help meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Help Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


Answer 1

Step-by-step explanation:

the question is about distance.

what do we use to measure distance ? things like feet, yards, meters, ...

definitely not square feet (areas) or cubic feet (volume).

it is a right-angled triangle. so Pythagoras applies

c² = a² + b²

c is the Hypotenuse (the side opposite of the 90° angle). in our case the 48 ft side.

a and b are the legs. in our case x and x+6.

the saved walking distance is the difference between 48 ft and the sum of the legs (which would be the walking distance, when they cannot get though the lot).

48² = x² + (x + 6)² = x² + x² + 12x + 36

2304 = 2x² + 12x + 36

1152 = x² + 6x + 18

x² + 6x - 1134 = 0

the solution for such a quadratic equation

ax² + bx + c = 0


x = (-b ± sqrt(b² - 4ac))/(2a) =

= (-6 ± sqrt(6² - 4×1×-1134))/(2×1) =

= (-6 ± sqrt(36 + 4536))/2 =

= (-6 ± sqrt(4572))/2 =

= -3 ± sqrt(4572/4) = -3 ± sqrt(1143) =

= -3 ± sqrt(9×127) = -3 ± 3×sqrt(127)

x1 = -3 + 3×sqrt(127) = 30.80828301...

x2 = -3 - 3×sqrt(127) = -36.80828301...

negative numbers for a distance don't make any sense, so

x = 30.80828301... is our solution.

that means the 2 legs are

30.80828301... ft

36.80828301... ft

in total they are

67.61656602... ft

and so they save

67.61656602... - 48 = 19.61656602... ft ≈

≈ 19.617 ft

by walking across the lot.

Answer 2

Answer: 19.6 feet

Step-by-step explanation:

Using the Pythagorean theorem,

[tex]x^2 +(x+6)^2 =48^2\\\\x^2 +x^2 +12x+36=2304\\\\2x^2 +12x-2268=0\\\\x^2 +6x-1134=0\\\\x=\frac{-6 \pm \sqrt{6^2 -4(1)(-1134)}}{2(1)}\\\\x \approx 30.8 \text{ } (x > 0)\\\\\implies x+(x+6) \approx 67.6\\\\\therefore (x+(x+6))-48 \approx 19.6[/tex]

Related Questions

Sam and Rohan's families are driving to Chicago, Illinois, from Orlando, Florida. Sam's
family is driving a direct route of 1,157 miles at 65 mph. Rohan and his family are driving
through Charlotte, North Carolina and will drive 1,250 miles at 70 mph.

At this rate, how many hours will it take Sam's family to get to Chicago, Illinois?
(Round your answer to the tenths place.)


The time taken for Sam's family to get to Chicago, Illinois is 17.8 hours.

How many hours will it take Sam's family to get to Chicago, Illinois?

Sam's family:

Total distance = 1,157 milesAverage speed = 65 mphTime taken = ?

Average speed = Total distance / Time taken

65 = 1, 157 / time

cross product

65 × time = 1, 157

Time = 1,157 / 65

Time = 17.8 hours

Roshan's family:

Total distance = 1,250 milesAverage speed = 70 mphTime taken = ?

Average speed = Total distance / Time taken

70 = 1,250 / Time

cross product

70 × time = 1,250

Time = 1,250/70

Time = 17.86 hours


17.9 hours

In conclusion, it will take Rohan's family 17.9 hours to get to Chicago, Illinois.

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write write in equal inequalities to represent each situation Molly went shopping in her bank account got below 7.50


[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{account balance = x} \\ x<7.50 \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} y=\text{ exam question} \\ y\leq25 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Bryce wants to renovate his kitchen. The construction estimate is $28,400. He can finance through his local bank or directly through the construction company. The bank (loan A) offers a maximum 6-year loan at 8% annual interest, resulting in monthly payments of $497.94.The construction company (loan B) offers a maximum 10-year loan at 5.5% annual interest, resulting in monthly payments of $308.21.Which loan requires Bryce to pay less, and by how much?First, calculate the total payback for each loan.



