. Which statement best expresses the central idea in the article?
A. Scientists have discovered a way to prevent genetic defects in babies, but some believe genetic development should be left to nature
B. Scientists have discovered a way to prevent genetic defects in babies, but some worry that the process could be used for great economic gain
C. Scientists have discovered a way to prevent genetic defects in babies, but the method is against many families’ religions
D. Scientists have discovered a way to prevent genetic defects in babies, but the process is still very risky


Answer 1


I believe the Answer is D


Mainly because b, c, arent very logical and A is also a decent choice but i believe d is the answer

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Please define the terms, don’t copy and paste. I’m giving 15 points for it


Algae: any of numerous groups of chlorophyll-containing, mainly aquatic eukaryotic organisms ranging from microscopic single-celled forms to multicellular forms 100 feet (30 meters) or more long, distinguished from plants by the absence of true roots, stems, and leaves and by a lack of nonreproductive cells in the reproductive structures: classified into the six phyla Euglenophyta, Crysophyta, Pyrrophyta, Chlorophyta, Phaeophyta, and Rhodophyta.

Amboeda: any of a large genus (Amoeba) of naked rhizopod protozoans with lobed and never anastomosing pseudopodia, without permanent organelles or supporting structures, and of wide distribution in fresh and salt water and moist terrestrial environments

Asexual reproduction: reproduction (as cell division, spore formation, fission, or budding) without union of individuals or gametes

Cilia: minute short hairlike process often forming part of a fringe

Diatom: any of a class (Bacillariophyceae) of minute planktonic unicellular or colonial algae with silicified skeletons that form diatomaceous earth

Please mark brainliest

Which statement is true about
electrically charged particles?
A. neutrons are positive, electrons are negative
B. protons are negative, neutrons are positive
C. protons are positive, electrons are negative





protons are positive neutrons are neutral and electrons are negative

In an electrically charged particles  protons are positive and electrons are negative.

Neutron has a positive electrical charge?The charge on neutron is zero(no charge). The charge on the proton and electron are exactly the same size but opposite. The same number of protons and electrons exactly cancel one another and so atoms are neutral.

Protons have positive or negative?

A proton carries a positive charge and an electron carries a negative charge.so the atoms of elements are neutral, all the positive charges canceling out all the negative charges. Atoms differ from one another in the number of protons, neutrons and electrons they contain.

Learn more about electrical charge here: http://brainly.brainly.com/question/1487561


The fluid mosaic model of the membrane proposed that membranes


Consist of Protein molecules embedded in a fluid bilayer if Phospholipids


constant of protein hope it helps you

need help asap
- 20 points , includes .





Everything in there pollutes the environment.

Electrons were discovered because of the their
a. charge
b. movement
c. mass
d. shapre


Charge ? I’m not sure

Stem cells in plants are referred to as?
1. merimex
2. meristems
3. stalk stem cells
4. special stem cells


The answer is B

Hope this helps

what feature of the red blood cells aloows for the determination of ABO blood types and Rh factors?​



ABO Typing


The test to determine your blood group is called ABO typing.

The presence or absence of the antigens A and B determines ABO blood types and Rh factors.

What is Antigen?

This is defined as any substance that causes your immune system to produce antibodies against it.

Determination of ABO blood types and Rh factors is a result of the presence or absence of the antigens A and B found on the surface of red blood cells.

Read more about Antigens here https://brainly.com/question/905225

What color would the bby and water turn with plants in the dark



The water is drawn in the xylem through capillary action and is dispersed through out the entire plant from stem to tips of the leaves and petals. When the water is colored, the color from the water can stain the plant, especially if it is a light colored plant, such as the white petals on our flowers.


Which of the following is a way that minerals are used?



hope help you stay happy

Which of the following occurs during mitosis but
not during meiosis I ?
(A) The chromosomes are pulled to opposite
poles of the spindle apparatus.
(B) The chromatids of each chromosome are
(C) The nuclear envelope breaks down.
(D) Both synapsis and crossing-over take place.
(E) The diploid number of chromosomes is
reduced to the haploid number.



B) The chromatids of each chromosome are separated.

The chromatids of each chromosome being separated doesn't occur in

meiosis I.

Meiosis is a type of cell division that produces four unique daughter cells

as a result of it undergoing two rounds of cell division. It is the cell division

that produces sperm and egg cells.

The meiosis I stage involves the resegregation of the chromosomes in the

diploid cell which has previously undergone division. This then produces

four haploid daughter cells which have unique features.

Read more on https://brainly.com/question/22007908

I’ll mark brainliest!





What are some ways we can stop global warming in the arctic?




Reducing your carbon emissions and dependence on fossil fuels can help save the Arctic.

Discover practical ways you can make a difference, from joining our campaigns to shopping greener at the supermarket and making your home energy efficient.


Reducing your carbon emissions and dependence on fossil fuels can help save the Arctic.Discover practical ways you can make a difference, from joining our campaigns to shopping greener at the supermarket and making your home energy efficient.Tell your government you want them to back green energy – to fight climate change and stop the rush to exploit Arctic energy resources.Reduce Water Heating Requirements.

That's it...

