1. Another way to categorize light is by natural or artificial.

2. Inbuilt white balance dominates the look and feel of an image
True or false

3. Fill class is an natural light sources so it will give your image a natural look.
True or false


Answer 1




Answer 2
1. True
2. False
3. True

Related Questions

which of the following is a characteristic of cephalopods?
dozens-spider like feet
long claws
tentacles attached to the head
a single, big foot


Answer: tentacles attached to the head


Cephalopoda simply refers to "head foot". The cephalopods is also known as a form of invertebrates that possess a very complex brain.

Cephalopods have a head and foot that is joined together with the head being surrounded by tentacles. Therefore, the correct answer is "tentacles attached to their head".

How has coronavirus impacted on your life? like for example you have to wear mask or etc please



Coronavirus has impacted my life by making my relationships stronger and weaker. In a way, my friends and I have became closer because we put a lot more effort to see each other and communicate. I have become much closer to my family because before the pandemic we didn´t spend as much time together because everyone was so busy. We finally had time to just have fun together. I started to appreciate my friends more because you never know if it´s your last day seeing each other for 6 months. Coronavirus has had its ups and downs but on a relationship point of view it actually ended up helping me.


Hope this helps!! (You can twist it so it sounds more like your life btw)

B. Directions: Which style of music on the right typically uses the instrument on the left? Circle
your choice. 24 points (3 points each)
1. Mandolin
Bluegrass, Bebop, Pop I
Punk, Gospel, Bluegrass
2. Hammond Organ
3. Banjo
Gospel, Swing, Bluegrass
4. Pedal Steel Guitar
Country, Bluegrass, Hip-Hop
5. String Bass
Jazz, Soul, Surf Rock
6. Horns
Soul, Bluegrass, Country
7. Electric Guitar
Gospel, Rock, Bluegrass
8. Backup Voice
Motown, Bebop, Swing


hey! i took this quiz and there is a whole quizlet on ALLL THE answers for it if you look it up :). also, the other answer looks correct to me!

The type of music can be correctly matched with instruments as follows:

1. Mandolin: Bluegrass, Bebop, Pop

2. Hammond Organ: Gospel, Soul, Jazz

3. Banjo: Bluegrass, Gospel, Country

4. Pedal Steel Guitar: Country, Bluegrass, Western Swing

5. String Bass: Jazz, Soul, R&B

6. Horns: Soul, Jazz, Funk

7. Electric Guitar: Rock, Blues, Funk, Country

8. Backup Voice: Motown, R&B, Soul.

What is jazz?

Jazz is a musical genre that emerged in the late 19th and early 20th century in the United States, particularly in New Orleans. It is characterized by its improvisational nature, rhythmic complexity, and a strong sense of swing or groove. Jazz incorporates elements from various musical traditions, including African, European, and American music, and often features a combination of instruments such as horns, piano, bass, drums, and guitar. Jazz has been highly influential in shaping popular music and culture, and has inspired many other genres such as rock, hip-hop, and electronic music.

Jazz musicians often work within a specific harmonic and rhythmic framework, but are encouraged to experiment and create their own interpretations of melodies and harmonies. Improvisation is a fundamental aspect of jazz, and allows musicians to showcase their technical abilities, creativity, and individuality.

Therefore, the type of music can be correctly matched with instruments as follows:

1. Mandolin: Bluegrass, Bebop, Pop

2. Hammond Organ: Gospel, Soul, Jazz

3. Banjo: Bluegrass, Gospel, Country

4. Pedal Steel Guitar: Country, Bluegrass, Western Swing

5. String Bass: Jazz, Soul, R&B

6. Horns: Soul, Jazz, Funk

7. Electric Guitar: Rock, Blues, Funk, Country

8. Backup Voice: Motown, R&B, Soul.

Learn more about jazz, here:



what did anita lie about in west side story



In anger, Anita states that Bernardo was right in hating them and, instead of relaying Maria's message, tells them to tell Tony that Chino shot and killed Maria when he found out about them; in so doing, Anita's action sets the final act of the tragedy into motion.


i hope this helps

She tells the doctor to delay on sending the message to Tony, setting up for the final report events

I'm having trouble in Music and can anyone solve this?​



The top note is B, the middle is G, and the bottom one is E.



