how can we show our staff that we appreciate their effort and make sure they stay committed to the new goals? observe new image on the right reassess your leadership behaviors. don't do anything. they already get paid for doing their jobs. provide a reward based on their performance-like a bonus. keep doing what you're doing to make sure that you have the trust, loyalty, and support of the team.


Answer 1

Provide a reward based on their performance-like a bonus can we show our staff that we appreciate their effort and make sure they stay committed to the new goals. Thus, option D is correct.

What is a goal?

A business aim is a destination, feat, or objective the corporation hopes to reach in the short through long-term.  Business objectives can be idealistic or motivating and can steer a company in the direction toward a specific purpose, like offering better customer service.

We may demonstrate our team that we value their efforts and ensure that employees are dedicated to the specific goals by providing a reward depending on their achievement, such as a bonus.

Therefore, option D is the correct option.

Learn more about goal, here:


Related Questions

what were some difficulties that the lowell girls had to overcome when working at a textile mill?


A petition urging the Massachusetts state government to impose a 10-hour limit on the workday in the mills got 2,000 forms one 1845 and more over over double the number the next year.

What is a campaign example?

With the addition of the "Share a Coke" tagline and 150 well-known names in place of the Coke trade mark on the bottle, Coke launched its "Share a Coke" campaign. It was simple to persuade clients to buy an bottle to themself and another one for their acquaintances or loved ones due to its affordable price point.

What three sorts of campaigns are there?

You may utilize a variety of marketing campaigns to meet different marketing objectives inside your company, including the following: campaign using traditional media. seasonal marketing blitz. launching a product promotion.

To know more about Campaigns visit :


is best classified as bricks-and-clicks corporation. question 8 options: a) amazon b) dell c) walmart d) airbnb


Your answer would be C) Walmart

calculate the opportunity cost of producing the first 10 missiles. 4. calculate the opportunity cost of producing the last 10 missiles.


Milk in 6 million gallons

Milk Missiles (Millions of Gallons)

0 40 \s 10 34 \s 20 27 \s 30 19 \s 40 10 \s 50 0

The economic benefit of manufacturing the final 10 missiles should be calculated.

10,000,000,000 gallons of milk

Milk Missiles (Millions of Gallons)

0 40 \s 10 34 \s 20 27 \s 30 19 \s 40 10 \s50 0

What would it imply if the economy was in its initial state?

Points inside the curve indicate inefficiency, waste, and underutilization of capacity.

Read the second point carefully.

Since we are measuring in physical units, a point outside the curve indicates that something is impossible.

given available resources and technology, unattainable (and time). If we were calculating in money, it

would imply price increases or inflation.

To know more about inflation click here


which of the following would cause the money supply in the united states to expand? group of answer choices a decrease in reserve requirements an increase in the discount rate the sale of bonds by a federal reserve bank an increase in the world supply of gold


A decrease in reserve requirements would cause the money supply in the united states to expand would cause the money supply in united states to expand. Thus, option A is correct.

What is a money supply?

The amount of money in circulation at any given time is referred to as the monetary base. There are many methods for describing "money," but common measurements often include circulation-level money or liquid assets.

Banks are permitted to loan additional money when margin requirement are reduced, which boosts the amount of money available for use in the industry as a whole. On the other hand, the Fed can reduce the amount of money in circulation by increasing the reserve requirements for financial institutions.

By granting banks extra reserves, lessening the margin requirements stimulates the economy by encouraging the growth of bank loans and bringing interest rates down.

Therefore, option A is the correct option.

Learn more about money supply , here:


the treasury bill rate is 4%, and the expected return on the market portfolio is 12%. according to the capital asset pricing model, if the market expects a return of 22% from stock x, what is its beta? (express your answer after rounding up to two decimal places)


The beta of Stock X is 1.80.

Beta measures the volatility of a stock in relation to the overall market. The Beta of the Market Portfolio is 1.00, as it is the benchmark against which other stocks are compared. To calculate the Beta of Stock X, we need to use the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM).

