El lado de un cuadrado mide 20 cm. Calcula el incrememto aproximado del area si su lado incrementa 0.1 cm.


Answer 1


El incremento del área es de 4.01  cm²


El área de un cuadrado es igual a la longitud del lado potenciado al cuadrado (lado²).

Primero calculemos el área de un cuadrado de lado 20cm:

A = (20cm)² = 400 cm²

Ahora calculemos el área de un cuadrado de lado 20.1 cm:

A = (20.1cm)² = 404.01 cm²

Finalmente calculamos el incremento aproximado:

404.01 - 400 = 4.01 cm²

El incremento del área es de 4.01  cm².

Answer 2

Eincremento aproximado en el área es de 4.01cm²

área de un cuadrado

La fórmula para calcular el área de un cuadrado se expresa como:

A = l²


l es la longitud del lado del cuadrado

Si l = 20cm

A = 20²

A = 400 cm²

Si la longitud aumenta en 0,1 cm, la longitud será de 20,1 cm.

Nueva área = 20.1 * 20.1

Nueva área = 404.01

Incremento = 404.01 - 400

Incremento = 4,01 cm²

Por lo tanto, el aumento aproximado en el área es de 4,01 cm².

Obtenga más información sobre el área de un cuadrado aquí: https://brainly.com/question/25092270

Related Questions

¿Qué significa en alta?


Depende de que estas hablando,


Alta is a term with various meanings according to the context. It may be authorized to grant a doctor to his patient so that he be reinstated to ordinary life and resume their daily activities.

hope this helps!


Calentamiento: Uds. van a conjugar el verbo "comprender". (5 minutos)


1. yo--

2. tú--

3. él, ella, Ud.--


1. nosotros/nosotras--

2. vosotros/vosotras--

3. ellos, ellas, Uds.--


1. Yo comprendo
2. Tú comprendes
3. El, ella, ud. Comprende

1. Nosotros comprendemos
2. Vosotros comprendéis
3. Ellos, ellas, uds. comprenden

Me pueden ayudar por favor :(​


I’m am so confused I have no idea sorry

answer these questions in spanish questions
1. ¿Quiénes hay en tu familia?
2. ¿Te gustan los animales domésticos?
3. ¿Tienes hermanos?
4. ¿Cómo es tu madre?
5. ¿Eres tú mayor o menor que tu hermana?



1. Who’s in your family

2 . Do you like domestic animals

3. Do you have siblings ?

4. How is your mother

5.are u the oldest or the youngest in the family ?


1. Who is in your family?
2. Do you like domestic animals?
3. Do you have any siblings?
4. How is your mother?
5. Are you older or younger than your sister?



The top paragraph roughly states: “In Spain and in many Latin American countries, cycling is more than a sport- it is a passion. In Colombia, for example, every year more than sixty cyclists participate in a race, the Vuelta a Colombia, which lasts for several days. The winner is a national hero and receives lots of money and gifts.

Answer: There you go, Have a nice rest of your day!

The journalist: And what do you do to start your day?

Victor: After getting up, I wash my face and hands, shave and brush my teeth.

The journalist: Yes, yes, I understand. we all do those things. But what do you do to get ahead of all the other cyclists, to become a champion?

Victor: Like a light breakfast. I dress, put on my shoes, comb my hair and go out to train for two or three hours. Then I go home, take a shower and have lunch. After lunch, which is quite big, I go to bed to rest a bit.

The journalist: And then, what are you doing in the afternoon?

Victor: I exercise and ride a bike for another two or three hours. I have dinner at seven thirty and go to bed before ten. I need a lot of rest. I don't usually go out at night.

The journalist: Very interesting. So, you don't do anything very exceptional. All young people have the same opportunity to become champions if they want to train.

Victor: It's true.

The journalist: By the way, you have a very nice bike. How much does it cost?

Victor: Ten thousand dollars.

¿Qué van a hacer todos antes de salir de la casa? Usa las palabras para
escribir oraciones completas.
modelo: Francisco / bañarse
Francisco va a bañarse. (Francisco se va a bañar.)

1. Daniela / secarse el pelo

5. Rodrigo / ponerse la camisa

2. tú / cepillarse los dientes

6. yo / vestirse

3. los niños / ponerse los zapatos

7. tú / lavarse la cara

4. nosotros / lavarse las manos

8. Eduardo / ducharse



1) Daniela se secara el pelo

5) Rodrigo se pondra la camisa

2) Tu te cepillaras los dientes

6) Yo me vestire

3) Los niños se pondrán los zapatos

7) Tu te lavaras la cara

4) Nosotros nos lavaremos las manos

8) Eduardo se duchara


I hope this helps!



