Hi I need help bad on this I have a report card Wednesday and my birthday is in 13 days

Hi I Need Help Bad On This I Have A Report Card Wednesday And My Birthday Is In 13 Days


Answer 1


- 18/(- 6)

This can be written as

- 18/- 6

Recall, if a negative number divides a negative number, the result is positive. Thus, the answer is 3

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A skateboarding ramp is 11in. high and rises at an angle if 23⁰. How long is the base of the ramp? Round to the nearest inch *round to the nearest integer as needed*


[tex]\begin{gathered} \tan 23=\frac{\text{opposite side}}{\text{adjacent side}} \\ \\ \tan 23=\frac{\text{1}1}{\text{base}} \\ \text{base}=\frac{11}{\tan 23} \\ \text{base}\approx26\text{ in} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Find quotient of 5,433 % 8


Find the quotient of 5,433 by 8.

8 | 5,433

Divide 54 by 8. The quotient is 6. 6x8 = 48. 54 - 48 = 6.


8 | 5433




63 by 8 is 7. 7x8 = 56. 63 - 56 = 7.


8 | 5433







73 by 8 is 9. 9x8 = 72. 73 - 72 = 1. The final step is:

679 <== Quotiet

8 | 5433









1 <== Remainder

use only commutative property of addition to rewrite the expression 619+59



Given the sum 619+59

Required: Another expression using commutative property and the simplified expression


The commutative property says that for any two real numbers,


So, the expression 619+59 can also be written as 59+619, using commutative property.

Now, find the sum.

So, the sum is 678.

Final Answer: Another expression of 619+59 is 59+619 and its sum is 678.

1/4 -86.205/4.121121112....123253^2/5 [tex] \sqrt{ \frac{4}{9} } [/tex][tex] \sqrt{20} [/tex]-1/2[tex]\pi[/tex].1223334444....16666....[tex] ^{3} \sqrt{27} [/tex][tex] - \sqrt{25} [/tex][tex]3\pi[/tex][tex] \binom{12}{4} [/tex][tex] \sqrt{17} [/tex]Okay finally tell me which numbers go in :Natural NumbersWhole Numbers Integers Rational Numbers Irrational Numbers


Natural numbers are the non-negative integers

So we will put inside its circle all the positive integers and zero

Let us find them using the 1st picture

there are 0 and square root 36 because its value is 6

Whole numbers are positive numbers only

So we can put 0 in a natural circle and 6 in the whole part and 12/4 because it equals 3

Integers are positive and negative whole numbers

We have -8 and - square root 25 because it equals -5

So put -8 and - square root 25 in the integer circle

Rational numbers are all numbers can but in the form of the fraction

So we will choose the number with decimal or fraction

6.2, -1/2, 2.21 on the rational part

The rest of the numbers are irrational numbers

Put them in the part of irrational numbers

For the following exercises, determine the least possible degree of the polynomial function shown.



To determine the least possible degree of the polynomial function

The function has atmost n - intercepts in the horizontal

The graph turns 4 times in the above curve, hence n = 4

[tex]\begin{gathered} n+1 \\ n=\text{ number of turns} \\ 4+1=5 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore the least possible degree of the polynomial = 5

Hence it is a 5 possible polynomial function

In a study of 200 students under 25 years old one-fifth have not yet learned to drive. What percentage can drive?


[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{Total number of students is }\Rightarrow200 \\ \frac{1}{5}\text{ can't drive}\Rightarrow200\times\frac{1}{5}=40\text{ students can't drive} \\ Number\text{ of students tthose can drive}\Rightarrow200-40=160\text{ students} \\ So, \\ \text{percentage}\Rightarrow\frac{160}{200}\times100=80\text{ \% students can drive.} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The amount of garbage, G produced by a city with population p is given by G = f ( p ) . G is measured in tons per week, and p is measured in thousands of people. The town of Tola has a population of 45,000 and produces 6 tons of garbage each week. Express this information in terms of the function f. f = 6 / 45 f ( 45 ) = 6 f ( 6 ) = 45



Given that the amount of garbage G produced by a city with population p is expressed as

[tex]\begin{gathered} G=f(p) \\ where \\ G\text{ is measured in tons per week} \\ p\text{ is measured in thousands of people} \end{gathered}[/tex]

If a town Tola has a population of 45,000 and produces 6 tons of garbage per week, this implies that we substitute these parameters into the above equation.

