1. What were the goals of the Proclamation of 1763 and the Quartering Act?

2. In what ways were the complaints of eastern and western colonists similar and different?

3. What does prosperous mean in the sentence, "After decades of economic growth, the the colonists were prosperous"?​


Answer 1


1. Proclamation of 1763, proclamation declared by the British crown at the end of the French and Indian War in North America, mainly intended to conciliate the Native Americans by checking the encroachment of settlers on their lands.

2. They were frustrated with oppressive laws. In what ways were the complaints of eastern and western colonists different? Eastern colonists housed soldiers because the British could force them to and Western colonists ignored the Proclamation because the British couldn't stop them from moving.

3. : They were doing well and had what they needed and more.Nov 10,


no need to thank me just report the spammer :)

Related Questions

Why did the kingdom of Israel split?

A. The people disagreed on religious beliefs
B. The land was not big enough for everyone
C. The high debt cause rifts in the kingdom
D. The leaders followed different gods.


Im pretty sure its C cause of the economic complaints

Identify Albert beveridge's argument about American expansionism and imperialism


While Minister Josiah Strong backed expansionism by claiming it was God's Will, Senator Alfred Beveridge justified it by stating that the emerging businesses demanded imperialism and it was America´s destiny to bring trade, liberty, and civilization to benighted people.
Strong argued that it was America´s manifest destiny to acquire new lands in a race with the other nations to dominate the world and acquire the limited resources. Beveridge argued that the increased business abroad had made it necessary to protect investments overseas.

How might inflation affect a country's economy?



the prices will go up


the other person is correct i'm answering so other person can get brainliest

How did most Presidents treat "business" in the 40 years leading up to Roosevelt's Presidency?​



He was not a radical, however; TR believed that big business was a natural part of a maturing economy and, therefore, saw no reason to abolish it. He never suggested fundamentally altering American society or the economy to address various economic and social ills. In fact, he often stated that there must be reform in order to stave off socialism; if government did not act, the people would turn to more extreme measures to seek remedies. In addition, TR was a politician who understood the need to compromise in order to implement his ideas. Coming into office following William McKinley's assassination, Roosevelt pledged to maintain the fallen President's policies so as not to upset the nation in a time of mourning. And even when he began to chart his own course, Roosevelt knew that he had to work with congressional Republicans to get the G.O.P. nomination for President in 1904.

please help i have limited time!

When Theodore Roosevelt was named to the U.S. Civil Service Commission in 1889, he benefitted primarily from his experience as:
-The former Ambassador to the United Kingdom who had seen civil service reform in action there.
-President of the United States who had successfully introduced civil service reform.
-The ranking member of the United Nation's Special Committee on Civil Service.
-A member of the New York State Assembly who had lobbied for civil service reform in his state.




During his term as United States Civil Service Commissioner (1889-1895) the full force of his energy, enthusiasm, and aggressiveness was put to the task of building up the Federal civil service system. He undertook the task of reform with the same honesty and zeal that he showed for all of his endeavors.

Which of the following best describes the significance of the in re Gault case?

Group of answer choices

The in re Gault case resulted in dismissal of any convictions if the victim doesn't appear in court during the hearings.

The in re Gault case resulted in jail time in an adult prison, instead of time in a place set aside for juveniles.

The in re Gault case resulted in the right of adults to a lawyer also being available for juveniles accused of crimes.

The in re Gault case resulted in granting accused criminals the right to a jury trial for any type of crime.



it is C. the third one.

The in re Gault case resulted in the right of adults to a lawyer also being available for juveniles accused of crimes.





someone help please.



1830-1860. Have a nice day :-)


Based on the maps, what conclusion can be drawn
about world trade during the 15th and 16th centuries?
O Trade routes became global.
O Trade routes were only over seas, not land.
O The number of sea trade routes decreased.
O The number of overland trade routes increased.


It would be the first one Trade routes became global. Hope it helps! :)


It's A. Trade routes became global.


I got it correct on the quiz.

