How can you influence your family?


Answer 1


If your goal is to influence them to be healthier mentally or physically, then I can help you. If not, I don't know what you mean.


These easy steps can improve both physical and mental health drastically;

More sunlight in the home, house plants, healthier food options, some simple work out equipment, (just there as an option,) a cleaner living space, etc.

Related Questions

Is 11 too late for bed?


Depends what age group you are in, but no its not too late. That means you might get around 7-9 hours of sleep which isn't bad.

Which nursing questions are appropriate for a patient 9 days postpartum who feels tired and still has vaginal discharge?


Fundus 1 cm above the umbilicus 1 hour postpartum. Within the first 12 hours postpartum, the fundus usually is approximately 1 cm above the umbilicus. The fundus should be below the umbilicus by PP day 3

Which nursing action is needed before assessing the fundus of a postpartum patient?

Before assessing the patient's fundus, the nurse should ask the patient to empty her bladder for an accurate assessment. Then the nurse asks the woman to lie flat on her back with her knees flexed, not on her side. Massaging the fundus is an appropriate intervention if the fundus is boggy and soft.

Which nursing care is most crucial for a postpartum patient with Lochia rubra and a solid fundus?

A postpartum patient is examined by the nurse, who discovers that the patient has lochia rubra and a solid fundus at the level of the umbilicus. Which nurse intervention is most crucial in this circumstance dispense prostaglandins.

To know more about postpartum patient visit;


Shaun is piloting a photo array line up procedure which uses six faces suggest one advantage and one disadvantage of this line up array compared to pozzulo et al.’s array


The one advantage of array is that the array has been used to holds multiple variables and the assignment operator can assign only a single variable at a time and disadvantage of array is that it may hang sometime.

What is the direction of loop iteration?

The loop iteration just moves on the equal to the size of the array. It has been seen like this because the array value moves into the another array in one by one. It means that the single value must move in the single time. So there will be moving processor from one array just to another array takes n times if the first array size is n.

Shaun is piloting a photo array line up procedure which uses six faces suggest one advantage and one disadvantage of this line up array compared to pozzulo.

Therefore, The one advantage of array is that the array has been used to holds multiple variables and the assignment operator can assign only a single variable at a time and disadvantage of array is that it may hang sometime.

Learn more about array on:


What is the best way to assess muscular endurance ?


The Push-up test is the best way to assess muscular endurance

The Procedure to do it is:

Bell adds that the pushup test is one of the finest methods to measure upper-body strength, particularly in the chest and shoulder muscles.You'll need a stopwatch or a timer on your phone, as well as a ball, such as a tennis ball, to do the pushup test. A yoga mat can also be useful.Set up a ball beneath your chest and assume a high plank posture.Bend your elbows and contact the ball underneath you with your chest as you do one pushup. When you push back up to the high plank posture, make sure your arms are fully extended.As many times as you can until your form is compromised, do this.Alternatively, try to finish as many in 60 seconds.Keep track of how many pushups you correctly complete.

To learn more about chest muscles click on the below link:


Who was president during the environmental movement?



I think it was President Nixon, I'm sorry if it is wrong.


Theodore Roosevelt
is often considered the "conservationist president." Here in the North Dakota Badlands, where many of his personal concerns first gave rise to his later environmental efforts, Roosevelt is remembered with a national park that bears his name and honors the memory of this great conservationist.

you work in a lab and you have discovered a brilliant method for targeted control of chromatin structure and remodeling on a gene-by-gene basis. you are specifically interested in modifying the transcription of oncogenes, which are genes whose overexpression can lead to cancer. select which modifications you would make in cancer cells that are over expressing oncogenes. check all that apply.


The modifications in cancer cells that are over expressing oncogenes will be of decreasing acetylation of histones and increase phosphorylation of histones.

