Which sentence below punctuates the dialogue correctly? A. "I really want to go to Africa," Katherine said, "but I have no money. B. "Try to get more hours at your job, Nick suggested." C. "I will still have way too many bills to pay" Katherine explained.​

Which Sentence Below Punctuates The Dialogue Correctly? A. "I Really Want To Go To Africa," Katherine


Answer 1




For B it did not stop the quotations when the character stopped talking. Was supposed to look like "Try to get some more hours at your job," Nick suggested.

For C. there should be a punctuation mark at the end of the sentence.

So it would be A.

Hope this helps :)

Related Questions

Which set of lines from the poem illustrates how Dobbin has changed
the end of the poem?
As soon as day began to daun
Dobbin with tong and weary yaun.
Arose from his call, sleepless night." (Iines 33-35)
Tas long before Dobbin could decide
Between his wishes and his pride,
Wilhether to live in all this danger" (lines 41-43)
The thought of savory oats and hay
To hungry stomach was a reason



i think it's b, it gives him a choice to see if he's changed or something like that ;3;

Out of the choices provided above, it can be concluded to state that the lines from the poem ''The Lazy Horse'', which illustrates how Dobbin has changed the end of the poem are the lines 41-43. Therefore, the option B holds true.

What is the significance of ''The Lazy Horse''?

''The Lazy Horse'' is a poem, which is based on the theme of how a character can completely change his or her life. The change in the life of the character of Dobbin in the poem is completely led to a change in the climax part of the poem.

The lines

“as long before Dobbin could decide

Between his wishes and his pride,

Wilhether to live in all this danger” are the ones that denote how the life of Dobbin changes at the climax part of the poem.

Therefore, the option B holds true and states regarding the significance of climax of the poem ''The Lazy Horse''.

Learn more about climax of the poem here:



write a letter to your local newspaper regarding the lack of your entertainment facilities in your area​





Can do, thanks for reminding me :))


In Galway Kinnell's "Vapor Trail Reflected in the Frog Pond," Kinnell uses allusions to:
highlight the importance of Whitman's affect on war poetry.
underscore the problematic nature of American poetry.
develop a contrast between the Vietnam war and the Civil War.
create tension and support his critical tone.



D. create tension and support his critical tone.


In Galway Kinnell's "Vapor Trail Reflected in the Frog Pond," Kinnell uses allusions to create tension and support his critical tone.

The author was critical of the Vietnam War and the government's involvement in it. He used allusion to help support his tone.



create tension and support his critical tone.


just did quiz :)

These are the answers to Grammar Quiz 6 Proofreading
2.B,There are
3.A,friends, snails
6.A,A fish tank would make a nice addition to any home.





Identify the sentence that uses an adverb.
O A. Kasim felt terrible about losing his pet.
B. Sue looked sad when she heard the shocking news.
C. Did you hear José's amazing performance at band tryouts?
D. Michelle played well in last night's game.



D. Michelle played well in last night's game.


Last night tells you when.

Who is the narrator of the 3rd story King Sinbad and the Falcon?
The fisherman
King Yunan
Doctor Duban
King Sinbad​


The answer is king yunan


the fisherman


because at what is talking about the fisherman

The phrase, "the longest journey begins with a single step" means
"it is going to take a long time to get there."
"you may not take the trip you planned to take."
"you don't know where you are going all the time."
"getting started at a task is the most important thing."