The blue note is E


I don't know if that's the answer you need but the entire thing is E, G and B.

Since it's a triad the main note is E followed up by G and B

Which elements do bluegrass, country, and folk music all have in common?

a. Songs have complex chord changes and structures.

b. They use similar instruments.

c. Cecil Sharp discovered all three forms.

d. They have their roots in the traditional music of the Rocky Mountains.





sana makatulong be safe and good luck

Elements do bluegrass, country, and folk music all have in common as they use similar instruments.

What is element?

Element is an essential or characteristic part of something abstract.

What is folk?

Folk is people in general.

What is instrument?

An instrument is a tool or implement, especially one for precision work.

To learn more about elements and instruments refer



Where is the country located geographically? Dominican Republic HELP PLEASE



Caribbean, eastern two-thirds of the island of Hispaniola, east of Haiti, between Cuba and Puerto Rico. the north of Caribbean Sea to south of the North Atlantic Ocean.

Area: 48,310 km² (18,652 sq.


In the caribbean, connected to haiti also called hispaniola

the vocal music of tausug in cordillera​


VOCAL MUSIC 1. Ibaloi Badiw - One of the vocal genres considered to be the signature form for specific cultures in Cordillera is the Ibaloi Badiw. It is a style of singing without prior preparation or practice in the leader-chorus form.

PLS help
giving brainly
and 5 s rating


I think its A


Luke starts to get the idea that he should visit the potential third child at the Sports Family’s house. Why does he feel compelled to leave sooner than later?





What's the name of the book/Text so I can answer your question? Just answer me here in the comments so I can help you out as I can't see the context

A firsthand account of an event is told by--
someone who did not see the event
someone who has a strong opinion about the event
someone who saw the event happen
someone who does not have all of the knowledge about an event



I'd say the answer is someone who saw the event happened.


I don't know too much about arts but I'd say firsthand would be someone who saw it, the other answer choices do not make sense either. Sorry if this answer and/or explanation did not help.


Someone who saw an event happen


Firsthand knowledge of an event is knowledge based on direct experience or observation.

When you observe Ghanaian electorates on any election day, they arrive at the
polling centre early and
begin to cast their votes in an orderly manner. They check
whether their names can be found in the voters register, collect ballot sheets from
electoral officials, and cast their ballots secretly. Nobody wants other people to know
who they are voting for. They do this in choosing Members of Parliament and then a
a. Narrative
b. Instruction
c. Rhetoric
d. Argument
e. None of the above



a. Narrative


The best definition of the excerpt given is a narration.

This is because a narration is simply the telling of a story, or fact to someone using narrative devices to heighten effect.

How does mother feel about leaving Luke alone all day? How can you tell?



not good


There was any not context to this question! I would answer it but I cannot see the story that relates to it. You can give me the story in the comments under this answer and I will help you!

What text structure is used in this passage?

Your tomato plants are turning brown. The leaves are wilting. They’re being attacked by aphids! Luckily, there’s a way to get rid of these unpleasant insects. It’s a much friendlier insect—the ladybug! Ladybugs will eat up to a thousand aphids a day. Just release a bag of ladybugs in your garden and your plants will thank you for it.

cause and effect



chronological order



problem solution


first part presents a problem (aphids attacking the garden) and second part presents the solution (release ladybugs into the garden)


problem solution


Someone rate this gacha character i made with different edits in go ogle slides UnU





Answer: 10 :)


Answer the questions below according to the instructions given. Please note that responses to BOTH questions must be included in the same submission in order for your examination to be graded; otherwise, it will be returned to you for revision.

Write a composition using one of the topics listed below. Your composition needs to be three to five paragraphs long. It must contain an introduction, a body, and a conclusion.

For the purpose of this examination, sport is defined as "an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment without a predetermined outcome." If you choose to explain why a certain sport is your favorite, please ensure that the chosen sport fits this definition.

• Argue for or against the limitation of speed limits.
• Explain why a certain sport is your favorite.
• Compare and contrast driving in the winter and driving in the summer.
• Describe a SINGLE memorable day in your life.

