Given these vectors joined head to tail, choose the correct resultant force vector by clicking on it until you see the right one.


Answer 1

The vectors joined head to tail,  the correct resultant force vector will be the magnitude vector.

What is resultant force?

Resultant force is defined as the direction of the body as well as the total amount of force acting on the object or object. The term "resultant" refers to the outcome of combining vectors together. The biggest outcome of two vector additions equals their sum.

The magnitude of any vector is the same as the magnitude of the result of two equal vectors. The first vector is drawn on a graph using the head-to-tail approach, which adds vectors by placing the tail of each additional vector at the head of the preceding vector.

Thus, the vectors joined head to tail,  the correct resultant force vector will be the magnitude vector.

To learn more about resultant force, refer to the link below:


Answer 2

sorry that im late

the answer is the arrow is pointing to the top right corner


Related Questions

Read the following passage carefully before you choose your answer.
This passage is taken from an eighteenth-century letter from a president to the citizens of the United States of America.
(1) So
likewise, a passionate attachment of one nation for another produces a variety of evils. Sympathy for the favorite nation,
facilitating the illusion of an imaginary common interest in cases where no real common interest exists, and
infusing into one
the enmities of the other, betrays the former into a participation in the quarrels and wars of the latter without adequate
privileges denied to others which apt
inducement or justification. It leads also to concessions to the favorite nation of
doubly to injure the nation making the concessions; by unnecessarily parting with what ought to have been retained, and by
exciting jealousy, ill-will, and a disposition to retaliate, in the parties from whom equal privileges are withheld.
(2) As avenues to foreign influence in innumerable ways, such attachments
are particularly alarming to the truly enlightened
domestic factions, to practice the arts of
and independent patriot. How many opportunities do they afford to tamper with
seduction, to mislead public opinion, to influence or awe the public councils? Such an attachment of a small or weak towards
a great and powerful nation dooms the former to be the satellite of the latter.
(3) Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence (I conjure you to believe me, fellow-citizens) the jealousy of a free people
ought to be constantly awake, since history and experience prove that foreign influence is
one of the most baneful foes of
republican government. But that jealousy to be useful must be impartial; else it becomes the instrument of che very influence
to be avoided, instead of a defense against it. Excessive partiality for one foreign nation and excessive dislike of another
cause those whom they actuate to see danger only on one side, and serve to veil and even second the arts of influence on
the other. Real patriots who may resist the intrigues of the favorite are liable to become suspected and odious, while its tools
and dupes usurp the applause and confidence of the people, to surrender their interests.
(4) The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is in extending our commercial relations, to have with them as
little political connection as possible. So far as we have already formed engagements, let them be fulfilled with perfect good
faith. Here let us stop. Europe has set of primary interests which to us have none; or a very remote relation. Hence she
must be engaged in frequent controversies, the causes of which are essentially foreign to our concerns. Hence, therefore, it
(O must be unwise in us to implicate ourselves by artificial ties in the ordinary vicissitudes of her politics, or the ordinary
combinations and collisions of her friendships or enmities.
(5) Our detached and distant situation invites and enables us to pursue a different course. If we remain one people under an
efficient government, the period is not far off when we may defy material injury from external annoyance; when we may take
such an attitude as will cause the neutrality we may at any time resolve upon to
be scrupulously respected; when belligerent
nations, under the impossibility of making acquisitions upon us, will not lightly hozard the giving us provocation; when we may
choose peace or war, as our interest, guided by justice, shall counsel.
(6) Why forego the advantages of so peculiar a situation? Why
quit our own to stand upon foreign ground? Why, by
interweaving our destiny with that of any part of Europe, entangle our peace and prosperity in the toils of European ambition,
rivalship, interest, humor or caprice?
(7) It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world; s0 ar mean, as we are
now at liberty to do it; for let me not be understood as capable of patronizing infidelity to existing engagements. I hold the
maxim no less applicable to public than to private affaire, that honesty is always the best policy. I repeat it, therefore, let those
engagements be observed in their genuine sense. But, in my opinion, it is unnecessary and would be unwise to extend them.
Which word best describes the tone of the last paragraph? (5 points)
O Furious
O Afraid
O Resolved
O Hopeful


The tone of the last paragraph is d. Hopeful

What is Washington's Farewell Address?

