help me please, its biology i need help with the answer an why you chose that answer

Help Me Please, Its Biology I Need Help With The Answer An Why You Chose That Answer


Answer 1


I think G if I’m wrong try F OR J

Explanation: tell me if I’m wrong

Related Questions

Will mark brainliest and give thirteen points


the awnser is D

a neap tide is when the moon is either above or below earth

and a spring tide is when the moon is on the side/both sides middle of earth.

Hope this helps and isn't too confusing.

What kind of seeds should farmers plants in order to grow giant pumpkins,and why is this important?



pumpkin need too much of sunny place.

Lowest of low tides occur approximately how often?


Coastal areas experience two low tides and two high tides every lunar day, or 24 hours and 50 minutes.

. The Texas Horned Lizard has a blood shooting defense mechanism that shoots out
from the corner of its eye. The lizard's blood also tastes bad to its predators. If the
lizard feels threatened it gives the predator a taste as a warning.
Which of these explains the success of the Texas Horned Lizard?
A. The lizard displays several adaptations due to a reduction in genetic diversity.
B. The lizard inherited traits to provide an advantage defense mechanism that helps it survive.
C. The loser inherited on favorable traits that decrease the chance of survival.
D. The lizard inherited traits that made a hybrid species that allows it to survive in an extreme environment.


Answer: lowkey think its B


The success of the Texas Horned Lizard is :

B. The lizard inherited traits to provide an advantage defense mechanism that helps it survive.

Texas Horned Lizard

The success of the Texas Horned Lizard is the lizard inherited traits to provide an advantage defense mechanism that helps it survive.

The Texas horned lizard or "h-orny amphibian" may be a flat-bodied and fierce-looking reptile. The head has various horns, all of which are noticeable, with two central head spines being much longer than any of the others.

Thus, the correct answer is B.

Learn more about "Texas Horned Lizard":

what are the two types of ATP production available in our muscles?


Answer:Muscle cells are able to produce ATP with oxygen, which is called aerobic respiration, or without oxygen, an anaerobic process called anaerobic glycolysis or fermentation. The process in which ATP is made is dependent on the availability of oxygen (see the Cellular Respiration concepts).


Please define the terms, don’t copy and paste. I’m giving 15 points for it


Algae: any of numerous groups of chlorophyll-containing, mainly aquatic eukaryotic organisms ranging from microscopic single-celled forms to multicellular forms 100 feet (30 meters) or more long, distinguished from plants by the absence of true roots, stems, and leaves and by a lack of nonreproductive cells in the reproductive structures: classified into the six phyla Euglenophyta, Crysophyta, Pyrrophyta, Chlorophyta, Phaeophyta, and Rhodophyta.

Amboeda: any of a large genus (Amoeba) of naked rhizopod protozoans with lobed and never anastomosing pseudopodia, without permanent organelles or supporting structures, and of wide distribution in fresh and salt water and moist terrestrial environments

Asexual reproduction: reproduction (as cell division, spore formation, fission, or budding) without union of individuals or gametes

Cilia: minute short hairlike process often forming part of a fringe

Diatom: any of a class (Bacillariophyceae) of minute planktonic unicellular or colonial algae with silicified skeletons that form diatomaceous earth

Please mark brainliest

What impact can planting new trees have on the water cycle?
a: More carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere b: Transpiration increases
c: Condensation decreases
d: More water infiltrates into the ground

What is the source of energy for all biogeochemical cycles, including the water cycle?
a: winds
b: gravity
c: the Sun
d: volcanic eruptions

Which of the following statements about the water cycle is TRUE
a: Plants do not influence the water cycle
b: Precipitation that falls to the ground can end up as groundwater
c: The water cycle only continues during daylight hours
d: Once water flows into the ground, it is stuck there forever

Which of the following happens as a result of eutrophication?
a: excessive growth of algae b: increased bacterial growth c: decrease in oxygen levels d: all of the above




Q1)Trees increase the ability of the soil to retain stormwater by absorbing water from the ground. The roots also help to break up compacted soil as they expand, allowing water to flow more easily downward into the groundwater level.