Daniela va a secarse el peñoTú te vas a cepillar los dientesLos niños se van a poner los zapatosNosotros nos vamos a lavar las manosRodrigo va a ponerse la camisaYo voy a vestirmeTú vas a lavarte la caraEduardo va a ducharse

cuánto demora en llegar la luz solar a él satélite que hay entre Marte y jupiter​.


un lugar oscuro hay allí


unos 43 minutos


El Yaciyatere cuales son los personajes del yaciyatere y el ambiente ayuda plissss es para mañana la tarea


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

A pesar de que no se incluyen opciones o incisos para responder, podemos comentar lo siguiente.

Entre los personajes centrales de la historia "El Yaciyatere," escrito por el autor Uruguayo Horacio Quiroga en 1917, están los siguientes: los dos hombres, el hijo enfermo, y el ave Yaciyarate.

El ambiente es tenso, obscuro, y hasta cierto punto terrorífico. Esos personajes humanos logran sobrevivir a un náufrago en el Paraná, después de una horrible tormenta y llegan a refugiarse en el rancho de un peón que está en lo alto de una montaña.

El hijo de uno de esos dos amigos se está muriendo de una fiebre incontrolada, y es cuando aparece el ave Yaciyatere, que va a tomar su alma.

Now that you have worked through a lot of material that includes these basic patterns, and you have compared grammatically correct and incorrect sentences, write down what you think is a rule that could explain what makes a sentence grammatically correct or not. For example, you might write something like: "verbs always match nouns in number, and they usually come before the noun." In other words, make your best guess for the grammar rule that makes sense out of the pattern(s) you see in the phrases you have been working with. Review if you need to, and you might briefly check your hunches against the sentences you have been working with in this or previous modules. Keep in mind that what you're after is your hunch, not a grammar rule from a text book. Now check your hunch with the explanation of this principle in the following pattern.



s, and you have compared grammatically correct and incorrect sentences, write down what you think is a rule that could explain what makes a sentence grammatically correct or not. For example, you might write something like: "verbs always match nouns in number, and they usually come before the noun." In other words, make your best guess foor the grammar rule that makes sense out of the pattern(s) you see in the phrases you have been working with. Review if you need to, and you might briefly check your hunches against the sentences you hav

Explanats, and you have compared grammatically correct and incorrect sentences, write down what you think is a rule that could explain what makes a sentence grammatically correct or not. For example, you might write something like: "verbs always match nouns in number, and they usually come before the noun." In other words, make your best guess for the grammar rule that makes sense out of the pattern(s) you see in the phrases you have been working with. Review if you need to, and you might briefly check your hunches against the sentences you havion:

s, and you have compared grammatically correct and incorrect sentences, write down what you think is a rule that could explain what makes a sentence grammatically correct or not. For example, you might write something like: "verbs always match nouns in number, and they usually come before the noun." In other words, make your best guess for the grammar rule that makes sense out of the pattern(s) you see in the phrases you have been working with. Review if you need to, and you might briefly check your hunches against the sentences you hav

I just need to know if it’s correct



yes it is


:∆ yeeeeeeeeeeeeee


whats the picture?


If u edit ur question ill edit my answer and make it an answer

Conjugate each verb for the subject provided.
1. tu/entender
2. yo/decir


1- tu entiendes
2- yo digo
3- vosotros piensan
3- ellos duermen

1. Su mamá pide que Marcos no ________________ muy tarde. (acostarse)
2. Marcos recomienda que nosotros le ______ de comer al perro a las cinco. (dar)
3. La hermana de Marcos aconseja que Marcos y su hermano _______ el baño después de ducharse. (limpiar)
4. Los padres de Marcos insisten en que tú __________ cómoda cuando estás de visita. (sentirse)


1- se acueste
4-debes sentirte


Decide if the following sentence is grammatically correct or incorrect.
No sé nada.


