Find the are of this compound shape below *

Find The Are Of This Compound Shape Below *


Answer 1


52 cm²

Step-by-step explanation:

First, we find the area of the bottom rectangle. We see it's 4 high and 10 wide, so 4x10 is 40. Then, we see that the small figure in the top right has a height of 4 and width of 3, so 4x3 = 12, add those and you get 52.

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Help me I will brainliest and like fast




Step-by-step explanation:

I believe that the answer is 5

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4/6. out of 1 2 3 4 5 6 only 3 number are even.but it says lands on 1 and the other lands on even. so 3 +1 = 4. sorry if it doesnt make sense

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there is actually a secret degree in science

Step-by-step explanation:

it's called

ur mom

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Which two angles measures can u add to find the Measure of angle FMH? Pls

Pls help

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Hi answer: 41

What I do for these is do the shapes separately and use the appropriate formulas! Then add them Up! So the easiest is the rectangle that would be 5 × 4 = 20 then the triangles would be 5 x 1 = 5 then ÷ by 2 = 2.5 but since there are two of those triangles we just multiply by 2 again so 2.5 × 2 = 5 for the last two triangles at the top it would be 4 × 4 = 16 then ÷ by 2 = 8 but since theres 2 triangles multiply by 2 so 8 × 2 = 16 now we add all of these numbers up so 20 + 5 + 16 = 41 Hope that helps!

Multiplying by a positive number will give a positive product. TrueFalse​




Step-by-step explanation:

(I’ll give brainliset) Your friend makes a two dimensional model of a dividing cell as shown. The total area of the dividing cell is 350 square inches. What is the area of the shaded region to the nearest whole inch?
nearest whole inch?



149.04 in^2

Step-by-step explanation:

The image of the question can be seen below.

In the image, we can see two circles that intersect at a given point.

We know that the total area of the image is 350 in^2

We want to find the area of the shaded part.

Ok, this seems to be hard, so instead, let's find the area of the two non-shaded parts (two semicircles) and just subtract that area from the total area of 350in^2

The two non-shaded parts are half a circle of diameter 16 inches.

We know that for a circle of diameter D, the area is:

A = pi*(D/2)^2

Where pi = 3.14

And because we want to find the area of two semicircles of diameter 16 inches, is exactly the same as finding the area for a single circle of diameter 16 inches.

This is:

A = 3.14*(16in/2)^2 = 3.14*(8in)^2 = 200.96 in^2

Now we can just subtract this from the total area:

shaded area = total area - A

shaded area = 350 in^2 - 200.96 in^2

shaded area = 149.04 in^2




answer is C the means and the standard deviation because the data sets are normally disturbed

Answer: d

Step-by-step explanation:

Sumaya's soccer coach randomly passes out three kinds of fruit bars (strawberry, blueberry, and apple) after each game. Sumaya has two games one morning. This table lists the sample space of outcomes. Second game Strawberry Blueberry Apple Strawberry SS SB SA First game Blueberry BS BB BA Apple AS AB AA In the event SB, Sumaya gets a strawberry bar after game 1 and a blueberry bar after game 2. Which outcome would be included in the event gets only one apple bar"?​




Step-by-step explanation:

Answer: AS is your answer!

Step-by-step explanation: AS has only one apple bar, which if you have the 5.1,2 Exam, you got this!

The quadratic function d = –2x^2 + 15 models a skateboarder’s distance, in feet, from the bottom of a hill x seconds after the skateboarder starts moving down the hill. After how many seconds is the skateboarder 8 ft from the bottom of the hill?



After 1.87 seconds the skateboarder is 8 ft from the bottom of the hill.

Step-by-step explanation:

The quadratic function d = –2*x² + 15 models a skateboarder’s distance, in feet, from the bottom of a hill x seconds after the skateboarder starts moving down the hill.

You want to know after how many seconds the skater is 8 feet from the bottom of the hill. That is, with the distance being 8 feet, you want to calculate the time t. Replacing in the expression d by the value of 8 feet:

8=–2*x² + 15


8-15 = -2*x²

-7= -2*x²

(-7)÷(-2)= x²

3.5= x²


1.87= x

After 1.87 seconds the skateboarder is 8 ft from the bottom of the hill.

