Write a short essay about
The Coronavirus Pandemic in the Eyes of a Teenager.

Make sure to use analogies in describing or establishing your points.​


Answer 1

I want to help u. l have also written the essay but the system is not sending the answer

Related Questions

Just a question who else loves Harry Potter (no hate comments or i will report)



yeah, harry potter is cool i guess.


2. PART B: Which TWO pieces of evidence from the text best support your answer to Part A?
wan TUO 100
A. "The best way to learn about something is to live it." (Paragraph 2yuma
B. "Some people wouldn't think twice about smashing such low quality items to
bits for decorating Steampunk Jewelry..." (Paragraph 5)
C. "...when a lamp has to be filled and cared for, one is naturally more mindful of
when it's really needed, instead of simply using it by habit." (Paragraph 7)
D. "Clothes are incredibly intimate. They influence how we move..." (Paragraph 13)
E. "Some things can only be learned by experience repeated so often it becomes
od monone second nature." (Paragraph 21) novembro
F. "How wearing long skirts can become an extra sense for experiencing the world,
the way cats use their whiskers." (Paragraph 21)


F. How wearing long skirt can become an extra sense for experience the world

The two pieces of evidence from the text that best support the answer in Part A are mentioned below.

What does the given paragraphs suggests?

C. “…when a lamp has to be filled and cared for, one is naturally more mindful of when it's really needed, instead of simply using it by habit.” (Paragraph 7) - This supports the idea that owning and caring for an item can make a person more mindful of its value and usefulness, as they have invested time and effort into it.

D. “Clothes are incredibly intimate. They influence how we move…” (Paragraph 13) - This supports the idea that owning and wearing clothes that are well-made and fit well can enhance a person's quality of life, as they are more comfortable and able to move freely. It also suggests that investing in quality clothing can lead to a better understanding and appreciation of the value of well-made items.

Learn more about such paragraphs, here:



Read the following story summary, and think about theme.
A young boy lives with his parents and sister in an apartment in a large aty. When his parents decide to move to the country, he is disappointed. He does not want to move away from his friends
and all the fun they have. He thinks the rural home is going to be boring. On moving day, the boy cries and cries during the drive in the moving van. Once the van arrives and the rest of the
family sets about unpacking and getting settled, he goes off by himself and walks by the creek and think about all his friends. Finally, he sits down on a rock and begins to observe nature. He
becomes fascinated with a toad sitting near the creek, and then with some insects that are scurrying around his feet. Before he knows it, he is splashing happily in the creek and getting excited
about all the fun he will have at his new home.
What universal theme is presented by this story?
A. Change in life can be painful, but it usually has a bright side.
B. There is no way to avoid growing up and taking responsibility,
C. The love of family can make childhood challenges less difficult.
D. city friends are fun, but the friends you make in the country are too.



the answer is A i just took this quiz


A theme is a message about life. A universal theme is common across cultures and genres. The theme in this story is about dealing with change.

The universal theme presented by this story about Change in life can be painful, but it usually has a bright side. Thus, option A is correct.

What is the theme?

A theme is the main idea around which the entire narrative or statement centers, and it indicates how the author wishes for the idea to be conveyed to readers, viewers, or listeners.

In the story, it is told that how when the boy first came to know that he has to shift to a new house he was not happy about the situation. But later on,

When they got adjusted to the new situation and he went to the creek he found out that he was happy and the main theme was that it takes time to get to a certain point and changes are difficult. This passage, it is told how difficult it is to understand the situation and to go through a change.

Therefore, option A is the correct option.

Learn more about the theme, here:


I could not today start out with any zest to see the most marvelous sight in the world unless I were taking with me someone to whom I knew the journey would be a joy. It may be a drawback which comes with age-you do not crave any new sensations and experiences as much as you did in youth-but it is one of its compensations that you are so much better able to enjoy through other people. You can even sit at home and be happy visualizing others that you love enjoying things which you have prepared them to see and to understand.

—“What I Hope to Leave Behind,”
Eleanor Roosevelt

Select the central idea of the passage.

Other people’s happiness is important to your own happiness.
People stop enjoying travel when they get older.
Sitting at home is fine because you have already seen and done everything.
Visualizing the sights you have already seen is just as good as seeing them again.



I dont know....