CAPM states that the expected return of a security is equal to the risk-free rate plus the stock’s Beta multiplied by the difference between the expected return on the market and the risk-free rate.

Therefore, the expected return of Stock X can be expressed as:

Expected Return on Stock X = 4% + (1.80 * (12% - 4%)

Expected Return on Stock X = 22%

We can rearrange this equation to solve for the Beta of Stock X:

1.80 = (22% - 4%) / (12% - 4%)

1.80 = 18% / 8%

1.80 = 2.25

Therefore, the Beta of Stock X is 1.80 (rounded up to two decimal places).

To know more about treasury bill here


what is most likely to diffuse dysfunctionally high levels of conflict that are caused by the norms and values in an organization?


Changing an organization's structure or culture is most likely to diffuse dysfunctionally high levels of conflict that are caused by the norms and values in an organization.

The employment of strategies to settle disputes or limit the degree of strife is known as conflict management. Facilitating meetings between the disputing parties to identify the issue, talk about solutions, and develop overarching objectives that call for collaboration amongst disputing parties is one method of resolving conflicts.

While continuing to discuss each point of view and finally coming to a consensus, effective conflict resolution techniques are meant to prevent conflicts from getting worse. You'll be better able to learn from and educate others in both the professional and personal spheres by employing conflict resolution techniques.

To know more about Conflict Management here


would you ever expect an investor to pay a break-even interest rate when financing a property? why or why not?


When financing a property, you should always anticipate an investor to pay a break-even interest rate because interest rates can affect the price of real estate.

Interest rates have a substantial impact on the value of real estate that provides income, just like they do on any other kind of investment instrument. With regard to Treasury notes and interbank exchange rates, this is particularly accurate. Due to their enormous impact on a person's ability to purchase residential properties, many individuals mistakenly believe that the only factor affecting real estate valuation is the current mortgage rate.  mortgage rates are just one interest-related factor that has an impact on a home's value. Interest rates affect a number of variables, including capital flows, the supply and demand for money, and the required rates of return on investment for investors. As a result, there are numerous ways in which interest rates affect home prices.

Learn more about interest rate  from


When the federal reserve increases the federal funds rate, how would it impact the economy?


Increasing the cost of credit through the funds rate Curbs demand and helping reduce inflationary pressures in the short run. The federal funds rate is one of the most closely watched economic indicators in the United States.

What are Federal Funds

Federal funds, often referred to as fed funds, are excess reserves held by commercial banks and other financial institutions in regional Federal Reserve banks; these funds can be loaned, in turn, to other market participants with insufficient cash to meet their loan and reserve needs. The loans are unsecured and are made at a relatively low interest rate, called the federal funds rate or overnight rate, because that is when most loans are made.

Important point:

Federal funds refer to excess reserves held by financial institutions, over and above the central bank's mandated reserve requirements.Banks would borrow or lend their excess funds to one another overnight, as some banks found themselves with too many reserves and others too little.The federal funds rate is a target set by the central bank, but the actual market rate for federal funds reserves is determined by the overnight interbank lending market.

Learn more about federal fund at


List two recurring costs that most businesses have


Answer: Employee Wages, Overhead


Regardless of a business's operations, it must have some kind of employee wage payable for someone putting time into developing the business. Even if this person is the CEO exclusively.

Overhead is unavoidable as well, even if someone is running a business from their home, they're still using some kind of space to run their business and utilities such as electricity, rent, etc.

a sunk cost can be changed depending on the results of future decisions. group startstrue or false true, unselected false, unselected


It is a false statement that a sunk cost can be changed depending on the results of future decisions.

What is a sunk cost?

In finance, a sunk cost refers is money that has already been spent and cannot be recovered. In business, the axiom that one need to "spend money to make money" is reflected in the phenomenon of the sunk cost. A sunk cost does differs from future costs that a business may face, such as decisions about inventory purchase costs or product pricing.

A sunk costs are normally excluded from future business decisions because they will remain the same regardless of the outcome of a decision. Since the sunk cost is an expense that is already incurred and cannot be taken back, it cannot be changed.

