garlic, an individual, is a limited partner in onion partnership. this year, garlic's share of partnership ordinary income is $20,000, and she received a cash distribution of $30,000. garlic's tax basis in her partnership interest at the beginning of the year was $50,000. her marginal tax rate is 22 percent. garlic qualifies for the qbi deduction, without regard to any limitations on this qbi deduction. Calculate the tax cost of Garlic's partnership earnings this year.


Answer 1

$3,520 is the tax cost of Garlic's partnership earnings this year.

Calculation = [ ( $20,000 ordinary income - $20,000 * 20% Section 199A deduction) * 22% ]

Tax cost commonly refers both to accelerated tax liabilities as a consequence of a company transaction or greater regularly as a motion of a losing party to mission paying positive charges of the prevailing celebration in litigation.

Every so often it's referred to as "fee basis" or "adjusted basis" or "tax basis." something it is referred to as, it's essential to calculating the quantity of benefit or loss while you promote an asset. Your basis is largely your investment in an asset—the quantity you may use to determine your earnings or loss whilst you sell it.

Learn more about tax cost here:

Related Questions

which factors should be considered in the process of determining an advertising budget? (choose every correct answer.)


The factors that should be considered in the process of determining an advertising budget are Firms must understand how advertising will help them meet objectives and Advertising spending will fluctuate over the course of the product life cycle.

A budget for advertising is money set aside by a business to promote its products and services. Conducting market research, having ad creatives created and produced, promoting through print, digital, and social media, launching advertising campaigns, etc. are all examples of promotional activities.

Any marketing activity a business wishes to engage in requires some financial investment. The advertising budget is crucial for this reason. It aids in comprehending the goals. Costs aid in strategy development and profit generation by raising total sales.

To learn more about advertising budget, visit the link below:


The complete question is:

which factors should be considered in the process of determining an advertising budget? (choose every correct answer.)

A) Firms must understand how advertising will help them meet objectives.

B) The budget should be uniform for all products within the firm.

C) The budget should be relatively uniform throughout the product's life.

D) Advertising spending will fluctuate over the course of the product life cycle.

E) Advertising spending should depend on the previous year's sales volume.

assume your quiz scores are stored as a list. each entry of the list consists of a name and an integer score as follows: [['alice', 80], ['bob', 85], ['carol', 83]] write a function called getscores that takes such a list as a parameter and returns a list of student scores without student names. [80, 85, 83] note: use the [index]. note: use the append(..) method.


Assume your quiz scores are stored as a list. each entry of the list consists of a name and an integer score as follows: [['alice', 80], ['bob', 85], ['carol', 83]] write a function called getscores that takes such a list as a parameter and returns a list of student scores without student names. [80, 85, 83] note: use the [index]. note: use the append(..) method.

def getScores(lst):           res = [ ]          for x in lst:            res.append(x[1])

   return res     myNameScore  =  [['Alice',80] , ['Bob',85] , ['Carol',83]]  

        print ('The list with scores is:' ,getScores(myNameScore))

An integer is the number 0 (0), a positive herbal quantity (1, 2, three, and many others.) or a negative integer with a minus signal (−1, −2, −three, and so on.).The terrible numbers are the additive inverses of the corresponding fine numbers. inside the language of arithmetic, the set of integers is regularly denoted by using the boldface Z or blackboard ambitious {displaystyle mathbb {Z} }mathbb {Z} .

The set of herbal numbers {displaystyle mathbb {N} }mathbb {N}  is a subset of {displaystyle mathbb {Z} }mathbb {Z} , which in turn is a subset of the set of all rational numbers {displaystyle mathbb {Q} }mathbb {Q} , itself a subset of the real numbers {displaystyle mathbb {R} }mathbb {R} .[a] just like the natural numbers, {displaystyle mathbb {Z} }mathbb {Z}  is countably countless. An integer can be appeared as a actual variety that can be written without a fractional aspect. for instance, 21, 4, 0, and −2048 are integers, even as 9.75, 5+




, and √2 aren't.[9]

Learn more Integer here:-


if the price of one year zero coupon bonds in new york is 80 and the price of 1 year zeros in san francisco is 85, then how would you construct an arbitrage?


To construct an arbitrage, you would have to purchase the NY bond, sell the SF bond short right away, and close positions after a year.

