evolution of horses: how horses originated, how they evolved over time, and when they were or were not present on different continents


Answer 1

According to the researchers, the western Eurasian Steppe, present-day Ukraine, and West Kazakhstan are where horses were first domesticated 6000 years ago. The researchers also claim that during the domestication process, the animals frequently bred with wild horses.

What is evolution?

The term "evolution" can be used to describe any net direction change or cumulative change in an organism's or population's traits over many generations, or "descent with modification." It expressly takes into account both the beginning and the spread of alleles, variations, trait values, or character states.

The Eocene Epoch, which lasted from roughly 56 million to 33.9 million years ago, is when the history of the horse family, Equidae, began. Eohippus fossils, which have been discovered in both North America and Europe, indicate that the first ancestral horse originally existed during the early Eocene.

Hence is the history of evolution of horses

To know more about evolution form given link



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to remain in caloric balance as you age, you will need to decrease your caloric intake by about every 10 years over the age of 25.


To remain in caloric balance as you age, you will need to decrease your caloric intake by 2.5% about every 10 years over the age of 25

Define caloric balance.

Calorie balancing refers to the idea that the calories we consume through food and beverages should balance out the calories we expend through exercise and other physical activity (for example, breathing, digesting food, sleeping).

By eating foods high in fiber, choosing healthier beverages, being mindful of portion size, and increasing the amount of fruits and vegetables in your diet, you can reduce the number of calories you consume. A small amount of weight loss, like 5 to 10 percent of your total body weight, can have positive effects on your health.

To know more about caloric balance use link below:



Give two groups of food which are reabsorbed along the mammalian digestive system without undergoing digestion



In the digestive system of mammals, two groups of food that are reabsorbed without undergoing digestion are water and electrolytes. These substances are absorbed directly from the small intestine into the bloodstream, where they are transported to the cells of the body to be used for various metabolic processes.

Water and electrolytes are essential for the proper functioning of the body, as they help to maintain hydration, regulate body temperature, and support the transmission of nerve impulses. In the small intestine, they are absorbed through the walls of the blood vessels and pass into the bloodstream, where they are distributed to the cells and tissues of the body.

Because they are not digested, water and electrolytes do not provide any nutritional value to the body. However, they are still important for maintaining overall health and wellbeing.

classify each phrase as applying to the lytic cycle, the lysogenic cycle, or both types of reproductive cycles of phages. drag the descriptions into the appropriate bins. view available hint(s)for part b resethelp


The hosts and cell within the host that viruses infect tend to be quite specialised.s


Bacteriophages are bacteria-infecting viruses.

A few viruses can perform both lytic and lysogenic cycles, which are the two possible life cycles for bacteriophages. When a bacteriophage infects a cell, new virions are produced. latency: A pathogenic virus's capacity to lay dormant inside a cell.

A virus known as a bacteriophage targets bacteria only.

lytic cycle: The typical viral reproduction process that involves nucleic acid synthesis, cell membrane penetration, and host cell lysis.

lysogenic cycle: A method of viral reproduction in which a bacteriophage's and a host's nucleic acids combinecombine

To know more about Bacteriophage




Name and describe each of the four processes of mechanical weathering(8 pts)

(this is earth and space science they didn't have an option for it lol)


The breaking down of rocks at the Earth's surface by the effects of precipitation, temperature extremes, and biological activity is known as weathering. There is no rock material removal involved. There are three types of weathering, physical, chemical, and biological.

What are the processes of mechanical weathering?

A substance that exerts force on a rock, such as ice, rushing water, wind, quick heating or cooling, or plant growth, fractures the rock mechanically or physically.

Therefore, By means of mechanical weathering processes, rock is physically broken down into smaller bits. Abrasion, frost wedging, pressure release (unloading), and organic activity are some of these mechanisms.

Learn more about mechanical weathering here:



During a heavy rainstorm, runoff is most likely to occur if the surface soil is
a. firmly packed clay-sized particles
b. loosely packed sand-sized particles
c. covered by trees, shrubs, and grasses
d. unsaturated and has a gentle slope​


I believe the answer is loosely packed sand sized particles. Brainliest is appreciated

describe the key characteristics and functions of the following organelles: nucleus (including nucleolus), endoplasmic reticulum (including smooth vs. rough), golgi apparatus, lysosome, mitochondrion, chloroplast


Cell organelles are cellular components. They include a nucleus, mitochondria, choloroplast, etc. They coordinate and work together efficiently for a cell’s normal functioning.

