Explain the melting of a solid in terms of molecules and energy​


Answer 1
When you melt a solid the heat creates energy, when you heat up molecules they will move quicker and start to somewhat break apart into a liquid structure.
Answer 2

Heat generates energy when you melt a solid; as you heat up molecules, they move faster and begin to break apart into a liquid form.

What is the melting point?

The melting point is the point at which a substance transforms from a solid to a liquid.

The melting point of a liquid is the temperature at which it transforms from a solid to a liquid at atmospheric pressure. This is the point where the liquid and solid phases are in balance.

Heat generates energy when you melt a solid; as you heat up molecules, they move faster and begin to break apart into a liquid form.

The kinetic energy of the molecule is due to the movement of the molecule as the temperature of the system increases the melting point comes closer.

As the temperature increases the kinetic energy of the molecule increases.

Hence the energy, melting point, and temperature relatively affect each other.

To learn more about the melting point refer to the link;


To learn more about the melting refer to the link;


Related Questions

You are in a car traveling at 20 m/s. An ambulance is behind you traveling 35 m/s in the same direction. What frequency do you hear if the siren has a frequency of 550 Hz?



The frequency heard is 576.78 Hz


The Doppler effect is defined as the apparent frequency change of a wave produced by the relative movement of the source with respect to its observer. In other words, this effect is the change in the perceived frequency of any wave motion when the sender and receiver, or observer, move relative to each other.

This is what happens in the first part of this problem, where the sender is train A and the receiver is train B. They are both moving in opposite directions. In this case, where both are in motion, the frequency perceived by the receiver will increase when receiver and transmitter increase their separation distance and will decrease whenever the separation distance between them is reduced. The following expression is considered the general case of the Doppler effect:



f ', f: Frequency perceived by the receiver and frequency emitted by the issuer respectively. Its unit of measurement in the International System (S.I.) is the hertz (Hz), which is the inverse unit of the second (1 Hz = 1 s-1)

v: Velocity of propagation of the wave in the medium. It is constant and depends on the characteristics of the medium. In this case, the speed of sound in air is considered to be 343 m / s

vR, vE: Speed ​​of the receiver and the emitter respectively. Its unit of measure in the S.I. is the m / s

±, ∓:

We will use the + sign:

In the numerator if the receiver approaches the emitter In the denominator if the emitter moves away from the receiver

We will use the sign -:

In the numerator if the receiver moves away from the emitter In the denominator if the emitter approaches the receiver

In this case you are in a car traveling at 20 m/s and an ambulance is behind you traveling 35 m/s in the same direction.

In this case the receiver, you in the car, moves away from the emitter, while the emitter, the ambulance, approaches the receiver behind you in the same direction. So the frequency is calculated by the expression:



f= 550 Hzv=343 m/svR= 20 m/svE= 35 m/s

and replacing:

[tex]f'=550 Hz*\frac{343 m/s-20 m/s}{343 m/s-35 m/s}[/tex]

you get:

f'= 576.78 Hz

The frequency heard is 576.78 Hz

A battery sends a current through a metal wire.
The current in a wire is 3.7 A.
Calculate the charge that flows into the wire in 13 s



I hope this a little bit.

A box of mass 5.0 kg is initially at rest. A 500 N force causes it to move horizontally through a
distance of 12.00 m. How much work would there be?



Workdone = 6000Nm


Given the following data;

Mass = 5kg

Force = 500N

Distance = 12m

To find the work done;

Workdone = force * distance

Workdone = 500 * 12

Workdone = 6000Nm

Explain the different types of energy in a working wind turbine



A wind turbine converts the kinetic energy of the wind into mechanical power.  

The wind moves the turbine and the turbine produce energy.

A spring is stretched downward by a certain length and, as a result, exerts a
force in the upward direction. What happens to the force exerted by the
spring if the length by which it is stretched is reduced by half?
O A. The force exerted by the spring is reduced by half.
B. The force exerted by the spring is doubled.
O C. The force exerted by the spring reduced by one quarter.
O D. The force exerted by the spring remains unchanged.





Hooke's law! F(spring)=-kx

There's no tricky square law here. The spring constant doesn't change, only x (distance stretched) changes. Therefore, if distance is halved, Force will be halved.

What is the difference between thermal energy and heat?



One transfer's and the other doesn't


Thermal energy doesn't transfer, but remain a part of the internal energy of the system.Heat transfer's it's energy, like when you sit in a cold chair, then becomes warm.That's because the energy was transferred from your body to the chair.