Following 20 years of service to the United States, American President George Washington wrote Washington's Farewell Address as a farewell to "friends and fellow citizens." [1] Before leaving for his residence at Mount Vernon in Virginia near the conclusion of his second term as president, he penned it. About ten weeks before the presidential electors cast their ballots in the 1796 election, on September 19, 1796, Claypoole's American Daily Advertiser published the letter for the first time as The Address of Gen. Washington towards the People of America on His Decreasing the Presidency of the United States. It is a typical republican phrase that alerts Americans to the political pitfalls they must avoid in order to uphold their principles. It was nearly instantly reproduced in newspapers all around the nation and eventually published as a pamphlet.

The correct option is d.

To know more about this letter, visit:


What’s the worst thing about the internet

3 Paragraphs


We can see here that the worst thing about the internet is that it has become a tool to perpetrate all manner of corruption and crime. Despite the benefits and advantages of the internet, the ills of the internet seems to overpower the advantages. The internet has become a place of fraud, nudity and crimes. Many young people are being corrupted as a result of what they see in the internet.

What is internet?

The internet is actually known to be a global system which is interconnected with different computer networks and makes use of the internet protocol suite. It makes use of internet protocol suite in order to communicate between networks and devices.

The internet is usually connected with a broad array of wireless and optical networking technologies. There are many information one can gather from the internet.

There are many ills of the internet affecting people today. Corruption, crime and immorality are some of the ills of the internet.

Learn more about internet on


What do highly intelligent people do?


Highly Intelligent People are fiercely autonomous in their thinking and in how they interact with the outside world.

While solving practical issues is what highly bright people are most interested in, they also find deep philosophical thoughts and abstract notions to be fascinating. They have an unquenchable interest in life from an early age and enjoy learning.

Problem-solving comes naturally to those with high IQs. They are able to come up with a creative solution even when circumstances appear hopeless to others by fusing their broad knowledge base with strong common sense. They are a seeker of truths who takes pleasure in elucidating the underlying ideas that underlie things.

To know more about Intelligent people, refer to this link:


Read the excerpt from Outcasts United.

Luma pulled her Volkswagen Beetle into the center's parking lot on a sunny June afternoon in 2004, before her team's first tryouts. She wasn't sure what kind of response her flyers had generated among the boys in the complexes around Clarkston. They were naturally wary.

But on the other side of town, Jeremiah Ziaty had no doubt about his enthusiasm for the new team. His mother was still at work when he set out from the family's apartment, a small backpack on his shoulder, ready to play.

When Jeremiah arrived at the center, he joined twenty-two other boys on the small field behind the building.

Which statement best describes how the author is developing the plot in this excerpt?

The author is describing two plots at the same time before moving on with the chronological order of the story.
The author is describing one plot of the story so he can move the events along chronologically.
The author is describing several plots at the same time to avoid telling the story in chronological order.
The author is describing one plot of the story but not moving the events along in chronological order.


The statement that best describes how the author is developing the plot in this excerpt is A The author is describing two plots at the same time before moving on with the chronological order of the story.

What is the plot in a story?

Outcasts United examines how the neighborhood changed as a result of the refugee crisis and how Lumah Mufleh and the Fugees soccer team's commitment motivated a whole neighborhood.

The plot in the story can be seen as one that deals with the chronological order of the story. It should be noted that the plot is what happens in a story, in the case of the story we can see that the plot is not a simple sequence of events however the strong plot is centered on one moment and it help to raise a dramatic question, which must be answered throughout the course of the story.

Learn more about plot at:


What is the part of research in which the terms or concepts that are important in the study are defined?


The part of research in which the terms or concepts that are important in the study are defined is introduction.

The "Definitions of Terms" part is one that is frequently needed in a dissertation. This helps your readers comprehend the ideas or elements that will be covered in your research and provides background information on how you plan to apply those ideas.A list of acronyms, jargon, credits, etc. is often included as an appendix to a work (book, research paper, pamphlet, etc.), either at the beginning or more commonly at the conclusion. This is a crucial component of The major or relevant concepts in the study are specified in detail in a research paper or report.You should introduce your topic and strategy to the reader in the start to a research paper. Its main objectives include the following: Introduce your subject and pique the reader's curiosity. Give background information or an overview of the literature.

Thus this is the meaning of introduction.

Refer here to learn more about research:


eason that a filmed version that uses color would be more effective than a black-and-white version of either text?
A) Films produced in color are more interesting than those filmed in black-and-white.

