How did the issue of states' rights contribute to the outbreak of the Civil War?

How Did The Issue Of States' Rights Contribute To The Outbreak Of The Civil War?


Answer 1


One of the answers


States' Rights refers To the struggle between the federal government and individual states over political power. In the Civil War era, this struggle focused heavily on the institution of slavery and whether the federal government had the right to regulate or even abolish slavery within an individual state.

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What were some of the flaws of the Articles of Confederation?
A. It required a unanimous vote to change of amend the document and gave the states too little power
B. It gave too much power to the federal government and not enough to the states
C. Allow states to print there own money and individually regulate trade between themselves and other states
D. it allowed individual states to negotiate trade with foreign countries and print their own money



the answer is C

7) What two things was the city of Rhodes famous for?



Historically, Rhodes island was very famous worldwide for the Colossus of Rhodes, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. The Medieval Old Town of the City of Rhodes has been declared a World Heritage Site. Today, it is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Europe.


The Monroe Doctrine was a proclamation stating that
some American Indian tribes must relocate to Oklahoma

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the United States must control its own trade routes





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the policy of Richard Nixon during the Vietnam War to end U.S. involvement in the war and to expand and train South Vietnam's forces and assign to them an ever-increasing combat role.

How did Sharecropping keep Freedmen
tied to land in the South?


By the early 1870s, the system known as sharecropping had come to dominate agriculture across the cotton-planting South. Under this system, black families would rent small plots of land, or shares, to work themselves; in return, they would give a portion of their crop to the landowner at the end of the year.Jun 24, 2010

Sharecropping was popular among Freedmen and caused many of them to continue to stay in the South when slavery was abolished.

Sharecropping is when the owner of the land, who were white plantation owners during this time, would give out parts of their land to rent in return for getting a portion of the crops that were being grown on the land. This was a way for both white and black farmers to obtain money.

A lot of former slaves had turned to sharecropping because they had expertise in farming. They knew that if they went to the North, it would be hard to find jobs because they did not know anything about factory or industry work. The North was focused on industrialization, while the South was focused on agriculture, so many former slaves stayed tied to what they were familiar with.

Read this passage from a fictional 20th-century Russian newsletter:The Russian czarist system must end immediately. It is the only thing responsible for the starvation and death Russians face today. Without the czar, Russia would be the wealthiest, most powerful country in the world. If we overthrow him, the Russian people will have the highest standard of living humanity has ever witnessed within six months!

Why would historians most likely question this source's credibility?

A.It references disturbing concepts like starvation and death.
B.It does not discuss any countries other than Russia.
C.It calls for the overthrow of an established government.
D.It makes claims that seem dishonest and unrealistic.



D.It makes claims that seem dishonest and unrealistic.


The dishonest claims that the article made about the Czarist was not only dishonest but was at same time unrealistic. There could be other reasons that made the Russians to be dying like poor medical conditions of their health center, illnesses etc rather than the Czarist system which is a monarchical kind of system practiced in Russia.

Only goods were exchanged along the Silk Road.
O True
O False



if I'm not mistaken i believe it's true


Explanation:Besides silk, the Chinese also exported (sold) teas, salt, sugar, porcelain, and spices. Most of what was traded was expensive luxury goods. This was because it was a long trip and merchants didn't have a lot of room for goods. They imported, or bought, goods like cotton, ivory, wool, gold, and silver.

Were does the Oregon trail start ?​


Answer:The Oregon Trail began in Independence, Missouri and ended in Oregon City, Oregon. It stretched for around 2,000 miles and through six different states including Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Wyoming, Idaho, and Oregon.


According to the quote above, one of the reasons that Vanzetti gives
for his murder conviction is
A strong evidence.
an impartial jury.
excellent lawyers.
a fear of foreigners.


C is correct answer
I believe the correct answer is C good luck

Choose all of the items that describe conflicts between the Plains Indians and the United States in the last half of the 19th century.
es )
Ghost Dance
Wounded Knee
Trail of Tears
Little Big Horn
Sequoyah's syllabary



ghost dance, wounded knee, and little big horn


Items that describes conflicts that exist between the Plains Indians as well as the United States in the last half of the 19th century are;

Ghost DanceWounded KneeLittle Big Horn

Plains Wars serves as conflicts that started around early 1850s and this took place between Plains Indians and United States.

And this is because of control of the Great Plains that exist between Mississippi River as well as the Rocky Mountains.

Items that describes this war are;

Ghost DanceWounded KneeLittle Big Horn

Therefore, option A,B,D are correct.

Learn more at:

How do you think the indigenous people felt about the Treaty of Tordesillas?



How do you think the indigenous people felt about the Treaty of Tordesillas?


The treaty worked out well for the Spanish and Portuguese empires, but less so for the 50 million people already living in established communities in the Americas. On June 7, 1494, the governments of Spain and Portugal agreed to the Treaty of Tordesillas. This treaty divided the “New World” of the Americas. hope this helps :) lemme know if u want the exact answer shorter

How does the Church celebrate the Triduum?



Easter Triduum, or the Three Days, is the period of three days that begins with the liturgy on the evening of Maundy Thursday, reaches its high point in the Easter Vigil, and closes with evening prayer on Easter Sunday.


hope this helps :)

Which of these statements would be classified as Communist Russia?

