During the 1880s, Cameron was convicted of a felony and given a prison sentence. He observed that the peculiar prison that he was sent to looked like wheels with rows of cells emerging from a central hub. Which design or style did this particular prison use?

telephone-pole style
plantation-style system
radial design
campus style


Answer 1
The answer in C. I am pretty sure

Related Questions

Annotated Bibliography:
unfair inequalities in the criminalization between white people and ones of color/different nationalities for similar offences? What are the negative consequences of the stereotypical representation of black people with concern to profiling and incarceration?



It's a violation of the 14th Amendment, with equal rights under the law. So, profiling shouldn't make a difference. The negative effect is the overlooking of other races.

The passage is from the Declaration of Independence (1776). Which earlier thinker influenced the reasoning of this passage?
agreement on preserving the Articles of Confederation

the death of James Madison

agreement on the inclusion of a Bill of Rights

the states were declared more powerful than the federal government



I think the answer is D but I'm not sure


the declaration of independence said that they wanted to colonists to be a free country and separate from england. Meaning they did not want the government to hold that much power.

Eduardo Gomez is a 52 year old [changed from 52-year-old] farm worker who cannot read. He has a wife and two children. Gomez was charged with smuggling guns, marijuana, and other narcotics across the Mexican border. The prosecutor, when discussing the case with the news media, says that he suspects Gomez was involved with guns and drugs for years but has avoided being arrested by authorities until now. Gomez claims that he is completely innocent and wouldn’t know what marijuana looked like if he saw it. Should he be detained or released? How much bail would you set in order to release? What other information would you need to know?



I think he may be guilty and I'm not to sure how much money they would have to pay to be bailed out

Explanation: I think he's guilty because, he said he wouldn't know what marijuana looks like but that is false because he is a farmer and there's a 80% percent chance he's had to deal with it. ( You would also need to know more about his farming business and a lot more accusations because if you're wrong then you can ruin someone's life)

When Edwin Sutherland closely examined companies in the United States, what was he surprised to find?


Hello. You forgot to enter the answer options. The options are:

A. Most of the executives were secretly blue-collar workers.

B. Companies were careful never to violate American law.

C. Many times, when companies violated the law, it was unintentional.

D. Many times, when companies violated the law, it was intentional.


D. Many times, when companies violated the law, it was intentional.


Edwin Sutherland was surprised to discover scenes of corruption and violation of laws within American industries. He was even more surprised when he discovered that these violations were done intensionally, promoting the benefit of entrepreneurs who had no commitment to order and honesty. These crimes are known as White Collar and are made by people who already live a wealthy life and without economic difficulties.


Many times, when companies violated the law, it was intentional.


I took the quiz

Which of the following policies would be classified as a traditional level premium contract?



Level-premium insurance is a type of term life insurance. With this type of coverage, premiums are guaranteed to remain the same throughout the contract, while the amount of coverage provided increases. Premiums are averaged over the term of the policy.

Which term means the thin, hard, rocky outer layer?

outer core



inner core


crust is the term which means thin, hard, rocky outer layer

How does the habit Win-Win, along with the concepts of inclusivity and diversity, help to grow an organization and help you to increase your growth mindset?Requirements:



ceadmil gwynbleeid


vatt'ghern va fail

The Win-Win mindset can increase growth mindset because it fosters cooperation and trust within an organization. Diversity and inclusivity contribute to the development of a more innovative and creative environment.

Why growth mindset is crucial to inclusion?

Here are some instances of how someone with a growth mindset can help create a more welcoming environment: They incline toward discomfort. They accept constructive criticism. They are open to learning new viewpoints and curious about differences.

Everyone can win, according to the idea of Win-Win. We are both to blame, not just you or I. A plentiful way of thinking is the conviction that there are enough positive things for everyone. Be happy for others when good things happen to them by adopting the win-win philosophy.

Learn more about the habit Win-Win here:



what are the differences between long run and short run in economics



The long run is a period of time in which all factors of production and costs are variable. In the long run, firms are able to adjust all costs.

The short run firms are only able to influence prices through adjustments made to production levels.

How do we know that the opinions of people who call in to radio talk shows are not typical of most Americans?
Group of answer choices

As a sample, their opinions are ill formed.

As a sample, they lack intensity

As a sample, they are perfectly random.

As a sample, they are unrepresentative of the whole population.


The answer is the first one


"The most valuable end of government is the liberty of its inhabitants. No possible advantages can compensate for the loss of this privilege."
—Patrick Henry

From what you know about the Constitution, do you agree with Patrick Henry's statement? Why or why not?

Patrick Henry was a leader of the Anti-Federalists. How does this quote support their position on the Constitution?

How does Henry's statement reflect the idea of social contract? How does the idea of social contract protect people's natural and individual rights?

What is the current ruling on drug testing minors in public schools? Do you agree or disagree?


Answer:The most valuable end of government is the liberty of its inhabitants. No possible advantages can compensate for the loss of this privilege."—Patrick Henry1.


Should expressive speech have any restrictions? why or why not ?


No, an expressive speech should not have any restrictions as long as they are being respectful to their audience. It should have no restrictions because it is meant to let you tell people how you feel about that event,or object. If the speech is talking bad about something and not respectfully stating their opinion then they can be asked to stop, or to change their essay/rewrite it more respectfully.

Evaluate the following statement: “If a signature on a check is forged, the customer will never be responsible for the amount on the check.”


This is true ! Generally, if anybody forges a sign on a cheque, the individual whose sign was forged isn’t then obliged to honour that cheque, & their banking firm doesn’t have to pay it. The cheque with a forged sign is just a worthless paper i.e. a ‘nullity’.

