Answer correctly For Brainlist

According to the law of supply, the supply of a product will go up if:

A. the product's cost decreases.

B. the product's price increases.

C. the product's cost increases.

D. the product's price decreases.


Answer 1
Answer 2

According to the law of supply, the supply of a product will go up if the product's price increases. Therefore, option B is correct.

What is the law of supply ?

A key tenet of economic theory is the rule of supply, which asserts that an increase in price will result in an increase in the quantity supplied, all other things being equal. In other words, there is a direct correlation between price and quantity, and quantities react to price changes in the same way.

According to the law of supply, price and quantity supplied of an item are directly related to one another, all other things being equal. In other words, providers increase the supply of an item on the market when the price consumers pay for it rises.

It offers the key price determination model used in economic theory, According to this economic theory, in a market that is competitive, if all other parameters remain constant.

Thus, option B is correct.

To learn more about the law of supply, follow the link;


Related Questions

Your original poem perfectly fits one of the formats from this lesson: Haiku, Couplet, Limerick or Cinquain. Your poetry rhymes and has a strong rhythm, showing signs of having been read aloud and revised for flow.



I think Cinquain-





This short answer pertains to "Broadway Cars"

In paragraph 9 and 10, what rhetorical device (figurative language), does the author rely on to convey the crowding and speed of the cable car?

Under Grand Central's tattered vault
—maybe half a dozen electric stars still lit—
one saxophone blew, and a sheer black scrim
billowed over some minor constellation
under repair. Then, on Broadway, red wings
in a storefront tableau, lustrous, the live macaws
preening, beaks opening and closing
like those animated knives that unfold all night
in jewelers' windows. For sale,
glass eyes turned outward toward the rain,
the birds lined up like the endless flowers
and cheap gems, the makeshift tables
of secondhand magazines
and shoes the hawkers eye
while they shelter in the doorways of banks.
So many pockets and paper cups
and hands reeled over the weight
of that glittered pavement, and at 103rd
a woman reached to me across the wet roof
of a stranger's car and said, I'm Carlotta,
I'm hungry. She was only asking for change,
so I don't know why I took her hand.
The rooftops were glowing above us,
enormous, crystalline, a second city
lit from within. That night
a man on the downtown local stood up
and said, My name is Ezekiel,
I am a poet, and my poem this evening is called
fall. He stood up straight
to recite, a child reminded of his posture
by the gravity of his text, his hands
hidden in the pockets of his coat.
Love is protected, he said,
the way leaves are packed in snow,
the rubies of fall. God is protecting
the jewel of love for us.
He didn't ask for anything, but I gave him
all the change left in my pocket,
and the man beside me, impulsive, moved,
gave Ezekiel his watch.
It wasn't an expensive watch,
I don't even know if it worked,
but the poet started, then walked away
as if so much good fortune
must be hurried away from,
before anyone realizes it's a mistake.
Carlotta, her stocking cap glazed
like feathers in the rain,
under the radiant towers, the floodlit ramparts,
must have wondered at my impulse to touch her,
which was like touching myself,
the way your own hand feels when you hold it
because you want to feel contained.
She said, You get home safe now, you hear?
In the same way Ezekiel turned back
to the benevolent stranger.
I will write a poem for you tomorrow,
he said. The poem I will write will go like this:
Our ancestors are replenishing
the jewel of love for us.


yes, very inspiring indeed

In paragraph 9 and 10, the author relies on the rhetorical device of simile to convey the crowding and speed of the cable car.

Simile is a form of figurative language that helps to create vivid descriptions or make connections between unrelated ideas.

In  paragraph 9 and 10,  the author compares the beaks opening and closing like animated knives unfolding all night in jewelers' windows, and also describes the hands reeling over the weight of the glittered pavement. These comparisons create vivid imagery and suggest the rapid and bustling nature of the cable car scene.

Learn more about simile here:


Why do we have seasons?
Make sure you give a full, detailed answer, not just one sentence.



As the earth spins on its axis, producing night and day, it also moves about the sun in an elliptical (elongated circle) orbit that requires about 365 1/4 days to complete. The earth's spin axis is tilted with respect to its orbital plane. This is what causes the seasons.

Why does Mama say that her childhood dog’s name-Trofast, was “The perfect name for him”?



Trofast means “faithful,” and her dog was just  that. He waited for her at the end of the path every afternoon, his tail wagging.

