from the base of the tower, you meassure its shadow to be same the time your shadoe is are 1.68 tall ia the tower?(round to two decimal plaves if necessary)


Answer 1

The Solution:

Representing the given in a diagram, we have

By similarity theorem, we have that:



[tex]\begin{gathered} BA=1.68m \\ BT=h=(1.68+x)m \\ BC=0.21m \\ BD=17.25m \end{gathered}[/tex]

Substituting these values in the formula above, we get


Solving for x:

We shall cross multiply,


Dividing both sides by o.21, we get

[tex]x=\frac{28.6272}{0.21}=136.32\text{ m}[/tex]

The height of the tower is


Therefore, the correct answer is 138 meters.

From The Base Of The Tower, You Meassure Its Shadow To Be Same The Time Your Shadoe Is

Related Questions

Write the congruence statements represented by the markers in each diagram


The congruence statements





What is Congruence?

If all three corresponding sides and all three corresponding angles are equal in size, two triangles are said to be congruent. Slide, twist, flip, and turn these triangles to create an identical appearance.


From the Figure



and, from another figure



Learn more about Congruence here:


is it possible for a rhombus to have a angle of 120 degrees and a angle of 30 degrees ? homework question



From the properties of a Rhombus;

Opposite angles of a rhombus are equal.

The adjacent angles of a rhombus are supplementary, i.e. adds up to 180°

If one of the angles of a rhombus 120°, and the sum of the adjacent angles is 180°, then, the adjacent angle will be 60° (180° - 120° = 60°)

If one of the angles of a rhombus is 30°, then, the adjacent angle will be 150° (180° - 30° = 150°)

Thus, the sum of 120° and 30° is not supplementary and definitely can not be adjacent, since they do not sum up to 180°.

Hence, it is not possible

2 3/4 divided by 10
Find the quotient. If possible, rename the quotient as a mixed number or a whole number. Write your answer in simplest form, using only the blanks needed.


The quotient is 11/40.

What is a mixed number?

It is formed by combining three parts a whole number, a numerator and a denominator. Here, the numerator and denominator are  a part of the proper fraction that makes the mixed number. These are also known as mixed fractions. It contains both an integer or a whole number. A mixed fraction or number is therefore a product of a whole number and a proper fraction.

2 3/4= 11/4

11/4 is divided by 10 then,

It becomes 11/40

So, the quotient is 11/40

Here, 11/40 cannot be converted into a mixed number.

To know more about mixed number, visit:


Which expression is equivalent to 6c^2d^5/2c-2c^10/d^-2 ? A. 8c^11d^3B. 5c^13d^7C. 6c^11d^7D. 6c^12d^3


[tex]\frac{6c^2d^5}{2c}\cdot\frac{2c^{10}}{d^{-2}}=\frac{6\cdot2}{2}\cdot\frac{c^2c^{10}}{c}\cdot\frac{d^5}{d^{-2}}=6\cdot c^{2+10-1}\cdot d^{5-(-2)}=6c^{11}d^7[/tex]

find a decimal that is equal to each fraction. round to the nearest thousandth if necessary 271/100


[tex]\frac{271}{100}\text{ = 2.71}[/tex]

Here, we want to find the decimal equal to the given fraction

To do this, we look at the number which is the denominator

The number here is 100

What this mean is that we are going to shift the decimal point two times (due to 2 zeros; if 1000, 3 times)

The decimal point is not visible on the numerator which means it is at the back of the last number 1 but it is not necessary to write it

By virtue of the movement, the decimal point will be moved two times, which will make it land at the back of the first number 2

So, we have the expression as;

[tex]\frac{271}{100}\text{ = 2.71}[/tex]

Given 8 x = 2 y - z, solve for y if x 2 and z = 2.



y = 9


The question wants usto solve for y, given that

8x = 2y - z

if x = 2 and z = 2

To solve this, we just substitute the given values for x and z into the given expression to get y.

8x = 2y - z

8(2) = 2y - 2

16 = 2y - 2

We can rewrite this and have

2y - 2 = 16

Add 2 to both sides

2y - 2 + 2 = 16 + 2

2y = 18

Divide both sides by 2

(2y/2) = (18/2)

y = 9

Hope this Helps!!!

Convert 77.6% to an
equivalent decimal.



