How are the testes and the ovaries similar?

They are part of the human skeleton.
They are reproductive organs.
They are sensory organs.
They produce sperm.

Will give branlist is in 5th grade


Answer 1


That are reproductive organs for male and female

Answer 2


B is the answer


im from flvs

Related Questions

i will mark brain list and lots of points

ne Pager Assignment for “Little Bee” excerpt by Chris Cleave

You are going to create a one-pager that demonstrates your understanding of the text.


Use one slide, one document page, one piece of paper, or a similar digital format for creating your one-pager.
If you choose to create your document digitally, you can use images from the internet.
If you choose to create your document using a piece of paper, you need to include color in your creation and will have to submit a clear picture of your one-pager.
The title and author of the book needs to be included on your one-pager
Your one-pager needs to include at least THREE images that represent characters, the setting, or themes from the excerpt you read. These are pictures that you find on the internet or create on your own.
Your one-pager needs to include TWO important quotations from the excerpt.
Your one-pager needs to include TWO questions with answers to demonstrate your deep understanding of the text. (Think about literary devices used, motivations of characters, etc.)
Your one-pager needs to include a prediction about what you think the rest of the book is about


Answer:I never heard of that book. do you have a somekind of website where i can read the book???


I don’t think I know the book?

Adjectives An adjective is a word that describes a noun. example: Mr. Johnson has a long beard. The word long is an adjective. It describes the noun, beard. In each sentence, circle the adjective that describes the underlined noun.
1. Leroy and Jenna walked up to an old castle.
2. Maddie put the golden key in the lock.
3. Today is the fifth day of January.
4. The baby birds flew from the nest.
5. Joe's truck has a flat tire.
6. I am holding a marker in my left hand.
7. Patricia played beautiful music on her guitar.
8. Has anyone read Caitlyn's latest story



Hope this helps out.


1. Old modifies the noun, Castle.

2. Golden modifies the noun, Key.

3. Fifth modifies either day or January, not fully sure.

4. Baby modifies the noun, Birds.

5. Flat modifies the noun, Tire.

6. Left modifies the noun, Hand.

7. Beautiful here modifies either Music or Guitar, I'm not fully sure sorry.

8. Latest modifies the noun, story.

Hope these helped. ♥

Which statement best summarizes the poem? O A. The poem compares the way students doodle in their notebooks to the way that they prepare for college. 0 B. The poem compares life to a spiral notebook and explains how people's thoughts change as they grow up. O C. The poem compares the way the spiral notebook is constructed to how people's lives are separated by subjects. D. The poem compares the sections of the notebook to a young child's dreams about becoming an artist.​


Maybe it’s would be B

If I, I would never angry with my friends.(was,were)​



if i was you, i would never angry with my friends.

If I “were” you, I would never get angry with my friends, would be the correct way to say it.

Write an argumentative essay in which you state and defend a claim about whether it is ethical to target uninformed consumers.



Targeting consumers is unethical in my opinion. 

Companies target their consumers by tracking what they have already bought, and then advertise to them

In order for a company to be 'ethical' they should be transparent about their products/payment plans and everything they do

Companies should not try to swindle their consumers out of their money

Sneaky marketing techniques dupe consumers into buying products

If a consumer feels ripped off by a brand they are likely to never shop from that brand again

A consumer should not have to research products just to make sure they aren't being scammed

Customers have had to become critical of what they buy

An ethical company should not withhold information from their customers

Companies should also include information about the ingredients in their products (that may be harmful)


This is what I wrote in for my pre-writing. Hopefully, it'll give you some inspiration when writing your essay.

How does an author affect your understanding of the ideas written in a text?