Please mark as brainliest if answer is right

Have a great day, be safe and healthy  

Thank u  


Why did the giver not want birth mothers to have more babies ?



Because he wanted to keep everyone under control and order.


The giver made order in the town


The whole point of the giver was living in a society where there was no pain and is the EXACT SAME. So they kill the babies that are different. In order to survive, you have to be the same. Hence, why the houses are the same. Everyone has a purpose and if that purpose is not met, then you are useless. If the moms had more babies, they would potentially be different.


Paraphrase "Why the Evergreen Trees Never Lose Their Leaves" by dragging the sentences into order. Put the first event at the top and the last event at the bottom.


The correct order of the sentences is given below. When the sentences are arranged correctly, they make for better comprehension.

What is the correct order of the sentences?

The little bird broke its wingThe oak, birch, and willow trees refused to help the little birdThe spruce, juniper, and pins suffered to help the little birdThe wind came and took the leave of all the trees but the evergreens.

Learn more about "Why the Evergreen Trees Never Lose Their Leaves" at:




Hmmm... I think number 4



Which plants and animals would survive the best in a forest environment?

I. Birds that spread seeds

II. Fish that feed on algae

III. Owls that hunt small mice

IV. Plants that grow in salt water

I and II

I and III

III only

II and IV


Answer:  C


i would probably say B

How much interest will you pay on a $10,000 car loan if you are charged 10% over a five year period? Is this worth it to you?​ plz help


About 500000yiu subtract it

I need help with this.



The first one


What is social emotional learning?



Social and emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships.


it is the process that people have to understand emotions and achieve positive goals ><

I hope this helps ^^

PLEASE HELP ME ASAP I'M BEING TIMED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Read the excerpt from act 2, scene 1, of Julius Caesar.

BRUTUS. O ye gods,
Render me worthy of this noble wife!

[Knocking within]

Hark, hark, one knocks. Portia, go in a while,
And by and by thy bosom shall partake
The secrets of my heart.
All my engagements I will construe to thee,
All the charactery of my sad brows.
Leave me with haste.


Which statement best explains Brutus’s motivation in this scene?

Brutus wants to assure Portia that he will confide in her as soon as he can safely do so.
Brutus wants to get Portia to join the conspiracy with him.
Brutus wants to ask the conspirators to explain things to Portia.
Brutus wants to introduce the conspirators to Portia.



yes yes you are right idea

When reading informational (nonfiction) text, what are some of the elements you look for?
A. supporting evidence
B. author's purpose
C. main idea
D. all of the above


D.) All of the Above

What are three examples of Jim Crow Laws in the novel, A Lesson Before Dying?




    The Jim Crow Laws were first introduced in 1875; their purpose was to have “seperate but equal” public facilities for the black and white citizens. In theory these laws were supposed to create equal facilities for everyone, this was not the case. Black facilities were rarely equal to the white facilities; they were usually of lesser quality compared to the white facilities. Thus, the African American population were forced to use inferior facilities or not use any facilities at all. Signs marked “white” or “colored” or “whites only” were everywhere, visible symbols of segregation. Sometimes laws indicated where these signs should be placed. Many of the signs went up just because people wanted to emphasize the “unwritten” laws. For African Americans, such signs were a constant reminder that they were second class citizens and inferior to the white peoples.  The Jim Crow Laws remained in effect until the passing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Significance to the Theme of Injustice

    The African Americans were often forced to use the inferior quality facilities, while the white peoples had the better quality facilities given to them. The Jim Crow Laws affected every aspect of the African American peoples lives, from education to political to religious to social to shopping to behavior,  basically everything in their daily lives. If African Americans defied or broke the Jim Crow Laws, they were put in jail, shot at, beaten or lynched. In order to avoid losing their jobs, lives, or homes; black people usually accepted the Jim Crow Laws. “[We] had to act…just as though everything was all right. [My family] had to do whatever the white man directed [them] to do, couldn't voice their heart’s desire. That was the way of life that I was born and raised into.”, said Ned Cobb. These laws favored the whites over the blacks, making the black peoples lives very hard and full of discrimination at every corner. "White" or "Colored" signs were everywhere, a constant reminder of the segregation of the white peoples and the black peoples. The Jim Crow Laws portrayed the racial injustice being done to the black peoples by the authority and the white peoples.

