fill in the blank
Central ideas are the most ____________ ideas in a text.
(edge) ​


Answer 1



Related Questions

according to kennedy how will going to the moon help science



It will create new research for the world and help evolve the solar system.


This speech was the opportunity for him to express his enthusiastic support for the program. Kennedy emphasized at Rice that humanity's march into space is inevitable and that having the United States set the pace for the rest of the world would be beneficial.

When did Kennedy say we are going to the Moon?

Speech by Kennedy to Congress on May 25, 1961. President John F. Kennedy declared the dramatic and audacious objective of safely putting an American on the moon by the end of the decade on May 25, 1961, in front of a special joint session of Congress.

He stressed how Americans have the freedom to select their own fate rather than having it decided for them, giving the speech a sense of urgency and destiny. Kennedy suggested making the Moon landing a cooperative undertaking even though he advocated rivalry with the Soviet Union.

Learn more about Kennedy here:



2- where

3- who

4- what

Help me and thank you

Class: 9



The correct answer is where.


Where do you want to travel next month?

Hope this helps!

A prefix is a word part attached to_
a the beginning of a root word b the middle of a root word
c the end of root word





In order to know when to double the final consonant, you have to pay attention to the ending of a word. If the word ends with a short vowel before the final consonant, then you double the final consonant before you add the suffix -ed or -ing. Complete the worksheet to practice the doubling rule.


Hello. You did not present the spreadsheet to which this question refers, which makes it impossible for your question to be answered. However, I will try to help you in the best possible way.

As already shown in your question, if a word ends with a short vowel, the last consonant of that word must be duplicated, so that you can add the suffix -ed or -ing. A word with a short vowel is one where the vowel in the last syllable does not generate a long sound.

In this case, to answer your question, you must speak all the words in your worksheet aloud and pay attention to the vowel sound of the last syllable, paying attention to whether this sound is long or short.

An example of a short syllable word is the word "bug," where the letter "u" has a very short sound when this word is spoken. In that case, if you need to add the suffixes -ed or -ing to this word, you will need to duplicate the letter "g." In this case, the word will be displayed as "bugged" or "bugging."


the teachers are discussing the case of some intolerant students for two months before the students accepted each other​


The teachers are discussing the case of some intolerant students for two months before the students accepted each other.


The teachers are discussing the case of some intolerant students, for two months before the students accepted each other.



What’s the difference between poetry and prose? In your own words



poetry is structured and uses lots of similes and metaphors sometimes onomatopoeia.

prose is just a formal way of talking.

get nae'naed .___________.



I'm dead!


The poem describes Grendel’s mother’s underwater lair in great detail in lines
422–440. Select three key details about lake that hides the underwater lair and analyze how they contribute to the mood, or overall feeling, of this passage.



The lake is described as dark, gloomy and disgusting.  


Grendel's mother lives in an underwater lair in a set of lakes and swamps that is described in an uncomfortable and unpleasant way. Lines 422-440 describe this place as an environment formed by decomposition, rot and darkness and show the lake as a very unpleasant place. This contributes to increasing the inadequacy tone and provokes, in the reader, a feeling of regret in relation to Grendel and his mother. In addition, this environment reinforces the concept of disorder, caused by the two monsters.

Your principal
is retiring from your school. You have been asked to make a speech at a special
assembly to thank your principal for what he or she has done for the school and
to wish for Principal a happy retirement.

Write your
speech. You must include the following
long the Principal has been in charge and details of how successful the school
has been during this time.
personal qualities that have made the Principal so successful and one
interesting story which demonstrates the Principal’s character.
ideas for what the Principal might do during retirement.

Cover all three
points in detail. Make sure your speech is polite and informative. Start your
speech with ‘Good morning Principal, staff and students….’

(Do not troll)


(You can replace The Principal with the name of the principal if you want to, as well as his gender and the amount of time he's been in charge for)

Good morning Principal, staff and students. As you may know, our Principal will soon begin retirement. Although this is sad for us all, it's important to take a moment to recognize and appreciate the positive impact he has had on our school.

The Principal has been in charge for 10 long years, and, throughout all of that time, his consistent guidance and leadership has led this institution to a very successful state. Thanks to his innovative teaching methods and ideas, students find themselves in a comfortable environment where they can thrive academically. This is shown in the average scores of every individual student, which have skyrocketed during the past 10 years, and are now higher than ever. Thanks to this, our institution has gained a very positive, prestigious reputation, luring in more and more young kids that seek refined yet enyojable education.