This gives


Hence, in terms of function f, the information is expressed as


The second option is the correct answer.

If a car travels at a speed of 45 mi/h fort hours, then travels 65 mi/h for m hours, what does theexpression 45t +65m represent?The expression represents the (select)


total distance travelled by the car (option D)


When speed = 45mi/h

time = t hours

when speed = 65mi/h

time = m hours

45t +65m means 45mi/h × t + 65mi/h × m

The formula that relates the speed and the time is distance:

speed = distance/time

distance = speed × time

The distance for the first speed and time = 45mi/h × t hours = 45t

The distance for the second speed and time = 65mi/h × m hours = 65m

The sum of the two distance = distance covered by the car = 45t + 65m

Hence, we can say the expression 45t +65m represents the total distance travelled by the car (option D)

a. 20% of 60 is ____ d. 50% of 90 is b. 25% of _____ Is 6 e. 10% of _ is 7c. _____% of 100 is 14 f. 30% of 70 is _


20% of 60 is 12

25% of 24 is 6

14% of 100 is 14

50% of 90 is 45

10% of 70 is 7

30% of 70 is 21

a. 20% of 60 is 12 because 60x20/100 = 60x0.2 = 12

b. 25% of 24 is 6 because 6x100/25 = 24

c. 14% of 100 is 14 because 100x(14/100) = 14

d. 50% of 90 is 45 is 14 because 90x50/100 = 45

e. 10% of 70 is 7 because 7x100/10 = 70

f. 30% of 70 is 21 because 70x30/100 = 21

n% of m is (n x m)/100

For example: 20% of 60 is (20 x 60)/100 = 1200/100 = 12

5Graph the solution to – 2 < 2d – 2 < 6 -




Here, we want to solve and graph the compound inequaqlity

We start by solving the sides, one at a time

[tex]\begin{gathered} -2\text{ < 2d-2} \\ -2+2\text{ < 2d} \\ 0\text{ < 2d} \\ 0\text{ < d} \end{gathered}[/tex]

For the second part, we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 2d-2\text{ }\leq\text{ 6} \\ 2d\leq\text{ 6 + 2} \\ 2d\leq\text{ 8} \\ d\text{ }\leq\frac{8}{2} \\ d\leq\text{ 4} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now, let us write the solution in compound from:

[tex]0\text{ < d }\leq\text{ 4}[/tex]

Finally, we proceed to plot the graph as follows:

BD is the perpendicular bisector of ac,ac=10and bc=7 find the length of ad and ab


Since, BD is the perpendicular bisector of AC. So, AD = 1/2(AC) = 5.

Since, BD is the perpendicular bisector of AC and BC is not equal to AC. So, triangle ABC is an isosceles triangle. Therefore, AB = BC = 7.

Translate the following into an inequality:What number divided by five is more than 6?k ≥ 6 ÷ 5k ÷ 5 ≥ 6k ÷ 5 > 65 ÷ k > 6


We need to translate into an inequality the following problem:

What number divided by five is more than 6?

Let's call k the number we are looking for. Then, that "number divided by five" can be translated as:


Now, "more than" is represented using the symbol ">" (with the opened end turned to the greater amount.

Thus, since the above expression "is more than 6", this can be translated as:



When planning a cruise, you have a choice of 2 destinations: Cozumel (C) or Jamaica (J); a choice of 3 types of rooms: balcony (B), inside view (I), or ocean view (O); and a choice of 2 types of excursions: water sports (W) or horseback riding (H). If you are choosing only one of each, list the sample space in regard to the vacations (combinations of destinations, rooms, and excursions) you could pick from.