An oncogene is a gene that has the potential to cause cancer. In tumour cells, these genes are typically mutated, or expressed at high levels. Most traditional cells can endure a programmed kind of speedy death once vital functions are altered and haywire.

Each histone molecule incorporates a long tail wealthy in essential amino acid residues (K), that are acylation modification sites. factor activation and repression square measure regulated by acylation of core simple protein, and simple protein acylation is mediate by coactivators (histone acetyltransferase: HATs) and corepressors (histone deacetylases: HDACs).

To learn more about cancer cells here


how many of the following can be used to distinguish a nematode worm from an annelid worm?
1. type of body cavity
2. presence of segmentation
3. number of embryonic tissue layers
4. shape of worm in cross-sectional view


Three of the following can be used to distinguish a nematode worm from an annelid worm.

1. type of body cavity

2. presence of segmentation

3. number of embryonic tissue layers

The majority of people are accustomed to seeing earthworms in garden soil. Although many diverse animal species are frequently referred to as "worms," the term really refers to a number of different phyla. Worms are typically long, lean animals that can move around without legs. The size, level of complexity, and physical characteristics of the many phyla of worms are extremely diverse.

Flatworms are straightforward creatures that are marginally more sophisticated than cnidarians (phylum Platyhelminthes). The body plan of roundworms (phylum Nematoda) is a little more intricate. The most complicated creatures having worm-like body designs are segmented worms, or members of the phylum Annelida. A plausible history of the evolution of particular organ systems and physical characteristics can be revealed by studying worms.

To know more about Nematode visit:


at which stage of the general adaptation syndrome does the body attempts to repair any damage and return to a condition of stability and equilibrium?


The body attempts to repair any damage and return to a condition of stability and equilibrium during the third stage of the general adaptation syndrome, known as the stage of resistance.

The Repair and Equilibrium Stage of the General Adaptation Syndrome

The general adaptation syndrome (GAS) is a series of physiological responses to stress, developed by Hans Selye in 1936. It consists of three stages: alarm, resistance, and exhaustion. During the alarm stage, the body responds to a stressor by releasing hormones, such as:

AdrenalineCortisol, which prepare the body for action.

During the resistance stage, the body attempts to repair any damage and return to a condition of stability and equilibrium.

Learn more about Hormones:


Although many patients benefit from psychopharmacotherapy, it is important to remember that virtually all medications __________.


Although many patients benefit from psychopharmacotherapy, it is important to remember that virtually all medications have side effects.

Psychopharmacology encompasses medicinal drugs used withinside the remedy of such situations as depression, anxiety, and psychosis. It additionally consists of retailers that relieve acute and persistent pain, and others that shrink insomnia and facilitate sleep.

Psychopharmacology, the have a look at of ways tablets have an effect on the mind and behavior, is a fantastically new science, even though humans have possibly been taking tablets to alternate how they sense from early in human history (do not forget the of consuming fermented fruit, historic beer recipes, chewing at the leaves of the cocaine plant forusing pharmacological retailers withinside the remedy of intellectual disorders.

Read more about pateint;


episodes of overwhelming anxiety that last for several minutes with physical symptoms such as shortness of breath and rapid heartbeat is most characteristic of


The symptoms of panic disorder include recurrent attacks of acute anxiety, fear, or terror that peak in a matter of minutes (panic attacks).

What illness is characterized by episodes involving the symptoms of faintness, shortness of breath, and heart palpitations?

among the signs of panic disorders are: Repeated, unprovoked panic attacks include moments of intense terror and a sense of impending danger, as well as accompanying physical symptoms including palpitations in the chest, headaches, nausea, and shortness of breath.

What causes anxiety physiologically?

The emotional processing center in the brain, as opposed to the higher cognitive centers, is thought to be disrupted in anxiety disorders symptoms.

To know more about Panic disorder visit:-


Unintentional injuries in the workplace can include bruises, burns, fractures, and amputations.
a. true
b. false


This is a true statement, especially when performing tasks in a high risk environment such as a factory. Please mark brainliest I need two more

The symptoms of neurodevelopmental disorders typically begin during which period of the lifespan?


