = 0

Ignore the factor 6.

please solve this question​


If [tex]$\tan \theta=\frac{a}{b}$[/tex], then [tex]$\frac{a \sin \theta+b \cos \theta}{a \sin \theta-b \cos \theta}$[/tex] is equal to the [tex]\frac{a^2+b^2}{a^2-b^2}[/tex].

What is Hypotenuse?

The longest side of a right-angled triangle, or the side opposite the right angle, is known as the hypotenuse in geometry. The Pythagorean theorem, which asserts that the square of the length of the hypotenuse equals the sum of the squares of the lengths of the other two sides, may be used to determine the length of the hypotenuse.

Given: [tex]$\tan \theta=\frac{a}{b}$[/tex]

We have to find the value of following expression in terms of a and b

We know that: [tex]$\tan \theta=\frac{\text { Perpendicular }}{\text { Base }}$[/tex]

[tex]$\Rightarrow$[/tex] Base [tex]$=b$[/tex]

[tex]$\Rightarrow$[/tex] Perpendicular[tex]$=a$[/tex]

[tex]$\Rightarrow$[/tex] Hypotenuse [tex]$=\sqrt{(\text { Perpendicular })^{2}+(\text { Base })^{2}}$[/tex]

[tex]$\Rightarrow$[/tex] Hypotenuse[tex]$=\sqrt{a^{2}+b^{2}}$[/tex]

Now we find,

[tex]$\frac{a \sin \theta+b \cos \theta}{a \sin \theta-b \cos \theta}=\frac{a\left(\frac{a}{a^{2}+b^{2}}\right)+b\left(\frac{b}{a^{2}+b^{2}}\right)}{a\left(\frac{a}{a^{2}+b^{2}}\right)-b\left(\frac{b}{a^{2}+b^{2}}\right)}$[/tex]



To learn more about hypotenuse visit:


Step-by-step explanation:

i can't read acruse please some one help me I am trying to answer it

within the third step of the control process, ______ is a principle that states that managers should be informed of a situation only if data show a significant deviation from standards.


Within the third step of the control process, management by exception is a principle that states that managers should be informed of a situation only if data show a significant deviation from standards.

The third step of the process of controlling is to compare the actual performance of the organization with the established standards. By comparing the actual performance with the standards, an organization can determine the deviation between them.

The final step of the control process is the correction of deviations to improve the performance so that in the future it matches with the plan. Establishing standards and methods for measuring performance. Measuring performance. Determine if performance is up to par. take corrective action. The marginal rate of return reduction is set to reduce the factor's marginal rate of return.

Learn more about  significant deviation here:-


what was the prices of oranges this week
last week the price of oranges at te farmers market was 1.75 er pound the price was decreased by 20%


The decreased amount of oranges will be equal to $1.4.

What is the percentage?

The percentage is defined as representing any number with respect to 100. It is denoted by the sign %. The percentage stands for "out of 100." Imagine any measurement or object being divided into 100 equal bits.

Given that the price of oranges at the farmers' market was 1.75 pounds the price was decreased by 20%.

The decreased price of the oranges will be calculated as,

Decreased price = 1.75 x (1 - 0.2)

Decreased price = 1.75 x 0.8

Decreased price = $1.4

The reduced number of oranges will equal $1.4.

To know more about percentages follow


Another question I need help with


The expanded form of the given exponential expression -z³ is -(z×z×z).

What is the exponent?

Exponent is defined as the method of expressing large numbers in terms of powers. That means, exponent refers to how many times a number multiplied by itself.

The given expression is -z³.

Here, -z raised to 3, so multiply -z times itsef


= -(z×z×z)

Therefore, the expanded form of the given exponential expression -z³ is -(z×z×z).

To learn more about an exponents visit:


The numbers of trading cards owned by 10 middle-school students are given below.
(Note that these are already ordered from least to greatest.)
361, 408, 414, 417, 498, 505, 519, 520, 530, 548
Send data to calculator
Suppose that the number 361 from this list changes to 401. Answer the following.
(a) What happens to the mean?
(b) What happens to the median?
It decreases by
13. It increases by
It stays the same.
It decreases by
It increases by
It stays the same.



a.  It increases by 4

b. It stays the same.

what is mean and median? how can be calculate it?

Mean is the average of a set of values. It is calculated by adding up all the values in the set and dividing by the number of values in the set.