Loan A requires Bryce to pay less by $1,133.52


For bank A, we're given;

Length of loan in years(t) = 6 years

Annual interest rate(r) = 8% = 8/100 = 0.08

Loan payment(PMT) = $497.94

Number of compounds per year(n) = 12

We can go ahead and determine the loan amount using the below formula as seen below;

[tex]\begin{gathered} Loan\text{ }amount,P_0=\frac{PMT(1-(1+\frac{r}{n})^{-nt})}{\frac{r}{n}} \\ \\ =\frac{497.94(1-(1+\frac{0.08}{12})^{-12*6}}{\frac{0.08}{12}} \\ \\ =\text{ \$}28399.77 \end{gathered}[/tex]

So we can see that Bryce will pay back;

[tex]\begin{gathered} Bank\text{ }A\text{ }Loan\text{ }Payback=497.94(12*6) \\ \\ =497.94\left(72\right) \\ \\ =\text{\$}35,851.68 \end{gathered}[/tex]

For bank B, we're given;

Length of loan in years(t) = 10 years

Annual interest rate(r) = 5.5% = 5.5/100 = 0.055

Loan payment(PMT) = $308.21

Number of compounds per year(n) = 12

We can go ahead and determine the loan amount using the below formula as seen below;

[tex]\begin{gathered} Loan\text{ }amount,P_0=\frac{PMT(1-(1+\frac{r}{n})^{-nt})}{\frac{r}{n}} \\ \\ =\frac{308.21(1-(1+\frac{0.055}{12})^{-12*10}}{\frac{0.055}{12}} \\ \\ =\text{ \$}28399.57 \end{gathered}[/tex]

So we can see that Bryce will pay back;

[tex]\begin{gathered} Bank\text{ B }Loan\text{ }Payback=308.21(12*10) \\ \\ =308.21\left(120\right) \\ \\ =\text{\$}36985.20 \end{gathered}[/tex]

We can see that Bryce will pay back $35,851.68 for Loan A and $36,985.20 for Loan B, so Loan A requires Bryce to pay less and by $1,133.52

1. What is the equation of the line in standard form? A302-10


Question: What is the equation of the line in standard form?

The standard form for a line is :

y = mx + b

where m is the slope and b is the intercept with y axis.

First, we are going to find the slope, choosing any two points on the line. For example (X1, Y1) = (-4,0) and (X2, Y2) = (0,3). Then, by definition the slope is:

[tex]m\text{ = }\frac{Y2\text{ - Y1}}{X2\text{ - X1}}\text{ = }\frac{3-0}{0-(-4)}\text{ = }\frac{3}{0+\text{ 4}}\text{ = }\frac{3}{4}[/tex]

so, our new line equation would be:

[tex]y\text{ = mx + b = }\frac{3}{4}x\text{ + b}[/tex]

that is:

[tex]y\text{ = }\frac{3}{4}x\text{ + b}[/tex]

Now, we are going to find the y-intercept. This is also accomplished by picking two points on the line and solving for b. For example (X2, Y2) = (0,3). So, for above equation we have:

[tex]3\text{ = }\frac{3}{4}(0)\text{ + b}[/tex]


[tex]3\text{ = 0 + b = b}[/tex]

Then, we have b = 3.

Now, replacing the values of the slope and the intercept previously found, we obtain the equation of the line :

[tex]y\text{ = mx + b = }\frac{3}{4}x\text{ + }3[/tex]

that is

[tex]y\text{ = }\frac{3}{4}x\text{ + }3[/tex]

Between which rational numbers does 30−−√ fall?


Rational number which does the square root of 30 fall is between 5 and 5.5.

Define rational number.

A rational number is any number that can be expressed as a ratio (or fraction) of two integers. p/q where q is not equal to 0 is the form of a rational number, which is a sort of real number in mathematics. A rational number is any fraction with a non-zero denominator. 1/2, 1/5, 3/4, and other like numbers are a few examples of rational numbers.