What are the functions of different cell organelles?

Various organelles are present inside of a cell and they have different functions.

Nucleus: a nucleus has a double membrane, and is found in all eukaryotic cells. It is said to be the largest organelle. It functions as the control centre of cellular activities and is where the cell’s DNA is located.

Endoplasmic reticulum: it is a network of membranous canals that are filled with fluid. Endoplasmic reticulum is the transport system of the cell, which is involved in transport of materials throughout the cell. Endoplasmic Reticulum is of two different types: Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum and Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum.

Golgi apparatus: Golgi apparatus is also known as Golgi Complex. It is membrane bound, consisting of cisternae, which are a series of flattened, stacked pouches .

Mitochondrion: Mitochondria, as we already know, are called the powerhouses of the cell. This is because they produce energy-rich molecules for the cell.

Chloroplast: Chloroplasts are double membrane-bound. They usually vary in shape such as from a disc to spherical, oval, discoid, and ribbon.

Therefore, cell organelles are cellular components. They include a nucleus, mitochondria, choloroplast, etc. They coordinate and work together efficiently for a cell’s normal functioning.

Learn more about cell organelles here: https://brainly.com/question/574002  


demonstrate your understanding of pancreatic and bile secretion regulation by correctly classifying the terms to the appropriate category.


Cholecystokinin (CCK):

stimulates trypsin, lipase, and amylase from the pancreasstimulates acinar cells using a rise in cytoplasmic calcium as a second messengerstimulated in response to protein and fat content in chymesecretion continues until cyme passes through the duodenum and in the early region of the jejunum


potentiates the effects of acetylcholine on the acinar cells through the action of cyclic AMP as a second messengersecreted in response to a decreased duodenal pH below 4.5stimulates the production and secretion of bicarbonate into the pancreatic juicestimulates the bile duct cells to secrete bicarbonate into the bile

The pancreas is one of the organs in the digestive system, which is responsible for secreting enzymes or intestinal juices so that they can break down food.

During the digestive process, the pancreas functions to make fluids called enzymes. These enzymes are then used to break down sugars, fats, and starches. Not just enzymes, the pancreas also helps the digestive system by making hormones. Hormones work to carry chemical messages through the blood

Bile is a secretion of hepatocytes (liver cells) consisting of air, cholesterol, lecithin (phosphatidylcholine), bile salts, bile pigments, and several ions. The color of bile is described as ranging from olive green, and yellow to brown.

Learn more about pancreatic and bile secretion regulation at https://brainly.com/question/1383408


The major advantage that cancer cells have over normal cells with respect to growth signals is that cancer colls: A. can more easily heterodimerize. B. are all receptor tyrosine kinases c. are self-sufficient in producing them. D. send signals to the cell nucleus more rapidly


The major advantage that cancer cells have over normal cells with respect to growth signals is that cancer cells send signals to the cell nucleus more rapidly which is therefore denoted as option D.

What is Cancer?

This is referred to as a medical condition in which some of the body's cells grow uncontrollably and then spread to other parts of the body This is treated through different forms and techniques such as the use of chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

Cancer cells however have advantage over normal cells due to their round or elongated and helps the travel in the bloodstream easily than a normal cell which has a spheroid shape.

Read more about Cancer here https://brainly.com/question/11710623


What is the BEST description of how this tree grows in size?



option 3


all stem cells will be growing that's just how it works! as stem cells grow the tree will grow with them into an adult

Bacteria and eukaryotes have many molecular differences due to life history differencesDescribe the molecular processes of transcription and the control and regulation of transcription for bacteria and eukaryotes. Explain which differences may be due to life history and why



The main differences between bacterial and eukaryotic transcriptions are: In bacteria, transcription and translation are continous process, but in eukaryotes these are two sepearte process. Initiation of transcription is
simple in bacteria

Explanation: hush jus readd.

A teacher soaks eggs in vinegar overnight to remove the hard, outer shell. Each student is given two eggs and asked to place one in a cup filled with distilled water and the other in a cup with corn syrup.
What would you expect to happen to the egg in the distilled
1x water?

The egg will stay the same size as the amount of fluid leaving and entering the cell are at equilibrium.
It will shrink as the yolk inside the cell shrinks.
1 x
The egg will regrow its hard, outer shell.
It will grow bigger as water enters the cell

What type of solution is the distilled water?