What is your opinion on the recent voter bill? Do you believe Washington D.C. should be a state? Do you think anyone including those without identification be able to vote.



yes I do think washington should be a state


I say this because there are a total of 50 states and if we take washington out it would be 49 and it doesnt make any sense to take washington out

In how many states were correctional officers represented by unions in 2012


I’m pretty sure it’s 39

how can you tell when one abusing drugs?​


1) Eyes that are often red, bloodshot, or glassy

2) Sudden weight loss or weight gain

3) Constantly runny or bloody nose

4) Mood swings
Also if they are often hot or sweaty when everyone around them is normal

Or if they have loss of coordination and can’t do simple things anymore (because of shaking physically or loss or concentration)

The intentional publication of a written piece of information that the
defendant knows to be false is called
A. libel
B. slander
c. disparagement
D. defamation





According to General Law of Torts, "Defamation is the intentional communication (sometimes referred to as publication) by the defendant to a third person of a false statement about the plaintiff that causes harm to the reputation of the plaintiff resulting in damages."




How can Congress check the power of the Supreme Court?
A)They can refuse to enforce their decision
B)They can propose a new amendment
C)They can appoint new justices
D)They can override the court's decision



D they can appoint new judges


Congress may submit a proposed constitutional amendment to the states, if the proposed amendment language is approved by a two-thirds vote of both houses. Congress must call a convention for proposing amendments upon application of the legislatures of two-thirds of the states (i.e., 34 of 50 states).

For example, while the legislative ( Congress ) has the power to create law, the executive (president) can veto any legislation; an act that can be overridden by Congress. The president nominates judges to the nation's highest judiciary authority (Supreme Court), but Congress must approve those nominees.

explain what non-violent direct action is and why it can be so successful. ​



Nonviolent direct action may include sit-ins, strikes, street blockades, sabotage, and counter-economics. Violent direct action may include political violence, assault, arson and property destruction.



Martin Luther King Jr.'s decision to utilize nonviolence was based on religious principles. In fact, King discovered the use of nonviolent action as a political tool through learning about Gandhi's success in India.

King's approach was specifically Christian in orientation, drawing on his own status as a minister and the centrality of the Church in the lives of the Montgomery, Alabama, African-Americans who were the first protestors he led. His speeches utilized the inspirational crescendo structure of African-American sermonizing and he typically used biblical themes in them. This provided a deeper source of unity than the specific issue at hand and his able lieutenants were drawn from the rolls of black preachers.

King's methods were  "step-wise." The King Center lists six:

Step One. Information gathering

Step Two. Education

Step Three. Personal commitment

Step Four. Negotiations

Step Five. Direct action

Step Six. Reconciliation

Creating opportunities for resolution without confrontation and ensuring that both proponents and adversaries have sufficiently accurate information to make decisions both about the issue and the process.

Hope it helps

Please mark me as the brainliest

Thank you

Once a Constitutional amendment has been proposed, to which of the selections below is it generally passed for formal ratification?
Select one:
A. state legislatures
B. state governors
C. Congress
D. President



State legislators.


B. State Lesgislatures


I did this on Prepworks and got it right.

Which of these le an example of eminent domain?



The answer is A


Eminent Domain refers to the power of state and federal government's to take private property for public use.

What is naturalization?



Naturalization is the legal act or process by which a non-citizen of a country may acquire citizenship or nationality of that country. It may be done automatically by a statute, i.e., without any effort on the part of the individual, or it may involve an application or a motion and approval by legal authorities.

What does the Constitution reflect of the country's founders?
their vision
their optimism
their future planning
their protective powers



their vision


what the important of the Filipino heritage a language ?​



to change something, there has to be a way of happened and to make it happen there has to be a source being Filipino is something we should be proud of learning the language is important

Which is the most accurate statement concerning the relationship between state and federal regulations



The relationship between state and federal regulations in the United States is one of delegation and complement: in principle, the states are the holders of sovereignty and, therefore, possess all the rights and powers that they have not expressly delegated to the Federal Government to through the Constitution. In turn, in the event that the states have delegated prerogatives to the federal government, these may only be exercised by the federal government, and subsidiarily (and always in a complementary manner and respecting federal guidelines) by the states.

What is the extremely hot layer that is made almost entirely of solid iron?

outer core



inner core


the inner core is made up of solid iron

I need help please.



what was last week's lesson?

Answer: try and explain why u learned in this weeks lesson and write it down and write about what u thing it’s surprising


Information taken from existing classified source and generated into another form or medium, such as a video, DVD, or CD is an example


Answer: generating


From the question, we should note that the information that is taken from the existing classified source and generated into another form, such as video, DVD, or a CD is referred to as an example of generating.

It should be noted that "generating" is quite different from "extracting" which has to do with the information that are taken directly from a classified source that's already existing in a new document.

What is the extremely hot layer that is made almost entirely of solid iron?

outer core



inner core


Answer: inner core

The inner core is the deepest and hottest layer of the Earth. It is made almost entirely of metal—mostly iron and, while extremely hot (9,000-13,000 degrees Fahrenheit--or 5,000-7,000 C), it is solid. It's almost 750 miles thick! Next the outer core is made mostly of iron and nickel.


Answer: lol i-


Which of the following is an example of a justice-related professional abusing powers and using them to take unfair advantage of inmates/parolees?

a probation officer discriminating against an offender based on race

a lawyer requiring an expensive retainer fee before taking a case

a paralegal preparing documents instead of the attorney

a police officer making an arrest after witnessing a crime


A is the best answer


A) a probation officer discriminating against an offender based on race


Guys what’s jay walking is it like the moonwalk



uh no. it's when you cross the street without sing the crosswalk.


Hope this helps! May i please have brainliest? :)

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