The answer is D! “Getting started at a task is the most important thing” :)


D for k12


Which central idea develops over the course of the text? Emotion recognition technology interprets a person’s emotional state as well as, if not better, than humans. Emotion recognition technology interprets a person’s emotional state as well as, if not better, than humans. Employers are integrating emotion recognition technology into employee reviews and interview processes. Employers are integrating emotion recognition technology into employee reviews and interview processes. The ethical concerns of emotion recognition technology must be addressed if society is to experience its benefits. The ethical concerns of emotion recognition technology must be addressed if society is to experience its benefits. Emotion recognition technology should not be used to evaluate human feelings because it is an invasion of privacy.



technology interprets a person’s emotional state as well as, if not better, than humans. Employers are integrating emotion recognition technology into employee reviews and interview processes. Employers are integrating emotion recognition technology into employee reviews and interview

Make a simple poem regarding the learning’s that you acquired in managing the finances. (4 Stanzas only with rhyme and with no meter)



My net worth is my assets less my liabilities

I should therefore not spend above my capabilities

Pay off the debt required and then a little more

That way I can have, a great credit score

Like everything else, I must plan my finances

Create a budget and include my expenses

And make space for an emergency fund

So on rainy days I don't find myself cashless and hamstrung

Its important to remember that I won't work forever

I should therefore set something aside, to fall back on

When I'm too old and grey to embark on strenuous endeavor

I'll be well taken care of because I remembered my pension

And I shouldn't forget, to keep a proper record

Get educated in a financially sound method

That way I can know what comes in and what goes out

I'll be sure of my situation and leave room for no doubt

I had to write a argumentative essay on how fortnite was addictive and I was just wondering if I need to edit. Do you wonder what your kid is playing all the time and is it affecting them? Kids/teens are playing a video game called Fortnite and parents and teachers are debating if this game is an addiction or just an amusement. Parents, teachers, and scientists are trying to figure out the outcome of this issue if it is addicting. Some people think that this game is just an amusement and something for kids to enjoy but others think it is an addiction and that it is affecting them. Although Fortnite is an amusing game that kids can have fun with, we need to understand that kids play it too much because they can be affected in school and themselves because of not finishing their work, and it is also affecting their mental health, and it is a big distraction with life at home as well. First, why Fortnite is an addiction is because kids will not be able to get their work done in class. In the article "Fortnite-Addiction or Amusement" it states “Teachers are finding that this is the hottest topic of conversion, and they are spending all their time at home playing this game, forgetting about their academic responsibilities" (Crouch 13). This explains that kids are talking about Fortnite instead of doing their school work. One time when I was at school we were doing a school project and I got assigned with classmates that liked to play Fortnite and that is all they talked about during the time we had to do the project and I did pretty much all the work. In conclusion, kids are spending way too much time talking about it instead of working at school. I Next, why Fortnite is an addiction is because it could be affecting their own health. According to the author of the article "Fortnite-Addiction or Amusement" it states "According to Psychology Today, "[too much screen time] can unintentionally cause permanent damage to their still-developing brains" (Crouch 10). This explains that playing video games can cause permanent damage to their brains. To explain further this means when looking at a screen for too long this may cause their permanent damage to their brains because they are still growing. In conclusion, too much screen time can cause permanent damage to the brain unless already fully developed. On the other hand, Fortnite can be an amusing game by it being free for everyone. According to the text it states "First, one of the top reasons why Fortnite is so popular is because the initial game is free" (Crouch 5). However, that means that the game is more accessible and becomes more of a distraction with more kids/ieens. According to the author Though many will argue that Fortnite is not the root of the problem in households and classrooms, many parents and teachers disagree, and they are seeing this game become a huge distraction and addiction in and out of the classroom" (Crouch 9). We need to find a way to stop this being such a distraction. In conclusion, although Fortnite is an amusing game that kids can play with friends and after school, we need to understand that kids need to stop making it such a distraction because of not finishing their work, and it is also affecting their mental health, and it desensitizes kids. Teachers in school are noticing that kids in school are only talking about the game Fortnite and it's distracting them from doing work. Also since kids are playing the game way too much it could affect their health and it mostly affects their brian permanently because their brian is not fully developed. Fortnite can be good because it's free but it causes too much distraction and kids will not get work done in school. Fortnite can be fun but too much can be bad.​



what isnthe answer for that

When CITING A SOURCE in the body of your paper, which of the following are appropriate (“true”) practices?

You don’t need to cite page numbers when quoting.

