L 5.3.2 Test (CST): Noncontact Forces
Question 1 of 10
Which sentence describes a difference between mass and weight?
OA. Only mass depends on the amount of matter in the object.
OB. Only mass changes depending on the gravitational force.
C. Only weight changes depending on the gravitational force.
OD. Only weight depends on the amount of matter in the object.


Answer 1

C.) Only weight changes depending on the gravitational force.

What is gravity, and what does it look like?

The term gravitational force refers to the force that the earth exerts on a body. Examples of motion caused by gravitational force include the downward motion of water in a river, the downward motion of water in a stream, and the upward motion of a ball when it is thrown.

How is gravity measured?

An equipment used to gauge gravitational acceleration is called a gravimeter. There is a gravitational potential for each mass. This potential's gradient acts as a force. This gravitational force is quantified by a gravimeter.

What factors affect gravity?

The size of this force is determined by the mass of each object and the separation of their centers.

Learn more about Gravitational Force here:



Related Questions

How will you describe the different regions of EM spectrum?


In order from highest to lowest energy, the sections of the electromagnetic spectrum are named as gamma rays, x-rays, ultraviolet radiation, visible light, infrared radiation and radio waves.

The electromagnetic spectrum is the range of all types of electromagnetic radiation. Radiation is the energy that travels and spreads out as it goes - the visible light coming from a lamp in your house and the radio waves that come from a radio station are two types of electromagnetic radiation.

Electromagnetic radiation is an electric and magnetic disturbance travelling through space at the speed of light. It contains neither mass nor charge but travels in packets of radiant energy called photons.

To know more about electromagnetic spectrum:



Ocean waves crash on the beach at a velocity of 3. 5 m/s. If the distance between the crests of each wave is 4 m, find the frequency of the waves.


The frequency of the waves is 0.88 Hz.

It is given to us that -

Ocean waves crash on the beach at a velocity of 3. 5 m/s

The distance between the crests of each wave is 4 m

We have to find the frequency of the waves.

We know that the velocity of the ocean waves can be represented by the formula as -

v = f * λ ---- (1)


f = frequency of the ocean waves

λ = distance between the crests of each wave

According to the given information, we have -

velocity, v = 3.5 m/s

and, distance between the crests of each wave, λ = 4 m

Substituting these values in equation (1), we can find out the frequency of the ocean waves as -

v = f * λ

=> 3.5 = f * 4

=> f = 3.5/4

=> f = 0.88 Hz

Thus, the frequency of the waves is 0.88 Hz.

To learn more about wave frequency visit https://brainly.com/question/14316711


Kara less was applying her makeup when she drove into south's busy parking lot last friday morning. Unaware that lisa ford was stopped in her lane 30 feet ahead, kara rear-ended lisa's rented taurus. Kara's 1300-kg car was moving at 11 m/s and stopped in 0. 14 seconds.


The momentum of Kara's car before the collision, given that it was moving with a velocity of 11 m/s is 14300 Kg.m/s

Momentum of an object is simply defined as the product of mass and velocity. Mathematically it is expressed as:

Momentum = mass × velocity

Using the above formula, we can obtain the momentum of Kara's car before the collision as follow::

Mass of Kara's car = 1300 Kg

Velocity of Kara's car = 11 m/s

Momentum of Kara's car =?

Momentum = mass × velocity

= 1300 Kg × 11 m/s

= 14300 Kg.m/s

Thus, the momentum of Kara's car is 14300 Kg.m/s

To know more about Momentum:



1. suppose a spaceship which is traveling at c/2 passes a light source. what is the velocity of light from the source in the reference frame of the spaceship?


The speed of light from the source in the spacecraft's frame of reference is given by the formula Ux = Ux+v/C2+2Uxv/C2. The pace at which an object's position changes in relation to a frame of reference.

And is a result of time. An object's speed and direction of motion are specified by its velocity. A crucial idea in kinematics is velocity. Two different categories of frame of reference are as follows: An object that is fixed or moving at a constant speed is said to have an inertial frame of reference. The First Law of Motion of Newton is directly relevant in this frame. The frame of reference refers to the context in which an observer is placed when recording data.

