The picture above is called a _______________ drawing.
Brown, black, tan, and white are shading colors.

Georgia O’ Keeffe painted Enlarged Flower.

A TAG is part of ______________ art or street art.

George Rodrigue is the artist of Blue Dog.

___________________ is short for optical illusion.

Shade the sphere. (Light to Dark) Light where arrow is located

The Picture Above Is Called A _______________ Drawing.Brown, Black, Tan, And White Are Shading Colors.Georgia


Answer 1


All I know that this is a perspective art

Related Questions

In a tabular form differentiate between knitting and crocheting​


Answer: Crocheting is the left and knitting is on the right also the

Crocheting Knitting

Tools: Crocheting: One Hook & Yarn Knitting: Two Needles & Yarn

Basic Stitch Motion: Crocheting: Loops & Knots Knitting: Loops

Active Stitches at Any Time: Crocheting: 1 Knitting: All

Number of Basic Stitches: Crocheting: 10 Knitting: 2

Fabric Texture: Crocheting: Coarse & Thick Knitting: Smooth & Flat

Construction Method: Crocheting: Spacial: Turns or Irregular Shapes Knitting: Linear: Limited by Loops on Needles

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Yarn Needed: Crocheting: More: Crocheting Takes 1/3 more Yarn Knitting: Less

Availability of Patterns: Crocheting: Medium Knitting: High

Best Used For: Crocheting: Wearable Accessories (Hats or Scarves) & Afghans Knitting: Sweaters & Wearables

Ease of Learning: Crocheting: Depends on you! Knitting: Depends on you!

What other styles of dance came before hip-hop?


Ballet was invented in France. The king really enjoyed watching it

I need some good optical illusions for my school project. I need a lot of them


optical illusion photos

Please help!!!!

Label the following interval in the shortest form possible.


Answer: 5th interva


Music is often used in film for all of the following EXEPT....
A. To establish the mood
B. To highlight a character
C. To help create the setting
D. To distract from the other actions



to distract from the other actions

one of my tines on my kalimba fell off and it sounds like trash nowT-T how do i fix thisss


Use a pair of pliers and try to fix it

Shades are darker that are created by mixing a ___________ with a color.



dark color which are black and grey or even purple

How can sound carry "emotional weight " in a film's story



it can guide the emotion queues of the audience in a fictional film, so too can it guide the emotions of a non-fiction documentary audience

It carry’s emotions depending on if it’s a up beat song it will carry a happy tone versus if it is lower pitched and slow it could be sad

A juxtaposition that accentuates difference - in art is _______.



Juxtaposition is a literary term which places different elements side by side in order to emphasize their differences, reveal surprising similarities, or explore a unique relationship between the two. It challenges us to reconsider and discover elements typically kept apart by placing them in contact with one another.


Here it is hope you give me 5 stars or a thanks or a crown!

“Do I pursue a soulless education which will lead to a “safe” career but sacrifice my passions, or pursue my passions at the risk of my material future?”



WEll If you want to pursue a soulless ed. than the main thing is to go ahead and do it dont ever back down.


Answer: i think you should go along with your passion like what im doing but you can also have more than one passion like how i wanna be a vet but i also wanna be a actress you can pick more than one passion for back-ups if your one passion is put on a hold or somethinng.


hope this helps - Mal



1. Tertiary colors are combinations of primary and secondary colours. There are six tertiary colors; red-orange, yellow-orange, yellow-green, blue-green, blue-violet, and red-violet. An easy way to remember these names is to place the primary name before the other colour.

2. Aesthetics, also spelled esthetics, the philosophical study of beauty and taste. It is closely related to the philosophy of art, which is concerned with the nature of art and the concepts in terms of which individual works of art are interpreted and evaluated.
Yellow is one red is another

ayuda porque me salen preguntas en otros idiomas,, asi no los puedo responder aaaaa



Sí, sí lol


What other styles of dance did hip-hop helped to inspire? (Dance assignment)


The Harlem shake, or thé robot, pop locking and dropping, everything was funky

Write a paragraph on how you plan to incorporate the study and appreciation of art into your life.




Art is my life. I plan to discover more musical artists and sketching artists to help improve my art in art class and in day-to-day sketching. I plan to try different varieties of art including sculpting and ceramics. I will try to do more research on Van Gogh, Claude Monet, and others, to help improve me on understanding the elements of art.

Where is the panpipe found in Latin America, and in which part is it NOT found?​



Found - Bolivia, Peru and Ecuador.


Not sure that's all and I couldn't find the other answers, sorry.

The principles of art are considered in which stage of critique?
O Analysis
O Judgement
O Description
O Interpretation


I think the answer might be description


C, Description


For this color wheel, what is the complimentary color for blue?
O red
O orange
O turquoise


Answer:        o i dont know i might be wrong but hope this helps

Orange it’s right across from blue
Hope this helps :p

How does WayangKulit communicate tales of everyday social and cultural relevance and interest?