Q2) The Sun's energy drives the water cycle. The sun warms the ocean's surface and other bodies of surface water, allowing liquid water to drain and ice to sublime (transform from a solid to a gas). These solar-powered processes release water vapor into to the atmosphere.

Thats All I have

Suppose an individual giraffe could not reach high leaves on a tree
its neck was too short. Lamarck's theory would suggest that the giraffe could
undergo physical changes that would lengthen its neck simply by stretching
to reach the branches. What experimental result would disprove this?
E The necks of giraffes today are shorter than the necks of early giraffes.
G. Giraffes with longer necks prefer to eat leaves from higher branches.
H. Neck lengtı does not change when giraffes are fed branches at different
1. Giraffes with longer necks frequently produce offspring that also have
longer necks.



the last one according to me

During translation small organelles called __ read the mrna sequence ?



thjs may be wrong but I am not sure ribosomes

What type of cells do you find homologous chromosomes?


"Human cells that contain one set of 23 chromosomes are called gametes, or sex cells; these eggs and sperm are designated n, or haploid. The matched pairs of chromosomes in a diploid organism are called homologous chromosomes."

Molten lava come to the surface and cool forming the first land. true or false





common sense

your welcome for helping :)

The answer I think is true

I’ll really appreciate it if you help me out with these 2 questions .



8. C

9. Im sorry I don't know

Which statement describes the synapse?

A. It is the gap between neurons that ensures that information travels in multiple directions.
B. It is the gap between neurons that ensures that information travels in one direction only.
C. It is the part of the neuron that carries information through electrical impulses to the cell body.
D. It is the part of the neuron that carries information through chemical impulses to the cell body.



[tex]\pink{\bigstar}[/tex] [tex]\large\underline{\underline{\bf\green{Synapse:-}}}[/tex]

Synapse is the gap between neurons that ensures that information travels in one direction only.


Therefore, the 2nd statement [B] is correct.



[tex]\pink{\bigstar}[/tex] Additional Information:-

A Synapse is a small gap at the end of a neuron that allows a signal to pass from one neuron to the next. Synapses are found where nerve cells connect with other nerve cells. Synapses are the key to the brain's function.


The term synapse was first introduced in 1897 by Michael Foster in his "Textbook of Physiology" and derived from the Greek synapsis, meaning "conjunction."

Answer: B) It is the gap between neurons that ensures that information travels in one direction only.

Explanation: this is the right answer ik cuz i just completed the quiz and got 100% thx to the person above!! Im just double confirming that this is the right answer.....hope this helps :D

Alright, I’m begging someone for help plz


Answer is C

Hope this helps

"Totipotency lasts for only a few days before the cells' fates are set as being the precursors to a specific lineage of cells." What does this sentence mean? Restate in your own words.


Pre-embryonic cleavages make use of the abundant cytoplasm of the conceptus as the cells rapidly divide without changing the total volume.

Why might people use solar energy for their homes?



There are many reasons why homeowners go solar, but improving the environment and cutting energy costs are the most common. Many people are aware that solar is a great home efficiency upgrade and are eager to reduce their carbon footprint while also improving property value.


Build the hierarchy of Federal Courts below:



Supreme Court (top)

Courts of Appeal (middle)

District Courts (bottom)


Who developed virtually the same theory of evolution?
Select one:
O a. Wallace
O b. Malthus
O c. Lamarck
O d. Lyell


Answer: I’m pretty sure it's Lamarck


I’m sorry if it’s wrong

I believe its Wallace because the question asked for SAME THEORY OF EVOLUTION

What elements are needed to carry out photosynthesis? Select all that apply.\


Answer: carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight.


Since infrared light is not visible, colors were artificially assigned to the photo using the following scheme:

Color Photographed Wavelength
blue 1.05 μm
green 1.25 μm
red 1.60 μm

If all the galaxies shown were composed of the same kinds of stars and nebulae, then the reddest galaxies would
be moving toward us the fastest.
be moving away fastest.
be youngest.
contain the most hydrogen.