Median is the middle value of a set of values. It is calculated by arranging all the values from smallest to largest and then finding the middle value in the set. Mean and median are used to measure the center of a set of values. Mean and median are often used to identify trends and patterns in data sets, as they are useful in describing the “average” or “typical” value of a set of data. They are also used in hypothesis testing and various statistical tests.

Formula for mean:

Mean = (Sum of all values) / (Number of values)

Formula for median:

Median = (Middle value of sorted set)

To learn more about mean refer to:


24 3/5 +4^3x(8 1/5 -2)


Answer: i believe it is 123/5 + 1984x/5

Step-by-step explanation:

Given the functions:
f(x) =83 + 8x
8 (x) = V2x
h (x) =7x-9
Evaluate the function h f(x)) for x = 3. Write your answer in exact simplified form. Select "Undefined" if applicable.


The value of h(f(3)) is 348.

What is simplification?

The method of simplifying something so that it is simpler to carry out or understand, or the product of such a method.

Here, we have

Given functions: f(x) = x³ + 8x, g(x) = √2x, h(x) = 7x-9

First, we will find f(3)

f(x) =  x³ + 8x

By simplification, we put x = 3 and get

f(3) = 27 + 24

f(3) = 51

Now, we find h(f(3)) and we get

h(x) = 7x-9

h(f(3)) = 7(51)-9

h(f(3)) = 357 - 9

h(f(3)) = 348

Hence, the value of h(f(3)) is 348.

To learn more about the simplification from the given link


find two consecutive integers such that three times the greater integer less than than 5 times the lesser integer


By solving a linear equation, it can be calculated that

The integers are 5 and 6

What is linear equation?

At first it is important to know about linear equation

Equation shows the equality between two algebraic expressions by connecting the two algebraic expressions by an equal to sign.

A one degree equation is known as linear equation.

Here, a linear equation needs to be solved

Let the integers be x, x + 1

Three times the greater integer is 7 less than than 5 times the lesser integer

By the problem,

The linear equation is

3(x + 1) = 5x - 7

3x + 3 - 5x = -7

-2x = -7 - 3

-2x = -10

x = [tex]\frac{-10}{-2}[/tex]

x = 5

The other integer is 5 + 1 = 6

To learn more about linear equation, refer to the link-


Evaluate 0.3k-4m k = 20 and m=-2​


The answer to the problem is


for the transition matrix P ​= [0.9 0.1 0.3 0.7], solve the equation SP = S to find the stationary matrix S and the limiting matrix P.


The limiting matrix is [tex]\bar{P}[/tex]=[tex]\left[\begin{array}{ccc}0.75&0.25\\0.75&0.25\\\end{array}\right][/tex].

What is meant by transition matrix?

Mathematicians frequently refer to "transition matrices" in a variety of situations. The term "change of coordinates matrix" is occasionally used in the context of linear algebra. As an alternative term for a stochastic matrix, or a matrix that describes transitions, it is employed in the theory of Markov chains. Use row operations to try to create the identity matrix to the left while augmenting the matrix of the second basis with the matrix of the first basis. Afterward, the transition matrix will be on the right. Row 1 should be multiplied by 1 as follows: R1=R1 R 1=-R 1 R1=R1.

The given transition matrix is:


Let S=[tex]\left[\begin{array}{ccc}a\\b\\\end{array}\right][/tex]

[tex]\left[\begin{array}{ccc}0.9&0.1\\0.3&0.7\\\end{array}\right][/tex][tex]\left[\begin{array}{ccc}a\\b\\\end{array}\right][/tex] =[tex]\left[\begin{array}{ccc}a\\b\\\end{array}\right][/tex]


Here, 0.9a+0.1b=0, 0.3a-0.3b=0

So, a=b




This S is called the stationary matrix




λ₁=1, λ₂=0.6



[tex]\left[\begin{array}{ccc}0.9&0.1\\0.3&0.7\\\end{array}\right][/tex][tex]\left[\begin{array}{ccc}a\\b\\\end{array}\right][/tex] =1[tex]\left[\begin{array}{ccc}a\\b\\\end{array}\right][/tex]




[tex]\left[\begin{array}{ccc}0.9&0.1\\0.3&0.7\\\end{array}\right][/tex][tex]\left[\begin{array}{ccc}a\\b\\\end{array}\right][/tex] =0.6[tex]\left[\begin{array}{ccc}a\\b\\\end{array}\right][/tex]






D=[tex]\left[\begin{array}{ccc}\lambda_{1} &0\\0&\lambda_{2}\\\end{array}\right][/tex]





This is the required limit matrix.

To know more about transition matrix, visit:


How do you calculate raw data?


