how can you tell if a person is physically fit ? give 2-3 examples


Answer 1


1) Easily winded or out of breath when exerting yourself

2) You get injured very easily when participating in physical activity

3) You get achy muscles even after a very small amount of physical activity


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what is the sign of thawing freezing In frozen food delivery


Answer: Frozen food packaging has ice crystals.

Explanation:  Ice crystals indicate that the food has warmed and then refrozen. Water in the bottom of packages or staining from water on packages. This can indicate that the food started to thaw during transportation.

The skeletal system, circulatory system, nervous system and digestive system work completely independently of one another. True or False
Pls tell me the real answer



The answer would not be that they work independently


Every system need each other to work eg. The skeletal system needs the nervous system in oder to work because every time you need to move your brain signals to you legs so they could move.

They work independently with each other

How many miles do you swim in an Ironman 70.3 race?


The 70.3 refers to the total of distance in miles (113.0KM) covered in the race,consisting of a 1.2-mile (1.9 KM) swim,a 56-mile (90km) bike ride,and a 13.1- mile (21.1 KM) run.each distance of swim,bike,run segments if half the distance of that segment in an ironman triathlon

Summarize: How might a person reduce the effects of a stressor despite his or her body's automatic physical reactions to it?


Answer: The body's initial reaction to stress keeps you alert, gives you a burst of energy, and allows you to face the challenge. It can protect you from harm and motivate you during the incident. It can also sharpen your concentration.


Seeking prenatal care and avoiding unapproved medicine and drugs can lead to a miscarriage. Help I’m trying to take the exam review and I can get any answers


The correct answer is False.


Prenatal care is a health service that is provided to pregnant mothers to control the pregnancy, in which the doctor examines the mother and the baby to avoid complications in pregnancy and childbirth. On the other hand, the doctor may recommend that the pregnant mother avoid certain drugs that can affect her health and that of the baby, which could even cause a miscarriage. Therefore, when a pregnant woman seeks prenatal care and follows the doctor's suggestions to avoid unapproved drugs, she is avoiding complications in her pregnancy. So the answer is False.

Why do we need to have balanced diets?


A balanced diet supplies the nutrients your body needs to work effectively. Without balanced nutrition, your body is more prone to disease, infection, fatigue, and low performance. Children who don't get enough healthy foods may face growth and developmental problems, poor academic performance, and frequent infections.

Silver nitrate is used
A A In antisepsis of burns
B) As a mouthwash
C To treat genital gonorrhea
To disinfect water



A . a in antiseptic of burn or it is also used or known as antiseptic agent

The answer to this should be A

The heart is———
to the lungs





The heart is medial to the lungs.

Which of the following is not a non-controllable risk factor?
OA. Genetics
OC. Gender


Answer: I believe that Diet is the correct for this!

Explanation: Dieting is a part of one's lifestyle and is most likely to undergo frequent changes. This is what many would call a controllable risk factor, which can impact your health severely based on what you consume.

Hope this helps you somehow!

i’m pretty sure it’s diet because you can’t really control your genetics or gender, or age
and the code is 924766 plz join



Maria is a pregnant teenager. Which health-related issues is she most likely to face?

Maria is fourteen, and she has discovered that she is pregnant. 1)Maria is likely to remain in denial after she discovers that she is pregnant.
2)However, she will be able to provide adequate nutrition to the baby. 3)Her pregnancy will be free of complications because her skeletal system is
well developed. However, 4)María may have a higher risk of miscarriage and stillbirth because of her age.



3. Her skeletal system is well developed

4 maria may have a higher risk of miscarriage and stillbirth beacuse of her age.


Which of the following is not a function of human life?





Because decomposition takes place after a human has died and ultimately cease to function.

Decomposition is not a function of human life.

What is decomposition?

To break down or be broken down into simpler parts or substances, especially by the action of living things.

Many functions can be summarized in terms of a few that we might consider definitive of human life: organization, metabolism, responsiveness, movement, development, and reproduction.

Hence, decomposition is not a function of human life.

Learn more about decomposition here:


The pituitary gland in a male child is malfunctioning. It signals the reproductive organs to secrete hormones too early. Based on your knowledge of the endocrine system and hormones, explain the likely impact of this on the male child. (7 points)








pineal body

the ovaries

the testes


Please help me thank you


I think a stretch or warm up !!!!

1. Watzke relates cooking to technology. When we think about technology in the traditional
sense, we do not think of cooking. How does he correlate cooking to technology?



this is the sense of we keep finding new ingrediants and new ways to cook and prepare meals for us to eat like technology cooking is improving.


Technology makes the work of cooking easier, faster, and more efficient.

What do you mean by Technology?

Technology may be defined as the application of scientific understanding to the practical aims of human life.

Technology introduced many appliances like induction cooktops, electric heaters, etc which makes cooking more efficient.