Neurodevelopmental disorders typically begin during infancy or early childhood.

The symptoms of neurodevelopmental disorders typically begin during which period of the lifespan?

Neurodevelopmental disorders are a group of disorders that affect the development and functioning of the nervous system.

These disorders, including:

AutismAttention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)Learning disabilities

Typically begin during infancy or early childhood. While some may present with mild symptoms, others can cause severe and lifelong impairments in social, academic, and vocational functioning. Symptoms of neurodevelopmental disorders may include difficulties with communication, behavior, and learning.

Learn more about Mental Health:


M protein, hyaluronidase, collagenase, and often a capsule, can be virulence factors for certain pathogenic strains of:


M protein, hyaluronidase, collagenase, and often a capsule, can be virulence factors for certain pathogenic strains of Streptococcus.

The process of pathogenesis moves on to invasion, which may involve enzymes and poisons, after exposure and adhesion. Since blood arteries are so close to every cell in the body, many pathogens spread by entering the circulation, which allows for easy invasion. The drawback of this distribution method is that the blood contains a variety of immune system components. The presence of pathogens in the bloodstream is described using a variety of words that finish in -emia. Bacteremia refers to the presence of bacteria in the blood. Pyemia is a type of bacterial infection involving pyogens (pus-forming bacteria). The term "viremia" refers to the presence of viruses in the blood. When toxins are discovered in the blood, the disease is referred to as toxemia. When toxins are discovered in the blood, the disease is referred to as toxemia. Septicemia is the medical term for a situation in which there are germs in the blood, and they are growing.

To know more about pathogenic visit:

Which of the following are all recommended actions to take when seeing a patient? (1 point)

Observe the patient, use sarcasm to lighten the mood, ask the patient their pain level

Ask how their pain started, take notes, take time to listen to any concerns

Seek assistance from other team members as needed, always act very excited, share oral and written documentation as needed

Take notes, always act very excited, ask the patient how their pain started


Ask how their pain started, take notes, take time to listen to any concerns recommended actions to take when seeing a patient during patient safety.

what is patient safety ?

Patient Safety is a health care service that emerged with the evolving complexity in health care systems and the resulting in increase of patient harm in health care facilities.

It aims to prevent and reduce risks, errors and harm, the discipline is to continuous improvement based on learning from errors and adverse events.

Patient safety is fundamental to delivering quality essential health services.

For more details regarding patient safety, visit


disorders characterized by disturbances in emotion are known as ______ disorders.


Affective disorders. These are characterized by a disturbance in a person's emotional state. Although the rubric “mood disorders” refers specifically to depression and bipolarity, affective disorders are broken down into three main types: depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorders.

What are 3 key elements in performing a weight training exercise?


Our analysis of strength training for athletes may be divided into three parts:

Strength Training

Stability Training

Power Workout

With stability training, give your athlete plenty of time to develop a strong foundation by sequencing exercises and maximizing the core. Training the core, hips, and upper body concurrently is essential for our sport since it involves all three.

It's crucial to prescribing the right number of sets and repetitions while working to increase strength. Have the athlete complete three to four sets of five to eight repetitions with the goal of increasing strength. By the conclusion of each set, the exercise should be strenuous.

Running does not serve to enhance skill improvement that stands alone; power training does. Running is a very restricted movement that cannot be improved by an athlete's force generation or skill set by practicing it alone.

To learn more about the upper body click on the below link:


A sports medicine physician specializes in physical medicine and rehabilitation with the focus on restoring function.
a. True
b. False


A sports medicine physician specializes in physical medicine and rehabilitation with the focus on restoring function.

The above statement is False.

Physical medicine and rehabilitation is a branch of medicine that aids in the recovery of bodily functions that sufferers have lost as a result of illnesses or accidents. This phrase is frequently used to refer to the entire medical staff as a whole, not simply the doctors.

