Imagine being in an elevator and riding from the 1st floor to 20th floor. You start from
rest, speed up (maybe for a floor or two) until you get up to cruising speed. Then you
cruise for several floors until you are nearing your destination. As you near your
destination, you slow down from cruising speed to a final stopping position (i.e., a zero
speed). What would you feel during this time and why would you feel it?


Answer 1

A person feels lighter than his Normal weight when the lift is accelerating downwards.

The price at which an object adjustments its velocity is referred to as acceleration, a vector variable. If an item's velocity is changing, it's miles accelerating. A moving object can every so often adjust its velocity by the same amount every 2nd. a transferring item that adjustments its speed with the aid of 10 m/s per second. since the pace is changing through a set quantity each second,

that is called a regular acceleration. it's miles important to differentiate among an item with a steady acceleration and one with a constant velocity. Be not deceived! An object is accelerating if its speed is changing, whether or not with the aid of a hard and fast amount or a variable quantity. additionally, a transferring item with a regular pace isn't always accelerating.

To know more about  acceleration visit :


Related Questions

Describe two possible sources of error in the students' measurement when measuring the speed of sound.


Two possible source of error in measuring speed is when there is error in measuring time or the distance.

What is speed?

The speed of an object is the magnitude of the change of its position over time or the magnitude of the change of its position per unit of time; it is thus a scalar quantity.

To measure speed of the body is we have to measure distance and time so when there is error in measurement of the distance and time.

Two possible source of error in measuring speed is when there is error in measuring time or the distance.

To learn more about speed refer to the link:


a loop of wire is enclosing area 0.04m^2 has a magnetic field passing through its plane at an angle to the plane. the component of the field perpendicular to the plane is 0.12t, and the component parallel to the plane is 0.05t. what is the magnetic flux through this coil?


The magnetic flux through the coil if the component of the field perpendicular to the plane is 0.12t, and the component parallel to the plane is 0.05t is 0.0048 Wb

Φ = B A cos θ

Φ = Magnetic flux

B = Magnetic field

θ = Angle between magnetic field and normal of the surface

A = 0.04 m²

For the component of the field perpendicular to the plane,

B = 0.12 T

θ = 0

Φ = 0.12 * 0.04 * cos 0

Φ = 0.0048 Wb

For the component parallel to the plane,

B = 0.05 T

θ = 90°

Φ = 0.05 * 0.04 * cos 90

Φ  = 0

So, to calculate magnetic flux through this coil, the component of the field perpendicular to the plane needs to be used.

Therefore, the magnetic flux through this coil is 0.0048 Wb

To know more about magnetic flux


Suppose an experimental arrangement has mass m1= 0.200 kg at the 0.100-m mark and a mass m2= 0.100 kg at the 0.750-m mark. Can the system be put in equilibrium by a 0.050-kg mass? If it can be done, state where it would be placed. If it cannot be done, state why not.


It is to be noted that the system cannot be put in equilibrium by a 0.050kg mass. This is because the point on the stick where it ought to be placed is longer than the actual length of the stick.

What is Equilibrium?

In physics, equilibrium is the state of a system where neither its state of momentum nor its internal energy state changes over time. In a meter-stick experiment, the net torque applied to the system must be zero for the system to be in equilibrium.

Assume the center of gravity is at 0.500 m.

Recall that m1 = 0.200kg at 0.100m mark

m2 = 0.100kg at the 0.750m mark

m1(0.500 - 0.100) = m2(0.750 - 0.500) + m3(d-0.500)

0.2(0.4) = 0.1(0.25) + 0.05(d-0.5)

0.055 = 0.05d -0.025

d = 1.6 m

This indicates that the 0.050 kg weight must be placed on the right side, 1.6 m from the center of the scale; however, because the scale is only 0.5 meters long on each side of the center, adding 0.050 to the meterstick is impossible. If we add it anywhere along the 0.5 m length of the stick, the system will not be in equilibrium.