B) Mendel's experiments focused on the color of the flowers of the plant, which is part of the description of the setting.

C)A black-and-white version would make it more difficult to capture the period of the time and the clothing worn by the characters.

D) A black-and-white version of the texts would not emphasize the difference between the outdoor setting and the indoor one as a well as color version would.​​


B. Mendel's experiments focused on the color of the flowers of the plant, which is part of the description of the setting.

What is the summary of Mendel's Experiment?

Mendel discovered while working with garden pea plants that F1 offspring from crossings between parents that varied by one feature all expressed the characteristics of one parent. Dominant qualities are those that can be seen, and recessive traits are those that cannot be seen. Mendel's experiment's F2 offspring showed either the dominant trait or the weak trait in a 3:1 ratio, demonstrating that the weak trait had been faithfully passed down from the initial P0 parent. Reciprocal crosses produced the same proportions of F1 and F2 progeny. Mendel demonstrated that his crossings acted consistently in accordance with the rules of probability and that the traits were transmitted as independent occurrences by analyzing huge sample numbers.

To know more about Mendel Experiment, visit:


paragraph to him to tell him that I truly love him



i want you to know that you are the most important thing in my life. You're the reason I do everything. When I get up in the morning, I feel so grateful for every second I have with you and have here on earth. You give my life meaning, you give my days such joy, you are the reason I smile. And i hope u feel the same thing i feel for u



How was the world made



By carpenter dinosaurs





well i would say it depends on your religious opinion according to science sources the big bang theory but for christianity god created the earth

After Auchwitz, the human condition i not the ame, nothing will be the ame. " Identify where imilar language i repeated later in hi peech. What i the effect of thi repetition?


It starts with the words "Yitgadal veyitkadash, Shmay Rabba," at Auschwitz which are used in Jewish funeral prayers. Similar wording is used again and again in his discourse. Elie Wiesel repeats ideas throughout his speech to drive home a point.

Which of the following best describes an emotional appeal Wiesel makes in his speech?

An illustration of an emotional plea Wiesel makes in his speech is, "Listen to the quiet screams of terrified mothers... and so on."

What was the motivation behind Wiesel's speech at Auschwitz?

Wiesel had delivered a speech in Auschwitz because he was one of the camp's few survivors and could describe what it was like.

To know more about the Auschwitz visit :-


By the end of the tragedy of macbeth, act iii, how has macbeth most clearly changed since the beginning of the play?


Macbeth has changed from a strong, courageous and ambitious nobleman at the beginning of the play to a paranoid and guilt-ridden tyrant by the end of Act III. He is now driven by a fear of being found out and a desperate desire to maintain his power.

How has Macbeth most clearly changed since the beginning of the play?

Since the beginning of the play, Macbeth has become increasingly desperate to maintain his power and control. He has become paranoid and consumed by a fear of discovery and retribution, even going so far as to murder the innocent in order to protect himself. His ambition has become a dangerous obsession, and his courage has been replaced by a cowardly desire to avoid any possible accountability for his actions. Macbeth's transformation from a nobleman to a tyrant is complete by the end of Act III, leaving him in a state of deep turmoil and despair.

Learn more about Literature:


How do you find a 3 digit number?


Three-digit numbers range in length from 100 to 999. Therefore, 100 is the lowest and 999 is the greatest three-digit number. The number's digit count determines what kind of number it is in mathematics. The place values of a three-digit number will be used to describe it.

Three-digit digits range from 100 to 999. Therefore, 100 is the lowest and 999 is the greatest three-digit number. The number's digit count determines what kind of number it is in mathematics. The place values of a three-digit number will be used to describe it. In addition to the nine single-digit numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, there are also Ninety- two -digit numbers (from 10 to 99). A two-digit number is created by adding a single digit and a zero (0). Now, in addition to zero, these single digits or double digits are also used to create three-digit integers (0).

Learn more about Three-digit numbers here:


What does the Roosevelt Corollary seek to establish and why does the article call it a double standard?


In a speech known as The Roosevelt Corollary, Roosevelt declared that European engagement in the Western Hemisphere had come to an end. It signaled to the nations of Latin America that the United States would act to keep the area peaceful and stable.

Roosevelt's Corollary's main objective is to prevent Europe from controlling and further colonizing the western hemisphere. The second notion is that America will keep a close eye on the entire hemisphere and will step in if any problems occur.

