from "Breakdown"

Which is the best summary of this story?
At the theme park, Abby, her mom, stepdad, and stepsister, Olivia, get into an argument about which ride they should go on. Abby and her mom want to go on Hyperspace while Olivia and her dad want to go on the Haunted Castle. They finally decide to go on the Haunted Castle, but Abby is upset when the ride breaks down midway through. Abby is surprised when Olivia apologizes for their earlier fight, and Abby decides to apologize as well.
Abby and her family are visiting a theme park. After lunch, Abby and her stepsister, Olivia, squabble about which ride they should go on next. Abby's mom says they will go on the Haunted Castle, the ride Olivia suggested. Abby doesn't want to speak to or be around Olivia, but Abby's mom encourages the girls to go on the ride together. The ride breaks down, giving Abby and Olivia a chance to talk and begin to become friends.
Abby doesn't get along with her stepsister, Olivia, because the two don't like the same things. While at a theme park, Olivia wants to go on rides for small children while Abby wants to ride scary roller coasters. They fight so much that Abby's mom has to tell them to stop. Then Abby's mom forces the girls to go on the Haunted Castle ride together. Neither girl speaks to the other until the ride breaks down and Abby asks what happened. The girls talk and begin to realize they have more in common than they thought.


Answer 1

The best summary would be (C)

Abby doesn't get along with her stepsister, Olivia, because the two don't like the same things. While at a theme park, Olivia wants to go on rides for small children while Abby wants to ride scary roller coasters. They fight so much that Abby's mom has to tell them to stop. Then Abby's mom forces the girls to go on the Haunted Castle ride together. Neither girl speaks to the other until the ride breaks down and Abby asks what happened. The girls talk and begin to realize they have more in common than they thought.

Related Questions

Which of the following is the most likely conclusion to be drawn about Victor, based on the following excerpt?
I wept bitterly, and clasping my hands in agony, I exclaimed, "Oh! Stars and clouds and winds, ye are all about to mock me; if ye really pity me, crush sensation and
memory; let me become as nought; but if not, depart, depart, and leave me in darkness."
A. He fears ridicule and scorn.
He is filled with grief and self-pity.
C. He is in excruciating physical pain.
He appreciates the glories of nature.


Answer: B: He is filled with grief and self-pity.

Explanation: Because from the excerpt, it states "I wept bitterly". Weeping is a common occurrence when someone is filled with grief.

Underline the adjective and write it's kind 1) A small girl hurt herself with a pointed nail.​



A small girl hurt herself with a pointed nail.​


Pointed is a descriptive adjective. It describes the nail. A descriptive adjective is an adjective that describes or expresses the nature of a noun or pronoun.

Which of the following is not included in an introduction paragraph?

Bridging statement
Thesis statement





Rebuttal is not included in an introduction paragraph.

What is an introduction paragraph?

An introduction paragraph typically includes a hook to grab the reader's attention, a bridging statement to provide context, and a thesis statement that presents the main argument or purpose of the essay.

However, a rebuttal is not usually included in the introduction paragraph. A rebuttal is a counter-argument or response to an opposing view and is typically presented later in the essay, often in a separate paragraph or section.

Learn more about introduction paragraph, here:


College Psychology

Another term for self-concept is
O public self.
O self-actualization.
O self-schema.
O self-ideal.





hope it helps!

In the psychology of self, one's self-concept,is a collection of beliefs about oneself. Generally, self-concept embodies the answer to the question "Who am I?".In this question it should be self-ideal

Read the excerpt from Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead by Tom Stoppard.

ROS Well I can tell you I’m sick to death of it. I don’t care one way or another, so why don’t you make up your mind.

GUIL We can’t afford anything quite so arbitrary. Nor did we come all this way for a christening. All that—preceded us. But we are comparatively fortunate; we might have been left to sift the whole field of human nomenclature, like two blind men looting a bazaar for their own portraits. . . . At least we are presented with alternatives.

ROS Well as from now—

GUIL —But not choice.

ROS You made me look ridiculous in there.

GUIL I looked just as ridiculous as you did.

ROS (an anguished cry) Consistency is all I ask!

GUIL (low, wry rhetoric) Give us this day our daily mask.

ROS (a dying fall) I want to go home. (Moves.) Which way did we come in? I’ve lost my sense of direction.