Answer: The egg will swell and continue to gain mass.


What Is the primary substances thst gets nade after photosynthesis?


Answer:  The correct answers are glucose and oxygen.


Plants utilize water, sunlight, and carbon dioxide to create the primary products of photosynthesis; glucose and oxygen.

(Will mark brainliest)Why are there different types of cells?
A. There are not different types of cells
B. During mitosis, cells become specialized
C different types of cells have different chromosomes in them
D. Gene expression is different between different specialized cells



C. different types of cells have different chromosomes in them


the chromosome unique structure allows our genetic data to be disecretly kept inside our nuclei. this is important because we have an abundance of genetic data. If the DNA molecules in a single cell were unwound, they would stretch out to six feet long. the chromosomes unique structure has a few key parts.

There are different types of cells because gene expression is different between different specialized cells. Hence, option D is correct.

What is a cell?

The cell is a structural and functional unit of life. Different cells perform different functions. There are two types of cells and that is prokaryotic and eukaryotic. Prokaryotic cells do not have defined nuclei and membrane-bound organelles, while eukaryotic cells have defined nuclei and membrane-bound organelles.

The cell contains various organelles for its functioning, such as mitochondria, nucleus, ribosomes, Golgi body, lysosomes, etc. Genetic material is present inside the nucleus.

Gene expression is different between different cells for performing different functions. Therefore, option D is correct.

Learn more about cells, here:



which pathogen:description pair among a-e is incorrectly matched? a. treponema pallidum: can become a latent infection that later results in shingles b. staphylococcus aureus: some strains form exotoxins that cause gastroenteritis c. streptococus mutans: gram-positive, alpha-hemolytic pathogen that can cause cavities in your teeth. d. streptococcus pneumoniae: primary cause of bacterial pneumonia among humans e. yersinia pestis: vectorborne disease that causes a systemic infection. f. a-e are all correctly matched


Treponema pallidum: can become a latent infection that later results in shingles is incorrectly matched.

Which disease is caused by Treponema pallidum?

Treponema pallidum is a bacterium that causes the STD known as syphilis. Without a proper treatment, syphilis can have detrimental repercussions on one's health.

What is the cause of syphilis?

By coming into contact with a chancre, or sore, that is characteristic of syphilis, a person can contract the disease. Cancers can develop in, on, or near the lips, mouth, rectum, etc. The spread of syphilis can occur through oral, or vaginal intercourse. Syphilis can potentially be passed from a pregnant woman to her unborn child.

What impact does syphilis have on a pregnant woman and her unborn child?

Syphilis can spread to an unborn child when a pregnant person has it. Syphilis testing ought to be done on all expectant women at their initial prenatal appointment. At birth and during the third trimester (28 weeks gestation), some people will require additional testing. This includes those who reside in places with high syphilis prevalence or who are susceptible to contracting the disease while pregnant.

To learn more about Syphilis visit:



the herpes viruses are enveloped dna viruses that cause disease in vertebrates and in some invertebrates such as oysters. some of the human forms are herpes simplex virus (hsv) types i and ii, causing facial and genital lesions, and the varicella zoster virus (vsv), causing chicken pox and shingles. each of these actively infects nervous tissue. primary infections are fairly mild, but the virus is not then cleared from the host; rather, viral genomes are maintained in cells in a latent phase. the virus can later reactivate, replicate, and infect others. which of the following treatments would have the best chance of lowering the number of new cases of infection? use the following information to answer the question. the herpes viruses are enveloped dna viruses that cause disease in vertebrates and in some invertebrates such as oysters. some of the human forms are herpes simplex virus (hsv) types i and ii, causing facial and genital lesions, and the varicella zoster virus (vsv), causing chicken pox and shingles. each of these actively infects nervous tissue. primary infections are fairly mild, but the virus is not then cleared from the host; rather, viral genomes are maintained in cells in a latent phase. the virus can later reactivate, replicate, and infect others. which of the following treatments would have the best chance of lowering the number of new cases of infection? treat herpes simplex virus lesions to shorten the breakout. vaccinate of all persons with preexisting cases of herpes simplex virus. educate people about ways to disinfect surfaces that came in contact with herpes simplex virus. interfere with new viral replication in preexisting cases of herpes simplex virus.


The treatments that would have the best chance of lowering the number of new cases of infection is  interference with new viral replication in preexisting casesof herpes simplex virus.  The correct answer is D.