The correct answers is correct, is good.
Correct my friend that's perfect

¿de dónde venimos? ¿cómo pensaban y vivían nuestros bisabuelos y tatarabuelos?​



de la vida, con una aspectativa differente ya que no tenian los avances tecnologycos que los que tenemos ahora


Correct form of Ser/Estar in the blank. Will give brainliest!


im not sure what you mean but i’d say ur right and it’s estoy for both

Answer: its supposed to be like this... Yo soy muy trabajador y estoy muy contento porque ayudo a muchos pacientes.

In Spanish Please- Describe what you wanted to grow up to be when you were a child at a certain age. Explain whether your aspirations now are similar or different from those of your childhood.



cuando yo era un niño chiquito yo quería ser un policía. Ahora mi aspiraciones son diferente de cuando yo era chiquito.

cuando yo era pequeña me gustaba la idea de cer una maestra pero cuando crecí me cambió la mente hoy quiero ser una investigadora privada

¿A que factores se distribuye que Argentina y chile están en el primer segmento y Uruguay esté también encabezando en segundo? ayuda por favor rápido para hoy doy 5​





Ella siempre _____ chocolate.



come is the right answer






1. Estos libros
2. Estas sillas
3. Esos platos
4. Aquellos carros
5. Aquellas casas


The wrong translations are using plural pronouns-Estos libro=those book when the right one is using singular pronouns- Este Libro=this book

Translate the following words into English.
parecen palacios
A)a pair of palaces
B)they are foreign places
C)they seem pretty
D)they look like palaces






D)they look like palaces



Please help me I don’t understand Spanish and I need to fill it out


Ok, first you must give your information that you have so far about the task, for example, what sport do you know well?Explanation:

Yo____ tiempo con mis amigos los fines de semana


Yo paso tiempo con mis amigos los fines de semana

Ellos__________ (nadar) en la piscina.



They swim in the pool


Y, ¿qué mas?
Actividad 4
Imagine that Ignacio, Javier, Elena, and Ana want you to join them in their various activities.
What answers might you give them? Respond to their invitations with some of the phrases
from the video, or make up your own responses from what you have learned. Follow the
Modelo ¿Quieres jugar al fútbol en el parque?
Si quiero jugar al fútbol en el parque, pero no juego muy bien
1. Puedes jugar al tenis mañana?
2. Oye, juegas muy bien al voleibol. Puedes jugar más tarde?
3. Quieres ir con nosotros a la fiesta esta noche?
4. Sabes bailar?


1. Puedes jugar al tenis mañana?

No puedo, es el cumpleaños de mi mamá

(I can´t, is the birthay of my mom)

2. Oye, juegas muy bien al voleibol. Puedes jugar más tarde?

Si, claro dime la hora

(Yes offcurse tell me the time)

3. Quieres ir con nosotros a la fiesta esta noche?

Si, yo quiero peo no puedo tengo tarea

(Yes, i want but i can´t, i have a lot of homework)

4. Sabes bailar?

Si, te enseño

(Yes i teach you)

These are all true or false and if you know Spanish plz take a look



1. Cierto

2. Cierto

3. Falso

4. Cierto

5. Cierto

Espero que las respuestas te hallan servido, si necesitas ayuda de español, pídesela a un Colombiana XD estoy para ayudar.


--Cuando sales los fines de semana, ¿quiénes salen contigo?

--Cuando salgo los fines de semana, mis amigos salen ______


--Para ti, ¿cuál es el día de fiesta más divertido?

--Para _______

el día de fiesta más divertido es la Navidad.


1. Cuando salgo los fines de semana, mis amigos salen conmigo.

2. Para mi, la fiesta de navidad es la más divertida .

Judy y Marcos ________ (tener) miedo


Judy y Marcos *TIENEN* miedo


Tienen (plural) means both are scared


pls help i dont get this pls


A.1 El
A.2 Yo
A.3 Nosotras
A.4 Usted
A.5 Ustedes
A.6 Tú
A.7 Ellos
A.8 Ella

1B va
2B van
3B voy
4B vamos
6B va
7B van
8B va

1C voy
2C van
3C vamos
4C vas
5C va

Simón Bolívar fue el libertador de varias naciones en ____________________.





Hope this helps

I hope this helps

Complete with the correct form of tener and answer the question



1. ¿tiene ustedes una casa o un apartamento?

Nosotros tenemos una casa

2.¿tienen ustedes una mascota?

Nosotros tenemos una mascota

3. ¿ Tienen ustedes una familia grande o pequeña?