Understanding the author's purpose helps readers understand what a text is about. It guides us in taking a stance as readers. ... Identifying the author's purpose also helps us recognize the techniques the writer has used to achieve that purpose: word choice, style, tone, and, of course, content


On a separate sheet of paper, answer the following question using at least two quotes. What lesson does this text teach readers and how does it teach the lesson?



bruuu never read it


Read the passage from the opinion of the court in Dred
Scott v. Sandford, written by Justice Taney
What is Taney's claim in this passage?
The question before us is, whether the class of persons
described in the plea in abatement compose a portion
of this people and are constituent members of this
sovereignty? We think they are not, and that they are
not included, and were not intended to be included
under the word "citizens" in the Constitution, and can
therefore claim none of the rights and privileges which
that instrument provides for and secures to citizens of
the United States. On the contrary, they were at that
time considered as a subordinate and inferior class of
beings who had been subjugated by the dominant
race and whether emancipated or not yet remained
subject to their authority and had no rights or privileges
but such as those who held the power and the
Government might choose to grant them

A)that African American people were covered by the
Constitution's definition of citizen

B)that emancipated African American people had
rights guaranteed by the government

C)that African American people were not part of the
group considered citizens by the Constitution

D)that African American people would have to get the
government's permission to be citizens


C would be the correct answer. The dred Scott case was very sad.

overview of the great depression


do you have a picture

What conclusion can you draw from the following picture?
A taxi cab on a busy three-lane street. There are shops in the background.
you are in a big city, probably NYC
there seems to be a lot of traffic
it is probably loud in this city
all of the above

Please select the best answer from the choices provided


it’s probably d - hope this helps
I’d assume all of the above. Hope this helps

3 points
9. Read the two sentences below and look at the two underlined words
with the same root cor' which means the Latin word for heart. "Ahn
hesitated, not accustomed to (initiating) friendship, but she felt
courageous, so on a whim she opened the door." Ahn thought she would
not have the courage to initiate a friendship, but she underestimated
herself. Courageous is an adjective. What part of speech is courage? Look
at how the word is being used in the context in the above sentence.*


The correct answer is C. Noun


A noun is a type of word that is used to designate beings, entities, or objects. One of the characteristics of nouns is that they have a masculine or feminine gender and a singular or plural number. According to the above, in the text of the question, the word Courage of the sentence "Ahn thought she would not have the courage to initiate a friendship, but she underestimated herself." is used as a noun because it designates courage as a singular entity. So the correct answer is C. Noun.

Lady capulet is trying to convince Juliet to marry Paris by pointing out.................... ​



you watch anime :>


huh ?

The use of the epic simile in this excerpt helps readers understand that


Answer: C. the enormous stone is easily and routinely moved by the giant Cyclops.


The options are:

a. the Cyclops has eaten another bunch of Odysseus's men.

b. Odysseus and his men are still trapped inside the cave.

c. the enormous stone is easily and routinely moved by the giant Cyclops.

d. the Cyclops takes his sheep out to pasture with him in the mornings.

Based on the information given in the question, the use of epic smile help the readers understand that "the enormous stone is easily and routinely moved by the giant Cyclops.

The giant Cyclops moved the big stone and whisked away his great door slab so that the sheep can go through.

Answer: C ( the enormous stone is easily and routinely moved by the giant Cyclops)

I really need help I'm giving a lot of pints
Which source is the most credible for researching supplies needed for a wagon train journey from St. Louis, Missouri, to Salt Lake City, Utah?

A supply list for traveling the Oregon Trail in 1845, published in USA Today
A PBS documentary about daily life on a wagon train
A photo essay of wagon trains leaving St. Louis, Missouri, 1846-1860
A diary of a teacher who traveled on a wagon train to Salt Lake City



The diary from the teacher should be correct.


Diaries are good sources due to them being direct accounts from people during those time periods.


correct answer is A. A supply list for traveling the Oregon Trail in 1845, published in USA Today


Read the following excerpt from an online op-ed article.
Another reason that the proposed curfew in Johnstown is a bad idea is
that curfews simply don't work - they are nearly impossible to enforce.
The city council can make all the rules it wants, but if no one is going
to hold people to them, the rules are meaningless. We all know that the
Johnstown Police Department is understaffed as it is, as evidenced by
a drastic increase in recent crime rates. Do you really think they're
going to turn the necessary attention to a town curfew when there are
actual crimes to solve and incidents to respond to? In a candid
interview in yesterday's Johnstown Daily Bee, candidate Les Brown
revealed that enforcing a curfew would be very low on his list of
priorities. The bottom line is that a curfew, like any law, would be
meaningless if it were not enforced. Let's forget about the curfew and
turn our time and money to more practical and pressing matters
affecting our town
Which link would provide the best supporting information for this piece?





