How can a change in structure to an organisms' cell negatively effect that organism?


Answer 1
can affect an organism by changing its physical characteristics (or phenotype) or it can impact the way DNA codes the genetic information (genotype). they can cause termination (death) of an organism or they can be partially lethal.

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What is an example of a mutation that is beneficial? *

A. A mutation that deletes part of the DNA, causing an organism to lose its arm.
B. A mutation that allows humans to digest milk and the nutrients in the milk
C. A mutation that ends up doing nothing to the organism

which one ^





A mutation causing an organism to lose its arm would be harmful and a mutation which does nothing is neither harmful nor beneficial.

The answer is B.

How many calories do I need to gain muscle i am 75 pounds and 4 foot 5



is there a reon why u want to gain mucle


Just follow a plan that best suits you! Best of luck!

what are two reasons scientist use shared traits to classify organisms



So that we can identify them in the same species.


Many animals have similar species but different genus.

Which statement about the structure of DNA is NOT true?

Long strands of DNA are twisted in the form of a double helix.
Long strands of DNA are twisted in the form of a double helix.

DNA contains four different nitrogen bases including adenine, guanine, cytosine, and uracil.
DNA contains four different nitrogen bases including adenine, guanine, cytosine, and uracil.

DNA is made of linked nucleotides which are each made of a sugar, a phosphate and a nitrogen base.
DNA is made of linked nucleotides which are each made of a sugar, a phosphate and a nitrogen base.

DNA consists of two strands joined together by complementary base pairing.



DNA contains four different nitrogen bases including adenine, guanine, cytosine, and uracil.

Uracil is in RNA not DNA


DNA consists of two strands joined together by complementary base pairing.

A football player kicks a ball 6.5 meters how much time is needed for a ball to travel this distance if it's speed is 22 m/s



.3 m/sec







Is the following cell a plant of an animal cell? How do you know? Plant cell because there is a cell wall and a chloroplast O Plant cell because there is a large vacuole and a cell wall 0 Animal cell because there is a cell membrane and no chloroplasts O Animal cell because it has a cell wall and a a large vacuole​



A plant cell contains a large, singular vacuole that is used for storage and maintaining the shape of the cell. In contrast, animal cells have many, smaller vacuoles. Plant cells have a cell wall, as well as a cell membrane. In plants, the cell wall surrounds the cell membrane.


One condition in the body that needs to be controlled is the level of
water. Give one other condition in the human body that needs to be



Levels of electrolytes, blood sugar, temperature etc

Over time, the running water wears down rocks, making them smooth.





The answer is weathering because, weathering is the breaking or wearing down of rocks, soil, minerals, and wood. The water wore down the rock, making it smooth, so it connects to the definition that i just gave you.

Hope it helped!

Plzz help
Determine the proper number of chromosomes that would be found in a human cell at each stage of the cell cycle.


Answer:  The genetic material of the cell is duplicated during S phase of interphase just as it was with mitosis resulting in 46 chromosomes and 92 chromatids during Prophase I and Metaphase I. However, these chromosomes are not arranged in the same way as they were during mitosis.


Adaptations that result from natural selection are expected to increase
the fitness of an organism. In terms of natural selection, which of the
following best describes fitness?
A Being able to escape from predators
B Being among the strongest organisms in a population
C Being able to survive, find a mate, and produce offspring
D Being able to survive long enough to reach the adult stage
A prey population consists of individuals with a variety of running speeds. 10 points





Trust meeeeeeeeeeeeee

what is the definition of natrual asexul reprduction?



In natural asexual reproduction, roots can give rise to new plants, or plants can propagate using budding or cutting. In grafting, part of a plant is attached to the root system of another plant; the two unite to form a new plant containing the roots of one and the stem and leaf structure of the other.


hello help please i’ll mark brainliest!!!


B. Consisting of billions of galaxies

Hope this helps :)

B. Containing billions of galaxies

Illness or condition that negative affects my organ



some illnesses that can affect your organ system are heart disease, asthma, and cancer


Autoimmune hepatitis, Graves' disease, type 1 diabetes, and Cystic fibrosis.


Give one reason why some people do not approve of using contraceptives. [1]



Reasons for failure to continue to use contraception include the following: for some, the risk of producing an unwanted pregnancy adds flavor to the sexual act; some women rationalize their sexual activity, and this usually leads to discontinuation of contraceptive use; failure to change the contraceptive when needs


I think that is right I look it up

Will Betelgeuse become a Neutron star or Black hole?


☁️ Answer ☁️

Scientists believe that Betelgeuse will most likely become a neutron star after it goes through a supernova event.