The corollary said that not only were the countries of the Western Hemisphere closed to colonization by European powers but that it was the United States' duty to uphold the law and safeguard people and property there.

To know more about Roosevelt Corollary, refer to this link:


What are keywords name any four keywords?


Keywords are words or phrases in the con-tent of your web pages that mat-ch the words and ph-rases users are enter-ing into search eng-ines as closely as poss-ible. Key-words allow you to build an SEO strat-egy around specific target phr-ases in a way that's meaning-ful and mea-surable.

Keywords are rese-rved words in Java, which have a special mean-ing in the lang-uage. Exam-ple: if, void, int, etc.

Keywords are pre-defined, reserved words used in program-ming that have a special mean-ing. Key-words are part of the syntax and they can-not be used as an ident-ifier. For exam-ple: int money; Here, int is a key-word that indic-ates 'money' is a variable of type inte-ger.

To know more about keywords click below:



Keywords are words or phrases in the con-tent of your web pages that mat-ch the words and ph-rases users are enter-ing into search eng-ines as closely as poss-ible. Key-words allow you to build an SEO strat-egy around specific target phr-ases in a way that's meaning-ful and mea-surable.


thx for the friend above i got 100% edu 2023.  

Read the sentences. [1] olaudah equiano wrote a book. [2] it was about his experiences as a slave and, later, as a free man. Which is the best way to combine sentences 1 and 2?.


The best way to combine sentences 1 and 2 from the narration about the experience of Olaudah Equiano is:

Olaudah Equiano wrote a book, which was about his experiences as a slave and, later, as a free man. the correct answer is A

The first sentence most clearly connects the ideas contained in the two sentences.

As Olauda Equiano took her experience as a slave and her experience as an independent individual to write a book, it connects them through the coordinating conjunction 'and' and serves to give equal meaning to the two ideas. increase.

The relative clause "who free man" further helps the reader to clearly see and understand the main point of the sentence.

your question is incomplete, but most probably the full question was

Read the sentences.

[1] Olaudah Equiano wrote a book. [2] It was about his experiences as a slave and, later, as a free man.

Which is the best way to combine sentences 1 and 2?

a. Olaudah Equiano wrote a book, which was about his experiences as a slave and, later, as a free man.

b.Olaudah Equiano wrote a book, even if it was about his experiences as a slave and, later, as a free man.

c. Olaudah Equiano wrote a book, until it was about his experiences as a slave and, later, as a free man.

d. Olaudah Equiano wrote a book, although it was about his experiences as a slave and, later, as a free man.

Learn more about combining sentences here:


What is Bodmas rule?


The BODMAS rule follows the order of the BODMAS acronym, in which B – Brackets, O – Order of powers or roots, D – Division, M – Multiplication A – Addition, and S – Subtraction.

The BODMAS rule follows the order of the BODMAS acronym, i.e. B – Brackets, O – Order of powers or roots, D – department, M – Multiplication A – Addition, and S – Subtraction. The BODMAS rule states that mathematical expressions with more than one operation need to be solved from left to right inside the order of BODMAS.

The BODMAS order of operations is crucial because we all might also interpret mathematical expressions in another way. One man or woman would possibly add first, and any other one might multiply first. Using BODMAS makes it positive that everybody makes calculations in a given mathematical expression following the equal sample.

Learn more about BODMAS here:-


A crucible is a difficult test or challenge that forces people to change or make difficult decisions. What is this "test," and who passes it? Who fails it? Why do you think Miller decided to name this play "The Crucible?" Explain.​


In "The Crucible" John Proctor passed the test when he had the choice of confessing to the witchcraft trials or not to confess and die. At the end he accepted confessing because as he said, he rather die in honor than live in shame. Proctor passes the test of courage and honor.

What is Miller trying to say through The Crucible?

Miller is trying to say through The Crucible that government persecution of suspected communists was wrong. Senator Joseph McCarthy is being most criticized in The Crucible . He was in power  in the 1950's in The U.S. He  wanted to finish completely with communist sympathizers.

In fact, McCarthy was a senator during the Cold War with The Soviet Union. The Witches of Salem  represented the communist. They were encouraged to confess their identity to escape from punishment.

Therefore, In "The Crucible" John Proctor passed the test when he had the choice of confessing to the witchcraft trials or not to confess and die.