25 and 36, which are the squares of 5 and 6, respectively, are the perfect squares that are most similar to 30.

Therefore, the square root of 30 will lie between 5 and 6. Additionally, the square root of 30 will be between 5 and 5.5 because it is closer to 25 than it is to 36.

To learn more about rational number, visit:


The random variable x has a normal distribution with standard deviation. It is known that the probability that x exceeds is. 90. Find the mean of the probability distribution.


The random variable x has a normal distribution with standard deviation. It is known that the probability that x exceeds is. 90. Therefore, mean  of the probability distribution is 133.09.

We are given that the random variable x has a normal distribution with standard deviation 21,i.e;

X ~ N( u, σ=21)

The Z probability is given by;

             Z = X- u/σ ~ (0,1)

Also, it is known that the probability that x exceeds 160 is 0.90 ,i.e;

P(X > 160) = 0.90

P( X-u/σ > 160-u /21  ) = 0.90

From the z% table we find that at value of x = -1.2816, the value of

P(X > 160) is 90%

which means;   160-u /21   = -1.2816

                          160 -  = 21*(-1.2816)

                             = 160 - 26.914 = 133.09

Therefore, mean  of the probability distribution is 133.09.

learn more about of mean here



Complete the table. Write each exponent as a simplified fraction or integer.
6 to the power of - 1
6 to the power of - 2
6 to the power of - 3
6 to the power of - 4


Answer + Explanation:

Since you just flip the fraction if you have a negative power, you get

1.) 6 to the power of -1 = 1/6

2.) 6 to the power of -2 = 1/36

3.) 6 to the power of -3 = 1/216

4.) 6 to the power of -4 = 1/1296

The volume of a box is 0.001 cubic Units. If the box is a cube, what is the length of one of its edges?



0.1 units

Step-by-step explanation:

The volume formula of a cube is V = s^3
0.001 = s^3

s = 0.1

50% of the tickets sold an amusement park or a discount tickets at the park sold 94 tickets to know how many discount tickets did it sell


we have that


Multiply the total tickets sold by the factor of 0.50


94*0.50=47 tickets

the answer is 47 tickets

The height of a triangle is 5 less than double its base, which is 13/2. Find the triangle´s area.



The answer you are looking for would be 11 7/2.

Step-by-step explanation:

You can find more information about this question here at:

May I have Brainliest please? My next rank will be the highest one: A GENIUS! Please help me on this journey to become top of the ranks! I would really appreciate it, and it would make my day! Thank you so much, and have a wonderful rest of your day!

[tex]\frac{(438)^{3} \sqrt{0.056} }{(388)^{4} }[/tex]


The simplification of the given expression is 0.3404

What is simplification of an expression?

Usually, simplification involves proceeding with the pending operations in the expression. Like, 5 + 2 is an expression whose simplified form can be obtained by doing the pending addition, which results in 7 as its simplified form. Simplification usually involves making the expression simple and easy to use later.

WE have given the expression as;

[tex]\frac{(438)^{3} \sqrt{0.056} }{(388)^{4} }[/tex]

Now solving;

[tex]\dfrac{(438)^{3} \sqrt{0.056} }{(388)^{4} }\\\\\\\dfrac{84027784 \times 0.23}{58411072 }\\[/tex]

= 0.3404

Therefore, the simplification of the given expression is 0.3404

Learn more about simplification;


1) When full, a tank contains 1620 gallons of water. Currently, the tank has 648 gallons of water in it. What percent of the full tank is this?​



The tank is currently 40% (40 percent) full.

Step-by-step explanation:

We can find this by dividing the current fullness (648 gal) by the full tank (1620 gal).

648 / 1620 = 0.4

0.4 = 40%

How do we know to divide 648 by 1620 and not the other way around?

We know this because that we want to know what percent of the full tank is currently full. It's something that you just need to get used to, once you do enough of these types of problems, I'm sure you'll get the hang of it!

