How did Brooklyn get its name?


Answer 1

The old Dutch settlement of Breukelen is where the name Brooklyn comes from. The Holy Roman Emperor Otto I's charter from 953 has the earliest reference to the Dutch town, specifically Broecklede.

Breukelen was one of a number of tiny Dutch settlements along what the colonists termed Langue Eylandt's western shore (Long Island). According to Jelly-Schapiro, "Breukelen was created in 1646 as a ferry landing for farmers."

The name Breukelen, which means "broken land," was taken from a Dutch settlement outside of Amsterdam. Breukelen's surrounding towns were given the name Kings County after King Charles II when the British gained control, and the name of Breukelen was anglicized to Brooklyn.

To learn more about Brooklyn, visit the link below:


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The primary force threatening american national security and unity in the 1790s were the international wars set off by the french revolution.


The answer is (false)

What court cases was the 11th amendment was used in?



The 11th Amendment to the United States Constitution was ratified in 1795. It establishes the principle of state sovereign immunity, which means that the states cannot be sued by private individuals or other states in federal court without their consent. This amendment was used in a number of court cases, including the following:

Chisholm v. Georgia (1793): In this case, the Supreme Court ruled that states could be sued by private individuals in federal court. This ruling was seen as a violation of state sovereignty, and led to the adoption of the 11th Amendment.

Hans v. Louisiana (1890): In this case, the Supreme Court ruled that the 11th Amendment barred a private citizen from suing a state in federal court, even if the state had consented to the lawsuit.

Seminole Tribe of Florida v. Florida (1996): In this case, the Supreme Court ruled that the 11th Amendment barred Congress from using its powers under the Commerce Clause to abrogate state sovereign immunity.

Alden v. Maine (1999): In this case, the Supreme Court ruled that the 11th Amendment barred state employees from suing their state in federal court, even if the state had waived its immunity.

These are just a few examples of court cases in which the 11th Amendment was used. The amendment has played a significant role in shaping the relationship between the states and the federal government in the United States.


List and define at least 6 ways congress can infulence money matters and the economy


These include the authority to declare war, mint money, form an army and navy, regulate trade, set immigration and naturalization policies, and establish federal courts and their jurisdictions.

What role does Congress have in fundraising?

The Constitution expressly grants Congress the power of the purse, allowing it the authority "to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts, and Excises," as well as saying that "No Money shall be withdrawn from the Treasury but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law." To summarize, federal taxation and spending require legislation that becomes law. The federal government categorizes its spending into two types: mandatory and discretionary.

To learn more about Congress, click


PLEASE HELP How did the Missouri Compromise of 1820 ease the conflict between the North and the South?

A. It exchanged Texas war debts for land.
B. It abolished the national Fugitive Slave Act.
C. It admitted California, Utah, and New Mexico as Free-Soil states.
D. It abolished slavery in the Louisiana Territory above latitude 36°30′.


To avoid disturbing the nation's balance of slave and free states, this bill accepted Missouri as a slave state while also admitting Maine as a non-slave state. It also outlawed slavery across the Louisiana Territory above the 36o 30' latitude line. Hence, the correct option is (D) It abolished slavery in the Louisiana Territory above latitude 36°30′.

What was the primary outcome of the Missouri Compromise?

This law simultaneously accepted Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a non-slave state in order to maintain the nation's balance of slave and free states. It also prohibited slavery over the 36o 30' latitude line in the rest of Louisiana Territory.

To learn more about Missouri Compromise, click


who was the first president to decorate the official white house christmas tree?


The tradition of a placing a decorated tree in the White House began in 1889 on Christmas morning during the Presidency of Benjamin Harrison.

In greek mythology, to enter the underworld and accomplish some heroic deed, heroes must sometimes outwit cerberus, a three-headed dog who prevents the dead from leaving the underworld. In these stories, what archetype does cerberus most fulfill?.


The threshold guardian archetype is embodied by Cerberus.

Cerberus: It's a canine with three heads.

It is the beast who stands watch above the underworld's entrance.

An archetype is a behavior pattern assigned to a cast of characters who have something in common or have a similar plot.

