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Answer 1

lab report shows water changing state of matter is an endothermic process with changing temperature this is an example of physical change.

When some of a material's properties change but the identity of the material does not, there is a physical change to the substance. Reversible and irreversible physical changes are further separated into two types. Since the melted ice cube can be refrozen, melting is a physically reversible process.

For instance, when water is heated, the temperature and energy of the water molecules rise, causing the liquid water to vaporize into water. When this occurs, some sort of alteration has occurred, but the water's molecular makeup remains unchanged. A bodily transformation like this is an example.

For more information on physical change kindly visit to


Related Questions

A car traveling at 13.6 meters per second crashes into a barrier and stops in 0.321 meters.a. How long does it take the car to stop? Include units in your answer. Answer must be in 3 significant digits.



The initial velocity of the car, u=13.6 m/s

The final velocity of the car, v=0 m/s

The distance covered by the car, d=0.321 m

From the equation of the motion,


On rearranging the equation,


This is the acceleration of the car which brings the car to rest after the collision.

On substituting the known values,

[tex]\begin{gathered} a=\frac{0-13.6^2}{2\times0.321} \\ =-288m/s^2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

From another equation of the motion,


On rearranging the above equation,


On substituting the known values,

[tex]\begin{gathered} t=\frac{0-13.6}{-288} \\ =0.0472\text{ s} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus the car comes to stop in 0.0472 seconds.

47) The moment of inertia of a 0.98-kg bicycle wheel rotating about its center is 0.13 kg · m2. What is the radius of this wheel, assuming the weight of the spokes can be ignored?



0.36 m


The moment of inertial of a wheel can be calculated as


Where r is the radius of the wheel and m is its mass.

Solving the equation for r, we get


So, replacing I by 0.13 kg m2 and m by 0.98 kg, we get

[tex]r=\sqrt[]{\frac{0.13\operatorname{kg}\cdot m^2}{0.98\operatorname{kg}}}=0.36\text{ m}[/tex]

Therefore, the radius of the wheel is 0.36 m

The Millennium Force Roller Coaster at Cedar Park has a hill height of 94 m and reaches a speed of 36 m/s at the bottom of the hill if the roller coaster car starts at rest. Using a mass of 120 kg for one car again, how much energy is lost to friction and heat?


The energy lost due  to friction and heat is 32784 Joule.

Given parameters:

Mass of the car; M = 120 kg.

speed of the car at bottom; v = 36 m/s.

Height of the hill; h = 94 m.

Then, Gain of  Kinetic energy of the car = 1/2× mass × speed²

= 1/2×120×36² Joule

= 77760 Joule.

Loss of  potential energy of the car = mass× acceleration due to gravity × height

= 120 × 9.8 × 94

= 110544 Joule.

Energy lost due to friction and heat = Loss of  potential energy of the car  - Gain of  Kinetic energy of the car

=  110544 Joule -  77760 Joule.

= 32784 Joule.

Hence,  energy lost due  to friction and heat is 32784 Joule.

Learn more about energy here:


two solenoids, a and b, have the same length and cross-sectional area. solenoid b has three times the number of turns per unit length. what is the ratio of the self-inductance of solenoid b to that of solenoid a?


The ratio of the self-inductance of solenoid b to that of solenoid a, is 3.

Self-inductance is the property of the current-carrying coil that resists or opposes the change of current flowing through it. This occurs mainly due to the self-induced emf produced in the coil itself.

Induced emf = N A ( db/dt )

where N is the number of turns in the coil

A is the cross sectional area of the coil

db/dt is the rate of change of the magnetic field

from question we have, Nb = 3Na

Ea = Na x A x (db/dt)       ......(1)

and Eb = Nb x A x (db/dt)       ..........(2)

dividing both equation 1 and equation 2, we get

Eb/Ea  = Nb/Na

Eb/Ea = 3Na/Na

Eb/Ea = 3

Hence The ratio of the self-inductance of solenoid b to that of solenoid a, is 3.