Learn more about "The Crucible" on:


From “Georgia O’Keeffe” by Joan Didion

6 Some women fight and others do not. Like so many successful guerrillas in the war between the sexes, Georgia O’Keeffe seems to have been equipped early with an immutable sense of who she was and a fairly clear understanding that she would be required to prove it. On the surface her upbringing was conventional.

7 She was a child on the Wisconsin prairie who played with china dolls and painted watercolors with cloudy skies because sunlight was too hard to paint and, with her brother and sisters, listened every night to her mother read stories of the Wild West, of Texas, of Kit Carson and Billy the Kid. She told adults that she wanted to be an artist and was embarrassed when they asked what kind of artist she wanted to be: she had no idea “what kind.” She had no idea what artists did. She had never seen a picture that interested her, other than a pen-and-ink Maid of Athens in one of her mother’s books, some Mother Goose illustrations printed on cloth, a tablet cover that showed a little girl with pink roses, and the painting of Arabs on horseback that hung in her grandmother’s parlor. At thirteen, in a Dominican convent, she was mortified when the sister corrected her drawing. At Chatham Episcopal Institute in Virginia she painted lilacs and sneaked time alone to walk out to where she could see the line of the Blue Ridge Mountains on the horizon. At the Art Institute in Chicago she was shocked by the presence of live models and wanted to abandon anatomy lessons. At the Art Students League in New York one of her fellow students advised her that, since he would be a great painter and she would end up teaching painting in a girls’ school, any work of hers was less important than modeling for him. Another painted over her work to show her how the Impressionists did trees. She had not before heard how the Impressionists did trees and she did not much care.

The sentence “Georgia O’Keeffe seems to have been equipped early with an immutable sense of who she was and a fairly clear understanding that she would be required to prove it” develops the author’s purpose by:

A. providing an additional example of what life was like for her growing up
B. showing that she doubted herself at times when she was challenged by men
C. revealing that she always pushed forward because she was afraid of failure
D. reinforcing the idea that she was a passionate and defiant person

Biographical information in paragraph 7 reinforces the idea that the author’s purpose is—

A. to persuade.
B. to entertain.
C. to inform.
D. none of the above.

Which evidence from paragraph 7 best supports the author’s perspective that Georgia O’Keeffe was not affected by the opinions of others?

A. “She was a child on the Wisconsin prairie who played with china dolls and painted watercolors with cloudy skies . . .”
B. “She had never seen a picture that interested her, other than a pen-and-ink Maid of Athens in one of her mother’s books . . .”
C. “At Chatham Episcopal Institute in Virginia she painted lilacs and sneaked time alone to walk out to where she could see the line of the Blue Ridge Mountains . . .”
D. “She had not before heard how the Impressionists did trees and she did not much care.”


1. We can see here that the sentence “Georgia O’Keeffe seems to have been equipped early with an immutable sense of who she was and a fairly clear understanding that she would be required to prove it” develops the author’s purpose by: A. providing an additional example of what life was like for her growing up.

2. Biographical information in paragraph 7 reinforces the idea that the author’s purpose is: C. to inform.

3. The evidence from paragraph 7 that best supports the author’s perspective that Georgia O’Keeffe was not affected by the opinions of others is: D. “She had not before heard how the Impressionists did trees and she did not much care.”

What is an author's perspective?

An author's perspective is actually known to be the point of view that an writes from. It reveals the position of an author on a subject matter. An author's perspective is basically what an author thinks and believes in a subject matter.

We see that the above answers are correct as they relate to the given questions above.

Learn more about author's perspective on


How many infinite verbs are there?


Infinitive verbs often fall into one of three categories: 1. Bare infinitives: An infinitive without the word "to" before it is the fundamental form of a verb.

The two primary categories of infinitives are. Full infinitives, often referred to as to-infinitives, are the first type of verb form and use the term to before the basic form. The second kind is bare infinitives, commonly referred to as zero infinitives, which solely employ a verb's basic form without the to. An infinitive is a verb that has the word "to" before it. Here are a few instances: To fall in love, eat, run, believe, follow, laugh, look, and marvel. (To have) + past participle is the formula for the perfect infinitive. Examples include: to miss,

To learn more about infinitives please click on below link


What is the best definition of conceptual framework?


A conceptual framework is an analytical instrument with several settings and changes. It may be utilized in many professions where a thorough picture is necessary. It is used to categorize ideas and arrange concepts.

