Gavin loves online role-playing games and spends hours at his computer, connecting with friends all over the globe. His mother notices that he is beginning to gain weight. Which would be the BEST solution for Gavin to have a healthier body?

Stop playing video games and take up a team sport.

Balance computer time with time spent exercising.

Cut all carbs to compensate for his sedentary lifestyle.

Begin taking diet supplements to flush out the fat.



Answer 1



He should get engaged in physical activities cause sudden cut out of carbs or proteins could result in being dangerous as they r required by our bodies in small amounts.The main tip here is to burn more then you consume which can obviously be done by adding any sort of sport or physical activity in your daily life routine.

Related Questions

Imani is preparing a recipe for fudge. The recipe card says that she should boil sugar, butter, and milk together for three minutes until the sugar is no longer crystallized. Imani is not sure what this means. What would be the BEST way for Imani to ensure that her sugar looks the way it should?



Until the Sugar is fully mixed in, smooth, with no clumps and/or no shiny grains of sugar to be seen in the mix.

find a physical fitness center that serves for the public and gather information from the participants what benefits they get from their participation . presents this to your classmates​


Information was gathered from the participants of a physical fitness center that serves for the public on the benefit they derive and they include weight loss and for muscle building.

What is Exercise?

This is referred to as a form of physical activity which makes people fit and also improves the overall well being of an individual and examples include weight lifting, running etc.

The participants of a physical fitness center were gathered and the benefits in them doing such program were gathered and they include weight loss, improving mood and also muscle building were what was said by them.

Read more about Exercise here


What is one of the moves in the Salt Shaker dance? (write a response below)

Response =

ps this is for gym.


throwing your hands in the air

Answer: listening closely to what someone has to say


Listening is one of the most important skills you can have

We listen in order to learn.

To comprehend, we listen.

For entertainment, we listen.

Listening helps us learn.

You'd think we'd be skilled at it after all the listening we do! In reality, most of us are not, and studies show that, as per Edgar Dale's Cone of Experience, we only retain between 25% and 50% of what we hear.

This means that even if you speak to your employer, coworkers, clients, or spouse for 10 minutes, they will only pay attention to around half of what you say.

learn more about  listening closely here:


Match these items.
Put responses in the correct input to answer the question. Select a response, navigate to the desired input and insert the response. Responses can be selected and inserted using the space bar, enter key, left mouse button or touchpad. Responses can also be moved by dragging with a mouse.
Get away from things that might fall on top of you when this disaster occurs
There isn't a place on earth that is safe from these
A plan of evacuation will help to keep you safe during this natural disaster
Can dump inches of snow on an area in a matter of minutes
Get to a shelter immediately when this warning is given
Get into a building or a car when this begins to strike


Each item should be matched correctly with the response as follows:

Natural disasters: there isn't a place on earth that is safe from these.Lightning: get into a building or a car when this begins to strike.Flood: a plan of evacuation will help to keep you safe during this natural disaster.Blizzard: can dump inches of snow on an area in a matter of minutes.Tornado warning: get to a shelter immediately when this warning is given.Earthquake: get away from things that might fall on top of you when this disaster occurs.

What is a natural disaster?

A natural disaster refers to a natural occurrence that is beyond human control. Additionally, a natural disaster is typically characterized by injuries, death or severe damage to both the living and non-living organisms staying within the impacted environment.

Generally speaking, some examples of a natural disaster include the following:


In conclusion, people should get away from things that might fall on them during an earthquake and get to a shelter immediately whenever a tornado warning is issued.

Read more on natural disaster here:






Aleve, Tylenol, Morphine, Codeine, Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen

Answer: Oxycodone









To prevent the consequences of some problems, like eating disorders , it is important that a person seek out professional help. But how do you know when this is necessary? Choose one issue and note some signs that if you saw them in a friend would indicate that they needed to seek help. Then, write a brief dialogue showing how you would tactfully but firmly encourage them to get the help they need.



Educate yourself about eating disorders. There is more …

Educate children about diversity and prejudice. …

Model respect that is not based on appearance. Be …

Model self acceptance. Examine your attitude



You should eat a special diet before a physical competition.

True or False




It will make us difficult while doing competition





Lowered inhibitions, altered perception, slowed reaction time, and
changed moods are __?___ of alcohol use.
O short-term effects
O medium-term effects
O long-term effects



medium-term effects


I might be wrong since I am not 100% sure but I Think it would probaly be medium-term effects but it mostly depends on how much alcohol was consumed

A commercial comes on while Atticus is watching his favorite program. The commercial uses the slogan, “Pork, It’s the Other White Meat” and discusses the benefits of eating pork when compared to the fat found in steak or burgers. At the end of the commercial, Atticus hears, ‘Sponsored by the National Pork Board.’ Considering the funding of this commercial, what is the MOST reasonable conclusion that Atticus could reach?