Raw data can be calculated by using mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

This can be done manually or by using a calculator or a computer program .Additionally, statistical methods such as mean, median, mode, and standard deviation can be used to calculate raw data.Raw data can also be manipulated in various ways. For example, data can be sorted, filtered, and organized into categories or hierarchies. Data can also be visualized in graphs, charts, and diagrams to make patterns and trends easier to identify. Statistical methods such as correlation and regression can also be used to analyze and interpret raw data. Additionally, data can be combined with other data sets to create new insights and relationships. Finally, machine learning and predictive analytics can be used to make predictions about future outcomes based on existing data.

Learn more about raw score here


State the vertex and the axis of symmetry
y = 3(x-5)^2



Vertex = (5,0)

Axis of symmetry = x = 5


Y = 3(x-5)^2

Equal 3(x-5) to 0

y = 3 = 0

x-5 = 0

x = 5

Vertex = (5,0)

Formula for Axis of symmetry: x = -b/2a

Write 3(x-5)^2 in standard form

Y = 3x^2 - 30x + 75

x = -b/2a

x = -(-30)/2(3)

x = 30/6

x = 5

see attached please thank you


After solving for the angles, the resultant answers are as follows:
(A) ∠L = 55°

(B) ∠LMN = 62°

What are angles?

When two consecutive lines or rays intersect at a single endpoint, an angle is created.

The vertex of an angle is the point where two points come together.

The Latin word "angulus," which means "corner," is from which the term "angle" originates.

The intersection of two planes also creates angles.

We refer to these as geometric angles.

So, according to the given diagram:

KMN = LMN + 118

180 = LMN + 118

LMN = 180 - 118

LMN = 62°


6x - 9 + 4x + 7 + 62 = 180

10x + 60 = 180

10x = 180 - 60

10x = 120

x = 120/10

x = 12


∠L = 4x + 7

∠L = 4*12 + 7

∠L = 55°

Therefore, after solving for the angles, the resultant answers are as follows:
(A) ∠L = 55°

(B) ∠LMN = 62°

Know more about angles here:


What is 1/2 in a number?


Answer: 1/2, or half of something, is 0.5.

Step-by-step explanation: 1/2 means half, as you are halfway to 2 and to a whole number. This means the value of 1/2 is 0.5.

Find the correct expression to solve for z. A. z=8tan22° z = 8 tan 22 ° B. z=tan22°8 z = tan 22 ° 8 C. z=22(tan8) z = 22 ( tan 8 ) D. z=8tan22° z = 8 tan 22 °



The correct expression to solve for z is z = 8 tan 22°. This expression uses the tangent function and the angle measure in degrees to find the value of z. The tangent of an angle is defined as the ratio of the length of the opposite side to the length of the adjacent side in a right triangle, and the angle measure must be in degrees in order to use the tangent function. The other answer choices do not use the tangent function or the angle measure in degrees, so they are not correct.

Step-by-step explanation:

The bar graph shows the number of reserved campsites at a campground for one week. What percent of the reservations were for Friday or Saturday?

Reservations: Monday=5








The percentage of the reservations were for Friday or Saturday is 67%

How to determine the percentage of the reservations were for Friday or Saturday?

From the question, we have the following parameters that can be used in our computation:

The graph

On the graph, we have the following data values for reservation

Monday = 5Tuesday = 3Wednesday = 4Thursday = 7Friday = 26Saturday = 30Sunday = 9

The total number of reservations in the bar chart is then calculated as

Total number of reservations = 5 + 3 + 4 + 7 + 26 + 30 + 9

Evaluate the sum

So, we have the following representation

Total number of reservations = 84

The total number of reservations for Friday or Saturday is then calculated as

Total number for Friday or Saturday = 26 + 30

Evaluate the sum

So, we have the following representation

Total number for Friday or Saturday = 56

The percentage of the reservations were for Friday or Saturday is then calculated as

Percentage = Total number for Friday or Saturday/Total number of reservations

This gives

Percentage = 56/84


Percentage = 67%

Hence, the percentage is 67%

Read more about bar chart at


Please help me, it’s asap


The interquartile range of the given data set is  2.16.

What is median?

When a group of values is sorted from smallest to greatest, the median is the number in the middle of the range.

The given set of data,

2.35, 1.56, 1.77, 2.45, 6.92, 4.38, 2.77, 5.23, 2.22, 3.26

To find the interquartile, range of the given data set,

First find median of the set,

Arrange the given date in lowest to highest order,

1.56, 1.77, 2.22, 2.35, 2.45, 2.77, 3.26, 4.38, 5.23, 6.92.