Help me plz and show work <3


the answer is 150.8 and here is the work

hello please help i’ll give brainliest




Step-by-step explanation:

A sphere has radius 8 ft. If the radius is doubled, what is the effect on the volume?

The volume is multiplied by 6.
The volume is multiplied by 4.
The volume is multiplied by 8.
The volume is doubled.



If the radius of the sphere is doubled, the volume would be multiplied by 4. Think of the sphere as a cube instead and if you were to double the sides, the area would be 4 times bigger. Hope this helps! :)

The rectangle below has a length of 7 centimeters and a width of 3 centimeters. Three centimeters are subtracted from the length, and c centimeters are added to the width. The area of the new rectangle is 32 square centimeters. What is the value of c?

A. 1 centimeters
B. 3 centimeter
C. 5 centimeters
D. 10 centimeters




Step-by-step explanation:

7 - 3 = 4 = Length

3 + c = ? = w

A = 32

32 ÷ 4 = 8 = w

8 - 3 = 5 = number added to width

5 = c

Word explanation:

To find the number added, you have to figure out the length so that you could divide it by area to figure out the width.

So, to do that, you follow what the question said, "Three centimeters are subtracted from the length." = 7 - 3 = l = 4

Then, you move on to figure out the width, so you divide the area by the length = 32 ÷ 4 = 8 = width.

Now that you know the width, you continue to follow what the question said, "C centimeters are added to width."

= 3 (previous width) + c = 8 (new width)

After that, you subtract 8 - 3 to find the amount added to the width and that gives you 5, which is C.

The value of the variable c is 5 centimeters.

What is the area of the rectangle?

The area of the rectangle is the product of the length and width of a given rectangle.

The area of the rectangle = length × Width

To determine the number added, we have to figure out the length so that we could divide it by area to figure out the width.

"Three centimeters are subtracted from the length means;

= 7 - 3 = l = 4

Then, move on to figure out the width, so we divide the area by the length

= 32 ÷ 4

= 8  width.

Now that we know the width, continue to follow what the question said, "C centimeters are added to width."

= 3 (previous width) + c = 8 (new width)

After that, subtract 8 - 3 to find the amount added to the width and that gives 5, which is C.

Learn more about the area;


A plane travels at a speed of 180 mph in still air. Flying with a tailwind, the plane is clocked over a distance of 900 miles. Flying against a headwind, it takes 2 hours
longer to complete the return trip. What was the wind velocity? (Round your answer to the nearest tenth.)


The answer the answer is appropriately 40

A competitive diver dives from a 33-foot high diving board. The height of the diver in feet after 't' seconds is given by u(t) = −16t^2 + 4t + 33. At the moment the diver begins her dive, another diver begins climbing the diving board ladder at a rate of 2 feet per second. At what height above the pool deck do the two divers pass each other? Please answer it quickly, it's for my homework.



[tex]t = 0.375s[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]h(t) = -16t^2 + 4t + 33[/tex] --- driver 1

[tex]Rate = 2ft/s[/tex] -- driver 2

[tex]height = 33ft[/tex]


The time they passed each other

First, we determine the function of driver 2.

We have that:

[tex]Rate = 2ft/s[/tex] and [tex]height = 33ft[/tex]

So, the function is:

[tex]h_2(t) = Height - Rate * t[/tex]

[tex]h_2(t) = 33 - 2t[/tex]

The time they drive pass each other is calculated as:

[tex]h(t) = h_2(t)[/tex]

[tex]-16t^2 + 4t + 33= 33 - 2t[/tex]

Collect like terms

[tex]-16t^2 + 4t + 2t= 33 - 33[/tex]

[tex]-16t^2 + 6t= 0[/tex]

Divide through by 2t

[tex]-8t + 3= 0[/tex]

Solve for -8t

[tex]-8t = -3[/tex]

Solve for t

[tex]t = \frac{-3}{-8}[/tex]

[tex]t = 0.375s[/tex]

Write 1012100 with a power of 10 with a single exponent using the appropriate exponent rule. Explain or show your reasoning.



Step-by-step explanation:

Move the period 5 spaces to the left, and then write 1012100 as 1.0121*10^5.