The Principal is a hard-working, persistent man, and his admirable work ethic has affected the school as a whole. But it takes more than just intelligence to fully understand students and get along with them. I myself was curious to know how he connected with us so easily, so, one day, I asked him. As it turns out, when he was a kid, he wanted to be a teacher. But although he was a very smart child, school was unbelievably tough for him. He'd spend countless hours reading and re-reading every text book he could find, yet he felt like he couldn't grasp most of what was taught. He felt like he couldn't ask for help, either; his teachers were incredibly strict and never bothered to try and connect with students. Because of this, even when he was nothing but a kid with a dream, he promised himself to learn from his experience at school, so that, if he ever did accomplish his goal of becoming a teacher, he could fix the things that bothered him about the education system. And so, with enough time and dedication, he earned a position as a principal in this school and changed many children's lives forever.

It's sad to think about his retirement, but I hope that he will spend the rest of his life knowing he's helped and motivated many. Perhaps now he will finally listen to our advice and take that well-deserved vacation; maybe he will spend more time with his family, since he never gets much of a chance to do so. Regardless, I think we can all agree that, in the future, we hope he comes to visit every now and then to see what has become of his legacy. We will be waiting for you, Principal.

Overall, we are all incredibly grateful for your years of hard work. You will forever be remembered and admired by us, and we wish you the best of the best in the future. Thank you.

Someone please help




Trees in a forest work to support one another by using an underground fungal network.


Hope I'm right.


I think it's Trees in forest work to support one another by using an underground fungal network

Identify one person in your family, school or community whom you think has overcome a challenging experience in life which led to his or her success in studies, career or life in general.

Note☠️:If you don't know the answer, don't answer because you look like a fool


1 person in my family is my father , he recently have lost his pet bird it dies in my father arm due to crow chase , father then perform cpr to save his pet life it didn’t survive it , father came home with the dead bird my family was sad,the pet was like a family to us . Father then bury the pet bird near our house . The pet bird has died for 1 week already . My father is sad , i can see he is going through a taught time ,but he still supports the family and smile and make joke but i know deep down in father heart he is sad .
My cousin Taylor has had an eating disorder, bulimia. The bulimia took over her life and she couldn’t focus on anything else but eating and throwing up, until she went to therapy. The therapy helped her and she came out better than ever. She figured that life is too short to spend it on things that keep ruining it. She decided to focus on herself and went to college. Right now, she’s a doctor helping others with the same problem that she had.
Hope this helps

1. What law of energy can be applied to food processing?
Energy is created.
Energy can be formed by food processing.
Energy is not created or destroyed.


Energy is not created nor destroyed


Energy is not created or destroyed.


The second law of thermodynamics that energy is not created or destroyed can be applied to food processing. When processing food the form of energy may change, but energy is not made or destroyed.

How does the monster feel after meeting the girl in the woods? A) He feels outraged and angered because the girl shot him when he was trying to help her. B) He feels more full of rage because the girl would not be his friend and travel with him. С)He feels tired and broken because he has been traveling for so long and still not found the doctor. D) He feels more vengeful because he is shot in the process of saving a girl's life,​


Answer:it’s d


Why does Jonas want Gabriel in his room? The Giver
pages: 108-117
Chapter 14


Jonas helps Gabriel sleep soundly by giving him memories, because Gabriel had a rough time sleeping at night, and so that he can care for him.

Find the incorrect pronoun and type it correctly.

Pilots should carefully check every control in the cockpit before you request
permission for takeoff.



Pilots should carefully check every control in the cockpit before they request  permission for takeoff.


Pronoun-antecedent errors happen when a pronoun does not agree with its antecedent, which can create confusion in your writing. Pronouns are generic noun replacements such as him, her, it, and them. An antecedent is the noun that the pronoun replaces.

What it mean if you call someone a punk?



A punk is a young troublemaker or similar. To call someone a punk means that you are trying to say he or she is a poor influence on other people and this can be used as a insult. To call someone a punk can also mean that their worthless.

Depends on the way you use it, it is a style and belief and it’s also an insult in some ways

how does the aminated version let you know that the player misses the goal before you can actually see this happen


Hello. You did not inform the animation to which this question refers, which makes it impossible for it to be answered. However, I will help you in the best possible way.

An animation can show that a player has lost the goal, without showing that player showing the disappointed expression of that player or his fans. This expression of disappointment shows that an objective has been frustrated and prevented from happening. In this case, as the main objective of the players is to score goals, the expression of disappointment of the player and his fans, show that he missed the place of scoring a goal.

He is very proud. He will not ask for help. (Use too... to)



He used to be so proud that he would not ask for help.