All species of vertebrate animals, as well as some invertebrate animals like oysters, are affected by the herpes viruses, which are very significant enveloped DNA viruses. Herpes simplex I and II (HSV I and II), which cause lesions on the facial and genital, and varicella-zoster (VSV), which causes chicken pox and shingles, are a few of the human ones. The neurological system is actively infected by all three of them. Although first infections are usually not very severe, viral genomes are kept in cells during a latent period rather than being eliminated from the host. The virus can then become active again, reproduce, and spread to new people.

Learn more about Herpes virus at https://brainly.com/question/28138917


What is the highest and
most general level of
A. Kingdom
B. Genus
C. Species
D. Domain this



d) Domain


Domain is the highest and most general level of classification. The order is :- Domain > Kingdom > Genus > Species. Hence, the option (d) is the correct answer.

Which of the following does NOT occur by mitosis?
a. Growth
b. Development of an embryo
c. Repair
d. Production of gametes



d. Production of gametes


Production of gametes does not occur by mitosis because mitosis only produces somatic cells and does the produce gametes (production of gametes is through meiosis).

T/F. pcr can make millions of copies from a minuscule amount of dna. therefore, it can be used to exonerate people who have been in prison for many decades on the basis of one hair found at the crime scene.


True, PCR can make millions of copies from a minuscule amount of DNA. therefore, it can be used to exonerate people who have been in prison for many decades on the basis of one hair found at the crime scene.

What is PCR?

A given DNA segment may be quickly multiplied (amplified) into millions or billions of copies using the polymerase chain reaction (abbreviated PCR), allowing for more in-depth analysis. In PCR, a section of the genome to be amplified is chosen using short synthetic DNA fragments called primers. Multiple rounds of DNA synthesis are then used to amplify that segment.

Steps in PCR:

collection, preparation, amplification, and post PCR clean-up

Therefore, the statement is true

To learn more about PCR click




List three inferences that scientists make about the first living thing. Explain why

[Trolls and false answers will be blocked and reported]



There are many inferences that scientists make about the first living thing, but three of the most important ones are:

The first living thing was capable of self-replication, or the ability to make copies of itself. This is inferred from the fact that all living things today are capable of self-replication, and it is likely that this ability was present in the first living thing as well.

The first living thing was able to obtain and use energy from its environment. This is inferred from the fact that all living things require energy to grow, develop, and reproduce, and it is likely that the first living thing had a similar need for energy.

The first living thing was able to evolve and adapt to changing conditions. This is inferred from the fact that all living things today are able to evolve and adapt to their environments, and it is likely that the first living thing was also capable of evolving and adapting over time.

These inferences are based on the observations and findings of scientists who study the origins of life. They are not certainties, but rather educated guesses based on the available evidence. By making these inferences, scientists can better understand the characteristics and behavior of the first living thing, and how it might have evolved into the complex and diverse forms of life that exist today.


These conclusions are based on the observations and findings of scientists studying the origins of life. They are educated guesses based on the available evidence, not certainties.

What is inferences?

In these cases, scientists use inferential reasoning to answer their questions based on evidence gathered through observations and information discovered by them or other scientists about the topic.

The first cells were most likely prokaryotic. Heterotrophic and anaerobic. The first living thing had the ability to self-replicate, or make copies of itself.

This is deduced from the reality that all living things today are capable of self-replication, and it is likely that the first living thing also possessed this ability.

The first living thing had the ability to evolve and adapt to changing circumstances. This is implied by the fact that all living things today are capable of evolving and adapting to their surroundings.

Thus, these are the inferences that scientists make about the first living thing.

For more details regarding inferences, visit:



all of the statements below are true. select the statement that best supports the view of most biologists that viruses are nonliving.


A virus that is isolated cannot produce ATP or replicate its genes.

A virus is what?

A virus in medicine is a very basic microbe that can infect cells and lead to disease. Viruses are not regarded as living organisms because they can only reproduce inside of infected cells.

Viruses are not composed of cells, they cannot maintain a constant condition, they cannot develop, and they cannot produce their own energy. Although they proliferate and adjust to their surroundings, viruses behave more like machines than actual biological things. They cannot expand or grow on their own. As a result, they are non-living. When a virus does, however, infiltrate a living cell of an organism, it draws energy from the host cell and begins to replicate.

