Which of these statements from the article provides the STRONGEST support for the idea that segregated schools are unfair for poor minority students?

The proportion of such schools — where more than 75 percent of children receive free or reduced-price lunches and more than 75 percent are black or Hispanic — climbed from 9 percent to 16 percent during the same period.
High-poverty, majority-black and Hispanic schools were less likely to offer a full range of math and science courses than other schools, for example, and more likely to use expulsion and suspension as disciplinary tools, according to the GAO.
"Segregation in public K-12 schools isn't getting better; it's getting worse, and getting worse quickly, with more than 20 million students of color now attending racially and socioeconomically isolated public schools," he said in a statement Tuesday.
The persistence of racial divisions in the nation's public schools was underscored Friday when a federal judge ordered a Mississippi district to integrate its middle and high schools, capping a legal battle that had dragged on for five decades.


Answer 1

I think it might be B because it's the only one that mentions how these specific schools suffer, but I could be off

Related Questions

Due AT 10:40 PM
Use the correct preposition to complete the sentence.

Sammy needs to finish all his chores and homework _______ his bedtime.



A. before

How would it sound if I were to say...

Sammy needs to finish all his chores and homework through his bedtime?


Sammy needs to finish all his chores and homework beside his bedtime?


Sammy needs to finish all his chores and homework between his bedtime?

The most ideal answer, is defiantly "before"

Hoped this helped!

PROMPT: What are the most important things you consider when choosing a book to read?


Normally the cover, or the short summary on the back of the book

The most important things to consider when choosing a book to read are the name, the summary on the back, and the length. The name of the book should grab your attention. The summary will give you insight on what the books holds, to see if you're interested in reading it or not. The length of the book is important to consider, because you need to decide whether or not you're willing to read that much/that little about whatever the book is about.
hope this helps!

10. Ben was a boy who loved to sing. When his friends came over to play he would sing as loud and
he could. His friends would always laugh and clap. Ben would bow and grin. Every night, Ben
would dream about singing on a stage. He wanted to sing for the whole world.
Ben was of his singing. DS
(1 Point)


Proud. Careful would be he wouldn’t do it. Afraid is he would be to shy to do it. I’m sure would be he wasn’t sure if he was good. The passage stated that he was very happy and proud of his singing. The answer is Proud

Indigenous people are not your mascot



hiabmaksbvsnkznrvsk okay

Fallacies can include

bandwagon appeal



all of the above


Bandwagon appeal is the correct one to go with
Bandwagon and over generalization (hasty generalization fallacy)

Cite evidence from paragraph to answer the reason why whale sharks don’t bite or chew.


Answer and Explanation:

According to the paragraph, "Hueter believes the teeth are vestigial, an evolutionary leftover from the whale shark's ancestor." This explains why the whale shark does not bite or chew. A vestigial structure or organ is an anatomical feature that remains even though it no longer has use for the more evolved creature. An example of vestigial organ in humans is the appendix. In the case of the whale shark, the teeth are vestigial structures - they no longer function, but have remained as a leftover of evolution. That is why the whale shark cannot use them to bite or chew.

who is narrator in the story- devils of rose hall


Answer: First Person narrator lily


How does the author of passage 2 approach describing the lives of wolves differently than the author of passage 1


The correct answer to me my phone was in my car so I’m

This is part two of the story, Feathers Away

I would love to hear your opinion


impressive story bestie

read any book and describe the character or something interesting about the character

5 sentences



You said any book?

In Harry Potter, the main character is considered unique because he has a lightning scar on his forehead. He is also an orphan. Because of this, he lives with his aunt and uncle that don't love him and treat him badly. He lives in the cupboard under the stairs at his aunt and uncle's house. Lastly, the most unique thing about him is that he is a wizard that attends Hogwarts.

There ya go lol

How old do you wish you were?



Everytime it's my birthday i spent it crying and being sad because the idea of aging scares me. I'm 16 now, but i wish i were 15 forever. I think 15 a person who is 15 its not young, and neither old.

What about you?

help ill give you brainlest



the third one


Imagine that you own an electronics store that sells personal computers, laptops, tablets, and other such products. Businesses like your electronics store send invoices to their clients every month to receive payment for the products and services they provide. Conduct an online research and list the steps for creating an invoice. Then use a word processing program to create an invoice template your business can use every month. Include graphics such as tables and at least one image in your invoice template.