A P 3 X

Study the picture given below. Write a story on the given picture using your own creativity in about 150-
200 words​



Every Sunday, I went to work with my dad Rob. Sundays are always slow and quiet in the animal shelter. A lot of the volunteers and workers go with their families too. It was so common that I even made a group of friends there. Lesly, John, Nick, and I.

At lunch, my friends and I sit at a table in the lovely garden, near the chimpanzee area. We were talking and eating our delicious food when suddenly, we hear Mark, one of the volunteers who was cleaning Susy's cage, scream. After that, we saw Susy, the cheeky chimpanzee that likes eating bananas and interact with people running toward us.

Mark was angry and covered in mud, but when he saw Susy having a good time with us, he let her stay. We always play with her in her cage, and it seems that she heard us and decided to have lunch with us as if she were another human sitting at the table.


A story has three main parts: the beginning, the problem, and the end.

In the first part, we set the scene and introduce the characters. Then we transition into the problem. After that, we write about the problem, and finally how it is solved.

It is crucial to use descriptive words and give details to help the reader get immersed in the story. Also, creativity has a central role in this activity, where many different ideas can arise from the image.

In what way is Grendel a modern day monster




Grendel can be considered to be a modern-day monster primarily because there are so many human characteristics in him, and in the old days that wasn't the way in which monsters were portrayed


What machine is being referred to in the metaphor?
Make your machine lean and mean!

A the human body

B the food network

C the digestive system

D the medical profession



A the human body



I am not sure but I think it is ethier a or c

Identify the incorrectly punctuated sentence.

A Fred slipped on the ice, spraining his finger, and his wrist.
B. He cannot take part in the bowling tournament, but he is going anyway.
C. He can hand out tickets, organize teams, and keep scores.
D. Fred will lend his bowling ball and his team shirt to Caitlin.​


A is incorrectly punctuated :)

The answer choice that is incorrectly punctuated is A. Fred slipped on the ice, spraining his finger, and his wrist.

What is Punctuation?

This refers to the use of symbols in a speech in order to show pauses, stops, and references to communicate.

Hence, we can see that from the answer choices, option A is incorrectly punctuated and this is because there is a wrong use of commas where there should be a semi colon after "the ice"

Read more about punctuations here:


Read this sentence.
The race was easily won by the top swimmer on the team.
What is the best way to edit this sentence to make it more concise and effective?

1: The race was easily won by the top swimmer on the team at the swim meet.
2: It was won by the top swimmer on the team. 3: The race was easily won by the top swimmer on the swim team.
4: The team's top swimmer easily won the race.​



I believe its 4. the other ones are jsut trying to make it sound longer somehow

The best way to edit this sentence to make it more concise and effective is the team's top swimmer easily won the race.​ Therefore, option 4 is correct.

What is sentence ?

The fundamental building block of language, a phrase conveys a full notion. It achieves this by adhering to the syntax's fundamental grammatical norms. For instance, "Ali is walking." In order to state (declare) a complete thought, a complete sentence must have at least a subject and a major verb. Brief illustration: She moves.

According to their form and function, sentences can be divided into eight categories: declarative, interrogative, exclamatory, imperative, simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences.

Declarative sentences, which are assertions, interrogative sentences, which are questions, and imperative sentences are the three primary forms of convictions (which are orders).

Thus, option 4 is correct.

To learn more about the sentence, follow the link;


help Me



if swallowed may be fatal

if contacts skin may cause irritation

if inhaled may cuase dizziness

long term exposure cancer


Mary wants to paraphrase a source in her essay. In 1–2 sentences, explain to Mary how to paraphrase to avoid plagiarism. can I get some help plz I pay big bucks to help me plz :))



Mary would need to put the words from the passage or where she got it from in quotations. Then she would need to make a works cited page.


I have a question for you...…. is that question from the connections academy school in ELA?