You can use the following four important sources to develop a conceptual framework for your research: The first four categories include your personal experience, already developed theory, your own pilot and exploratory research, and thinking experiments.The staff recommended focusing on the measurement, reporting entity, presentation, and disclosure of financial statement components for the conceptual framework project.Additional components of the conceptual framework that logically flow from the purpose include the reporting entity concept, the elements of financial statements, recognition and derecognition, measurement, presentation, and disclosure. The expense of providing relevant financial information is another limitation.

Thus this is the best definition of conceptual framework.

Refer here to learn more about conceptual framework:


Which elements are important to include in the conclusion of an argumentative editorial? a restatement of the claim
a list of evidence used to support the claim
a personal opinion about the topic
a summary of the rebuttal
a solution, an alternative, or a call to action


The elements that are important to include in the conclusion of an argumentative editorial are:

A restatement of the claim,A summary of the rebuttal, andA solution, an alternative, or a call to action.

Argumentative editorials are written about editorials in which a person discusses a particular topic and presents both sides of the argument. This means that in this particular scenario the editors of the discussion cannot take sides or express personal opinions.

And in presenting the conclusion of a controversial editorial, one should reiterate the arguments, summarize counter-arguing points, and offer solutions or alternatives, or calls to action.

learn more about argumentative editorial here



A, D, E


a restatement of the claima summary of the rebuttala solution, an alternative, or a call to action

Which word best characterizes the young people in this passage?humblenervoussensitiveimmoral.


The correct option is D. The term "immoral" perfectly describes the adolescents in this text. The passage from the Canterbury Tales that  involves intentionally transgressing moral laws by acting unethically or acting improperly.

It demonstrates how young people engaged in vice, foolishness, and other abhorrent excesses/vilest sacrifices like dicing, visiting brothels and bars. The complete opposite of moral activity is immorality. Simply put, it is doing the wrong thing despite knowing that doing the correct thing would be better. Geoffrey Chaucer, an English author, compiled "The Canterbury Tales" near the end of the 14th century. It tells the tale of a group of pilgrims making the journey from London to Canterbury, who decide to hold a storytelling competition to keep each other occupied.

Thus the correct answer is Option D.

Refer here to learn more about immoral:


What is BTS real full form?


Bts, which is short for Bulletproof Boyscouts in Korean, recently changed their name to Beyond the Scene in English.

What are the 7 names of BTS?

The seven-member Korean group, made up of RM, Jin, Suga, J-Hope, Jimin, V, and Jungkook, is quickly establishing itself as a household brand because to their incredible choreography and distinctive sound.

What is BTS nickname?

Because "Bangtan Sonyeondan" translates to "Bulletproof Boys Scouts" in English, the group is also known as that name on occasion. Due to the first half of their complete name, the boys are also referred to as the "Bangtan Boys."

Who called ARMY BTS?

ARMY, which stands for "Adorable Representative MC for Youth," was coined by BTS. Additionally, the idea of a military army is hinted at, which connects to the idea of BTS as bulletproof armour.

Why do they call it BTS?

The moniker represents the group's intention to "block off preconceptions, critiques, and expectations that aim on adolescents like bullets," according to member J-Hope.

Learn more about BTS visit:


How do you write a satire story?


Humor or satire is difficult to write. Not impossible or simple, yet difficult. When reading great comedy or satire,

it frequently seems as if the author had an excellent concept or point and simply sat down at her computer to crush it through your screen with a hammer.

Select a subject. Look for material that is sarcastic or absurd by nature.Make your case with exaggeration. A literary technique known as hyperbole exaggerates facts.Use irony to communicate your thoughts.In your sarcastic writings, try to be humorous.

Satire is an art genre, mostly literary and theatrical, in which human or individual vices, follies, abuses, or flaws are brought to light for criticism through mockery, scorn, burlesque, irony,

Learn more about to satire story visit here;


which of the following is not true about vocalized pauses? question 16 options: they are phrases or sounds made as filler in a speech. they should be completely eliminated from speech. they are accepted in small amounts by southern audiences as an indicator of honesty. can interfere with speaking if used in excess.