An invoice is a bill made by a supplier that lists the services or goods provided and their cost. Invoices are composed of the supplier company’s identity (such as a logo or name), the supplier company’s address and contact information, the invoice title, reference number, and date, the client company’s name and address, the due date of the payment, notes, list of items and their prices, remarks, and a thank you note.

I created an invoice for my company—ABC Electronics Inc. which will be sent to my client—The Blogger Cove. I used Microsoft Word to create my invoice. I followed these steps to create the invoice:

I placed my company’s name, logo, address, and contact information on the top of the page. I also inserted a table with two columns and one row. In the left cell, I inserted the company logo. In the right cell, I inserted the address and contact information. I did not leave a border around the table.

Below the table, I typed the details about the invoice, the reference number, and the invoice date.

Then, I inserted a table with two columns and one row. In the left cell, I added the name of the client’s company. In the right cell, I added the payment details. I wrote the payment details in a bold font and did not leave a border around the table.

Just below the table I added a section named Notes to add specific comments about the deal.

Next, I inserted a table with the number of required columns and rows. For example, the table may need four columns for the titles: item, quantity, unit cost, and total. I shaded the rows in different colors to distinguish them from one another. I used a larger font for the total amount to be paid.

Further, I typed the details about the methods of payment in the remarks section below the table of items.

I typed a thank you note in the footer of the invoice page.

create an english sonnet


This is an example ;).

Write a story that begins as follow; it was suposed to be a secret, but it seemed everyone knew about it.


"It was supposed to be a secret, but it seemed like everyone knew it." I told my mom as she put the dinner plates on the table. She had just arrived from work and I was already complaining because the surprise party I was preparing for my sisters had been a fiasco, since it seemed that information had leaked and my sisters already knew everything. My mother was the main suspect and having betrayed my secret, since I basically just told my plans to her and my school friends.

I was very upset, because I had tried so hard to surprise my sisters and I was very sad about the situation. My mom said she hadn't told them anything, which made me sad and confused.

I didn't know if I should continue with the preparations for the party, but I decided to continue, because my sisters deserve it, even if this is no longer a surprise.

After several days of being upset, I found out that my sisters had heard me on the phone inviting my friends to the party and that's how they found out.

Although the surprise was a failure, the party was a success and my sisters were very happy and so was I. In the end that's what matters to me.

can someone please help me solve 1-4 will mark brainliest​


1-screamed loudly when it hit 12 O’clock
2- ate all of
3- when the sidewalk grabbed my toe
4- jumped-danced

Read the excerpts below and answer the questions that follow.
An old monarch reigned in a small kingdom. The ruler had three adult sons. Because he
loved his three sons equally, the monarch could not decide which one would take his place
on the throne. His kingdom and wealth were too small to divide among the princes. Only
one son would be able to reign.
The monarch thought about how he would select one son to lead the kingdom. He
decided he would assign each of them a task to perform, and whichever prince was the
most successful would get the kingdom as his reward.
From the excerpt, it can be predicted that this story is going to be about
A. brothers competing for their father's job
B a king who gets a reward.
C. a kingdom that has no ruler.
D three princes who all get to be kings.
Read this excerpt from a text describing the experiences of an immigrant.



i think it should be A....




Most of the excerpt that was given talked about how he was going to chose which son to lead the kingdom. The end solidified the answer.

Hope that helps. ;)

I need example sentences for these words. :)



1. Infraned:

Example: Mark was given an infraned document of how the experiment was carried out.

2. Permafrost

Example: When we got to the land, it was covered with permafrost.

3. Conduction:

Example: Due to the principle of conduction, this room had increase in temperature.

4. Convection:

Example: We will be using the principle of convection to reduce the temperature of the room.


I have been able to use the words to write out examples.

Since infraned gives an interpretation of an observation based on evidence and prior knowledge. In my example, we see that Mark was given an infraned document.

Conduction is a method of heat transfer which occurs when heat is transferred via an object. Convection refers to the type of heat transfer that occurs through a liquid medium from the hotter regions to cooler region.

2. Which word is used in historical accounts to mean the beliefs and traditions of a group of people?



pious, holy, observant, ascetic, puritantical, orthodox

one of these could be the answer

Answer: Culture


What is the relationship between word choice and theme?