Learn more about equilibrium:


QUESTION 4 A 200 kg rock lies on the surface of a planet with mass, M. The gravitational force, F exerted by the planet on the rock is 1200 N. The radius of the the planet is 700 Calculate the mass, M of the planet​


4.4 kg is  the mass, M of the planet​.

m=200 kg


F= 1200 N.

r= 700m





M=4.4 kg

Mass is used in physics to express inertia, a fundamental characteristic of all matter. Essentially, it is a mass of matter's resistance to changing its direction or speed in response to the application of a force. The change that an applied force produces is smaller the more mass a body has. The kilogram, the unit of mass in the International System of Units, corresponds to 6.62607015 1034 joule seconds using Planck's constant (SI). One joule is produced by multiplying one kilogram by one square meter per second. The kilogram is determined by exact measurements of Planck's constant since the second and the meter have previously been defined in terms of other physical constants.

To know more about  mass visit :


Stir the liquid occasionally to release the _______________.


Using the concept of thermodynamics, we got heat as an output when we stir the liquid occasionally.

Actually, according to the Clausius statement of the second law of Thermodynamics: Heat can transfer from a hot body to a cold body, but it cannot transfer from a cold body to a hot body unless any external work has been done on the system.

Thus when you stir a hot liquid, due to the phenomenon of the convection (It is a heat transfer process that can occur only in fluids), part of the heat from the hot liquid goes to the medium which you are stirring (Eg. spoon) and another part of heat flows to the surrounding which is at a room temperature. Thus due to these things heat energy is liberated at a higher rate

But when you went on to stir a cold liquid (let’s say it is at 19 °C), you are giving mechanical work on the system. As mentioned in the second law of Thermodynamics the heat gets transferred from cold liquid to the surrounding air (let's say 30 °C ) due to the work given (stir). But the transfer of heat is very small which could make the liquid warm only to a little amount due to which the temperature of the liquid increases (let’s say it is at 25 °C), and convection (heat transfer process in fluids. In here it is from a cold liquid to at air) also occurs a little amount. So to make this hot even more work has to be done on the system (cold liquid) if the system is closed the work to be done can also be reduced.

To know more about Thermodynamics, visit here:


A climbing chain pulls a roller coaster with a force of 29,738N to the top of the roller coaster 102m high. How many joules of work has it done



3,033,276 J


The work can be calculated as

W = Fd

Where F is the force and d is the distance.

Replacing F by 29,738 N and d by 102 m, we get:

W = (29,738 N)(102 m)

W = 3,033,276 J

Then, it has done 3,033,276 J

two objects of identical mass begin from rest at the same height at the top of two different hills - hill a and hill b. the hills are inclined at two different angles. the objects are released from rest and slide to the bottom; resistance forces can be considered to be negligible. from which hill will the ball have the greatest speed at the bottom of the incline?


When two objects of identical mass begin from rest at the same height at the top of two different hills - hill a and hill b, then both of the balls will have the same speed at the bottom of the incline. It is because, earth provides same amount of gravity to both of the balls. Therefore both will have same speed.

In Physics, the relation between gravity and mass is described as that both mass and gravity are directly proportional to each other.

In other words, if an object has less mass it will experience lesser amount of gravity and vice versa.

In our case, we are provided with two balls having same mass, as both have same mass so both will experience same amount of gravity which means the gravity will have zero effect on the speed with which they move.

If you need to learn more about mass click here:


How much work is done pushing a block 200 m with a force of 30 newtons?​


90 J

teacher approved

During a game of handball, you strike the ball with a mass of .06 kg, and it accelerates to the left at a rate of 13.7 m/s2. What force did your hand exert on the ball?(1 point)

A.) 0.82 N

B.) 13.64 N

C.)228 N

D.) 13.76 N


The force exerted on the ball of mass 0.0 6 kg and  acceleration of 13.7 m/s² is 0.82 N. The correct option is A.) 0.82 N

What is force?

Force can be deifned as the product of mass and acceleration.