Other people’s happiness is important to your own happiness


Someone please help me if you read the book called outsiders can you answer these three question i will mark brainliest please help



at the end of chapter 3 - The movie comes to an end and the group decides to walk over to Two-Bit's house to get his car to take the girls home. Two-Bit and Marcia are continuing to get along, and as they walk Ponyboy and Cherry amaze themselves as they divulge insights as confidants.

the sunset meaning i guess - Cherry is about to leave with a group of Soc boys in order to prevent a fight from breaking out in front of her. Just as she turns to leave, Ponyboy says, "Just don't forget that some of us watch the sunset too." His comment is meant remind Cherry that Socs and Greasers aren't so different from each other.

cherry says that socs are void of emotion, while the greasers often feel too violently.

Cherry tells Ponyboy that not only money separates Socs from greasers, but that greasers have different sets of values


hope this helps!!

Please help!!! 25 points



1. Our desire... First column

2. The second theme(third column


  3. The last one (second column)

Hope this helps!!



first column

third column

second column

List 3. conflicts that Jonas faced aher he left the communities in the giver



The protagonist, 12-year-old Jonas, struggles to make sense of his new role as the receiver of memories in a dystopian community. Jonas' internal conflict intensifies when he realizes just how sheltered and narrow-minded his society has become

How can citizens be heroes for the environment?


By setting an example, you will encourage others to be more heroic in their everyday actions as well. Be proud of your efforts, share what you are doing with your friends and family know. Help them find items they can donate and invite them along on a volunteer activity

☁️ Answer ☁️


Your answer is:


Reusing our old clothes is one of the simplest ways to reduce the waste we generate, as well as save the energy and resources that go into manufacturing new clothes. Carry a reusable shopping bag with you — in the car, in your bag, in the boot, at all times — a big canvas bag is useful.

2. Organic food consumption is said to be healthier than other foodstuffs from the market. They tend to... Save the birds & other animals.

3. Reduce your own plastic waste. Start by using our plastic calculator to track how much you use — then you can take steps to reduce your use and waste.

Hope it helps!

Have a nice day noona/hyung!~  ̄▽ ̄❤️

Look at the picture it show what the question is


The answer is nonspecific and that makes sense because non means not so that makes not specific.

please guys I need your help! ​



2. a







I hope it helps

enjoy your day


What is Jordan's purpose in giving this speech?
to blast her opponents for not supporting her
to educate her audience about the value of liberty and even life"
to urge her audience to form a "national community
to entertain her audience


Answer: C. to urge her audience to form a "national community

Explanation: I got it right on Edmentum

Answer: educate her audience about the value of “liberty and even life” entertain her audience blast her opponents for not supporting her urge her audience to form a “national community”



I got it right

Noah began racing go-karts when he was just six years old. Noah has traveled to other states to race, win, and finish in the top five, an impressive accomplishment
for anyone but especially for a young driver. He now races a 1934 Ford Legends Coupe, a car that weighs 1.000 pounds and goes faster than 100 miles per hour.
Noah regularly competes against drivers who are three times older than he is, but he does not let that intimidate him. He explained in one news article. "I have been
racing against older people all my life. When you strap on a helmet, you are no longer a 13-year-old kid, you are a racecar driver. The other drivers don't treatme
like a kid. They treat me the same as the other drivers on the track." He has the nickname "Little Gator" partly because of his size and partly because of Gatorland's
sponsorship over the last several years.
In paragraph 2, Noah says, "I have been racing against older people all my life. When you strap on a helmet, you are no longer a 13-year-old kid, you are a racecar
What is the implicit meaning of his words?
O Everyone on the racetrack is equal.
Older racers are embarrassed to compete against a kid.
l am very talented because I am able to race against adults.



the first one


Question about James Baldwin Letter.
If James Baldwin was writing to his nephew today, what are some of the things he might be saying to him?



My Dungeon Shook: Letter to My Nephew on the One Hundredth Anniversary of the Emancipation" is Baldwin's message to his namesake about the importance of love in the quest for racial equality.