Since Cerberus is manning the underworld's entrance, which serves as the boundary between the living and the dead, the archetype that is attributed to him in this instance is the threshold guardian.

As a result, Cerberus, like other threshold guards, must be powerful, intimidating, challenging to control, and designed to instill a sense of danger.

The existence of the three heads poses the greatest challenge to deceiving Cerberus into entering the underworld while still alive.

To know more about archetypes visit:


Who ruled after Akbar?

help me


Prince Salim, often known as Jahangir, the eldest son of Akbar, succeeded his father as emperor.

Who is Akbar?

From 1556 until 1605, Akbar, the third Mughal emperor, ruled. Under the guidance of a regent named Bairam Khan, Akbar inherited his father, Humayun, and consolidated the Mughal empire's Indian realms.

Because of his numerous successes, particularly his track record of victorious military battles that solidified Mughal power in the Indian subcontinent, Akbar was given the title "the Great."

Akbar, the third king of the Mughal empire, is regarded as one of history's greatest emperors. His reign, also called as Akbar the Great lasted from 1556 to 1605. Akbar was a brave warrior but a smart king who was well-liked by the people he subdued.

To learn more about Akbar


Cherokee leader wilma pearl mankiller reminded us that when making decisions that affect the people, iroquois leaders are encouraged to remember what?



Seven generations in the past and future


Which three factors led to the Great Recession of 2008?


↓ Three factors that led to the Great Recession are.

High-interest ratesThe fall of the stock marketBanks giving subprime mortgages.

In an effort to avoid a second “world war”, when did the Britain and France adopt a policy of appeasement toward Germany?

Question 4 options:

Before the war began.

When they declared war.

When the United States entered the war.

After France was invaded and divided.


Before the war when Germany was breaking all of the rules. They tried to avoid war as long as possible.

How did President Roosevelt feel the U.S. should respond to acts of international aggression?



President Franklin D. Roosevelt believed that the United States should actively oppose international aggression. He was a strong advocate of collective security and believed that the U.S. should work with other nations to form alliances to resist aggression. He proposed a Four Freedoms speech in 1941, which outlined the principles of freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom from want, and freedom from fear. He also proposed a United Nations organization to promote and maintain international peace and security. He believed that the U.S. should take an active role in stopping aggression and maintaining world peace.


Which of the following best summarizes an impact of the Mexican-American War?

Congress agreed to admit Missouri as a slaveholding state and Maine as a free state.
The U.S. wanted to sell the territory gained to build railroads, and the Missouri Compromise prevented it.
Congress decided that the people should be able to decide whether the territory gained should be allowed to have slavery.
The territory gained was mainly below the Missouri border, and northern leaders feared a loss of control in Congress.



The territory gained was mainly below the Missouri border, and northern leaders feared a loss of control in Congress. (?)


Because the new land caused disputes, parties were split into regional areas, The land was mostly below the Missouri border-- this caused arguments over whether the land was free or not and caused northern leaders to worry about their loss of control in congress.


" The Mexican-American War reopened the slavery-extension issue, which divided the North and South and which had been largely dormant since the Missouri Compromise."

"The Mexican American War heightened tensions over slavery in that there were many disagreements over whether the new territories won from Mexico should be free or slave territories. The Wilmot Proviso, created to solve the problem, ended up splitting parties into regional areas."


The territory gained was mainly below the Missouri border, and northern leaders feared a loss of control in Congress.


As the Americans found out, the compromise reached in 1820 could not last forever. After the Mexican American War, the United States gained a vast territory to the southwest. Most of this territory lay under the Missouri Compromise line. Northern leaders were in an uproar, fearing loss of control in Congress as these territories applied for statehood.

Hope this helps.

Which beliefs are held by both Hindus and Buddhists? Choose three correct answers.

Eightfold Path
caste system


The Sutras, Dharma, and  Caste system are the beliefs that are held by both Hindus and Buddhists. Option A, B, and G are correct.

What principles are shared by Buddhists and Hindus?

