Fall of the House of Usher, excerpt
By Edgar Allan Poe

Upon my entrance, Usher rose from a sofa on which he had been lying at full length, and greeted me with a vivacious warmth which had much in it, I at first thought, of an overdone cordiality—of the constrained effort of the ennuyé1 man of the world. A glance, however, at his countenance convinced me of his perfect sincerity. We sat down; and for some moments, while he spoke not, I gazed upon him with a feeling half of pity, half of awe. Surely, man had never before so terribly altered, in so brief a period, as had Roderick Usher! It was with difficulty that I could bring myself to admit the identity of the wan being before me with the companion of my early boyhood. Yet the character of his face had been at all times remarkable. A cadaverousness of complexion; an eye large, liquid, and luminous beyond comparison; lips somewhat thin and very pallid, but of a surpassingly beautiful curve; a nose of a delicate Hebrew model, but with a breadth of nostril unusual in similar formations; a finely moulded chin, speaking, in its want of prominence, of a want of moral energy; hair of a more than web-like softness and tenuity;—these features, with an inordinate expansion above the regions of the temple, made up altogether a countenance not easily to be forgotten. And now in the mere exaggeration of the prevailing character of these features, and of the expression they were wont to convey, lay so much of change that I doubted to whom I spoke. The now ghastly pallor of the skin, and the now miraculous lustre of the eye, above all things startled and even awed me. The silken hair, too, had been suffered to grow all unheeded, and as, in its wild gossamer texture, it floated rather than fell about the face, I could not, even with effort, connect its Arabesque expression with any idea of simple humanity.

In the manner of my friend I was at once struck with an incoherence—an inconsistency; and I soon found this to arise from a series of feeble and futile struggles to overcome an habitual trepidancy—an excessive nervous agitation. For something of this nature I had indeed been prepared, no less by his letter, than by reminiscences of certain boyish traits, and by conclusions deduced from his peculiar physical conformation and temperament. His action was alternately vivacious and sullen. His voice varied rapidly from a tremulous indecision to that species of energetic concision—that abrupt, weighty, unhurried, and hollow-sounding enunciation—that leaden, self-balanced and perfectly modulated guttural utterance.

Which words from the text best describe Usher's appearance? (5 points)

Struck with an incoherence
Alternately vivacious and sullen
A want of moral energy
Ghastly pallor of the skin


Answer 1


Ghastly pallor of the skin


The narrator states that when he saw Usher, he was startled by his appearance, because in addition to having his hair disheveled and his face down, he presented "Ghastly pallor of the skin" which was one of the main reasons that made the narrator so uncomfortable with what I was seeing. We can see, then, that Usher was not in good health, both mentally and physically.

"Fall of the House of Usher" is a short story written by Edgar Alan Poe and tells how Usher's house was languishing just like him, presenting a terrifying, hideous, evil and uncomfortable atmosphere and appearance.

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Could the Great Depression have been avoided? Explain by referring to the factors that led to the depression. In order to receive any credit,
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The Great Depression I believe could not have been avoided due to the fact that there were multiple historic events that led up to the Great Depression such as the stock market crashing, banking panics, etc. so In order for the Great Depression to be avoided all of the things that led up to it would have to have not happened, which is not possible.

The correct response is - The Great Depression, in my opinion, could not have been prevented because it was preceded by a number of historic occurrences, including the stock market crash, banking panics, etc. For the Great Depression to have been stopped, all of the events that preceded it would have had to occur, which is impossible.

What is a Great Depression?

The 1929 stock market crash, the Smoot-Hawley Tariff's impact on global trade, government policies, bank failures, panics, and the depletion of the money supply are a few of the explanations cited for the Great Depression. David Wheelock, a specialist on the Great Depression with the St.

It lasted for about ten years (from late 1929 to around 1939), affected almost every nation on earth, and was characterized by rapid drops in industrial production and prices (deflation), mass unemployment, bank panics, and sharp rises in poverty and homelessness rates.

To read more about Great Depression, refer to - https://brainly.com/question/17642418


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What type of figurative language is being used in the sentence?​


i’m pretty sure it’s a metaphor , i’m sorry if i’m wrong!