You don’t have to cite authors in the text as long as you cite them in the reference list.

You must use quotation marks and page citations of the author when citing the words directly.

You must indent quoted material in a block if the quote is longer than three lines.

You can avoid using quotation marks if you change every 4th or 5th word in the quote.

You must use page citations when you paraphrase.

You should avoid using quotes from other authors in your own writing.



When CITING A SOURCE in the body of your paper, which of the following are appropriate (“true”) practices?

You don’t need to cite page numbers when quoting.

You don’t have to cite authors in the text as long as you cite them in the reference list.

You must use quotation marks and page citations of the author when citing the words directly.

You must indent quoted material in a block if the quote is longer than three lines.

You can avoid using quotation marks if you change every 4th or 5th word in the quote.

You must use page citations when you paraphrase.

You should avoid using quotes from other authors in your own writing.

why is pyramid is stable​



Pyramids have a consistent low center of gravity, the idea is they can be built to infinity with an ever widening base. Pyramids naturally occur in nature as a stable place for sediment to build up in the form of mounds.



Pyramids have a consistent low center of gravity, the idea is they can be built to infinity with an ever widening base.


What makes the Prince a complex character in this scene? romeo and Juliet act 3 scene 1



He is the voice of conflicting law and also the missing conscience of the adult characters

what are the causes for students to drop-out from University



The shortage of money...

Or maybe they have been failing for a long time

In the context of the passage, which of the following options would best replace the underlined portion of sentence 17 (reproduced below) ?

Even if scientists do find liquid water someday, they better be darned sure they don’t contaminate it with microorganisms from Earth.

A. we all better hope that they don’t go and contaminate it

B. hopefully they won’t mess it up by contaminating it

C. let’s hope that they don’t go and contaminate it

D. they will have to be careful to avoid contaminating it

E. it better not get contaminated by them



D) they will have to be careful to avoid contaminating it


This version most effectively expresses the writer’s ideas without showing bias. The writer’s word choice is neutral in tone, preserving the writer’s credibility with the audience.

The underlined portion of the sentence can be replaced with "they will have to be careful to avoid contaminating it".

What is a sentence?

A sentence refers is the basic unit of language which completely represents and conveys a thought. The selection of words in a sentence and the selection of whole sentence should be appropriate in the context.

The given sentence talks about the liquid water and its contaimination. The appropriate sentence to replace the underlined part will be the one that is compatible to properly convey the thought.

Therefore the correct option is D.

Learn more about sentence here:


In an academic argument, where should transitions appear? HINT: It's not A.

A. Between body paragraphs only
B. Between the introduction and the first body paragraph only
C. Between the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion
D. Between the last body paragraph and the conclusion





The whole essay has have a coherent flow to it

Hi how are you does anybody watch duckus UωU



Not me sorry


Man... It's been such a long time since I've been here...

_________1.influencing people by telling then how everyone is using the same product or is true to the same ideology. this encourages people to take the same course of action

*Glittering generalities
*plain folk
*card stacking


The answer is bandwagon :)

Habib is writing a research paper on the War of 1812. In the paper, he mentions that “The Star-Spangled Banner"
was written by Francis Scott Key.
Does he need to cite this information? Why or why not?


No, he does not need to cite the information because it is common knowledge.

16. How much time passes in the short story by Kate Chopin, “A Story of an Hour?"
a. 1 minute
b. 1 hour
C. 1 day
d. 1 week


Answer: b. 1 hour


“A Story of an Hour'' tells a story of a woman who has just found out that her husband had died in an accident. She immediately mourns him but after some reasoning decides that his death has given her a new sense of freedom and a new lease on life.

When she comes out however, she finds that the husband was alive after all and this caused her to have a heart attack which killed her. The events of this story happened in the space of an hour which is where the book gets its title.

Click to fix any plural or possessive errors below. If there is no error, just click
"Submit Answer."
| Tip: The last name is "Williams."
The Williams' car is always blocking Marlin's driveway.
Submit answe
Report a problem



I believe there are no errors in this sentence.