Both Buddhism and Hinduism recognize the concepts of reincarnation and the laws of Karma, Dharma, and Moksha. Both Hinduism and Buddhism hold the idea that there are several heavens and hells, or higher and lower realms.

Most major faiths' founders are not like those of Buddhism or Hinduism. Both Hindus and Buddhists adhere to the Sutras, the Dharma, and the caste system.

Therefore, options A, B, and G are correct.

Learn more about the beliefs, refer to:



sutras, drahma, and enlightenment


Which of thee feature of the U. S. Government found in the Contitution ha been changed by the addition of an amendment?

A election of U. S. Enator by tate legilatureelection of U. S. Enator by tate legilature

B the electoral collegethe electoral college

C a four year preidential terma four year preidential term

D equal repreentation of tate in the Senate



i think its A


explain how the social structure of India was different from Egyptian Civilization.



The social structure of India was markedly different from that of the Egyptian Civilization. In India, the four classes of society - Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya, and Shudra - were based on the Hindu caste system. These classes were determined by a person's birth, and their role in society was determined by the class they belonged to. In contrast, the social structure of Egypt was based off of the individual's wealth, power, and influence. Pharaohs and other powerful individuals were at the top of the social hierarchy, followed by the wealthy upper class, and finally the lower class. Moreover, there was less rigidness in the Egyptian social structure, as people could move to different social classes depending on their wealth, power, and influence.



Egyptian society was structured like a pyramid. At the top were the gods, such as Ra, Osiris, and Isis. Egyptians believed that the gods controlled the universe.


What was the role of black newspapers in the Great Migration?


The role of black newspapers in the Great migration was to survive in their new cities, black migrants constantly turned to their local black press newspapers for advice.

The most financially successful black newspapers were published in Great Migration cities with a large population of black migrants who had escaped South to North after the Civil War ended in search of increased employment opportunities and a respite from racial .

Some members of the black elite reporting and design of black press newspapers many black Americans treated them main information on their communities, and reading them was empowering.

These newspapers were a sign of their freedom. They were now allowed to express themselves or open a business. After the Civil War, the black press dedicated itself to rebuilding black communities and black political movements.

Learn more about Great Migration click the link here:


Did a woman finish the Brooklyn Bridge?


After her husband Washington Roebling was rendered bedridden by caisson illness, engineer Emily Warren Roebling worked tirelessly for more than ten years to see the Brooklyn Bridge finished.

In the late 19th century, women weren't typically allowed to go with a man to a construction site. Physical labor was frequently hindered by petticoats. But when Brooklyn Bridge chief engineer Washington A. Roebling became ill, and his wife Emily Warren Roebling took over, managing, coordinating, and politicking between city officials, and employees.

And her husband's bedside to see the world's first steel-wire suspension bridge through to completion. She would cross the bridge first as well, rumor has it with a rooster on her person for good luck.

To learn more about Brooklyn Bridge, visit the link below:


henry david thoreau favored the solitary life, but he was publicly against civil disobedience. group of answer choices false true


Naturalist, essayist, poet, and philosopher Henry David Thoreau was an American who lived from July 12, 1817, to May 6, 1862.  A prominent transcendentalist, he is most known for his book Walden,

Henry David Thoreau a contemplation on simple life in the natural world, and his essay "Civil Disobedience," which argues for defying an unjust government. It was first published as "Resistance to Civil Government." More than 20 volumes contain all of Thoreau's publications, articles, essays, journals, and poetry. His publications on philosophy and natural history, in which he foresaw the approaches and outcomes of ecology and environmental history—two main sources of contemporary environmentalism—are among his lasting achievements.Henry David Thoreau  writing is characterized by a lyrical sensibility, a commitment to philosophical austerity, and an attention to detail. It also incorporates attentive observation of nature, personal experience, incisive rhetoric, symbolic meanings, and historical lore.

Learn more about Henry David Thoreau here:


Did the US declare war on Germany in ww1?


On April 6, 1917, Congress approved a resolution declaring war with Germany. The Senate approved the resolution by a vote of 82-6 on April 4, 1917.

eliza lucas pinckney revolutionized the economy of south carolina when she proved that _______________ could be successfully cultivated and processed in 1740.