A. An author’s choice of words can suggest or support a theme.

B. An author’s choice of words can confuse or complicate a theme.

C. Readers may use word choice to modify a story’s theme.

D. Readers may use word choice to add a theme to a story.



its A


i just know bc of go*gle

The relationship between word choice and theme is An author’s choice of words can suggest or support a theme. This the correct answer is A.

What is a theme?

A theme is referred to as the storyline of any literature piece, it helps the reader to understand what is going on in the story and the reason behind it. The theme of the text will be changed based on the interest of the audience.

The choice of words used by the author plays important role in establishing a connection with the reader. It helps to engage the reader in the best possible manner by conveying the thoughts in an attractive way to catch their attention while clarifying the meaning.

Therefore option A an author’s choice of words that can suggest or support a theme is appropriate.

Learn more about the theme, here:



Ramesh is an excellent singer. He also plays the guitar well. (join using 'not only but also')​



likes to sing popular songs is it


Which statement explains why there are few eyewitness reports?
OA) Those who saw the lights and reported them were ignored.
OB) Kyle Miller was ill when he reported that he saw the lights.
OC) People who report strange phenomena are usually not believed.
OD) The Humphreys probably saw the lights again but said nothing.





A complex sentence has 1 independent clause and 1 or more dependent clause. true or false?​


Answer:1. True

A complex sentence is a sentence that contains an independent clause and one or more dependent clauses. An independent clause can stand alone as a sentence, but a dependent clause even though it has a subject and a verb cannot stand alone.



How does this image support the claim that monarchs of the 1700s had wealth and influence? Select three options.

The king is wearing elaborate clothing made of fancy materials.
The king is dressed like a soldier to show that he is willing to go into battle.
The king has a sword and sits next to a helmet.
The king sits next to a crown, which symbolizes his power.
The king is depicted sitting on a floor made of stone



A. The king is wearing elaborate clothing made of fancy materials.

C. The king has a sword and sits next to a helmet.

D. The king sits next to a crown, which symbolizes his power.


Just took the test!!

France was ruled by monarchs from the establishment of the Kingdom of West Francia in 1843. The king is wearing elaborate clothing made of fancy materials, the king has a sword and sits next to a helmet and The king is depicted sitting on a floor made of stone. The correct options are A, C and D.

What is Monarchy?

In a Monarchy, the government is usually headed by a single person called a king or sometimes a queen. When the king or queen dies, their relatives, son or daughter takes over the government.

A royal mantle, or more simply a mantle is the garment which is normally worn by emperors, kings or queens as a symbol of their authority. Crown jewels are the objects of metal work and jewellery in the regalia of a current or former monarchy.

A throne room or throne hall is the room rather a hall, its a palace where the king and queen sits.

Thus the correct option is A, C and D.

To know more about Monarchy, visit;



Bullying effects essay



Many people falsely think that bullying others as well as getting bullied by others is a part of everyone’s life. Contrary to this misbelief, the truth is that bullying affects an individual beyond anyone’s imagination and in some adverse cases; the victims of bullying are forced to take extreme steps, which can be dangerous to them as well as the accused. Many people also defend the practice of bullying by saying that it is a part of growing up and that it helps kids in standing up for themselves. While some kids do actually stand up to themselves and fight back; there are others who just crumble down into introvert and recluse individuals. These kids not only face problems while growing up; rather the effect of bullying stays with them for a long time, sometimes for their entire lifetime.