Some types of equipment work automatically without human requirement, These appliances save time.

Apart from this, technology develops modern kitchen equipment that made easier to create food and drinks faster, healthier, and more efficient.

Therefore, technology makes the work of cooking easier, faster, and more efficient.

To learn more about Technology, refer to the link:


During aerobic activity, what should your approximate heart rate be?
OA 60-70 bpm
OB 80-100 bpm
Oc 130-180 bpm
OD. Over 200 bpm


it is d .. it could be c but it should be d bc it normally is 220

What can you do to increase your muscular strength?
O A Jog
OB. Control your food intake
Oc. Lift weights
OD. Take aerobic classes


C. Lifting weights will increase muscle strength.

When judging the quality of Native American music, what is most important? Question 4 options: The strength of the beat/rhythm The tone of the singer The feelings that the music generates The dance that accompanies the music



im pretty sure the answer is one of these two  

The feelings that the music generates  

The dance that accompanies the music


A fracture that is caused gradually by wear and tear over time typically to weight-bearing bones


Bone fractures, typically caused by sport injuries,car accidents or falls,weight/bearing exercise such ad walking helps keeps bones healthy and strong
Is called a Stress fracture

4. Which of the following regulates the activity of the heart,
brain, and nerves and is found in body tissue

a. lipids
b. fats
c. amino acids
d. minerals



D. Minerals


regulates the activity of the heart,

brain, and nerves and is found in body tissue

A dental assistant tells her friends that a hygienist she works with has a drinking
problem. If this is not true, the assistant could be guilty of:

a) Slandeling

b) Malpractice

c) Battery

d) Libel


The answer would be A

enhances one's self-perceptions of body, competence, and self-worth


Answer: Body image and self-esteem is a complex and multifaceted concept of the self,  is defined as an evaluation about the appearance and functioning of one's body.  such as perceived sport competence, physical condition, attractiveness, and .of physical strength, which in turn would enhance body image and self-esteem.

Explanation: you can improve it by

dentify and Challenge Your Negative Beliefs. ...

Identify the Positive About Yourself. ...

Build Positive Relationships—and Avoid Negative Ones. ...

Give Yourself a Break. ...

Become More Assertive and Learn to Say No. ...

Improve Your Physical Health. ...

Take On Challenges.

What is safety health??


It’s something that helps you learn more about your health and safety;)

Need help fast!
Select the skill related component of fitness which is defined as the ability to move your body, or a part of it, as quickly as possible. (2 points)
O Balance
O Coordination
O Power
O Speed


Answer: speed

Explanation: move fast = speed


Most likely speed.


Since it is talking about moving “as quickly as possible” this would likely be the answer. Answers to do with balance could include examples such as having to stand on one foot. Coordination might use examples like throwing a ball and catching it. Power would likely use a key word such as force.

Compose a poem on farming.​


When there is no rain,

Farmers groan in pain.

And with unseasonal rain,

Their produce flood the drain.

With their life in mess,

The farmers are in distress.

And with no fruitful harvest,

The bankers further oppress.

They in darkness grope,

And find life hard to cope.

And then they pick up a rope,

And hang up all their hopes.

16. Identify the laws that protect society from drunk
17. How can alcohol use affect a teen’s future?
18. List three things you would say to refuse
19. What organizations are involved in educating
people about the dangers of alcohol?
20. CRITICAL THINKING Write three things you
might do to help reduce the number of teens at
your school who drink alcohol.


18 an answer is I’m not interested, change the subject by talking about something else, simply say no

The curl up test is testing what muscle group?

Question 3 options:

abdominal strength

leg strength

lower body

upper body


abdominal strength:)


The answer is abdominal strength.


Abdominal strength is the strength of your abdomen and abdominal muscles; it's also known as your "core" or "abs." When you perform curl-ups, you are increasing the strength of your abdomen/core. Therefore, the curl up test would test your abdominal strength.

You are applying for a job as a receptionist at a health club. Which of your personal
skills would you want to list in the “skills” section of your resume?

a) Applying hot and cold applications

b) Completing insurance forms

c) Proficient using Word, Access and Excel

d) Skilled player of basketball alund softball


The answer would be c.
A) is the correct answer

PLZ help 10 points
How many parts does the scientific name of an organism have? (5 points)







Im pretty sure it's 2


Hope it helps ^^




What are some of the negative things you have heard about people with mental illness?


Answer  mental health problems are often clinically diagnosable, and can be a product of the interaction of biological, psychological, and social factors.Half of all mental health disorders show first signs before a person turns 14 years old, and three quarters of mental health disorders begin before age 24.  

you have mostlike heard that mental illness make people lash out in angry or that the are crazy and dont know what they are talking about  or that people with mental helath problems are diffrent than us  or that they are a burnde to us to take care of  those are all negitve things people have said about peole with mental illnesses.


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