To calculate the force exerted on the ball by my hand, we use the formula below.


F = ma........... Equation 1


F = Force exerted on the ballm = Mass of the balla = Acceleration of the ball

From the question,


m = 0.06 kga = 13.7 m/s²

Substitute these values into equation 1

F = (0.06×13.7)F = 0.822 NF ≈ 0.82 N

Hence, the force exerted on the ball by my hand is 0.82 N. The right option is A.) 0.82 N

Learn more about force here:


What is the ME if the m = 25 kg, h = 250 m, and the v= 50 m/s?


The mechanical energy of the given mass is equal to 92500 J.

What is mechanical energy?

Mechanical energy can be demonstrated as the sum of kinetic energy and potential energy that is utilized to do work. Mechanical energy is energy because of the motion or position of an object.

The total mechanical energy is conserved because the energy can neither be created nor destroyed. Mechanical energy can be transformed from one form to another form.

The mechanical energy = Kinetic energy + potential  energy

Mechanical energy = (1/2)mv² +  mgh

Given the mass of the object, m = 25 Kg

The height of the object, h = 250 m

The velocity of the object, v = 50 m/s

Therefore, Mechanical energy = (0.5)× 25 ×(50)² + 25 × 9.8 × 250

M.E. = 31250 + 61250

M.E. = 92500 J

Learn more about mechanical energy, here:


what is the horizontal acceleration of an object undergoing projectile motion?


That is acceleration due to the horizontal component of velocity is 0

When the body is on the projectile we tend to take components on the initial velocity for ease of calculation. The velocity is then divided into its components u sinФ and u cosФ where the horizontal component of the velocity of the projectile is shown by u cosФ while the vertical component of the velocity of the projectile is shown by u sinФ

To calculate the acceleration of either component of the velocity is very easy. In this case, we use the third equation of Newton's Equation of motion.


When we calculate the acceleration of the horizontal component of velocity, we find that since the velocity remains the same at both the endpoint and the start no acceleration takes place.


Thus, 2as=0

That is acceleration due to the horizontal component of velocity being 0

Learn more about projectile motion at:

An object with a mass of 188 kg accelerates 6.09 m/s² when an unknown force is applied to it. What is the magnitude
of the force?


The magnitude of the force is 1144.92  N.

How do you define force?

Physicists define force as:

Push or pull which when applied to an object having mass causes it to change its velocity in response to the push or pull.

It has a magnitude and a direction. The direction of the force is referred to as the force's direction, and the application of force is the place at which the force is applied.Using a spring balance, the Force can be quantified. Newton is the SI-defined unit of force (N).

The vector product of mass (m) and acceleration represents the amount of force (a).

Mathematically speaking, the force equation or formula can be written as follows:

                                                   F = ma

where m equals mass

a represents acceleration.

It is articulated either in Newton (N) or Kgm/s2.

As per Newtons second law of motion,


Given in the question,

Mass,  m=188   kg

Acceleration,  a=6.09  m/s2


F=188 x 6.09

F=1144.92  N

Hence, the magnitude of the force is 1144.92  N

To learn more about force from the given link


where is thermocouple thermometer used



Thermocouples are used in applications that range from home appliances to industrial processes, to electric power generation, to furnace monitoring and control, to food and beverage processing, to automotive sensors, to aircraft engines, to rockets, satellites and spacecraft.

what is the density (in kg/m3) of a woman who floats in freshwater with 4.35% of her volume above the surface? this could be measured by placing her in a tank with marks on the side to measure how much water she displaces when floating and when held under water (briefly).


The density (in kg/m³) of a woman who floats in freshwater with 4.35% of her volume above the surface is 960 kg / m³

If the density of a woman who floats in freshwater with 4.35% of her volume above the surface, the density of the woman is 4.35 % less than the density of fresh water. Let ρw be the density of the woman and ρf be the density of fresh water.