Answer: be moving away fastest

Explanation: I got it right in study island

4. Cross a white bull with a white cow. Show the Punnett Square:
% Red Cow
% Roan Cow
% White Cow



100% white cow


This question involves a single gene coding for skin color in cattle. The allele for red color (R) is codominant with the allele for white color (r). Hence, the roan cattle (Rr) will possess both red and white coloration.

According to this question, a white bull (rr) is crossed with a white cow (rr). Each parent will produce the "r" gamete, which when used in a punnet square will produce all WHITE COWS i.e 100% white cows. See punnet square attached.


white cow


If the length of the small intestine is ( 6 ) meters and the length of the large intestine ( 1.5 ) meters. what is the ratio of the large intestine to the small intestine





According to the information provided in this question, the length of the small intestine is 6 meters and the length of the large intestine 1.5 meters. This means that the small intestine is longer than the large intestine.

To find the ratio of large intestine to the small intestine, we divide each length value by the smallest (1.5) i.e.

Large intestine = 1.5 ÷ 1.5 = 1

Small intestine = 6 ÷ 1.5 = 4

The ratio of large to small intestine according to this question is 1:4

_____ is a force caused by air that slows objects down





Drag is a force caused by air that slows objects down

Friction is a major force that slows the object down, air resistance is a type of frictional force.

What is air resistance?

Air resistance is a kind of frictional force that slows down an object from moving in a particular direction.

During the movement an object has a particular speed for movement, speed depends on how friction works, more friction slows the speed of an object a low friction allows the object to at a particular speed.

Air is a mixture of gases and particles in the atmosphere, these particles create a force during the movement of an object in the air, and these forces decide the actual speed of object movement.

Therefore air resistance is a force that slows the object.

Learn more about air resistance, here:


Can you guys pls help me?!!! It’s due tonight put them in order pls :)


1) I
2) E
3) F
4) H
5) A
6) B
7) J
8) G
9) C
10) D

How many valence electrons does magnesium (Mg) have?
Ο Α. 12
B. Six
O C. three
O D. two



Magnesium is in the group #2 on the periodic table of elements. This means it has two valence electrons.




2. How are humans making greenhouse gases of our own?
burning fossil fuels in our cars
burning forests
O all of these



All of them. Plus feeding cows corn instead of grass makes them gassy.


a particle of oxygen has 8 protons and 8 electrons. is this an atom or an ion? what's the charge?


Answer: It is Atom and the charge would be postive.

Explanation: If the atom had 8 protons and 8 electrons (oxygen for example), knocking one of the electrons out, makes 8 protons and 7 electrons. The atom now has a net charge of +1 because the 7 electrons cancil the positive charges of 7 of the protons in the nucleus, but there is one remaining proton with a positive charge.Oxygen's 8 electrons are negatively charged, and they orbit the atomic nucleus and balance the positive charge of the 8 protons. The positive charge of 1 proton exactly cancels the negative charge of 1 electron. Answer 9: Oxygen is atomic number 8 on the periodic table, which means it has 8 protons!

Hope this helps :) Can u plz mark me branliest :)

A particle of oxygen has 8 protons and 8 electrons in an atom and the charge on it is zero.

What is an atom?

It is the smallest particle of matter composed of electrons and a nucleus of protons and neutrons.

What is an ion?

It is an atom with a positive or negative charge due to either loss or gain of electrons.

Every atom tends to have a noble gas configuration for stability and they either tend to lose, gain, or share electrons to achieve it.

The oxygen atom generally gains 2 electrons to complete its octet and has a net -2 charge.

To learn more about electrons and atoms here,


Which of these shows the correct hierarchical sequence?



The correct answer is B ❤️

Please help will mark brainliest and give 12 points



anabalic (building up) : photosynthesism builds up molecules

catabolic (breaking apart): cellular respiration, helps cells multiply and stay in good condition (using energy to maintain the cells), complex molecules are broken down, energy is released


why is being heterozygous for sickle cell anemia considered an advantage?​


Answer: They may be maintained by heterozygote advantage

For example, the allele that causes sickle cell anemia is deleterious if you carry two copies of it. But if you only carry one copy of it and live in a place where malaria is common, the allele is advantageous because it confers resistance to malaria.


Hope this helped

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