Wayang Kulit depicts sociocultural relevance and interest through Shadow Puppet Theatre Plays and a singer called "Dalang".

Anybody wanna support some rap music? Check me out tell me what y'all think.


Answer: sureee, but is their a link or sum


8. What type of editing can be described as computer editing that allows dragging and dropping clips of video or audio with transitions and effects being easy to apply?

A. interpretive editing

B. Foley editing

C. linear editing

D. non-linear editing



Non-linear editing


Instrumentation of Romantic period
music featured
A. parts for wind and brass instruments doubling
with the string parts.
B. complete orchestration, with unique parts written
for the different sections of the orchestra.
C. parts for strings and harpsichords but no parts
for wind or brass instruments.






B is correct



Record players were common by....
A. The early 1800s
B. The late 1800s
C. The early 1900s
D. The late 1900s



The late 1900s



hope it helps


it was around the 60's and 70's


so I would say Early 1800's


One of the major developments during the Roman Empire was portraiture. Though the idea of creating a portrait of an actual person wasn’t new, it’s use grew. What is the MOST likely reason for this increase in the use of portraiture?

Death masks became more popular during this time.

Portraits of leaders were new to this time period.

There was a greater emphasis on the individual in Roman society.

Portrait busts were easier to construct during this time period.


C. There was greater emphasis on the individual in Roman society.

Humanist ideas became popular




How has photography changed in terms of subject matter over the past hundred years or so. Do you think photographers are
testing boundaries more, or do you think it's because society has changed its boundaries?



Photography, back when it was first invented, was used to shoot random scenes and nature. Now, humans have gone beyond just those subjects when it comes to photography. Both photographers and society has had boundary changes.

Franz Joseph Haydn's character
was reflected in his
A. upbeat and energetic musical style.
B. dismal, souless melodies.
C. dissonat chords and meloncholic tones.


Answer: B


Franz Joseph Haydn's character was reflected in his dismal, souless melodies. Haydn's music and style were distinctive. The correct option is (B).

Who is Franz Joseph Haydn's?

One of the most productive and well-known composers of the Classical era was Franz Joseph Haydn (1732–1809), an Austrian.

Haydn composed innumerable more musical compositions, including 107 symphonies, 83 string quartets, 45 piano trios, 62 piano sonatas, 14 masses, and 26 operas.

One of the key figures in the evolution of the Classical style of music throughout the 18th century was the Austrian musician Joseph Haydn. He contributed to the development of the string quartet and symphony's forms and aesthetics.

Therefore, Franz Joseph Haydn's character was reflected in his dismal, souless melodies. Haydn's music and style were distinctive.

To know more about the Franz Joseph Haydn's, visit:


The vocabulary word meaning to change is _____.


Transform is a synonym for change??


transform, transmute, modify

Alll of them are meaning to change.

Here is today's pressing matter: anybody need points?
The first two to answer will be gifted 19 points or so.
Have a nice day :)


oh my gosh thank you ^^

I hope you have a wonderful day :3


Aw thanks :3


Bless you UwU

¿Por qué es importante hacer uso adecuado de los espacios públicos en el contexto actual del

estado de emergencia?

Recuerda que tu texto debe tener un párrafo dónde presentes tu postura, luego otros párrafos donde desarrolles tus ideas

y, finalmente, tus conclusiones o ideas que cierran el texto.



En este contexto de emergencia, los espacios públicos han cobrado una gran relevancia dada la situación de relativa escasez de espacios para que las personas puedan compartir momentos sociales sin correr el riesgo de un eventual contagio.

Por lo tanto, dada la escasez de dicho recurso, debe organizarse la utilización  de los espacios públicos de modo tal que pueda garantizarse que todos los ciudadanos que requieran acceder a estos lo hagan en forma irrestricta, o bien en forma igualitaria con el resto de las personas.

Elements of Art Vocab:
_______________- One point moving around in space.
____________- The way things feel, or look as if they might feel, if touched.
____________- The lightness or darkness of colors.
A __________ that looks flat, or two-dimensional.
___________- Something that appears to be three-dimensional.
____________-Made of three properties: hue, value, and intensity.
____________-When something has a sense of depth.

What is the wheel with the colors called _______________

What are the primary colors___________________

What are the secondary colors__________________

What is another name for color________________

Name 2 warm colors________________________

Name 2 cool colors_______________________

What are analogous colors? Name one set __________________________

What are complementary colors? Name one set.______________________

The line where the sky meets the earth is called?___________________

Tints are lighter colors that are created by mixing _________ with a color.

Shades are darker that are created by mixing a ___________ with a color.

A self portrait is a picture of ______________.





A self portrait is a picture of ______________.



Your self


Selfies can sometimes be an example of self potrait, its just a image, painting, or scupture of oneself.

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