Bruce Hand, the famous adventurer, was on his way to africa.

Which word is incorrectly capitalized?


Answer 1


Africa has a capital A at the start.


Answer 2
Africa is incorrectly capitalized. Since it is a proper noun, you would need to capitalize it. Hope this helps:)

Related Questions

Write an essay about why you are against homophobia (200+ words)



The Bible says lots of horrible things. The Bible says that you can execute people for cheating on their spouses (Leviticus 20:10), but you wouldn't do this, because you know that in a civilized democracy a person does not deserve to be executed for cheating. The Bible also says that you can keep slaves (Exodus 21:2-6), but you wouldn't do this either, because you know that slavery is an abomination. If these things aren't right just because they are taught in the Bible, condemning homosexuals (Leviticus 18:22, 20:13) isn't right just because it is taught in the Bible, either. So, if you want to be fair, you have a choice: endorse executing homosexuals as well as slavery, executing adulterers, and all of the other horrible things the Bible tells you to do, or endorse none of these. Most likely you will choose the latter. If so, you have just acknowledged that, no, a thing is not right just because it is taught in the Bible, and this includes condemning homosexuality.


pls help

And original musical written to be a full, independent story told with both spoken words and song is called a...

Book Musical

Small Puppy Dog


Jukebox Musical



Book musical The answer is book musical because i believe its written like a book

An article may have more than one main idea
True or false.





Explain why you have to avoid contact with your face during the pandemic. Explain your answer longer than 30 words.​


Because if you touch somewhere where been virus,when you touch your face it can easily go in through breathing canals and you will get Virus

If you touch anything that isn’t cleaned and you put it on your face, you’re just spreading more germs and taking the risk of getting sick

Highlight punctuation that signals a change in tone. "But why not?" I felt tears coming, but I had promised Grandma I wouldn't cry. "It's just too dangerous for you to go there amongst all those white people." "They'll never recognize me–see, see!" I twirled about to show her that I was really a new person. Grandma India moved closer to me and cupped my face in her hands. "You're staying home, baby. It's for your own good." –Warriors Don't Cry, Melba Patillo Beals Which line of dialogue requires a reader to use a desperate, emphatic tone when reading aloud? “But why not?” “It’s just too dangerous for you to go there amongst all those white people.” “They’ll never recognize me—see, see!” “You’re staying home, baby. It’s for your own good.”



"You're staying home, baby. It's for your own good." –Warriors Don't Cry, Melba Patillo Beals Which line of dialogue requires a reader to use a desperate, emphatic tone when reading aloud? “But why not?” “It’s just too dangerous for you to go there amongst all those white people.” “They’ll never recognize me—see, see!” “You’re staying home, baby. It’s for your own good.”



they’ll never recognize me


What might be a good movie title for Growing Up by Gary Soto? Please keep in mind that it can't be the same title as the short story.
Thank you!


Growing like a weed. ( not the bad kind the kind that grows in Gardens)

which statement best describes what happens in the story



Can we get a picture?



Which story?

Do you think people still believe in American dream in 2021? Why do people come to America?


Nope i dont think so

(RL1.B) Read the paragraph.
"Yes, Mother, I know, and I am very excited!" I exclaimed. It was true; I was excited, but I was also very nervous. I had been sewing
since I was old enough to hold a needle and thread, but being part of the sewing circle would be a whole new level of
responsibility. Not only was I expected to sew, but I also had a vital role in creating admirable projects with other people. Mother
and the others would expect me to do my best and uphold the high standards of the group.
Which word or phrase best reveals the meaning of the word admirable in the passage.
old enough
level of responsibility
high standards


Answer: A excited


Describe the narrow escape of the Nautilus after having reached the South Pole.



Answer to the following question is as follow;


The Nautilus is a boat's nickname. It made it to the South Pole and was trapped in an iceberg trench. The ship almost survived by easily departing the region, travelling ahead or even behind, and afterwards descending a few hundred meters deeper, resulting in a corridor underneath the Ice Bank that was available to the public.

What is wrong with the girls at the beginning of the play?



Sorry but what play? I could help you!