Step-by-step explanation:

0.776 in decimal form.

c) blank + 48 minutes= 16:00




to find the missing value we need to solve the equation


so, to isolate the blank subtract 48 minutes in both sides

[tex]\begin{gathered} blank+48minutes-48minutes=16\colon00-48minutes​ \\ blank=16\colon00-48minutes​ \end{gathered}[/tex]

To subtract time,subtract minutes then subtract the hours, since we can not have negative minutes , add 60to minutes and subtract 1 from the hours , so

[tex]16\colon00\text{ =15 hours +60 minutes}[/tex]

replace and do the subtraction

[tex]\begin{gathered} blank=16\colon00-48minutes​ \\ blank=15\colon00-48minutes​+60\text{minutes} \\ blank=15\colon12 \end{gathered}[/tex]

therefore, the answer is


I hope this helps you

An object is thrown with an initial velocity of 10 m/s off a cliff that is 660 m high. Use the formula s=4.9t^2 + v0t.a.How long does it take for the object to hit the ground?b. How far will it fall in 3 seconds?



to solve this question, we proceed to apply the formula given

initial velocity v0 =

[tex]\begin{gathered} v_0=10\text{ m/s} \\ s=660m \end{gathered}[/tex]

next we proceed to substitute the values into the equation

[tex]\begin{gathered} s=4.9t^2+v_0t \\ 600=4.9t^2+10t \\ 4.9t^2+10t-600=0 \end{gathered}[/tex]

we'll proceed to solve this quadratic equation to find the time it took the ball to hit the ground

there are several methods to solve a quadratic equation and for the purpose of this session, i'll make use of quadratic formula


in our equation, we have

[tex]\begin{gathered} a=4.9 \\ b=10 \\ c=-600 \end{gathered}[/tex]

let's substitute the values into the equation

[tex]\begin{gathered} t=\frac{-b\pm\sqrt[]{b^2-4ac}}{2a} \\ t=\frac{-10\pm\sqrt[]{10^2-4\times(4.9\times-600)}}{2\times4.9} \\ t=\frac{-10\pm\sqrt[]{100+11760}}{9} \\ t=\frac{-10\pm\sqrt[]{11860}}{9} \\ t=\frac{-10\pm108.9}{9} \\ t=\frac{98.9}{9}\text{ or t}=\frac{-118.9}{9} \\ t=10.99\text{ ot t}=-13.21 \end{gathered}[/tex]

but since time can't have a negative value, the answer is approximately 10.99.

the time taken for the object to hit the ground is approximately 10.99s


how far will it fall in 3s

to find the distance the object travelled in 3s, let's substitute the value of time in the original equation

[tex]\begin{gathered} s=4.9t^2+v_0t \\ t=3 \\ v_0=10\text{ m/s} \\ s=4.9(3)^2+10\times3 \\ s=4.9\times9+30 \\ s=44.1+30 \\ s=74.1m \end{gathered}[/tex]

in 3s, the ball travelled a distance of 74.1m

emily bought a pair of headphones on sale, if they usually cost 36.80, and emily purchased them at 40% how much did she pay? PLEASE GIVE ME A STEP BY STEP EXPLANATION PLEASE


Emily will pay $22.08 to buy the headphones after the discount of 40%.

Define percentage discount

When a product is offered at a discount, the seller is reducing the product's price from what it was originally listed for. The percentage discount on the product is determined by the discount amount stated as a percentage of the original price.

Given data -

Cost of headphones - $36.80

Total price of product is considered as a 100%.

As Emily purchased them at 40%, she should be paying 60% of the amount.

Therefore, the amount she is paying to buy the headphones

= 60% of $36.80

= [tex]\frac{60}{100}[/tex] * $36.80

= 0.6 * $36.80

= $ 22.08

Emily will pay $22.08 to buy the headphones.

To know more about percentage discount, visit:


for each problem, identify the variables, write the equations, and solve


Let the 4-passenger cars be represented with F

Let the 6-passenger cars be represented with S

Rocket Coaster has 15 cars

So that F + S = 15 ----- Equation 1

Also, we were told that the total room for 72 passenger

so that 4F + 6S = 72 ----- Equation 2

Solving the two equations simultaneously using the substitution method,

Step 1

From equation 1:

Make F the subject of the formula

F = 15 - S ---- Equation 3

Step 2

substitute equation 3 into equation 2

4 (15 - S) + 6S = 72

Step 3

60 - 4S + 6S = 72

6S - 4S = 72 - 60

2S = 12

divide both sides by 2

S = 12/ 2

S= 6

Step 4

Substitute the value of S = 6 into equation 3

F = 15 - 6

F = 9

So the number of 4-passenger cars = 9

the number of 6-passenger cars = 6

In ∆JKL, j=7.9inches, k=2 inches and l =9.8. find the measure of


By cosine rule,

[tex]\cos K=\frac{j^2+l^2-k^2}{2jl}[/tex]