To learn more about the self inductance, visit here


2 poin6. What is the speed of an earthquake wave if it has a wavelength of2300 m and a frequency of 3 Hz? *6900 m/s5300 m/s6000 m/s1300 m/s


Given that the wavelength of the wave is

[tex]\lambda=2300\text{ m}[/tex]

The frequency of the wave is f = 3 Hz

We have to find the speed of the wave.

Let the speed of the wave is v.

The speed can be calculated by the formula,


Substituting the values, the speed of the wave will be

[tex]\begin{gathered} v=\text{ 3}\times2300 \\ =6900\text{ m/s} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus, the speed of the wave is 6900 m/s.

The maximum speed with which a 1700 kg horse makes a 180-degree turn is 12 m/s. The radius of the circle through
which the horse is turning is 30 meters. Determine the force of friction acting on the horse as it makes this turn.
a. 20400 N
b. 13981.94 N
c. 680 N
d. 8160 N
When making a 180-degree turn with a radius of 15 meters, a 900 kg car experiences a coefficient of friction of 0.60


b. 13981.94 N is the answer

A coin rolls off the edge of a table. The coin was traveling with a speed of
0.40 m/s. It lands 0.20 m away from the edge of the table. How high is the table?
(Hint: You must solve for time before you can solve for d)



Approximately [tex]1.3\; {\rm m}[/tex] (assuming that [tex]g = 9.81\; {\rm m\cdot s^{-2}}[/tex], the table is level, and that air resistance on the coin is negligible.)


Assume that the air resistance on the coin is negligible. As long as the coin is in the air, its horizontal velocity of the coin will be constantly equal to the original value, [tex]v_{x} = 0.40\; {\rm m\cdot s^{-1}}[/tex].

It is given that the horizontal displacement of this coin is [tex]x_{x} = 0.20\; {\rm m}[/tex] during the flight. Divide this horizontal displacement by horizontal velocity to find the duration [tex]t[/tex] of the flight:

[tex]\begin{aligned} t &= \frac{x_{x}}{v_{x}} \\ &= \frac{0.20\; {\rm m}}{0.40\; {\rm m\cdot s^{-1}}} \\ &= 0.50\; {\rm s}\end{aligned}[/tex].

Also because air resistance on the coin is negligible, the vertical acceleration of the coin will be constantly [tex]a_{y} = (-g) = (-9.81)\; {\rm m\cdot s^{-2}}[/tex]. If the table is level, the initial vertical velocity of the coin [tex]u_{y}[/tex] will be [tex]0\; {\rm m\cdot s^{-1}}[/tex]. Apply the SUVAT equation [tex]x = (1/2)\, a\, t^{2} + u\, t[/tex] to find the vertical displacement of the coin during the [tex]t = 0.5\; {\rm s}[/tex] that it is in the air:

[tex]\begin{aligned}x_{y} &= \frac{1}{2}\, a_{y}\, t^{2} + u_{y}\, t \\ &= \frac{1}{2} \, (-9.81\; {\rm m\cdot s^{-2}})\, (0.5\; {\rm s})^{2} + (0\; {\rm m\cdot s^{-1}})\, (0.50\; {\rm s}) \\ &\approx (-1.3)\; {\rm m}\end{aligned}[/tex].

In other words, the coin lands approximately [tex]1.3\; {\rm m}[/tex] below the table edge. Hence, the height of the table would be approximately [tex]1.3\; {\rm m}\![/tex].

Rachel has three different samples of rare Earth metals. The first sample has a mass of 5.5∗10−3 grams, the second has a mass of 1.4 grams, and the third has a mass of 4.4∗10−2 grams. Ignoring significant figures, what is the sum of these three masses?11.3∗10^−5 g1.4495g1.4495∗10^−5 g11.3 g


Because each mass has the same units we can sum them


The sum of the 3 masses is 1.4495g

A person applies 120 N of force to the end of a shovel and moves the handle
through 0.5 m. If the dirt he moves weighs 170 N, how far is the dirt moved


The illustration below shows a person applying a 300 Newton force to a shovel handle that is at a 60° angle with the ground.