Ux = Ux+v/C^2+Uxv/C^2

here, c =c/2

Ux = Ux+v/C^2+2Uxv/C^2

Learn more about speed here



a tall tree is growing across a river from you. you would like to know the distance between yourself and the tree,as well as its height, but are unable to make the measurements directly. however, by using a mirror to form an image of the tree and then measuring the image distance and the image height, you can calculate the distance to the tree as well as its height. suppose that this mirror produces an image of the sun, and the image is 0.8501 m from the mirror. the same mirror is then used to produce an image of the tree. the image of the tree is 0.9605 m from the mirror. (a) how far away is the tree? (b) the image height of the tree has a magnitude of o. 14 m. how tall is the tree?


a)how far the tree was found to be 0.9605 m

b) the height of the tree was found to be 0.14m

What exactly is object distance?

Object Distance, denoted by s, is the distance between an object and an optical element.

What are the qualities of a mirror image?

• The image obtained is fictitious.

•The picture is flipped laterally.

• The picture is upright.

• The picture has the same dimensions as the thing.

• The distance between the image acquired from the mirror and the item gained from the mirror is the same.

As a result, the distance between the tree and the mirror is the same as the distance between the picture and the mirror, i.e. 0.9605 m, and the height of the tree is the same as the height of the image, which is 0.14 m.

To learn more about mirrors follow the given link: https://brainly.com/question/20380620


a)how far the tree was found to be 0.9605 m

b) the height of the tree was found to be 0.14m

What exactly is object distance?

Object Distance, denoted by s, is the distance between an object and an optical element.

What are the qualities of a mirror image?

• The image obtained is fictitious.

•The picture is flipped laterally.

• The picture is upright.

• The picture has the same dimensions as the thing.• The distance between the image acquired from the mirror and the item gained from the mirror is the same?

As a result, the distance between the tree and the mirror is the same as the distance between the picture and the mirror, i.e. 0.9605 m, and the height of the tree is the same as the height of the image, which is 0.14 m.

To know more about Mirrors visit;



Is infrared in the visible spectrum?



Close, but not for most humans.  Infrared (IR) is on the edge of what is called the Visible Spectrum.  It is one of many electromagnetic waves that include visibile light IR, ultraviolet, microwaves, radio waves, etc.  


It really depends on how "visible light" is defined.  Humans cannot see IR, but some animals can.  

in this video, we use the law of conservation of energy. for the systems we consider,


The initial total energy of the system equals the final total energy of the system.

The law of conservation of energy states that energy is neither created nor destroyed. For example, if you roll a toy car down a ramp and hit a wall, the energy is converted from kinetic energy to potential energy.

According to the law of conservation of energy is neither created nor destroyed. However, you can convert from one form to another. Taking into account all forms of energy, the total energy of an isolated system is always constant. According to the law of conservation of energy cannot be created or destroyed.

Learn more about The law of conservation here:- https://brainly.com/question/24772394


If a 65-kilogram astronaut exerts a force with a magnitude of 50. Newtons on a satellite that she is repairing, the magnitude of the force that the satellite exerts on her is.


The magnitude of force ( 50 N ) which satellite exerts on her but in opposite direction.

We will apply the Newton's Third Law of motion for solving this problem, which says that, "To each activity, there is an equivalent and inverse response". And that implies if any article (say object 1) apply some power on another article (say object 2), then, at that point, the item 2 will likewise apply same greatness of power on object 1, yet it will be in inverse heading.

So, we have amount of force exerted by a 65-kg astronaut on satellite which is 50N.

To balance that force, satellite will apply same amount of force on astronaut but in just opposite direction .

F' = - F

or F' = - 50 N.

Here, negative sign shows that the direction of force is opposite.

Hence, required value of force is 50N.

To know more about Force, visit here:



Element x has two isotopes. If 72. 0% of the element has an isotopic mass of 84. 9 amu and 28. 0% has an isotopic mass of 87. 0 amu, the average atomic mass of element x is numerically equal to.


The average atomic mass of element X is numerically equal to 85.48 amu.

Isotopes can be defined as the variants of chemical elements that possess the same number of protons and electrons, but a different number of neutrons. In other words, isotopes are variants of elements that differ in their nucleon ( The total number of protons and neutrons) numbers due to a difference in the total number of neutrons in their respective nuclei. i.e. same atomic number but different masses.

Given , Percentage of isotope 1 = 72%

            Percentage of isotope 2 = 28%

            Mass of isotope 1 = 84.9 amu

            Mass of isotope 2 = 87 amu


Average atomic mass = (0.72 * 84.9) + (0.28 * 87) = 85.48 amu

So the average atomic mass of element X is numerically equal to 85.48 amu.

