Explain your justification for the changes in trait distribution between years 1 and 10. What do you think will happen to the population by year 15?


Answer 1


I need an imago or a graph


Related Questions

The only type of human cell that is never replaced is ___. *



The only type of human cell that is never replaced is Nerve cells.

Hope this helps you. Do mark me as brainliest.

The only type of human cell that is never replaced is nerve cell.

What is a nerve cell?

Neurons are in charge of receiving sensory input from the outside world, sending action potentials to our muscles, and transforming and relaying electrical signals at every step in the process.

The nerve cell is the basic unit of communication in the nervous system (neuron). The cell body, a major branching fiber (axon), and numerous smaller branching fibers comprise each nerve cell (dendrites).

They do not divide in any way. There are only two exceptions to this rule: only two specific areas of the brain can produce new neurons. However, for the most part, the brain is unable to replenish dead neurons.

Thus, nerve cells are the ones that never gets replaced after getting injured.

For more details regarding neurons, visit:



The discovery that chromosomes are involved in inheritance was made possible by the invention of the -
O a. computer
O b. microscope
Oc microgram scale
O d. mercury thermometer


The answer would be the letter (B) the microscope.

20 points someone please help!!!


Answer:7 is 5

not sure what 9 is


Compare and Contrasts Biotic Factors and Abiotic Factors. What are they?
How are the alike.
How are the different?


A biotic factor is a living thing that has an impact on another population of living things or on the environment. Abiotic factors do the same thing, but they are non-living. Together, biotic and abiotic factors make up an ecosystem. To survive, biotic factors need abiotic factors.
Biotic factors are living organisms that typically contribute in some way to their environment. Some examples of Biotic factors include plants, animals, cells and they are typically producers, consumers or decomposes. Unlike Biotic factors, Abiotic factors are the non-living part of an ecosystem. They are typically chemical or physical, some abiotic factors include water, sunlight, soil, and temperature. Both Biotic and Abiotic factors are required in an ecosystem to properly function.

In the disease atherosclerosis, a sticky material called plaque collects on the walls of the arteries.
How would this disease affect blood pressure and blood flow?



In atherosclerosis, plaque can grow to create a blood vessel stenosis. This stops the flow of blood upstream of the obstruction and increases the vascular resistance it causes an increase in blood pressure

is such a thing possible?



Wait- so this bear can smell me ( ಠ U ಠ )

Explanation: ●_●


PFFFFFT ok then


^﹏^ ~juno

Write the letter of the correct answer on the line at left.
Benny uses a compass to navigate his way through the woods when he
is carnping. The needle on the compass reacts to Earth's magnetic field
by always pointing north. Which part of Earth is responsible for creating
its magnetic field?
A. Cilist
B. inner core
C. mantle
D. outer core



Outer Core

Because of the weight of the melting moving metal creates energy

Our planet is shielded from cosmic radiation and charged particles from our Sun by the magnetic field, which is created by the motion of molten iron in the Earth's core. It also offers the framework for compass navigation. Thus, option D is correct.

What role of outer core of earth in magnetic field?

Radiative heating and chemical differentiation have caused the Earth's outer core to be in a state of turbulent convection.

The convective kinetic energy is transformed into electrical and magnetic energy through a mechanism that is somewhat similar to a naturally occurring electrical generator.

The magnetic field is not produced by the earth's core, since metals lose their magnetic characteristics at high temperatures.

Therefore, Because of the weight of the melting, moving metal creates energy.

Learn more about magnetic field here:



does anyone know 1,4,5,8?



1. Digestion

4. Replication

5. Interphase

8. 48


HELP ASAP I AM SO STUCKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In recent decades, extinction rates have been significantly lower than normal.


more and more mammals are becoming extinct , and that’s probably due to humans actions



You will build a simulation of a population using the same elements as the simulation pictured here and show how
the traits in this population change in years 5 and 10.
- Trait A
- Trait B
- Trait
1 circle = 50 organisms
Start off with 2,500 plants of which 50% have medium-tip leaves, 25% have wide-tip leaves, and 25% have drip-tip
leaves. Each circle in your simulation will represent 125 organisms. Calculate how many circles you need for each
trait, and then create your simulation. Be sure to include a key that states the color coding for each trait.