Many bodily functions, such as issues with bowel and bladder control, chewing and swallowing difficulties, issues with thinking or reasoning, movement or mobility, speech, and language, can be helped by rehabilitation. A person's rehabilitation may take place anywhere. It frequently starts while they are still being treated for their illness or injury in the hospital. Sometimes it starts prior to a patient's scheduled surgery.

Treatment could carry on at a specialised inpatient rehabilitation facility after the patient leaves the hospital. If a patient has serious orthopaedic issues, burns, a spinal cord damage, or a severe brain injury from a stroke or accident, they may be sent to this kind of facility.

To know more about Rehabilitation visit:


prevention efforts that are aimed at a specific subgroup of the population considered at-risk for developing mental health problems are called __________ interventions.


Prevention efforts that are aimed at a specific subgroup of the population considered at-risk for developing mental health problems are called Selective interventions.

What is population?

The term "population" usually refers to the total number of people living in a certain area, such as a city or town, region, nation, continent, or the entire world.

What outcomes does population have?

The need for food, water, housing, energy, healthcare, transportation, and other resources will rise as the population grows. And all that consumption increases the likelihood of major catastrophes like pandemics, increases conflicts, and degrades the environment.

How can we manage the population?

Culling, relocation, or manipulation of the reproductive system are all possible methods of population control.

To know more about population:


A nurse is caring for a client in skeletal traction. what guidelines should the nurse observe regarding traction?


When a charge nurse observes a student nurse doing skeletal traction pin care, weights must never be shifted or unhooked while the skeletal system is being tractioned.

What is skeletal traction?

The student nurse may indicate that the charge nurse should intervene in doing skeletal traction pin care.

Check to see that the ropes are neatly positioned in the pulley song, that they are not frayed, that the weights are secure, and that the rope's knots are knotted securely.

Therefore, also, check to see that the skeleton traction system is tight, the nurse should test the traction device to maintain appropriate traction.

Learn more about the skeleton, here:


You are examining evidence from a crime scene. You find an oval-shaped pod that measure 8 mm. How long would you assume the body had been decomposing, based on this evidence?.


Since you are examining evidence from a crime scene, the length of time  you can assume the body had been decomposing, based on this evidence is  is 8 days.

What constitutes the second stage of bodily decay?

Body swelling is a sign of the second stage of human deterioration. First-stage enzymes begin to leak and start emitting a lot of fumes. The gases create a two-fold expansion of the human body, giving it a bloated look.

The sulfur-containing compounds that the bacteria release also cause skin discoloration. Another possibility is insect activity.

The corpse starts to expand three to five days after death, and blood-containing froth starts to leak from the lips and nostrils.

Last but not least, the body becomes scarlet 8–10 days after death as the blood coagulates and the abdominal organs fill with gas.

Learn more about crime scene from


Why does sleep heal injuries?


Sleep enables with healing through lowering stages of the strain hormone cortisol.

As you fall into the deeper levels of sleep, your muscle groups will see an boom in blood flow, which brings alongside oxygen and vitamins that that assist get better and restore muscle groups and regenerate cells. Sleep enables with healing through lowering stages of the strain hormone cortisol. Cortisol breaks down tissues withinside the frame for energy, that is the other of what boom hormones do. So, through reducing cortisol stages, sleep lets in boom hormones to greater successfully rebuild injured tissues. A look at that tested the influences of sleep on accidents discovered sleep deprivation brought on a marked distinction in molecular markers of muscle repair.

To learn more about healing check the link below:


Respecting other people is important, but that can be a little hard to define. Give an example of a situation where someone could show respect for another person, particularly one from a different background.


It can be about two people who come from different cultures and trying each other's food with disrespecting them. Such as one saying that the food tastes amazing.