To know more about isotopes visit:



What is energy associated with motion called?


The energy associated with motion is called kinetic energy.

Your body doesn't just have energy when you're in motion. When an object is in motion it has a finite amount of kinetic energy. However, when not in motion, the body can store energy in the form of potential energy.

The body can also have a certain internal energy. This can be explained as follows. Energy is basically the ability of any body to do work. Suppose you are sitting ideally in your room and suddenly you realize that someone has changed the position of your study desk and you want to change it. So I pushed the table and moved it to where it suited me. This means that we have applied a finite force that causes displacement, i.e. we have done some work. So you had the ability to work properly. This means that you had energy in the form of internal energy.

[tex]mgh+\frac{mV^2}{2}=Energy \\\\m[gh+V^2/2]=E[/tex]

To find about potential energy -



Calculate the speed of a horse that travels 512 m in 450 seconds.


It is an exercise of uniform rectilinear movement.

Uniform rectilinear motion is one in which an object moves in a straight line, in one direction, with a constant speed.

When we speak of constant speed, we mean that the movement maintains the same speed; That is, the object does not move faster or slower, always at the same speed.

Calculate the speed of a horse that travels 512 m in 450 seconds.


V = ?

d = 512 m

t = 450 s

The uniform motion formula is: V=d/t

We clear, but in this case it is not necessary, since we want to calculate the velocity.

     V = d/t      V = 512 m/450 s      V = 1.14 m/s

The speed of a horse that covers 512 m in 450 seconds is 1.14 m/s.

Answer: The speed registered by the horse is 1.13 seconds.

Step by step explanation:

¿Calculate the speed of a horse that travels 512 m in 450 seconds?


V = ?D = 512mT = 450 seconds

To calculate the speed of the horse, first we are going to divide but for this it is necessary to calculate its speed.

V = D/TV = 512 m/450 sV = 1,13 seconds.

Rpt: The speed registered by the horse is 1.13 seconds.


A chef needs to increase the temperature of a food dish. She thinks she can do this by stacking another dish on top of it. She has three dishes to choose from for the top dish: A, B, and C.

Which one of these dishes would make the food dish the warmest when placed on top of it? As part of your answer, explain how the energy and temperature of both the top dish and the food dish will change when the food dish warms up, and why.



It is not possible to determine which of the dishes, A, B, or C, would make the food dish the warmest without more information. In general, the temperature of the food dish will increase as a result of heat transfer from the top dish to the food dish. This transfer of heat will cause the temperature of the top dish to decrease. The amount of heat transferred and the resulting change in temperature for both dishes will depend on the heat capacities and initial temperatures of both dishes, as well as the amount of time they are in contact with each other. In order to determine which of the dishes, A, B, or C, would make the food dish the warmest, more information about these factors would be needed.


A pinball i launch at (ma=0. 1kg )to launched at 12. 6 m/. People compre the pinball machine pring by 0. 2m to reach thie initial velocity for the pinball. Which type if pring do you chooe to mot cloely reach the targeted launch peed of 12. 6m/?


For this situation, I would recommend using a compression spring, as this type of spring will provide the most consistent force over the full range of compression.

What are the applications of Compression Springs?

The applications of compression springs include:

Automobiles: It would be quite challenging to produce the majority of cars without at least some compression springs. In automobiles, compression springs are utilized in a variety of components, including suspension, hoses, and even seats. They are used in the seats to help them adjust to the body and provide comfort. Naturally, a number of sizes and forms are available to accommodate the wide range of uses for car compression springs.

Pens: A ballpoint pen can be used to monitor a compression spring. The pen can write with the tip exposed thanks to this spring, which then covers it inside the housing to keep the ink from drying out. This enables the use of pens without their bulky, losable caps.

Aeronautics: Without various kinds of springs, most air flight would be impossible. Air turbines, navigation systems, engine controls, wheels, brakes, meters, fuel cells, and diesel engines are just a few of the parts of an aeroplane that need springs, even if they may not be visible.

Firearms: When thinking about tension, think about compression springs. Consider the effort required to fire a bow and arrow. If a compression spring is used in place of the human component, the crossbow becomes a far more straightforward weapon.

Compression springs are mechanical springs that are designed to create resistance to a compressive force. Compression springs are typically made with a higher spring constant, which is the measure of how much force is required to compress the spring by a certain amount. With a higher spring constant, a shorter compression is required to achieve the desired launch speed. They are used in many different applications. Compression springs are commonly used to absorb shock, store energy, and return an object back to its original shape after being compressed.