In equation it can be written as

ρw = ρf - 0.04 ρf

ρf = 1000 kg / m³

ρw = 0.96 ρf

ρw = 0.96 * 1000

ρw = 960 kg / m³

Therefore, the density of the woman is 960 kg / m³

To know more about density of body floating


a circular loop of radius rotates with angular frequency in the presence of a unifrom magnetic field of magnitude . what is the maximum induced emf? express in terms of the variables (omega), , (pi), , as needed.


The maximum induced emf on the circular loop is = Bπr²ω.

What is electromotive force?

When no current is flowing, electromotive force (EMF) equals the terminal potential difference.

Despite the fact that both EMF and terminal potential difference (V) are expressed in volts, they are not the same thing. EMF is the quantity of energy (E) that the battery supplies to each coulomb of charge (Q) that passes through.

Let, the radius of the circular loop is = r.

Angular frequency of rotation is = ω.

And, magnitude of uniform magnetic field = B.

Then, magnetic flux; Φ = B·A = Bπr² cosωt

So, induced emf : ε =  dΦ/dt = Bπr²ω sinωt

Hence, the maximum induced emf is = Bπr²ω.

Learn more about electromotive force here:


A spring has a equilibrium length of 0. 100 m. When a force of 40. 0 n is applied to the spring, the spring has a length of 0. 140 m. What is the value of the spring constant of this spring?.


The value of the spring constant of this spring will be 50,000 N/m, which has a equilibrium length of 0.100m applied by 40N force.

Formula for the spring force is given as-

F = (1/2) kx²

where, F = force, k= spring constant and x = change in length of the spring.

Change in length of the spring = Changed length - equilibrium length

Change in length of the spring(x) = 0.140m - 0.100m = 0.040m

Putting the values as F = 40.0 N, x = 0.040m, k =?

F = (1/2) kx²

40 = (1/2) × k × (0.040)²

k = 80/0.0016

k = 50,000 N/m

Hence, the value of the spring constant of this spring will be 50,000 N/m.

To learn more about spring constant visit the link-


34. What temperature in the graph below indicates that heat is being used to "break links" binding liquid molecules--that is, the region where the substance is vaporizing?Select one:a. 120°b. 80°c. 60°d. 20°


We know that in a change of state heat is used to break the links between the molecules or atoms of the substance but the temperature remains the same; in the graph shown we notice that we have two portions where the temperature remains constant 20° and 120°. Since vaporizing happens at greater temperature that solid to liquid change of state we conclude that the region where this happens is 120°; therefore, the answer is A.

How would year result have been different if the energy transferred between the hot objects and cold water were 100% efficient explain your reasoning


The result would have been different with the temperature being constant if the energy transferred between the hot objects and cold water were 100%.

What is Temperature?

This is referred to as the degree of hotness or coldness of a substance or body and is influenced by thermal energy and the unit is Kelvin.

The process of heat transfer which is known as conduction is used in this process and some are lost to the environment or surroundings but in a situation where the energy transferred between the hot objects and cold water were 100% then there will be a constant temperature.

Read more about Temperature here


your rl circuit has a characteristic time constant of 20.0 ns, and a resistance of 5.00 . what is the inductance of the circuit


Magnetic fields and electric circuits are connected via inductance. When a sine wave's peak and zero axis crossing occur at the same time, it is said to be in-phase.

How is inductance figured out?

For the inductance calculation, use the formula L = V*Ton/Ipk. All of the numbers needed should be right there on the oscilloscope.

What is inductance in magnetic circuit?

Inductance is a property of an electric circuit by which a changing magnetic field creates an electromotive force, or voltage, in that circuit or in a nearby circuit.

What is inductance in DC circuit?

An Inductor is equivalent to a short circuit to direct current, because once the storage phase has finished.

To know more about circuit visit:-


Consider the diagram below, showing the locations of 6 people in front of a mirror.
Draw ray lines to show:
a. Whose image is person A able to see?
b. Whose image can’t person B see?