Hope I could help you! If I did, it would mean a lot of you could give braniest or even just a thanks :) If I didn't quite answer your question, please let me know and I'll try my best to assist you!

What is 4 1/4 - 2 1/2


idrk i searched it up


=1 and 3 over 41


Step-by-step explanation:

Which of the following isn’t a solution to cos 2x + cos x=0 on the interval [0,2pi)



There are given the equation:



According to the question:

We need to find the value where the given equation is satisfied.


From the equation:

Put the 0 for x for the option first.

[tex]\begin{gathered} cos2x+cosx=0 \\ cos2(0)+cos(0)=0 \\ 1+1=0 \\ 2\ne0 \end{gathered}[/tex]


For the second option:

[tex]\begin{gathered} cos2x+cosx=0 \\ cos2(\frac{\pi}{3})+cos\frac{\pi}{3}\ne0 \end{gathered}[/tex]

For option third:

[tex]\begin{gathered} cos2x+cosx=0 \\ cos2(\pi)+cos(\pi)=0 \\ -1+2cos^2(\pi)+cos(\pi)=0 \\ -1+2(-1)^2-1=0 \\ -1+2-1=0 \\ 0=0 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Final answer:

Hence, the correct option C.

what does pie mean in math


Answer: The symbol used by mathematicians to represent the ratio of a circle's

Step-by-step explanation: circumference to its diameter is the lowercase Greek letter π, sometimes spelled out as pi. In English, π is pronounced as "pie"

Jerome is making beef stew for his family. The recipe calls for 3.5 pounds (lbs.) of stew meat. He notices that he has 1.25 pounds (lbs.) in his refrigerator. How much stew meat should buy when he goes to the grocery in order to have enough? a) What operation (add, subtract, multiply or divide) would you use to solve this? b) How did you know?



Let's see the facts:

Call for---> 3.5 lbs of stew meat

Refrigerator -------> 1.25 lbs stew meat

He would buy:

Required - Available ----> 3.5 - 1.25 = 2.25 lbs of stew meat

The operation that we apply is subtraction because 3.5lbs (required) is greater than 1.25lbs (available).

Which graph shows the ordered triple (2, 3, 3) plotted correctly?



the answer is D

Step-by-step explanation:

Sara needs to purchase one notebook and packs of pencils (p) for school. A notebook costs $12.99 and packs of pencils cost $1.19 each. Which equation shows the relationship between the total cost, C, of a notebook and p packs of pencils?


The total cost of all the items mentioned can be expressed as

12.99 + 1.19 P = C

Given : Sara needs to purchase one notebook

Also it is given that pack of pencils is represented by P

Since a notebook costs = $ 12.99

And pack of pencils cost = $ 1.19

Thus the total cost can simply be represented by adding all the above mentioned items

this means it can be written as

12.99 + 1.19 P = C where C represents the total cost { given }

To know more about linear equation or related problems you may visit the link which is mentioned below;


Taylor received a paycheck of $1575. First, she spent 30% of her paycheck to make a house payment. Next, she spent 3/14 of the remaining amount to make a car payment. What amount was still left over from Taylor's paycheck after these two payments?



1) Gathering the data


she spent 30%

she spent 3/14

2) Let's calculate it, starting with the 30% expense. Writing a factor, we have already the value:

1575 x ( 1 -0.3)

1575 x (0.7)


Now let's proceed with the deduction of 3/14, which can be calculated through that:

1102.5 -3/14x (1102.5)


3) Hence, Taylor's balance was after those payments of $866.25

2v²+8v=-7 i need 5 points to graph range solutions


Given the quadratic equation below

[tex]\begin{gathered} 2v^2+8v=-7 \\ \Rightarrow2v^2+8v+7=0 \\ \therefore y=2v^2+8v+7 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Note: y is function defined by v ( independent variable)

To plot the graph of the function above, we will take a range of values for v, i.e