3) The Constitution allows only the states to keep these powers




Yes because there are the one in power

Which of the following was the principle that created the Articles of Confederation?

popular sovereignty
limited government
state’s rights


I believe it’s popular sovereignty

can someone help me?​


the answer is c! i think

3. What is Friar Laurence initially afraid of when he sees that Romeo hasn't slept in Act 2, Scene 3 of Romeo and Juliet?

A. That Romeo has been dueling with Tybalt

B. That Romeo has been thrown out of his family for his relationship with Juliet

C. That Romeo has been partying all night and is too drunk to go home

D. That Romeo has committed a sin by sleeping with Rosaline​


D. That Romeo has committed a sin by sleeping with Rosaline




That Romeo has committed a sin by sleeping with Rosaline​.

7th grade history homework​



bottom picture abraham lincoln and John Wilkes Booth

Explanation: you can see him getting shot

show me the essays about the problems that Americans faced during the great depression


Many things happened economy etc

The Constitutional Amendment that was violated in this case was the 14th Amendment of Equal Protection.
A. True
B. False



it is true... that is option A

What challenges did James I have to over come



When Elizabeth I of England died in 1603, James succeeded to the throne peacefully. However, along with the throne he inherited a number of severe problems, including war with Spain, religious tensions at home, corruption in government, and financial difficulties at the court.


What is the name of the man who lead the Mongol Empire?


It’s I think Genghis khan

Civil rights in the United States are meant to make sure that:

A. all races are treated equally.
B. states can segregate services.
C. the courts don't have too much power.
D. schools get enough money to operate.
I will give brainliest.​



A. all races are treated equally.


Civil rights laws in the United States make sure that all citizens can enjoy "life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness" that are promised in the Declaration of Independence.

Answer:   A , D ,


Hope this helped

someone .........??????​



patricians in section 1


the 4th


What breed of dog is this?



Looks like a shiba inu to me.


It is a lovely Shiba Inu!! so cute

How did the Treaty of Versailles impact Iraq, Palestine, and Transjordan?



These three nations chartered a new mandate to become a single nation



How did the Treaty of Versailles impact Iraq, Palestine, and Transjordan? -These former colonies were granted mandates for independence. ... -Control of these territories was turned over to Britain, under the mandate system. -These three nations chartered a new mandate to become a single nation.

Can someone please help me with this quickly ASAP.

How did U.S. involvement in WW2 change America's role in world affairs?



America's involvement in World War II had a significant impact on the economy and workforce of the United States. ... Our involvement in the war soon changed that rate. American factories were retooled to produce goods to support the war effort and almost overnight the unemployment rate dropped to around 10%.


Digitalis is a medicine that comes from O a. distilled tree sap O b. fermented whey O c. hooves of cattle O d. the foxglove plant​


Digitalis, drug obtained from the dried leaves of the common foxglove and used in medicine to strengthen contractions of the heart muscle. D. Foxglove

What were the long-term influences of the New Deal on American society?



Basically, President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal created many government institutions and programs that aimed to achieve:

1. relief  

2. recovery

3. reform

To make sure that an economic disaster like the Great Depression would never happen again, Roosevelt established his New Deal. The New Deal brought sweeping reforms in American economic policy.

For example, the U.S. has economic safeguards (including "safety nets") that protect the U.S. economy.

The New Deal also created financial institutions and programs that still exist today. One of the most widely known is Social Security, which is a program that provides insurance and benefits to the retired + elderly, those with disabilities, and war veterans.

We also have the FDIC or Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, which ensures that you will not lose your money if the bank fails (insured deposits).

Many people still rely on the benefits and protections from these programs. In fact, some take advantage of the government for their own benefit. People with both high or low wages can access their government benefits, and such a practice may be unsustainable in the future.

There is definitely more to the New Deal, but this is most of what I remember off the top of my head. Hope this helps!