Answer: b and c

Explanation: most scientific naswer

During an autumn storm, a 0.012-kg hail stone traveling at 20.0 m/s made a0.20-cm-deep dent in the hood of Darnell's new car. What average force didthe car exert to stop the damaging hail stone?



1200 N


First, we need to calculate how much time the force was applied. If the stone traveled at 20.0m/s and made a 0.20 cm deep dent, the time is equal to

[tex]\text{ Avg }speed=\frac{distance}{time}\Rightarrow time=\frac{distace}{Avg\text{ }speed}[/tex]

Where the distance is 0.20 cm = 0.0020 m and the average speed can be calculated as:

[tex]\text{ avg speed = }\frac{v_i+v_f}{2}=\frac{20\text{ m/s + 0 m/s}}{2}=10\text{ m/s}[/tex]

Therefore, the time is equal to

[tex]time=\frac{0.0020\text{ m}}{10\text{ m/s}}=0.0002\text{ s}[/tex]

Then, the force can be calculated using the following equation for impulse

[tex]\begin{gathered} Ft=mv \\ F=\frac{mv}{t} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Where m is the mass, v is the speed and t is the time, so replacing m = 0.012 kg, v = 20 m/s and t = 0.0001 s, we get

[tex]F=\frac{0.012\text{ kg \lparen20 m/s\rparen}}{0.0002\text{ s}}=1200N[/tex]

So, the average force was 1200 N

During autumn, the storm travels at a speed of 20 m/s, then the average force the car has to exert to stop the damaging hail storm is 1200 N.

What is Force?

A force in physics is an effect that has the ability to modify an object's motion. A bulk object's velocity can vary, or accelerate, as a result of a force. Intuitively, a push or a pull can be used to describe force. Being a vector quantity, a force also has magnitude and direction. The SI unit of newton is used to measure it (N). The letter F symbolizes for force.

As per Newton's second law's original formulation, an object's net force is equal to the speed at which momentum is changing over time.

According to the given information in the question,

Speed, s= 20 m/s

Average speed, s = Distance/Time

s = [v(i) + v(f)] / 2

s = (20 + 0)/2

s = 10 m/s

Now calculate the time,

Time, t = 0.0020/10

t = 0.0002 seconds.

Use the equation for impulse,

f × t = mv

⇒f = mv/t

f= (0.012 × 20)/0.0002

f = 1200 N

Therefore, the force applied is 1200 N.

To know more about Force:


how much power does it take to lift 250 N 40 m high in 2 sec


The amount of power required to lift 250 N over 4 m high in 2 seconds is 5000 W.

What is power?

Power can be defined as the ratio of the work done by a body to the time taken to do the work.

To calculate the power, we use the formula below.


P = Fd/t................. Equation 1


P represent PowerF represent Forced represent Distancet represent Time

From the question,


F = 250 Nd = 40 mt = 2 seconds

Substitute these values into equation 1

P = (250×40)/2P = 5000 W

Hence, the amount of power required is 5000 W.

Learn more about power here:


Hello, I needed help with the question boxes on what to fill in.



To find:

Fill in the blanks


1) Energy can undergo conversion, changing from one form to another. For example, a wind turbine converts the mechanical energy of the wind into electric energy in the power grid. This power grid can then be converted into thermal energy by an electric heater.

2) Solar panels generate electrical energy by taking radiant energy from the sun and having it undergo conversion. This process does obey the law of conservation of energy because energy isn't randomly created, but it is simply converted.

If a river is flowing north at 2 m/s and you swim straight across east at 1.5 m/s, how far up shore will you be from your starting point once you reach the other side? The river is 9 m wide


The distance is 12m

The direction of movement of the body or object is defined by velocity. Speed is fundamentally a scalar quantity. Velocity is, in essence, a vector quantity. It is the rate at which distance changes. It is the displacement rate of change.

Given a river is flowing north at 2 m/s and you swim straight across east at 1.5 m/s,

We have to determine how far up shore will be from your starting point once you reach the other side when the river is 9 m wide

First, solve for the time it takes you to reach the other side. Let's let north be the y-direction and the direction across the river be the x-direction.

