Help engglish please!! Use a prepositional phrase in a paragraph about your favorite movie


Answer 1

Answer:My favorite movie is the cartoon “Tom and Jerry”. Tom is a cat with a blue and white color. He keeps the house for a normal family and has a very free life. His job is chasing Jerry day by day. Jerry is a brown house mouse. He usually lives in the deep cave behind the wall. Although they hate each other so much and always find ways to hurt one another, when Tom or Jerry falls into really dangerous situations, they both become one another’s savior.  The film is an endless confrontation between Tom and Jerry, bring plenty of laughter for the audiences

Explanation: Thank me later

Related Questions


In the passage below, what does it mean when Mercutio says "zounds"?

"Consort? What, dost thou make us minstrels? An thou make minstrels of us, look to hear nothing but discords. Here’s my fiddlestick. Here’s that shall make you dance. Zounds, “consort”!"


Zounds, at the time was a phrase to express surprise, anger and indignation.
Hope this help!!

When Mercutio says "zounds", it means anger.

What is the meaning of zounds?

Zounds means "expressing surprise or indignation".

Romeo's hesitation to engage in combat in response to Tybalt's taunts enrages Mercutio in Act 3, scene 2. Romeo's wish to avoid a battle is perceived by Mercutio as a cowardly move, and he calls it "calm, despicable, filthy submission!" He was in a mood to fight.

Thus, zounds means anger when Mercutio said it.

To learn more about Mercutio here


paragraph about growing culture of celebrating birthday in nepal​



it may not be fully effective

but also it will help a bit

stay safe healthy and happy..

an essay on an imaginary superhero ​​



a hero who can solve all the worlds problems (there are so many that u cant even count)



Super man is the coolest man alive. I mean think about it, He can do all types of stuff that we wish we could. however, Aqua man would be much better now that he has the power to control any sea living creature & water. Unlike superman's Kyprotian weakness, Aqua man doesn't have a weakness. but lets talk about scott from teen wolf. I would sure like to have his true alpha powers. Anyways this is the best i can do for u


Based on the PSA you just watched, identify the claim and the call to action from the PSA's message.
What is the claim in the PSA?
What does the PSA try to get the viewer to do?



The answer is B. for the first one and A. for the second.


A public service announcement is a message delivered in the public interest. In the PSA, parents may not always know what best is the claim, and it tries that a sick person should talk to a doctor.

What is PSA?

PSA (Public Service Announcement) is a message that is community-oriented and is delivered to create awareness. They are made to raise public awareness and to create public interest in social topics.

They can be short videos or audio messages that can be broadcasted on television, radio, or other social platforms. They are the most cost-effective method to raise awareness and information.

Learn more about PSA here:


Find the error with subject-verb agreement. Select the incorrect verb and type it correctly.

Neither Alaska nor Florida have a state income tax however residents in those states must still pay federal income tax.



Neither Alaska nor Florida HAS a state income tax however residents in those states must still pay federal income tax.


According to subject-verb agreement in concord, when the word "neither" is used to compare two things, it is proceeded with "nor" which is correct in the given sentence, and is a singular verb.

However, the given error in the sentence is the use of "have" which is incorrect because the word "have" is a plural word that is used along with plural words.

Therefore, the correct word to be used in the sentence is "has".

Read the paragraph.

I have been a nurse for twenty years. In that time, I have seen a great number of patients suffer because they did not have health insurance. One of the worst cases was a young mother of two who was diagnosed with early stage skin cancer. Because she could not afford treatment, the cancer spread from her skin to other parts of her body. By the time I saw her for the first time, the cancer had reached her brain, and she could no longer be helped. This sort of thing should not happen to anyone. A strong universal health care system could prevent instances like this from occurring.

What makes this appeal from the paragraph convincing?

I have been a nurse for twenty years.
It uses proven data as evidence.
It appeals to the reader’s emotions.
It shows the writer’s credibility.
It reveals important statistics.



C) It shows the writer's credibility.


took test

This paragraph's appeal is persuasive since it plays on the reader's emotions. Option (C) is hence the appropriate response.

What do you mean by health insurance ?

A type of insurance that covers all or a portion of the risk of a person needing medical care is known as health insurance or medical insurance (sometimes referred to as medical aid in South Africa). The risk is distributed among several people, just like with other kinds of insurance. An insurer can create a regular financial structure, such as a monthly premium or payroll tax,

to provide the funds to pay for the medical benefits provided in the insurance agreement by assessing the overall risk of health risk and health system expenses over the risk pool. A central organization, such as a government agency, for-profit corporation, or private company, is in charge of administering the benefit.

Learn more about health insurance, from :


What does making an inference mean?
guessing the answers
making educated assumptions about meaning
knowing the answer
none of the above



B. making educated assumptions about meaning



B.Making an educated assumption about meaning


the definition of an inference is: read between the lines,” make connections, and draw conclusions about the text's meaning and purpose.

Which statement best describes the men at the general store?