How do you determine force?

Newton's second law of motion provides the definition of the force formula: An object's force is equal to its mass times its acceleration. F = m ⨉ a. To apply this formula, you must use SI units for force (newtons), mass (kilograms), and acceleration (meters per second squared).

What does a force unit mean?

The newton, abbreviated N, is the SI unit of force. The symbol for the length unit of a metre is m. The base units that are relevant to force are: the mass unit known as the kilogram (kg).

To know more about Newton force visit:-


two coils are wound around the same cylindrical form, like the coils in example 30.1. when the current in the first coil is decreasing at a rate of -0.242 a>s, the induced emf in the second coil has magnitude 1.65 * 10-3 v. (a) what is the mutual inductance of the pair of coils? (b) if the second coil has 25 turns, what is the flux through each turn when the current in the first coil equals 1.20 a? (c) if the current in the second coil increases at a rate of 0.360 a>s, what is the magnitude of the induced emf in the first coil?


(a) Mutual inductance = 6.818 × 10⁻³ Hz

(b) Total flux = 3.27 × 10⁻⁴ Wb

(c) Induced EMF = 2.45 × 10⁻³ V

What is induced EMF?

When the bar magnet is pushed out, an electromotive force is induced in the coil. An EMF of opposite sign is produced by moving in the opposite direction, and the EMF is also flipped by reversing the poles. You can get the same result by moving the coil instead of the magnet - relative motion is important.

For mutual inductance:

M = ∈/(Δi/Δ)

Where, M = mutual inductance

∈ = 1.65 × 10⁻³ V

Δi/Δt = -0.242 A/s

M = 1.65 × 10⁻³/ -0.242

M = 6.818 × 10⁻³ Hz or  6.818 mHz

For the calculation of the flux through each turn:

∅ = MI/N

Where, ∅ = Total flux

M = Mutual inductance

I = Current through one coil

N = Number of turns

∅ = (6.818 × 10⁻³ ×  1.20)/25

∅ = 3.27 × 10⁻⁴ Wb

For induced EMF:

∈ = M × (Δi/Δt)

∈ = induced EMF

M =  6.818 × 10⁻³ Hz

Δi/Δt = 0.360 A/s

∈ = 6.818 × 10⁻³ × 0.360

∈ = 2.45 × 10⁻³ V

To know more about induced EMF visit:


For 3.5 seconds, an ostrich ran west at 2.6 meters per second. In that time, how far did it
Write your answer to the tenths place.


The distance covered by an ostrich in 3.5 seconds by running at the speed of 2.6 meters per second is 9.1 m.

What is distance?

Distance is the measurement of how far the objects under consideration are. It can be measured in terms of meters, centimeters, kilometers etc. Distance is a scalar quantity unlike displacement which is a vector quantity.

The distance covered by an ostrich can be calculated as,  d = s * t

where d is distance, s is speed and t is the time taken.

d = 2.6 ms^-1 * 3.5 s = 9.1 m.

Therefore, the ostrich ran for 3.5 seconds to cover 9.1 m distance at the speed of 2.6 meters per second.

To learn more about distance click on the given link


The Jamaican bobsled team hit the brakes on their sled so that it decelerates at
uniform rate of 0.43 m/s?. How long does it take to stop if it travels 85 m before
coming to rest?


the answer is in the photo

hopes it help!

What power is emitted by a circuit with a 9.00 volt battery and a 50.0 Ohm resistor? A)450 W B)0.00222 W C)1.62 W D)5.55 W E)0.180 W



Voltage, V=9 V

Resistor, R=50.0 ohm

To find

The power emitted by the battery.


The power is:

[tex]\begin{gathered} P=\frac{V^2}{R} \\ \Rightarrow P=\frac{9^2}{50} \\ \Rightarrow P=1.62\text{ W} \end{gathered}[/tex]


The power is: C.1.62W

Imagine being in an elevator and riding from the 1st floor to 20th floor. You start from
rest, speed up (maybe for a floor or two) until you get up to cruising speed. Then you
cruise for several floors until you are nearing your destination. As you near your
destination, you slow down from cruising speed to a final stopping position (i.e., a zero
speed). What would you feel during this time and why would you feel it?