Where j = 7.9 inch, k = 2 inch and l = 9.8

[tex]\cos K=\frac{7.9^2+9.8^2-2^2}{2\times7.9\times9.8}=\frac{154.45}{154.84}=0.99748[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} \cos K=0.99748 \\ K=\cos ^{-1}0.99748=4.067\approx4^o \end{gathered}[/tex]

Solution: The measure of angle K is 4 degrees

What is the answer for v/3-1=3


Given the initial expression


Solve for v as shown below

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{v}{3}-1=3 \\ \Rightarrow\frac{v}{3}-1+1=3+1 \\ \Rightarrow\frac{v}{3}=4 \\ \Rightarrow3\cdot\frac{v}{3}=3\cdot4 \\ \Rightarrow v=12 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The answer is v=12

Time 13.5 Time 16 Time 12.6 Time 15.2 Time 12.8 Time 11.8 Time 17.2 Time 12.1. what is the difference between Sarah's time and the mean time of the runners. I know that you divide eight by the sum when you add up all the numbers together from smallest to largest and could you answer this for me l really don't in a word problem when to multiply, add, divide,or, subtract could you ex plain or tell what the key words are that let a student know to add, multiply ,divide, subtract the key words please.


The mean of a data set is equal to the addition of the values of the data divided by the total number of values in the set.

In our problem:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \operatorname{mean}=\frac{13.5+16+12.6+15.2+12.8+11.8+17.2+12.1}{8}=\frac{111.2}{8} \\ \Rightarrow\operatorname{mean}=13.9 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Although you already calculated that, as I understand from what you wrote in the question tab.

The median of a data set can be found by ordering the values in the data set from least to greatest and then taking the middle value. In our problem:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 11.8,12.1,12.6,12.8,13.5,15.2,16,17.2 \\ \Rightarrow\operatorname{median}=\frac{12.8+13.5}{2}=13.15 \\ \Rightarrow\operatorname{median}=13.15 \end{gathered}[/tex]

How to divide 111.2 by 8:

The difference between Sarah's time and the mean time of the runners is:


The answer we are looking for is 1.8

What is the area of the portion of the triangle that lies outside of the circle but within the triangle? Provide the answer along with an explanation of how to calculate the answer.





To determine the area of the portion of the triangle that lies outside of the circle but within the triangle, we find the areas of triangle and circle first:

For the triangle, we use the formula:





We plug in what we know:

[tex]\begin{gathered} A=\frac{1}{2}bh \\ =\frac{1}{2}(20ft)(20ft) \\ =\frac{1}{2}(400ft^2) \\ \text{Calculate} \\ A=200ft^2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Next, we solve for the area of the circle using the given formula:





[tex]\begin{gathered} A=\pi r^2 \\ =\pi(6ft)^2 \\ \text{Calculate} \\ A=113.1ft^2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Then, to find the area of the portion of the triangle that lies outside of the circle but within the triangle:

Area of the portion = Area of the Triangle - Area of the Circle

We plug in what we know:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{ }=200ft^2-113.1ft^2 \\ \text{Area of the portion = }86.9ft^2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the answer is 86.9 ft^2.

Solve the following linear equation using equivalent equations to isolate the variable. Express youranswer as an integer, as a simplified fraction, or as a decimal number rounded to two places.2345 2----U43НЕ KeyAnswerHow to enter your answer (Opens in new window)Keyboard ShoU=


Given the equation


We add and subtract similar terms:


Multiply both sides by 12:

[tex]\begin{gathered} -\frac{17}{12}\cdot12=12\cdot\frac{7}{12}u \\ -17=7u \end{gathered}[/tex]

Divide both sides by 7:

[tex]\begin{gathered} -\frac{17}{7}=\frac{7u}{7} \\ u=-\frac{17}{7} \end{gathered}[/tex]



Find the vertex of the quadratic function below. Write your answer in fractional form if necessary. Do not use decimals.