An investor will utilize the investment strategy of arbitrage to simultaneously acquire and sell an asset in separate markets in order to benefit from a price difference. Traders can lock in profits utilizing the arbitrage strategy by concurrently buying and selling a similar security, commodity, or currency on two different marketplaces. The investigation found that making a profit by purchasing the less expensive bond and selling the more expensive bond right away. This profit is the outcome of a sale that generates more revenue than the low bond costs. At the end of the year, the cash flows are exactly balanced.

To learn more about arbitrage:


Marriott’s bonvoy program is an example of a ________blank, which is specifically designed to retain customers by offering premiums or other incentives to customers who make multiple purchases over time.


Marriott's bonvoy program is an example Loyalty Reward Program.

What is a loyalty program?

Retailers and other businesses who sponsor loyalty programs do so to attract and retain customers by offering rewards, discounts, and other unique incentives.

They are designed to reward clients for their brand or store loyalty and to encourage repeat business (hence the name). A consumer typically obtains greater rewards the more frequently they purchase at the firm and the more money they spend.

For more information on Loyalty Program, visit:


loss of human interaction, burnout caused by long hours with technical tools, and lack of guidance for inexperienced employees are among the disadvantages of


Loss of human interaction, burnout caused by long hours with technical tools, and lack of guidance for inexperienced employees are among the disadvantages of virtual offices.

The flexible workspace sector includes virtual offices, which offer businesses any mix of services, space and/or technology without requiring them to incur the capital costs associated with purchasing or renting a traditional office.

As serviced offices, virtual office services were first introduced in the 1960s. As technology advanced, they expanded to include a variety of personnel, physical space, digital storage and communication services.

The possibility of working from a regional office, home office, remote location, or even while on the road using a mobile device is one of the major attractions of the virtual office.

To know about work from home see:


Which of these factors contributes to the popularity of cable TV advertising?
wide reach
locality of the audience
caters to wealthy audiences
lengthy ad-making procedure


caters to wealthy audiences as Cable viewers tend to have higher disposable household incomes

if the market rate of interest is higher than the stated rate on the bond at the date of issuance, the bond will be issued at a


if the market rate of interest is higher than the stated rate on the bond at the date of issuance, the bond will be issued at a discount.

A bond is a debt security, similar to an IOU. borrowers trouble bonds to elevate money from buyers inclined to lend them cash for a sure amount of time. whilst you purchase a bond, you're lending to the company, which can be a central authority, municipality, or organization.

A bond issued through the government of a country at a hard and fast rate of interest is called government Bonds. those styles of bonds are considered to be low-danger investments. Examples of presidency bonds consist of Treasury payments, Municipal Bonds, 0-coupon Bonds, and so forth. As we stated above, the main reason a bond is known is a drop in hobby prices. At this type of time, issuers evaluate their fantastic loans, inclusive of bonds, and recollect approaches to cut fees.

Learn more about bond here:


adam smith suggested that an invisible had guides market economies. in this analogy, what is the baton that the invisible hand uses to conduct the economic orchestra?


Prices are the baton that the invisible hand uses to conduct the economic orchestra.

Economics focuses on the behaviour and interactions of financial marketers and the way economies work. Microeconomics analyzes what's viewed as basic factors within the economic system, such as person retailers and markets, their interactions, and the effects of interactions. Character marketers can also encompass, as an instance, families, corporations, customers, and dealers. Macroeconomics analyzes the financial system as a machine in which production, intake, saving, and funding have interaction, and factors affecting it: employment of the resources of labour, capital, and land, foreign money inflation, economic increase, and public rules which have impact on these elements.

Learn more about economic here


1-15 gina fox has started her own company, foxy shirts, which manufactures imprinted shirts for special occasions. since she has just begun this operation, she rents the equipment from a local printing shop when necessary. the cost of using the equipment is $350. the materials used in one shirt cost $8, and gina can sell these for $15 each.


The materials used in one shirt cost $8, and gina can sell these for $15 each: $350/$7 = 50 shirts. 50 shirts * $15 = $750 in revenue.


a. If each shirt can sell for $15, then 20 shirts will give her a revenue of $300. Her variable cost will be 20 * $8 = $160 since the cost of the equipment is a fixed cost.

b. Each shirt Gina sells has a net profit of $7. Therefore, in order to break even, she must make up the cost of the equipment ($350), with a profit of $7 per shirt.

$350/$7 = 50 shirts.

50 shirts * $15 = $750 in revenue.

