finish the quote anime get it right and you get brainliest

you see this you see this shikamaru its a regulation...​


Answer 1





Answer 2


Headband (headpiece)


Related Questions

We are currently in midst of the sixth ____


We are currently in midst of the sixth extinction

hope this helped <3


we are currently in midst of the sixth generation.

am not sure of this

In European cities under Nazi control, what was the purpose of the Jewish ghettos during World War II? What was Elie Wiesel's childhood like? pls help



A. To seperate Jews from society. B. And I don't know who that is


Select the correct answer.
Which type of evidence does the author use in the section "Owning a Pet"?
mate, a
emotional appeal
expert opinion
wner both
Oc. ethical appeal
She says
celebrity support
ce anxiety
-being of
of animals,
in animal
mbers are
ost people
s to



emotional appeal is the right answer

Laura answers her emails while listening to a recording of a training session. Which aspect of cultural context does Laura’s behavior demonstrate?

polychronic time
indirect communication
high power distance
monochronic time



polychronic time


polychronic time means doing more than one thing at a time

Polychronic time is the correct answer I believe


Which of the following is not an acceptable bibliographic citation for a research paper about F. Scott Fitzgerald?
Fitzgerald, F. Scott. Essential F. Scott Fitzgerald (sound recording): Bernice Bobs Her Hair, DVD. New York: Harper Collins, 2006.
Encyclopedia Britannica Online, s.v. "F. Scott Fitzgerald," (accessed July 7, 2009).
Internet source about F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby
Curnutt, Kirk. The Cambridge Introduction to F. Scott Fitzgerald. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2007.​


Answer: The answer is Internet source about F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby


Internet sources about F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby is not an acceptable bibliographic citation for a research paper about F. Scott Fitzgerald. Thus, option (c) is correct.

What is research?

The term “research” refers to generating and creating new ideas with the help of previous studies and phenomena. Using primary valid sources that have already been published on a subject that is related, for example, journals, articles, population data, and historical events are based.

According to the research paper was the based on the research on the particular topic. The reference was the mention are the mandatory. There was the F. Scott Fitzgerald's are not to the accepted the "Internet sources about F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby" is not the APA style of the references.

As a result, the bibliographic citation for a research paper is the mention of the reference. Therefore, option (c) is correct.

Learn more about on research, here:


Describe the steps that you would take to effectively prepare for a discussion about a debatable issue.



hi how are you doing today Jasmine

Which sentence is an example of hyperbole
A her eyes were as blue as the summer sky
B I’ll go insane if i don’t get invited to the party
C the wind pushed the leaves through the yard
D the cast on byron’s let was a plaster shackle



B is the correct answer

The answer is B. I’ll go insane if i don’t get invited to the party. Exaggeration is used to generate an effect using the figure of speech known as hyperbole.

The speaker in this line is exaggerating their response to not receiving an invitation to a party. They are employing hyperbole to convey their dissatisfaction even though they won't actually go nuts.

The other phrases aren't overly dramatic. Sentence A uses a simile, which is a comparison that employs the words "like" or "as." Sentence C expresses the wind literally moving leaves through the yard. The comparison in Sentence D is a metaphor because it does not utilize the words "like" or "as."

Other instances of hyperbole include the following:

I'm so hungry I could eat a horse.

I'm so tired I could sleep for a week.

To know more about speech:


I am trying to deconstruct a sentence and I am having a hard time. The sentence is The poem I liked the best was The Guest House. I know that the first noun is poem, the verb is was, and The Guest House is the last noun, but what is I liked?



The Guest House


Why did the Confederate states replace the Stars and Bars flag with the Confederate battle flag? A) The Stars and Bars flag was too detailed and unattractive. B) The Stars and Bars flag looked too much like the American flag. C) The Stars and Bars flag had been used since the Revolutionary War. D) The Stars and Bars flag caused racial division in southern states.


It's B. The Confederate commanders petitioned for a new flag after its similarity to the Union flag caused confusion during the First Battle of Bull Run.

In "My Old Home," what is the main reason that the narrator's mother is somewhat sad when he returns home?



The narrator's return means the moment that she will have to leave the house in which she lived for so long and that she keeps so many memories. It makes her a little sad.


"My Old Home," features a narrator returning to his home town after living for 20 years in another city. The narrator's return is to finish the house move that his family will make. The narrator feels depressed when he returns to the house where he was born because she looks dull, unattractive, she no longer represents his home. He realizes that his mother is also sad and this is probably due to her attachment to the house in which she lived for so many years. The narrator's return to the house determines the moment when the change of house should, in fact, be made and this leaves his mother a little sad, because this house holds many precious memories for her.