There are 10 terms in the set,

The median will be middle term,

median = (2.45 + 2.77) / 2 = 2.61

The lower half of the set = 1.56, 1.77, 2.22, 2.35, 2.45.

The upper half of the set = 2.77, 3.26, 4.38, 5.23, 6.92.

Here, Q₁ = Middle term of the lower half = 2.22

And Q₂ = Middle term of the upper half = 4.38

The interquartile range = Q₂ - Q₁ = 4.38 - 2.22 = 2.16

The interquartile range of the data set is 2.16

To know more about Median on:


f(d) = 0.0071d³ - 0.090d² + 0.48d,
where d is the diameter of the diamond.
Find the domain of the function in the
context of the situation. (Lesson 4-1)
A. The domain is all real numbers.
B. The domain is {dl d > 0).
C. The domain is {dl d < 0).
D. The domain is (dld > 0.48).


The and is d the domain is (dld&gt,048)

find the sum of all positive rational numbers that are less than 10 and that have denominator 30 when written in lowest terms.


the sum of all positive rational numbers that are less than 10 and that have a denominator 30 is 400.

What is Rational Number?

Numbers that may be expressed in the form p/q, where p and q are integers and q0, are considered rational numbers. Because fractions cannot have a negative numerator or denominator, they differ from rational numbers in this respect. Because of this, the numerator and denominator of a fraction are whole numbers (denominator 0), unlike in the case of rational numbers, when they are both integers.

So to convert a fractional to reduce form we have to divide by 10 to power how many digits thereafter decimal point, and make sure that the numerator or denominator doesn't have commonly divisible.

As a small addition, you get 4+12+20+…+76, which is an arithmetic sequence. There are ten terms, so you can use

So the sum will be 10(4+76)/2 = 400

Hence the sum of all positive rational numbers that are less than 10 and that have a denominator 30 is 400.

Learn more about Rational Number , by the following link


phil dunphy, a real estate agent, is considering whether he should list an unusual $774,395 house for sale. if he lists it, he will need to spend $5,747 in advertising, staging, and fresh cookies. the current owner has given phil 6 months to sell the house. if he sells it, he will receive a commission of $16,870. if he is unable to sell the house, he will lose the listing and his expenses. phil estimates the probability of selling this house in 6 months to be 49%. what is the expected profit on this listing?


The required expected profit on this listing with 49% probability in 6 months.

What is Probability?

A probability is a number that mirrors the opportunity or probability that a specific occasion will happen. Probabilities can be communicated as extents that reach from 0 to 1, and they can likewise be communicated as rates going from 0% to 100 percent.

According to question:

We have,

he will need to spend $5,747 in advertising, staging, and fresh cookies.he will receive a commission of $16,870 on selling.

Then, there is 49% chances in 6 months = 49% of $16,870

⇒ $8266.3

And 51% of expenditure = 51%of $5,747

⇒ $29.3

So, required profit = $8266.3 - $29.3 = $8237

Thus, required profit is $8237.

To know more about probability visit:


Your model train i 18 inche long. It i an exact model of a train that i 72 feet long. A window on the train i how many time wider than a window on the model?At the movie, ticket for a night how cot $9, and ticket for a day how cot $6. 75. What percent i the dicount you get for going to a day how?


The window on the train will be 48 times wider than a window on the model .

In the question ,

it is given that ,

the length of the model train is = 18 inches   and

the length of the exact train is = 72 feet ,

on comparison , we need to convert it into inches .

we know that 1 feet is = 12 inches ,

So , 72 feet is = 72×12 inches = 864 inches

So , the length of the original train is = 864/18 = 48 times the model train .

the ratio will remain same for the width of the window .

So , the window on the train is 48 times wider than a window on the model .

Therefore , the window of the train is 48 times wider.

The given question is incomplete , the complete question is

Your model train is 18 inches long. It is an exact model of a train that is 72 feet long. A window on the train is how many time wider than a window on the model ?

Learn more about Algebra here


In a pizza dough recipe, the volume of water before mixing is 25% of the total ingredient volume. Which equation represents the relationship between the volume of water and the total volume of all ingredients? 1 (Let w represent the volume of water, and let t represent the total volume of all ingredients.)

a) t = 0.2w

b)t = 0.25w

c) = 4w

d) = 5w​


The equation that relates the volume of water and the total ingredient volume is the one in option C, it is written as:

t = 4*w

Which equation represents the relationship?