Commonlit Everday use
What is the answer



I took this so here is the Answer; Let me know if you need help with any others!!! :)


Read the excerpt from Chapter 4.
Anne of Green Gables

by Lucy Maud Montgomery

Matthew Cuthbert and his sister Marilla had decided to adopt a boy to help on their farm called Green Gables. When a girl, Anne, arrives, they are surprised. In this excerpt, Anne has just awoken after her first night at Green Gables.

Anne could evidently be smart to some purpose for she was down-stairs in ten minutes’ time, with her clothes neatly on, her hair brushed and braided, her face washed, and a comfortable consciousness pervading her soul that she had fulfilled all Marilla’s requirements. As a matter of fact, however, she had forgotten to turn back the bedclothes.

“I’m pretty hungry this morning,” she announced as she slipped into the chair Marilla placed for her. “The world doesn’t seem such a howling wilderness as it did last night. I’m so glad it’s a sunshiny morning. But I like rainy mornings real well, too. All sorts of mornings are interesting, don’t you think? You don’t know what’s going to happen through the day, and there’s so much scope for imagination. But I’m glad it’s not rainy today because it’s easier to be cheerful and bear up under affliction on a sunshiny day. I feel that I have a good deal to bear up under. It’s all very well to read about sorrows and imagine yourself living through them heroically, but it’s not so nice when you really come to have them, is it?”

“For pity’s sake hold your tongue,” said Marilla. “You talk entirely too much for a little girl.”

Thereupon Anne held her tongue so obediently and thoroughly that her continued silence made Marilla rather nervous, as if in the presence of something not exactly natural. Matthew also held his tongue,—but this was natural,—so that the meal was a very silent one.

As it progressed Anne became more and more abstracted, eating mechanically, with her big eyes fixed unswervingly and unseeingly on the sky outside the window. This made Marilla more nervous than ever; she had an uncomfortable feeling that while this odd child’s body might be there at the table her spirit was far away in some remote airy cloudland, borne aloft on the wings of imagination. Who would want such a child about the place?

Yet Matthew wished to keep her, of all unaccountable things! Marilla felt that he wanted it just as much this morning as he had the night before, and that he would go on wanting it. That was Matthew’s way—take a whim into his head and cling to it with the most amazing silent persistency—a persistency ten times more potent and effectual in its very silence than if he had talked it out.

When the meal was ended Anne came out of her reverie and offered to wash the dishes.

“Can you wash dishes right?” asked Marilla distrustfully.

“Pretty well. I’m better at looking after children, though. I’ve had so much experience at that. It’s such a pity you haven’t any here for me to look after.”

“I don’t feel as if I wanted any more children to look after than I’ve got at present. You’re problem enough in all conscience. What’s to be done with you I don’t know. Matthew is a most ridiculous man.”

“I think he’s lovely,” said Anne reproachfully. “He is so very sympathetic. He didn’t mind how much I talked—he seemed to like it. I felt that he was a kindred spirit as soon as ever I saw him.”

“You’re both queer enough, if that’s what you mean by kindred spirits,” said Marilla with a sniff. “Yes, you may wash the dishes. Take plenty of hot water, and be sure you dry them well. I’ve got enough to attend to this morning for I’ll have to drive over to White Sands in the afternoon and see Mrs. Spencer. You’ll come with me and we’ll settle what’s to be done with you. After you’ve finished the dishes go up-stairs and make your bed.”

Anne washed the dishes deftly enough, as Marilla who kept a sharp eye on the process, discerned. Later on she made her bed less successfully, for she had never learned the art of wrestling with a feather tick. But it was done somehow and smoothed down; and then Marilla, to get rid of her, told her she might go out-of-doors and amuse herself until dinner time.

Question 1
Part A

What is a theme of Anne of Green Gables?

Some people can find ways to stay positive under any circumstances.

It's easy to adhere to a decision once one has committed to it.

It's difficult to imagine possibilities when life has been hard.

Children should be given the opportunity to express themselves.
Question 2
Part B

Which detail from the story best supports the answer to Part A?

“‘I’m pretty hungry this morning,’ she announced as she slipped into the chair Marilla placed for her.”

“Yet Matthew wished to keep her, of all unaccountable things!”

“‘But I'm glad it’s not rainy today because it’s easier to be cheerful and bear up under affliction on a sunshiny day.’”