Hence, compression spring is used to reach the targeted launch speed.

To learn more about compression spring from the given link https://brainly.com/question/29678146


what is the total number of unique ways to distribute two identical objects in three separate containers when there is no limit on the number of objects that can be in a container?


There are 6 unique ways to distribute two identical objects in three separate containers.

Unique ways are the different ways in which the objects can be separately placed in the containers.

Number of ways are:

Container 1: both Object ; Container 2: 0 object ; Container 3: 0 objectContainer 1: 0 Object ; Container 2: both object ; Container 3: 0 objectContainer 1: 0 Object ; Container 2: 0 object ; Container 3: both objectContainer 1: 1 Object ; Container 2: 1 object ; Container 3: 0 objectContainer 1: 0 Object ; Container 2: 1 object ; Container 3: 1 objectContainer 1: 1 Object ; Container 2: 0 object ; Container 3: 1 object

These are the 6 ways to distribute two identical objects in three separate containers.

To know more about 6 unique ways,



order the structures that a pressure wave passes through in the cochlea, beginning from the oval window and ending at the round window.


The cochlea is the organ responsible for hearing, and it is composed of several interconnected structures through which a pressure wave passes. Beginning at the oval window, the pressure wave then moves through:

Scala vestibuliReissner's membrane Scala tympaniBasilar membrane

And finally exits through the round window.

The Structures of the Cochlea: A Journey from the Oval Window to the Round Window

Order the structures that a pressure wave passes through in the cochlea:

Oval windowScala vestibuliReissner's membraneScala tympaniBasilar membraneRound window

This chain of structures creates a pathway that allows the pressure wave to pass through the cochlea, converting sound waves into signals that are then sent to the brain and interpreted as sound.

Learn more about Pressure wave: https://brainly.com/question/15531840


a turntable rotates with a constant 2.25 rad/s2 clockwise angular acceleration. after 4.00 s it has rotated through a clockwise angle of 30.0 rad. part a what was the angular velocity of the wheel at the beginning of the 4.00 s interval? express your answer in radians per second.


The angular velocity of the wheel with a constant angular acceleration of 2.25 rad/s² clockwise at the beginning of the 4.00 s = 3.8 rad/s.

Angular velocity

Angular velocity is the amount of angle traveled per unit time.

The time interval for one rotation is also known as the period, and the angle for one complete rotation is 360 degrees. Usually one full revolution can be written as degrees or radians.

We have,

Angular displacement = 30.0 rad ⇒ θ

Angular speed of the turn table = 1.85 rad/s² ⇒ α

Time of motion, t = 4.0 s ⇒ t

In uniformly variable rotational motion, the angular acceleration is constant.


θ = ω₁t + ½ αt²

30.0 = ω₁ (4) + ½ (1.85) (4.0)²

30.0 = ω₁ (4) + 14.8

4 ω₁ = 30.0 - 14.8

= 15.2

ω₁ = (15.2)/(4)

= 3.8 rad/s

Learn more about angular velocity here:  https://brainly.com/question/29672590


What is the frequency of a wave if its time period is 0.05 s?


The frequency of a wave is 20Hertz  if its time period is 0.05sec. Frequency is said to be inversely proportional to time period.

Frequency, in material science, the quantity of waves that pass a decent point in unit time; likewise, the quantity of cycles or vibrations gone through during one unit of time by a body in occasional movement. A body in occasional movement is said to have gone through one cycle or one vibration subsequent to going through a progression of occasions or positions and getting back to its unique state. See likewise precise speed; straightforward symphonious movement.

If the period, or time span, expected to finish one cycle or vibration is 1/2 second, the frequency is 2 every second; assuming that the period is 1/100 of 60 minutes, the frequency is 100 every hour. By and large, the frequency is  proportional of the period, or time span; i.e., frequency = 1/period = 1/(time stretch). The frequency with which the Moon spins around Earth is somewhat in excess of 12 cycles each year. The frequency of the A line of a violin is 440 vibrations or cycles each second.

So, we know that frequency is defined as inversely proportional to time period.

So, frequency=1/Time period




or v=20Hertz.

Hence, frequency of wave is 20Hertz.

To know more about frequency, visit here:



What is the change in internal energy AU for a reaction that gives off 65 J of heat and does 38 J of work?