Read the following passage and answer the question.

Every Sunday on his way to church, young Vincent would pass the headstone carved with the name he shared. Did he feel as if his dead brother were the rightful Vincent, the one who would remain perfect in his parents' hearts, and that he was merely an unsatisfactory replacement? That might have been one of the reasons he spent so much of his life feeling like a lonely outsider, as if he didn't fit anywhere in the world.
What tone does the speaker have towards Vincent van Gogh in the previous passage?




the answer is pity


Because notice how at the end of the passage the last question your sentence says if he didn't fit anywhere in the world meaning he self-pity

HELP!!!!! See attached!


2. a
5. b
your first one is right

by Langston Hughes (excerpt)
This year, maybe do you think I can graduate?
I'm already two years late.
Dropped out six months when I was seven,
a year when I was eleven,
then got put back when we come North...
Maybe now I can have that white enamel stove
I dreamed about when we first fell in love
eighteen years ago.
But you know,
rooming and everything
then kids...
Me, I always did want to study French
It don't make sense-
I'll never go to France,
but night schools teach French...
I'm gonna buy two new suits
at once!
All I want is
one more bottle of gin.
All I want is to see
my furniture paid for.
jazz formats in this poem to emphasize how African American dreams
Langston Hughes uses
remained unfulfilled.


Langston Hughes uses improvisation and call and response jazz formats in this poem to emphasize how African American dreams remained unfulfilled.

The inference is that Langston Hughes uses improvisation and call and response jazz formats in this poem to emphasize how African American dreams remained unfulfilled.

What is an inference?

An inference simply means the conclusion that can be deduced based on the information given in the story.

In this case, Langston Hughes uses improvisation and call and response jazz formats in this poem to emphasize how African American dreams remained unfulfilled.

Learn more about inference on:


Which word is misspelled in the sentence?
Dictation software is not only helpful for transcribeing, but also for reducing repetitive strain from typing,


Answer: “transcribeing ”


Drop the “e” before adding “ing”


“Transcribeing ” word is misspelled in sentence. Drop the “e” before adding “ing”. It should be written as "Transcribing".

What is Transcribing?

It is a process in which you put (thoughts, speech, or data) into written or printed form. Strengthen your typing and grammar skills to become a more efficient transcriptionist. Practice transcribing short audio files with Express Scribe so you're ready to apply to transcription companies. Create a transcription-specific cover letter and resume - even if you don't have prior transcription experience.

Therefore, "Transcribing" is the correct answer.

To learn more about Transcribing, refer here :



Which type of claims ask the question “What should we do about it?”
Claims of solutions or policies
Claims of value
Claims of fact
Claims of definition


claims of solutions or policies


Claims of solutions or policies



Please please help me please



a force is a push or pull and if the earth wasnt a thing the moon would not orbit around it. that's all i can help with buddy


Which of the following archetypes is included in Book 22: Death in the
Great Hall? *
intervention by a god
floods and storms
battles with monsters
descent into the underworld



Intervention by a god.


Homer's epic "The Odyssey" revolves around the journey of Odysseus and his struggle to get back home to Ithaca. the epic narrative deals with themes of loyalty, good and bad, and persistence, with the story infused with divine characters.

Book XXII is the scene where Odysseus reveals his disguise and began slaughtering the suitors in his palace halls. Aided by his son Telemachus and the goddess Athena disguises as Mentor, Odysseus killed all of the suitors who had besieged his palace halls and 'tormented' his queen Penelope. This scene is an archetype of the god's intervention when gods come to aid mortals in their battles or obstacles.