What can you infer about Friar Laurence from the line in bold? (10 points)
I have a faint cold fear thrills through my veins,
That almost freezes up the heat of life:
I'll call them back again to comfort me:
Nurse! What should she do here?
My dismal scene I needs must act alone.
Come, vial.
What if this mixture do not work at all?
Shall I be married then to-morrow morning?
No, no: this shall forbid it: lie thou there.
What if it be a poison, which the friar
Subtly hath minister'd to have me dead,
Lest in this marriage he should be dishonour'd,
Because he married me before to Romeo?
I fear it is: and yet, methinks, it should not,
(For he hath still been tried a holy man.) *() in bold*
How if, when I am laid into the tomb,
I wake before the time that Romeo
Come to redeem me? there's a fearful point!
Shall I not, then, be stifled in the vault,
To whose foul mouth no healthsome air breathes in,
And there die strangled ere my Romeo comes?
Or, if I live, is it not very like, The horrible conceit of death and night, Together with the terror of the place
As in a vault, an ancient receptacle, Where, for these many hundred years, the bones Of all my buried ancestors are packed:
Where bloody Tybalt, yet but green in earth,
Lies festering in his shroud; where, as they say,
At some hours in the night spirits resort:- Alack, alack, is it not like that I, So early waking, what with loathsome smells, And shrieks like mandrakes' torn out of the earth,
That living mortals, hearing them, run mad:-
O, if I wake, shall I not be distraught,
Environed with all these hideous fears?
And madly play with my forefather's joints?
And pluck the mangled Tybalt from his shroud?
And, in this rage, with some great kinsman's bone,
As with a club, dash out my desperate brains?
O, look! methiks I see my cousin's ghost
Seeking out Romeo, that did spit his body
Upon a rapier's point: stay, Tybalt, stay!
Romeo, I come! this do I drink to thee.

Friar Laurence is known to be a coward.

Friar Laurence is a trustworthy man.

Friar Laurence has killed people before.

Friar Laurence once served time in jail.



Friar Laurence is a trustworthy man.


William Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" revolves around the fateful love story of two young lovers amidst their family feud. The play deals with themes of love, loyalty, society, class, hatred, etc.

In the given lines from Act IV scene iii of the play, Juliet is alone in her room right before the day she's to marry Paris. She contemplates what to do and then decided to drink the sleeping potion that Friar Laurence had given her. This will help present the chance to give Romeo enough time to get to Juliet's tomb and steal her, and then they can run away.

And in Juliet's act of taking the potion, even though she suspects "the friar Subtly hath minister'd to have me dead" and given her poison instead, she has trust in the man. Moreover, the lines "For he hath still been tried a holy man" suggests the holy man be a trustworthy man.

Thus, the correct answer is the second option.


Friar Laurence is a trustworthy man.


I took the test and i got it correct

What is Ruby's Wish theme?



Ruby's Wish is an inspiring book that teaches children to persevere, stand up for what they believe in, and expresses the importance of a good education for everyone.



Why does White Fang, a fierce male, permit Kiche to drive him away?



For example, whenever White Fang ventures away from Kiche, he is savagely ... Consequently, he never has a chance to allow the genial, playful, "puppy-ish" side ... and pursues White Fang downriver, picking him up, and giving him one fierce ... which White Fang wants, he reacts savagely, and he drives the old dog away.

Read the excerpt from Julius Caesar, act 2, scene 4.

PORTIA. I prithee, boy, run to the Senate House;
Stay not to answer me, but get thee gone.—
Why dost thou stay?

LUCIUS. To know my errand, madam.

PORTIA. I would have had thee there and here again5
Ere I can tell thee what thou shouldst do there.
[Aside] O constancy, be strong upon my side;
Set a huge mountain 'tween my heart and tongue.
I have a man’s mind, but a woman’s might.
How hard it is for women to keep counsel!10
[To LUCIUS] Art thou here yet?

LUCIUS. Madam, what should I do?
Run to the Capitol, and nothing else?
And so return to you, and nothing else?

PORTIA. Yes, bring me word, boy, if thy lord look well,
For he went sickly forth; and take good note15
What Caesar doth, what suitors press to him.
Hark, boy, what noise is that?

LUCIUS. I hear none, madam.

Which conclusion does this excerpt best support?

Portia knows of Brutus’ plan and is having a difficult time waiting for news.
Portia is still ignorant about Brutus’s plans.
Portia is a spy for Caesar and his followers.
Portia is concerned about the illness Brutus reported.



A.) Portia knows of Brutus’ plan and is having a difficult time waiting for news.


I got it right on Edge

Portia knows of Brutus’ plan and is having a difficult time waiting for news conclusion does this excerpt best support

What was Brutus famous for?

What was Brutus famous for? Brutus was one of the leaders of the conspiracy that assassinated Julius Caesar. Long optimistic about Caesar's plans, Brutus was shocked when, early in 44, Caesar made himself a perpetual dictator and was deified.

What did Brutus do after killing Caesar?

Impaling himself on the sword, Brutus declares that in killing himself he acts on motives twice as pure as those with which he killed Caesar and that Caesar should consider himself avenged: “Caesar, now be still. / I killed not thee with half so good a will” (V.v. 50 – 51 ).

Learn more about  Brutus at


Choose 1 reacreational activity that you had done in the past. (Its either indoor or outdoor). Then share your experiencr on that activity.​


Answer and Explanation:

A recreational activity I did was to paint images of animals using my hands as brushes. This activity was carried out indoors, that is, inside a house and not outdoors.