The change in internal energy will be 27J when heat is released.

Every time a process occurs, it is usually accompanied by an energy shift. Energy comes in many forms, such as heat, light, and work.

The generation or absorption of energy in various processes dictates that each substance must be associated with a certain amount of energy. Its actual value depends on the nature of the material and the conditions of temperature, pressure, volume and composition.

The sum of various types of energy associated with atoms and molecules, such as electronic energy (Ee), nuclear energy (En), chemical bond energy (Ec), potential energy (Ep), and kinetic energy (Ek). Sum of translational energy (Et), vibrational state energy (Ev), and rotational energy (Er).

Represented by the symbol U or E.

U or E = Ee + En + Ec + Ep + Ek

The energy stored in matter in this way is called internal energy.


To find more about vibrational state -



A piece of clay was thrown so that it has a momentum of 34 kg·m/s. It hits a 0.25 kg motionless cart and sticks to it. What is the momentum of the clay and cart combined? (ignore friction)


The momentum of the clay and the cart is 34 kgm/s.

What is momentum?

Momentum can be defined as the product of mass and velocity.

To calculate the momentum of the clay and the cart, we use the formula below.


M' = M+mu..............................Equation 1


M' = Momentum of the clay and the cartM = Momentum of the claym = Mass of the cartu = Initial velocity of the cart

From the question,


M = 34 kgm/sm = 0.25 kgu = 0 m/s (motionless)

Substitute these values into equation 1

M' = 34+(0.25×0)M' = 34 kgm/s

Hence, their momentum is 34 kgm/s.

Learn more about momentum here: https://brainly.com/question/18798405


In a two-slit interference pattern, the intensity at the peak of the central maximum is I_0.
a. At a point in the pattern where the phase difference between the waves from the two slits is 62.0 degrees, what is the intensity? Give your answer as a fraction of I_0. (I/I_0 =)
b. What is the path difference for light with a wavelength of 473 nm from the two slits at a point where the phase angle is 62.0 degrees?


The centre maximum's peak intensity in a two-slit interferogram is 0.75 I 0I intense.

What are some instances of intensity?

The degree, volume, or quantity of a phenomenon, such as fire, passion, weather, work, or passion, is known as its intensity. The word "intensity" has been linked to passion, fire, and murder in the past. When describing the intensity of something like a flame or possibly a love affair, it is utilized.

What is the scientific definition of intensity?

Energy density times wave speed equals intensity, which is the amount of energy a wave transports over a surface of a given area in a unit of time. Watts per sq.m are the most common units used to measure it. The strength or amplitude of a wave will determine its intensity.

To know more about intensity  visit:



. the magnetic flux through a loop with a normal vector parallel to a uniform magnetic field will change: a) if the loop is replaced by two loops, each of which has half of the area of the original loop. b) if the loop moves at constant velocity without rotation while remaining within the uniform magnetic field. c) if the loop is rotated about an axis through its center and perpendicular to the loop. d) if the loop is rotated about an axis through its center and in the plane of the loop.


A loop's magnetic flux will alter if it is perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field. if the loop is swapped out for two loops, each of which is half as large.

Is it accurate to say that the magnetic flux is at its peak when the plane of the A loop is perpendicular to the magnetic field?

B = BAcos is the magnetic flux formula. As a result, the flux is at its maximum when B is perpendicular to the wire loop and at zero when there is no magnetic field component perpendicular to the loop.

If the electric field and the normal line are parallel, what will happen to the electric flux?

Multiply the surface area by the portion of the electric field perpendicular to the surface to determine the flux across a given surface. No field lines will flow through the surface if the electric field is perpendicular to it, and the flux will be zero.

To know more about magnetic flux visit:-



question what would cause a backpack sitting on the floor of the school bus to suddenly fly forward? responses the bus makes a hard turn to the left. the bus makes a hard turn to the left. the bus is going forward and suddenly stops. the bus is going forward and suddenly stops. the bus is going backward and suddenly stops. the bus is going backward and suddenly stops. the bus makes a hard turn to the right.





Going forward and stops .....the backpack wants to keep going forward due to its inertia.

water is pumped at a rate of 32 m3 /s from the reservoir and out through the pipe, which has a diameter of 1.50 m. what power must be supplied to the water to effect this discharge?


The power must be supplied to the water to effect this discharge is 28174.32 kW.

Why is Reynolds number used?