When planning a cruise:

you have a choice of 2 destinations: Cozumel (C) or Jamaica (J)

and a choice of 3 types of rooms: balcony (B), inside view (I), or ocean view (O)

and a choice of 2 types of excursions: water sports (W) or horseback riding (H)

We will list the sample space in regard to the vacations

First, we will draw the tree diagram

The tree diagram will be as shown in the following figure:

So, there are 12 outcomes you could pick from.

The sample space will be as follows:



Please help me with these 2 questions they are both solved problems that go together with one huge problem so please answer both thank you



r = 11 in

The diameter is twice the radius, so:

d = 2*11 = 22 inches


d = 18 inches

The radius is half the diameter, so:

r = 18/2 = 9 inches

Solve (x - 5)2 = 3.O A. x = -51 1/3O B. x = 3 15O C. x = 5+:13O D. x = 8 and x = -2


In order to solve the given expression follow these steps:

1. Take the square roots on both sides in order to get rid of the power on the left side:

√(x-5)² = ±√3

x - 5 = ±√3

2. add 5 on both sides:

x-5 + 5 = 5 ±√3

x = 5 ±√3

Then, the solution is x = 5 ±√3

Please helpWrite 78 percent as fraction In simplest form


Step 1:

In mathematics, a percentage is a number or ratio expressed as a fraction of 100. It is often denoted using the percent sign, "%".

Step 2:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 78\text{ percent = }\frac{78}{100} \\ To\text{ write to the simplest fraction} \\ \text{Divide both the numerator and the denominator by 2} \\ \frac{78}{100}\text{ = }\frac{39}{50} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Final answer


I have no clue how to graph inequalities and find the solution


In the graph we can see two line y=2 and y=x.

Also, we know that there is a system of inequalities and the blue area in the graph represent the solutions for the system.

We can see that the blue area is above the line y=2, thats mean one inequality is:


So, any points that y-coordinate is greater than or equal than 2 satisfy the inequality.

Also we can see that the blue area is bellow the line y=x and the line is a dotted line, this last means the inequality do not take take value in the line. So, the second inequation is:

[tex]ySo, the points that satisfy the system of inequalities are above the line y=2 and bellow the line y=x and not touch the line y=x.

please help me solve this step by step with wrriten explanation. context and words help me


[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{If we try to rationalize} \\ \frac{5}{1+\sqrt[]{7}}\text{ using }\sqrt[]{7} \\ \\ \text{what happens is we still end up having a denominator with a radical} \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{5}{1+\sqrt[]{7}}\cdot\frac{\sqrt[]{7}}{\sqrt[]{7}},\text{ multiply by 1} \\ =\frac{5\sqrt[]{7}}{1(\sqrt[]{7})+\sqrt[]{7}(\sqrt[]{7})},\text{ distribute }\sqrt[]{7\text{ }}\text{ to numerators and denominator} \\ =\frac{5\sqrt[]{7}}{\sqrt[]{7}+7}\text{ final answer} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The population of people in a town increases by 100 each year. Which equation represents the situation? Let p represent the amount the population has increased and t represent the number of years.t = 100 + pp = 100 + tt = 100pp = 100t


From the problem, the population increases by 100 each year.

a constant increase of 100 means that the slope of a line is 100.

Slope is the same as constant increase or rate of increase.

The equation of the line with a slope is :


where m is the slope and b is the initital population.

Since we dont have an initital population, b = 0.

The equation will be :


It is stated also that P represents the population that has increased. So y will be p.

and t represent the number of years. So x will be t.

That will be :



The equation is p = 100t

write a ratio that is equivalent to the ratio: 9/12


the given ratio is


divide numerator and denominator by 3


so the equivalent ratio is 3/4

find the equation of line with points (3, 3) that passes through a slope of 2/3



the standard equation of a straight line is given as y = mx + b

y = y-coordinate

x = x-coordinate

m = slope

b = intercept

the points given are (3, 3) and the slope = 2 / 3

y = mx + b

y = 3

x = 3

let's substitute in our values and solve for b

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=mx+b \\ 3=\frac{2}{3}(3)+b \\ 3=2+b \\ b=3-2 \\ b=1 \end{gathered}[/tex]

since we have the value of the slope, we can simply write the equation from y = mx + b to y = 2/3x + 1


this is the equation of the line.

but we can further simplify this by looking for the LCM of the denominators of the independent variables

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=\frac{2}{3}x+1 \\ y=\frac{2x+3}{3} \\ \text{cross multiply both sides} \\ 3y=2x+3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

the equation can be rewritten as 3y = 2x + 3

Find the area of the triangle with base 15 cm and height 18 cm.