Thermal energy is the random movement of atoms or molecules present in an object or a system while heat energy is the measure of the degree of hotness or coldness due to the temperature difference between two objects. So, in a nutshell, heat energy is the flow of thermal energy in a system.


Have a great day!

3 examples of newtrons 2 law



1) Kicking a ball.

2) Capture the ball by hand.

3) Push a car.

A car travels at 12 m/s. The car then accelerates at 3 m/s2 until it reaches a speed of 18m/s.
Use the formula: (final velocity)2 – (initial velocity)2 = 2 x acceleration * distance
Calculate the distance the car travels.
2 m
6 m
30 m
60 m



С. 30 m


Given the following data;

Initial velocity, U = 12m/s

Final velocity, V = 18m/s

Acceleration, a = 3m/s²

To find the distance, we would use the third equation of motion;

V ² = U² + 2aS

Substituting into the equation, we have

18² = 12² + 2*3*S

324 = 144 + 6S

6S = 324 - 144

6S = 180

S = 180/6

Distance, S = 30 meters.

1 point
Question 11
A swimmer feels cold after leaving warm water on a warm, windy day.
Why does she feel cold even though the air is warm?
A. The less energetic water molecules on her skin escape quickly.
B. The more energetic water molecules on her skin do not escape quickly.
С The water on her skin does not evaporate quickly enough to keep her warm.
D. The water on her skin evaporates quickly and cools her skin.



D. The water on her skin evaporates quickly and cools her skin.


b. What is the man's weight on Mars where the acceleration due to gravity is
3.7 m/s2 ? Show your answer in both Newtons and pounds.



How much is the mass of man?

When Maria rubbed her solid graphite pencil against paper, it easily left a clear streak on the paper. Which model could represent graphite?






Option B is the correct answer.

Graphite has a layered structure, every layered structure has rings which consists of six carbon atom.

What is Graphite and what are its characteristics?

   Graphite can be also known as black lead. As it can be structured with hexagonal shape it was also made as octahedral and tetrahedral which is known to be as diamond. Graphite is formed by carbonaceous compound, which can be solidified as magmatic carbon. Graphite can be taken from several ancient rocks, marbles, quartzite, under the soil, etc..  The graphite can be found easily by seeing the honeycomb shape, hexagonal structure, a molecule with six carbon atoms. These were also used in pencil leads, batteries, nuclear reactors, polishes, etc..

So, when Maria rubbed her solid graphite pencil against paper, it easily left a clear streak on the paper because of the atom presence and it hexagonal honeycomb structure.

Learn more about graphite,



Which of the following describes a change in energy that occurs as an acorn falls from a tree toward the ground


the last one which is D

As an acorn falls from a tree toward the ground, gravitational potential energy is converted into kinetic energy.

To find the correct option among all the options, we need to know about the conversation of energy.

How are the gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy defined near the earth surface?Near the earth surface, the gravitational potential energy is given as mass×g×height from the earth surface.Kinetic energy is given as 1/2×mass×velocity².How are the gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy converted when acorn falls from a tree?When an acorn is going to fall, it is at maximum height of its journey, so it has maximum gravitational potential energy.Also, at that time, its kinetic energy is zero as it's at rest.But when it moves down, its potential energy decreases as the height decreases and kinetic energy increases due to increasing velocity. So that its total mechanical energy is conserved.

Thus, we can conclude that option (d) is correct.

Learn more about the conversation of gravitational potential energy to kinetic energy here:



does uranium use steam?





Reactors use uranium for nuclear fuel. The uranium is processed into small ceramic pellets and stacked together onto sealed metal tubes called fuel rods. The heat created by fission turns the water into steam.

Please help me with this


I can’t see the full pic


I can't really see it sorry

PLS HELP!! I will make brainliest!!

Which process is an example of a chemical reaction?

a. an iron nail rusting
b. bath water cooling while you take a bath
c. a piece of metal being heated until it expands
d. a glass window breaking when hit with a baseball​





Rusting is a chemical reaction because it is the process of oxidation of a metal.  