Given quadratic expression is


Comparing with the general quadratic function


We have,


So, the x coordinate of the vertex is

[tex]\begin{gathered} -\frac{b}{2a}=-\frac{-4}{-6} \\ =-\frac{2}{3} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now, putting the x coordinate in the equation of the given function,we have,

[tex]\begin{gathered} f(-\frac{2}{3})=-3(\frac{4}{9})-4(-\frac{2}{3})+7 \\ =-\frac{12}{9}+\frac{8}{3}+7 \\ =\frac{75}{9} \end{gathered}[/tex]

So, the vertex of th egiven quadratic function is at


Evaluate / Solve b3 + ac – bif a = 4, b=5, and c = 10.A.170B.165C.160D.125



Option C is correct.

The answer is 160.


We are told to evaluate or solve

b³ + ac - b

if a = 4, b = 5 and c = 10

So, to solve, we will just substitute the given values into the expression to be solved

b³ + ac - b

= (5)³ + (4 × 10) - 5

= 125 + 40 - 5

= 160

Hope this Helps!!!

sherry needs to borrow $6,200 to replace the air conditioner in her home. from her credit union, sherry obtains a 30 month loan with an annual simple interest rate of 5.75% use the formula I=Prt (time in years)


Simple Interest Equation (Principal + Interest)

A = P(1 + rt)


A = Total Accrued Amount (principal + interest)

P = Principal Amount

I = Interest Amount

r = Rate of Interest per year in decimal; r = R/100

R = Rate of Interest per year as a percent; R = r * 100

t = Time Period involved in months or years


First, converting R percent to r a decimal

r = R/100 = 5.75%/100 = 0.0575 per year.

Putting time into years for simplicity,

30 months / 12 months/year = 2.5 years.

Solving our equation:

A = 6200(1 + (0.0575 × 2.5)) = 7091.25

A = $7,091.25

The total amount accrued, principal plus interest, from simple interest on a principal of $6,200.00 at a rate of 5.75% per year for 2.5 years (30 months) is $7,091.25.

Sam has $4.30 in quarters and nickels. He has 26 coins in all. The following system of equations can be used to represent this situation. 0.25q +0.05n = 4.30 q+n=26 What does the solution to the system (q, n) represent? (4 pts.) A.There is not enough information to determine. B.The value of the quarters and nickels Sam has C.The number of quarters and the number of nickels Sam has. D.The total amount of money Sam has.



C.The number of quarters and the number of nickels Sam has.


We have that the system of equations representing the situation is:

0.25q + 0.05n = 4.30

q + n = 26

The solution to the system of equations (q, n) will represent the number of quarters and nickels that Sam has.

This is because the sum of q and n is 26 and we are told that Sam has 26 coins.

Therefore, we can conclude that (q, n) represents the number of quarters and nickels that Sam has.

Can someone help me with this


The surface area of trapezoidal is 125 cm² that is the popcorn box has a surface area 125 cm².

Given that,

In the picture we have a popcorn with dimensions of trapezoidal.

We have to find what is the surface area of the trapezoidal.

We know that,

The surface area of trapezoidal is 1/2(b₁+b₂)×h


b₁=5 cm

b₂= 5cm

h= 25 cm

The surface area of trapezoidal= 1/2(b₁+b₂)×h

The surface area of trapezoidal= 1/2(5+5)×25

The surface area of trapezoidal= 1/2(10)×25

The surface area of trapezoidal= 5×25

The surface area of trapezoidal= 125

Therefore, The surface area of trapezoidal is 125 cm² that is the popcorn box has a surface area 125 cm².

To learn more about area visit:


7. A right triangle has a hypotenuse of 13 and a leg of 8. What is the other leg? Show your work.



the other leg is √105



Hypotenuse = 13

one of the legs of the triangle = 8

To find:

the other leg of the triangle

The triangle is right-angled. So, to get the third side, we will apply Pythagoras theorem:

Hypotenuse² = opposite² + adjacent²

let opposite = leg 1 = 8

adjacent = leg 2

Hypotenuse² = = leg1² + leg2²

[tex]\begin{gathered} 13^2=\text{ 8}^2\text{ + leg}_2^2 \\ \\ 169\text{ = 64 + leg}_2^2 \\ \\ 169\text{ - 64 = leg}_2^2 \\ \\ 105\text{ = leg}_2^2 \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} square\text{ root both sides:} \\ \sqrt{105}\text{ = leg}_2 \\ Can^{\prime}t\text{ be reduced an further inradical form} \\ \\ leg_2\text{ = }\sqrt{105}\text{ } \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the other leg is √105

2. Which of the following statements istrue? (1 pt)a) The longest side in a right triangle iscalled the hypotenuse.b) Pythagorean Theorem works for alltriangles.c) The Pythagorean Theorem is used to findmissing angles.