The activity was very profitable, because it allowed great fun for everyone involved, while we imagined which animals resembled the shapes that our hand, dirty with ink, presented on paper. I believe that it would be very useful to redo this activity in a zoo, where we could observe the animals up close, but we would have to be careful with the dirt that the paint causes.

Read the excerpt from Julius Caesar, act 2, scene 2.

CAESAR. What can be avoided
Whose end is purposed by the mighty gods?
Yet Caesar shall go forth, for these predictions
Are to the world in general as to Caesar.30

CALPURNIA. When beggars die there are no comets seen;
The heavens themselves blaze forth the death of princes.

CAESAR. Cowards die many times before their deaths;
The valiant never taste of death but once.

Which examples from the passage pair a symbol with its reference in the passage? Select two options.

“the heavens themselves blaze forth” refers to the lightning storm
“world” symbolizes Calpurnia’s dreams
“death of princes” symbolize the death of Caesar
“mighty gods” symbolize Caesar
“the valiant” refers to beggars



A. “the heavens themselves blaze forth” refers to the lightning storm

C. “death of princes” symbolize the death of Caesar

Correct on Edge2021 <33 Please mark brainliest. Stay safe and be happy mwuah


a, c



Can help you help please


You’re answers are all correct. You don’t need to change anything


Hmmm, I'll try to help you bud :3

They haven't contacted the local doctor yet, because he is getting better, that one is correct, because it's a term for not yet because the boy has been feeling better :3

He would've liked to help with the vaccinations, because it is past sense and has is present or future sense :3 //correct one but opposite is right//

Shall we go to the park for a walk? It's this one because it's questioning you instead of does because does in a sentence is "Does people like chocolate robots?" so it's shall :3 //correct one but opposite is right//



What is the meaning of wicked? ​



evil or morally wrong...............


1 . adjective

evil or morally wrong.

"a wicked and unscrupulous politician"

2 . intended to or capable of harming someone or something.

"he should be punished for his wicked driving"

3 . extremely unpleasant.

"despite the sun, the wind outside was wicked"

4 . playfully mischievous.

"Ben has a wicked sense of humor"

5 . excellent; wonderful.

"Sophie makes wicked cakes"

Read the following passage:
He was eager to leave behind the conservative rules and taboos of his Dutch homeland...
Which word provides a context clue as to the meaning of taboos?


rules would provide a context clue to the meaning of taboos.

Suppose you created a set of instruments using water and drinking glasses. You need a note with a very low pitch to complete a certain song—what should you do?
Pour out some of the water in the glass with the least water.
Pour out some of the water in the glass with the most water.
Add more water to the glass with the least water.
Add more water to the glass with the most water.



I think it might be number 2


hope it helps

The line "My mom claims that reality shows have made young people more rude and aggressive, but without reality shows, young people would be even more aggressive and rude because they wouldn't have a legitimate outlet for their anti-social impulses, "is an example of which logical fallacy?​



Sounds like a paradox


The statements given by the mother and daughter are of The Anecdotal Evidence Fallacy.

What is logical fallacy?

Fallacy is the false word or logics made by people

This fallacy sometimes hide the truth and fallacy become the truth.

These are the logical disparities that invalidate arguments.

Here the fallacy is Anecdotal Evidence.

The mother and daughter making their point because of her thought.

Thus, The statements given by the mother and daughter are of The Anecdotal Evidence Fallacy.

Learn more about fallacy, here:

Which statement defines the consideration in a contract


The legal definition of consideration is based on the concept of a “bargained-for exchange.” This means that both parties are getting something that they've agreed to, usually something of value for something of value.

which statement best explains how the focus of passage 1 differs from the focus of passage 2? ​





Full informations;( Character Analysis about Ebenezer Scrooge)​



Ebenezer Scrooge was a coldhearted man, the only things he cared about were money and work. He was wealthy, but greedy and a cheapskate. When Scrooge was younger he used to care about his relationship with Belle, and his nephew Fred. As he got older he became meaner and he didn´t care that nobody cared about him. He liked being alone, he was mean to everyone and hated Christmas. As the Christmas Carol story went on he began to learn what would happen if he ignored what the ghosts told him. Scrooge learned to love Christmas and appreciate the Cratchits and his family.