The  conclusion that Atticus might reach is Pork farmers would grasp higher than anyone how ingesting pork will benefit their health and thus their statistics can be trusted.

Statistics is delineated as the discipline that is concerned to the collection, organization, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of information. In applying statistics to a scientific, industrial, or social downside, it's typical to start with a statistical population or a statistical model to be studied.

The National Pork Board is thought to be as a program sponsored by the US Department of Agriculture Agricultural promoting Service whose purpose is to supply consumer information, perform industry-related research, and promote pork as a foodstuff.

To learn more about Statistics here


During your interview of the person using SAM, they told you that they have a lot of pain in their left arm and that it is throbbing. What should you do next?


According to the question, the thing that you should do next is to perform a focused check of the left arm.

What is SAM?

SAM stands for Software Asset Management. The main objective of SAM is to ensure that all software licenses are being used properly by employees and contractors. It also provides visibility into license costs so you can make informed decisions about software purchases.

When an individual has a lot of pain in their left arm and it is throbbing, one must need to perform a task that includes a focused check of the left arm. Due to this, one must successfully identify the cause of the pain and throbbing.

Therefore, according to the question, the thing that you should do next is to perform a focused check of the left arm.

To learn more about Interviews, refer to the link:


How do honeybees communicate information about food location during the waggle dance?.


honeybees use two forms of the waggle dance to guide other bees toward nearby food sources.

Colony members are informed of the existence of food within 50 metres of the hive by the round dance, which consists of a sequence of little circular motions. .A worker informs her colleagues honeybees of the location, direction, and nature of a nectar-rich flower patch by performing the waggle dance.This results energy for bees.

learn more about energy here:


What is a physical Disability? Choose all that apply.

A) A condition that affects person's mobility, capacity, stamina, or dexterity
B) Example - spinal cord injury, brain injury, amputation, arthritis, multiple sclerosis
C) May be temporary or permanent
D) A person is unable to walking, bathing, use the toilet
E) Can be born physically disabled or have an accident or injury
F) Other:


A condition that affects a person’s mobility, capacity, stamina, or dexterity.

What is the desire to keep progressing toward fitness goals in spite of obstacles?.


Answer: Perseverance refers to our ability to pursue a goal or passion over time, and stick with it if we encounter obstacles or setbacks

Select the best answer for the question.
2. Emily wants to improve her intellectual wellness. Which activity would you suggest?
O A. Starting a new hobby
O B. Spending quality time with others
O C. Refleting on her values
OD. Improving the amount of time she sleeps each night


Answer: A. Starting a new hobby

Explanation: Many hobbies such as playing the piano require you to use your brain.

I just wanted to say that I could also see it being D.

a health care professional who teaches a patient how to take care of his or her condition or disease is providing what?


Professional educators are responsible for altering patient behavior and bringing about the knowledge, attitudes, and skills needed to maintain or enhance health.

What functions does health education serve in medical facilities?

In order to reach patient safety goals, health education has emerged as one of the most crucial elements in educating society about health issues, common diseases, and how to prevent them. It also helps to identify the many types of medical errors and how to avoid them.

What significance does a clinical nurse's use of teaching techniques have for patients?

Nursing soft skill development options that are unique: Students have opportunities to develop soft skills, such as communication, critical thinking, and teamwork, that can make them more employable by using teaching methods that encourage engagement in the classroom.

To know more about disease visit:-


when does it get better?


Answer: It eventually does, patience is key.


Yes, sure, life sucks. Like actually sucks. You're strong enough to push through, hold on, you got this. Add me as a friend if you need to talk personally. I'm here 4 you.

Which area is responsible for detailed, color vision?


The cone cells are responsible for detailed color vision. Hope this helps :)

The thin yellowish fluid first produced in the breasts that provides nutrients and white blood cells and antibodies that fight infection is called ___________________.


Answer: Colostrum

Explanation: Colostrum is the first form of breastmilk that is released by the mammary glands after giving birth. It's nutrient-dense and high in antibodies and antioxidants to build a newborn baby's immune system.

Bones also serve to ____
vital organs from harm.





The skull protects the brain, the rib cage protects the heart and lungs, etc.

Write any four reasons behind the affection of smoking to the youth? ​



due to the relationship of bad friends

copying others

thinking that smoking can help relief from tension

Which is the most common characteristics in students with pervasive development disorders?.


difficulty communicating with others in students with pervasive development disorders

A set of diseases defined by delays in the acquisition of sociability and communication skills fall under the diagnostic category of pervasive developmental disorders (PDD). Symptoms may be seen by parents as early as infancy, but the normal age of beginning is before the third birthday. Language difficulties, trouble relating to people, things, and events, unusual play with toys and other objects, trouble adjusting to changes in routine or comfortable surroundings, and repetitive body movements or behavior patterns are just a few symptoms.