The interdisciplinary discipline of materials and technological know-how covers the layout and discovery of new substances, specifically solids. material refers to an element that something else is constructed from. material can also consult with material or can be used to explain something this is a product of count number and exists inside the physical global. the fabric has many different senses as a noun and an adjective.

Learn more about materials here:


the new bea procedure for calculating real gdp corrects for substitution bias by moving the base year forward and computing the current year gdp with the previous year as the base year. group of answer choices true false


The new bea procedure for calculating real gdp corrects for substitution bias by moving the base year forward and computing the current year gdp with the previous year as the base year is true statement.

What is real GDP? 

A country's gross domestic product that has been accounted for inflation is known as real GDP. Compare this to nominal GDP, which calculates GDP using today's prices without taking inflation into account.

Nominal GDP represents the raw data in current dollars without taking inflation into account. Real GDP eliminates any distortion brought on by inflation or deflation by adjusting the numbers by fixing the value of the currency.

A macroeconomic indicator of the value of economic output that is price-adjusted is the real gross domestic product (GDP). With this adjustment, nominal GDP, a measure of economic worth, becomes an index for the amount of total output.

To learn more about  real GDP refer to:


what is the most accurate statement about company concerns related to text messaging? a. spam is a concern only with e-mail, not with text or instant messaging. b. because text messaging is so informal, messages sent or received cannot create legal liability for a company. c. some organizations have instituted detailed digital-age e-policies, offer formal employee training, and use technology tools such as monitoring, filtering, and blocking. d. companies cannot be held responsible if an employee gets into an accident while texting and driving on the job.


Companies cannot be held responsible if an employee gets into an accident while texting and driving on the job is the most accurate statement about company concerns related to text messaging.

A business enterprise is a criminal entity fashioned by way of a set of individuals to interact in and operate a business—business or industrial—enterprise. An organization can be organized in numerous approaches for tax and monetary liability purposes depending on the company regulation of its jurisdiction.

First-rate corporations allow their personnel to make errors, determine matters out, get true at matters, and solve troubles without breaking their spirit and force. terrific groups reward and have fun successes while encouraging their employees to stretch their competencies and their capabilities.

Learn more about the company here:


Which of these is true of event documentation?
A. It is an optional activity.
B. It is needed only for important documents.
C. It is necessary for larger events only.
D. It should be a habit.


True of event documentation is It is needed only for important documents.

Option B is correct.

What's the main purpose of documentation?

Documentation is any transmissible material that's used to describe, explain or instruct regarding some attributes of an object, system or procedure, similar as its corridor, assembly, installation, conservation and use.

Why is it important to validate an event?

The crucial purpose of an event plan is to give an overview of the event, as well as to give authorities and agencies with the necessary information for licence and permit blessings.

Learn more about  documentation:


california retailing inc. has sales of $4,000,000; the firm's cost of goods sold is $2,500,000; and its total operating expenses are $600,000. the firm's interest expense is $250,000, and the corporate tax rate is 40%. what is california retailing's ebit? group of answer choices $875,000 $1,300,000 $850,000 $900,000


California Retailing's EBIT is $900,000.

Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) is a commonly used metric for determining a company's operating profitability. EBIT stands for earnings before interest and taxes, as the name implies. Both of these expenses are real financial outlays, but they are not generated directly by the company's primary business operations.

EBIT is a key indicator of a company's operational efficiency. It reveals how much the business makes from its core operations because it excludes secondary expenses such as taxes and debt interest.

Sale                                          4000000

Cost of goods sold                 2500000

Total operating expenses      600000

Total EBIT                                900000

To learn more about EBIT


which theory would support the idea that by increasing the efficiency of resource utilization in the global economy, international trade results in greater economic growth and provides economic benefits to all countries that participate in a global trading system?


According to the principle of comparative advantage, two countries can still trade in a way that is advantageous to both even though one country can produce all items more cheaply than the other.  This hypothesis states that relative effectiveness is important.

What are the theories governing international trade?

There are four categories for the six economic theories that fall under international trade law: The following four trade theories are: (I) Mercantilist Theory of Trade (II) Classical Theory of Trade (III) Modern Theory of Trade (IV) New Theories of Trade.  There are numerous global theories in both of these categories, classical and modern.

What is the primary idea behind comparative advantage?