Write a letter of complaint. Follow the rules for a formal letter, and use the full-block style. The complaint may be about anything you wish (such as malfunctioning equipment, poor building maintenance, or disruptive noises from a nearby business). You can base your letter on a true experience, or you can make up all the details you need.
Please note that a form letter or a template cannot be used in constructing your response to question 2. When a form letter or template is used, you are giving little to no thought to wording or formatting, and you are not actually creating your own complaint; you are simply filling in the blanks of someone else's work.

Ask yourself these questions after you answer the questions for your exam.

Is my composition three to five paragraphs long? (It must include an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.)
Did I select a topic for my composition from the list given in the instructions?
Did I fully expand on the topic I selected for my composition? (Example: If you selected to describe a memorable day, you should only describe ONE day.)
Does my letter include a complaint?
Did I include all parts of a business letter? (This includes a signature! You can use a different font to indicate your signature.)
Is my letter written in full-block style?
Did I answer both questions on my own, without help from the internet?
Are both answers saved in one document?
Is my work saved as a Microsoft Word document or in Rich Text Format?
If you answered YES to all of the questions, you are ready to submit your work for grading!





Where is the country located geographically? Dominican Republic HELP PLEASE IN YOUR OWN WORDSSS PLEASE*



Geography: Location: Caribbean, eastern two-thirds of the island of Hispaniola, east of Haiti, between Cuba and Puerto Rico. the north of Caribbean Sea to south of the North Atlantic Ocean. Area: 48,310 km² (18,652 sq.


please give me brainliest   have a good day :)

Need help please....




If you look through a basic color wheel there are 3 primary colors or the quote unquote most important red yellow and blue because together they can combine into "white" and red and blue make purple, blue and yellow make green, red and yellow make orange. This forms every color of the rainbow in a wheel form. If you navigate around this wheel you can find these answers. Hope this helps!!!!

how do social dancing help you in enhancing your fitness and wellness?​


when you dance you are moving your legs and sometimes you dance for a long time,and you are putting force on your legs to make them move,and when you use your legs they get stronger every min


Exercise elevates your mood by raising the endorphins or feel good chemicals. That gives you a sense of general well-being. Even a little dancing can improve your mood.


I hope it's help you

For you what is art?


Answer: art Is something you can create to get your mind going, art is beautiful in many ways


Shapes and forms that are man made, mathematical, measurable, are
called what? *


Answer: Geometric

Explanation: Geometric shapes and forms such as circles, cubes, spheres are often man made, mathematical and measurable and can mimic organic patterns.

What is the Duomo and who built it?




The Duomo is a cathedral of Florence, Italy, and is what likely started the Renaissance. Filippo Brunelleschi is the architect most associated with its construction.

When the owner of a piece of art makes it public domain, what happens? O The art is no longer great art. O The owner will eam more royalties. O Anyone can use all or part of the art o They will no long be displayed in public​




Permission to use someone else’s art


C. Anyone can use all or part of the art.


For example, the Happy Birthday song went public domain. This actively demonstrates that everyone was allowed to use it freely without the original artist's permission.

Please know that I might be wrong. I'm incredibly sorry if I am. Thank you. Have a great day/night! <3

define prism and itz color​



A prism is a transparent element with a flat surface that "angle" or refract light.


A prism is a flat surface or angel tht reflects light off it

Compare and contrast two works from the Italian Baroque period with two works from the Renaissance. Be sure to note the appearance in the works of the defining characteristics from each period. Discuss why artistic expression shifted from the restrained stoicism of the Renaissance to that of the heightened emotion in the religious and other works of the Baroque.



Por extensión se aplica también el término Barroco a las obras de pintura, ... largo período de tiempo que va desde el arte renacentista hasta el neoclasicismo.

Art historians have asserted that Van Gogh's work was the epitome of postimpressionism.


The answer is false, he was actually influenced by the art of Japan and understood and saw real depth in the art


The answer is False


While Vincent Van Gogh was an excellent painter with some pieces being postimpressionist, Art historians have asserted that he was the epitome of Expressionism not Post impressionism

There are three different ways that balance is used IN ART. Please list the three different ways and explain what each means.



symmetrical, asymmetrical, and radial.