Hope it helps.

Have a nice day noona!~  ̄▽ ̄❤️

which instrument would produce
sound with the longest wavelength?
a. Flute
b. Bass guitar
C. Violin
d. cymbal


Answer: Long wavelengths are the result of a deeper sound since it takes longer for it to travel through a medium. The Bass Guitar is your best bet as it is the lowest sounding instrument, meaning is had the longest wavelength.

Algae produce food by the process of....?





When the environment acts for or against one extreme characteristic, this is an
example of which category of natural selection?



Directional selection


occurs when natural selection favors one extreme of continuous variation. Over time, the favored extreme will become more common and the other extreme will be less common or lost.

9 Luis wants to interview someone who has a career in biotechnology. Which of
the following best describes a career in biotechnology?
F Athena uses a sophisticated telescope to observe stars.
G Zach tracks the number of fish that inhabit a certain coastal area.
H Vincent modifies the DNA of bacteria to study the function of their genes.
I Lindsey writes computer programs that model the three-dimensional
structure of chemical compounds.


Bio refers to study of living things + technology (is pretty straightforward- i dont think i need to explain this)

This means Vincent modifies the DNA of bacteria to study the function of their genes is the correct answer :)

What common breeds get affected by gastrotomy?



Great Danes, greyhounds and german Shepherds


GDV tends to effect deep chested dog breeds

The illustration shown is an ovum, a female sex cell. A mutation in this cell may be passed to the woman's offspring during
DNA replication
sexual reproduction.


Answer: C)  DNA replication

Explanation: A mutation in this cell may be passed to the woman's offspring during During this process, the nucleus of a cell divides to form two nuclei that are identical to the original cell. (AKA DNA replication)


the correct answer is D


can I please get help with it ​


you search it

or ask your parent

what is released into the cell during glycosis?


cellular respiration,glucose is oxidizedto Carbon dioxide and water




1. granatic

2. basaltic


1. B

2. A


how to do this question plz ​



We are only given one leaf, but the leaves in layer D of the same species would not be identical. Some of them could have deeper indentations or fewer indentations. A wider leaf surface area lets a plant absorb more sunlight, so it would be an advantage if leaves have fewer indentations.

The plants with fewer indentations will reproduce more, passing on their genes for fewer indentations. This repeats for a long time, then plant leaves overall would only have very small indentations (like the leaf for layer B).


There are mutations and variations that make one organism different from another organism, even if they're the same species.

Natural selection is when the environment "chooses" the organisms that have an advantage in the environment to reproduce. Organisms that are selected to reproduce can pass on their genes to future generations.

The deep indentation leaves from layer D were basically "phased out".

Edrophonium​ is a drug the blocks cholinesterase from breaking down acetylcholine in the muscles. Why does this improve Annie's muscle function?



Edrophonium is a drug used for the treatment of myasthenia gravis, a long-term neuromuscular disease that leads to varying degrees of skeletal muscle weakness, which results from antibodies that block or destroy nicotinic receptors at the junction between the nerve and muscle. By blocking cholinesterase, an enzyme which demolish acetylcholine, it increases the amount of acetylcholine in the neuromuscular junction improving the muscle weakness

It improves Annie's  muscle function as a result of the acetylcholine not

being able to be broken down in the muscles.

Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter that sends signals to the brain and other

parts of the body in the activation of the skeletal muscles.

The drug known as Edrophonium​ which blocks cholinesterase breaking

down acetylcholine in the muscles will thereby lead to more presence of

acetylcholine and a corresponding increase in the muscle functions.


Mitochondria are cell structures that contain a small quantity of DNA.
Scientists are sequencing the DNA of one particular gene in mitochondria to
help identify different species of many animals including myriapods. The
sequences that they find are called ‘barcodes’.
(i) State the part of the cell that contains most of the DNA.
(ii) Suggest how DNA barcoding might be useful in the classification of animals,
such as myriapods.


The part of the cell that contains most of the DNA is the mitochondria.
The use of the DNA barcoding is that by comparison with a reference library such as DNA sections an individual sequence can be used to uniquely identify an organism to a species just like how a supermarket scanner uses the black stripes of the UPC barcode to identify an item

Amino acids are monomers of?



amino acids are the monomers that make up proteins




A protein is made up of long chains of amino acids.

Which tissues are in both leaves and roots? (Select all that apply.)


The xylem is a tissue which transports water and minerals from the roots up the plant stem and into the leaves. Xylem consists of dead cells.
it’s xylem i’m pretty sure :)


the answer is phloem and xylem


they are both in the leave and the roots.

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