An economy has a comparative advantage if it can produce a certain good or service at a lower opportunity cost than its trading partners. Comparative advantage is a theory that explains why trade is advantageous for businesses, nations, and people alike.

To Know more about principle


which of the following is not an example of a strict situational understanding to managerial leadership? a. in chaotic, ambiguous situations, the manager should be autocratic. b. the manager needs to use a democratic style, no matter the circumstances. c. in highly mechanized situations (assembly line), the manager should be autocratic. d.


The answer is b, the manager needs to use a democratic style, no matter the circumstances.

Democratic Leadership Style:

It is applicable to almost every business.Its ability to solve complex problems.It promotes a creative environment. Excellent communication among team members. It turns regretful. It consumes more time than is available.It takes time to process decisions.The element of ambiguity.

The benefit of this is the system's fairness and the fact that all fractions will be represented, and no part of society will be ignored, at least theoretically.

A disadvantage is the relatively high cost of referendums and elections, as well as the slow pace with which new laws are introduced.

To know more about Different leadership styles refer to:


landlord incurs following expenses during the current year on a ten-unit apartment complex. is each expenditure a currently deductible repair or a capital expenditure?


The landlord incurs the following expenses during the current year on a ten-unit apartment complex Deduction. It is a repair

The landlord usually refers back to the owner of actual property, inclusive of a residence, construction, or land, this is leased or rented to every other person or entity, known as the tenant. In a hire agreement, the owner or landlady transfers a part of his or her interest to the tenant. that is, the tenant can occupy and use the belongings.

Being a landlord is a job, you offer a provider that you're paid for and which ends up in you paying tax. it can be a complete-time or element-time job, how lots time it takes up will depend upon how many properties you've got and what sort of work is required to maintain them as apartment properties.

Learn more about landlord here:


After income tax is paid by a
corporation, what percentage of
the remaining profit is paid as the
dividend tax?
A. 30%
C. 15%
B. 5%
D. 10%



option C


the general rate of dividend is 15%

suppose domestic pineapple producers lobby effectively to add a $5 tariff on all imported pineapples. tariff revenue raised by the government will equal:


To determine the change in tariff revenue for a specific import flow, the final ad-valorem tariff multiplied by the final import value is subtracted from the initial ad-valorem tariff multiplied by the initial import value.

How do you calculate government revenue from tariffs?To determine the change in tariff income for a certain import flow, the final ad-valorem tariff multiplied by the final import value is deducted from the beginning ad-valorem tariff multiplied by the first import value.Tariffs increase the price of products and services in domestic markets by imposing a tax on imported goods that is paid by the domestic importer. In order to cover the additional costs, the domestic importer boosts the pricing for the products and services.Taxes, also referred to as tariffs or levies, are levied by the government on the value of imported products, including the cost of shipping and insurance. Different nations put varied tariffs on different goods.

To learn more about tariff refer to:


brainly which term refers to the use of government spending as a form of economic policy, especially when managing the business cycle?


Fiscal policy refers to the use of government spending as a form of economic policy, especially when managing the business cycle.

Fiscal policy is the use of public expenditure and taxation to affect the economy, particularly macroeconomic conditions. These include employment, inflation, economic expansion and the total consumption for goods and services. The government may reduce tax rates or boost spending during a recession to boost demand and the economy. On the other hand, it can increase rates or reduce spending to slow down the economy in order to battle inflation. Monetary policy implemented by central bankers is sometimes contrasted with fiscal policy.

To read more about monetary policy see:


when a fraudster feeds fictitious information into.the accounting system in order to manipulate report,ed results, this is called:'


When a fraudster feeds fictitious information, the accounting system manipulates reports, ed results, this is called beating the accounting system.

What is an accounting system?

An accounting system is a system of recording, storing and retrieving financial transactions. It is a system that provides information about a company's financial position. The purpose of an accounting system is to provide information that is useful in making business decisions. An accounting system typically includes a chart of accounts, a general ledger, and a trial balance. The chart of accounts is a list of all the accounts that a company uses to record its financial transactions. The general ledger is a record of all the financial transactions that have been recorded in the accounting system. The trial balance is a statement of the balances in all the accounts in the accounting system.

The accounting system is designed to make it difficult for people to beat the system. To beat an accounting system, one way is to use accounting software to create false invoices and to create false records of expenses. This can be done by creating false entries in the books of accounts. Another way to beat the system is to use false invoices to claim refunds from the government.