The most recognizable and thoroughly researched PDD is autism, a developmental brain condition marked by poor social interaction and communication abilities as well as a narrow range of interests and activities.

learn more about pervasive development disorders here:


Neisseria gonnorrhoeae is a gram-negative diplococcus that typically causes symptomatic infections in males. The presence of neisseria gonorrhoeae is urethral pus is diagnostic for gonorrhea in males. What would be observed in a positive gram stain?.


Neisseria gonnorrhoeae is a gram-poor diplococcus that generally reasons symptomatic infections in adult males. The presence of neisseria gonorrhoeae is urethral pus is diagnostic for gonorrhea in adult males. Paired red spheres we might be found in a high quality gram stain.

Gram-high quality organisms, along with the pathogens Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae and Enterococcus faecalis, have dynamic mobileular envelopes that mediate interactions with the surroundings and function the primary line of protection in opposition to poisonous molecules.

All micro organism can be categorised as one in every of 3 simple shapes: spheres (cocci), rods (bacilli), and spirals or helixes (spirochetes). Gram-high quality micro organism can be cocci or bacilli.

Learn more about infections Visit :


Who lived the longest?


Answer: Jeanne Louise Calment 122 years and 164 days.


Jeanne Calment (1875–1977) of France was the oldest person ever whose age has been reliably verified; she lived to be 122 years and 164 days old. Jiroemon Kimura (1897–2013) of Japan, who lived to be 116 years and 54 days old, holds the record for the oldest man alive.

According to the American Psychological Association, which of the following are the top three sources of stress for Americans?
O Money, work, and the economy
O Health, relationships, and money
O Money, family responsibilities, and health
O Work, relationships, and health


Answer: D i think



A.) Money, work, and the economy

Explanation: (I also took the test and got it right)

The American Psychological Association conducts annual surveys to determine the most significant causes of stress for adults in the United States. The top 7 are:




Family responsibilities


Family health problems

Personal health concerns

Making the top 3: money, work, and the economy.

plan a 3-day meal plan, including between-meal snacks, that will meet both recommended calorie intake and dietary allowances for yourself. adjust this diet to meet the needs of a 12-year-old male height 62 inches. adjust this diet to meet the needs of a 70-year-old female, height 60 inches


The diet to meet the needs of a 12-year-old male height 62 inches. adjust this diet to meet the needs of a 70-year-old female, height 60 inches most people in the US need to decrease their sodium intake and increase their potassium intake to meet recommendations for a healthy diet.

What are the essentials of a healthy diet?

The essentials of a healthy diet consult a pediatrician, who will help her in proper intake of food types that are suitable for her lifestyle and health goals. For instance, protein can be obtained from foods like cottage cheese, meat, sprouts, etc.

Fruits, oats and natural juices shall be a part of her daily diet. She shall avoid eating junk often and cut down the level of unnecessary salt and sugar intake on a daily basis.

Therefore, The diet to meet the needs of a 12-year-old male height 62 inches. adjust this diet to meet the needs of a 70-year-old female, height 60 inches most people in the US need to decrease their sodium intake and increase their potassium intake to meet recommendations for a healthy diet.

Learn more about healthy diet on:


In a fitness program, lifting an amount of weight that is moderately greater than what you are accustomed to is an example of.


Answer: repetition


In a fitness program, lifting an amount of weight that is moderately greater than what you are accustomed to is an example of repetition.

What is a fitness program?

A fitness program is a way to improve your overall health, fitness, and, most importantly, your capacity for participating in various sports, jobs, and daily activities. Physical health is often achieved with appropriate nutrition, moderate-intense physical activity, and adequate relaxation alongside a formal treatment plan.

A personal exercise program is a plan that outlines the physical activities you should engage in to achieve your goals and the amount of time you should devote to each activity. Each program is specifically tailored to the preferences and objectives of the character.

Therefore, in a fitness program, repetition exercises could include lifting weights that are a little more than you're used to.

To learn more about fitness program, refer to the link:


Which of the following is the best way to acknowledge someone's idea, while
still refusing to go along with it?
A. Tell the person that you'll consider it if he or she can convince you.
B. Tell the person that you understand the idea, but roll your eyes and
sigh to show that you disapprove.
C. Explain that you understand the idea, and then present an
alternative idea.
D. Let the person know how you feel by clenching your fists and
walking away.





bc its right

a blank is a unit of measurement for energy




Energy is measured in joules/kilojoules.

what are 3 ways a person can make smart food choices? which way works the best for you ?


Not to over eat look for stuff with more protein
• Limit highly processed foods

• Choose foods with healthy fat instead of saturated fat

• Replace sugary drinks with water

have a good day!
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