A person feels lighter than his Normal weight when the lift is accelerating downwards.

The price at which an object adjustments its velocity is referred to as acceleration, a vector variable. If an item's velocity is changing, it's miles accelerating. A moving object can every so often adjust its velocity by the same amount every 2nd. a transferring item that adjustments its speed with the aid of 10 m/s per second. since the pace is changing through a set quantity each second,

that is called a regular acceleration. it's miles important to differentiate among an item with a steady acceleration and one with a constant velocity. Be not deceived! An object is accelerating if its speed is changing, whether or not with the aid of a hard and fast amount or a variable quantity. additionally, a transferring item with a regular pace isn't always accelerating.

To know more about  acceleration visit :


20 points if right help please





Fossil fuels e.g., coal, oil and gas are non renewable energy sources because they take years to form.

A rock is thrown upwards at a 90o angle with a velocity of 15.8. What is the total hang time of the rock?





When ball reaches max height its velocity = 0   and it is 1/2 of the way through its roundtrip

vf = vo   +  at

0   = 15.8  - 9.81 t         shows t = 1.61 s  

      for the roundtrip   2   x 1.61 = 3.22 s

Alisha & Ariana are in a car (523.5 kg) sitting in a driveway. Ariana distracts Alisha and before she knows it she is going to hit the garage door. She tries to brake and stop the car. The coefficient of friction between the tires and the road is 0.69. Unfortunately, it’s too late and she drives the car straight into her parent’s garage door with a rightward force of 6,366 N What is the frictional force that the car experiences?


The frictional force that the car experiences is 3,553.43 N.

What is the frictional force experienced by the car?

The frictional force that the car experiences is calculated by applying Newton's second law of motion as follows;

Mathematically, the formula for frictional force is given as;

Ff = μFn


μ is the coefficient of frictionFn is the normal force of the objectFf is the frictional force

Ff  = μmg


m is the mass of the carg is acceleration due to gravity

The given parameters;

the mass of the car, m = 525.5 kg

the coefficient of friction = 0.69

Substitute the given parameters and solve for the frictional force that  the car experiences as it moves along the parent's garage.

Ff = 0.69 x 525.5 x 9.8

Ff = 3,553.43 N

Thus, the frictional force that the car experiences depends on the mass of the car and coefficient of friction.

Learn more about frictional force here:


A train with mass of 3.1x104 kg is pushed by an engine with a force of 5.0x104N for a distance of 450.0 meters in 3.5 minutes.
How much work was done on the train? ________________J
What was the Power exerted by the train? ________________W


Work was done on the train 225x10⁵ J

Power exerted by the train 1.07 x 10⁵ W

Explain work and power?

Work is the amount of energy transferred to an object when it is moved a certain distance by an external force. Since work is defined as the amount of energy (transferred), it has units of energy, and work usually has units of J (joules). The equation describing the work (W) done on a body moving a distance (s) while a force (F) is acting on it in the same direction as its motion is given by:

W = F × s


W = work done

F = force applied

s = displacement

We can define force as the rate of work. It is work done in a unit of time. The SI unit for power is the watt (W), which is the joule per second (J/s). The formula for power is:

P = W / t


P = Power

W = work done

t = time taken

Now for the given question:

W = F × s

F = 5.0x10⁴ N

s =  450.0 meters

W = 5.0x10⁴ x 450.0

W = 225x10⁵J

P = W / t

P = [tex]\frac{225}{210}[/tex] x10⁵

P =1.07 x 10⁵ W

To know more about  work and power visit:


8. Compare a battery to a Genacon electric generator. How are they similar? How are they different?
Use the terms "energy" and "charge" and "voltage" in your response.


A battery and a Genacon electric generator both produce electrical energy through the flow of charges.