Excerpt from Robots Carole Jenkins (1)A robot is a machine that is able to perform a variety of tasks through the use of a computer. (2)This computer is programmed to control movements of the robot's legs, arms, and other appendages by calculations of the various angles through which the robot's joints move. (3)Robots are made ideal for assembly line factory work by these repetitive movements. (4)Some robots are able to handle small parts that fit into small places. (5)Other robots are able to operate tools such as paint sprayers.1 What does the proofreading symbol in red mean? A) add a space B) delete a word C) insert a word D) transpose words


Answer: D) sentence 8


What are some skills that good readers use to better understand
what they are reading?


Good Readers monitor their own comprehension. rereading, reading ahead, asking questions, paraphrasing, seeking help and visualizing to help them understand what they are reading.

Which of the following best describes the narrator's tone regarding the family? Sarcastic Trivial b. Judgmental d. Frustrated GA​



how did you know if there isn't an article?

Answer: its either a or b



What are phrases we can already have ready to show support (at schools) , but also to stop anyone that is bullying or not inclusive?


Answer: Support: Your doing great! You are amazing the way you are! You look awesome today!


9. Which of the following statements about description is true?



descripito is approprite


is there a list


answer the question ask.​


Based on your experience


Why do you think The War of the Worlds is still read and enjoyed today?



The War of the Worlds has a pretty old-fashioned plot structure. I would say that the safest general characterisation of the science-fiction tradition is that it consists of a series of footnotes to H. G. Wells. Indeed, The War of the Worlds is probably the most influential novel of the whole science fiction genre, as well as a significant part of the horror category. I remember reading this short novel as a child and being viscerally engrossed and terrified. Rereading it now made me aware of a few more things. First, I realised how this book sums up and, in a way, accomplishes some of the things H. G. Wells had experimented with before.

why do the boys need green branches in lord of the flies?



Piggy arrives, and Jack suggests that they use his glasses. Jack snatches the glasses from Piggy, who can barely see without them. A boy named Maurice suggests that they use green branches to ignite the fire.


I hope this helps you sorry if it doesn’t

What is the answer of number (a)


It was opposite can’t read

Please help ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!



Critics of the Mayor


Because the word is used as a person being talked about.


Read this excerpt from "Painting Freedom on the Walls.”

When a wave of Mexican settlers began to come to San Diego in the 1890s, many of them made their home in an area known as Logan Heights. Soon that area was called Barrio Logan. (In Spanish, a barrio is a neighborhood.) At first, Barrio Logan was a neighborhood of homes and shops that stretched from well inland all the way to San Diego Bay, and the people had access to the beach. Then, during World War II, the beach was closed. In the 1950s, the city changed the zoning of the area so that industry could move into the neighborhood. Soon, the barrio was spotted with noisy, dirty junkyards. In the 1960s, Interstate 5 and ramps for the San Diego-Coronado Bridge cut Barrio Logan in half. About 5,000 homes were destroyed in the process.

By this time, the residents were very angry about the terrible damage to their barrio. They protested loudly. Finally, the City Council of San Diego promised them a park to help make up for the damage. The council set aside land for that purpose. And then, in 1970, bulldozers arrived to turn the land into a parking lot. A student, Mario Solis, saw them, asked what was going on, and started spreading the word. Within a few hours, there were 250 people in the park, blocking the bulldozers.

The people of Barrio Logan won their battle and got their park. They planted cactus and other native plants, but there was something missing. An artist named Salvador Torres came up with the idea of putting murals on the concrete pillars that supported the freeway. Chicano Park was born.

The murals of Chicano Park are filled with the colors, the history, and the heroes of Mexican America. They are painted by professional artists and by community groups. There is even one mural painted entirely by children. They are visible reminders of the Mexican cultural heritage of the city.

Which choice is the best summary of the excerpt?

My favorite part of this story is the example of Mario Solis, who blocked bulldozers. Solis did this so an unattractive parking lot would not be built in Barrio Logan.
Murals are an important way to honor Mexican culture in California. Some murals are painted to depict Mexican-American heroes; others are painted by artists and even children.
Residents in Barrio Logan were angry with negative changes in their neighborhood. They fought City Council for a local park and made it into a beautiful place.
Barrio Logan is a neighborhood that was settled by Mexican immigrants in the 1890s. Homes and shops were built in this San Diego community, which was close to the beach.


Residents in Barrio Logan were angry with negative changes in their neighborhood. They fought City Council for a local park and made it into a beautiful place. (This is my guess, I’m sorry if its wrong)

Who is the most inspirational female (someone famous or well known) to you and why?