“Who would want such a child about the place?”



Answer:  Question 1 ) Some people can find ways to stay positive under any circumstances

Question 2) “‘But I'm glad it’s not rainy today because it’s easier to be cheerful and bear up under affliction on a sunshiny day.’”

Explanation: Anne, is in indeed a kindred spirit. She's delightful and outgoing. Her loving nature and bold attitude makes her the light of the room. despite the odds she finds happiness and joy in most anything.

For question 2, Anne expresses her points of view on the mornings weather. Her babbling is actually just her being herself and voicing her own thoughts.  This point of view shows, even on a rainy morning she can still find the joy others may lack in seeing.

Hope this is helpful :)


Answer:  Question 1 ) Some people can find ways to stay positive under any circumstances

Question 2) “‘But I'm glad it’s not rainy today because it’s easier to be cheerful and bear up under affliction on a sunshiny day.’”


I'm pretty sure it's correct, but I could be totally wrong. Again, sorry if I'm wrong.

According to evolutionary theory and Natural Selection teenagers are better able to"______________."



Understand the concept of evolution and natural selection.


The teenagers are better able to understand the selection of organism by the nature and the reasons for evolution. In natural selection only those organisms survive that adopted the environmental conditions and those which can't adopt the environment extinct from the ecosystem. Evolution occurs in the organism due to change in the heritable features of biological populations over successive generations.

please urgent please beg help



I hope it helps


Which image would best illustrate a main point about how a celebration of heroes would reward people for doing good things?





The second image best illustrate a main point about how a celebration of heroes would reward people for doing good things. Hence, option B is correct.

What is meant by reward?

Monetary compensation or any other form of remuneration received or given in exchange for a service rendered or a potential service rendered.

Promotion, increased pay, monetary incentives, and recognition of completed work are all excellent examples of rewards. In today's workplaces, employees seek both rewards and recognition for their efforts.

An incentive is a motivator. It's interesting to note that God rewards His children for their commitment to Him. According to Hebrews 11:6, "But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.".

Thus, option B is correct.

For more information about reward, click here:



Can some answers these please



1 B

2 D

3 A

4 C

5 C

6 C

7 A

8 D

9 D

10 A


ill try my best, but i cant guarantee correct answers...


1. c

2. c

3. a

4. a

5. a

6. b

7. a

8. a

9. d

10. b

Which support sentences does NOT fit this topic sentence The government is supposed to serve the people


The support sentence that does NOT fit the topic sentence is: "The government cannot satisfy most people's specific needs."

The topic sentence states that the government is supposed to serve the people. The other three support sentences directly support this idea. However, the sentence "The government cannot satisfy most people's specific needs" seems to contradict the topic sentence. While it is true that the government may not be able to meet every individual's specific needs, it is still responsible for serving the people as a whole.

This sentence implies that the government is failing in its duty to serve the people, rather than acknowledging that it is supposed to serve them. Therefore, this support sentence does not fit with the overall idea expressed in the topic sentence.

To learn more about government, here



Helppppp pleaseeeee:(



4. Subdued

5. Pompous



Subdued, pompous.


I don't exactly know if this is from an article or a excerpt but by reading the sentences you can tell that question 4 is about a boy suffering the loss of a friend which is subdued. For question 6 I chose pompous because Biff was a loud teenager and probably an outgoing person too.

In the poem “Under the Greenwood tree “what message does the poet convey



The message conveyed through this poem is that if one wants to live a peaceful life without tensions, enemies, and problems, he should spend his life in nature, wherein he would be happy and relaxed. He should forget all his desires and rejoice in the glory of nature like a free bird.

what is a part of your body in which valued for, how it help you?



The heart is a very important part of the body, and does act like a pump to move blood through the body.


describe Character in your older​


Answer:Synonyms include old age pensioner or pensioner in British English, and retiree and senior in American English. Some dictionaries describe widespread use of "senior citizen" for people over the age of 65.


Place the events below in the order in which they occurred, from the start of the play up to the end of Act II, scene iii.





No problem with the order

The given events of the play can be organized as follows:

1 - 2 - 6 - 3 - 4 - 5

Romeo and Juliet

The act begins with the invitations for the ball where Romeo and Juliet observe one another and fall for one another.