In order for Mary to paraphrase without plagiarism, she can make use of in-text citation. Also, she can write the rewrite the sentence in her own words.

What is paraphrase?

Paraphrase refers to the process of rewriting a particular sentence or passage in other words other than the original writer's words. This helps to avoid plagiarism.

Thus, if Mary is to paraphrase in her essay, it will be best for her to use in-text citation or write it in her own words.

Learn more about paraphrase on


20 Points please help me fast help me


His identity of him in the wheelchair so people dont know he is a centaur is an example of him not being himself and is hiding his true self from the world meanwhile while he is in camp half blood he is in his centaur form and it is an example of expressing himself freely cause he knows he's safe from the dangers of the world like humans that would most likely kill him because that's human nature we destroy things we don't understand and that is exactly what would happen to chiron if he revealed himself to the world so he stays in the wheel chair to protect himself and camp half blood as well as all the other centaurs.

There's number one




I'm just gonna answer this.

PART A: Which of the following statements the best espresses the central idea of the article?




Explanation:I did this assignment before

Write a poem for this please
Will give brainly to whoever actually answers this



Scream? What does that mean?

Scream Was written by Edvard Munch. When i read it, it makes me feel anxiety and relation with what he is saying in the poem. It makes me feel like sad truth that needs to be said is being spoken.


Please give me explanation or details OH the POEM the SCREAM OK I Got this.

S- sacred

C- captivating

R- Realistic

E- engrossing

A- Alive

M- Majestic

Idc but i hope this helps

Please help Please help Please help Please help Please help Please help Please help Please help Please help Please help Please help Please help Please help Please help Please help Please help Please help Please help Please help Please help Please help Please help Please help Please help Please help Please help Please help Please help Please help Please help Please help Please help Please help Please help Please help



I love summer! It’s the time when we can go to the pool or beach and be with our family, But I do have favorite parts!

One of my favorite parts is MY BIRTHDAY! It’s going to be great because I’ll be with my friends. My birthday is on June 20, 2013. I am going to have a pool party/slumber party. At the pool, we’re going to play lots of games like… Star. It’s where you think of a movie star, a book, or even a television show/movie. Then you start giving hints. The first one who figures out the answer has to swim to the other side, tag their hand, and say out loud what that person might be thinking. After the pool party, we will go to my house and watch movies and have snacks.

Another thing I’m doing this summer is going to Bethany Beach, DE. This will be my 2nd time going. Every year we go with my mom’s friend’s family. We go to the beach every day. When my mom’s friends and their kids go with my mom my sister and me to the beach we play soccer and crash into the huge waves. Some nights we go eat at our friend’s house in Bethany.

Once we’re done with Bethany, we’re heading to D.C., where my mom’s friend lives. I have been to D.C. one time but I was 2 so I can’t remember anything. My mom has been there so many times this year and told me so many things like this restaurant where the whole floor is made out of pennies because the restaurant is named after Abraham Lincoln. While we are in D.C. we’re going to see where Abraham was assassinated in the theater. We’re also going to see the Declaration of Independence written by Thomas Jefferson the 3rd president of the U.S. Another thing we’re going to see is the Constitution. After all that excitement we’re going home.

What Did The Mexican Government Gain After The Mexican American War?



The war officially ended with the February 2, 1848, signing in Mexico of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. The treaty added an additional 525,000 square miles to United States territory, including the land that makes up all or parts of present-day Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah and Wyoming.Explanation:

Is Georgia is number 1 in the world for feature films?



kemp announced on July 30,2020 that Georgia has ranked the No.1 film production

2. Where did Jennings end up this time?
They cage animal at night



They make money by adopting him and by his being their dependent, but they are violent and they beat him, so he ends up in the orphanage again. After some time he is transferred to a new orphanage.


Did marry warren know how to poppet she gave Elizabeth would be used?explain. With cite textual evidence



Mary Warren did know how the poppet she gave Elizabeth would be used to put evidence of witchcraft in Proctor's home so that way Elizabeth would be proven to be a witch. According to Act II, line 341, Mary claims, “I have known it, sir.


Sorry if it's wrong!! Have a great day!! :)

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