If you are African and you have a friend that is Mexican, you can show respect for your friend by trying out things in their culture, for example, food, and compliment on how unique their culture is.


What kind of exercise burns the most calories?


The activity that burns the most calories per hour is running. Swimming, walking, and stationary bicycling are other fantastic possibilities. HIIT workouts are excellent for calorie burning. Your body will continue to burn calories for up to 24 hours after an HIIT workout.

Humans and other animals may move quickly on foot by using the terrestrial locomotion technique known as running. All of the feet are raised above the ground during the aerial phase of running (though there are exceptions). The centre of gravity vaults over the stance leg or legs in an inverted pendulum motion when walking, in contrast, where one foot is always in contact with the ground, the legs are typically kept straight. [2] From the perspective of spring-mass mechanics, one characteristic of a running body is that changes in kinetic and potential energy occur simultaneously throughout a stride, with energy storage being performed by springy tendons and passive muscle flexibility. Running can be used to describe a wide range of speeds, from jogging to sprinting. Humans who run tend to have better health and longer lifespans.

Learn more about running here


Some individuals experience pain in their left shoulder during a heart attack. this is an example of ______.


Some individuals experience pain in their left shoulder during a heart attack and this is an example of angina.

A heart attack could be a medical emergency. A attack typically happens once a grume blocks blood flow to the center. while not blood, tissue loses element and dies. Treatment ranges from way changes and viscus rehabilitation to medication, stents and bypass surgery.

Angina is a sort of hurting caused by reduced blood flow to the center. Angina could be a symptom of arteria coronaria illness. Angina is additionally referred to as heart condition. Angina pain is usually delineated as compressing, pressure, heaviness, tightness or pain within the chest.

To learn more about angina here


What Is the Female Athlete Triad?
The female athlete triad (TRIAD) is a condition that affects female athletes. It includes the following 3 characteristics:
Low energy availability caused by not balancing calories burned during exercise with calories consumed
Amenorrhea (loss of menstrual periods or delay of first menstrual period) caused by low energy availability
Low bone density or osteoporosis (a decrease in bone density that causes weak, brittle bones that break easily)


The question already has an accompanying answer concerning the Female Athlete Triad, or TRIAD. The condition referred to as TRIAD impacts only female athletes. It has three main characteristics, including low energy, low bone density, or osteoporosis, and amenorrhea, which is induced by low energy availability.

An energy imbalance is the primary cause of the female athlete triad. Because of this mismatch, individuals utilize more energy than they absorb. Female athletes who are really active may experience this issue. It might be on purpose or by chance. The Triad intervention entails sufficient caloric consumption to reestablish a positive energy balance. This intervention is frequently the very first stage of successful Triad treatment.

Learn more about TRIAD


what relationship do you think has sport with gender and technology​


Technology can be perceived as gendered in many ways, for example if the relationship between gender and technology is viewed as Mutually constitutive.

Hope it help

maintain optimal temperatures for growth and development.



Most plants tolerate normal temperature fluctuations. In general, foliage plants grow best between 70 degrees and 80 degrees F. during the day and between 60 degrees to 68 degrees F. at night.


hoped this helped:)

brainliest for the brains:)

Some plants can survive in normal temperatures but some can be sensitive to cold weather or temperatures

in the activator stage of physical activity you are active but participate inconsistently. t or f




Explanation: I took the test

the main purpose of the increase in carbohydrates during pregnancy is primarily to prevent:______.


Answer: ketosis


Why is it important for teachers to promote parental involvement and positive relationships with families and the community?


Improved academic performance

Strong ties between schools, families, and the community, according to research, may have a favorable impact on students' academic performance and results. Increased family involvement in schools is substantially correlated with children's rates of literacy acquisition, rates of continuing their education beyond high school, and rates of school dropout. Additionally, kids are more likely to enroll and do better on examinations when families are aware of and support their children's decision to pursue challenging subjects.

To know more about rates of literacy click on the below link:


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