Answer:you already answered but d

Explanation: i did it

Click or tap the underlined phrase that MOST helps the author convey the feeling of being stressed.


Answer: help ease the stress


this chapter was not about going to christopher's house but what was it really about?



kiss daisy and she say ror

Which of these methods would be best to provide
primary source information on how video gamers
increase their traditional sources of income?
competing in video gamer tournaments
conducting a survey of video gamers
atterrding a video-gamer convention
reading video gamer magazines.


Answer: D
Reading video GAMEE magazines !
My Answer: B

conducting a survey of video gamers

Read the excerpt from "A Quilt of a Country."
America is an improbable idea. A mongrel nation built of ever-changing disparate parts, it is held together by a notion, the notion that all men are created equal, though everyone knows that most men consider themselves better than someone. "Of all the nations in the world, the United States was built in nobody's image," the historian Daniel Boorstin wrote. That's because it was built of bits and pieces that seem discordant, like the crazy quilts that have been one of its great folk-art forms, velvet and calico and checks and brocades. Out of many, one. That is the ideal..

Which statement best explains the role context plays in better understanding this excerpt?

Quindlen uses the context of American diversity to help readers rethink the concept of American identity and understand that she supports the idea of unity among Americans of all cultures.

Understanding that Quindlen is the descendant of immigrants helps the reader realize that she supports the idea that some cultures are naturally better than others.

Quindlen uses the context of living in the United States during the 9/11 attacks to help the reader realize that she feels that unity among all Americans is impossible to achieve.

Understanding that Quindlen is an immigrant from another country helps readers realize that she understands societies like the United States more than most people.



The first paragraph discusses the idea that Americans are united as one despite their differences. The second paragraph discusses the idea that acts of intolerance make it difficult to believe that Americans are united as one.


1.) Which of the following choices is the definition of a verb?

A.) A verb is a word that describes or tells more about a noun.

B.) A verb is a word that stands in for or replaces a noun.

C.) A verb is a word or words that describe the relationship of a noun to another word.

D.) A verb is an action word that describes what the noun is doing.




hope it helps

What is the central idea of the first paragraph of The Dark Game?

The Civil War was a short conflict between the North and the South.
The Civil War lasted longer than people at first expected it to last.
During the Civil War, there were many casualties on both sides.
During the Civil War, Fort Sumter was overtaken by the Confederacy.


The central idea that the first paragraph of The Dark Game conveys would be:

B). The Civil War lasted longer than people at first expected it to last.

Civil War

Civil War has been one of the significant wars of history that continued for four long years.

The key idea that the author attempts to communicate through the Dark Game's first paragraph is that the Civil War continued for a longer period than it was expected.

The details provided show that people were not assuming it to elongate for this very period of time.

Thus, option B is the correct answer.

Learn more about "The Dark Game" here:





Essay every journey has an end 300 words




Start a journey and explain all surroundings and what u saw , how u enjoyed and then u try to have more 300 word through it

In the recent past, the Federal Reserve has set the discount rate


equal to the prime rate

below the federal funds rate

above the prime rate


above the federal funds rate




above the federal funds rate.


The Federal Reserve System ( popularly referred to as the 'Fed') was created by the Federal Reserve Act, passed by the U.S Congress on the 23rd of December, 1913. The Fed began operations in 1914 and just like all central banks, the Federal Reserve is a United States government agency.

Generally, it comprises of twelve (12) Federal Reserve Bank regionally across the United States of America.

Like all central banks, the Federal Reserve is a government agency that is saddled with the following responsibilities;

I. The Fed controls the issuance of currency in United States of America: it promotes public goals such as economic growth, low inflation, and the smooth operation of financial markets.

II. It provides banking services to all the commercial banks in the country because the Federal Reserve is the "lender of last resort."

III. It regulates banking activities in the United States of America: it has the power to supervise and regulate banks.

Also, the Fed is saddled with the responsibility of selling government securities such as treasury bills to the public.

The federal funds rate can be defined as the interest rate depository financial institutions such as banks charge each other for lending out excess cash from their reserve balances overnight without any form of collateral required.

The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) are typically responsible for making monetary policy such as setting the federal funds rate and determination of the direction of a monetary policy in the United States of America.

Additionally, a rate set by the Federal Reserves Bank known as the federal funds rates are used to determine the floating-rate of securities such as bonds.

A discount rate can be defined as the interest rate the Federal Reserve charges any bank that borrow directly from it.

Generally, the discount rate is set 100 basis points (1 percentage point) above the federal funds rate target, so as to encourage banks to borrow from each other at the lower federal funds rate. Also, this would help the banks to monitor each other for credit risk and liquidity.

If you will be given a chance to undo an experience in the past, what will it

be and why? Explain your answer in five to eight sentences using the progressive

tenses of verbs in paragraph form.