So we know that the volume of water before mixing is 25% of the total ingredient volume.

So if we define the variables:

w = volume of watert = total volume of ingredients.

Then we know that w is equal to the 25% of t.

Then the relation can be written as:

w = (25%/100%)*t

Where we divide the percentage by 100% so we write a decimal number instead of a percentage.

Now we can simply it so we get:

w =  (25%/100%)*t

w = 0.25*t

Now we can isolate t to get:

t = (1/0.25)*w

t = 4*w

So the correct option is C.

Learn more about percentages at:


It is given that △PQR ≅ △STU
. If m ∠P = 62o
and m ∠Q = 45o
, what is m ∠U


The measure of angle U is 74 degrees

How to determine the measure of angle U?

From the question, we have the following parameters that can be used in our computation:


. If m ∠P = 62 degrees and m ∠Q = 45 degrees

The above parameters mean that

P  = S Q = T and R = U

So, we have

U = R = 180 - P - Q -- by the angles in a triangle theorem

So, we have

U = 180 - 61 - 45


U = 74

Hence, the value of m ∠U is 74 degrees

Read more about angles at


there were 4 people running for president of town board in Riverview. The winner received 18 more votes than 1 candidate, 29 more votes than a 2nd candidate and 51 more votes than the candidate that came in last. If 1450 people voted, how many votes did the winning candidate receive?


Add the other candidates numbers of votes.
Candidate 1: 18
Candidate 2: 19
Candidate 3: 51
= 88 votes

Take the total of votes (1450) minus the votes we have added up! (88)

1450 - 88 = 1,362

Winning Candidate had 1,362 more winning votes.

Scientists studying dolphin echolocation simulate the projection of a bottlenose dolphin's clicking sounds using computer
models. The models originate the sounds at the focus of a parabolic reflector. The parabola in the graph shows the cross
section of the reflector with focal length of 1.3 inches and aperture width of 8 inches. Write an equation to represent the cross
section of the reflector. What is the depth of the reflector? Round your answer to the nearest hundredth.

The equation __ represents the cross section.

The depth is about __ inches.


Step-by-step explanation:

The equation of a parabola with focus at (h, k) and the directrix y = p is given by the following formula:

(y - k)^2 = 4 * f * (x - h)

In this case, the focus is at the origin (0, 0) and the directrix is the line y = -1.3, so the equation representing the cross section of the reflector is:

y^2 = 4 * f * x

  = 4 * (-1.3) * x

  = -5.2x

The depth of the reflector is the distance from the vertex to the directrix. In this case, the vertex is at the origin, so the depth is simply the distance from the origin to the line y = -1.3. Since the directrix is a horizontal line, this distance is simply the absolute value of the y-coordinate of the line, which is 1.3 inches. Therefore, the depth of the reflector is approximately 1.3 inches.

two dice are rolled what is the probability that the sum of the dice is atleast 5, given that one die is showing a 2



Step-by-step explanation:

the sum of the dice is at least 5

one die is showing a 2

2 and 3

2 and 4

2 and 5

2 and 6

4 out of 36 ways to get the sum at least 5 and one die is always 2

Probability = 4/36 = 1/9

If it is known that one die is showing a 2, then the probability that the sum of the dice is at least 5, is the probability that the other die shows 3 or 4 or 5 or 6, i. e. 4/6=2/3=0.666.

What is limit of a function in maths?


The limit of a function is a value of the function as the input of the function gets closer to some number.

We know that, a limit is a value toward which an expression converges as variable approaches certain values.

The limit of a function at m point is nothing but the value that the function approaches as its argument(variable) approaches m.

When a function is said to have a limit L at point p if it is possible to make the function arbitrarily close to L by choosing values to point p.

It is a value of the function as the input of the function gets closer to some number.

Therefore, the limit of a function is nothing but a value of the function as the input of the function gets closer to some number.

Learn more about the limit of a function here:


28 seconds to 23 seconds



5 if your doing subtraction or Percent Change from 28 to 23 ≈ -17.86%

Step-by-step explanation:

Here's a explanation for % of change.

1) Find the difference between 28 and 23 as a number.

2) Divide the result from Step 1 by the starting number 28.

3) Multiply the result from Step 2 by 100 to get it in terms of percent.

I hope this helped.

-3/4 x 4/3 x -3/7

Just need the answer. Need by next Friday. 30 points for whoever answered.



4/3x -3/7 = 4x/3 - 3x

Step-by-step explanation:

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