Governments want to decrease the negative effects of climate change. Which of these measures would be most effective? Select the two correct answers.

A. Convert electric power plants from natural gas to coal.
B. Transition from power plants that burn natural gas to those that do not use fossil fuels.
C. Give tax incentives for energy conservation in homes and businesses.
D. Make the price of gasoline and diesel cheaper for consumers.


Answer 1

Answer: c and b i just did it like 2 minutes ago

Explanation:c and b i just did it like 2 minutes ago

Answer 2

B. Transition from power plants that burn natural gas to those that do it not use fossil fuels.

C. Give tax incentives for energy conservation in homes and businesses.

Related Questions

what is muscle cramp how can we get relief from​


A muscle cramp is from being hydrated and you get relief from it by drinking water.. can I have the brainlyist please :))


A muscle cramp can be caused by dehydration within one's body. Some ways to relieve this is to stretch and massage. Stretch the cramped muscle and gently rub it to help it relax. Following these actions try to hydrate yourself as much as possible


Bone marrow stem cells differentiate into any type of cell. true or false?





Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells have pluripotent potential and mainly into osteoblasts into the skeleton, but its unbalanced.




Stem cells from bone marrow are pluripotent which can differentiate from signaling mechanisms.

help please!!! asap!!





Period 6 2-25 What percent of offspring from two heterozygous parents will have the dominant phenotype? William Brown. Feb 24 100 points please help ​





If both parents are heterozygous (Ww), there is a 75% chance that any one of their offspring will have a widow's peak (see figure). A Punnett square can be used to determine all possible genotypic combinations in the parents. A pedigree that depicts a dominantly inherited trait has a few key distinctions.

How do you get rid of homologous chromosomes?



hear is the answer hope it helps

What would happen to food chains if all the plants died out ?justify your answer.


Answer:  there would be no way for energy to enter the food web, and the ecological community would collapse.


everything would die because its a domino effect


There would be no way for animals to get the energy they would need so all of the animals would get sick, and if other animals ate them they would get sick and the food chain would start dying.


Select all the correct answers.
The image shows a week-old chick embryo. What can you conclude about its current stage of development?
A spinal column is present.
The chick will develop four limbs and a beak.
It's an invertebrate.
It's sexually mature.
It's about to undergo a metamorphosis,



spinal column is present.

B] The chick will develop four limbs and a beak.

C] It's an invertebrate.

D] It's sexually mature

E] It's about to undergo a metamorphosis.

An oceanographer discovered a deep underwater opening as shown in the illustration. The scientist classifies this as a mid-ocean ridge. Is the scientist correct or incorrect and why or why not?

the Oceanic Crust slipping below the Continental Crust.
© 2016, University of Wisconsin Board of Regents

He is incorrect. Mid-ocean ridges are sites of frequent volcanic activity.
He is incorrect. Mid-ocean ridges are sites of divergent oceanic plates.
He is correct. Mid-ocean ridges are flat areas at the foot of continental shelves.
He is correct. Mid-ocean ridges are ancient volcanoes whose tops have eroded away.


A.He is incorrect. Mid-ocean ridges are sites of frequent volcanic activity.

B.He is incorrect. Mid-ocean ridges are sites of divergent oceanic plates.

C.He is correct. Mid-ocean ridges are flat areas at the foot of continental shelves.

D.He is correct. Mid-ocean ridges are ancient volcanoes whose tops have eroded away.

The correct option is D.

Mid ocean ridges refers to an underwater mountain system that is formed by plate tectonic.Mid ocean ridges are formed when convention current arise in the mantle under the oceanic crust and from a magma,where two tectonic plates come together at aboundary

hope it helps,

nakita ko lng din po yan sa brainly ph....

Answer: He is correct. Mid-ocean ridges are ancient volcanoes whose tops have eroded away


Create a food chain directions the following organisms


Grass—>Mushroom—>Rabbit——>Snake—->Fox I think???

Which will occur when two organisms in the same habitat occupy the same niche?



C.geographic isolation






How would you describe the processes of producing protein from DNA?



The flow of information from DNA to RNA to proteins is one of the fundamental principles of molecular biology. It is so important that it is sometimes called the “central dogma.” Through the processes of transcription and translation, information from genes is used to make proteins.

More and likely flow of information from DNA to RNA to proteins is one of the fundamental principles of molecular biology. It is so important that it is sometimes called the “central dogma.” Through the processes of transcription and translation, information from genes is used to make proteins

How does a light moths variation in color change its probability of surviving in a dark - tree environment over time?



Due to the moths light color it won't be able to blend in with the darkly colored trees therefore being easily seen by predators.

Put the phases of cell division (sex cells ) in order there are 12



Prophase I, prometaphase, metaphase I, anaphase I, telophase I, and cytokinesis, interphase, prophase II, prometaphase II, metaphase II, anaphase II, telophase II, and cytokinesis.


Prophase I, prometaphase, metaphase I, anaphase I, telophase I, and cytokinesis, interphase, prophase II, prometaphase II, metaphase II, anaphase II, telophase II, and cytokinesis are the 12 phases of cell division that occurs in the sex cells of human body. These double phases allow the sex cells to produce four daughter cells from a single parent cell but the chromosomes number is half in each daughter cell.

Recycling of solid waste minimizes pollution. Give reason.


Recycling prevents the emissions of many greenhouse gases and water pollutants, and saves energy. Using recovered material generates less solid waste. Also, when products are made using recovered rather than virgin materials, less energy is used during manufacturing, and fewer pollutants are emitted.

How would the fact that a species like the Florida panther "requires large territories" make it vulnerable to extinction?



Continued human development and natural resource abuse lessen the amount of wilderness, affecting the Florida panther particularly negatively due to its requirement for large territories.