Significance to the Novel

     The Jim Crow Laws were part of the character's lives in the novel. When Grant describes going to Bayonne, he says:

   " The courthouse was there; so was the jail. There was a Catholic church uptown for whites; a Catholic church back of town for colored. There was a white movie theater uptown; a colored movie theater back of town. There were two elementary schools uptown, one catholic, one public, for whites; and the same back of town for colored. Bayonne’s major industries were a cement plant, a sawmill, and a slaughterhouse, mostly for hogs. There was only one main street in Bayonne, and it ran along the St. Charles river."

In this particular quotation we see that the town of Bayonne was divided into separate areas for the white and black peoples. The seperation of the these facilities was due to the segregation of both races. Even in the jailhouse there is segregation:

   "We followed him down a long, dark corridor, passing offices with open doors, and bathrooms for white ladies and white men. At the end of the corridor we had to go up a set of stairs. [...] The white prisoners were also on this floor, but in a seperate section. I counted eight cells for black prisoners, with two bunks to each cell."

    As we can see, every single facility had seperate areas for the both races. No facility was left unsegregated. This shows how even in the novel, Jim Crow Laws were in effect.

Relationship between the Theme and the Novel

    The relationship of the Jim Crow Laws between the theme of injustice and the novel is that the Jim Crow Laws represent one of the particular racial injustices that the African Americans had to face daily.  The novel shows instances of unjust segregation of the school system, where the black schools received hand me down books and supplies from the white schools. When Grant asks about this, the superintendent simply shrugs his comment away, the superintendent does not care whether the black schools have adequate supplies and books to teach. The white authority during that time simply could not think of the black people as their equal, they simply regarded them in the same way as they had during the slave time. This injustice plays a big role in the way Miss Emma, Tante Lou and Grant act towards the white people. Jefferson also faces the injustice of the Jim Crow Laws, in the trial the jury was all white men and even though the defense attorney should have spent more time defending Jefferson he only degrades Jefferson likening him to a hog and saying that Jefferson has no knowledge and is not worthy of being called a man. Overall we can see that the Jim Crow Laws truly does represent a relationship between the theme and the novel.

What type of animal has gathered all of the animals together on Manor Farm for his speech? PLEASE HELP


Is this book Animal Farm?
If so the type of animal that has gather all of the animals together on Manor Farm for his speech was a pig







I think it's to prevent turtle from becoming caught....

Write the body of a formal thank-you letter to Sandra Cisneros, the author of “Eleven.” Explain why you are grateful that she wrote the story JUST COPY AND PASTE NOT A SAMPLE RESPONSE



Dear Mrs.Sandra

I am very thankful that you wrote the story ''Eleven'',for the simple fact that how the girl was terrified to tell her teacher that the sweater wasn't hers because she didn't want to be rude to the teacher because she was an adult. Also she was scared to speak up for herself,witch taught me that its okay to express my feeling in any situation no matter what the situation

might be. The story can really help others than myself to learn to help people who are afraid to speak up for them self's and other people. Finally, The last reason i'm very grateful for this story is that I myself can also relate to being scared to speak up for myself and after reading this story I feel alot better and more confident to speak up for myself and others.

Sincerely,'' your first and last name''

'the current date' 2021



I used to be afraid to stand up for myself. When I read what the narrator went through in your story "Eleven," like having to wear that itchy sweater and crying in front of her class, it made me realize that it might be better to explain my side of things instead of staying quiet all the time. Thank you so much for giving me the confidence to speak up.


Sample response.

What is the allusion in the following lines referencing?

FREDERICK. But where is Bruno, our elected Pope,
That on a Fury's back came post from Rome?
Will not his grace consort the Emperor?

A. A horse ridden furiously
B. the Erinyes, goddesses of vengeance
C. A winged, fire dragon
D. A creature fought by Perseus


I think it’s a. Because the line “that on a fury’s back came post from Rome” is definitely in a way underlining it.