They should be completely eliminated from speech

What regarding vocalised pauses is true?Vocalized pauses are interruptions in speech that cause your thoughts to wander. Fillers include vocalised pauses like "ahh..., and..., uhh..., and umm." When you utilise too many of these fillers, you come out as uninformed, indifferent, and unconfident.Vocalized pauses are statements that take place in between words in spoken sentences, such as "uh," "like," and "um."According to research, a speaker's credibility and persuasiveness are affected by vocalised pauses in excess.Pitch, rate, pauses, volume, enunciation, fluency, and vocal variation are vocal delivery elements. Gestures, expressions on the face, eye contact, and movement are examples of nonverbal delivery elements.They ought to be fully taken out of conversation.

To learn more about vocalised pauses is true refer to:


Is BTS one of the most famous?


Yes, Pop group BTS, whose catchy, upbeat songs have won them legions of fans, have been named as the world's best-selling artists for the second year running.

What are the 3 concepts of education?


Constructivism, Bloom's Taxonomy, & epistemology are generally considered to be the three main concepts of learning within an educational system.

Education is a planned activity with certain goals in mind, such as information transmission or the development of skills and character. These objectives could include the growth of comprehension, reason, compassion, and honesty.

The four pillars of learning—learning to understand, teaching to do, learning to live together, & learning to be—should be the focus of curriculum reform if education is to accomplish its objectives. Understanding essential ideas can aid in expanding students' knowledge and comprehension. Of course, students should be able to apply their knowledge of a field to their own work.

To know more about education:


What are infrared 3 examples?


The electromagnetic radiation known as infrared, sometimes referred to as infrared light, has wavelengths that are longer than those of visible light. Infrared cookers, infrared light, and thermometers are three instances of infrared.

As a result, it is not apparent to the human eye. The wavelength range of infrared radiation is typically thought to range from about 1 millimetre to the nominal red end of the visible spectrum, or about 700 nanometers.Near-, mid-, and far-infrared are the three main categories of infrared. Additionally, it may be separated into five groups: near-infrared, short-wavelength, mid-wavelength, long-wavelength, and far-infrared.Electrical warmers, food-cooking appliances, remote controls, optical fibres, security systems, and thermal imaging cameras that can see individuals in the dark all employ infrared (IR) light.

Thus these are the three examples of infrared.

To learn more about infrared, refer:


Read the excerpt from "The Role of Social Media in the Arab Uprisings" by Heather Brown, Emily Guskin, and Amy Mitchell.
Passing along information is an important part of the news process.
What reasons do the authors give to support the claim that social media both helps and threatens smaller media outlets? Select two options.


The Correct answer is :Social media poses a threat to more traditional media outlets,Social media content is difficult to create and publish.

Advantages and Disadvantage of Social media:Any online human connection or information sharing via a computer, tablet, or mobile device is referred to as social media. Due to the abundance of websites and apps, it is possible. Social media is one of the most widely used and prevalent ways of communication nowadays. Social media allows you to communicate ideas, content, news, etc. more swiftly. Social media, which has many corporate advantages as well, enables the social evolution of society. It offers advantages for interacting with lots of clients, like social media marketing. We can easily access information and news through social media. Social media use can raise awareness of any social issue.

The Complete Question is :

Read the excerpt from "The Role of Social Media in the Arab Uprisings" by Heather Brown, Emily Guskin, and Amy Mitchell.

Passing along information is an important part of the news process.

What reasons do the authors give to support the claim that social media both helps and threatens smaller media outlets? Select two options.

Social media poses a threat to more traditional media outlets.

Traditional media can find truthful information within social media posts.

Social media content is difficult to create and publish.

Social media is generally a credible source of information.

To learn more about Social media refer to:


I need to "Create a T Chart of specific components of the setting and character beliefs and/or values that are directly affected, as a result. (Cite text evidence)" for an Anne Frank play


Answer:  what is the effect of the imagery in the excerpt?


Explain how a word can be a morphemic noun and a syntactic adverb in the same sentence.


On account of "Woman," you can utilize "woman" as a thing, can be the example of a morphemic noun and a syntactic adverb in the same sentence.

What is morphemic noun?

A Morphemic Noun (person, place, thing, or thought) is something that can have an addition added to it to make it an intensifier (word used to portray an action word).

You can use "woman" as a thing because of "Woman" (ie The woman ran 5 km ). So, in a sentence, you could say, "The women had a feminine walk." "woman ", as the thing, and "Feminine" being the modifier that portrays the action word, "walk".

Thus, the Morphemic Noun can be used to add an intensifier and depict an action word.

For more details regarding Morphemic Noun, visit:


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