This is followed by their confession and attempts to get married in the church with the help of Friar.

However, their plan fails to succeed and ends up with a tedious battle between the Capulets and Montagues.

Thus, the correct order is 1 - 2 - 6 - 3 - 4 - 5.

Learn more about "Drama" here:


As children learn to write, prekindergarten teachers should focus on?



set of language and literacy skills focused primarily on the development and ... In this domain, young children learn that writing has a purpose and that print ... There are multiple strategies teachers can use to scaffold children's writing, ... “Preschool Teachers and Children's Emergent Writing: Supporting Diverse Learners.


Can someone give me a review on this
Austin M
I named a poem after you

Thought it would help the healing

Start the stopping

Of all the pain I feel

Its been three years, maybe four

I'm so full of regret, nostalgia, agony

But you've blocked me out and moved on from

All the things you did to me

All the things I did to you

I guess I'm stuck

I blame myself for what I should have said

Would have done

Could have been...better

No words could bring you back into my life

No gestures could overcome the chasm I crafted

No pleading would open your heart to me

No sacrifice can undo my mistakes

I'm hopeful we could reconnect someday

I have no reason to hope

I think it keeps me sane

Helps me cope with the errors I made as a teenager

I threw you away, didn't I?

I run the words "I'm sorry" over my lips

Across the folds of my brain and to my fingers

There's so much depth to those words for me

Yet if they ever reached you they'd never be enough

The more time that passes the more I miss you

I could have saved our friendship years ago

But now you're truly gone

If I tried to contact you I'd be a stalker

Creepy, restraining order worthy

You'd block me immediately anyway

My words will never reach you.



I feel for you. Wether it was a friendship or breakup, and no matter the circumstances losing someone you care deeply about always hurt, and the feeling of missing them will always linger. You will wish and wonder what you could've done differently, and you convey your emotions beautifully throughout the poem.

I hope that one day you'll able to talk to them again, and maybe, just maybe start over. Like I also wish I could.


- Eijiro <3

What single effect does the setting and mood of
this passage create?
It creates an effect of fear and darkness
because of the look and color of the room.
It creates an effect of comfort and loftiness
because of the expensive antique furniture.
0 It creates an effect of anxiety toward the
unusual people who remodeled the house.
It creates an effect of vast openness because
of the small furniture in a large space.





it creates an effect of fear and darkness because of the look and color of the room

The single effect which the setting and mood of this passage creates is it creates an effect of fear and darkness because of the look and color of the room

What is Setting?

This refers to the physical location or the historical time in which an action takes place.

We can note that setting is important in narration and in the complete text, it is used to show that there is the effect of fear and darkness because of the look and color of the room

Read more about settings here:


In order to achieve their purposes, the people who produce media texts use
tools called:
A. logical fallacies.
B. persuasive methods.
C. target audiences.
D. media elements.


Answer: it’s C





logical fallacies because they go through their purposes and use logics to get to their point

Which sentence has an adjectival phrase? Becky jumped through a large hoop. The dancers on stage wore spectacular costumes. The soccer team is practicing on the field. The toy car fell off the ramp.



The sentence that has an adjectival phrase is:

A. Becky jumped through a large hoop.


An adjectival phrase is nothing more than a group of words headed by an adjective. Let's remember that an adjective is a word that modifies a noun or a pronoun by giving it a quality. Among the sentences in the question, the one that contains an adjective heading an adjectival phrase is letter A. The adjective "large" modifies the noun "hoop", and together the two words form the phrase "large hoop".

As for the other sentences, they have words functioning as adjectives but that aren't really adjectives. For instance, "toy" is a noun, but in the phrase "toy car", it is modifying another noun. Still, for this reason, we cannot select any of the other sentences as the correct option for this question.

Melanie is typing this sentence in her online reading journal.
Which sentence is written correctly?
A My favorite chapter in "The Secret Garden" is The Key to the Garden.
B My favorite chapter in The Secret Garden is The Key to the Garden
C My favorite chapter in The Secret Garden is "The key to the Garden."
D My favorite chapter in The Secret Garden is The Key to the Garden.
Check Answer



any girls make my bastie please




Ive read the book, Hope this helps:D !