Eliza Lucas Pinckney revolutionized the economy of south carolina when she proved that indigo could be successfully cultivated and processed in 1740.

Eliza Pinckney was the foremost female

to be inaugurated into South Carolina’s

business hall of fame in the twentieth

century. She transformed agriculture in

the colonial of South Carolina, where she

industrialized the cultivation of indigo as

one of its most significant cash crops.

Its agriculture and processing as tint shaped one-third of the total value of the region’s trades before the Revolutionary War. She is the administrator of three plantations, Mrs. Pinckney had a major impact on the colonial economy. Eliza Lucas Pinckney revolutionized the economy of south carolina when she proved that indigo could be successfully cultivated and processed in 1740.

To know more about Eliza Lucas Pinckney visit:


Which technological advancement was developed in installations near these cities during World War 2?


Three specially constructed cities in Tennessee, New Mexico, and Washington state served as the headquarters for the program that created the first nuclear weapons during World War II.

An overview of World War 2.

World War II, also known as WWII, was a global conflict that raged from 1939 to 1945. The vast majority of the world's nations—including all the great powers—formed the Allies and the Axis powers, two military alliances that opposed one another. More than 100 million soldiers from more than 30 nations were directly involved in World War II as a whole.

The distinction between civilian and military resources was muddled as the major warring parties threw their entire economic, industrial, and scientific capacities behind the war effort. The only two nuclear weapons ever used in war were deployed and strategic bombing of population centers was made possible thanks to aircraft.

Know more about nuclear weapons visit:


How did George Washington lead the Colonists to fight for him and this new nation?


George Washington was able to lead the colonists to fight because he was able to balance regional demands, boost the morale within his rank and file, and employ diplomacy when needed.

Who was George Washington?

George Washington, an American military officer, statesman, and founding father, died on December 14, 1799.

He presided over the country as its first president from 1789 to 1797. Washington, who was chosen as the Continental Army's commander by the Continental Congress, presided over the 1787 Constitutional Convention, which drafted the American federal constitution and led the Patriot forces to victory in the American Revolution.

Through his leadership, the colonists were able to establish armed fighters that took on Great Britain in order to get their independence.

Learn more about George Washington here


Which person would have been least likely to be considered a "progressive" in the early 20th century?.


The farmer was the least considered "progressive" in the early 20th century.

What is Progressive Era?

The Progressive Era was a political and social reform movement that brought about great change in the United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. During this period known as the progressive movement, the goal of the movement was to strengthen national governments to meet the economic, social and political demands of the people. Progressives especially saw elements of American society that wanted to end the extreme concentration of wealth in the elite and the enormous economic and political power of big corporations.

Learn more about farmer in progressive era


The city of ___________ received a record-breaking 6 feet of snow on saturday, november 18th.


Answer: should be new york


What happened when Cortés and his soldiers first arrived in the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlán?
A. The Spanish army became ill with smallpox.
B. The Aztec ruler Moctezuma welcomed them as guests at first.
C. The Aztec army attacked Cortés and his soldiers.
D. Cortés immediately killed the Aztec leader Moctezuma and burned the city.


The answer is that D. Corts promptly assassinated Moctezuma, the Aztec leader, and set fire to the city.

The Spaniards set off for Tenochtitlan, but Montezuma gave them presents and warned them along the route to avoid entering Mexico. He also warned them that the people would not welcome them because they were angry, but Hernán Cortés disregarded these warnings and continued on his mission to conquer Mexico.

The Aztec god invited them to enter Tenochtitlan and stay in his father's palace after they had received the most important caciques. They were housed with precautions in case it was a trap. Cortes attempted to persuade Moctezuma to follow a true religion and accept his king Carlos I, but Moctezuma graciously refused.

To learn more on Aztec:


What were three effects of Prohibition ?


The Prohibition Amendment expanded state and federal government in addition to outlawing brewing and distilling.

They suppressed elements of working-class and immigrant culture while promoting new forms of male and female social contact.