To learn more about viruses use limk below:



identify the tract system that carries sensory information from the skin to the brain.multiple choice question.


Anterolateral system, a group of ascending channels that connect the brainstem or thalamus to the spinal cord, carrying pain, temperature, and associated touch sensations.

Which sensory tract carries information?

There are ascending and descending pathways in the spinal cord. The ascending tracts are sensory routes that pass through the spinal cord's white matter on their way to the brain, carrying somatosensory data.

How does the brain receive sensory data?

Electric impulses, or signals, are sent by nerves, which are collections of neural fibers. Sensory neurons carry these signals from the periphery, such as the toe, to the spinal cord and brain.

Learn more about neurons here:



Which of the following characterizes both tundras and taigas?
a. Long and cold winters
b. Very few to no trees present
c. Permanently frozen subsoil
d. Dominated by firs and spruces


A, both have long and cold winters. Tundras are too harsh of climates to grow anything due to frozen subsoil, therefore they are bare with little to no trees present. Tiagas, on the other hand, have plenty of firs and spruces.

Life on Earth likely evolved from a common ancestor that existed approximately 3.5 billion years ago. Which of these is evidence that all life on Earth shares common features? Select ALL that apply.

A All life on Earth has DNA as the molecule of heredity.All life on Earth has DNA as the molecule of heredity.

B All life on Earth is made up of cells with a rigid cell wall.All life on Earth is made up of cells with a rigid cell wall.

C All life on Earth performs transcription and translation in a similar fashion.All life on Earth performs transcription and translation in a similar fashion.

D All life on Earth contains mitochondria for cellular energy.All life on Earth contains mitochondria for cellular energy.

E All life on Earth has cells surrounded by membranes.


the evidence that all life on Earth shares common features is that All life on Earth performs transcription and translation in a similar fashion. and All life on Earth has cells surrounded by membranes.

What is transcription and translation?

The process of transcribing a piece of DNA into RNA is known as transcription. Messenger RNA is created when segments of DNA are translated into RNA molecules that can encode proteins. Translation is the process by which ribosomes in the cytoplasm or endoplasmic reticulum create proteins following the transcription of DNA to RNA in the cell's nucleus. The entire process is known as gene expression.

What is cell membrane?

The cell membrane, also known as the plasma membrane, is found in all cells and serves to separate the cell's interior from the outside environment. The cell membrane is made up of a semipermeable lipid bilayer. The cell membrane controls the transport of materials into and out of the cell.

To know more about transcription and translation, check out:



The process in brewing (beer production) is aerobic tespiration.


Answer: Whilst brewing the ginger beer, the yeast in the brew uses aerobic respiration to produce the alcohol and ethanol inside the ginger beer. The equation for this cellular respiration is C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O and in other wise is glucose+ oxygen -> carbon dioxide+ water.


the____ is a lacy membrane surrounding myofibrils that plays an important role in triggering muscle contraction.


The plasma membrane of a skeletal muscle fiber is called the sarcolemma.

What is muscle contraction?

The activation of tension-producing regions inside muscle cells results in muscular contraction. Because muscular tension may be created without changes in muscle length, such as when holding something heavy in the same posture, muscle contraction does not always imply muscle shortening in physiology. Muscle relaxation, or the return of the muscular fibers to their low tension-generating condition, occurs after the end of muscle contraction.

When you do an activity, your muscles tighten, shorten, or lengthen as a result of the contraction. It may occur while holding or picking up something, stretching, or doing weight training.

Hence, The plasma membrane of a skeletal muscle fiber is called the sarcolemma.

To learn more about muscle contraction click on the link



cytokinesis in animal cells is accomplished by constriction of the cell along the plane of cell division (formation of a cleavage furrow). in plant cells, which have cell walls, a completely different mechanism of cytokinesis has evolved. which of the following statements are true of cytokinesis in plant cells? select the two that apply. view available hint(s)for part b cytokinesis in animal cells is accomplished by constriction of the cell along the plane of cell division (formation of a cleavage furrow). in plant cells, which have cell walls, a completely different mechanism of cytokinesis has evolved.which of the following statements are true of cytokinesis in plant cells? select the two that apply. the cell plate consists of the plasma membrane and cell wall that will eventually separate the two daughter cells. after chromosome separation is complete, a network of microfilaments forms near the plane of cell division that will separate the two new cells. the plasma membrane of the parent cell grows inward, eventually joining with the cell plate. vesicles from the golgi apparatus move along microtubules, coalesce at the plane of cell division, and form a cell plate. part c complete previous part(s)


There are two statement that appropriate to this, are:

The cell plate consists of the plasma membrane and cell wall that will eventually separate the two daughter cells.Vesicles from the Golgi apparatus move along microtubules, coalesce at the plane of cell division, and form a cell plate.