50 POINTSS i will give brainlest to best helper:
Write a 200 word essay about genghis khan




Genghis Khan[note 4] (born Temüjin,[note 1] c. 1158 – August 18, 1227), was the founder and first Great Khan (Emperor) of the Mongol Empire, which became the largest contiguous empire in history after his death. He came to power by uniting many of the nomadic tribes of Northeast Asia. After founding the Empire and being proclaimed Genghis Khan (an honorary title ascending possibly from the Turkic "tengiz" — sea,[10] meaning "the oceanic, universal ruler"), he launched the Mongol invasions that conquered most of Eurasia, reaching as far west as Poland in Europe and the Levant in the Middle East. Campaigns initiated in his lifetime include those against the Qara Khitai, Khwarezmia, and the Western Xia and Jin dynasties, and raids into Medieval Georgia, the Kievan Rus', and Volga Bulgaria. These campaigns were often accompanied by large-scale massacres of the civilian populations, especially in the Khwarazmian and Western Xia-controlled lands. Because of this brutality, which left millions dead, he is considered by many to have been a brutal ruler. By the end of his life, the Mongol Empire occupied a substantial portion of Central Asia and China. Due to his exceptional military successes, Genghis Khan is often considered to be the greatest conqueror of all time.[11]

Before Genghis Khan died, he assigned Ögedei Khan as his successor. Later his grandsons split his empire into khanates.[12] Genghis Khan died in 1227 after defeating the Western Xia. By his request, his body was buried in an unmarked grave somewhere in Mongolia.[13] His descendants extended the Mongol Empire across most of Eurasia by conquering or creating vassal states in all of modern-day China, Korea, the Caucasus, Central Asia, and substantial portions of Eastern Europe and Southwest Asia. Many of these invasions repeated the earlier large-scale slaughters of local populations. As a result, Genghis Khan and his empire have a fearsome reputation in local histories.[14]

Beyond his military accomplishments, Genghis Khan also advanced the Mongol Empire in other ways. He decreed the adoption of the Uyghur script as the Mongol Empire's writing system. He also practised meritocracy and encouraged religious tolerance in the Mongol Empire, unifying the nomadic tribes of Northeast Asia. Present-day Mongolians regard him as the founding father of Mongolia.[15] He is also credited with bringing the Silk Road under one cohesive political environment. This brought relatively easy communication and trade between Northeast Asia, Muslim Southwest Asia, and Christian Europe, expanding the cultural horizons of all three areas.

Which state did not officially become part of the United States until the monarch was overthrown?

A. The Philippines

B. Alaska

C. Puerto Rico

D. Hawaii



the answer is d hawaii



17. Who represented the Allies at the Potsdam conference?

I’ll give brainiest ASAP pls :)



U.S. President Harry S.


In 1847, Henry David Thoreau was sent to jail for refusing to pay taxes. What objection did Thoreau
have to paying taxes during this time?
A He believed if you were not a property owner, you should not have to pay taxes.
B He asserted that paying taxes was a form of cruel and unusual punishment.
с He refused to pay taxes because he failed to win a recent local election
He opposed the use of tax money to support the U.S.-Mexican War.


I have no idea I’m answering this because I need to ask more questions



During his time at Walden, Thoreau spent a night in jail for refusing to pay his poll tax. He withheld the tax to protest the existence of slavery and what he saw as an imperialistic war with Mexico.

". . . The replacement of the bourgeois by the proletarian state is impossible without a violent revolution. The abolition of the proletarian state, i.e., of all states, is only possible through 'withering away.' . . ."
This quotation was most likely written during which historical period?
(1) 1900-1930
(2) 1945-1990
(3) 1800-1870
(4) 1789-1799




Explanation: Trust me I know

The given quotation was most likely written during 1900-1930 historical period. Thus, option A is correct.

What is the historical period?

The historical period begins with the invention of the writing system, which was used to document historical events. The historical period is also divided into three basic parts: the Ancient period, the Middle Ages, and the Modern era.

History studies allow us to observe and comprehend how people and societies behaved. History provides us with information that we can use to develop laws or theories about various aspects of society.

The replacement of the bourgeois by the proletarian state is impossible without a violent revolution was the written in the historical period of 1900-1930.

Therefore, option 1 is correct.

Learn more about the historical period, refer to:



Which of these democratic principles is true of the Roman citizens in the Roman Republic

They could choose officials to represent their vote
they could vote directly on issues
they had no influence over government issues
they could elect councils but not Tribunes


I think it might be D

Answer: The answer is D

Explanation: This is flvs, i did the module test for this

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