Which is NOT an example of evidence that shows a chemical reaction occurred?
change in color
change in temperature
change in shape
bubbles, fizzing


Change in color
Change in color is a physical reaction

What force is necessary to give a 1000 kg rocket an acceleration of 150







Mass of the rocket=1000Kg

Acceleration=150 m/s²


does uranium use turbines
i promise to mark brainliest


In a nuclear reactor the uranium fuel is assembled in such a way that a controlled fission chain reaction can be achieved. The heat created by splitting the U-235 atoms is then used to make steam which spins a turbine to drive a generator, producing electricity. So I am guessing Yes it does.
soo sorry if it’s not

14. Saeed is pulling a 6 kg heavy rock with an upward force of 40 N but does not succeed to lift it up. What is the magnitude of the normal force on the rock?



58.8 N


The normal force is calculated as equal to the perpendicular component of the gravitational force.

Thus; N = mg

We are given m = 6 kg


N = 6 × 9.8

N = 58.8 N

Thus, magnitude of normal force on the rock = 58.8 N

what do fast-twitch and slow-twitch muscle fibers share in common



Explanation:Slow-twitch muscle fibers support long distance endurance activities like marathon running, while fast-twitch muscle fibers support quick, powerful movements such as sprinting or weightlifting.

Shrill sound is of -------------- *

Higher frequency
Lower frequency
Higher amplitude
Lower amplitude



Higher frequency.


Sound are mechanical waves that are highly dependent on matter for their propagation and transmission.

Sound travels faster through solids than it does through either liquids or gases. A student could verify this statement by measuring the time required for sound to travel a set distance through a solid, a liquid, and a gas.

Mathematically, the speed of a sound is given by the formula:

[tex] Speed = wavelength * frequency [/tex]

Generally, the frequency of a sound wave determines the pitch of the sound that would be heard.

A shrill sound refers to a type of sound that is typically sharp, high pitched and as such has higher frequency.

Hence, shrill sound is of higher frequency.

Explain What is electrical energy and why do we need this energy




Electrical energy is the most convenient form of energy for most human uses. Electrical energy is easy use and move from one location to another, but it is almost impossible to store in any large quantity. It can be used for running computers and most appliances, home heating, and even transportation.

ELECTRICITY is used by industry, households, and businesses—accounting for 18% of end use energy worldwide.

Electrical energy is very convenient, and as a result more and more of the energy used by a high energy society is in the form of electricity, see figure 1. The rate of electrical energy use is growing faster than the rate of electricity use, see figure 2.


Electrical energy is used throughout the world to power devices, appliances and methods of transportation utilized in daily life. To make things operate, electrical energy must be emitted from energy sources such as power plants, to enable an object to consume the power it needs to function.

An arrow that is pulled back by a bow has which type of energy?



Kinetic energy


Kinetic energy is the energy of motion, and the arrow is in motion.

An arrow that is pulled back by a bow has POTENTIAL ENERGY and ready for motion or kinetic energy.

From an apple tree 2 metres high, a 100g mass apple fell of the tree, what work did it do?



W = 1.96 J


Given that,

The mass of an Apple, m = 100 g = 0.1 kg

It fell from 2 metres high tree.

We need to find the work done by it. The work done is given by :

[tex]W=mgh\\\\W=0.1\times 9.8\times 2\\W=1.96\ J[/tex]

So, the required work done is 1.96 J.

which material would you select to replace broken handle of electric kettle

please will mark as brainlist​



hot glue


-insert the hot melt cylinder into the gun and wait until it heats up;

-gently apply a layer of substance to the crack;

-spread the hot glue in a thin layer over the surface;

-wait until it freezes.

a force of 25N acts on an object. The work done by the force is 400J. How far dose the object move in the direction of the force?

A. 6.3cm
B. 16cm
C. 16m
D. 10km​


d= 16

The distance moved by the object in the direction of the force is equal to 16 m. Therefore, option (B) is correct.

What is the work?

Work can be demonstrated as the energy employed when a force is exerted to move an object through a specific distance. The work done depends upon both the exerted force on the object and the displacement.

The action of the force when the object is moving in a straight line in the direction of the exerted force over a distance 'd'.

W= F ×d

Where 'd' is the displacement, 'F' is the applied force and W is the work done.

Given, the work done by the applied force, W = 400 J

The force applied on the object, F = 25 N

The distance moved by the object, d = W/F

d = 400/25

d = 16 m

Therefore, the object moves a distance of 16 m in the direction of the force.

Learn more about work, here:



PLS HELPP!! I will make brainliest!!