(riddle) My body is thin and flat
I have a flexible body, but I can't be stretch because it will hurt.
You can keep me safe or you can throw me away.
If you don't need me if you throw me, then I will go back to our mother nature
I am a keeper of your thought.
I am clean and has no spots until you defiled me





hope this helps you

Have you ever felt like an outsider? What made you feel that way, and how did it make you feel?
Story: The Outsiders



so its asking for a specific experience that you felt like an outsider but i will answer anyway


An outsider is a stranger — someone who doesn't fit in, or someone who observes a group from afar. An outsider stands outside the group, looking in. If you go through high school without belonging to any particular group — you're not a jock, a nerd, or an artist, for example — you might feel like an outsider. ((( then insert a specific example of a time you felt left out )))

I have felt a outsider since all my friends had nice house living on more in middle class making me feel different since I live in lower class which is a good example since that’s how the outsiders are having the idea to be separate even though at the end of the day we got a place that provide protection

what are inner thoughts?


Answer:Personal Thoughts

Explanation: The thoughts that you could interpret better then anyone.


Inner monolog, also known as self-talk, is the inner voice of a person who, while conscious, offers an operating verbal monolog of ideas, emotions, and thoughts. It is often linked to the self-center of a person. It may reflect both aware and subconscious convictions.


Hope this helps :)

One reader made the claim, The Big Dig was a more amazing engineering feat than the Chunnel because it required engineers to dig through dirt that collapsed easily." Which of these counterarguments addresses this claim? O A. The Chunnel connected England and France under the English Channel. O B. The engineers on the Big Dig were able to solve this problem by using slurry walls. O C. The dirt in Boston had been put there on purpose by people as they built out the city. D. The engineers on the Chunnel had to deal with both digging through solid rock and digging under Water.​



D - The engineers on the Chunnel had to deal with both digging through solid rock and digging under Water


"Everybody knows the famous Adventurer, Bruce Hand," she replied.

Which word is incorrectly capitalized?






Question 7 options:


Willy gets angry any time the truth is mentioned about Biff's actual life and lack of success


Willy is drunk.


Willy is just mad because he got fired.


None of the above.


It has to be CCCCCCCCCCC

What figure of speech used in this sentence:"she called,cold and proud"



It can be the repetition of alliteration or the exaggeration of hyperbole to provide a dramatic effect.

hope this helps love

Which of these does NOT describe an effective speaker?
A. Has a specific message to deliver
B. Presents information that expresses a personal bias
C. Has a specific purpose for delivering it



The answer is B


Presents information that expresses a personal bias

b!!! definitely b! an effective speaker not only tries to consider every side as to convince people, but also have no place to be implimenting bias into their work.

Briefly summarize these

pages. What is the family

afraid of? Make some

predictions, based on this

scene, about how the rest of

the play will go. Make sure to

use A.C.E (Answer/Restate-



Hello. You did not enter the text to which this question refers, which makes it impossible for it to be answered. However, I will try to help you in the best possible way.

It is only possible to answer this question by reading the indicated pages. By doing this reading, you will be able to discover what is the element that makes the family afraid. This is because this element will be mentioned by the family in a cautious, apprehensive way and will cause anxiety, tension and dread to all members of the family.

When you identify this element, you must explain why the family is afraid of it and the negative effects that this element can have on family members.

13. Why (wasn't, weren't) you at the scout meeting yesterday
14. Several paintings by that artist (are, is) now on exhibit at
the mall.
15. They (doesn't, don't) know how to find their way to the family
B. Choosing Pronouns That Agree with Their
For each of the following sentences, identify the pronoun th
agrees with its antecedent.


13: (weren’t)
14: (are)
15: (dont)

Read the passage from The Importance of Being Earnest. Gwendolen. [To Jack.] Darling! Algernon. [To Cecily.] Darling! [They fall into each other's arms.] [Enter Merriman. When he enters he coughs loudly, seeing the situation.] Merriman. Ahem! Ahem! Lady Bracknell! Jack. Good heavens! [Enter Lady Bracknell. The couples separate in alarm. Exit Merriman.] Lady Bracknell. Gwendolen! What does this mean



In contrast to reading the scene, seeing the staged version of the scene would improve its aesthetic impact by allowing the audience to watch the actors' reactions, thereby adding to the humor.