From the problem, we have a triangle with base of 15 cm and a height of 18 cm.

The area of the triangle is :


where b = base and h = height.

Using the formula above, the area will be :


The answer is 135 cm^2

Use graphs to find the set.(−2,4) ∪ [−1,6]Im not for sure on how to solve the set?



A. The set is {-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}


Note the following;

*When we use parentheses or open brackets, ( ), in an interval notation, it signifies that those points are excluded in the set.

*When we use closed or square brackets, [ ], in an interval notation, it signifies that those points are inclusive in the set.

*The union symbol (U) is used to join two intervals together.

Given the interval notation, (−2,4) ∪ [−1,6], since there -2 and 4 are in parentheses, it means that they are not included in the set while -1 and 6 are included in the set since they are in square brackets. So the members of the set can be represented in a graph as;

Which choice is equivalent to the quotient shown here when x > 0?A.2xB.2x2C.D.



[tex]\sqrt{22x^6}\div \sqrt{11x^4}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{\sqrt{22x^6}}{\sqrt{11x^4}}=\sqrt{\frac{22x^6}{11x^4}} \\ \\ =\sqrt{\frac{22x^6}{11x^4}} \\ \\ =\sqrt{2x^2} \\ \\ =x\sqrt{2} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The final answerOption C


I'm not entirely sure what I'm supposed to be doing


The intercept between both lines, represents the solution to the system compounded by the equations for both lines. It means (3,4) is the solution to both lines A and B.

You'll have to make a series of transformations to make this parabola fit the bridge. Describethem


The transformations are as follows:

- There is firstly a vertical reflection

- There is a vertex shift from (0,0) to the (-2, 3) position (approximate)

- There is also a horizontal compression of the parabola.

Recommendations Skill plans Math Common Core Fifth grade > * P.7 Guess-and-check problems DAJ Kurt bought 28 stamps at the post office. The number of stamps in each book was 7 times as large as the number of books. How many stamps were in each book? stamps Submit


28/7 = 4

There were 7 stamps in each book

Find the volume of the rectangular prism O 8 cubic units O 4 cubic units 6 cubic units O 3 cubic units


Given data:

The given rectangular prism.

The volume of the given prism is,

[tex]\begin{gathered} V=6(\text{volume of a cube)} \\ =\text{ 6(1 cubic-units)} \\ =\text{ 6 cubic-unis} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Frank's rectangular box of toys has a perimeter of 30 inches. The length is twice as long as the width. Which of the following expressions could be a major step in finding the length? A. Length times Width equals AreaB. 2 times Width plus 2 times Width plus Width plus Width equals 30C. Perimeter equals Width plus Width plus Width plus WidthD. 2 times Length equals Width


From the given problem,

length is twice as long as the width

length = 2 x width

Note that the perimeter is :


where W and L are the width and length respectively.

Since L = 2W

Perimeter will be :

[tex]\begin{gathered} P=2W+2(2W) \\ P=2W+4W \\ P=6W \end{gathered}[/tex]

Perimeter is equal to 30 inches :


From the given choices, only B satisfies this condition.

2W + 2W + W + W = 30

6W = 30

Therefore, the answer is B.

A cylinder has a height of 44.5 inches and a radius of 22.8 inches. Which of the following measurements is closest to the lateral surface area of the cylinder in square inches? F 6,374.9 in.2 G 145,274.5 in.? H 3,185.8 in. ? J 2,029.2 in.2 2.


We have the following:

The formula for the lateral surface area of a cylinder is as follows

[tex]LSA=2\cdot\pi\cdot r\cdot h[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} LSA=2\cdot3.14\cdot22.8\cdot44.5 \\ LSA=6371.7 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore the answer is F 6374.9 in ^ 2

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