According to the concepts of percentage and proportions, we can make the simulation with 20 circles, each of them representing 125 plants. Traits A = 10 circles. Trait B = 5 circles. Trait C = 5 circles.

To solve this problem, we need to know two concepts, percentage and proportion.

What is a percentage?

A percentage can be defined as a fraction or a part of 100. It is denominated as percent (symbol %).

100 refers to the number of parts into which the unit has been divided.

So, X% means that for every 100 parts, X parts are of our interest. Or, that  we are interested in X fraction from a total of 100 parts.

What is a proportion?

A proportion is the equal relationship between two determined ratios or quantities.

In the exposed example we need to represent this population of 2500 plants with circles.

We know that,

Each circle represents 125 plants50% of the population have medium-tip leaves, 25% have wide-tip leaves, and 25% have drip-tip leaves .

So here, our unit is the population. We can say that our population of 2500 plants is composed by 100 subunits or parts.

2500 plants ------------ 100 parts

So now we will calculate how many plants are represented by the 50% and 25% of the population.

If 100% of the population equals 2500 plants, how many plants are 50% of the population and 25% of the population.

100% -------------------- 2500 plants

50% -------------------- X = (50% x 2500 plants) / 100% = 1250 plants.

25% ---------------------X = (25% x 2500 plants) / 100% = 625 plants

Now we know that from the total of 2500 (100%) plants,

1250 (50%) have medium-tip leaves, 625 (25%) have wide-tip leaves, and 625 (25%) have drip-tip leaves.

Finally, we need to calculate how many circles represent these numbers. So, we know that 1 circle equals 125 plants. The question is, how many circles represent 2500, 1250 and 625 plants.

125 plants ----------------- 1 circle

2500 plants -------------X = (1 circle x 2500 plants) / 125 plants= 20 circles.

1250 plants --------------X = (1 circle x 1250 plants) / 125 plants = 10 circles.

625 plants ---------------X = (1 circle x 625 plants) / 125 plants = 5 circles.

So, our simulation must have 20 circles, from which

10 circles represent medium-tip leaved plants (Trait A), 5 circles represent  wide-tip leaved plants (Trait B), and the remaining 5 circles represent drip-tip leaved plants (Trait C).

In the attached files you will find the image.

You can elarn more about percentage and proportions at






How does gene flow directly contribute to evolution?



Evolution can also occur as a result of genes being transferred from one population to another. This gene flow occurs when there is migration. The loss or addition of people can easily change gene pool frequencies even if there are no other evolutionary mechanisms operating.


hope this helps!!!

Democracy And human rights


what’s the question?


Democracy is one of the universal core values and principles of the United Nations. Respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms and the principle of holding periodic and genuine elections by universal suffrage are essential elements of democracy.


what is dna ? and what is the purpose of dna



Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a nucleic acid that contains the genetic instructions for the development and function of living things. All known cellular life and some viruses contain DNA. The main role of DNA in the cell is the long-term storage of information.


-Eijiro <3

First, it has to be able to make copies of itself because you're making new cells all the time and your cells have to have a copy of your DNA so it has to do what we call replication.

It also has to store all the information about your body as far as your body chemistry, your proteins, your amino acids, and all the things that make you.

One more very important job of DNA is that it's responsible for this process called protein synthesis which is the process in which cells make proteins. So every piece of your body from your fingernails, your eyeballs, and many other things are made up of proteins, proteins are the building blocks of you and the DNA determines the shape and function of your proteins. You think of DNA as a set of instructions on how to make the proteins that make you.    

Members of different species do not produce offspring due to:
A) Behavioral Speciation (differing mating rituals)
B) Temporal Speciation (varying breeding times)
C) Mechanical Speciation (gamete incompatibility)
D) any of these
(Please Answer Fast)


A is the answer. I believe, although I’m not 100% sure


Broadly speaking, different species are unable to interbreed and produce healthy, fertile offspring due to barriers called mechanisms of reproductive isolation. These barriers can be split into two categories based on when they act: prezygotic and postzygotic.