The voltage of a battery is smaller than the voltage produced by a Genacon electric generator.

What is a battery?

A battery is a device that uses chemical reactions occurring within it to produce electrical energy or electricity. The voltage of batteries are

A battery is an example of an electrochemical cell. An example of a battery is a Lithium-ion battery.

An electric generator is a device that produces electrical energy or electricity from mechanical energy and electromagnets.

An example of a generator is a Genacon electric generator.

Learn more about battery and electric generators at:


what is the final velocity (magnitude and direction) of a 100-kg rugby player who is initially running at 8.00 m/s east but collides head-on with a padded goal post and experiences a backward force of 1.8 x104 n for 0.05 second.


The final velocity of a 100-kg rugby player which collides head-on with a padded goal post is 53 m/s.

The change in momentum (p) over the change in time (t) equals force (F).


F = [tex]\Delta\\[/tex]p / t

[tex]\Delta\\[/tex]p  = F x  t

[tex]\Delta p = F_{net} t \\\Delta p = mv' - mv\\mv' - mv= F_{net} t \\mv' = mv + F_{net} t[/tex]

m = 100kg

v = 8 m/s

F =  0.9 x 10⁴ N

t = 0.5 second

using these values in above equation we can calculate final velocity as :

100v' = 0.9 x 10⁴x 0.5 + 100 x 8

100v' = 4500 + 800

100v' = 5300

v' = 5300/100

100v' = 53 m/s.

The final velocity of a 100-kg rugby player which collides head-on with a padded goal post is 53 m/s.

To know more about velocity :


3. Is converting wood into saw dust a reversible change? Give one reason for your answer


No, conversion of wood to sawdust is an irreversible change, because a block of wood after grounding into sawdust cannot be changed into the same block of wood

A rock is thrown horizontally from the top of a 494.9 m high cliff on Earth near sea level with an initial velocity of 27.6. The ground below the cliff is level. How long, in seconds, will it take the rock to hit the ground below the cliff? Enter your answer at least to the nearest tenth of a second, but do not include units in your answer.​



Time 10.0 s



H = 494.9 m

V = 27.6 m/s

g = 9.8 m/s²


t - ?

The fall time is found from the formula:

H = g·t² / 2

t = √ (2·H / g) = √ (2·494.9 / 9.8 ) ≈ 10.0 s

Attention! An extra given is speed. Find the distance from the base of the rock to the point where the stone fell:

L = V·t = 27.6·10.0 = 276 m

Which of the following is NOT a means to determine the efficiency of a machine? A) useful work output/work input B) useful power output/power input C) effort x distance moved by effort/load distance moved by load D) load x distance moved by load/effort x distance moved by effort


In general terms, efficiency is output/input.

For a lever, the effort is the input and load is the output.

Thus, option C is not a means to determine efficiency as effort is the input and load is the output.

An airplane is sitting standstill on a runway and it is exerting -230,000N onto the ground. What is the mass of the plane?


Answer: Force = mass x acceleration

Explanation: Here, the plane is standing still so acceleration here is

acceleration due to gravity ( 9.8 m/[tex]s^{2}[/tex])  So,

 Force = mass x 9.8

 230000 = mass x 9.8

 Mass = [tex]\frac{230000}{9.8}[/tex] = 23,469.39 kgs

Here force is negative because it is acting against gravity. Also, since the unit of force is Newton so the unit of mass is in kgs


2.0kg2, point, 0, start text, k, g, end text box is at rest on a table. The static friction coefficient

mu, start subscript, s, end subscript between the box and table is
0.400, point, 40, and the kinetic friction coefficient

mu, start subscript, k, end subscript is
0.200, point, 20. Then, a

5.0N5, point, 0, start text, N, end text horizontal force is applied to the box.


The estimate of the magnitude of the box's acceleration is a= 0 m/s².

What is frictional force?

The force that is created between surfaces that are sliding against one another is known as the frictional force. Frictional force is referred to as a contact force because it develops whenever two surfaces come into contact. Walking on a road is a good example of frictional force.