Read more about sunk cost


a stock has just paid an annual dividend of $50 to investors and that dividend is expected to grow at a rate of 3% annually into perpetuity. if the discount rate is 7% annually, then the dividend discount model and the classical theory of asset pricing predict the competitive price of the stock to be:


The classical theory of asset pricing and the dividend discount model both predict that the competitive price of the stock will be $1300 if the discount rate is 7% annually.

Price = recent dividend* (1 + growth rate )/(cost of equity - growth rate)

Price =  50 * (1+0.03) / (0.07 - 0.03)

Price = 1300

For their short-term operating needs, commercial banks in the U.S. primarily use two different types of borrowing. Using the interbank rate set by the market, they can lend and borrow money from other banks stock without requiring any type of security. They can also borrow money from the Federal Reserve Bank to cover their short-term operating expenses.

Through its twelve regional branches, the Federal Reserve processes loans. Financial institutions employ the loans to make up any cash deficits, deal with any liquidity issues, or, in the worst case scenario, avert the failure of the bank. The discount window is a loan program provided by the Fed.

Learn more about stock here


Compared with autarky, international trade leads to _____ domestic production in exporting industries and _____ domestic production in import-competing industries.


International trade results in increased domestic output in exporting industries and lower domestic output in industries that compete with imports when compared to autarky.

International commerce affects the prices of consumer goods produced and sold domestically, which affects the wages of specific employees. Trade expansion leads to increased nation-level specialization in their comparative strengths, which boosts overall output and income.

Through commerce, nations may widen their markets and get access to products and services that could not otherwise be offered locally. Market competition has increased as a result of global trade. As a result, prices become more competitive, which decreases the end product's cost for the consumer.

To learn more about International trade


Accountants argue that it may not be appropriate to evaluate managers of subsidiaries based solely on indicators of profitability because they do not operate in a uniform environment.T/F


True - Accountants argue that it may not be appropriate to evaluate managers of subsidiaries based solely on indicators of profitability because they do not operate in a uniform environment.

assessment is a scientific determination and assessment of a subject's advantage, well worth and significance, the usage of standards ruled by using a set of standards. it is able to help an corporation, program, layout, task or any other intervention or initiative to assess any goal, realisable idea/inspiration, or any alternative, to assist in choice-making; or to check the diploma of fulfillment or value in regard to the goal and targets and consequences of such a action that has been finished.[1] The number one reason of assessment, in addition to gaining insight into previous or current projects, is to allow mirrored image and help in the identification of destiny alternate.

Learn more about evaluate here


What did Hayek argue about government involvement in the economy?


According to Hayek, centralized planning by the government tramples upon individual liberty. The "risk of dictatorship that inevitably emerges from governmental control of economic decision-making," he said. But he left open the possibility of government involvement.

He was an adherent of the Austrian School of Economics and a supporter of free-market capitalism. Additionally, he believed that free markets promoted the innovation, entrepreneurship, and creativity required for nations to grow and their citizens to prosper. In terms of methodology, Hayek criticised "scientism"—the social sciences' imitation of those employed in the physical sciences. He argued that because social science, which includes economics, focuses on people rather than things, it can only do so by taking into account human objectives. Without a shared set of principles, planners would eventually impose their own set of principles on society, according to Hayek. In other words, government planners were unable to perform their duties without influencing matters outside of politics and economics.

Learn more about economy from


gagliardi way corporation has an expected roe of 15%. if it pays out 30% of it earnings as dividends, its dividend growth rate will be .


The Gagliardi Way Corporation has an expected ROE of 15%. If it pays out 30% of its earnings as dividends, its dividend growth rate will be 10.5%.

What is dividend growth rate?

Dividend growth rate is the annualized percentage rate of growth that the dividend of a given stock experiences over time. Many established businesses aim to consistently raise the dividends they pay to investors. Divide the current dividend by the previous payout, Di-1, then remove one from the answer to get the periodic dividend increase, which can then be stated as a percentage. Investors should keep in mind, meanwhile, that dividend growth indicates that a corporation is paying out capital to shareholders rather than putting it back into the company.