So the answer would most likely be C.

-Eijiro <3

How is carbon moving between the air and found decreasing



It moves with the help of hydrogen

Aeroplanes can fly ,just like birds.However,they are not considered living organisms .Give 4 reasons


1. they aren’t made of cells
2. they do not reproduce
3. they do not grow or develop
4. they do not respond to their environment

hope this helps!

How many amino acids could be specified if codons consisted of two nucleotides instead of three? What problem would this present for an organism making proteins using all 20 amino acids? I need help with the last part i dont undertsand



This could result in a mutation.


A change in the DNA can affect the work of cells because it can cause a mutation; it can be a good mutation or bad. The three main mutations that occur are Insertion, Deletion and Substitution. Insertion is when DNA base(s) are added in, Deletion is when DNA base(s) are removed. Lastly, Substitution is when DNA base(s) are switched on. All of these mutations can have effects. These effects are Silent effect, Missence, and Nonsense. Silent effect is a mutation that does not change the sequence of amino acids in a protein. Missence is a mutation that causes the sequence of amino acids to change. This can cause incorrect protein folding and protein malfunction. Nonsense is a mutation that causes an early stop codon. This effect leads to a protein that is too small. Also a Frameshift can occur. Framshift is when the reading of a frameshift is moved over by one or more bases such that every subsequent amino acid changes. An example of a frameshift is THE CAT ATE THE RAT. If you insert an A at the Beginning this happens ATH ECA TAT ETH ERA T. IN Conclusion there are two Mutations that also play a role in this Point Mutation and Chromosomal Mutaion. Point Mutation is when a single DNA base is either substituted, inserted or deleted from the sequence. Chromocomal Mutation is when large pieces of a chromosome or an entire chromosome is either substituted, inserted or deleted.

16 amino acids could be specified if codons consisted of two nucleotides instead of three.

What do you mean by Codons?

Codons may be defined as an arrangement of three consecutive nucleotides in a DNA or RNA molecule that codes for a specific amino acid.

A mutation may be responsible for such problems that would present for an organism making proteins using all 20 amino acids.

A synonymous mutation means that one base within the codon gets substituted for another. Even though the same amino acid is still produced.  

It changes the sequences of nucleotide bases within the codon, but ultimately the coded amino acids remain the same.

Therefore, it is well described above.

To learn more about Codons, refer to the link:



What do you think the primary_impacts (the first and most major effects) of the earthquake would
have been?

2 Although it was not one of the most powerful earthquakes that has ever taken place; a lot of people
died in the insident in Pakistan-administered Kashmir. What features of the area do you think might
have contributed to the high death rate?
Many international agencies and the British military were involved in the aid effort after the
earthquake. What kind of aid and assistance do you think the British military would have been
involved in providing?



Hi friend

I am from india!

Follow me on instàgram---> _puneet._.king

How aquatic plants get oxygen for photosynthesis?




They take in carbon dioxide from the water and use the sunlight through the water and produce oxygen

Describe at least three ways in which viruses, bacteria, protists, or fungi are important in your daily life.


Answer: hem living in and on your body that are beneficial to you. ... heating it to at least 71.6°C for only 15 s. ... List three ways fungi are important to the environment.


What muscle is each number



XD 175 + 25$ like they said would be 200. jake would still be behind $25, therfore being the wrong answer provided.


After cytokinesis, how many cells have been formed from the parent cell?



During cytokinesis, a single cell divides into two daughter cells.


Answer: Mitosis = 2 genetically identical daughter cells,

Meiosis = 4 genetically different daughter cells

Jake is taking photos of his neighbor's home to help them list and sell the house. It is
important to have a wide variety of photos to choose from, so he is taking multiple
shots of each room--some from the doorways, some from floor-level, some from up
above, and some from a corner of the room. What is Jake playing around with as he
photographs each room?
O motivation
O decor
O lighting
O angles


The answer is Angles

In the periodic table, elements are classified as ____________ according to their properties and their specific location within the periodic table.





In the periodic table, elements are classified as metals, nonmetals, and metalloids according to their properties and their specific location within the periodic table.

What is Periodic table?