Nosotros tenemos una familia grande


Other Questions
In a well-developed paragraph, determine whoprovided the better reasoning in regards towhether or not the U.S. should enter the war.Your response MUST be written in a clear andconcise paragraph of six to eight sentences andinclude specific evidence from both Wilson's"Message to the Congress" and Lafollette's"Appeal For Conference of Neutral Powers." "Usted no puede pagar con tarjeta de crdito en este mercado. Es necesario pagar en __________." Why did the dinosaur extinction have a happy ending for us? PLEAASEE!! The figure shown has two parallel lines cut by a transversal: A pair of parallel lines is shown, crossed by a transversal. Angles are identified as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. Angles 1-4 are on the top line clockwise from upper left. Angles 5-8 are on the lower line clockwise from upper left. Use the figure to complete the sentence. 7 and ____ are alternate exterior angles. 2 1 5 8 Question 1 (1 point)If three shares of TSLA cost $2400, how much would 8 shares cost? a$6400 b$1100 c$5400 d$3200Question 2 (1 point)If twenty shares of GME cost $800, how many shares could I buy with $120? a16 b3 c4 d1600Question 3 (1 point)If 8 shares of BB cost $72, how many shares could I buy with $810? a90 b738 c72 d730Question 4 (1 point)If fifteen pencils cost $5, how much would 9 pencils cost? a$45 b$3 c$2 d$14Question 5 (1 point)If four shares of AAPL cost $480, how many shares could I buy with $3600? a30 b40 c36 d48Can someone help be with those this is worth 100 points CAVA Chemistry 302/303B Unit 2 Lab ReportTHE MYSTERY SALTImagine that you have a barrel of salt, but you forgot to label it. You know it must be either KNO3, or KCl. You look at the solubility curves for KNO3 and KCl and you find that at 35 degrees Celsius, 100 g of water can dissolve about 30 g of KNO3, or about 37 g of KCl.The solubility curves disappear. You only remember the solubility for both salts at 35 degrees Celsius in 100g of water. You know absolutely nothing else about these salts.You have a scale, a hot plate, a thermometer, empty beakers, and plenty of water. You do NOT have any labeled KNO3 or KCl.1. What property can you use to determine whether the barrel contains KNO3 or KCl? Hint: Name the property you could use to identify the mystery salt? (1 point)2. Explain exactly what you would do. Another person should be able to perform your test by following your procedure. Do not bother with why you are doing these steps. Just tell me exactly what to do to perform this test. Hint: Do NOT include any discussion of your results. Save that for #3. (2 points)3. How would your results identify the mystery salt? Hint: What exact results would indicate KNO3? What results would indicate KCl? (2 points)Name: Answers1 (Property):2 (Procedure):3 (Results): If a Point E lies between two points D and F such that DE = EF, then prove that DE = 1/2 DF. Explain by drawing the figure. We obviously cannot wait for million years to determine the half-life of technetium, or even years to determine the half-life of plutonium. The half-life of a substance is determined using a Geiger counter, which is essentially a tube filled with an inert gas. When a particle decays and produces radiation, it briefly ionizes the gas and produces a detectable electric pulse, which is amplified and counted by a detector (before digital displays were available, you would hear clicks and see a needle register on a dial). Determine the formula for the half-life of a substance with an initial count of pulses and a count of pulses minutes later. 15pts-- multiple choice!You want to invest some of the money you have earned from your part-time job. Since you do not have that much money to invest, you are looking for a risk-free option. All you want is to eventually get your money back with a little interest. Which investment strategy would be best for you?Mutual fundsStocksFranchiseBonds What is the main reason for the rapid expansion of slavery in the South in the early nineteenth century? If I have 0.275 moles of gas at a temperature of 75 K and a pressure of 1530 mmHg, what is the volume of the gas? a rectangular water tank carries 40000 litres of water what is the best area if its height is 2 m Can anyone help me I really need it find the length of the bold arc. Round your answer to the nearest tenth. X/8 = 3/12 what does x equal ? the court that has the executive power on review cases from regional trial courts List 5 reasons why these animals were best suited for travel on the silk road. Roberto has $71 to buy baseballs for his little league team. Each baseballcosts $7. How many baseballs can he buy? Do not include units in youranswer. Which of the following terms are constants in the following equation: 13x + 5y - 2 = 3. Select all that apply.A. 13B. 3C. -2D. 5 Find the measure of the arc indicated. (Only type the number.) *