GUIL The only beginning is birth and the only end is death—if you can’t count on that, what can you count on?

Which statement best explains why Rosencrantz’s and Guildenstern’s feelings conflict?

Guildenstern is comfortable with uncertainty, while Rosencrantz is bothered by the uncertainty of their situation.
Guildenstern is not worried about completing their task, while Rosencrantz is worried he will not be able to complete it.
Guildenstern is unconcerned about how others view him, while Rosencrantz worries about what others think about him.
Guildenstern is happy to spend time away from home, while Rosencrantz feels uncomfortable with being in a strange place.


The statement that tells us the conflict that lies with the two characters is: Guildenstern is comfortable with uncertainty, while Rosencrantz is bothered by the uncertainty of their situation. Option A.

What is a conflict in a story?

These problems are referred to as conflict in fiction. A thwarted, jeopardized, or competing desire is what is meant more specifically by conflict. Usually, it happens when a character tries to do something but something else gets in the way. Maybe there's a goal that the character strives for but doesn't achieve.

Conflict is a struggle between opposing forces in a story. Characters' actions against those forces spark conflict. Without obstacles to overcome, there is no story. Conflict develops and advances the plot of a work.

The conflict between Ros and Guil is demonstrated by Ros's indication that he is growing weary of the contradictions they must contend with. Gul, however, doesn't appear to be concerned by it.

Read more on conflict here:


How does the universal theme "the tension between
truth and illusion" relate to the universal theme "the
consuming power of guilt"


A universal theme is a concept that holds true for everyone, regardless of cultural or geographic distinctions. The use of universal themes can help link concepts from various fields.

What are the themes?

A theme is a central topic, subject, or message within a narrative in current literary studies. Themes are classified into two types: thematic concepts and thematic statements. Thematic concepts are what readers “believe the work is about,” while thematic statements are “what the piece says about the subject.”

The term "theme" refers to the overarching lesson learned from an American narrative, whereas the term "universal theme" refers to a lesson learned from a story from another country. B. A theme is the main idea that has a universal application, as opposed to a universal theme, which is specific to a specific person, historical period, or cultural setting.

It is a fundamental notion concerning the state of humanity. They deal with fundamental human issues, but they are generalizations about life or human nature.

Therefore, The use of universal themes can help link concepts from various fields.

Learn more about themes here:


Write an essay on "situation of Nepalese farmers​


Answer:  "situation of Nepalese farmers​"

The situation of Nepalese farmers is a complex and multifaceted issue. Nepal is a predominantly agricultural country, with over two-thirds of its population relying on farming for their livelihoods. However, the farming sector in Nepal faces numerous challenges that have hindered its growth and development.

One of the biggest challenges facing Nepalese farmers is the lack of access to modern technology and equipment. Many farmers in Nepal still rely on traditional methods of farming, which are labor-intensive and inefficient. This lack of technology not only limits their productivity but also makes them vulnerable to the impacts of climate change.

Another major challenge for Nepalese farmers is the lack of access to adequate credit and financial services. Many farmers in Nepal are unable to obtain loans from financial institutions due to high interest rates and strict lending criteria. This makes it difficult for them to invest in modern farming technologies and equipment, further hindering their productivity and profitability.

Furthermore, the Nepalese government's policies and programs have not always been supportive of the farming sector. There is a lack of investment in infrastructure, such as irrigation systems and road networks, which are crucial for the development of the farming industry. Additionally, the government's failure to implement effective market mechanisms has led to fluctuations in crop prices, making it difficult for farmers to plan and invest in their farms.

Despite these challenges, there are also some positive developments in the situation of Nepalese farmers. For example, there has been a growing trend of farmers adopting sustainable and organic farming practices, which not only improve their yield but also provide healthier and safer food for consumers. Additionally, the government has introduced some programs and policies to support the farming sector, such as subsidies for modern farming technologies and incentives for farmers to adopt sustainable practices.

Overall, while the situation of Nepalese farmers is complex and challenging, there are also some positive developments and opportunities for growth. It is crucial for the government to continue implementing supportive policies and investing in infrastructure to help the farming sector overcome its challenges and thrive.

Don’t write a full essay just rewrite or you’ll get caught

readers, scholars, and critics emphasize the ways in which authors create literature that appeals to the reader's repressed wishes and fantasies.