The dividend growth rate (DGR) is calculated:


DGR = ROE×(1-payout ratio)

DGR = 15%×(1-30%)


       =0.105 or 10.5%

Dividend payout ratio "DGR" = 10.50%

To learn more about  dividend growth rate, visit:


Since marketers have sophisticated technology and plans to get your money, what can you do to make sure you don’t fall into their trap?


In order to avoid falling into trap of marketers one should Be aware of when and where you're being marketed to. Thus the correct option is D.

What is the importance of marketing?

The benefit of marketing for your company is that it engages consumers and helps them decide whether to purchase your goods or services by informing them about the features and qualities of any product.

Knowing when and where you are being advertised can assist you to avoid making unnecessary purchases by directing you toward the desired goods and controlling your spending.

Therefore, option D is appropriate.

Learn more about Marketing, here:


The complete question is probably

Since marketers have sophisticated technology and plan to get your money, what can you do to make sure you don't fall into their trap?

Make snap decisions to buy products.

Stay off any form of digital media entirely.

Never buy anything online.

Be aware of when and where you're being marketed to.

which type of advertising appeal tells consumers the product will make their life simpler and easier?


Convenience is a type of advertising appeal that tells consumers that the product will make their life simpler and easier.

You should take into account the two primary types of advertising appeals: emotional appeals and rational appeals. Advertising with an emotional appeal focuses on using words, pictures, or music to evoke emotions in the audience.

Contrarily, rational appeal advertising encourages consumers to act by using logic, facts, or reasoning.

In marketing, convenience products are those that a business sells that, due to customer demand, require less advertising. This is one of the four primary categories of consumer goods, along with shopping, specialty, and unintended items.

Learn more about advertising here


the real interest rates: a. is always greater than the inflation rates b. can go down to zero but not lower c. normally are higher than nominal rates d. can go down to zero, stay positive or even be negative


The real interest rates d. can go down to zero, stay positive or even be negative.

An interest rate that has been modified to account for inflation is known as a real interest rate. Once modified, it reflects the actual cost of borrowing money for a borrower and the actual yield received by a lender or investment.

A real interest rate reflects the rate at which current things are preferred over future goods over time. The difference between the nominal interest rate and the inflation rate is used to calculate the real interest rate for an investment:

Real interest rate = nominal interest rate - inflation (expected or actual).

The real interest rate is a reflection of the change in buying power received from an investment or given up by the borrower, whereas the nominal interest rate is the interest rate actually paid on a loan or investment.

To know more about real interest rate:


analyze why a business may wish to get involved in community relations. what are the benefits to the community? what are some things the community provides for the business?


An enterprise might also additionally want to get worried in community relations. Community involvement is an smooth and powerful manner to boom logo awareness, set up a fantastic reputation, and develop your enterprise.

The required details about  community relations is mentioned in below paragraph.

Community relationss is taken into consideration a two-manner gain to its society. It positions groups as civically and ethically accountable of their nearby communities, fosters goodwill some of the locals–your capability customers, and facilitates the network thrive as a whole community relations is a characteristic that evaluates public attitudes, shapes the regulations of the enterprise withinside the public hobby and produces a application of movement to earn network expertise and respect.Plus, it permits you to set up significant connections and supply again to the ones in need.

To learn about community relations visit here.


Using your savings to buy something you think will increase in value is known as.


Using your savings to buy something you think will increase in value is known as investing.

Ways to invest savings

If you have savings that you want to multiply, it is best to invest them in various assets that have been appreciated over time. Among the alternatives to investing, the following stand out:

Gold is a demanded good that has been appreciated. Also, gold can sell quickly if you need the money.Collectible and classic cars increase their value over time if they are in good condition and are design icons in the automobile industry.Art objects are in high demand depending on their originality, and antiquity. Their value will increase as the artist is more recognized.

Learn more about savings and investments here:


The united states health care system is the most expensive in the world on a per capita basis and it achieves the best health outcomesa. Trueb. False


True : The united states health care system is the most expensive in the world on a per capita basis and it achieves the best health outcomes.