∆X =Vxt

9m = 1.5m/s  x t

T = 9/1.5

T= 6sconds

Now use the time you are in the water to find

∆Y= Vyt

∆Y= 2m/s x 6s

= 12m

Therefore the distance is 12m

To learn more about velocity visit


what helps create metamorphic and sedimentary rock





Sedimentary rocks originate when particles settle out of water/air, or by precipitation of minerals from water. They accumulate in layers. The most important processes that lead to the creation of sedimentary rocks are erosion, weathering, dissolution, precipitation, and lithification.

Metamorphic rocks result when other rocks are changed by heat, pressure, or reactive fluids, such as hot, mineral-laden water, and sometimes a combination of all these factors. These conditions are found deep within the Earth or where tectonic plates meet.

What is a sedimentary rock?

A sedimentary rock is a rock formed through weathered and compacted sediments. These kinds of rocks undergo five major stages: erosion, deposition, weathering, compaction, and cementation. Through the breaking down and combining of scattered sediments, sedimentary rocks are formed.

What is a metamorphic rock?

A metamorphic rock is typically thought of as a rock that undergoes intense heat and pressure in the mantle of Earth. This kind of rock can be formed from any kind of process, as long as it goes through a phase of extreme exposures to heat. Metamorphic rocks are common underground. These rocks eventually rise to Earth's surface, and they cool and crystallize to become igneous rocks.

Electron cloud definition





Hi can someone help me please ,Let d= 1 for second part


[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{blank}1\colon\frac{1}{4}F_e \\ \text{.} \\ \text{.} \end{gathered}[/tex]


[tex]F=2.3097\cdot10^{48}\text{ Newtons}[/tex]


the electrostatic force between two forces is given by:

[tex]\begin{gathered} F=k\frac{q_1q_2}{d^2_{}} \\ where\text{ } \\ k\text{ is a constant}(in\text{ this case we n}eed\text{ asume k=1)} \\ q_1\text{ is the charge 1} \\ q_2\text{ is the charge }2 \\ \text{and d is the distance betw}en\text{ them} \end{gathered}[/tex]

then, complete the table we need to use this equation



k, q1 and q2 are ginven in the table, so

Step 1


[tex]\begin{gathered} charge_1=\frac{1}{4} \\ charge_2=1 \\ \text{distance}=1 \end{gathered}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} F=k\frac{q_1q_2}{d_{}} \\ F=1\frac{\frac{1}{4}\cdot1}{1_{}}=\frac{1}{4} \end{gathered}[/tex]

hence, for tha row

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{1}{4}F_e \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

Step 2

now, do the same for the next Fe, so


[tex]\begin{gathered} charge_1=1 \\ charge_2=\frac{1}{2} \\ \text{distance}=1 \end{gathered}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} F=k\frac{q_1q_2}{d_{}} \\ F=1\frac{1\cdot\frac{1}{2}}{1_{}}=\frac{1}{2} \end{gathered}[/tex]

hence, for tha row

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{1}{2}F_e \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

Step 3

now, do the same for the next Fe, so


[tex]\begin{gathered} charge_1=1 \\ charge_2=\frac{1}{4} \\ \text{distance}=1 \end{gathered}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} F=k\frac{q_1q_2}{d_{}} \\ F=1\frac{1\cdot\frac{1}{4}}{1_{}}=\frac{1}{4} \end{gathered}[/tex]

hence, for that row

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{1}{4}F_e \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

Step 4

now, do the same for the next Fe, so


[tex]\begin{gathered} charge_1=\frac{1}{2} \\ charge_2=\frac{1}{2} \\ \text{distance}=1 \end{gathered}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} F=k\frac{q_1q_2}{d_{}} \\ F=1\frac{\frac{1}{2}\cdot\frac{1}{2}}{1_{}}=\frac{1}{4} \end{gathered}[/tex]

hence, for tha row

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{1}{4}F_e \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