Psychoanalytic Theory.

The ways in which authors write works that appeal to readers' suppressed desires and fantasies became a focus of psychoanalytic criticism. As a result, they began to pay more attention to the psychology of the reader and the text rather than the author's psyche.

In psychoanalytic theory, the text is analysed using a certain theory. Therefore, the reader's initial task is to select a psychoanalytic theory-based lens. After that, there are various ways to contact someone:

The Author: How may the theory be applied to show how the author's life and the text are related?The Characters: How can the theory be utilised to explain the motivations and actions of the characters?The Audience: How might the theory be applied to explain why people find the work appealing?The Text: How can the theory be applied to examine the function of symbols and language in the text?

To know more about Psychoanalytic Theory, Check out:


Think about how the group follows the basic rules for collegial discussion and works toward a specific goal. In the final entry of the diary, Olivia feels that Anne seems to be making the best out of the situation in which she finds herself, even though she doesn’t really like it that much. Which examples from Anne’s diary support this idea? Do the other members of the group agree with Olivia?




At what age did Jefferson begin working?

In a Lesson Before Dying?


Although not known as a great public speaker, he was a gifted writer and at age 33, was asked to draft the Declaration of Independence (before he began writing, Jefferson discussed the document’s contents with a five-member drafting committee that included John Adams and Benjamin Franklin).

Why are the Farquars so fond of Gideon?


Answer:)The Farquars (White) insult Gideon (native) by expecting him to give up the secrets of his native culture. Gideon struggles with loyalty to his white bosses and his native culture.

Informative speeches are meant to be
to be_ while persuasive speeches are meant_
Knowledgeable; judicious
Rhetorical; fallacious
Objective; subjective
Subjective; objective


Informative speeches are meant to be Objective while persuasive speeches are meant subjective.

How to begin Informative speeches ?Something that contains pertinent, beneficial, or useful information or facts is considered informative. An informative lecture is one in which you gain a lot of new information. Providing or giving information; informing; instructional An educational book about recognising the mushrooms you discover growing wild in the woods outside your house is an example of anything that provides you with some kind of beneficial information that you can utilise. You might refer to something as informative if you learn a lot from it. Writing informative and explanatory text is an obvious way for students to meet Writing Standard 2, which instructs them to "Write informative/explanatory language to investigate and present difficult concepts and facts clearly and accurately."

To learn more about Informative speeches refer to:


How is propaganda a form of censorship? How does it block out or remove information according to this article?


One of the novel's central themes is censorship. Other characters explain to Montag why it's crucial that books are kept from being destroyed, while Montag doubts whether the government has the right to ban books and other reading material.

What is censorship ?

The suppression of speech, public communication, or other information is known as censorship. On the grounds that the content is deemed undesirable, damaging, sensitive, or "inconvenient," this may be done. Governments, corporate institutions, and other regulating bodies can censor speech.

The act of suppressing thoughts and information included in a book through the use of censoring techniques is known as book censorship. "The control of free speech and other types of ingrained authority" is  censorship.

Thus, One of the novel's central themes is censorship.

To learn more about censorship, follow the link;


3. Which word BEST describes the activities and conversations that are the focus of most Reality TV?
O mundane
O prevalent


The word that BEST describes the activities and conversations that are the focus of most Reality TV is C. prevalent

What is a Reality Show?

This refers to the term that is used to describe and define the TV show that is aired to viewers, showing the everyday lives of select individuals for a period of time.

Hence, it can be seen that when it comes to the activities and convos that goes on in the Reality Tv, they are usually about prevalent and current events and happenings.

With this in mind, it can be seen that reality TVs talk and focus on prevalent things that are current in the social sphere.

Read more about reality shows here:


Which of the following subordinating conjunctions would be BEST when combining these sentences?

Jennifer leaned over to tie her shoe. The baseball flew over her head.



Because Jennifer leaned over to tie her shoe, the baseball flew over her head.

There is a cause-effect relationship.