The US health system does not offer healthcare to every citizen of the nation, unlike most developed nations. Instead, a number of federal and state programs, along with private insurance, cover the majority of the population. The health outcomes in America are no better than those in other industrialized nations, despite higher healthcare spending. In certain key health measurements, such as life expectancy, infant mortality, and uncontrolled diabetes, the United States actually performs worse. To guarantee that they will be covered when they need to see a doctor, clinic, or hospital, they pay monthly health insurance payments.

Numerous individuals are covered by insurance companies, allowing them to bargain with medical professionals for lower costs and subsequently pay for services.

Learn more about USA healthcare system here:


The iasb has the authority to enforce its standards across world’s trading nations.
a. True
b. False


The IASB has the authority to enforce its standards across world’s trading nations. [FALSE]


The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) is a group of boards responsible for the development and publication of IFRS accounting standards, including approving the interpretation of IFRS standards (International Financial Reporting Standards) developed by the IFRS Interpretation Committee.

This board group consists of 14 members who have met certain criteria, including having experience in setting accounting standards; prepare, audit, and use financial reports; as well as teaching in the field of accounting education.

IASB board members are appointed by the Trustees of IFRS Foundation through an open recruitment process and rigorous selection taking into account geographical allocation factors and consultation with the IFRS Foundation.

Purpose and Role of the IASB

The IASB operates under the supervision of the IFRS Foundation and is fully responsible for various technical matters relating to financial reporting under IFRS accounting standards.

The following are the objectives and roles of the IASB, including:

Responsible for development and publication adhering to the requirements and results of discussions with the Trustees of IFRS Foundation and the public; Be responsible for the process of preparing and issuing accounting standards and IFRS exposure drafts, and ensure that the process runs according to the flow set by the IFRS Foundation; as well as Give approval and publish results of interpretation of IFRS accounting standards that have been prepared and developed in such a way by the IFRS Interpretation Committee.

Learn more about IASB at


(q064) coupled with the high rate of economic growth in the 1960s, the war on poverty succeeded in reducing the incidence of poverty overall. group of answer choices true false


True, the poverty-fighting campaign was successful in reducing the prevalence of poverty in general, especially when combined with the high level of economic expansion in the 1960s.

Why does the economy grow?

According to Investopedia, "economic growth is a rise in the output of economic products and services, contrasted from one time period to another."

Why is economic growth important? What is it?

Growth in the economy boosts capacity of the state and the availability of public goods. The capacity and resources required to deliver the public goods that their population require, such as healthcare, education, social protection, and fundamental public services, are gained when economies grow and states are able to tax that revenue.

To know more about economic growth visit :


The purchase of goods and services, the sale of goods and services to customers, and costs to operate the business are all reported on the statement of cash flows under activities.a. True
b. False


True. The purchase of goods and services, the sale of goods and services to customers, and costs to operate the business are all reported on the statement of cash flows under activities.

What is the activity section of the cash flow statement?

The cash flow statement's financing activity focuses on how a company obtains capital and returns it to investors via capital markets. Dividend payments, stock repurchases, and proceeds from debt issuance make up the three biggest lines in the cash flow from financing activities statement.

Operating activities: Cash flow activities that either produce income or keep track of the funds used to produce a good or service are referred to as operating activities.

Read more on cash flow here:


according to many ceos, corporate is the key to making a company one of the best.


According to many ceos, corporate culture is the key to making a company one of the best.

company way of life, additionally referred to as enterprise way of life, refers to a hard and fast of beliefs and behaviors that guide how a organisation's management and personnel have interaction and handle external enterprise transactions. corporate way of life can have a huge impact at the fortune of a corporation and its employees. They identified 4 sorts of culture – extended family tradition, adhocracy subculture, marketplace subculture, and hierarchy tradition. you can take the Organizational subculture evaluation instrument (OCAI) to evaluate your corporation's tradition in only 15 minutes and make strategic adjustments to foster an surroundings that helps your crew flourish.

high quality corporation subculture has values that every worker is aware of with the aid of coronary heart. those values and this task are reachable and branded into all the organization's inner and external communications.