Please mark me as brainliest! I wrote an essay on this so you can count on my answer! :)

In his first inaugural address, president Ronald Reagan argues that the American people are strong enough to prevail over any obstacle. Which statement is irrelevant to that claim? 1. The price for this freedom at times has been high, but we have never been unwilling to pay that price. 2. These United States are confronted with an economic problem of great proportions... it threatens to shatter the lives of millions of our people. 3. I do not believe in a fate that will fall on us no matter what we do. I do believe in a fate that will fall on us if we do nothing. 4. Here, in this land, we unleashed the energy and individual genius of a man to a greater extent than has ever been done before



its b but it may look different if ur taking a k12 test if u are the answer is These United States are confronted with an economic problem of great proportions... it threatens to shatter the lives of millions of our people


i took the test

The statement which is irrelevant to president Ronald Reagan claim about "American people are strong enough to prevail over any obstacle"is;

These United States are confronted with an economic problem of great proportions... it threatens to shatter the lives of millions of our people.

What is a claim?

A claim refers to a fact or informationwhich is used to provide evidence to prove the truth of a statement.

All the statements above are relevant to president Ronald Reagan argument that the "American people are strong enough to prevail over any obstacle" except option B which is irrelevant.

Learn more about claim:


what’s The definition of fugitive



A person who has escaped or is hiding, especially from authority.



a person who has escaped from a place or is in hiding, especially to avoid arrest or persecution

Or a person who flees or tries to escape: such as. a : a person who flees a country or location to escape danger (such as war) or persecution : refugee.


Histograms. Practice - Level F
In which rainforest tree layer would you most
expect to spot a harpy eagle?
Harpy Eagle Sightings
harpy eagle
Number of Harpy Eagles
Emergent Layer: 40+ meters
Understory: 10 - 29 meters
10 - 19 20 - 29 30 - 39 40 - 49 50 - 59


Answer:Consists foa biological parent, a stepparent, and the children of one or both parents.


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Q is the midpoint of PR. If PQ=4x+5, andQR=2x+25, what is the value of x PLEASE ANSWER ONLY IF YOU KNOW. Reporting and blocking wrong or random answers :// The graph shows changing population statistics during the early part of the twentieth century.A line graph showing African American Population by Region, 1900 to 1930 comparing the Midwest to Northeast. X axis is years 1900, 1910, 1920, 1930. Y axis is Population in increments of 500,000 starting at 0 and ending at 1,500,000. In 1900 and 1910 both regions were around 500,000. In 1920 both grew to around 750,000, and in 1930 both were close to 1,250,000.By the 1930s the African American population of the Midwest and Northeasthad more than tripled since 1900.had more than doubled since 1900.had increased by half since 1900.had remained the same since 1900. someone pls lend a hand pls Solve for x y-b=m(x-a) ABCD is a square. What is the measure of Madeline sells five roses on the first day, seven roses on the second day, ten on the third day, fourteen on the fourth day. If Madeline continues her selling pattern, how many roses will she sell on the tenth day? How many will she sell on the fifteenth day? my question is in the image List two reasons for the colonists' resentment toward the British Parliament. Three-twelfths of the girls on Jamilias softball team missed practice. Which of the following is equal is equal to 3/12? How many moles are there in 105.69 grams of FeCI2 Brianna's parents built a swimming pool in the backyard. Brianna says that the distance around the pool is 120 feet.40 Ft20111. Is she correct? Explain why or why not. (Your explanation needs to include the following: If she is correct, show what shedid to find the distance around the pool. If she is not correct, find the correct distance, showing all work.)2. Explain (using words this time) how Brianna would determine the distance around the pool so that her parents wouldknow how many feet of stone to buy for the edging around the pool. 50 points again!!Choose a health benefit of cell-based/cultivated meat. Explain why this benefit makes cell-based/cultivated meat different from traditionally-produced meat. A politician running for offic writes a book about her major accomplishments and charitable donations. What problem might a historian have when trying to use this book as a source for a historical argument why volcanic eruption more predictable than earthquake. explain why Which sentence from "Reduce Your CarbonFootprint" suggests small changes can help theenvironment?Your carbon footprint is the amount ofcarbon dioxide released into the air becauseof your own energy needs.For example, you can help by growing yourown vegetables and fruits, or by planting aBtree.CYour new plants and trees will help toremove the greenhouse gas CO2 from theair.DAn even quicker way to reduce yourfootprint is to swap old incandescent lightbulbs for the new compact fluorescent lights(CFLs). How many feet are in half a mile? For the weebsIn ouran highschool host club what happens when there was a storm A man runs at a speed of 8 m/s for 15 seconds. Calculate how far it travles. Tell me one way the characters in gatbsy are guilty of destroying the original American dream