It can be concluded that when a fraudster feeds fictitious information. The accounting system manipulates reports, ed results, this is called beating the accounting system.

To know more about accounting systems, check this link:


job satisfaction is not how hard one works or how well one works, but rather how much one likes a specific kind of job or work activity. question 1 options: true false


Job satisfaction is not how hard one works or how well one works, but rather how much one likes a specific kind of job or work activity.

This statement is true.

job delight, worker pride, or work delight is a degree of workers' contentedness with their task, whether or not they like the task or personal aspects or facets of jobs, consisting of the nature of work or supervision.  Activity pleasure can be measured in cognitive (evaluative), affective (or emotional), and behavioral additives. Researchers have additionally stated that job pride measures vary inside the quantity to which they degree emotions about the activity (affective process satisfaction). or cognitions approximately the process (cognitive task pleasure).

One of the most broadly used definitions in organizational studies is that of Edwin A. Locke (1976), who defines process pride as "a pleasant or high-quality emotional state as a consequence of the appraisal of 1's process or process reports" Others have defined it as truly how content material an individual is with their task; whether or not they just like the task.

learn more about Job satisfaction here:


the retail division that maintains the account records, supervises the credit department and keeps merchandising statistics is the:


The retail department that continues the account records, supervises the credit score branch and continues vending information is the: Financial control.

The required details for Statistics  in given paragraph

Statistics  is the subject that issues the series, organization, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of information. In making use of information to a scientific, industrial, or social problem, it's far traditional to start with a statistical populace or a statistical model to be studied. Populations may be numerous businesses of humans or gadgets such as "every body residing in a country" or "each atom composing a crystal". Statistics offers with each issue of information, which include the making plans of information series in phrases of the layout of surveys and experiments.  When census information can't be collected, statisticians acquire information with the aid of using growing precise test designs and survey samples. Representative sampling assures that inferences and conclusions can moderately increase from the pattern to the populace as a whole.

An experimental study entails taking measurements of the machine below study, manipulating the machine, after which taking extra measurements the usage of the equal technique to decide if the manipulation has changed the values of the measurements. In contrast, an observational study does now no longer contain experimental manipulation.

To know about Statistics  click here


explain your town or region based on related and supporting industries from porter's diamond of national advantage.


The Porter Diamond, also known as the Porter Diamond Theory of National Advantage, is a model designed to help understand the competitive advantage that nations or groups have due to certain factors available to them, as well as to explain how governments can act as catalysts to improve a country's position in a globally competitive economic environment.

Michael Porter, a recognized authority on corporate strategy and economic competition and the founder of Harvard Business School's Institute for Strategy and Competitiveness, developed the model.

According to the Porter Diamond, countries can create new factor advantages for themselves, such as a strong technology industry, skilled labor, and government support for a country's economy.

Most traditional theories of global economics differ in that they emphasize elements or factors that a country or region possesses inherently, such as land, location, natural resources, labor, and population size, as primary determinants of a country's competitive economic advantage.

To learn more on Porter Diamond Theory from the link:


Following the rational rule for sellers, how does output for a seller who has market power compare to output for a seller who does not have market power?.


Following the rational rule for sellers, the output for a seller who has market power compare to output for a seller who does not have market power output is higher without market power than with market power.

What is The Rational Rule for Sellers?

According to the Rational Rule for Sellers, if the price is lower than the marginal cost, lower than the marginal benefit, or higher than or equal to the marginal benefit, the seller should sell one more unit of the product. A seller should select the output level where marginal cost equals marginal income and the price level that is on the seller's demand curve at that output level in accordance with the Rational Rule for Sellers.

When the Rational Rule for Sellers is applied, market output decreases as the level of market power among sellers increases. When a vendor has market dominance, marginal income declines further as the number of units sold decreases and further below the price.

To learn more about Rational Rule for Sellers, visit:


Following the Rational Rule for Sellers, how does output for a seller who has market power compare to output for a seller who does not have market power?

1) Output is the same in both situations.

2) Output is higher with market power than without market power.

3) The level of market power has no impact on output.

4) Output is higher without market power than with market power.

Which of the following statements are true? Select the two correct answers. (1 point)

A credit card from a bank is linked to the user’s checking account.

Store credit cards co-branded with VISA, Mastercard, or Discover can be used anywhere that those cards are accepted.

Credit cards are the same thing as debit cards.

Banks issue credit cards as well as debit cards.