Hope it was Helpful

Mark me as Brainliest please!

Describe the impact of technology on the environment today.



These mainly occur as a result of agriculture, mining, water usage and consumption of fossil fuels, all of which have been enabled by advancements in technology. Due to the increasing global population, levels of natural resource degradation are also increasing.


technological advancements had lead to the industrial society, which has greatly increased pollution and habitat destruction. however, today technology is being utilized to reduce human impact on the environment.

Explanation: its the possible answer on edge 2021




A. Mountain building


Hope this helps

What types of reactions are catalyzed by enzymes?
A. Hydrolysis
B. Dehydration Synthesis (also known as Condensation)
C. All of these
D. Other types of reactions​



is B. Dehydration synthesis


I hope this helps

The types of reactions are catalyzed by enzymes which is also known as dehydration Synthesis as condensation. Thus, option B is correct.

What is dehydration synthesis?

When the level of water has been decreased the phenomenon has been known as the dehydration and the types of reactions are catalyzed by enzymes which is also known as dehydration Synthesis as condensation.

Enzymes has been known as the biological catalyst that has been speed up the chemical reaction that use to carries out in the body. Enzymes are the protein by the nature and there are number of the enzymes present in our body such as the salivary amylase, pepsin, renin, lyases, lygases etc

The main function of the enzyme has to make the metabolism fast as well as speed up the chemical reaction carried out in the body. The best example of the enzyme has been salivary amylase which has an enzyme and it is present in the saliva and helps in the digestion of food.

Therefore, The types of reactions are catalyzed by enzymes which is also known as dehydration Synthesis as condensation. Thus, option B is correct.

Learn more about enzymes on:



What 3 letters on mRNA is used for the start codon?



The codon AUG, commonly known as the start codon, specifies the amino acid methionine. As a result, during protein synthesis, methionine is the first amino acid to dock in the ribosome.


hello help please i’ll mark brainliest!!! please help



Answer: The hottest time of the day is around 3 p.m. Heat continues building up after noon, when the sun is highest in the sky, as long as more heat is arriving at the earth than leaving. By 3 p.m. or so, the sun is low enough in the sky for outgoing heat to be greater than incoming.



The third one


Any variation that can help an organism survive in its environment is called a(n):

Answer Choices:
-survival toolkit
-homologous structure
-vestigial structure



adaptation is the answer

Adaption dndndbdbdbbdbsbs

I’ll really appreciate it if you help me out with these 2 questions .



8. C

9. Im sorry I don't know

Another Organ System that depends on mine


Answer: Your respiratory system relies on your circulatory system to deliver the oxygen it gathers, while the muscles of your heart cannot function without the oxygen they receive from your lungs



Which gene mutation would have the greatest impact on a protein's amino acid sequence?​



heyyy there fellow weeb, thought id help u with this.


The addition of 2 bases is the most severe of these mutations. Because of a triplet reading of the genetic code, a 2 base insect changes the code readings frame that causes a frameshift mutation that means that each amino acid is incorrect after the mutation's site.

which is the correct diagram of an atom , hint (i’m putting a picture)


C. The nucleus of an atom has protons and neutrons in it. The electrons circle on the outside of the nucleus.

List the 5 phases of Mitosis in order


Answer: These phases are prophase, prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase.


______ contains many wavelengths and is similar to sunlight at noon on a bright day.

A. Ultraviolet
B. White light
C. infrared
D. Visible light



It should be D.


I hope this helps

Why is unprotected exposure of eyes to high infrade radiation dangerous?​


Exposure to infrared light can heat the lens of the eye and produce cataracts over the long term.

This is because it leads to cataracts and skin cancer.

Which of these landforms would most likely be found at a divergent boundary? A Fault line B Mid-ocean ridge C Volcanic island D Mountain



I think B


Answer: it’s A and C clowns


come on i have so many questions and i need help



It'a the codon 211.....

If the image is too blurry click on it.


1. A, C, G, T
2. A, C, G, U
3. Transcription
4. Translation
5. Cytoplasm
6. Nucleus
7. Ribosome in the cytoplasm or attached to ER

Hope this helps!
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Which is NOT true of magnetic
A. Magnetic domains are groups of aligned
B. Magnetic domains are too small to be seen.
C. Magnetic domains are outside of a magnet.



Explanation: A magnetic domain is a region within a magnetic material in which the magnetization is in a uniform direction.

The study of magnetic domains is defined as the micro magnetics. The Magnetic domains are outside of a magnet is not true. The correct option is C.

What is a magnetic domain?

A magnetic domain is defined as a region within a magnetic material in which the magnetization is in a uniform direction. This indicate that the individual magnetic moments of the atoms are aligned with one another and they point in the same direction.

The magnetic domain structure is responsible for the magnetic behavior of ferromagnetic materials like iron, nickel, etc. The domains are found to be oriented randomly if there is no external magnetic field.

Thus the correct option is C.

To know more about magnetic domain, visit;




3. Transcribe the DNA Strand (answer to previous question) to an mRNA strand:
(2 point)





this will be the complementary DNA strand.




and above you will see the answer key for any DNA strand complementary.

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