The periodic table is also called the periodic table of the elements which is defined as the arrangement of rows and columns of the chemical elements widely used in chemistry, physics and other sciences and usually represented by chemical symbols.

The elements of the periodic table are classified into groups based on the chemical and reactive properties of the elements where the three major groups are metals, nonmetals and metalloids. The metals in the left and bottom parts of the table give up electrons in chemical bonds.

Thus, in the periodic table, elements are classified as metals, nonmetals, and metalloids according to their properties and their specific location within the periodic table.

Learn more about Periodic table, here:



What is a eukaryote?

Question 2 options:

organism that does not have a nucleus

organism that does have a nucleus

organism that produces its own food



an organism that has a nucleus


What is a eukaryote?

1 organism that does not have a nucleus

2 organism that does have a nucleus<<

3 organism that produces its own food

4 organism that is ancient

7. True or False. Wind erosion continually changes the landscape. *

8. Which of the following is NOT a correct description of air movement over the Earth?*

A. The sun warms the land in the air evenly

B. Air is warmers at the pools of the Earth

C. Warm air rises

D. Cold air sinks



That's a difficult question, but I would choose either A or B.


Since the question is talking about MOVEMENT over the earth. C and D are talkig about how the air sinks or rises, so you can cancel those out, hope this helps a little! ❤

write a different living and nonliving things found in rainforest mangrove swamp and coral reef ecosystem​



living things are:-

trees plantshrubsfernsbeers deersbirds insects frogs

non living things are:-

water rain temperature soilairrocksIN CORALS REEFS:-

living things are:-

fishes coralsmosssea turtlesseaweedslobster

non living things are:-

rock sunlight sandtemperature IN MANGROVE SWAMP:-

living things are:-

crocodile monkeyslizardsmicrograms

non living things are:-

sunlight temperature flooding

hope it is helpful...plz mark it is brainliest.

Calculate the population density for 30 an area of 3 km



10 people per Km


im smart

Why do siblings always look different from each other even though they have the same parents? *

A. Siblings look exactly the same.
B. This is because there are always random mutations in everyone's DNA.
C. There is no reason, this is just random.
D. Due to meiosis, siblings each get slightly different genetic information from both parents.
which one ^


it’s d
each sibling gets different genetic information


Siblings look different cause of the genetics combining through child creation


Help me on question 5 please!!


Hello, I believe this is the answer;

After 2 half-lives: 1000 atoms.

After 4 half-lives: 250 atoms.

Hope this helps :)

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. Which statement best expresses the central idea in the article? A. Scientists have discovered a way to prevent genetic defects in babies, but some believe genetic development should be left to nature B. Scientists have discovered a way to prevent genetic defects in babies, but some worry that the process could be used for great economic gain C. Scientists have discovered a way to prevent genetic defects in babies, but the method is against many families religions D. Scientists have discovered a way to prevent genetic defects in babies, but the process is still very risky Is this table linear or not? civil war questions like what ifs... or what would have happened if....?!?? help give thanks stars nb vjdbucvbdevohdbvhdqvhknabvjdnam quotient 2 divided by 2 3 What's the difference between the story rapunzel and the movie tangled Free radicals are a. generated during bacterial infectionsb. highly reactive atom containing all paired electronsc. oxygen gas we breathe How to find the estimate square root of 23? Helpppppppppppppppp To help meet their financial responsibilities to their child/children, noncustodial parents may be required to paychild support.support to husband or wife.support to extended family members.support to grandparents. Isnt this puppy so adorable?! NEED HELP WITH 1-8 ASAP I WILL GIVE BRAINLIST what did jay say he saw from up in the air? Ok can someone please help me? i really need help and no one will help me, its easy middle school math find the area of the shaded area What two circles cole had to attend touching spirit bear What is the pOH if the [OH-]= 0.165 M? What is the pH of this basic solution? *Please round your answer(s) to the appropriate number of significant figures. Your answer can be in standard notation or i letter "e" in place of x10.* 1 N i need ideas on writing a story that involves a character new to the area.. please help :0 Which figures are polygons?Select each correct answer.Figure AFigure BFigure CFigure D