The ratio of viscous forces to inertial forces is known as the Reynolds number. A dimensionless number called the Reynolds number is used to group fluid systems where the influence of viscosity plays a significant role in regulating the velocities or the flow pattern of a fluid.

Discharge = Q = 32 m³/s

Velocity of flow=V=Q/A = 32/( π(1.5)²/4)= 18.11 m/s

Reynold's no is given by

Re = VD/v = (18.11)(1.5)/(1.31x10⁻⁶) = 20736641.22

For steel pipe

Roughness = e = 0.045 mm

Relative roughness = E= e/D= (0.045x10⁻³)/1.5=0.00003

Friction factor from Moody's diagram is

f = 0.00988

Apply Bernoulli's theorem b/w top of left reservoirs and exit of pipe

A - denote left reservoir and B- denote exit of pipe

Pa/y + V₂²/2g + Za + hp = Pb/ γ+Vb²/2g + Zb + hf


Pa= Pb=0

Va= 0, Vb = V = 18.11 m/s

Za = (100-95) = 5 m, Zb=(140-95) = 45 m

Frictional head loss =hf = flV²/2gD= (0.00988x300x18.11²)/(2x9.81x1.5)

Frictional head loss = hf = 33.03 m

hp = pump head

Putting values

0+0+5+hp = 0 +18.11²/(2x9.81) +45 +33.03

=> hp = 89.75 m

Power that must be supplied is given by

P = γQhp

P = 9.81x32x89.75

P = 28174.32 kW.

To know more about power visit:



the range of visible light wavelengths is between 3.9 x 10 -7 m and 7.0 x 10 -7 m. what is the corresponding range of frequencies for visible light?


The range of visible light is from 7.69 * 10¹⁴ Hz.

Frequency is defined as the number of complete cycles a wave can complete in one second. We know that, the SI unit of frequency is Hertz (Hz).

We know the relation between speed of light, wavelength and frequency as

v = f * λ ----(1)

where, v is the speed of light in air

f is the frequency of visible light

λ is the wavelength of visible light

Making ' f ' as subject in the above equation as,

f = v / λ ----(2)

We know that speed of light in air is 3 * 10⁸ m/s

λ = from 3.9 * 10⁻⁷ m

Substituting the values in the above equation (2), we have

f = v / λ = (3 * 10⁸)/(3.9 * 10⁻⁷) = 0.769 * 10¹⁵ Hz = 7.69 * 10¹⁴ Hz

To know more about visible light:



The specific gravity of an material is defined as the ratio of the density of the material to the density of water. The specific gravity of ice is 0.917, whereas that of seawater is 1.025.
What fraction of an iceberg is above the surface of the water?
\frac{V_{above}}{V_{total}} = ____________


The fraction of the iceberg that is above the surface of the water is 8.3 %.

The specific gravity of any material is defined as the ratio of the density of the material to the density of water.

Mathematically, the formula for specific gravity of materials =

= S.G = density of the material / density of water

Specific gravity of the iceberg = 0.917

Specific gravity of the seawater = 1.025

The fraction of the iceberg submerged in the seawater =

= 0.917 = 0.917 x 100 %

= 91.7 %

The fraction of the iceberg that is above the surface of the water =

= 1 - 0.917

= 0.083

= 0.083 x 100 %

= 8.3 %

Thus, the fraction of the iceberg submerged in the water is a function of the specific gravity of the iceberg.

To know more about Specific Gravity:



while on mars, you drop your martian detector while climbing out of the rover. if you're standing on a platform 8 meters from the ground and the acceleration due to gravity on mars is -3.8 m/s^2, how long does it take for the martian detector to hit the ground? report an error 1.3 s 9.9 s 2.1 s 13 s 21 s


It take  1.45s to the Martian detector to hit the ground.

We are know that,

Acceleration = a = - 3.8 m/s²

Distance = r = 8m

Final velocity = v =  0 (The rock's velocity is zero at its maximum height.)

Time = ?

Thus to calculate the hitting time of the Mars ground we can use the formula,

acceleration  = change in velocity / time

First of all we have to calculate the initial velocity (u) of the Martian i.e.

a = u²/r

u² = a.r

u² = (-3.8m/s²)× 8m

u² = -30.4m²/s²

u = - 5.51 m/s

Putting the value of initial velocity in the above equation we can get the hitting time,

-3.8 m/s² = 0 - (5.51m/s)/t

t = (-5.51m/s)/(-3.8m/s²)

t = 1.45s

The Martian detector hits the ground in 1.45 seconds.