With the continuous expantion of humanity and society, wild territory is becoming smaller and smaller. The more needs an animal requires, the harder it will be for that animal to survive.


I would like to note that I am dissatisfied with the answer you gave nineteen different questions (including my own); And I quote "Sorry don’t know just trying to get points". These are the words that were used, and it is impossible for me to believe that you would be jumping up and down for joy if this was the answer you got on your questions. Now, I could have done the same to you for revenge (trust me, the thought passed my mind), or, I could show you what it is like to act mature. Again, I feel sorry that you fill your days with letting others down when they need it. I hope my answer helps you more than your answer helped me.

And to any other people who may see this answer, if you do the same thing as this user, please stop. It makes others feel like they don't mean anything to anybody else. This behavior is not a habit, it's a disease. It makes me incredibly upset, so please stop the unnecessary fake apologies.


True or false: All herbivores are autotrophs.





Autotrophs, organisms that produce their own food, are the first trophic level. These include plants and algae. Herbivores, which eat autotrophs, are the second trophic level. Carnivores, organisms that consume animals, and omnivores, organisms that consume both plants and animals, are the third trophic level.

hii pls help i’ll give brainliest if you give a correct answer tysm


east to west
i’m not 100% sure but i think so :)

The sides of the DNA ladder are made of two molecules that alternate. The alternating molecules are __?__ and __?__.



Sugar and phosphate


sugar and p h o s p h a t e

Chemical reactions that take place in living things are called biochemical changes. Identify at least 3 biochemical changes



This is referred to as metabolism . Metabolism includes both exothermic (heat-releasing) chemical reactions and endothermic (heat-absorbing) chemical reactions. Did this help?

Credits to bio lebre texts.

Which of the following organisms is most closely related: Acer capillipes, Equidae equus, Sus scrofa, Acer saccharum, or Felus catus? Explain your answer.
sorry I'm running out of points to give but I really don't understand this ​



Explanation:Acer Rubrum & Chenopodium rubrum. Acer Rubrum & Acer Saccharum. Acer Rubrum & Acer Saccharum. (1) cats, weasels, and wolves (2) bears, raccoons, and hyena dogs (3) ...

What would happen to the food that someone ate if they didnt have the digestive enzymes they needed



The digestive system is my favorite system! Without it you would not survive. Our digestive system is how we break down food into nutrients that feed our cells and give us energy to move, talk, grow, think, reproduce, and all the other crazy things that humans do.

Although each of the parts of the digestive system has specific and important functions, shockingly, you can survive without some of the parts. For example, morbidly obese individuals can have their stomach entirely removed in a procedure called a gastric bypass. In this surgery, the small intestine is linked directly to the esophagus thus “bypassing” the stomach. You can also live without your appendix. In fact, it sometimes negatively impacts health as it can become infected (have you ever known someone who had their appendix burst?). The appendix was thought to be a “vestigial organ” meaning that at one point in evolutionary history, we humans had a need for it, but now we don’t; however, there is recent evidence that the appendix is an important hotbed for beneficial bacteria that help us digest food.


I hope this helps! Brainliest is always appreciated!


They wouldn't be able to digest the food. It wouldn't break down like it's supposed to with the digestive enzymes.



It’s would be 45 I think it’s that way sorry if I’m wrong

9. Generations are the offspring, or progeny, of common_______



the answer is ture that is all


first filial generation


please mark me brainlist

Which statement best describes how the carbon cycle and oxygen cycle are interrelated?
Plants release water during transpiration and carbon dioxide during photosynthesis
Plants use carbon dioxide and release oxygen during photosynthesis
Animals release water during respiration and carbon dioxide during transpiration
Animals use carbon dioxide and release oxygen during respiration



B: Plants use carbon dioxide and release oxygen during photosynthesis


I need help :) I have to determine the traits?



i tried puting how the boxes is but the answer is Rr,Rr,rr

so chice number 3 :)

Rr rr

Rr rr


Explain what happens to a cell as it enters the cell cycle and goes through the process of
MITOSIS. Tell what happens to the cell at each part of the cell cycle starting at
Interphase, then the stages of Mitosis (PMAT) and ending at Cytokinesis. (This should be
a longer response than one sentence!!)



The cell cycle is composed of interphase (G₁, S, and G₂ phases), followed by the mitotic phase (mitosis and cytokinesis), and G₀ phase.


During the mitotic (M) phase, the cell separates its DNA into two sets and divides its cytoplasm, forming two new cells.

What is the name of the small birds Darwin begins to notice (Hint: they have distinct beaks)?

What type of bird “really” mattered to Darwin (Hint: he did not know it was a type of bird)?



1. Darwin's finches

2.Darwin finches mattered to Darwin


Kingdom protista contains organisms that do not fit into other Eukarya Kingdom. Explain 3 ways that protists are different from animals, plants and fungi.



Protists are eukaryotes, and most are single-celled. You can think about protists as all eukaryotic organisms that are neither animals, nor plants, nor fungi.

protists is a paraphyletic name for unicellular Eukaryota organisms.

a student mixed a sample of urine from a person with benedict's solution and heated ,the colour changed to Orange. (b)what did the student conclude on the health status of the person​



The person has high blood sugar.


Because benedict's solution tests for reducing agents, and since it changed its colour, reducing sugars(like glucose) is present.

Which is a product of
A. chemical energy
B. light
C. carbon dioxide



carbon dioxide is the product of photosynthesis


A product of photosynthesis is considered by the scientific community is used to make millions of copies for the purposes of taking a large amount of a DNA sample to produce large amounts of a DNA sample for study purposes. allowing a wide- scale study..

The result of this is A, chemical energy...allowing a larger study of photosynthesis to study in detail...

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