Your well wisher

No one knows exactly when the first people came to the Guadalupe Mountains in far west Texas, but archaeological evidence dates back over 10,000 years ago. The earliest inhabitants were hunter-gatherers who followed available game and ripening vegetation. They lived in and among the many caves and alcoves common throughout the range. Scattered evidence of their existence, including projectile points, baskets, pottery, and rock art has been found throughout the mountain range.
Since then, many different groups have moved in and out of the area, including the Spanish who arrived by the mid 1500s. There is little evidence of any attempts on their part to penetrate the Guadalupes. No large-scale settlements have been located. Their influence was significant, though, because they introduced horses into the area. For the bands of Apaches who roamed freely over much of the southwest, horses quickly became an asset to their nomadic lifestyle. The Mescalero Apaches followed game, much as the earlier peoples had done, and they also harvested the agave (or mescal) for food and fiber. Mescalero is the name given to them by the Spanish. It means mescal-maker. Agave roasting pits and other remains of Mescalero campsites are common in the mountains.
Prior to the mid 1800's, the Guadalupes remained an unchallenged sanctuary for the Mescalero Apaches. But newly established transportation routes, and the end of the Civil War, encouraged droves of pioneers, homesteaders, miners, and numerous others to head west. In the mid 1800s, explorers were commissioned to look for possible emigrant routes to the west. The proposed transcontinental railroad expected to follow one of these routes. Although these surveying expeditions would never lead to a railroad through Guadalupe Pass, they did provide the first extensive studies of the Guadalupe region.
In 1858, a horse-changing station was constructed near Pine Springs for the Butterfield Overland Mail. To protect their investments, the stage line and settlers in the area demanded protection from the military. Several cavalry troops were ordered in and out of the area to halt Indian raids and secure settlements along the stage route. In the winter of 1869, troops lead by Lt. H.B. Cushing penetrated the Guadalupes and destroyed two primary Apache camps. These aggressive actions were devastating to the Mescaleros who were already facing food shortages within their increasingly limited land base. They were eventually driven out of the Guadalupes. By the late 1800's, nearly all of the surviving Mescalero Apaches in the United States were living on reservations.
Permanent settlements in the Guadalupes were not common though, even after the final displacement of the Mescaleros. The Butterfield stage route through the Guadalupes was abandoned in less than a year for a more favorable course along a string of army forts to the south. Most settlers found the range (and its limited water sources) too rugged and inhospitable. The first permanent ranch house was constructed in 1876 by the Rader brothers. Now called Frijole Ranch, it served as residence for several families through the years. And, as the only major building complex in the region (for several decades), it served as a community center and regional post office from 1916-1942. Today, the Frijole Ranch House has been restored and operates as a cultural museum.

Drag each label to the correct location on the image.
Determine which details should be included in a summary of the passage and which details should be omitted from the summary.

Spaniards came to the mountains in the mid-sixteenth century.

Ancient pottery and rock art have been found in the mountains.

The people who lived in the mountains were hunter-gatherers.

Many of the early residents lived in caves.

Evidence shows that the mountains were inhabited over 10,000 years ago.



The information that should be included in the summary is:

Spaniards came to the mountains in the mid-sixteenth century.

Ancient pottery and rock art have been found in the mountains.

The people who lived in the mountains were hunter-gatherers.

Evidence shows that the mountains were inhabited over 10,000 years ago.


A summary should be composed of the most relevant information that will help the reader to understand the main subject of the original text. Repetitive phrases, with little impact and information that are not relevant to understanding the subject such as "Many of the early residents lived in caves," can be omitted so that the text becomes smaller, but objective and more direct.



No idea about the first to sorry but I think the last one is b sorry if I’m

What do the men discover during their captivity in chapter 13?

They realize a partnership will never work, and they should each go their separate ways.

They learn that the Selenites have found their sphere and they are trapped.

They discover a world of living beings inside the cavernous interior of the moon.

They discover that the Selenites are able to learn their language.



they discovered a group of living beings


5 -.-


elie and his father choosing to evacuate and leave the infirmary two days before the liberation is an example of what?



and find homework help for other Night questions at eNotes. ... Elie's hospital neighbor is certain that all those left behind will be thrown into the furnaces. Elie thinks of his father, who is not hospitalized, and can't stand the thought of being ... well, were simply liberated by the Russians two days after the camp was evacuated.


please I need this answer ASAP. Who Is Santos? in the book enriques journey Explain how social Issues Impact Lourdes and Santos' relationship Nazario 27. Be sure to cite evidence to support you response.​


Santos is a man with whom Lourdes had a relationship and a daughter. Social issues wear them both down psychologically, making the relationship untenable.

Who is Lourdes?She is a Honduran immigrant.She is a woman trying to make a better life in the USA.She is a very dedicated person to the family.

Lourdes left the family in Honduras to try a better life in the USA. She wants to send money to her family which is going through a lot of economic problems.

In the US, she starts dating Santos and has a daughter with him, but problems with poverty, lack of stability, and inconsistency in the resources needed to keep the couple happy, wear down their relationship.

Santos ends up becoming an alcoholic and abandons Lourdes and his daughter.

More information about "Enrique's Journey" at the link:


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