Hi, I'm from Peru, I don't know English, could you help me?
I am using a translator


1. understand
2. toilet
3. page
4. silence
5. repeat
6. down
7. pronounce
8. pencil
9. notebook
10. board
11. up
12. say
13. hand
14. come
15. quiet
16. door
17. borrow
18. close
19. sorry
20. pairs (this one doesn’t make sense but it’s the only option left)

What do you do when your board?


I think you mean, “What do you do when you’re bored?”
i listen to music and cry

Based on the text, what is the author's viewpoint on democracy?



There is no text listed here.



there view is that one side agrees one does not and they keep doing it till they come to a decition

Read the passage.
(1) With time and effort, we can replace fossil fuels with
alternative sources of energy. (2) Alternative energy
sources can help save the planet. (3) Unfortunately,
most people use fossil fuels in their daily lives, so they
will continue to use them unnecessarily. (4) Still, if
enough citizens do their research and see the benefits of alternative energy, then we can turn the tide in our favor.
(5) For example, using just 19 percent of unclaimed
desert areas for solar installations could provide
electricity for the entire nation. (6) If each individual who believes that alternative energy can make a difference
takes a step away from fossil fuel use, then we can
change the world.

Which sentences should be removed or revised to eliminate logical fallacies and improve clarity? Select TWO options.

A) Sentence 1
B) Sentence 2
C) Sentence 3
D) Sentence 4
E) Sentence 5



possible answer: Sentence 4

Explain some of the ways people were punished for the crimes they committed?


People where punished by getting sentenced in jail
Jail time , Community service , or lethal injection

What does perilous means​



Explanation:   full of or involving peril a perilous journey.

or full of danger or risk.

"a perilous journey south"

and exposed to imminent risk of disaster or ruin.

"the economy is in a perilous state"

Anyone have poetry Qs?
I like to answer those...



By Qs do you mean Questions?

elaborate on that please.. so i can answer the question

Londyn Johnson
pfp ares







ok i will add now cause i cool :)

What does it mean to be grown up? What makes you who you are?



To be responsible

The choices you make and the actions you take make you who you are.


1. In line 98, Romeo asks,

"have not saints lips, and

holy palmers too?"What

does he mean by this?


This means that Romeos hands are holy and are worthy enough to touch the statues of saints hands. Means holding a palm against another is just like a holy kiss.

1.According to the little girl, what happens to forgotten potato seeds?
A)They turn into candy.
B)They rot.
C)They get stolen.
D)They grow into magical bean stalks.
2. The little girl is a_____
A) Jew
B) gypsy
D) black
3. Why did Misha steal the little girls birthday cake?
A) he thought they were trying to burn it
B) he was hungry
C) it was his birthday and he did not have a cake
D) he wanted to make Uri proud
4. How did uri and Misha lose the barber shop?
A) the nazis destroyed it
B) they got sick of living there
C) they accidentally burned it down
D) other kids moved in and kicked them out
5. Who do Uri and Misha give the extra stolen bread to?
A) The orphans
B) Jews on train to the concentration camp.
C) the little Jewish girl
D) A and C
Pls answer all questions correctly. Pls don’t guess if
You don’t know it pls don’t answer. Pls help this is due in 15 min. If you play around I will be reporting
This is from milkweed chapters 8-11




1 . b

2. a




what are the most appealing parts of traveling into territory that, for your culture, is uncharted or unexplored



Due to presence of historical places.


The most appealing parts of traveling into territory is that there are many historical places are present which tells a lot about the unexplored culture. There are palaces, fortress and many other historical places which reminds us about the history of this territory. This territory increases our knowledge and we explore new type of items and infrastructure in these historical places.

Which of the following is a physical change?

cutting vegetables
burning charcoal
lighting a match
mixing an acid and a base


Cutting vegetables fhjdhdjdidgdsjdiudbdbdbdichrbdd


cutting vegetables.


It changed ig lol

Fear of the unknown: what is it, and why are people so often Afraid of events or circumstances
that have never happened to them?:



There is a psychological term for this: xenophobia. It means that you feel intensely or MAJOR upset, anxiety, uncertainty. This can be a fear of people, places, or just anything that you thinkin your mind that seems unbearable.