DIRECTIONS: As you watch and read the speech, annotate the text for examples of ethos, pathos, and logos.
Please complete the “key” at the bottom to properly label your annotations.
Today we acknowledge a really terrible loss. Cedric Diggory was, as you all know, exceptionally hard-working,
intricately fair-minded, and, most importantly, a fierce, fierce friend. I think, therefore, you have the right
to know exactly how he died. You see, Cedric Diggory was murdered by Lord Voldemort. The ministry of magic
does not wish me to tell you this. But not to do so, I think, would be an insult to his memory. Now, the pain we all
feel at this dreadful loss reminds me, reminds us, that while we may come from different places and speak in
different tongues, our hearts beat as one. In light of recent events, the bonds of friendship we made this year will be
more important than ever. Remember that and Cedric Diggory will not have died in vain. Remember that and we'll
celebrate a boy who was kind and honest and brave and true right to the very end.


behejdjkiffkdjfjfjfjfj go


im here


What word BEST describes the tone of the following sentence?
"These books offer a safety net, a place where kids 'flirt with those questions without getting into trouble.""
A Reassuring
B. Destructive
C. Jubilant
D. Discouraging


I think it’s c but I’m not sure
the correct answer would be A

Which of the following are identities? Check all that apply





5 +6 is 29 so 29-5 is 24. so that is the answer. let me know if you need more help

What are the Onomatopoeia(s)



Onomatopoeias are sounds. Look for words like,"Plop". That is one of them that I can see.

Explanation: I think that is the only one :)


The onomatopoeias are everything that includes a word formed to sound like ohter sounds ex. (Frizzle, Sizzle) etc.


How does Ambrose Bierce use the highlighted figurative language in this passage to set the tone of the piece?
a) Bierce includes the rhythmic sounds to create a peaceful and relaxed atmosphere to portray the beautiful scenery in the story
b) “ An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” includes the highlighted details to depict the violent nature of the soldiers in the story
c) Bierce uses figurative language to make the reader question the narrators credibility
d) Bierce used the selected imagery and figurative language to create a sense of anxiety and anticipation as the main character approaches his execution



What is most closely the meaning of “she must have been paying attention in her civics classes” in the passage below (paragraph 6)?

“Claudette Colvin was an A student at all-black Booker T. Washington High. She must have been paying attention in her civics classes, for she insisted on applying the lessons she had learned after boarding a city bus on March 2, 1955.”

A. Colvin was seen as a model defendant for the NAACP to challenge segregation laws because of what a good student she was.

B. All-black schools were well-known for their strong civics courses.

C. Colvin was well-versed in the law before refusing to give up her seat on the bus.

D. Colvin’s civics teacher wound up leading her defense after she was arrested.



Colvin was well versed in the law and she worked tirelessly to bring public attention to the lynching of blacks in the south.


Please help me with number 6 please


I think the answer is A- it makes the most sense

"And they were riding to their deaths.” Why does this line of text create
the night gardener the help



This line creates suspense because it implies someone's death. It lacks detail and creates a suspense and need to know more.

Hope this helps, have a blessed day/night <3


At the end of the scene, both Friar Lawrence and the Nurse tell Romeo he is acting like a woman for being so sad and emotional. Do you think that it is fair to say this? In this time period, why might people have had different beliefs about women?


I personally do not think that it was fair for them to say this, either to Romeo or to women. Gender stereotypes were a lot more prevalent in the 13- and 1400s than they are now. People expected more of men than they did of women — they were not supposed to show weakness or sorrow.

(Do not copy answer word for word, you'll get busted for plagiarism! These are just ideas to work off of :D)

Please help it’s only sixth grade work but helppppppp pleaseeeee fast



the answer is D


it says it on the paper near try it

literally word per word

D. Place it on a floured board and knead the dough

The answer is found in the very last sentence of the paragraph

Based on the details provided about the setting in the excerpt, what kind of emotions would a reader most expect the townspeople to be feeling? anticipation and lightheartedness sadness and regret anger and grief irritation and boredom



Explanation: I got a 100% on the test trust me




Rita Dove's poem "Dawn Revisited," read alongside Zadie Smith's "Commencement Address at the New School," calls attention to the feelings a person experiences during a time of transition. Is it better to look back where you came from or to jump ahead into the future. YOU MUST USE TEXT EVIDENCE.



I do not have the book so I cannot use text evidence but It is better to jump ahead to the future and not worry about the past because you can't change the past



its is this

Explanation: Rita Dove's poem 'Dawn Revisited,' read alongside Zadie Smith's 'Commencement Address at the New School,' calls attention to the feelings a person experiences during a time of transition. Is it better to ... of transition. Is it better to look back where you came from or to jump ahead into the future.

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