A person hit me in the hallway they said it was a playful hit and they where joking. How am I suppose to feel and react this?



Tell them it makes you uncomfortable and to stop their jokes.

The book Before the ever after


Answer: guitar


Write in your own words what you understand by “……..She left us something that cannot be lost in stone”
line 17/18​



memory of her because you can write her name in stone and the stone can break but you always have memories of her

Write a 150-word essay in which you explain what you believe Benjamin Franklin thinks is the road to wealth based on his writing. Use evidence from the poem to support your response.


Answer: I believe Benjamin Franklin thought that the key to making money is to be a hard and frugal worker. Franklin advised that while we are getting what we want we must also save. Saving is just as important as getting because if we were to spend and never save there would come a time where we will be left with nothing. He also argues that the best way to achieve wealth is not just to earn money but also to avoid spending it on frivolous things. For e.g, Franklin said, " However, I resolved to be the better for the echo of it; and though I had at first determined to buy stuff for a new coat, I went away resolved to wear my old one a little longer.," He didn't really need a coat and already had one so he decided to wear the one he already had for longer. Poor Richard's sayings focus on diligence or persistent hard work to reach a goal. Those who do not keep a cautious eye on their earnings will soon lose them to other unnecessary expenses.

The essay in which you explain your belief about Benjamin Franklin with respect to the road to wealth is based on his writing is characterized by his personality.

Who was Benjamin Franklin?

Benjamin Franklin was a famous well-educated and active writer in the USA. He is also known as the founding father of the United States. Initially, he supported the drafting of the declaration of independence. During the American Revolution, he represented the United States in France.

According to my belief, Benjamin Franklin's contemplation is that the fundamental to constructing money is to be somehow tough and thrifty worker. Franklin counseled that if we are acquiring what we want in our life we must also lay it aside.

The process of saving or laying aside is much more beneficial and influential than getting because of the fact that if we were to spend all the time and never save there would come a time when we will have nothing in our own life.

Therefore, the essay in which you explain your belief about Benjamin Franklin with respect to the road to wealth is based on his writing and is characterized by his personality.

To learn more about Benjamin Franklin, refer to the link:



What is sensory language?(1 point)

words that are spoken by the characters

words that can have exact meanings

words that appeal to the senses

words that are called out in bold type



First answer for language arts quick check 1. precise words        2. words that appeal to the senses                       3. mad


The sensory language can be defined as follows:

C). words that appeal to the senses.

What is Sensory Language?

"Sensory Language" is described as the language that functions to convince the readers' senses.

These senses may include sight, sound, touch, taste, or smell which are evoked through descriptive words and terms.

Such a language would provide vivid imagery to the readers which convinces them to associate with the claim and believe in it.

Thus, option C is the correct answer.

Learn more about "Language" here:


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I NEED AWNSER ASAP What forms as a result of the wind's frictional force on water?deep sea currents that move in a path opposite to the wind currentssurface currents that move in a path similar to the wind currentssurface currents that move in a path opposite to the wind currentsdeep sea currents that move in a path similar to the wind currents (the sub is science) Q2: Which of the following is capitalized correctly? *O "That leopard," We were informed, "Is a snow leopard."O "That leopard," we were informed, "is a snow leopard."O "That leopard," We were informed, "is a snow leopard."O"That leopard," we were informed, "Is a snow leopard. find the solution set of 5x The Panama-California Expo featured an exhibit called the Painted Desertwhich displayed frontier and homestead life in New Mexico. True or False?TrueFalse Introduction and thesisOpposing and qualifying ideasStrong evidence in support of claimStyle and tone of languageA compelling conclusionCreating an Introduction and ThesisThe argumentative essay begins with an engaging introduction that presents the general topic. The thesis typically appears somewhere in the introduction and states the writers point of view.A Tip: Avoid forming a thesis based on a negative claim. For example, The hourly minimum wage is not high enough for the average worker to live on. This is probably a true statement, but arguments should make a positive case that affirms something. Instead of arguing something is not, an argument essay is stronger when it asserts something is Returning to the example above, a stronger thesis could focus on how the hourly wage is low or insufficient.Acknowledging Opposing Ideas and Limits to Your ArgumentBecause an argument implies differing points of view on the subject, you must be sure to acknowledge those opposing ideas. Avoiding ideas that conflict with your own gives the reader the impression that you may be uncertain, fearful, or unaware of opposing ideas. Thus it is essential that you not only address counterarguments but also do so respectfully.Try to address opposing arguments earlier rather than later in your essay. Rhetorically speaking, ordering your positive arguments last allows you to better address ideas that conflict with your own, so you can spend the rest of the essay countering those arguments. This way, you leave your reader thinking about your argument rather than someone elses. You have the last word.Acknowledging points of view different from your own also has the effect of fostering more credibility between you and the audience. They know from the outset that you are aware of opposing ideas and that you are not afraid to give them space.It is also helpful to establish the limits of your argument and what you are trying to accomplish. In effect, you are conceding early on that your argument is not the ultimate authority on a given topic. Such humility can go a long way toward earning credibility and trust with an audience. Audience members will know from the beginning that you are a reasonable writer, and audience members will trust your argument as a result. For example, in the following concessionary statement, the writer advocates for stricter gun control laws, but she admits it will not solve all of our problems with crime: what did the Agricultural Adjustment act do? it paid farmers and more wheat corn and cotton it authorized government to purchase all the cotton farmed in Texas it paid Farmers to refrain from Clanton certain crops to avoid another over supply of those cropsit authorized the government to spend money on pruvit providing electricity to rural areas Which statement about oogenesis is correct?A. Diploid secondary oocytes undergo meiosis II to form a haploid ootid cell and a polar body.B. Two diploid secondary oocytes undergo meiosis II to form four haploid ootid cells.C. Haploid secondary oocytes undergo meiosis I to form a haploid ootid cell and a polar body.D. Haploid secondary oocytes undergo meiosis II to form a diploid ootid cell. Blood vessels (capillaries) that selectively let certain substances enter brain tissue and keep others out.-Type of glial (neuroglial) cell that transports water and salts from capillaries.-Collection of spinal nerves below the end of the spinal cord.A.Neurotransmitter chemical released at the ends of nerve cells.-Microscopic fiber that carries the nervous impulse along a nerve cell.-Carries messages toward the brain and spinal cord from receptors.-Lower portion of the brain that connects the cerebrum with the spinal cord.-Part of a nerve cell that contains the nucleus.-Middle layer of the meninges.-Contains nerves that control involuntary body functions or muscles, glands, and internal organs.A. AcetylcholineB. afferent nerveC. arachnoid membraneD. astrocyteE. autonomic nervous systemF. axonG. blood-brain barrierH. brainstemI. cauda equinaJ. cell body Write an expression for 4(x + 6) Which of these statements from the article provides the STRONGEST support for the idea that segregated schools are unfair for poor minority students?AThe proportion of such schools where more than 75 percent of children receive free or reduced-price lunches and more than 75 percent are black or Hispanic climbed from 9 percent to 16 percent during the same period.BHigh-poverty, majority-black and Hispanic schools were less likely to offer a full range of math and science courses than other schools, for example, and more likely to use expulsion and suspension as disciplinary tools, according to the GAO.C"Segregation in public K-12 schools isn't getting better; it's getting worse, and getting worse quickly, with more than 20 million students of color now attending racially and socioeconomically isolated public schools," he said in a statement Tuesday.DThe persistence of racial divisions in the nation's public schools was underscored Friday when a federal judge ordered a Mississippi district to integrate its middle and high schools, capping a legal battle that had dragged on for five decades. He's never gonna give you up. He's never gonna let you down. He's never gonna run around and desert you. He's never gonna make you cry. He's never gonna say goodbye. He's never gonna tell a lie and hurt you. -6x-8 help me pls ill give you brainliest What is Mesopotamia/Sumer social structure? The table below shows a country's macroeconomic data in 2013.$175 billionConsumption spendingIndividual income taxes$32 billionS30 billion$25 billionPrivate investmentspendingCorporate taxesExportsGovernment purchasesImports$75 billion$40 billion$100 billionThe country's gross domestic product isa347 Billionb282 billionC220 billiond309 billion Extraversion, neuroticism, and psychoticism are three higher-order traits that make up Eysencks higher-order traits.Please select the best answer from the choices providedTF