You can never use a store credit card anywhere else.


The two correct answers are:-

Store credit cards co-branded with VISA, Mastercard, or Discover can be used anywhere that those cards are accepted.

Banks issue credit cards as well as debit cards.

The required details about credit card is mentioned in below paragraph.

A credit card lets in you to borrow cash from a credit score card organization. In exchange, you pay interest on any excellent debt on the quit of every billing cycle. Most credit card issuers will file your credit score records to credit score bureaus, not like debit playing cards or pay as you go playing cards.A credit score card is a skinny square piece of plastic or metallic issued via way of means of a financial institution or economic offerings organization that lets in cardholders to borrow budget with which to pay for items and offerings with traders that receive playing cards for payment. Credit cards impose the circumstance that cardholders pay returned the borrowed cash, plus any relevant interest, in addition to any extra agreed-upon charges, both in complete via way of means of the billing date or over time.

To learn about credit card visit here.


Answer: 1. a financial institution where customers deposit money, withdraw previously deposited money, and borrow money through loans fund

2. -Store credit cards co-branded with VISA, Mastercard, or Discover can be used anywhere that those cards are accepted.

-Banks issue credit cards as well as debit cards.

3. depository accounts, loans, mortgages, credit cards, safety deposit boxes

4. A charge card is paid off each month while a credit card has a revolving credit line.

5. American Express

Explanation: I took the same quick check and got 100%, hope it helps!

List and compare the four components of the expenditure approach to calculating GDP.


There are four main aggregate expenditures that go into calculating GDP: consumption by households, investment by businesses, government spending on goods and services, and net exports, which are equal to exports minus imports of goods and services.

What is the main advantage of having a skill set with a high market value?
• A. There are fewer regulations restricting those skills.
B. Workers are more productive per hour using those skills.
C. Employers are willing to pay more for those skills.
D. Worker organizations have a major need for those skills.





The main benefit of having a high market value is that they will get a high price for the services they will provide. Their job will remain stable and they can lead a good life with the compensation they will receive.

on september 1, abc company borrowed $50,000 on a 6%, 9-month note payable to xyz national bank. given no previous adjusting entries have been recorded, abc's adjusting entry at december 31 would include a


ABC Company took out a $50,000 loan on September 1 with a 6%, 9-month note that was payable to XYZ National Bank. Given that no other adjusting entries have been made, ABC's adjusting entry on December 31 four months later would include a: $3,000 debit to Interest Expense.

What is interest expense?

A non-operating item that appears on the income statement is interest expense. It stands for the interest due on all borrowings, including bonds, loans, convertible debt, and credit lines. In essence, it is determined by multiplying the interest rate by the debt's outstanding principal.

On the income statement, interest expenditure often shows as a separate line underneath EBIT (Earnings Before Interest and Taxes). As an illustration, let's say a company borrows $1,000 on September 1 with a 4% monthly interest charge. For September, interest costs will total

$40($1000 x 4%).

To learn more about interest expense click on the given link:


what does an upward-sloping labor supply curve mean? question 9 options: it means that workers prefer to supply less labor when wages are high. it means that an increase in the opportunity cost of leisure leads workers to increase the quantity of labor they supply. all of the above are correct. it means that workers prefer to buy more leisure time when their incomes increase.


An upward-sloping labour supply curve means that an increase in the opportunity cost of leisure leads workers to increase the quantity of labor they supply.

What is the labour supply curve?

The labour supply curve is a graph that shows the relationship between the wages that is paid to labor and the quantity of labor supplied.

The  labour supply curve is upward sloping. This means that there is a positive relationship between  wages and the quantity of labor supplied. As wages increases, the quantity of labour supplied increases.

It is assumed that labor either spends his time working or on leisure. The time that would be spent either working or on leisure depends on the opportunity cost of either activities. Opportunity cost is the cost of the next best option that is forgone when one option is chosen over other options. If labor decides to work, he forgoes leisure. Also, if labor decides to engage in leisure, he forgoes working.  

As wages increase, the opportunity cost of leisure increases. Thus, labor would spend less time on leisure and more time working as income increases.

To learn more about  labour supply curve. please check:


Pls help i’ll mark brainliest A pit boss is someone who ensures game procedures are followed, resolves player disputes, and completes required documents for each shift at a
O casino
O convention
O national park
O theme park


Answer would be Casino


a casino a is that answer

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