To know more about Martian detector



radio waves travel at a speed of 1.7x10^8 m/s through ice. A radio wave pulse sent into antarctic ice reflects off earth at the bottom and returns to the surface in 32.9x10^-6 s. how deep is the ice?


Then the depth of the ice is 26.55 x 10¹² m

Let speed of the radio wave be represented as 'v'

Let frequency of the radio wave be represented as 'f'

Let distance of the radio wave be represented as 's'

Let time period of the radio wave be represented as 't'

From the formula for distance:


v= s x 1/t

Frequency is the inverse of time period. So, 1/t in the above formula can be replaced by f.

v = s x f

putting values in the above equation

t = 32.9 x 10⁻⁶ s

v = 1.7 x 10⁸ m/s

The, f = 1/t

f = 1/3.2 x 10⁻⁶ s⁻,


s = 1.7 x 10⁸ x 1/3.2 x 10⁻⁶

= 1.7/3.2 x 10⁸⁺⁶

= 0.531 x 10¹⁴

= 53.1 x 10¹²

Then the depth of the ice would be s/2 as the distance is covered twice by the wave in the given time frame.

Depth of ice = 53.1 x 10¹²/2

Depth of ice = 26.55 x 10¹² m

Learn more about radio waves at:



a spring stretches by 21.0 cm when a 135 n object is attached. what is the weight of a fish that would stretch the spring by 31.0 cm?


The weight is 200 N of a fish that would stretch the spring by 31.0 cm.

We can use Hooke's Law to solve this problem. Hooke's Law states that the force (F) needed to stretch a spring is proportional to the amount of stretch (x). The mathematical expression for Hooke's Law is:

F = kx

where k is the spring constant.

We can rearrange this equation to solve for k:

k = F/x

We can substitute the given values for F (135 N) and x (21 cm) to calculate the spring constant:

k = 135 N/21 cm

k = 6.43 N/cm

Now that we know the spring constant, we can use Hooke's Law to calculate the force needed to stretch the spring by 31 cm.

F = kx

F = 6.43 N/cm x 31 cm

F = 199.33 N

Finally, we can use the force to calculate the weight of a fish that would stretch the spring by 31 cm. Since weight is equal to force multiplied by the acceleration due to gravity (g = 9.8 m/s2), we can use the following equation:

Weight = F x g

Weight = 199.33 N x 9.8 m

to know more about  Hooke's Law click here:



the coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and the table is 0.320. find the distance d from the box to the edge of the table if it takes 1.5 s for the box to reach the edge once it begins to move.


The distance d from the box to the edge of the table if it takes 1.5 s for the box to reach the edge once it begins to move is 1 m

μk = 0.32

t = 1.5 sec

For mass B,

mBg - T = mB a

For mass A,

T - F f = mA a

T - μKmAg = mAa

a = 1.35 × 9.8 - 0.32× 3  × 9.8/ 4.35

a = 0.88 m/[tex]S^{2}[/tex]

vi = 0

d = Vi t + 1/2 a[tex]t^{2}[/tex]

distance d = 0.99 ≈ 1m

Distance is a scalar quantity that describes "how much ground an object has covered" while moving. Displacement is a vector quantity that describes "how far out of place an object is"; it represents the overall shift in position of the object. Distance is a measurement of how far apart two things or locations are, either quantitatively or occasionally qualitatively. Distance in physics or common language can refer to a physical length or an estimate based on other factors (e.g. "two counties over"). The term is also frequently used metaphorically to denote a measurement of the degree of difference between two similar objects (such as statistical distance between probability distributions or edit distance between strings), given that spatial cognition is a rich source of conceptual metaphors in human thought.

Learn more about  distance here:



you are lying on your back on the slope of a grassy hill, watching the clouds go by overhead. which is the best statement about the force of friction exerted on you by the ground in this situation?


The best statement about the force of friction exerted on you by the ground is that a force of static friction pointing up the hill, parallel to the surface of the hill is applied to you by the ground.

Static friction is define as the force that is exerted so as to keep the object at rest. The friction experienced when individuals try to move a stationary object on a surface, without actually triggering any relative motion between the body and the surface on which it is on.

Following, the Newton's Third law of Force, every action has equal and opposite reaction. Hence, to neutralize the force acting on the ground due to you, a parallel force exerted by the ground acts on on you.

To know more about Static Friction:



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