Learn more about corporate culture here:


you are a data scientist for an e-commerce site for electronics which also supports 3rd party sellers. you would like to build a system to find and match the same products that sellers on your website sell so that you can present them in a single product page. you decide to use product titles to compute product similarity. which similarity metric, jaccard or cosine, would you use and why?


Cosine similarity would be the better option for comparing comparable products using product titles.

How can data science be applied to e-commerce?

Businesses can gather, examine, and apply useful data using data science in e-commerce to enhance sales and marketing procedures. Smart technologies infiltrate e-commerce and increase sales through personalized recommendation lists, dynamic pricing, and customer behavior forecasting.

What three aspects of e-commerce are there?

Customer experience, back-end integration, and digital marketing are the three ecommerce components that this article outlines. These three components work together to make sure that your online store will connect with and convert potential clients.

To learn more about E-commerce here:


when you contribute to a roth ira you pay taxes on the entire amount contributed during that year, but you will owe no future taxes on your contributions or their earnings. group of answer choices true false


its true All future withdrawals from a Roth IRA are tax-free after you pay taxes on the money that is initially put into the account.

Because you often make donations to Roth IRAs with after-tax funds and cannot deduct them, Roth IRA contributions are not taxed. It's accurate to say this.

Taxable income is reduced by Roth IRA contributions, right?

The difference between a Roth IRA and other types of retirement accounts is that a Roth IRA is funded with after-tax money, so it has no effect on your taxes and you are not required to pay tax on that money when you withdraw it.

Future taxes on Roth IRAs can be possible.

While the money that reflects your initial deposits is not subject to taxation upon release, Roth IRA profits that were already non qualified due to not complying with these criteria become chargeable.

You occupy the space On first down payment that qualifies, you may receive up to $10,000. This sum has a high deductible.

To know more about donations click here


How much alcohol must a drink contain to be considered?


One "normal" drink (or one alcoholic drink equivalent) in the United States has a pure alcohol content of about 14 grams.

A drink or beverage is a liquid that is meant to be consumed by people. In addition to serving the simple purpose of quenching thirst, beverages are significant parts of human civilization. Drinks that are frequently drink  consumed include simple water, milk, juice, smoothies, and soft drinks. Coffee, tea, and hot chocolate are among the traditional warm drinks. Caffeinated beverages with caffeine, a stimulant, have a long history.

Additionally, alcohol-containing beverages like wine, beer, and liquor have been a part of human society for more than 8,000 years. These beverages include the ethanol. Drinks that would often include alcohol, such beer, wine, and cocktails, are frequently referred to as non-alcoholic drinks because they have a suitably low percentage of alcohol in them.

Learn more about drink  here


What are the effects of economic growth?


Economic growth increases government capacity and the supply of public goods. As the economy grows, the state taxes these revenues, providing the capacity and resources necessary to provide the public.

Goods and services that citizens need, such as health care, education, social protection, and basic public services. You can get Economic growth is an increase in the value of goods and services in the economy, resulting in more profits for businesses.. This gives companies the capital to invest and hire more employees. Income increases as more jobs are created. When the economy grows, it is a sign of prosperity and expansion.

To learn more about Economic, click here.


the straight diagonal line in a lorenz curve that reflects equal distribution of income among all members of a population is called the


The straight diagonal line in a Lorenz curve that reflects the equal distribution of income among all members of a population is called the line of equality.

A Lorenz curve is often a mathematical function estimated from a sparse set of income- or wealth-related observational data. The Lorenz curve is frequently accompanied by a straight diagonal line with a slope of 1, which symbolizes perfect equality in the distribution of wealth or income; the Lorenz curve sits beneath it, illuminating the actual or estimated distribution.

The Lorenz curve can show the unequal distribution in any system, however, it is most frequently used to depict economic inequality. The degree of inequality increases with the distance the curve is from the baseline, which is symbolized by the straight diagonal line.

To know more about the Lorenz curve click here,


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