Thus, the correct answer is the first option.

from “Where I Lived, and What I Lived For” in Walden
by Henry David Thoreau
Look at a meeting-house, or a court-house, or a jail, or a shop, or a dwelling-house, and say what that thing really is before a true gaze, and they would all go to pieces in your account of them. Men esteem truth remote, in the outskirts of the system, behind the farthest star, before Adam and after the last man. In eternity there is indeed something true and sublime. But all these times and places and occasions are now and here. God himself culminates in the present moment, and will never be more divine in the lapse of all the ages. And we are enabled to apprehend at all what is sublime and noble only by the perpetual instilling and drenching of the reality that surrounds us. The universe constantly and obediently answers to our conceptions; whether we travel fast or slow, the track is laid for us. Let us spend our lives in conceiving then. The poet or the artist never yet had so fair and noble a design but some of his posterity at least could accomplish it.
Let us spend one day as deliberately as Nature, and not be thrown off the track by every nutshell and mosquito’s wing that falls on the rails. Let us rise early and fast, or break fast, gently and without perturbation; let company come and let company go, let the bells ring and the children cry—determined to make a day of it. Why should we knock under and go with the stream? Let us not be upset and overwhelmed in that terrible rapid and whirlpool called a dinner, situated in the meridian shallows. Weather this danger and you are safe, for the rest of the way is down hill. With unrelaxed nerves, with morning vigor, sail by it, looking another way, tied to the mast like Ulysses. If the engine whistles, let it whistle till it is hoarse for its pains. If the bell rings, why should we run? We will consider what kind of music they are like. Let us settle ourselves, and work and wedge our feet downward through the mud and slush of opinion, and prejudice, and tradition, and delusion, and appearance, that alluvion which covers the globe, through Paris and London, through New York and Boston and Concord, through Church and State, through poetry and philosophy and religion, till we come to a hard bottom and rocks in place, which we can call reality, and say, This is, and no mistake; and then begin, having a point d'appui, below freshet and frost and fire, a place where you might found a wall or a state, or set a lamp-post safely, or perhaps a gauge, not a Nilometer, but a Realometer, that future ages might know how deep a freshet of shams and appearances had gathered from time to time. If you stand right fronting and face to face to a fact, you will see the sun glimmer on both its surfaces, as if it were a cimeter, and feel its sweet edge dividing you through the heart and marrow, and so you will happily conclude your mortal career. Be it life or death, we crave only reality. If we are really dying, let us hear the rattle in our throats and feel cold in the extremities; if we are alive, let us go about our business.
Time is but the stream I go a-fishing in. I drink at it; but while I drink I see the sandy bottom and detect how shallow it is. Its thin current slides away, but eternity remains. I would drink deeper; fish in the sky, whose bottom is pebbly with stars. I cannot count one. I know not the first letter of the alphabet. I have always been regretting that I was not as wise as the day I was born. The intellect is a cleaver; it discerns and rifts its way into the secret of things. I do not wish to be any more busy with my hands than is necessary. My head is hands and feet. I feel all my best faculties concentrated in it. My instinct tells me that my head is an organ for burrowing, as some creatures use their snout and fore paws, and with it I would mine and burrow my way through these hills. I think that the richest vein is somewhere hereabouts; so by the divining-rod and thin rising vapors I judge; and here I will begin to mine.

Which of the following best describes the intended audience for this passage?
all Americans
the speaker’s philosophical contemporaries
city dwellers
the speaker’s detractors
highly-educated and well-to-do individuals

Please select the best answer from the choices provided




Adhikari India and jajsjajsjajanajajajj

Answer : E
Explain: ...

Which of the following
passages from Lincoln's
Gettysburg Address gives a
reason for this gathering that
is based on logic as opposed
to one based on emotion?
A. "We have come to dedicate a portion
of that field"
B. "The brave men, living and dead, who
struggled here"
C. "here gave the last full measure of



A. "We have come to dedicate a portion

of that field"


The passage from Lincoln's Gettysburg Address that gives a reason that the gathering is based on logic as opposed

to one based on emotion is option A.

This is because President Abraham Lincoln says that they have come to dedicate a portion of the land. This decision is based on logic as a memorial/in remembrance as opposed to based on emotions.

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