[tex]\begin{gathered} -2\le v\le2 \\ \text{The range}\Rightarrow-2,-1,0,1,2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Given the range of values above, find the corresponding y-values . This can be done by substituting for v in the quadratic equation above

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{when v=-2} \\ y=2(-2)^2+8(-2)+7=2(4)-16+7=8+7-16=15-16=-1 \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} \text{When v=-1} \\ y=2(-1)^2+8(-1)+7=2(1)-8+7=2+7-8=9-8=1 \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} \text{When v=0} \\ y=2(0)^2+8(0)+7=0+0+7=7 \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} \text{When v=1} \\ y=2(1)^2+8(1)+7=2+8+7=17 \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} \text{When v=2} \\ y=2(2)^2+8(2)+7=2(4)+16+7=8+16+7=31 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The table of values is shown below

Hence, the graph of the solution is shown below

Using only a compass and straightedge, construct an isosceles triangle with base and legs congruent to the segments shown below.


I will write out the procedure to draw the isosceles triangle;

- Using the straight edge, measure the length of the base and draw a straight line congruent to the base length.

- Measure the length of the legs.

- Using the compass, set the compass to the same length as the length of the legs.

- From each edge of the base line drawn, Use the compass (already set to the length of the legs) to draw an arc each at the top of the base line;

- Then join each edge of the base line to the point at which the two arcs meet.

- Then you'll have an isosceles triangle, with base and legs as shown above.

Sup guy can i have help 420 points up for grab





Step-by-step explanation:


so the sub symbol is kinda just 1 sense there isnt anything else for there


now just like group them or smt


so yea then tou multiply all of them and then



- x - = +

+ x + = +

- x + = -

a semi-trailer is being packed with boxes that are 1 and 1/2 feet on each Edge the cargo space of the trailer is 28 ft long eight and a half feet wide and 9 and 1 over 6 feet high what is the maximum number of boxes that will fit inside the trailer


The maximum number of boxes that will fit inside the trailer according to the available volume is 540.

A semi-trailer is being packed with boxes. The side length of each box is 1.5 feet. The cargo space of the trailer is 28 feet in length, 8.5 feet wide and 9.167 feet high. Let the number of boxes that can fit according to the length, width, and height of the trailer be x, y, and z. The values of x, y, and z are the greatest whole numbers less than or equal to the ratio of the length, width, and height of the trailer to the length, width, and height of the box, respectively. The first inequality is x ≤ 28/1.5 ≤ 18.67, so the value of x is 18. The second inequality is y ≤ 8.5/1.5 ≤ 5.67, so the value of y is 5. The third inequality is z ≤ 9.167/1.5 ≤ 6.11, so the value of z is 6. The total number of boxes is the product of the three variables.

P = x*y*z = 18*5*6 = 540

To learn more about volume, visit :


Use the graph to determine the point of intersection (4,5)(1,3)(5,4)(3,1)


The intersection point is (4,5) because that's the point where the two lines meet

help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help helppppooppppppppp


From the given figure

The prism formed from 5 cubes long, 2 cubes wide, and 2 cubes height, then

Its length = 5 cubes

Its width = 2 cubes

Its height = 2 cubes

Since the side of each cube = 1/2 cm, then

Its length = 5 x 1/2 = 5/2 cm

Its width = 2 x 1/2 = 1 cm

Its height = 2 x 1/2 = 1 cm

The volume of the prism = length x width x height, then

[tex]\begin{gathered} V=\frac{5}{2}\times1\times1 \\ V=\frac{5}{2}cm^3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The volume of the prism is 5/2 cubic cm

The answer is A

Given two sides of a triangle, find a range of possible lengths for the third side.


Using the triangle inequality theorem,

b - a < X < a + b


17 - 4 < x < 17 + 4

13 < x < 21

Hence, the third side lies between 13cm and 21 cm

In a class of 30 students, 3 of the 16 boys are left-handed and 2 of the girls are left-handed. One student is chosen at random . Which of the following represents a conditional probability ?