Frida Kahlo


Despite the rigid gender divide of the 1900s, Frida was honest about being a woman. There was no sugar-coated, glossy version of herself that she paints for the world. She embraced her circumstances and told her story. And that is what puts her, even now, at the forefront of being a feminist.

She set her own standards. She valued and celebrated characteristics that patriarchal society has labelled unfeminine and ugly. And so, she was a feminist. Frida also dressed in a particular manner, very different from the Mexican women of that time whose attire consisted of pearls, suits, and hats.

Frida Kahlo has become an icon of the people because of her unique personality and her multifaceted life. She has become a standard-bearer for women's inner strength, for a love of Mexico and its culture, and for courage in the face of adversity. Above all, she was a genuine woman who was true to her convictions.


Mother Teresa


she is a most inspirational women. she was the first women who took noble prize.she run the ashramas for who doesn't have any family member

Other Questions
hii! ill give brainliest pls help Submit your abeo paragraph (5-7 sentences). Use as many of your spelling words as possible, double-check your spelling for accuracy, and underline them. Word bank: benefactor, benevolent, benediction, beneficiary, benefactress, beneficial, benefit, beneficence, glacier, environment Ill give brainlest if you answer rn!!!! ASAP Please1. Which answer changes the following sentence from singular to plural correctly? - La almohada es cmoda. (Review noun/adjective agreement & definite articles) La almohadas es cmodas.Las almohadas son cmoda.La almohadas son cmodas.Las almohadas son cmodas. Calculate the distance Margo rides her bike if she rides 7\8 mile each day for 8 days. How much change would you get from10 if you spent 1.43 and 1.115 Which the following takes the most time?Meiotic prophase IIMitotic prophase IIMeiotic prophase IMitotic prophase I Which expression equals 9 3sqrt10 Kevin needs to replace four rectangularwindows. Each window measures 2.75 ftby 4 ft. Find the square feet of glassthat Kevin will need for the windows. Plss someone I give you thanks and brainliest What are two discussion questions about the outsiders? pls help!! ill mark you brainliest : ) Find the area of the figure. Year 1 2 3 4 5 Free Cash Flow $22 million $26 million $29 million $30 million $32 million General Industries is expected to generate the above free cash flows over the next five years, after which free cash flows are expected to grow at a rate of % per year. If the weighted average cost of capital is % and General Industries has cash of million, debt of million, and 80 million shares outstanding, what is General Industries' expected current share price? ANSWERED !!!Worker-to-Beneficiary Ratio 1960-2060Background information: This graph shows the ratio of workers to benefit recipients. It was created by the Social Security Administration, and it predicts future numbers.This graph shows that over time, the number of workers per beneficiary is shrinking.By 2060, the number of workers per beneficiary is projected to be 2.0. Looking forward to next year, if Digbys current cash amount is $17,478 (000) and cash flows from operations next period are unchanged from this period and Digby takes ONLY the following actions relating to cash flows from investing and financing activities: Issues $2,000 (000) of long-term debt Pays $4,000 (000) in dividends Retires $10,000 (000) in debt Which of the following activities will expose Digby to the most risk of needing an emergency loan?a. Purchases assets at a cost of $25,000 (000)b. Sells $10,000 (000) of their long-term assetsc. Liquidates the entire inventoryd. Pays a $5.00 per share dividend Which choice names the Confederacy's first ironclad vessel, built on the hull of the Union ship, USS Merrimack? Virginia Kearsarge Monitor Hunley Lines d, e, and f are parallel. That means they have the same slope. Each of these lines has a slope of 3. Enter numbers to complete an equation for each line. On a coordinate plane, lines d, e, and f are parallel. Line d goes through (0, negative 3) and (negative 1, 0). Line e goes through (negative 1, 2) and (0, negative 2). Line f goes through (0, 2) and (1, negative 1). CLEAR CHECK Equation for line d: y=3x Equation for line e: y = x Equation for line f: y = x + The air we breathe contains different individual gases (mostly nitrogen and oxygen). Which of the following correctly describes the air we breathe?A. homogeneous mixtureB. compoundC. heterogeneous mixtureD. element Jason spent $980 total on a new Ps5 and some games. He paid $800 for the Ps5 and he paid $45 per game. How many games did Jason buy? A woman with type AB blood is married to a man with type O blood. They have two natural children and one adopted child. Damian has blood type A, Infiniti has blood type B, and Jordan has blood type O. Which child was adopted?Explain to your best ability, please. A right rectangular prism has a base with sides 6 cm and 8 cm. If the volume of the prism is 624 cm^3, find the height of the prism.