Oscar Wilde's comedy play "The Importance of Being Ernest" revolves around the character of John Worthing and Algernon and the issue of class. The other themes in the play include marriage, social expectations, the ridiculousness or triviality of things deemed important, etc.

In the given excerpt from the play, we can see the scene where the two couples were 'showing affection' to their respective loves but then came Merriman and Lady Bracknell. It was then that the couples had to hurriedly stop their "public display of affection". And in contrast to reading this scene, a staged or performed version would improve the aesthetic impact as it will allow the audience to see how the actors/ characters react, adding to the humor of the whole scene.

Thus, the correct answer is the second option.


B: watch the actors' reactions, thereby adding to the humor.


Edge 2021 :)

What literary device is used in this?
“She a poet and she don't know it!”



none actually


1.come 2.understand 3.sing 4.make 5.know 6.order 7.break 9.write 11.visit 12.drink 13.take 14.put

write the 15 verbs in the past participle

please help me I have a lot of homework



1. Come

2. Understood

3. Sung

4. Made

5. Know

6. Ordered

7. Broken

8. Played

9. Wrote

10. Eaten

11. Visited

12. Drunken

13. Taken

14. Put

15. Worked


1. Come

2. Understood

3. Sung

4. Made

5. Known

6. Ordered

7. Broke

8. Played

9. Written

10. Eaten

11. Visited

12. Drunk

13. Taken

14. Put

15. Worked


Read the passage from The Phantom Tollbooth.

"And you are almost never right about anything," he said, pointing at the Humbug, "and, when you are, it's usually an accident."

"A gross exaggeration," protested the furious bug, who didn't realize that so much was visible to the naked eye.

Which phrase from the passage helps the reader understand how the Humbug feels about Alec's perspective?

"never right about anything"
"usually an accident"
"protested the furious bug"
"who didn't realize"





on edge 2020




took the test

The round worms or parasites that can have a symbolic relationship with humans true of false




The restaurant opens for business at seven o’clock, and for the next hour or so, Elisa and the manager hold down the fort, handling all the orders. As the place starts to get busy, other employees arrive. Elisa works behind the counter. She takes orders and hands food to customers from breakfast through lunch. Which type of evidence does Schlosser use in this excerpt? anecdotal statistical testimonial analogical





Anecdotal evidence is a claim that relies primarily on a personal account or told by an individual. It can be in different forms, be it testimonials, memories, or even word of mouth.

In the given excerpt from Eric Schlosser's "A Look at the Fast Food Industry", the narrator is using an anecdotal type of evidence in talking about the routine of Elisa and the manager. The narrative focuses mainly on the view of Elisa and relies on one person rather than on the experience of the other workers.

Thus, the correct answer is anecdotal.




because i know alllll.......jk

rewrite the folliwing words in alphabet orders

(jug, cat , basket , fish ,dog


basket, cat, dog, fish, and jug


basket, cat, dog, fish, jug

Why is the reference to the dark ages interesting and significant to the conflict?


The Middle Ages are often said to be dark because of a supposed lack of scientific and cultural advancement. During this time, feudalism was the dominant political system.

In his Back to School speech, what main argument does Barack Obama
A. You are unlikely to succeed if you don't like getting up early in the
morning every day.
B. The American people need you to take responsibility for your
success, and you should do it for yourself, too.
C. Very few people have the ability to achieve greatness, and those
who do work hard in school.
D. American adults pay high taxes and make a great deal of effort to
help kids get good training for life.



B trust me and you get the answer right

Obama's main argument was that students should be responsible for their studies and academic training, as their future and the future of the American nation depended on it. With that, we can define that option B is the correct answer to your question.

This question refers to the annual speeches Obama gave after the summer break when students returned to school.

These speeches were intended to:

Encourage students to dedicate themselves to their studies.Show the importance of studies in adult life.Show how the future of America was in the hands of these students.Showing how studying is a responsibility that must be taken seriously.Show how each student's future depended on their dedication to studying.

Based on this, we can conclude that President Obama recognized the strength that young people had to make America promising, but that strength should be developed through dedication to studies and the recognition that being a student is a great social and demanding role.

You can find more information about this at the link below:

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