Step 5

now, do the same for the next Fe, so


[tex]\begin{gathered} charge_1=\frac{1}{8} \\ charge_2=\frac{1}{4} \\ \text{distance}=1 \end{gathered}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} F=k\frac{q_1q_2}{d_{}} \\ F=1\frac{\frac{1}{8}\cdot\frac{1}{4}}{1_{}} \\ F=1\frac{\frac{1}{32}}{1_{}}=\frac{1}{32} \end{gathered}[/tex]

hence, for that row

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{1}{32}F_e \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

Step 6

find the electrostastic force betweeen electrons


[tex]\begin{gathered} q_1=q_2=-\text{1}.602\cdot10^{19}\text{ C} \\ k=9\cdot10^9\frac{Nm^2}{C^2} \end{gathered}[/tex]

as the distance is not give, let's use

distance =1

replace in the formula

[tex]\begin{gathered} F=k\frac{q_1q_2}{d_{}} \\ F=9\cdot10^9\frac{Nm^2}{C^2}\frac{(^2-\text{1}.602\cdot10^{19}C)}{1_{}} \\ F=2.3097\cdot10^{48}\text{ N} \end{gathered}[/tex]

therefore, the electrostaic force is

[tex]F=2.3097\cdot10^{48}\text{ Newtons}[/tex]

I hope this helps you

what is the apparent weight of a 95 KG astronaut on this rocket



• Acceleration of rocket = 28.0 m/s²


• Mass of astronaut = 95 kg

Let's find the apparent weight of the astranaut.

In a direct rocket motion, as we are coming towards the Earth the weight reduces while as the rocket is going up, you feel more weighted.

Now, to find the apparent weight of the astranaut, apply the formula:



Aw is the apparent weight

m is the mass = 95 kg

g is acceleration due to gravity = 9.8 m/s²

a is the acceleration of the rocket = 28.0 m/s²

Thus, we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} A_w=95(9.8+28) \\ \\ A_w=95(37.8) \\ \\ A_w=3591\text{ N }\approx3.591\text{ kN} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the apparent weight of the astranaut is 3.591 kN


3.591 kN

The energy of the metal d orbitals _________ due to an increase in electrostatic repulsion?.


The energy of the metal d orbitals increases due to an increase in electrostatic repulsion.

What is electrostatic repulsion?

Silica nanoparticles that are hydrophilic by themselves are not surface active. However, they establish a potent electrostatic contact with ionic surfactants, which influences the surface behavior of those substances. We describe the interactions between n-heptane and anionic surfactant solutions when hydrophilic silica nanoparticles are present. The utilized particles' sizes are 9 and 30 nm, and the surfactants are sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and dodecyl benzene sulfonic acid (DBSA).

We demonstrate via experimental tensiometry that, in the presence of surfactants, nanoparticles maintain their non-surface-active nature, and that the surface activity of the surfactant directly rises with the concentration of nanoparticles. This phenomenon was explained by the electrostatic repelling contact between the molecules of anionic surfactant and the negatively charged nanoparticles.

To know more about electrostatic repulsion, visit:


which of the following service application valves is sometimes referred to by truck drivers as a trolley valve or spike?


The trailer hand valve works the trailer brakes. The trailer hand valve must be used handiest to check the trailer brakes. Do now no longer use it in riding due to the hazard of creating the trailer skid.

Pop-off valve - A time period on occasion used to explain the protection valve. Primary reservoir - A tank that generally components air to the brakes at the rear axle(s).

The reason of the hand valves is to permit greater or much less inlet steam nozzles for use at some point of operation. Optimizing the steam nozzles used keeps turbine performance at some point of load changes.

A Safety Relief Valve is designed to open and relieve extra stress from vessels or equipment …after which to re-near and save you the similarly launch of fluid, gas, or steam as soon as everyday situations had been restored. There are some of motives why the stress in a vessel or device can exceed a predetermined limit.

Learn more about valves here


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