What happens after cytokinesis in animal cells?Animal and plant cell cytokinesis. An indentation known as the cleavage furrow is created in an animal cell's middle by a contractile ring of cytoskeletal fibers that contracts inward. The mother cell is eventually pinched in half by the contractile ring, resulting in two daughter cells.Abscission is the last stage of cytokinesis in animal cells. The actin-myosin contractile ring that forms the cytokinetic furrow is fully contracted during abscission, and the plasma membranes split to ultimately separate the two cells.

Learn more about cytokinesis in animal here: brainly.com/question/17515


charles darwin wrote that there are three important principles needed for natural selection to be possible. choose them all.


Most attributes are inherited, more offspring are generated than can survive, and offspring with more attractive traits will survive and have more offspring than those with less favourable traits. These three principles result in natural selection, which is an unavoidable process.

what is natural selection?

Natural selection is the process through which specific organisms or phenotypes with advantageous qualities are more likely to survive and reproduce.

Darwin claimed that three factors at work in nature would inevitably lead to natural selection. The majority of an organism's qualities are inherited, or given from parent to child, yet it is unknown how features are inherited. The second problem is that more children are born than can survive. All living things have a higher capability for reproduction than there are resources to support them. In each generation, there is competition for those resources.

Thomas Malthus, an economist, examined this theory in respect to human numbers in an essay that had an impact on both Darwin and Wallace. Third, Darwin and Wallace hypothesized that descendants with inherited traits that provide them the best chance of competing for scarce resources will survive and procreate more frequently than those individuals with variants that are less competitive.

Since attributes are inherited, the following generation will more accurately reflect these traits. Through a process Darwin called "descent with modification," this will cause population changes over many generations. Natural selection is the sole mechanism known for adaptive evolution; in the end, it causes population adaption to the local environment to increase.

To learn more about natural selection https://brainly.com/question/23929271


Which of the following statements identifies a concern associated with the increased proportion of GM crops being grown?

Planting GM crops results in reduced crop yield, which causes more land to be put into production.

Use of GM seeds can lead to loss of genetic diversity in crops.

GM crops cannot be grown in marginal soils.

Runoff from GM crop fields can lead to increased eutrophication.

GM crops cannot withstand herbicide application, reducing crop yield.


Use of GM seeds can lead to loss of genetic diversity in crops. Therefore, option (B) is correct.

What are GM crops?

Crops that have undergone genetic engineering techniques to alter their DNA are referred to as genetically modified crops. Plant genomes may be modified physically or by transferring sequences contained in T-DNA binary vectors using Agrobacterium.

The emergence of insect pests and weeds that are pesticide-resistant are two practical issues with GM crops. Other issues with GM crops include farmers' access to a wide range of seed varieties, increasing seed prices, and a growing reliance on multinational seed corporations.

Learn more about GM crops, here:



Comparing the walls of the atria to the walls of the ventricles in a fetal pig. Which are thicker? Why?


Answer:-The ventricles of the heart have thicker muscular walls than the atria. This is because blood is pumped out of the heart at greater pressure from these chambers compared to the atria. The left ventricle also has a thicker muscular wall than the right ventricle, as seen in the adjacent image.

Each side of the heart has an atrium that receives blood from elsewhere in the body and a ventricle that pumps the blood out of the heart

Semilunar valves in the arteries prevent back flow of blood from the arteries into the ventricles. Why are the walls of the atria thinner than the walls of the ventricles? This is because their contractions don't need to be that powerful as the blood only needs to travel down a short distance to the ventricles.                                                                                                                   Deoxygenated blood enters the heart at the right atrium via the superior vena cava (vein), then travels into the right ventricle which pumps the blood out to the lungs via the pulmonary trunk (artery). After oxygenation, the blood travels back to heart via the pulmonary veins and enters the left atrium.

When a happened new substances are formed



Chemical change


In a chemical change, the atoms in the reactants rearrange themselves and bond together differently to form one or more new products with different characteristics than the reactants. When a new substance is formed, the change is called a chemical change.

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