Limiting value of frictional force = [tex]\mu_{N}[/tex] = umg

[tex]\mu_{N}[/tex] = 0.4×2×10 = 8 N

As applied force i.e. 5 N is less than limiting value of frictional force therefore the block will not move


a= 0 m/s².

To know more about frictional force visit:


Complete question is "A 2.0 kg box is at rest on a table. The static friction coefficient, between the box and table is 0.40, and

the kinetic friction coefficient is 0.20. Then, a 5.0 N horizontal force is applied to the box.

What is the best estimate of the magnitude of the box's acceleration?".

A=0 m/s2 is the estimated value for the box's acceleration.

How does frictional force work?

Frictional force is the force produced when sliding surfaces come into contact with one another. Because it arises anytime two surfaces touch, frictional force is also known as a contact force. Frictional force can easily visualized by walking on a road.

Frictional force's maximum value is equal to umg = 0.4 2 10 = 8 N.

The block won't move since the applied force of 5 N is less than the frictional force's limiting value, hence a= 0 m/s2.

To know more about frictional force, visit-


You swing a weight attached to a string in a vertical circle. at the top of the circle the string just barely goes slack for an instant. part a choose the correct statement for the the centripetal acceleration of the weight.


If the ball isn't travelling as swiftly as the force is pushing itself to keep it moving (in a circular motion), it will fall because gravity and tension pull downward at the top of the swing.

Speed is calculated using the distance travelled and the time needed to cover that distance. Speed is a scalar number because it just has a vector and no magnitude.You can determine something's average speed if you know how far it has travelled and how long it took to get there. One can determine speed by simply dividing by the amount of time. Stride length and cadence both affect running pace. The stride cadence is the frequency of steps taken per second, and the stride length is the distance covered by each step. Combining these factors yields a precise mathematical description of running.

To know more about force


Your friend wants to solve the world's energy problems by inventing a device that will deliver ten times more energy than put into the device. Can this device work? Explain.


No because you cannot produce more energy than what was put in. (conservation of energy)

a 150. g baseball is thrown with a speed of 20. m/s. it is hit straight back toward the pitcher at a speed of 40 m/s. if the baseball and bat are in contact for 6.0 ms, what is the magnitude of the average force delivered to the ball?


If the baseball that is thrown with a speed of 20 m / s and bat are in contact for 6.0 m s, the magnitude of the average force delivered to the ball of mass 150 g is 0.5 KN

a = v / t

a = Acceleration

v = Velocity

t = Time

v = 20 m / s

t = 6 m s

t = 6 * [tex]10^{-3}[/tex] s

a = 20 / 6 * [tex]10^{-3}[/tex]

a = 3.3333 * 10³ m / s²

According to Newton's second law of motion,

F = m a

F = Force

m = Mass

m = 150 g

m = 0.15 kg

F = 0.15 * 3.3333 * 10³

F = 0.5 * 10³ N

F = 0.5 KN

Therefore, the magnitude of the average force delivered to the ball is 0.5 KN

To know more about Newton's second law of motion


The speed of a car is decreased uniformly from 30. meters per second to 10. meters per second in 4.0 seconds.


Answer: The car slows down by 10 meters per second every second.


AnswerThe speed of a car is decreased uniformly from 30. meters per second to 10. meters per second in 4.0 seconds. What was the car's acceleration ?

We have the following data:

V (final velocity) = 10 m/s

Vo (initial velocity) = 30 m/s

ΔV  (speed interval)  = V - Vo → ΔV  = 10 - 30 → ΔV  = - 20 m/s

ΔT (time interval) = 4.0 seconds

a (average acceleration) = ? (in m/s²)


Which type of electromagnetic radiation could be described using the wave model? a)X-raysb)Radio wavesc)all of these


All types of light (EM radiation) can be represented using the wave model. X-rays and radio waves are both light (in different wavelength ranges), therefore they can both be represented by the wave model.

Answer: c) all of these

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