The body reacts to this in different ways. Your heart rate can get faster or race, quick shallow breathing - that is why it is good to practice taking deeeeep breaths. Feelings of weakness or the "I cannot do this" feeling, and your blood sugar can go off too. Some people worry to the extent that they begin imagining worst case scenarios. There can actually be a cognitive distortion - you really believe what you think you believe. It is actually known as the feeling that a catastrophe is coming.

What happened to African Americans on the day the United States was granted freedom from the British rule (Independence Day)? Describe in great detail what dynamic African Americans were in at the time.


Only 50 years after the defeat of the British at Yorktown, most Americans had already forgotten the extensive role black people had played on both sides during the War for Independence. At the 1876 Centennial Celebration of the Revolution in Philadelphia, not a single speaker acknowledged the contributions of African Americans in establishing the nation. Yet by 1783, thousands of black Americans had become involved in the war. Many were active participants, some won their freedom and others were victims, but throughout the struggle blacks refused to be mere bystanders and gave their loyalty to the side that seemed to offer the best prospect for freedom.



I’d say D. It addresses a counterargument and refutes it.
Uh I think isa carrot irk bou that

11. In what way are the poems "Chicago" and "My Mother

Enters the Work Force" similar?



Both poems speak of hardworking people who dedicate themselves to their activities and work for their own survival, but remain lively and admirable.


"Chicago" is the poem written by Carl Sandburg that presents the city of Chicago as a place of hardworking, responsible and lively people. In this poem the author agrees with the idea that Chicago has many problems such as violence, crimes and poverty, but that does not erase the fact that the inhabitants of Chicago are admirable people.

"My Mother Enters the Work Force" was written by Rita Dove and features a woman who is forced to work to support her daughter and herself. This woman's salary is very low and although she and her daughter live with limitations and difficulties, she is very lively and dedicated to the responsibilities she has.

What type of animal barks





becaus they have vocal cords

The courthouse keeps a register of the buildings at every address in the city.
Which definition best matches the meaning of register in the sentence?
1. a vent that controls the flow of air into a room
2. an official book with a record of items or names
the type of machine that records numbers
4. the range of a voice or a musical instrument


it would be 1  i hope it helpssssssssss

Listen again and complete the opinion



1. Important

2. Right

3. Cruel

4. Racist

5. Good

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Area and Perimeter in ContextYou live in a big house. The master bathroom is 12 by 20 feet. Calculate the area of your bathroom.a. 100 sq. ftb. 240 sq. ftc.180 sq. ftd. 170 sq. ftPlease select the best answer from the choices provided Our highways, espressways, and streets become increasingly congested every day as our population increases and more new drivers enter the road. Distracted driving isn't justa problem for teenagers; it's also a problem for adults. However, today's problems are not the same as they once were. We now have laws prohibiting texting while driving, as well as statistics on the number of people who die as a result of texting while driving. Because of texting and driving, the number of people killed in car accidents has risen. People are nowengrossed in their modern gadgets such as phones, iPods, and other similar devices, rather than wasting time trying to locate a station on the radio. Texting while driving continues to be one of today's most serious distractions for drivers.Florida has enacted legislationprohibiting it, but the penalty is just $30. Although it was formerly a secondary offense and is now a $30 fine, I believe it should be increased. A teens's license can indeed be strippedaway if they are found testing and driving.If an adult is caught, I believe their driver'slicense should be revoked. If all you have to do is pay a thirty-dollar fee then that won't get anyone to stop distracted drivers. We need to do something to grab their attention more than their phones do In the year 2013, the state of Florida enacted legislation prohibiting texting while driving. Even though the legislation was passed, it stipulates that in order to be prosecuted for this crime and fined the $30, you must commit two crimes, which has sparked concerns among citizens about the law's effectiveness.Some residents were concerned that otherresidents (mostly teens and other young and reckless drivers) would be resistant to the new legislation. Furthermore, some residents may live in fear of someone violating the law, resulting in an accident, and innocent people dying as a result of a simple text message thatshould have been delayed. The issue is that some residents want to establish a more updated and stricter regulation, which is understandable, but Florida is currently doing the best itcan to help discourage texting and driving Forty-two states, which include Florida, have declared texting while driving illegal. These states, have taken steps to improve the way they are by making the amount of injuries less than they were in the state. As a result, this bright sunshine state will be able to provide highways with drivers who will not damage their surroundings. It's believed that people want a much better rule, but Florida is still working to make this wish a reality for residents. The feelings of the citizens about making this rule, or even a more powerful law, are reciprocal or much stronger.Can someone write at lest a 5 sentence conclusion for the writing above?? Needed ASAP for FLVS. write this number in words "5397024"