Hello help me please

Hello Help Me Please


Answer 1
The answer is all of the above.

Related Questions

How did television change life in the 1950s


Answer: Television programming has had a huge impact on American and world culture. Many critics have dubbed the 1950s as the Golden Age of Television. TV sets were expensive and so the audience was generally affluent. Situation comedies and variety shows were formats that were borrowed from radio.

Hope this helps :D

Answer: Television programming has had a huge impact on American and world culture. Many critics have dubbed the 1950s as the Golden Age of Television. TV sets were expensive and so the audience was generally affluent. Situation comedies and variety shows were formats that were borrowed from radio


After the death of Muhammad, how did Muslims create a large and powerful empire?



The expansion of the Arab Empire in the years following the Prophet Muhammad's death led to the creation of caliphates occupying a vast geographical area. Conversion to Islam was boosted by missionary activities, particularly those of Imams, who easily intermingled with local populace to propagate religious teachings.


Hope it helps ;)

What was the significance of the northwest ordinance?



Considered one of the most important legislative acts of the Confederation Congress, the Northwest Ordinance also protected civil liberties and outlawed slavery in the new territories.

The significance of the northwest ordinance was that it lead out that how the new states could be added to the United States.

What was the Northwest Ordinance's significance?

The Northwest Ordinance was also known by the legal name as the Ordinance of 1787. This was significant because it outlined that the additional states could be admitted to the United States.

This was established a government for the Northwest Territory that  drawn the procedure for declaring a new state to the Union, and pledged that newly represented states would be balanced to the thirteen original states.

Therefore, option C is correct.

Learn more about the northwest ordinance, refer to:



Does appearance still influence our thoughts on a presidential candidate?





We still do not have a women for President

why was fredrick douglas important?


He was an escaped slave who became a prominent activist, author and a public speaker. He became a leader in the abolitionist movement.

How did the Great Depression affect Latin America?


reduced the foreign demand for latin goods.


The Great Depression upset the Latin American economy. The global demand for Latin American goods dropped off. They saw the need to develop their own goods so they would not be so dependent on things happening around the world.

Hope this helps

I need to know how the roaring 20’s changed America in these three ways



In the Roaring Twenties, a surging economy created an era of mass consumerism, as Jazz-Age flappers flouted Prohibition laws and the Harlem Renaissance redefined arts and culture.


Why did Spanish conquistadors go to war with the native peoples of Middle America?

please don't search on googl.e.



Conquistadors = conquerors.

They came for gold and wealth and they took it. The native people were not Christian so they didn't have any day in the matter.

“Might makes right" was the rule that politics was based on in the 15th century. It was a time where the European world was a patchwork of small countries constantly either warring with each other or seeking protection with others.

The concept of human rights was virtually unknown and international law (other then that supplied by the Catholic Church) was pretty much nonexistent.

Nearly all European lands were the property of the Kings, Princes, and Dukes who ruled over it by force.

The Spanish and Portuguese basically applied these “rules" to the new lands they “discovered". If you were weaker they conquered you. If you were stronger they allied with you against a mutual enemy.


Have a great day

Shays' Rebellion was about
A. slavery
B. taxes
C. voting



B. Taxing



The answer for this question is B.)Taxes

The Harlem Renaissance refers to the efforts of African American artists, writers and musicians of the 1920s and 30s to tell ___.





African Americans have stories to tell just like other POC, so they used music and dance as a way to do that.

(I hope I'm right)

What option is the best theme statement for this passage



Can you give a example?


Why do most people in the United States today consider themselves to be part of the middle class?

A.) There is no established definition of classes
B.) There is a system to base class on achievement levels
C.) They will live better than their children
D.) They tend to be in the same class as their parents


i’m pretty sure it a!!


hope it helps the answer

Pro north provisions: California admitted to the union as a free state, slave trade prohibited in Washington D.C.
Pro south provisions: Slaveholding still permitted in Washington D.C. , Fugitive slave law passed

This table describes selected provisions of the-
A-Missouri Compromise
B-Compromise of 1850
C-Kansas-Nebraska act
D-Northwest Ordinance





Answer:B)Compromise of 1850

Explanation: I got it right cuhh

This type of control used by European nations during imperialistic colonization was a type of limited self-rule for local governments and Europeans relied on existing political rulers to accept the outside country’s control and to train local leaders in the British or European method of government.