Select the correct text in the passage.
What is the opportunity cost in this scenario?
Harry has been very busy at work for the
past two weeks. He has been working weekends too. Finally, he is going to get : weekend off
Originally, he planned to paint his apartment that weekend. He also considered going fishing for the weekend.
But then his parents called and asked him to come for dinner because it has been a while since they have seen each other.
Later on, his friend Theo informed him about a surprise birthday party for another friend. Theo plans to reserve a room at a restaurant for the
celebration, with the cost to reserve the room split between Theo, Harry, and three other friends.
Now Harry is confused about what he should do over the weekend. He decides that, for him, the most important commitments are going over to his
parent's house and attending his friend's birthday party. In the end, Harry decides to see his parents.


I got it wrong, so I think its the one with his friend theo, it is not what he originally planned

What is the scenario's opportunity cost?

The opportunity cost is the benefit that would have been obtained if a different option had been chosen. To properly assess opportunity costs, the costs and benefits of each available option must be considered and weighed against one another.

What exactly is a quizlet on opportunity cost?

Opportunity When the value of the best alternative is lost as a result of a decision, this is referred to as cost. For example, if you choose electricity over gas, the opportunity cost is what you would have saved by not choosing gas.

Which of the following best exemplifies opportunity cost?

For example, taking public transportation to a specific destination rather than driving one's own car is an example of opportunity cost because you end up saving money that would otherwise be spent on fuel.

learn more about opportunity cost visit:


Everyone in class will write an essay about an inventor. Add at least one adjective and one adverb to the sentence to create a more detailed sentence.



Everyone in class will willingly write an accurate essay about an inventor.


willingly is the adverb and accurate is the adjective.

since the winter shows both positive and negative aspects of acupuncture, we can conclude that the winter


Winter shows both positive and negative aspects of acupuncture.

What are some benefits of acupuncture?

1. Reducing stress is important since we all know how stressful life can be for our bodies and minds. This winter could be stressful for anyone. Stress is safely and swiftly reduced with acupuncture

2. Prevent illness: Winter is difficult; the bitter cold and wet conditions create an environment that makes it simpler for you to become unwell. Chinese medicine and

3. Refresh your body: This winter has been challenging for many of us, and it won't be over for a while. Our energy is depleted by the ice and mud, which also makes it more difficult to achieve our objectives. Quite frankly, the weather's persistence is sad. A few well placed needles can rejuvenate your worn-out body, boost your energy, improve your sleep, and release tension that has been building.

To know more about acupuncture, click here


What do you mean by Timepass ?​



Timepass is the action of passing time in an aimless or unproductive way.


hope it helps

Why did Juliek choose to play Beethoven on his violin in the barracks when they arrive at Gleiwitz?

He previously mentioned to Elie that Jews were not allowed to play Beethoven.

He had been practicing and wanted everyone to hear how much he'd improved.

He had previously struggled to play that song.

The guards approved him to play for just that night.


It is to be noted that Juliek choose to play Beethoven on his violin in the barracks when they arrive at Gleiwitz because: "He previously mentioned to Elie that Jews were not allowed to play Beethoven." (Option A)

What is the History behind Juliek and the Music of Beethoven?

Juliek is attempting to create something wonderful and lovely from something bad. In the cramped barracks, the inmates were all dying on top of one another. Juliek, according to Elie, was producing lovely noises out of silence. Juliek was playing to instill hope in the other captives.

Beethoven was a German composer who Jewish inmates were banned to perform, therefore this is an act of resistance in certain ways. Juliek is committed to playing wonderful music for everyone. Because the music is so comforting and lovely, Elie falls asleep to it. The other inmates are blown away by the force of the song. Juliek is also having a fantastic time at this time.

He wished to assist the captives in falling asleep. Elie highlighted the lovely music he will never forget. Because Elie says Juliek is dead the next day, this may be a delusion.

This does not negate the reality of his experience: he hears music and sees Juliek performing. Some Jewish inmates were forced to perform music for the Nazis, therefore Juliek may have had the violin the entire time. This is an example of what is known as "magical realism."

Learn more about Juliek:




Apostrophe: indicate the omission of a letter or letters from a word. They form contractions, show the possessive case, or create plurals of lowercase letters


What’s the main idea for the text First Ladies

{number 5}. 6th grade


The main idea for the text First Ladies is: “The First Ladies are important in American culture.” Hence, Option D is correct.

What is American culture?

Conservative and liberal aspects, competition in science and religion, governmental frameworks, freedom of expression and risk-taking, and materialist and moral components all make up American culture.