Symmetrical: means that the work of art is the same on one side as the other, a mirror image of itself, on both sides of a center line.

Asymmetrical:  means that the two halves of the work of art are different, however, try to create balance.

Radial:  balance relates to elements that spread out from a central point.

Hope this helped!

Describe some of the criticisms regarding the film Dracula, then note what elements make it enduring.



The following work tries to constitute a study on the adaptation of the novel Dracula by

Bram Stoker (1897) made by Francis Ford Coppola in 1992. With the intention of making

a study as complete as possible, which addresses the different points of view about

This phenomenon will be taken into account by different authors who deal with issues such as fidelity,

intertextuality or extratextuality and semiotic transduction, illustrating through their

proposed the processes that lead to modify or maintain the different aspects of the film

of the novel.

Before starting, it is convenient to make an approach to the various investigations

carried out in the field of adaptation, as well as the current state of the matter. For it,

use as a basis the film adaptation in the light of some theoretical contributions

Recent and On rewriting and related notions. A state of affairs, articles by José Antonio

Perez Bowie1

. Film adaptation is a complex phenomenon that has been studied since

different perspectives, so that today we can find many jobs

important about this phenomenon. Among them is the exhaustive work of

research by Michel Serceau, who compiles the above theories to

arrive at a proposal that manages to analyze the adaptation in a complete way, addressing it

from all possible perspectives.

At first, scholars such as André Bazin defended the primacy of the text

literary about his film adaptation. The film work was considered as an entity

dependent on its base text and, therefore, only its relationships with

regarding that one. From the 80s, following the trail marked by semiotics, thus

As with previous studies by Dudley Andrew, studies on adaptation focus on

the discursive elements of the source text, leaving aside the primacy of the elements

narratives. This means that, for example, Gianfranco Bettetini considers that for

To carry out a study on adaptation, it is necessary to consider whether it is faithful to the

base text, but also to its environment, its values, its ideology ...

As we can see, the advance of literary theory has supposed, in parallel, an advance in the

adaptation theory, as the case of Patryck Cattrysse illustrates well. The author is inspired by

Bowie: “The film adaptation in the light of some recent theoretical contributions


hope my answer helped you

explain why film director considered as artist?​



film directors are also considered to be artist because they are typically expressed a turn ideas into moving photograph

Sad playlist<<<<<<<<<<<<<<



I have one




heartbreak anniversary has got 2 be on your playlist...itz on mine. we can be twinz :)


Other Questions
Please give me the correct answer.Only answer if you're very good at math. a) Why is ethical relativism considered to be self-contradictory?b) Explain conceptual muddles with an example. If u know how to do this plz help cause I missed class and I dont understand anything :/ cubed root of 1080 in simplest radical form Cells need oxygen and nutrients to function well and get rid of waste products produced incellular reactions. Which system participates in these exchanges? HELP ASAP! ILL MARK BRAINLIEST IF CORRECT! USE THE SECOND IMAGE ATTACHED TO ANSWER THE QUESTION! Which is worked out correctly ? what year did the the indepnced war end? Help please I will be so happy How can the White Rose incident serve as a critique of those who stood by the side? help me whit this I am confused Please help!! Will give brainliest!!!Is the function f(x) = 5x2 even or odd? Why? State the coefficient required to correctly balance the following chemical equation:__KCI + __Fe -> __FeCI2+ __K I need help please?!!!! Explain how social environment, mass media, and interest groups influence public opinion. This is my third time putting this question up so please help. Lol, ten points up for grabs and most helpful answer gets Brainliest (if I can figure out how to give that out). Use the theoretical method to determine the probability of the following outcome and event. State any assumptions made.Tossing two coins and getting either one head or two heads Which of the following sentences contains alliteration?Kevin went fishing with his dad.Kevin fished like a professional.Kevin hooked a fish that was as big as his head!Kevin caught a catfish with corn. Continental drift occurs as a result ofA) hot, drifting material inside EarthB) strong winds on the surface of EarthC) shifting ocean tides advantage of micro teaching over traditional way of teaching HELLLP HURRRY I NEED HELP