Option A is correct


Pythagorean Theorem only work for right angle triangles.

Hence, the option Pythagorean Theorem works for all triangles is wrong

The Pythagorean Theorem is used to find missing sides of right angle triangles.

The option The Pythagorean Theorem is used to find missing angles is wrong

The longest side in a right triangle is called the hypotenuse.

This is correct

Option A is correct

Designing Doorways for Rich and RizPON D5512ProblemRich has plenty of space abovenstead in this may Rizis quite a bitWat het oude budhat would give the same amount ofhadicom proportionatasRepen555sony net 50


Step 1

Calculate the difference in Rich height and the height of the doorway

6' 67/100'' - 5 5 3/4''

= 1' 19/100''

Then add the difference to Riz height

1' 19/100'' + 6' 8 1/2''

= 7' 9/10''

The height of the doorway that would give Riz enough space is 7' 9/10''

Convert: 3120 millimeters =centimeters


Given 1 centimeter = 10 milimeters.

To convert a number in millimeters into centimeters, divide the number by 10.

[tex]\begin{gathered} 3120millimeters=\frac{3120}{10}centimeters \\ =312centimeters \end{gathered}[/tex]

Answer: 312 centimeters.

Find the perimeter of the figure below. Notice that one side length is not given.Assume that all intersecting sides meet at right angles.Be sure to include the correct unit in your answer.8 ftftft2ft9 ft151Х5?7 ft14 ftCheck2020 MCG Edus


We are asked to find the perimeter of the given figure.

Recall that the perimeter is basically the sum of all the sides in the figure.

But the length of one side is missing that can easily be found.

Let me draw the figure to illustrate the idea.

Step 1: Find the length of the missing side

As you can see in the above figure,

We found the length of the missing side by subtracting the length of 9 ft from the 14 ft, which will give us the length of the missing side drawn in red color.

Step 2: Find the parameter of the figure

Now we can proceed to find the perimeter of the figure.

Add up the lengths of each side

[tex]\begin{gathered} Perimeter=5ft+15ft+14ft+7ft+9ft+8ft \\ Perimeter=58ft \end{gathered}[/tex]


The length of the missing side is 5 ft

The perimeter of the figure is 58 ft


The unit of the perimeter of the rectangle is ft

Whereas the unit of the area of the rectangle is ft^2

If Matthew rolls a number cube 90 times, how many times can he expect it 2 poilto land on an odd number?



The total face of a cube is 6

Possible odd 1,3,5

[tex]Probability\text{ =}\frac{Possible\text{ outcome}}{Total\text{ outcome}}[/tex]

The cube is numbered one through six, and the odd numbers are therefore 1,3,5. So the probability of rolling an odd number in any given single roll is


Multiplying this probability by the number of times she rolls the cube gives


The final answer


construct the perpendicular bisectors of each side of the triangle. Extend the bisectors until they intersect each other.




To draw the perpendicular bisector of each side, place the compass at the two ends of the line.

Using the line WX, expand the compass to beyond half of the line and place the compass at the first point (point W), to draw an arc above and below.

Then place the compass at the other point of the line (point X), and draw an arc to intersect the initially drawn arcs.

Join the two points of intersection to get the perpendicular bisector of the line.

Repeat the same for the other two sides to get the perpendicular bisectors.

can someone please help me find the valu of X


Two triangles than make the whole triangle are proportional then


and the upper side of the left triangle is x

we can calculate the lenght of upper triangle



[tex]21\longrightarrow x[/tex]

we join the relations

[tex]\begin{gathered} 15\longrightarrow30 \\ 21\longrightarrow x \end{gathered}[/tex]

we use cross-multiplication. The product of 21 by 30 dividing between 15 is equal to x

[tex]\begin{gathered} x=\frac{21\times30}{15} \\ \\ x=42 \end{gathered}[/tex]

the value of x is 42 units

4) A quart of liquid has a mass of 2.70 kilograms. How many quarts will take to weight 100 pounds?


We will have the following:








[tex]100lb\cdot\frac{1\operatorname{kg}}{2.2lb}\cdot\frac{1\text{quart}}{2.70\operatorname{kg}}=\frac{5000}{297}\text{quarts}\approx16.83501684\ldots quarts[/tex]


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