Americans place a high value on freedom and order, and one important aspect of individualism is that everyone in the US has the right to embrace any ideas they choose. One aspect of this independence is the capacity to voice their own viewpoints and thoughts.

Therefore, Option D is correct.

Learn more about American culture from here:


The complete question has been attached in text form:

What is the main idea for the text First Ladies?

A. The Humanitarian work of the First Ladies is critical in American government.

B. Dolly Madison was the most influential president's wife.

C. Eleanor Roosevelt transformed the First Lady image.

D. The First Ladies are important in American culture.

E. The First Ladies are key supporters of the Presidents.

The internet has become a part and parcel of our.


Answer: mindsets


The internet has become a part and parcel of our Lives.

Identify two examples of figurative language
The examples can NOT be the same type of figurative language
Cite evidence from the text
Explain how the figurative language impacts the meaning of the text or the Canto as a whole


The examples of figurative language uses are imagery and metaphor.

The figurative language impacts the meaning of the text as it helps readers understand the central idea illustrated.

What is the figurative language about?

One of the most captivating and horrifying images ever described in literature is that of the demons and sinners in hell. Dante uses a variety of descriptions to convey the agony and pain felt in each Canto, a division in long form poetry, especially from Dante's time.

Imagery was illustrated in the lines:

"And as they scrubbed and clawed themselves, their nails

drew down the scabs the way a knife scrapes bream or some other fish with even larger scales"

This illustration demonstrates the utter chaos of hell and the constant torment, agony, and agonizing torture that the demons were subjected to. Readers are physically alarmed by the thought of a knife scraping against a fish scale, evoking the perpetual agony that the author undoubtedly intended.

Learn more about figurative language on:


from "Breakdown"

Read the quotation.

"As usual, Abby thought, let's all do whatever Livvie wants. I'll bet there's nothing wrong with his stomach at all, and that story is just a cover so that she doesn't have to say she's too afraid to ride a scary ride."

Which best describes Abby's tone in this quotation?



A. Bitter or D. disappointed, both are reasonable answers.


We can tell that her response it bitter because she is saying "as usual" which indicated that something like this has happened before. then when she says that the story is probably "just a cover so that she doesn't have to say she's too afraid to ride a scary ride" it indicates that she is mad/bitter, because as usual, Livvie makes something up to get what she wants, or to get out of something, and Abby doesn't like that.

Or we can says she is disappointed because she has to do what Livvie wants instead of doing what they were originally going to do.

-Hope this helped & Happy holidays!

the website gave a merciless review of the film



oh srry


Before arriving at the train station, Elie and his group must stay at the synagogue for several days. He notes that the altar had been shattered and everything was torn and broken. For Elie, what does this image represent with regard to what he will endure in the future?

It represents the eternal presence of his God.

It is the first failure of his religion to comfort him during this journey.

It represents the comforts of home in contrast to the concentration camps.

It reminds him of the spirit and strength of his community.



I think it's c

sorry if I'm wrong

Help asap!!
The paragraph: In total taxonomists have categorized and listed 1.2 million species on earth. At this point, you would think scientists should be able to use the information they have gathered to make good predictions about how many species an ecosystem can support. This would help make them better predictions about his many species are left yo identify. So far, however, the guards seem to vary so greatly that it seems there is no good theory for making a prediction.

Which of the following best paraphrases the paragraph in bold?


Answer: C is the correct answer

Explanation: bc.... press more to read

Praghraph about education


Education is one of the basic necessities of life. It is directly related to learning and our overall development. Education has a very wide meaning; it not only educates you in your classroom but also encourages you to learn from your environment. Learning is an education in the real sense

At the end of his message, Salva mentions the lessons he learned, which can be
considered some themes of A Long Walk to Water. Choose one of these themes.
and explain how it is developed (shown) throughout the text.


A Nice Walk of Drink stresses the emotional and mental aspects of a battle for life in besides the physical reality of people fighting to live, as as their need for shelter and water.

What separates stress and strain from the others?

The primary distinction between strain and stress is that strain evaluates the proportionate change in length brought on by a deforming force, whereas stress represents the plastically deformed force per square area of the object.

Which of the words stressed?

The word's most conspicuous consonant is the one on which the emphasis is placed. It has a larger amplitude, is longer, and louder. The lowest component of a word, a syllable typically consists of one vowel one and or more sounds.

To know more about stress visit:


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