In the early years of Prohibition, there were fewer arrests for drinking, hospitalizations for alcoholism, and liver-related ailments, which pleased the amendment's proponents. These facts looked to back up their claims and imply that a better moral standard, happier families, and fewer workplace accidents would characterize America in the future.

Its unanticipated effects included a rise in organized crime associated with the illicit production and distribution of alcohol, an increase in smuggling, and a drop in tax revenue. In order to safeguard individuals and families from the  "scourge of intoxication."

To learn more about Prohibition here:


Although this civilization lacked a written language, they developed a method of keeping track of data. This method known as quipu, was a set of knotted strings using color and knots to define categories and numbers. which civilization developed this method of record keeping?


The Inca civilization, along with other pre-Columbian Andean civilizations, invented the Quipu system of record keeping.

Quipu is a term used to describe a system of record keeping that the Inca and other early Andean societies used to keep track of information and transmit it using thread and knots. This straightforward, extremely portable instrument attained a high level of precision and flexibility despite the lack of an alphabetic writing system. Dates, statistics, accounts, and even abstract concepts were entered into Quipu. Quipu used a vast variety of hues, strings, and occasionally hundreds of knots that were all tied in different patterns and at different heights. In South America today, quipu is still in use.

To know more about Quipu visit:


What was the first step in Ghana's independence Brainly?


The first step in Ghana's independence is Africans gained a majority in the parliament. the state came to be associated with a single political party with Nkrumah assuming increasing amounts of power for himself as life president of both.

For Nkrumah, the formation of a socialist African union and the liberation of the rest of Africa from colonial control depended on an independent Ghana. On the Pan-African front, other leaders of an increasing number of independent states began to oppose Nkrumah's messianism. By 1966, his vision of African socialism was coming to an end due to a chaotic and dishonest government, a massive foreign debt, and falling living standards. While Nkrumah was in Beijing in February, military and police leaders revolted against him, and a National Liberation Council led by Lieutenant took his place. Joseph A. Ankrah, general. Government operations were reorganised, and conservative fiscal measures were implemented. Ankrah, however, fell short of keeping a vow to reinstate parliamentary democracy.

learn more about  Ghana independence here:


The eruption of mount vesuvius in southern italy erupted so violently in ad 79, it literally buried the town of pompeii. It was excavated in the 1700's, what did scientists find?.


The violent eruption of Mount Vesuvius in southern Italy literally buried the town of Pompeii which when excavated in the 1700's, scientists found everything intact—from buildings to perfect molds of people who had been buried alive by the ash. (Option C)

Mount Vesuvius, a major stratovolcano in southern Italy, erupted many times but the best-known is its eruption happened in 79 AD one of the deadliest in European history. The event destroyed several towns and settlements in the surrounding area which was part of the Roman Empire. Pompeii and Herculaneum were obliterated and buried underneath massive pyroclastic surges and ashfall deposits. After archaeological excavations in 1700s revealed much about the lives of the inhabitants as scientists found everything intact—from buildings to perfect molds of people who had been buried alive by the ash. The area became a major tourist attraction and is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site and part of Vesuvius National Park.

Note: The question is incomplete as it is missing options which are A) scientists who found everything burned and there were no remains of anything resembling the town of Pompeii. B) scientists who found several new species of humans under the ash. C) scientists found everything intact—from buildings to perfect molds of people who had been buried alive by the ash. D) scientists who found crystals made from the cooled lava.

Learn more about Mount Vesuvius:


How do you become a New Yorker?


The belief is that in order to demonstrate your tenacity, you must survive at least that long. Being a New Yorker means you went through hardships yet persisted. Our remuneration and identification come from whining about things like apartment size and the train.

A wary disposition toward anything and everyone. In New York, it was never simple to trust others, but it appears that the recent influx of really happy individuals has made it even more challenging. I don't look at you, and you don't look at me used to be the procedure back then.

When strolling along the street, New Yorkers seldom make eye contact with other individuals. It's not because they're dishonest or malicious. It's because they're always engaged in other activities.

To learn more about New Yorkers


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