Take the deepest dive of an elephant seal and add it to the deepest seawater scuba dive by diver John Bennet. The result is 6,024 ft. Two times the elephant seal's depth minus Bennet's depth is 9,024 ft.



[tex]x = 5016[/tex]

[tex]y = 1008[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:



[tex]x \to Elephant\ seal[/tex]

[tex]y \to Bennet[/tex]

From the first statement, we have:

[tex]x + y = 6024[/tex]

From the second, we have:

[tex]2x - y = 9024[/tex]


Find x and y

Add both equations to eliminate y

[tex]x +2x + y - y = 6024 + 9024[/tex]

[tex]3x = 15048[/tex]

Divide both sides by 3

[tex]x = 15048/3[/tex]

[tex]x = 5016[/tex]

Substitute [tex]x = 5016[/tex] in [tex]x + y = 6024[/tex]

[tex]5016 + y = 6024[/tex]

Solve for y

[tex]y = 6024 - 5016[/tex]

[tex]y = 1008[/tex]

What is the measure of ∠4? Enter your answer in the box.




Step-by-step explanation:

11. What is the center of the circle (x - 2)2 + (y + 6)2 = 25?​


If you’re solving for x, it’s x= 17/2 - y
If you’re solving for y, it’s y= 17/2 - x



We need to see what the choices are

What are the resulting coordinates of triangle J′K′L after reflecting triangle JKL across the x-axis?

Question options:


J′ (–3, 1), K′ (4, 2), L′ (3, 4)


J′ (1, –3), K′ (2, –4), L′ (–3, 4)


J′ (–1, –3), K′ (–2, 4), L′ (–3, –4)


J′ (3, –1), K′ (–4, 2), L′ (–3, 4)



I think the answer is C but I'm not 100% sure

In a cave, a stalactite gets 4 millimeters longer each year. This year it is
72 centimeters
How many years until it is 1 meter long *25 points*


The number of years it will take until the stalactite is 1 meter long is; 70 years

How to convert units of measurements?

From conversion units, we know that;

1 m = 100 cm

1 cm = 100 m

Current length is given as 72 cm


Length after x years = 1 m = 100 cm

Length increase in x years  = 100 -72 = 28 cm

Since 1 cm = 10 mm


Length increase in x years  in mm = 28 * 10 = 280 mm


Length increase in 1 year = 4 mm

Length increase in x years = 4x mm

Then; 4x  = 280

x = 70

Thus, it will take 70 years  until it is 1 meter long.

Read more about Units of Measurement at;


Write 90% as a fraction or mixed number in simplest form.



9/10 I hope this helps :))

solve for the value of n



N = 27

Step-by-step explanation:

The total value would be 90 , as it is a right triangle . Starting from the aforementioned number and subtracting it by the given values above shall reward you with the correct answer .

90 - ( 6 + 3 ) = 81

81 / 3 = 27



i think 27??

Step-by-step explanation:

n+6 +90+2!+3=180

A man buys a car for 100k and sells it for 130k. He then buys the same car for 160k and sells it for 170k. Does he make a profit or a loss.


the answer is profit
Step 1: Subtract 100 from 130
100 - 130 = 30

Step 2: Subtract 160 from 170
170 - 160 = 10

Step 3: Add the results found
30 + 10 = 40

The man makes a profit



Could you get a closer picture?

HELP PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!



I am thinking it is 112° or 136°

Let me know which one. Hope it helps though =)

Find the value of z.
A. 55
B. 90
C. 238
D. 122



Not sure

Step-by-step explanation:

Still not sure

if f (x)=2[x],find f(1 1/4).




Step-by-step explanation:

f(11/4) means x = 11/4

so substitute 11/4 for x in the eqn 2[x]

f(11/4) = 2[11/4] = 11/2

solve the inequality 2x+10<5x+1




Step-by-step explanation:

you would subtract 5x from 2x and get -3x+10 < 1

then subtract 10 from 1 and get -9 so

-3x<-9 then divide and flip sign x>3 hope this helps



Step-by-step explanation:

1.subtract both sides

2x+10 -5 < 5x+1 -5


2.subtract 10 from both sides

-3x+10 -10 < 1 -10


3.divide both sides with number including x

-3x < -9

-3      -3

= x > 3


 0    1     2    3    4     5    6

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