This is an interesting question, and ultimately I think either way you are doomed. Honestly I think the answer lies in how much your willing to believe about the unknown, and how much you believe about upper dimensions. Human control makes going back to the past very difficult, because if you went back in time your going to want to tell yourself to do something to change your present and future which could erase your ability to go back in time in the first place, or lets say everything works, well you have just changed the present and the future which means you may never need to go back in the past or have the desire to, because life is great, but that would mean you never went which in turn means you forever live in a circular paradox. Seeing the future could be depressing, because it means your future will always be this which means you have to deal with that, and that no matter what depending on what you believe your destiny will be for that to happen. I think this is one of the reasons man kind has not reached a point of being able to mess with the fifth dimension because as a species we cant handle it yet. Even as I write this I would still try to disprove what I just said because I cant perceive anything more than my own cognizance. While a more graduated practice may see time travel as a help to society. I think in order for time travel or dimension hopping to be successful we would need to learn how to think and act in a dimension above our own, which kind of sucks, but that just proves how we are not ready.


What Happened with Chernobyl 2 sentences​


The Chernobyl accident in 1986 was the result of a flawed reactor design that was operated with inadequately trained personnel.
The resulting steam explosion and fires released at least 5% of the radioactive reactor core into the environment, with the deposition of radioactive materials in many parts of Europe.

(Change up the words on quilbot just in case)

can someone check this and see if this is right



The last one is opinion. In someone's opinion they look tired, sleepy etc. They are all correct! Great job!



You're all correct but I don't see an answer on number 20, if you don't know it then it's F

the___ air in the small cabin forced us outside​



pressured air





please helppp!!!!!
i will mark as brainliest for the correct answer.



the last option: approve is the answer

A speaker says:
You know, dinner is taking, like, forever to cook, and I'm starving.

Which of the following is the correct way to transcribe this according to our Clean Verbatim Style Guide?

A) Dinner is taking forever to cook, and I'm starving.
B) You know, dinner is taking, like, forever to cook, and I'm starving.
C) Dinner is taking, like, forever to cook, and I'm starving.


I believe the answer would be A ^^

Trying putting yourself in the shoes of an out-group member. What does your in-group look like from that perspective


From an out groups perspective depending on what type of people they are they could be considered mean, or crazy silly goofy or really settle people but from the out groups perspective they’ll never actually truly know your group so they can only place judgment for what they see and it could be many things as well as just being a overall good friend group




1. A

2. C

3. B

4. A

5. C

6. A

7. C

8. C

9. C

10. A


What personality traits do you think result from the way
are raised?



Anger issues, depression, drug addiction issues, and whether you are introverted/extroverted.


Hope this helps. Please mark as brainliest!


If they grow up being spoiled when they grow up they migth think they can have whatever they want or if they were raised with a little bit of money when they grow up they will be determined to seek for success.


Who is intended audience for this document



What’s the document?

argumentative essay on wheather homework is helpful or harmful?​




There is a sense of responsibility associated with completing their homework. Children feel responsible for finishing homework and accomplished when they do it. They start allotting their time to study and play thus learning to complete their scheduled tasks in the time they have. Moreover, they learn to do things on their own. They manage their time and complete their work independently. Homework encourages self-discipline in students. homework helps the children learn with interest. Teachers give comments on the work they do.  produced better exam results,  

Homework should not become a punishment. Parents can take the responsibility to give strengthen by supporting their children in their home assignments. Parents must take interest in the homework given to their children. They must help their kids do their homework.

homework actually give many advantages to students and it is helpful to help students to be more understand on what they had learn from what their teachers teach. homework helps teachers determine how well the lessons are being understood by their students. I totally agreed with topic is homework harmful or helpful to students because for my opinion, I choose that homework are helpful to students.

Identifying How Perspective Is Shaped
Match each of Liza's actions on the left to how it affects Joe's perspective of her on the right.
Liza helps Joe with his homework.
Joe thinks Liza is funny.
Liza makes Joe laugh.
Joe thinks Liza is irresponsible.
Liza loses Joe's music player.
Joe thinks Liza is nice.



Liza helps Joe with his homework.

Joe thinks Liza is nice.

Liza makes Joe laugh.

Joe thinks Liza is funny.

Liza loses Joe's music player.

Joe thinks Liza is irresponsible.

After Banquo's murder, who do the witches meet with to discuss the trouble in Scotland?




They meet with Macbeth and Banquo


They make a prediction that Macbeth will be made Thane of Cawdor and King of Scotland, Banquo will be the father of kings.

Read the passage from “Edgar Allan Poe.”

“In speaking of my mother you have touched a string to which my heart fully responds. To have known her is to be an object of great interest in my eyes. I myself never knew her—and never knew the affection of a father. Both died (as you may remember) within a few weeks of each other. I have many occasional dealings with Adversity—but the want of parental affection has been the heaviest of my trials.”

In this passage, the author quotes Poe to define



A; a cause of his dark themes.


Answer: "A" is your answer.

Explanation: I got it right on the test. I hope this helps. Have a nice day or night.

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