A. The USSR provided land to all citizens.

B. Stalin formed a totalitarian state.

C. The USSR had a free market economy.

D. The Russian Orthodox Church made many governments decisions.














Which promises did the American Indian tribes make in the treaty? Check all that apply.

to settle on the reservation within a year’s time
to give up their rights to hunt, fish, and gather food on their traditional lands
to share the reservation with a group of white settlers
to avoid trading with the settlers on Vancouver Island
to free any enslaved workers and to stop all forms of slavery



I think it's all of the options:))


they all bring about benefits:))


A. to settle on the reservation within a year’s time

D. to avoid trading with the settlers on Vancouver Island

E. to free any enslaved workers and to stop all forms of slavery


What is the name of our constitution?





Answer: I think it is the supreme law of the land

U.S. Constitution: 1787-1789

The Constitution of the United States is the foundation of our Federal Government. It is often called the supreme law of the land; no law may be passed that contradicts its principles.

Hope this helps have a awesome night/day❤️✨


Carnegie believed that poor should not just be given money because:

c) he thinks receiving charity would make them slothful.

d) he thinks rich people deserve to keep all their money.​


Subsection c

"Because he helped the poor by having so much wealth, he helped them by giving everything they needed, and he invested half of his wealth in people in need."

Why was there no intervention by the United States Government for the great depression?



hello and bye


The Myth: An unregulated free market and unrestricted Wall Street greed caused the Great Depression and only the interventionist policies of Franklin D. Roosevelt got us out.

The Reality: The Great Depression was caused by government intervention, above all a financial system controlled by America’s central bank, the Federal Reserve — and the interventionist policies of Hoover and FDR only made things worse.

What type of government did Japan have after and before World War II?


Japan’s form of government was more akin to an aristocratic oligarchy.



Why did the American government attempt to Americanize the Indian tribes?



The Dawes Act of 1887 regulated land rights on tribal territories within the United States. It authorized the President of the United States to subdivide Native American tribal communal landholdings into allotments for Native American heads of families and individuals. The objective of the Dawes Act was to assimilate Native Americans into mainstream US society by annihilating their cultural and social traditions. As a result of the Dawes Act, over ninety million acres of tribal land were stripped from Native Americans and sold to non-natives.

Which of the following reasons explain why European citizens moved in larges in Zulu lands in 1867


Answer: diamond rush ensued following the discovery of diamonds on Zulu lands.



Sargon ruled which empire for 56 years?



Neither the number of years during which he lived nor the point in time at which he ruled can be fixed exactly; 2334 bce is now given as a date on which to hang the beginning of the dynasty of Agade, and, according to the Sumerian king list, he was king for 56 years..


The Attack on Pearl Harbor Short answers


Answer: Pearl Harbor attack, (December 7, 1941), surprise aerial attack on the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor on Oahu Island, Hawaii, by the Japanese that precipitated the entry of the United States into World War II. The strike climaxed a decade of worsening relations between the United States and Japan. Hope this helps have a awesome night/day❤️✨


On the morning of 7 December 1941, at 7.55am local time, 183 aircraft of the Imperial Japanese Navy attacked the United States Naval base at Pearl Harbor on the island of Oahu, Hawaii. ... Within two hours, 18 US warships had been sunk or damaged, 188 aircraft destroyed and 2,403 American servicemen and women killed.

It was caused by Japan in 1941 (December ) territory of Hawaii

how is the white mans burden used in society today



they have white privilege


trust me I have a white friend

Help me pleaseee!!!!!


Answer: It’s between dark blue and yellow

Explanation: the Babylonians are Greek that should hint you because that all I know about them

What caused America’s economy to get worse after the French and Indian War?



A flood of cheap British manufactured imports that sold cheaper than comparable American-made goods made the post-war economic slump worse. Finally, the high level of debt taken on by the states to fund the war effort added to the economic crisis by helping to fuel rapid inflation.


light work

Which change is a direct result from Neolithic Revolution?



Machines were used to mass-produce goods for markets. The centers of trade moved from the Mediterranean Sea to the Atlantic Ocean. A surplus of food led to more complex societies.



Explain why the Bosque Redondo plan failed.



Bosque Redondo plan failed because the plan was poorly-planned there was diseases everywhere, crop infestation and general poor conditions and crops.

What was one goal of the Lewis and Clark Expedition?

O A. To decide whether the United States should purchase the Louisiana Territory

B. To see whether the United States should send settlers to Canada

O C. To find better transportation routes to California

D. To produce maps of the Louisiana Territory

will give brainliest ​



The expedition's goal as stated by President Jefferson was "to explore the Missouri River, & such principal stream of it as, by its course & communication with the water of the Pacific ocean may offer the most direct & practicable water communication across this continent, for the purposes of commerce." In addition, the expedition was to learn more about the Northwest's natural resources, inhabitants, and possibilities for settlement.

How did sharecropping and Jim Crow laws work to limit opportunities for African Americans in the south?



The black codes effectively continued enslavement for African Americans by restricting their rights and exploiting their labor.



The answer is B



when members of a species all die out it is referred to as ?


Answer: extinction????


Extinction. Have a good day!
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