Nuclear reactions occur when the nuclei of two different atoms collide to produce products that are different from the starting substances. How is this similar to a chemical change?

a. a chemical change can easily be reversed.
b. in a chemical change, mass can be created
c. in a chemical change, energy can be created
d. in a chemical change, a new substance forms​


Nuclear reactions are independent of the chemical form of the element.

Chemical reactions, on the other hand, involve only a rearrangement of electrons and do not involve changes in the nuclei.


Independent practice
Calculate the density p (in kg/m) for each of the following:
m = 10 kg and V=10 m3
b. m = 160 kg and V = 0.1 m3
C. m = 220 kg and V = 0.02 m3
A wooden post has a volume of 0.025 m' and a mass of 20 kg. Calculate its
density in kg/m
Challenge. A rectangular concrete slab is 0.80 m long, 0.60 m wide and 0.04
m thick. |
Calculate its volume in m?,
b. The mass of the concrete slab is 180 kg. Calculate its density in kg/m.



formula: Mass

Density x volume

2a) m=10kg v=0.3m³

10÷0.3=33.3 kg/m

2b) m = 160 kg V=0.1m³

160÷0.1=1600 kg/m

2c) m = 220 kg V = 0.02m³

220÷0.02=11000 kg/m

A wooden post has a volume of 0.025 and a mass of 20kg. Calculate its density in kg/m.

density = volume ÷ mass

20÷ 0.025=800 kg/m

Challenge: A rectangular concrete slab is 0.80m long, 0.60 m wide and 0.04m thick. Calculate its volume in .

Formula : Length x width x height = Volume

0.80 x 0.60 x 0.04 = 0.0192m³

B) The mass of the concrete slab is 180 kg. Calculate its density in kg/m.

density = volume ÷ mass

180 ÷ 0.0192 = 9375 kg/m

2. The weights of four objects with different masses have been calculated to show how much each object would weigh on four different planets.Based on the table, which object would have the largest mass and greatest weight on Earth?
Weights of Four Objects on Four Planets
Planet 1
B 10 N
C 1 N
D 20 N
Planet 2
A 10N
C 0.2 N
D 4 N
Planet 3
A 100 N
B 20 N
D 40 N
Planet 4
A 5 N
B 1N
C 0.1 N





1) A 2.5 kg ball strikes a wall with a velocity of 8.5 m/s to the left. The ball bounces off with a
velocity of 7.5 m/s to the right. If the ball is in contact with the wall for 0.25 s, what is the
constant force exerted on the ball by the wall?



Force = -10 Newton.


Given the following data;

Initial velocity = 8.5m/s

Final velocity = 7.5m/s

Time = 0.25 seconds

Mass = 2.5kg

To find the force exerted;

First of all, we would determine the acceleration of the ball;

Acceleration = (v - u)/t

Acceleration =(7.5 - 8.5)/0.25

Acceleration = -1/0.25

Acceleration = -4 m/s²

Now, to find the force exerted;

Force = mass * acceleration

Force = 2.5 * -4

Force = -10 Newton

Note: The force is negative because it is an opposite reaction.

Other Questions
find the solution set of 5x The Panama-California Expo featured an exhibit called the Painted Desertwhich displayed frontier and homestead life in New Mexico. True or False?TrueFalse Introduction and thesisOpposing and qualifying ideasStrong evidence in support of claimStyle and tone of languageA compelling conclusionCreating an Introduction and ThesisThe argumentative essay begins with an engaging introduction that presents the general topic. The thesis typically appears somewhere in the introduction and states the writers point of view.A Tip: Avoid forming a thesis based on a negative claim. For example, The hourly minimum wage is not high enough for the average worker to live on. This is probably a true statement, but arguments should make a positive case that affirms something. Instead of arguing something is not, an argument essay is stronger when it asserts something is Returning to the example above, a stronger thesis could focus on how the hourly wage is low or insufficient.Acknowledging Opposing Ideas and Limits to Your ArgumentBecause an argument implies differing points of view on the subject, you must be sure to acknowledge those opposing ideas. Avoiding ideas that conflict with your own gives the reader the impression that you may be uncertain, fearful, or unaware of opposing ideas. Thus it is essential that you not only address counterarguments but also do so respectfully.Try to address opposing arguments earlier rather than later in your essay. Rhetorically speaking, ordering your positive arguments last allows you to better address ideas that conflict with your own, so you can spend the rest of the essay countering those arguments. This way, you leave your reader thinking about your argument rather than someone elses. 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