A paternalism
B continental influence
C direct control
D indirect control


The answer is D indirect control

Who benefits from slavery (the people who owned slaves)



the slave owners hey can sell slaves for money or sometimes more land


You are in Ancient Egypt and see the pyramids. Write 2 or more sentences with 2 or more adjectives (Adjectives are words that describe nouns (or pronouns). "Old," "green," and "cheerful" are examples of adjectives.) to describe the Great Pyramids of Giza to a friend.


The great Pyramids of Giza are so beautiful my friend! They are astoundingly tall, with the stone slightly worn down yet still strong. Even though they are millenia old, they still are a sign to those who come to Egypt that the history from long ago still matters and is still impacting the lives of all who come to see the Pyramids today.

I think I'm not being helpful but I really hope I was. I hope you get a good grade! Have a great day/night.


Explain what each leg of the triangle trade was responsible for?



n the first leg of their three-part journey, often called the Triangular Trade, European ships brought manufactured goods, weapons, even liquor to Africa in exchange for slaves; on the second, they transported African men, women, and children to the Americas to serve as slaves; and on the third leg,


your welcome

Mrs w.c. Lathrop in New Freedom in the Home 1920



what is your question??


Which answer option most likely describes a nonfiction account of Americans traveling west during the gold rush of the mid-1800s?​


B, because the others have story elements that frequently appear in historical fiction. Not to mention how the only choice that used the word “historical” is B

What is the main reason dams and canals were built in Washington in the early 1900s?



For the development of navigation, flood control, irrigation, and hydropower


The main reason dams and canals were built in Washington in the early 1900s was "for the development of navigation, flood control, irrigation, and hydropower."

This is evident in the fact that in 1925 when the US Congress approved the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Federal Power Commission to jointly "...prepare and submit to Congress an estimate of the cost of making such examinations, surveys or other investigations... for efficient development of the potential water power, the control of floods and the needs of irrigation."

The report was eventually realized during the Franklin D. Roosevelt administration as the United States president

Answer: B


Hello it's B :)

Which person most clearly expressed ideas that were consistent with Locke’s political philosophy



Which person most clearly expressed ideas that were consistent with Hobbes's political philosophy?

Which person most clearly expressed ideas that were consistent with Hobbes' political philosophy? A. Louis XIV, who said, "L'etat, c'est moi," or "The state, it is I." 4.




It is an argument but it is most definitely not a valid claim, nor is it reasonable or persuasive. It does not include any evidence so I would say it is an opinion.

It is A because...

B - has no evidence
C - does not tell why it’s just an argument
D - it’s not a reason, just an argument with no detailed information
the answer is A bc i just had an assignment with that question

which invention helped farmers plant crops more quickly and efficiently​


Answer: The right answer is Seed drill. Explanation: The first innovation made to improve the agricultural revolution was the Jethro Tull seed drill.


seed drill


The Supreme Court has held that the key factor in determining whether or not released time programs are constitutional is


what students do during those programs.


when the programs are held.


where those programs are held.


who attends the programs


I believe it is C. Have a good day.

Argue why freedom of the press is an important right



A free and independent press has been theorized to be a key mechanism of a functioning, healthy democracy. In the absence of censorship, journalism exists as a watchdog of private and government action, providing information to maintain an informed citizenry of voters.


When you look at the actions of Republican's and Democrats in Congress; is what they say and,
even more importantly, what they do really any different? (essentially, does it really even matter
which party is in charge?)




The partisan split in America is the highest it has been in two decades, with Republicans and Democrats holding disparate views on race, immigration and more, according to a new Pew study.

Which of the following was the main goal of the Iroquois Confederacy?

resist European settlement

plant crops

promote peace



The purpose of the Iroquois League was to promote peace, goodwill, and understanding among a number of different tribes that had previously resorted...



promote peace is the correct answer :)


what does detente reminds you of​


it means release of tension


The resistance and deter Soviet adventurism while striving for "more constructive relations" with the Communist world.

15 POINTS!!!
Help me with this Question I am giving 15 Points




Suez Crisis

Suez CrisisCollapse of the Soviet Union

Suez CrisisCollapse of the Soviet UnionThe 1850s

Bay of the pigs invasion

Fridel Castro

Red Scare

The space race

Berlin Blockade


The Cold war Shook the Foudation of the world ad it was the first time that large Scale nuclear Warfare became truly Realistic Threat Spanning Approoximatly 45 years between 1947 and 1991 wherein no derect battles were fought , The cold war Soviet Union.By deeply Delving into most Critical Events of the dispute historians Can devolvep a better understanding of the cold wars extensive Conflict.

when did anti-Jewish policies begin in Germany​



When Adolf Hitler became the ruler of Germany

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