The conditional probability is represented in option A : the probability that the student is left-handed, given that the student is a boy.

The total number of students in the class is 30. The number of boys in the class is 16. The number of boys who are left-handed is 3. The number of left-handed girls is 2. One student is chosen randomly. We need to find a situation that represents a conditional probability. The conditional probability occurs when the probability of one event depends on the occurrence of another event. So, the situation suitable for this to happen is to find the probability that the student is left-handed, given that the student is a boy.

The complete question is :

In a class of 30 students, 3 of the 16 boys are left-handed, and 2 of the 14 girls are left-handed. One student is chosen at random. Which of the following represents a conditional probability?

A. The probability that the student is left-handed, given that the student is a boy

B. The probability that the student is a girl and left-handed

C. The probability that the student is right-handed

D. The probability that the student is not a boy

To learn more about probability, visit :


(c) The annual membership fee in 2013 is $198 for each adult and $75 for each child. (i) Calculate the total amount the 560 members pay in 2013.​


The total amount the 560 members pay in 2013 will be $96,120.

What is the solution to the equation?

The allocation of weights to the important variables that produce the calculation's optimum is referred to as a direct consequence.

The yearly enrollment expense in 2013 is $198 for every grown-up and $75 for every kid.

Adult = 440 members

Children = 120 members

Then the total amount the 560 members pay in 2013 will be given as,

Total amount = 440 x 198 + 120 x 75

Simplify the expression, then we have

Total amount = 440 x $198 + 120 x $75

Total amount = $87,120 + $9,000

Total amount = $96,120

The total amount the 560 members pay in 2013 will be $96,120.

More about the solution of the equation link is given below.


The complete question is given below.

The annual membership fee in 2013 is $198 for each adult and $75 for each child.

Adult = 440 members

Children = 120 members

Calculate the total amount the 560 members pay in 2013.

Brandon buys a two-quart bottle of juice for $8.32. What is the unit rate of the cost of the juice per fluid ounce? 1 gallon = 1 gallon= 4 quarts 4 quarts 1 quart = 1 quart= 2 pints 2 pints 1 pint = 1 pint= 2 cups 2 cups 1 cup = 1 cup= 8 fluid ounces 8 fluid ounces Before you try that problem, answer the question below. How many fluid ounces of juice did Brandon buy? 64 64 What is the cost of juice in dollars per fluid ounce?


The cost of the juice in dollars per fluid ounce s $0.13..

What is the cost of the juice?

The first step is to convert quart to ounces.

1 quart = 32 ounces

The quantity of juice bought in fluid ounces : quantity in quart x unit of conversion=  32 x 2 = 64 fluid ounces

The next step is to divide the cost of the bottle of juice by the converted capacity of the juice bottle. Division is the mathematical process of grouping a number into equal parts using another number.

The cost of the juice in dollars per fluid ounce = cost of the bottle / capacity of the bottle in fluid ounces

= $8.32 / 64 = $0.13

To learn more about division, please check:


Determine g(x + a) - g(x) for the following function.g(x) = 3x^2 - 5x



3a² + 6ax + 5a


Given the following function

g(x) = 3x² - 5x

Determine g(x+a)

g(x+a) = 3(x+a)² - 5(x+a)

Expand the result

g(x+a) = 3(x² + 2ax + a²) - (5x - 5a)

g(x+a) = 3x² + 6ax + 3a² - 5x + 5a

Determine g(x + a) - g(x)

g(x + a) - g(x) = 3x² + 6ax + 3a² - 5x + 5a - (3x² - 5x)

g(x + a) - g(x) = 3x² + 6ax + 3a² - 5x + 5a - 3x² + 5x

Collect the like terms

g(x + a) - g(x) = 3x² - 3x² - 5x + 5x + 6ax + 3a² + + 5a

g(x + a) - g(x) = 6ax + 3a² + 5a

g(x + a) - g(x) = 3a² + 6ax + 5a

Hence the required result for the function g(x + a) - g(x) is 3a² + 6ax + 5a

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